East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 03, 1902, Image 4

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    MONDAY, MARCH 3, 1902.
This Date In History Maroli 2,
XTC9 De Witt Clinton, statesman, born at
Kew Windsor, N. Y.; died ISIS. Do
Witt Clinton was the son of General
Jnmes Clinton, a distinguished colonial
; and Revolutionary soldier. For hl nd
vocney of the Krlo canal he was elect
ed governor of Kew York In 1S17.
1772 Louis Gabriel Suchct, marshal of
France and dulse of Albufera, born;
dted 1S?6.
1791 John WesI-. founder of Methodism,
died In London: born 1T03.
1793 Sam Houston, hero of Texas, born
near Lexington, Va.: died at Hunts-
vllle. Tex., July 25. 1S63.
ES3 Nicholas of Russia died; succeeded
by his son, Alexander II.
lS9t General Jubal A. Early, a prominent
ex-Confederate, died at Lynchburg,
Va.;.born 1S16.
XS95 Professor John Stuart Blackle of the
University of Edinburgh dted In Edin
burgh; born 1S10.
B37 Rev. Dr. Scovllle Mallory. editor of
The Churchman, died in New York
city; aged 59.
This Date In History March 3.
1755 William Godwin,
English novelist, born;
died 1S36.
1793 William Charles
Jdacready, tragedian,
born in London; died
1S73. Macready was
one of the principals
in an affair that came
hear being an Inter
national episode. Aft
Marshal Victor.
er winning high laurels as Ylrginlus,
Richard III. and other noted charac
ters of the greatest dramatists, he ap
peared in the leading cities of tho
United States. That was in 181S and
1S49. During his stay In this country
he became Involved in a dispute with
America's favorite tragedian, Edwin
Mil Claude Perrin Victor, duke of Bel-
luno, created marshal of France by
Napoleon on the field of Friedland,
died; born 1A.
3861 Emancipation of Russian serfs by
imperial decree of Czar Alexander n.
1SSG Dr. W. P. Palmer, antiquarian and
writer, died In Richmond.
1S97 Nelson Wheatcroft, well known actor
and dramatic teacher, died in New
York city.
1ST? Rear Admiral George Dewey became
full admiral by the operation of the
law reviving that rank.
Reason dictates a settlement oi the
marshalshin and recorder trouble in
Pendleton. It is futile and reckless
to prolong the agitation and excite
the differences between those con
cerned in the matter. The peoitla if
Pendleton surely are not to be punish
ed while a few split hairs in a. con
tention which amounts to not a pinch
of snuff from the standpoint of the
test interests of the city.
It as known the trouble can be set
tled, if one or two, who are supplying
the sinews of war, will just drop their
personal interest in the matter. Why
prolong it? What principle is at
stake? What reason is there for
quarreling longer over a couple of
paltry offices? Pendleton has already
paid the price for the trouble, in loss
es occasioned to her welfare and in
the friction between citizens -syliich
the trouble has engendered.
It is time to stop it. No public in
terest is being promoted, and no pri
vate character is being strengthened
by the "broil." which is carried on.
Even the "farce" has been taken into
court, and the machinery ofothat, in
stitution, which is "oiled" by the peo
ple of the state, set to running, thus
increasing the burden on taxpayers
who have enough to carry for legiti
mate needs. It is stupid to further
belittle and besmirch the community
for such a trifling and puerile ca-iae.
The assessors of Union, Baker and
Umatilla counties have met together
and concluded that it would be most
advantageous to all concerned If val
ues in all three counties were ral-ied,
over present Yaluatlous, from twenty
to twenty-five per cent. These asses
sors are right to a certain extent,
hut the question suggests itself, If it
is better or best to raise values from
twenty to tweuty-flve per cent, why
not from fifty to sixty per cent?
However, the assessors, posjlb'y,
meant to say that not only an in
crease in values was desirable, hut
equalization of values was more de
sirable still. Here rests the trouble.
