v M CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS. 0 ft p- o A BIG LOG ROLLING1144 INITIATED WOODMEN AND WOMEN OF WOOD CRAFT, PENDLETON APRIL 21-22 NEXT. Q s s. 0 o m 1 . a I I S5803I is. lit':1!,: IS. loss One cent per FOR SALE. I-OR SALT! GASOLINE WHINE. WITH pipes, touts and rtti is, rciiy to oper ate, five to six hotse rtOA'er. lJvn.mtlenl In the use of fuel. Trice jKM. Knst Oresou km office, fendleton. FOR 8A1YE AT THE EAST OREGONIAN office, large bundles of newspapers, con taining over 100 blfr papers can be obtained -for 25 cents a bundle. PHYSICIANS. DR. W. Q. COLE. OFFICE IN JUDD building. Office hours, 10 to 12 ft. m. ; 1 to 5 p. m. Telephone 77. J. L. MILLER, M. D., DESPAIN BLOCK. treats and corrects ere troubles catar rhal conditions and Impaired hearing. Glasses correctly fitted for refractive er rors. DR. C.J. SMITH, OFFICE OVER THE Penteton Savings Rank. Telephone SO; residence telephone 81. a. S. GARFIELD, M. D HOMKOPATH tc Physician and Burgeon. Office In J odd building. Telephone: Office, black 7: residence, discs 24. Dr. WILLIAM HOUSE. PHYSICIAN AND Sorceon. Office, room 20 Judd Bnlld tag. Phone Main 72. Residence Phone Red 23 DR. J. P. M'FAUL. ROOM 17. ASSOCIA tlon block, Telephone Main 08 ; res! tfencc telephone, black 101. DR. T. M. HENDERSON, PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Specialties eye. ear, nose ad throat. Office In Savings Dank build Ing. iuone Mam S3. OSTEOPATHIC Reyes & Keyes. Boston Store. PHYSICIANS. DBS Office one block west ol DR. LYNN K. BLAKESLEE. CHRONIC and nervous dUeaHes and dlsenRos of women, opp. Hotel Pendleton, cor. water and Main Sts., Pendleton, Ore. Phone Red 273. ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS. . F. HOWARD. ARCHITECT AND SU perlntehdent, makes complete and rell able plans for bulldlngB in the city or country, uoom ir, juaa nuiiamg. SHREK & COLE; CONTRACTORS AND builders. Estimates furnished on short otlce. Job work a specialty. Prompt service. Shop on Bluff street, near Main D. A. MAY , CONTRACTOR AND builder. Estimates furnished on all kinds of masonry, cement walks, .stone walls, etc. Orders can' be left at the East oregonian office. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. MAPLE BROS., COURT STREET, LA Dow Block, electricians, dealers In elec trical supplies. Houses, stores wired for lectrlc lights, bells or telenhones. Electrl est fixtures, all kinds. Get our urlses. Re pair work a specialty. LIVERY AND FEED STABLES. COMMERCIAL STABLES, G. W. FROOME Prop. Livery feed and Boarding. All kinds turnouts. Competent drivers. Opposite Ho tel xunuieton. -reiepnone it). DEPOT LIVERY, FEED AND SAI.E3 Stables. First class single ind double ncB ior an occasions, uzi votcinwoou St. rnone, mom iu. isviin tyaig, Prop. CITY STABLES, T. W. AYEB8. PROP. Livery, feed and boarding. 'The best turnouts in tne city. Aita SU between Main and Cottonwood Sts., Phone, .Main iO. THE O. K. FEED 8TAHLE8. SATISFACTION guaranteed. 019 Aura St., bet. Webb and Alta. F. P. Hartshorn, prop. Many years ex- periuuue iu vuis uusuiess. OREGON FEED YARD, W. Tr BOYNTON Prop. Special care glvon horses left will me. Lower Webb street, .Phone Red, 301 . .CABS AND CARRIAGES. CITY CAB LINE, ERWIN BAKER, PROP. Telephone Main 79, at tho Depot Livery DENTISTS. H. A, VAUGHAN, DENTIST, OFFICE IN Judd building. B. A. -MANN, DENTIST, IN ASSOCIA tlon block, over F. B. ' Clopton's office. LODGING HOU8ES. THE PALACE LODGING HOUSE, J. H. WIL llama, proprietor. First elass rooms, well aopi, py we as lay or week. 613 Main street. RE8TAU RANTS AND CAFES. ST. GEORGE RESTAURANT. HTRICTIV first