East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 04, 1902, Image 1

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Eastern Oregon Weather
will be delivered at your residence
or place ol business by carrier at
5c A WEEK.
Tonight nnd Wednesday occas
ional rnln, warmer tonight.
"SO. U13
)X.. To.
m m V 1 r w w we - ,
acefully Accepts a Present
:rom a 10-Year-0ld Miss,
Lys tribute to
. , InrnIn Park wlth Robert r5"al traln' between CricagQ. and MI1
to Lincoln Park With Robert wauk(je the mogt nthu8!a8tlc
ncoln and Admiral Bob Evans
ss the Sights of ChicagoRe-
elves Governor Vansant and Staff,
tf Minnesota.
ihicago. March 4-fJrlght, clear
lies and a sharp, crisp temperature
the kind of weather m wmcn
ince Henry sees Chicago.
iThe first thing after breakfast, and
nlpasine thing to the prince, uttie
larbara Ozburn. aged 10 years, pre-
nted Henry his portrait burned on
Easswood, in a most exquisite style of
rt. The prince chatted gaily with
Ihe little woman, complimented tne
krtist and promised to. treasure ner
iff among his most valued posses
sions, and gave her an autograph al
Among the places visited by the
fcrinoe about the city, were Marshall
Hold's great dry goods bouse, tne
Savings Bank, the Rookery office
luilding, the fire insurance patrol
Ieadquarters in Monroe street and
ubllc library, from where a fire
llarm was sent in and the department
esponded promptly in great form.
When the prince returned to his
Iotel he received Governor VanBant,
f Minnesota, who presented him
rtth a set of resolutions, following
le governor made a brief speech,
Iraising the great state of Minnesota.
atroductions to Governor vansant
On the ride to Lincoln Park the
prince was accompanied by Admiral
Svans and Robert Lincoln. In depos
iting the wreath at the foot of the
Ietatute of Lincoln In the park, Prince
Henry said: "I am proud to be able
to pay this tribute to the great Amer
ican who lies here." After shoveling
gome dirt at the foot of the newly
Wanted tree near the Lincoln nionu-
ent, the party proceeded to the Ger-
tania Club, where at noon an el&bor-
jte luncheon was served.
ays Tribute to Lincoln's Memory.
fc-Chicago, March 4. Prince Henry
id his suite had a busy morning in
Shicago this morning. Following
breakfast at the Germanla club the
royal visitor was taken in charge by
ihe entertainment committee and for
several hours was whirled about the
city in a sightseeing trip to the stock
rards, parks and other places or in
terest. At noon came the most inter
esting feature of the day, a visit to
Lincoln monument a magnificent
terest. At noon came the most in
teresting feature of the day's pro
gram a visit to Lincaln parkVhere
the prince laid at the foot of the Lin
coln monument a beautiful wre,ath of
flowers as a' personal tribute to the
memory of the great American eman
cipator. The prince w.as accompan
ied by Robert Todd Lincoln, son of
the martyred president. The wreath
was a beautiful affair made of laurel
leaves and American beauty roses
bound with the German, colors, red,
.white and black.
At 2 o'clock the prince and his suite
departed for Milwaukee in a special
train over the St. Paul road.
Prince's Visit to Milwaukee.
Milwaukee. Wis.. March 4. It is
safe to assert that nowhere in Aroeri-
pa will Prince Henry be more hear-
i tlly welcomed than in Milwaukee, for
in no other city In the western world
is the Teutonic element so strong.
The royal visitor is scheduled to ar
rive at the Cream City late this after
noon and will remain six hours. Dur
ing this brief period there will be a
continuous succession of entertain
ment features! beginning with the re
ception at the Btation by Mayor Rose
ana the citizen's committee. The
big feature of the program is to be the
banquet at the Pfister, at which cov
ers will be laid for 250, In addition to
the members of the prince's party.
Arcnes nave been put up in places
i which will make an electrically llght
led colonade of Wisconsin street and
rana Avenue, from th printnr hn.
F to the Court of Honor at Eleventh
r-reei. in addition other murnKrn'nt
M-ches have, been erected on Eleventh
it C n Third street, down
rnicfc the prinee. will paw on fcls, way
iue jsxpealtloa building, where
there is to be a 'great choral festival
by the "United Sinking clubs.
