"! 1 ,H I Illll II M HIM III 1 1 POLITICAL WHIRL MRS. SOFFEL WOULD SPARE FAMILY WANTS A CHANGE OF VENUE FOR THAT REASON ATTRACTS. QUAWITY BEGIWEt. ine Ghina Bargains. THINGS POLITICALLY IN ALL" PARTS OF THE STATE X Assertatlon is now Made that Ex-Sen Surprising values in China Ware and Glass Ware, and dishes of all kind. These lines are ihe daintiest and most attractive that has ever been shown in the city. ine Dinner Plates ; $M9 a set. ;: i )C 1,3 s and Saucers to match t .75 a set. ; ; he Dessert Plates " 44 t.OOaset. :: ine Butter Dish 44 4 4 95 each. :: dividual Bulter Dishes 44 45. a set. :: ne Oyster Bowls " 44 .48 a set. " ine Creamers 33c, 38c and 48c each. : : These goods must be cleared out AT VERY LOW PRICES. l.AL.l-. AINU oiili X HJ-.iu. le Alexander Department Store. llj,.i.ltl.i..i 1 1. 1 i i ii i HOW IS YOUR IVI VEK 1? USE Hons and Nervous Disorders, such as Wind and Pain in the Stomach, Sick Headache, ess. Fulness and Swelling alter nieals. Dizziness and Drowsiness, Cold Chills, nir of Heat. Loss of Anoetlte. Shortness of Breath. Costlveness. Blotches on the Skin, bed Sleep, Frlt-htlal Dreams, and all Nervous and Trembling Sensations, fee. Thm Dms wMI mlwm Hmllmf In Tyrmnfy Mlnut mm. a This Is no fiction. Every Lr is earnestly Invited to try one Box of theme Fills, and they will be acknowledged 'WORTH A OUINEA A BOX." mEEGHAm'X flULX, isen as uirctiou, win y restore Females to complete health. They promptly remove any obstruction or Urity of the system. For ik Stomach; Impaired Digestion; Disordered Liver fct like magic a few doses will work wonders upon the Vital Organs ; Strengthen h muscular svstem : restoring the long-lost Complexion : bringing back the keen If appetite, and arousing with the Rmmrnhutl mf HmHh thm wholm Phymtemi by of the human frame. These are "facts" admitted by thousands, in allclasses lety, and one of the best guarantees to the Nervous and Debilitated is that MM ms BSie iiw larsvoi we wm mnj rmmm iawwp aw , Full directions wun eacn dox. ired only by THOMAS BEECHAM, St. Helena, Eng., and 365 Canal St., New York. Everywhere, lit Boxes, W cents sutd 23 cent. T FOR THE BOWELS Bnt a. rcf?ul!ir. heatthr movement of th 3 day, you're 111 or will bo. Keep your , aim ue wen, ruri;c(iii fuu puamui. -wiv rrptll poison, is dangerous, xue bihodid moat perfect way of keeping the bowelf ban is to vuq CANDY CATHARTIC CAMP MEETING FOR PENDLETON 'EM LIKE CANDY I'alatable. Potent. Taate Good. Do Good I), Weaken, or Orlpe, 10, , and 60 cenU rrlte (or free sample, and booklet. oe lrcss fas iHtDT COWAIT, CHICAGO r SEW TOBX. YOUR BLOOD CLEAN pss Makes Business :RTON St COPELAND the Missouri Black- Ith shop have just re- red a new supply of pksmith and wagon jerial, and are putting lother forge. We are prepared to do all is of Carnage and zon work on short :e. All work guar ded. Shoeing a Specialty. .THE. :h Restaurant spiooris iaartBteatn Heated. 25 cent Meals Owelty. EXTRA! fta and CHympi Ojrsteas. . , AYaVd NIGHT Do the People of Pendleton Want It? It Goes to the Highest Bidder. A move is now on foot by the Ad- ventisls to hold their regular annual encampment in Pendleton, which event will be pulled off at whatever point selected, during the month of May. Rev. W. F. Martin, pastor of the AdventiBt colony' at College Place, Wash., was in town last week holding a conference with our business men and looking over the ground with a view to this end. Mr. Martin's idea is that the people of Pendleton who are Interested in the growth and up building of the town should do all in their powr to have the meeting held here, as it will bring in a large crowd of people, and be a good advertise' ment for Pendleton. He wants the citizens to contribute toward the ex pense of entertaining and carrying on the meeting, which would last 10 days and bring 900 or a 1000 visitors and give the town a good advertise ment. The matter is not yet settled, Lockjaw From Cobwebs. Cobwebs put on a cut lately gave a woman lockjaw. Millions know that the best thing to nut on a cut is Bunk. len's Arnica Salve, the infallible heal er or wounas, ulcers, sores, skin erup tions, burns, scalds and piles. It cures or no pay. Only 25c at Tallman & Co.'s. President Roosevelt and his cabl net have decided to withdraw Amerl can troops from Cuba on May 1, the time or the inauguration of the Cu ban officials. ator H. W. Corbett Is Not Averse to the Governatorial Nomination, "and There are Others. The Salem Sentinel, very much alive in times when the political pot is set to boiling, offers the follow ing: "You can fool all the people some, or the time. Simon is for Geer. Geer is for Simon. Simon is for Simon and Qcer. Geer