class. W. W. Pangsan, Prop. Mem ail .hours. uu Aiaia ot. xei. .naia. is. ii.'9l!JP,B!91 P'SP!. M"P bivo gn. StbBaUte tha hr n iW5 wi.Z. v.. ' " . u , fjji'in jettons kmui, undeve opea mirj.r4S th a bLS -u 25 fof to 50 by ww . tiTflllrj A written guarantee, to curi, BY TALLMAN A CO., DRUGGISTS, PENDLETON, OREGON. French LYON'S OLD .Y TALLMAr CO 'DRUGGISTS, PENDLETON, word for the first insertion, FRATERNAL ORDERS. ROYAL NEIGnnORS OF AMERICA Wlldwood Camp, No. 2S33, meets sec ond and fourth Satnrdars of eac'i month, In Ilendrlck's Hall. Mrs. Ida Holcomb, Oracle; Mrs. Nettle Robblns. Recorder. UMATILLA TENT, NO. 27, K. O. T. M Meets In Secret Society Hall, sc-odJ and fourth Tuesdays of each month. All vis iting Sir Knights cordially Invited. J. S. Keen, Record Keeper; E. D. Eetabrook, uommanaer. REDMEN UMAHALES TRIBE, NO. 18 Meets every Tuesday night In Hen drlcfe's Hall. Roy W. Rltncr, Keeper of Records. PENDLETON LODGE, NO. 52, A. F. and A. M., meets first and third Mondays of each month. Visiting brjttJren welcome. T. J. Tweedy, W. M., Joe H. Inrkis, .Sit. rENDLETON CHAPTER, NO. 23 ;T. C. Taylor, H. P., F. F. Wamsley, Secretary. Meets first and fourth Friday of. each month In Masonic Hall. PENDLETON COMMANDERY, NO. 7., Robert Forster, E. C, W. E. Carter, Sec retary. Meets first -and third Friday of earn month in Masonic Hall. PIONEERS OF' THE PACIFIC WIL 11am Martins Encampment,. No. 1. Meets every Wednesday at Hendrlck's Hall. Mrs. L. F. Lampkln, Secretary. . DAMON LODGE. NO. 4. KNIGHTS OF Fythlas. J. F. Nowlln, C. C. : R. W. Fletcher, K. of R. & S. Meets evrry Monday in Secret Boclety Hall. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Tutullla Camp, No. 0300. Meets first and third Saturdays of each month at Hen drlck's Hall. George A. Hamblln, Con sul ; G. A. Robblns. Clerk. WOr ' "IN OF THE WORLD REGULAR -asetliik. of Pendleton CamD No. 41. W. W , art- ''eld In Odd Fellows' hall every ueaday evw 'ng. Visiting neighbors always welcome wamer, uierK, j. i: wan, C. O. 1 .TORNEY8, CARTER u RALEY, ATTORNEYS AT Law. Office In Savings Bank building. BEAN & LOWELL, ATTORNEYS AT Law. Room 14 Asssociation block. Pen aieton, uregon. T. G. HAILBY. LAWYER. OFFICE Judd. building, Pendleton, Oregon. IN N. BERKELEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. once in Association block. B. D. BOYD, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Court St. Ill L. B. REEDER, ATTORNEY Af lAW, fenaieton, uregon. JAMES A. FEE, LAW OFFICE IN JUDD tsuuaing. 8TILLMAN & PIERCE, ATTORNEYS at Law. Mr. Stlllman has been admit ted to practice In United States natent offices and makes a specialty of Patent uaw. uooma iu, 11. 12 and 13 Associa tion UIOCK. PHOTOGRAPHERS. W. S. BOWMAN. LEADING PHOTOGRA Dher' of the dtv. Hni-Vfst- vlptra. Tndlnn puoios iorsnie. iinisning done tor -una tours. Main .St.. near' brldee. Phnnn. llArt BANKS AND BROKER8. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ATRRNA Oregon. Cauital. S50.000: Riirnlna nA uiuum, fuuuu. luierest on time deposits Deals In foilsm,'"ifrrd-'!nmpH-i( collections promptly-attended to. Henry J x j. ivirjr, .vice-pres- dent; E( L.-'BaxBtt, cashier; Mrs. E. L, Burnett, assistant casnier. XilH PENDLETON SAVINGS BANK. - . . ' 1880; capital, ? $50,000; surplns, $00,000! Interest .allowod 'mil tim -vionnatt. tr-. f-nge bought 'and sold on all principal f." rv "i"Ha given to couec tloaa. W. J. Furnish, president: J. N. real, vice-president ; T. J. Morris, cashier. TUB FARMERS BANK OF WESTON, Ing bUSineSB. ICzetmnira Iw.ntl.f mnA rnnlA Collections promotlv attended to. n :Sr!?.on',- PfesWent; Geo. W. Proebstcl, lZZTy"'lii' JMHjors, cssBier; di rectors, G. A. 