Prince Enthusiastically Greeted.
Milwaukee. Wis., March . 4. The
gorgeous special trajn bearing
Prince Henry and his party arrived
at Milwaukee on schedule time thig
afternoon. It Is estimated that 50,'- j
000 people crowded about the adjoin-,
ing streets anxious to get a glimpse
of tho distinguished visitor. The);
was an official welcome by Mayor
Rose and the citizens' reception com-
mittee, after whlqh the visitors were I
escorted by cavalry and German so-
nlnfUa tn ihn oxnnsltlon ''buildlnc ,
Where the a.fterno'on's program was
begun. ' J
i The scenes -of the passing or tne
ever encountered. -The country tra
versed is largely settled by Germans j
and it seemed as if every man, woman j
and child was anxious to pay, tribute
to the distinguished visitor from the ,
fatherland. Crowds at every way.
station cheerpd and waved to the pas- f
sing irum ana every lanuiiuuoo stiiu
cross-roads had a. group of 'eager
watchers. " )
Celebrating the Completion of the
Second Year of their Association.
Denver, Colo., March 4i The
American .Cattle Growers' association
is celebrating the completion, of its
second vt with n convention con
taining more than 1,000 delegates and
twice that number of visitors. The
convention opened at 10 o'clock in
the Tabor opera house. The big audi
torium filled with representative
stockmen from Wyoming, California,
Washington. Montana, Oregon, Ne
braska, Kansas, the Dakotas, Arizona,
New Mexico, Texas, Utah, Oklahoma
and other states and territories.
After the opening prayer the dele
gates listened to addresses of wek
come' delivered by Governor Oman
and Mayor Wright. -President S. C.
Lusk, in his annual address summar
ized the alms of the' association as
follows: 'To harmonize all differ
ences, to secure uniform laws in all
states relating to livestock .interests,
to urge congress to retaliate upon all
nations that assail American meats,
fo. get lower interest rates on live
stock paper, to obtain better railroad
rates and to otherwise aid in better
ing the interests of those engaged inj
the stocK growing mousiry.
Secretary W. H. .Robinson reported
that the association has made a grati
fying increase in membership and
strength during .. the past twelve
months. The appoinment- of a com
mittee and othe.r business of a routine
nature occupied the remainder of the
morning session. Tomorrow the dis
cussion of important matters of in
terest to the stockmen will be com
menced and the sessions will probably
continue through the week.
One 6f the most important matters
to receive attention at the present
convention of ' the American Caitle
Growers' association is the bill intro
duced in, the senate by Senator Mil
lard, of Nebraska, providing for the
leasing for grazing, purposes of va
cant lands. J
A bill for this purpose was drawn i
up by a committee of the association
and an effort was made to have it
introduced In congress, but before its
introduction it- was. .revised without
the consent of the cattle growers and
in its revised state, so the association
asserts, it Is practically useless.
Naval Reserves Want Medals.
Washington, March 4. The appeal
of the Michigan navel reserves, who
manned the Yosemite during the
war with Spain, for the 'purpose of
showing that they are entitled to war
medals, came up for hearing before
the naval board of awards today. The
board at first decided adversely, but
the matter was reopened and the re
serves now have hopes of obtaining a
favorable decision-.
Golf Tournament at Los Angeles.
Los Angeles, Cal., March 4. Play
for the men's amateur championship
of the Pacific Coast Golf association
began conspicuously today on the
links of the Los Angeles Country
Club. Judging from the prominence
of the contestants and the auspicious
conditions surrounding the prelimin
ary play the tournament will be one
of the most successful that has taken
place on the Pacific coast.
Chicago Observes Emmett Day.
Chicago, March 4.-jChlcago Irish
nationalists have arranged to honor
the memory of Robert Emmett at a
mass meeting to be held In Associa
tion hall tonight, .Judge Edward F.
Dunne will preside, and the speaker
of the evening will be. ex-Congress-wn
Leatz of Ohio.
- . -
After the'retent fire and the more recent flood, Mayor Hinchcllffe, of
Paterson, earned an enviable reputation throughout the country by the he
roism and energy he displayed throughout the fylng times. He is, of
course, the leading spirit In the work of restoring the destroyed town.