If assessment values were equal or
anywhere near so, justice would re
sult, no matter If proporty was as
sessed at twenty per cent, of its
selling value, or 100 per cent, Equal
assessments are desirable. If one
man, worth $10,000 Js assessed nt
JC000, while another is assessed at
$4000 that is worth $12,000, there is
no justice, no equality, aud tho as
ptmor simply helps to perpetrate a
robbery In tho name of the state. But
If these men are assessed at ton cents
on the dollar of the value of their
I property, the one worth $10,000 be-
ing assessed at $1000 nnd tho one
j worth $12,000 being assessed nt $1200,
! justice Is done just the same as if the
property was assessed at its real or
full value.
Best results of assessment and lax
ntlon lie in equality of assessment
and that is what is the matter with
the method of assessment in the
three counties of Union, Baker and
Umatilla, as well as the rest of ".he
state. This fault corrected to thp
best the assessors can do, there
would be taken a long step forward
toward justice and equal taxatim
As an instauce of a class of proper
ty that is missed by the assessors
the East Oregonian cites "nione
notes and accounts." In the county
of Umatilla in the year 1893 there
was found by the assessor, of "money
notes and accounts," more than $600
000. In 1000, in prosperous Umatilla
I county, the riches of the people of
i the county in this particular form had
j dropped to the paltry valuation of
' $200,000 in round figures. What do
the people who pay taxes on other
forms of property think of that? In
, short, the corporations, railroad, tel
ephone. telegraph and express com
panies never evaded tnxation to any
, greater extent than those who own
; "money, notes and nccounts." Why
i do not the assessors enforce the law
. and make every man swear to his as
! cessment, or submit to an arbitrary
assessment, on the part of the assess
! or. which could be made high enough
to fit any particular case, and thus
secure somewhere near a just valua
tion for taxation purposes of this
1 particular class of property? It can
; be done, but where Is the assessor
1 equal to the task?
j Here we have the reason, in the ex
ample set by the evasion of this class
of property owners, why the corpora
' tions seek to shirk their just share
I of taxation, and why, as well, that the
l little property owner is ground to
I death under the wheels of an unjust
j clumsy, indirect system of taxation,
j of which a people of the grade of
1 South Sea islanders in intelligence
I should be ashamed.
It was a study of the Injustice and
I inequality of the present system of
I taxation which made plain that the
present system was a tax on con
science and a reward for rascality
that drove the East Oregonian into
the camp of the single-tax philoso
phers, which offers more of a remedy
for the evils of the body social than
any other known plan. But, those
who would be hit by the single-tax,
raise the cry of "stop thief," and
thus cloud the waters in which they
swim, preventing the victims, those
of industry and enterprise, of the
present system from seeing clearly
where lleB the trouble and the cause
of it.
For my part I am quite willing lo
concede the superiority for the p" -pose
of protection to home industry
of subsidies paid out of the publ.t
treasury, over subsidies paid by co!
sumers of domestic goods indirec'iy
to the beneficiaries under compu
sion of protective tariffs. The direct
subaidy is better for many reasons.
In the first place, it is open ai J
above board. Everybody can know
who gets it, and how much he gotn.
Everybody can know, also, whether
those who do get it divide up fair .
with their worklngmen, according to
the true intent of the law. Of he
indirect, or protective tariff subsldljs.
that is not true. The beneficiaries
can, and in practice actually do,, con
ceal their plunder. It comes from so
many individual sources and in ways
so varied and complicated, that no
one can keep track of it except the
beneficiaries themselves. In conse
quence, their workingmen are system
atlcally robbed of the share which
protective laws design that they
should have. The only recourse of
workingmen Is to strike when they
suspect an unfair division, and thai
is very unsatisfactory all around. It
this respect alone, the direct subsidy
has marKed advantage over the pro
tective tariff.
Another of its relative advantages
is Its tnect upon the public at large
Tho object of both methods Is to
encourage domestic production. In
this respect the tariff method oper
ates with great and harrassing awk
wardness. In order to encourage the
production of woolen goods, for in
stance, obstructions are put In tho
way of Importation of foreign wool
en goods. Those that are imported
commercially are subjected to Import
duty, which Increases the prico not
only to the amount of the tax but also
to the amount of sevoral commercial
profits upon the tax; while those that
are Imported for travelers cause their
owners no ,end of annoyance, to say
nothing of the expense, when they
land at the homo port.