'Hartman, M. M. Johns. T. J. Price. G. TV Cirnm 3 n'Viin. uk.-. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PENDLE- IUH. UUDltai Sll.llllfl ' anrnlii. f UK AAA Transacts a general banking business. Exv change aud telegraphic transfers sold on , ""f1 urumuufo, xmow xork and principal points In the northwest Drafts urawu ou v.uma, japan and Europe. Makes collectlonn nn rA.onti.ki. t... ftS-SSSK'. Presiaent; V. K. Matlock. nnammAv nAl4- ..a w uui navy uooiD iaui fjwuier a oia 5o year, br.tU leader, ofthIormoii Periodical Drops board car OREGON. I l - 2c thereafter; 30 words or ENTHUSIASTICALLY FIRED. Mile. Fewclothes That new tenor hasn't much voice, but he seems to he tired with enthusiasm. Senora la Cadonza Walt until the manager hoars him sing, and lie will be! COMMERCE -TRADE Local Market Prices. The following snows the prices paid on tne local market: Turnips, 76c per Back. Parsnips, 75c per sack. Cabbage, 4c lb. Cheese, per lb., 20c, Onions, per cwt, $2. Beets, per lb., lJ,c. Potatoes, per cwt, $2. Apples, per box. $1.50, Horse radish, 12 c lb. Garlick, lissc lb. Sweet potatoes, 5c per lb. Sauer .Kraut, 40c per gallon. Pendleton Livestock and Poultry. Chickens, hens, per doz., $3.50 to ?4.G0. Roosters, a.50 to $4.50. Turkeys, per lb., 10. Geese, per doz., $9. Spring chickens, per doz., $3.50. Ducks, per doz., $3.76. Pigeons, per doz., $1.60. Eggs, 25c In trade. Butter. E0 to 60c per roll. Choice beet, cattle, etc. Cows, per hundred, $3.10. Steers, $4. Hogs, live. 6c; Hogs, dressed, Sc. Calves; dressed. 7 to 8c Pendleton Retail Grocery Prices. SugarCane granulated,; best. $5.65 persack; do., 16 lbs, $1; beet granu lated, $5.50 per sack; do 16 lbs, $1. Coffee Mocha and Java, best, 40c per lb; next grade, 35c lb; lover grades coffee, 25 to 15c lb; package coffee, 15c lb. KIco Best head rice, 12c per lb; next grade, 8 l-3c per lb. Salt Coarse, $1.35 per 100; table. $2.20 per 100, . , iiour a. is,, $z.ou per ddi. Flour, Walters, $2.70 per bbl. WEATHER FOR LAST WEEK. Total Precipitation for the Month 2.14 Inches Only; Eight' ClearDays. The1 weather 'eporl fortlif week just ended, as given by" local weather observer, William Hilton, Is as fol io WBi i The average maximum temperature was oa,7; minimum, 35.4; mean, 47.6; range, 24.3. Totdl precipitation, .61. Five days were cloudy and tw.o'par'tly cloudy. v The monthly summary for February is: Mean maximum, 52.4: mean min imum: 31.7 , mean; 42: ..maximum. 76. which was on the 18th; the 'minimum was on the 1st, and was 7,k The pre"- less, $1.50 per month, or $12 cipitation for the' month was 2.14 inches, and the 10th has the record for the most rain, .88 inches, falling in 24 hours. There were 8 clear days, 5 partly cloudy and 15 cloudy. What It Is. Advertising Is the life blood of tho business world today, and well direct ed advertising, is like tho powerful searchlight of a river steamer, thrown upon a distant cottage on the bank, cutting It out like a picture painted on a black canvas. The timid buyer and the prospective industry will follow the rays of the searchlight of public Jty, just as surely as will the eyes of the steamer's, passengers follow the Jight thrown from their vessel. They will not search the surrounding gloom for objects of interest when a beauti ful picture is clearly shown before them. Prospective buyers will not search the .surrounding gloom for your competitors If the searchlight of publicity is turned on your own place of business. Canastota (N. Y.) Bee. How's This? We offr One Hundred Dollars Kewaid for any .case of catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure, F. J, CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Che ney for tho last fifteen yearn, and bellovo him perfectly honorable In all business transaction! and financially able to carry out any obliga tions iijauo uy meir nrm. W KaT 01 IUVAX, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. WALDINO, KlNKAN il MARVIN, Wholesale Druireists. Toledo. Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internallv. act ing directly on tho blood and mucous surfaces oi ine system, rrice 7c. per Dotlle. Bold Dy an uruggisis. Testimonials iree. uairs Famiir rim are the nest, Advertising. We may live without poetry, music and art, We may live without conscience and live without heart; We may liyo without friends, and live without fads. But business today cannot live with out ads, The Country Merchant Practically Starving. "After using a few bottles of Kodol Dyspepsia .Cure my wife received per feet and permanent relief from a se vere and chronic case of stomach trouble," says J .It, Holly, real estato, insurance and loan agent, of Macomb, , "Before usjng Jvouol Dyspepsia re she could not eat an ordinary meal without intense suffering. She' is now entirely cured.- Several phy sicians and; many remedies had fail ed to giyq relief." You don't have to diet. Bat any good fboci you want, but don't, overlqad the stomach Ko dol Dyspepsia Cure will always di gest, it for you. Tallmau Co, & Brock & McCbnias, per year. No ad, inserted for HIDES, PELT 8 AND JUNK. YOU CAN GET THE HIGHEST MAIt ket price for your hides, pelts and all kinds of Junk, such as rubber, brass, cop per, lead, sine, rags and bottles. Iron of all kinds a specialty. You can bring In 60 cents worth of old rsgs or ship In S500 worth of hides and will be treated In the same way. We have come here to stay. Give us a cat and you will be satls ed. Ij. Shnnk & Co., onice and warehouse next to Eastern Hotel, Pendleton, Ore. Telephone, Red 221. SECOND HAND DEALERS. GEORGE O' DANIEL, NEW AND SECOND hand goods bought aud old. Court St., Opera house block. Call and so: me. V. BTRODLB, DEALER IN SECOND hand goods. If there Is anything you need In new or second hand furniture, stores, granite waro and crockery, call and get his prices. No. 212 Court St MISCELLANEOUS. OLD NEWSPAPERS TO PUT U carpets, on shelves, walls, or for Sing purposes. Old newspapers In undies of one hundred each at 23 r bundle at the EAST OREGONIAN Pendleton, Oregon. want to subscribe to magazines or news papers In the United States or Europe, remit by postal note, check or send to the east oueuonian the net puDllsher's price of the publication you desire, And we will have It sent you and assume al (the risK or mu money ncing lost in tne minis. It will savo you both trouble ai d risk. If you are a subscriber to tho EABT ORE GONIAN, In remitting you can deduct ten per cent from tho publisher's nrlro Ad dress EAST OREGONIAN PUB. CO., Pen- uieton, uregon. er, universal key board, first cIbbs ma. chine. Take a look at It. Thirty dollin .will buy It. East Oregonian ofQce. BABBITT METAL. BEST IN world, In bars. Price $1 per bar, I East Oregonian office. CALL FOR COUNTY WARRANTS. All Umatilla county, warrants registered tlon Interest ceases on date of rmbllcatirm. Psndleton, Oregon, Fobtuury 28. 1902. H. K. YATKS, Treasurer of Umatilla County tral Committee. Notice is hereby glvon that tho Democratic Central Committee will meet at the court houso, in Pendleton, Oregon, at 2 o'clock p. m., on Marcli 15th, 1902. All democrats Invltod to attend. J. II. RALEY, Chairman. A. C. Haley, Secretary. City and country property for sale. Houses rented, collections. Locale lands subject to entry.