Brave Boer Leader is not. Ser
iously Wounded.
London. March 4. The Central
News, at Harrismith. in the Orange
river colony, correspondent wires
that General Dewet had been shot' in
the arm in the fight near tho Natal
border, but was not seriously injured.
British Casualties.
London, March 4. A dispatch from
Pretoria contains details of the dis
aster to the escort of tho- convoy ol
empty wagons at Vondonop, south
west Klerksdorp, Transvaal colony,
the British casualties, killed, wounded
and made (prisoners reached .a total
of '('32. In addition the Boers captur
ed two guns. Lieutenant-Colonel An
derson, who commanded the British,
estimates the strength of the Boers
at 1200 to 1700. Commandants De
la rey, Kemps, Colliers. Ke.mmei".
'Woolmarens' and Potgieter were all
present. Commandant Lemmer is
said to be killed.
In Santa Fe's Interest
San Francisco. March 4. The Oak
land and East Side Railway Company
was incorporated by a realty syndi
cate of Oakland today for the pur
pose of acquiring franchises and
rights of way pf the California and
Nevada Railway Company, between
Point Richmond and Oakland, with
terminal facilities at Emeryville, to be
converting into a broadguage and
double track line. The franchises are
to be turned over to the Santa Fe,
whose terminal will be Emeryville, in
stead of Point Richmond.
In Memory of Robert Emmett.
Philadelphia, March 4. The Clan-na-Gael
of. Philadelphia has arranged
an attractive program for the celebra
tion of, the one hundred and twenty
fourth' anniversary of the birth of
Robert Emthett. The celebration
takes plase tonight In the academy of
music. The orators will be Judge
O'Neill Ryan of St. Louis, and Senator
Thomas C, O'Sulllvan of New York.
Coadjutor or Bishop of MontreaJ.
Montreal, Que., March 4. In church
circles' much Interest is manifested in
the election of a caodjutor or bishop
to assist Archbishop Bond of the An
gelican t diocese or Montreal. The
election lakes place today. It -is gen
erally understood that Dean Carmi
chael of this city will be chosen.
McKinley Memorial Exercises.
Albany, March 4. Arrangements
have been completed for interesting
exercises to be held In .the General
Assmbly tonight. Jn memory of Presi
dent JUcKJnley. The eulogy will be
delivered by ' Charles Emory Smith,
former postmaster general,
PATl - RSON, N..J.
Virginia Earlo, the actress, is tho
latest or the footllght favorites to
seek the publicity and relief of tho di
vorce courts. Her husband, Mr. Frank
Lawton, Isan accomplished whistler.
Missing Liner Was Disabled.
New York, March 4. A dispatch
from Fayal says the missing Cunard
liner Ktruria has been sighted In tow
of the steamer William Cliff, 400 miles
off that place west. The Etrurla l's re"
ported to have lost her propeller.'
Counterfeit Gold.
Few persons know that tho gold
used in color printing and on pictures
frames Is made from a composition
powder of bronze and spelter, and not
from pure gold leaf, but whlcn, now
over, gives the same effect. There is
another article that Is very much im
itated, and that Is Hostetter's Btom
ach Bitters. Spurious dealers often
refill the bottles and thus give them
tho same appearance as the original,
but unless thay have our Private
Stamp, unbroken over the neck they
are not the genuine, Refuse all- such
Imitations, The genuine Hostetter's
Stomach Bitters has an unequaled rec
ord of cureB of stomach complaints
back of it, such as dyspepsia, Indiges
tion, .constipation, billfousness, nerv
ousness, insomnia and malaria, foyer
and ague.
kw fyiifffiy. V'-VTH
BBBBBklMHC'-w 'v""""LS
Reported by I. L. Ray & Co., Pendle
ton, Chicago Board of Trade and
New York Stock Exchange Brokers.
New York, March 4. There was
scarcely anything doing In wheat to
day, the trade apparently awaiting for
the government report, which conies
out on tho 10th. giving conditions or
winter wheat up to tho first and re
serves In farmers' hands. Tho ontlro
winter wheat bolt Is free of snow now
nnd a drop In tho tcmporature would
give a sharp upturn. Now York
opened and closcd82; Chicago, 7GVi
Closed yesterday, 81V&.
Opened todny, 82.