All" this extra cost and annoyance
must be submitted to until the domes
tic product has "been brought unto the
standard of the competing foreign
article. Nor does the burden fall off
then. For, when tho domestic pro
duct reaches the foreign standard of
quality and price, its protected manu
facturers Insist upon having the pro
tective tnriff continued , to enable
them to "lnvnde" foreign markets in
the name of American enterprise,
this invasion consisting of selling
their goods at free trade prices
abroad anil maintaining protection
prices nt home.
And this is not all. Sheep raisers
clamor for a protective tnriff on wool,
to enable them to force their product
upon the domestic manufacturer, who
force their product upon the tailors
And the tailors clamor for protective
tariff on clothing, to enable them to
recoup the extra price they have to
pay for cloth.
Protective tariffs are thus piled up
ill along the line, from the item of
the growers of the raw materials to
that of the last touch of the finished
product. For what? Simply to build
ip an infant industry, and to enable
it to invade foreign markets after it
is built up. Is a more wasteful meth
od conceivable? Compare that ex
pensive and harrassing process of in
direct subsidies with the process of
direct subsidies, and note how indes
cribably superior the latter is.
Under the direct subsidy nobody
would be annoyed by custom house
officers while the infant industry was
growing to maturity. The disadvan
tage under which the American pro
ducer labored being overcome by sub
sidies paid out of the public treas
ury, his goods would enter the domes
tic market at lower prices than the
foreign goods. Consequently, for
eign goods would stay out, except to
the extent that the domestic producer
was unable to fully meet the home de"
mands, which would only be in the
infantile years of his industry. Dur
ing that period he would be encourag
ed by having as much of a home mar
ket secured to him as he could sup
ply; while home consumers would not
be pestered with customhouse officers
In order to procure from abroad
what he could not supply, nor be bur
dened with excessive prices for eith
er the foreign or the domestic-article.
And, although the American people
would have to pay the direct subsi-i
dy, they would not also have to pay
interest every time the subsidized
goods changed hands in trade, as
they must under a protective tariff.
The same advantageous difference
would continue after the domestic
goods had been brought to the level
of the foreign standard, and the home
market could be supplied. They could
then be sold at home at a price low
enough to keep out the foreign pro
ducts, and .thanks to the subsidy,
would also be sent abroad to under
sell foreign goods in their own mar
Whether for the purpose of build
ing up an infant industry at home
or of enabling it to enter foreicn
markets after it Is built up. Indirect
subsidies through protevctlve tariffs
are vastly inferior to direct subsidies
paid out of the public treasury.
But the direct subsidy has also
great disadvantages. It is simple.
It is easily understood. It is mani
festly for the benefit of special In
terests, and not for the general good.
And, withal, it is certain, if overdone
a fate which attends upon all pro
tective methods to end sneedllv
in an outburst of indignant ridicule.
These do not sound like disadvantag
es; and, so far as the public is con
cerned, they are not. But they are
serious disadvantages from the pro
tectlon point of view. Such a method
of encouraging domestic industry.
niight, If once It were adopted, ever
lastingly discredit the whole protec
tion theory. That is reason enough
for the shyness which shrewd protec
tionists have heretofore exhibited
toward direct subsidies for industrial
Lately, however, the fat and greedy
beneficiaries of the protective tariff,
nnding no longer any profit for them
selves In that method of taxing Peter
to enrich Paul, have been turning
with favor toward the direct subsidy
system. The first step, the sugar
bounty, was not in the least encour
aging. It was a mistake to begin with
a product like sugar. The purely prl
vate nature of this bounty was too
obvious. For the beginning shipping
bounties are bettor. The people know
but little about the modern shipping
business, but they are ambitious to
uoasi on. a great mercantile navy,
Subsidies for ships, therefore, do not
seem so much as bounties on sugar,
like private gifts, oven if the chief
beneficiaries of the subsidies are to
be the great trust magnates of the
Let ship owners be subsidized out
of the public treasury, and a cry for
similar direct subsidies will go up
from every industry that connot make
the indirect subsidies of the protec
tive tariff serve it. If ships, why not
oxports? European nations, now
cited as examples of ship subsidies,
do subsidize some exports with a
view to commercial Invasion of other
countries. Shall we shrink from
equipping our exporters for that king
of warfare? It .has been seen how
one tariff breeds another. Why shall
not one subsidy breed another?