is for Goer and Simon. Simon and Geer are for Simon and Geer. Simon's inends are for Gcnr. Goer's friends are for Simon. Hence it is useless to deny that there is a Simon-Geer combination. You can't fool all the people all the time. It don't require many words to deny the existence of the combina tion, but it will require much stronger proof than hasyet been submitted to convi km the peonlo that this combi nation has not been effected." WOMEN and specially Mother are most competeut to appreciate the Purity, awoetuess, and delicacy of Cdticoiu. Soap, aud to discover new uses Tor it dally, ita remarkable emollient, cleans. aBd purifying properties derived from JOTiccRa, the great alrfn cure and purest of eraoWente, warrant Its usalu preserrfng.pnri. wad balr, and In the form of washes and solu! S25!tor ,cMv weaknesses, onnoylug SJS,BHn? c&flnK' 400 fre. or oaenslve perspiration, and for many sanative purposes WWoh readily surest IheiBselres. 4 Hf.1ny of the above conditions, gentle The above is good reading and it is to the point so close that It is the truth. Simon is crying "thumbs up" to Geer. The Oresoinan sticks a pin here: "Senator Simon is coming homo. He seems to need himself here." the few gu- Considerable has been said in state press during the past months relative to the possible bernatonal candidacy of Hon. K, Corbett, remarks the Salem Sentinel Even the Simen-Geer papers have looked upon it with favor. No denial has ever been made by Mr. Corbett or any of his friends that such a thing was among the probabilities. As convention time approaches more and more is being said on this sub ject and in Portland the conclusion seems to be that Mr. Corbett would not be adverse to the nomination. The Medford Enquirer gives nine teen good reasons why Geer should be neither re-nominated or re-elected. J. R. Whitney, of Albany, is a prominent candidate for state print er. W. S. Dunniway, of Portland, will also be in the race. W. J. Clarke, of Gervais, is in the fight, as is also E. L. Porter, of Oregon City, and there is Edward Everett Young of Baker City, last but not least. The democratic central committee for Marion county has fixed the date for the primaries for Saturday, April otn. The Pittsburg Jail. Warden Soffel. Mrs. Soffel. Mrs. Stoffel, who gave up everything In life for the brief companionship of tho depraved Biddlo brothers, Is anxious to make what amends she ca for her crime by shielding her husband and children from any further shame In the deplorable matter. For this reason she is striving to obtain a change of venue, on the grounds that she would spare her kin the disgrace of the court proceedings. There is, however, but little possibility of her request being granted on these grounds. An interesting contest is being waged over the nomination for the office of governor of Oregon. The po sition is -worth going for, not for the money there is in it legitimately and no man who is a candidate would use the office to gain a dollar by any dishonest or doubtful indirec tionbut for the honor, the prestige, it gives a man in his state. It is a "proud position," and Is becoming more and more so. Telegram. Sel ling supplies to a state institution of whose auditing board he is the chairman is one of the strong points urgea against Geer. This comes under the head of "doubtful Indirec tion." Salem Sentinel. And there is Plummer's receipt staring him in the face and his defense of the "lnmi trust" to be credited to him. Gov- ernor Geer is not like Caesar's wife. There is an opinion that Sylvester Pennoyer will be the democratic can didate tor supreme JudKe. This would be, what is sometimes called, a political chestunt. Governor Geer is censured in different parts of the state for his al liance with Senator Simon. This is mostly talk of anti-Simon men. Geer's friends are well aware that without Simon's help Geer would not stand a ghost of a show. Woodhm-n Independent. Every Simon man In Marion countv favors the renomination of Geer. says the Dalles Chronicle, but Simon is so cordially hated by the majority of the voters that the support of his inenas is a hindrance to Geer's aspi rations rather than a heln. Hence tne btatesman, a Geer orcran. 1b mak lng efforts to prove that there is no 1 . 