Range today, S1(J824.
Closed today, 82.
Sugar, 128.
Steel, 43.
St. Paul. 162 Vx.
Union Pacific, 99.
Wheat in San Francisco.
San Francisco, March 4. Wheat
quoted. today $1.111.12.
Wheat In Chicago.
Chicago, March 4. Wheat quoted
today 7G76Vi.
Property to the .Value of $75,000 Is
Marshalltown. Iowa. March, 4. A
fire early this morning destroyed Tee
ment'B hotel, and fivo business houses
adjoining. The loss Is $75,000. Sev
eral of the hotel employes were in
jured by jumping from tho windows,
but none seriously.
The North Atlantic Squadron.
Washington, March, 4! Wprd has
been received at the navy dopartmont
that tho North Atlantic squadron sail
ed yesterday, from Cionfuogos, Cuba,
for Colombia. The squadron Is com
posed of the battleships Kearsarge
Alabama, Massachusetts and Indiana,
the most powerful vessels assembled
in those waters by tho United States.
Its presence, it Is believed, will have
a quieting effect and prevent any dam
age to American property interests.
Government Troops Increased.
Washington, March 4. Tho Amorl
can minister at Bogato, Colombia, has
informed tho state department that
5000 of the best soldiers in Colombia
have re-enforced the government
troons near Bogato. Fighting has
continued for several days.
For the Complexion.
Tho complexion always suffers from
billlousness or constipation. Unless
tho bowels aro kept open the Impuri
ties from tho body appear in the
form of unsightly eruptions. DeWitt'B
Little Early RisorB keep tho liver and
bowels in healthy condition and re
movo tho cause of such troubles. C. E.
Hooper, Albany, Ga., says: "I took
DeWitt's Little Early Risers for bil
llousness. They wore Just what I
needed. I am feeling better now than
In years' Never gripe or distress.
Safe, thorough and gentle. The very
best pills. Tallman & Co. and Brock
& McComas,
i . i i i 1
Made from Grape Cream of
Tartar, and AbsolutelyPure
Highest award, Chicago World's Fair.
.Highest tests by U. S. Gov't Chemists.
' - ' -CHICAQO, ,
Congress Passes the Bill and
Now it is a Law.
Senate Committee on Finance At
Favorably Upon House Bill Provttt
ing for Repeal of War Revenue
Tax, Makklng No Changes In It
Washington, -March 4. The
of representatives todcy, by a vote- of
138 to 109 approved tho conference
report, on the Philippine tariff bM.
which now becomes a law. It provides
in the main a reduction of 25 por co
on tho existing duties.
The senate committee on finance to
day considered the bill passed by ti
house providing for the repeal ot tfee
war revenue tax. No conclusion was
reached, but it Is believed the ros
mlttee will report the bill wlthoeft
Senate Favors Y. M. C. A.
Washington, March 4. Tho sunale
today passed a bill authorizing tfce
erection of buildings by the Interna
tional committee of tho Young Men's
Christian Association on military res
Allison and Doliver Sworn In.
The oath of office was ndmlnlstere
to Senators-elect Allison and Doliver,
of Iowa.
Rural Delivery Service.
The house resumed consideration al
tho rural dolivory service this morn
ing. Premier of France Injured.
Paris, March 4. Tho Injuries sus
tained by M. Waldeck-Rosseau, whose
carriage was overturned in a collislo
with a street car, are not serious. The
premier will probably resume his dt
tlos In a few days.
Killed the Sheriff.
Baltlmoro, Md., March 4. Six pris
oners broko jail at Easton, Md., late
Saturday night and in attempting t
rearrest them, Deputy Sheriff Thomas
L. Thompson was instantly killed.
Roosevelt Goes to Charleston.
Washington, March 4. The prei
dwt hap Informed the committee frost
Charleston, S. C, ho would visit the
exposition In that city.
Pope Is Thankful.
Homo March 4. The pope tooay cttt"
ebrated private mass with his famUy
and a few intimate friends. Ho re
turned thanks for being allowed t
celebrate his silver jubilee.
lniitaliirti.i!ctrtC M nr'lnM''t!r,ile
tim jiimiV,"rtn;k- l .iii' -,
,t(l UlLff UM:j t'l l'.. 4 Ull.