There is no reason for confining
Subsidies to tho encouragement of
International trade, If it is a good
public policy to subsidize ships for
foreign commerce, it must be n good
policy to subsidize ships nnd railroads
for domestic commerce, if it is a
good policy to subsidize commodities
for export It is a good policy to sub
sidize commodities for home con
sumption. Does anyone doubt, nt
any rate, that these extensions of
subsidies can be urged ns plausibly ns
tho ship subsidy on the grounds of
public policy? If, for example, a
protective tnriff on wool to protect
the American sheep could be made
an issue in national politics, why not
a subsidy on wool, now that the pro
tective tariff fails to protect it?
Protectionists who believe that
protection is a legitimate public pol
icy should make no mistake about the
ship subsidy question. With ship
subsidies for a starting point and pre
cedent, there will be no end to tho
objects vociferously seeking subsidies
and no conceivable end of those get
ting them. But long before the possi
ble end is reached, the whole thing
will strike tho American souse of hu
mor as unspeakably ridiculous, and
the subsidy system, with the pro
tective system, of which it is a part,
will collapse.
Since that Is a consummation the
free traders devoutly wish for, they
might be quizzially asked why they
object to the protection destroying
system of subsidies. It might be
urged that the ship subsidy should be
welcomed by them as an ally. But
free traders are not playing in a
game. They are not opposing protec
tion for sport. They oppose it be
cause, whatever may be the mode of
application, it is in practice destruc
tive to wholesome industry and in
principal eonomically false and mor
ally pernicious.
The subsidy movement is the nor-1
mal culmination of a long era of pro-
tection of tariffs. In that era a few
gigantic trusts, promoted and but
tressed if not caused by protection,
have developed. They hold the fate
of legitimate industry almost at their
mercy, aud threaten even the politi
cal integrity of the republic. They
have perverted the intellectual stand
and of schools and colleges. They
have polluted the moral atmosphere
of the church. They have Insinuated
their influence into newspaper sanc
tums. They have dictated policies
in legislatures, seated their own ser
vants upon the judicial bench, cor
ruption nominating conventions, and
by trick and device diverted the
course of public opinion itself. And
now, glutted with pelf and drunken
with power, they cynically propose
to rob the public, boldly, directly
irom me puouc treasury, as lor a
generation they have been robbing it
stealthily by means of protective
That in doing this they will cause
the whole protection edifice to crum
ble is to be expected. But that much
desired ending of the most absurd
and demoralizing superstition of
economic history, is not a reason for
advocating subsidies as the destruc
tive means. This would, inrlpon. ho
doing evil that good might come.
Much more to the honor of American
intelligence and American sensitive
ness to right and justice' would it be
for American citizenship to condemn
the protective scheme with deliber
ation, than to Jeave it to the fates.
Rather than approve the ship sub
sidy, though In the reasonable hope
that its development would"" expose
tne absurd iniquity of protection and
loosen the grasp of the superstition,
conscientious and intelligent citizens
will demand that the shipping subsi
1 . i i
uy ub conuemneu uecause it Is one
of the forms of that superstition.
Free traders would rather kill protec
tion witn tne club of common sense
or the sword of common justice, than
to help poison It with an overdose
of subsidies, however reconciled they
niight be to seeing it poisoned by its
friends. -Louis F. Post in the Johns
town Democrat.
Remove the
s Herpicide kills
the dandruff germ which
causes falling1 hair, and,
finally, baldness. No other
hair preparation kills the
dandruff germ. Stop dan
druff, there'll be no falling
hair, no baldness.
Dickinson, N. D Nov. 8, M.
nave been iuin ilerplclde, nnl have uh1
.iboutone tninluf a SI bottle, and Und that
It does all, nnd oven more, than you cjalm for
U- It not only cleanws llioKcalpliouidan
rtrttKHml prevents tho hair from ratline out,
but uromoten a ne w growth. Ilavo only ustd
tho quantity mentioned, and havo tnnte hair
on my head than I havehadforycara. InUo
find that it keeps the hair eof t and glossy.
Edwaud Oood.
For Sale at all first-Class Drug Stores.
The East Oregonian Is Eastern Ore
gon's representative paper. It leads.
and the people appreciate It and show
It by their liberal patronaae. It Is the
advertising medium of this section.