- Agent Homo Co-operative Co. Homes on easy pay ments. Rihorn & Cook, room 10, over Taylor's store. TRANSPORTATION LINE8. "BEST OF EVERYTHING" In a word this tells of the passenger set vice via The North-Western Line" 8 trains dally between St. taul aim unicago comprising The latest Pullman Sleepers Peerless Dining Cars Library and Observation Cars Free Reclining Chair Cars The 20tlt Century Train THE NORTHWESTERN LIMITED runs every day of the year FINEST TRAIN IN THE WORLD Electric Lighted Steam Heated TO CHICAGO BY DAY LIGHT " The Badger Slate ExpresB, the finest day train running between St; Paul and Chicago via tho Short Line; con-, neotlona from the West iriudo.vlu The Northern Paoiflo, Great Northern, and Canadian Paclflo Rys. This is the best Hue between Ouialui. St. Paul and Minnesota. All agents sell tickets via "The Nortli western Line." W. H. MEAD, H. L. SISLER, 'H 'a U, A. g48 AJder SJ Portland, O.rp, K CURE YOURSELF ,t VUKUM Uso Dig u for unnatural dischareea. Inflnmm! Irritations ur ulCflr.tfnn. 1 atllatar.. of mimin. moml.... irnnsu MautUa, Painless, and not nutria, ITHEtVMSOHEUICUCo. ent r poisonous. Wold ar rantaic. Jpr sent In plain wrapper. MJ'O.orsborties.ta.Va. Circular sent on luuii less than 15c. TRANSPORTATION LINES. Oregon SnoigrLiNB wIJNlQlHPAClfflC mm. 1 depart Time Schedule ammv ron From Pendleton nam Chicago. 3lt Lake, Denver, Ft. Portland Worth, Omaha. Kan Bpoclal mm City, St Louis, Chi- 83a a. a. 6 :30 n m cago and East. Via Hunt ington. i Atlantic Salt Lake, Denver, Ft. Express Worth, Oraaha, Kan 5:t& a.m. sts City, St. Louis, Chi- n:io p.m. via Hunt- cago and East, lngton. St. Paul Walla Walla, Lewlston. Fast Mall 6pokano,Wallaco,Pull 8.15 a. m. mau, Minneapolis, St. 530 p. as. . via 1'aul, Duluth, illlwau Spokane. koo, Chicago and East. Ocean and River Schedule. FROM PORTLAND. All sailing dates subject to change. 8 :00 p. m. For San Francisco Ip.m. Sail every 5 days. Hilly except Columbia River Sunday 4 p m 8 p. m. To Astoria and Way Sunday Saturday Landings. 10 p. m. Willamette River Boats leave Portland dally, ozcept Sunday, (stage of water permitting) for Willamette aasl amhii.l River points. Levo Leave Rlparia Snake Hlver Lewlitoa 4:05 a.m. 7:00a.m. Dally Rlparia to Lewlston. Dally Hicpt Mon Excpt MOT F. F. WAM8LEY, Agont, Pendleton, Washington & Columbia River Railroad Take thfs route for For Chicago, St. Paul, St. Louis, Kan sas City, St. Joe, Omaha, and All Points East and Sontli Portland and points on the Sound TIME CARD. Leave Pondleton, dally except Sundays at Art rim 6:00. pm Arrive Arrive Pendleton Monday, Wednesday aa Friday ll:ASam. Arifve Pendleton Tuesday. Thnnda a-n4 oaiuruay v ;oo am : Leave Walla Walla daily, east bound 10:00 pm. Arrive Walla Walla daily west bound j sua . For information regarding rates and aceom. modatloni, call on or addres W. ADAMS, Agent. Pendleton, Orsgoa 8. B. OALDKRIIKAD. O. P. A., Walla Walla, Wash. RUNS Pullinan Sleeping Cars, Elegant Dining Cars, Tourist Sleeping Cars fST. PAUL MINNEAPOLIS i DULUTH FARGO TO 4 GRAND FORKS UROOKBTON WINNEPEG HELENA aud BUTTE, THROUGH TICKETS TO CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK BOSTON and all points East and Boutb Through tickets to Japan and China, via Tacoma and Northern Pad no Steamship 0, and American line, ' TIMU SCHBOULS, Trains leave Pendleton daily esoept Bunday at 6:00 p.m. T For further lnioraaatioB,-. tlaas cards, saaM, and tickets, cl) on or write W. AdaMS. fi. dletoH, Orsgoa, or "; A. D. OHAKLToif, ' Third and UerrhwaaHa., PrUaa4, Ot. 4: -