I -fj"f Destroy the 1
0 Cause, 1
. Remove the 1
irBal Effect 1
Rheumatism is due to on excess of acid in the
blood. When this escapes through the pores of the
skin, ns it often does, it produces some form of skin
eruption some itching disease like Eczema or
Tetter but when these little tubes or sweat glands
eiwl1nt1t- r1icr1 omnmitf. tn nnirl artA eiirl.lti
chilling of the bod-, tlicu tlie poisons thrown off by tjjtf
the blood, findiutr no outlet, settle in membranes, yjw
""X'nroo yoara ago j. uuu buvhxh Kttacjt oi
la grippo, wnicn loit mo ojjuobc a pnysiotu
wrock. To add to my wretched oondition, a
sovere form or .KnoumatiBin developed, x
tried all tho physicians in oar city, but none
of thorn could do me any pormanont pood. X
used all tho rhoumatio cures I could hoar of,
but rooeivod no benefit. After boerinninir S. S.
S. I was relievod of the pains and have coined
in flash and strength, and my eronoral health
is hotter thou for years. I oonBidor S. S. S.
the grandest blood medicine in tho world,
and hoartlly rocommond it to any one Book
ing: relief from the tortures of Rheumatism.
B. P. GREGORY, Union, S. O."
uuumg uuuuicr uiuuui iu mc iwcuuy weoit ana unpovensnea uiooa. o. a, a,
tains no mineral or uangerous arug ot any Jcina, but is a simple, veg
remedv nnd the most perfect blood purifier known. Send for our book on i
matism and write our physicians if you wish any information or advice. We i
be glad to mail you a book free : we charge nothing whatever for medical ad
Popular Decision
is that the Domestic Laundry is noted
for the superiority of its fcerviee. All
linen laundered there ia done by the
best, lute.it and most perfect methods,
and in in every way the most satis
factory. This is a question of fact that
good dressers will appreciate.
J. F. Robinson, Pro). Pendleton.
and othor building
material including
and Sand.
Wo have a large stock of
for barnB and dwellings.
Oregon Lumber Yard
Alta St., opp. Court House.
You get
Good Beer..
When you drink
Guaranteed not to
cause headache or
Ask for it.
Schultz Brewing Cot
Farmers Custom Mill
Pre Walters, Preprieter.
Oaimolty, 180 brreU a Uj,
Flour exchanged lor whet.
Mill Chopped Feed, eta., aIwiji
hot ; dagger-like, innddeniug pains follow in quick succession, the muscles beei
extremely tender, the nerves break down and the sufferer is soon reduced to a (
of helplessness nnd misery. This acid poison penetrates the joints and seerai
ury out uic nuiuriu ous, uuu uic muia uuu uoua uccome so suu andi
that everv movement is attended with excruciating pains.
Liniments, plasters, electricity and baths, while their use may give tecvpoj
ease, cannot be called cures, for the disease returns with every change of the weatU
S. S. S. cures Rheumatisal
working a complete change
the blood j the acids are neo
ized, the circulation purified i
the rich, ltcaltliy blood tht
carried to the irritated, acl
muscles and joints, 60othesi
heals them. S.S.S. cures Ri
mausm even wnen lnnentejl
Drougnc on Dy tne excessive J
of mercury. Onium. in 11
form, is the basis of nearly
so-called Rheumatic CmJ
wmcu ueaaeu me pain Dot j
not touch the disease nnA l!
to ruinous habits. Alkalies and the potash and mineral remedies so often m
scribed, nffect the tender lining of the stomach and weaken the diccstion
Planing Mill
Lumber Yard,
Buy their stock by the sevJ
carload lots and, thereoi
get the benefit of the
discounts, which enaWI
. m 1
tnem to sell at a very urrol
Lanifcer, Building Pa
Lime, Cement, Brick
Sand, Terra Cotta
or anything in this
get out prices.
Pendleton Planing Mill
Lumber Yard.
R. FORSTER, Proprietor
Not on Pascoj
I still have Farms for 3
BavlngH Bank Building, Pendleton
If You Want td
Buy or Sell
A house
A lot
A farm
A horse
A cow
A Piano
A dog
A wagon
Put an add
classified colui
t the East 0r
' aether Is-B0
areat an '
throuflh the co
of this pap.
Everybody hereabojl
reads.it. J)ont ypH'i