1 A.I . vuiuui Minion ueiween tne erovernor and tho senator. TIipro WV-M v- uuns .are anytning but comnlimen. tary to Simon whose support tho gov ernor is alleged to have purchased at tne price or the veto of the Portland charter bill, but be that as it may, no one familiar with tho situation will have the hardihood to denv that C no'ti mnln 1. n . i . v.v.v, a uiaiu uuj)o iur fenominaiion and his only hope lies in the sue cess of Simon in Multnomah county. Baker County Politic. The opinion of politicians in Baker county is that that cpunty WJ1I go democratic at the June election this year, particularly bo pn ' the county ticket. This is not surprising In view of the political record of the county for the past 40 years. The ticket was divided in the last county election, a portion of the candidates on both tickets being elected. There has been a change In the county since then. The "Panhandle" district, which was formerly a portion of Union county, has been added to Baker county, thus increasing the voting population by several hundred, a large majority of whom are known to be democrats. Under ordinary conditions this in sures the county to the democrats if they make no mistake in the selec tion of candidates. The present democratic officials are practically sure of renomination. County Judge Travillion, Recorder James 'and Assessor Jeff have all made enviable records from a party standpoint, and as they are practi cally sure of renomination, it goes without saying that if the party is successful ai.the polls they will bo elected. The fact that the conditions at the present time seem to favor the demo crats locally does not mean that the republicans will let the election go by default. They will put up a good ticktt, and the fight on their part will be for first place. So far as the legislative ticket is concerned, tho indicatlins are that the republicans will center their efforts in that direc tion, and try to wrest senator and representative from the democrats, --Hi In view of tho fnrt Hint Iint' the senator and representative are to be elected jointly with two other coun ties, the republicans have hopes of success, although at the last election the democrats won. So far as the casual observer is able to judge Mr. Moody's friends in Baker county have the whip hand in the fight, but the men opposing him are not novices in politics, and it is not exactly safe to predict the re sult thus early. Situation In Harney County. In Harney county the political sit uation is somewhat mixed. The re publicans will have the hardest fight in their convention, the way things now stand, as two years ago there was considerable strife over the re presentative, and it was the cause of several men on the republican ticket meeting defeat. This has caused hard feelings among republican voters in some localities, and it is ascerted that certain members of the party traded the county ticket to the democrats for democrat support of the republl can nominee for representative. There Is good reason to belieyo this, for this Is a democratic county by about 100 majority, and at the last election there were three nominees for representative democratic, re publican and independent republican: so it would be' natural to think the democrat would be tho one elected, but when the votes were counted the republican nominee was found to be elected and what led up to this re sult has been the subject of consider able contention which may have its effect at the polls in June next, THE TWO CANAL PROJECTS. The homliest man in Pendleton as well as the handsomest, aad others we invited to call on ay druggist ad get free a trial bottle of Kea's BsJesa for tne throat sad lungs, rested? that Is tuarriteed to care and relieve all chromic and acute eeaghs, astasia, bronchitis and consumption. mce zee asa sua ror sale by Talv , a . . . w m jo., soie agents. The Transcontinental Railroads Are Succeeding In Continuing Discus sion. L, D. Sale writes to the East Ore gonian from Washington as follows, under date of February 2G: "The friends of the Nicaragua and Panama canal routes are still harping on the difficulties to be met with In the construction of a tunnel. As far as the Isthmian canal commission Is concerned It is an undisputed fact that j not a single member of It has been near the lino of the proposed tunnel, and therefore cannot know of what the rock is composed. George S. Lee, a distinguished mining engineer, and who has had great experience in works of importance in Central Amor ica and California, says that the pro posed tunnel on tho Mandingo line is the easiest part of the work to be done. "Mr. Lee testified before the senate committee on lnteroceanlc canals few days ago. The friends of the Man dingo route strenuously deny that they are obstructionists, as Ib asserted by come of the over-zealous champions of other lines. They still cling to their original statements, that the tunnel and the Mandingo route can be built in one-half the time that it will tako to complete the Panama route, and In one-third of tho time that It will tako to construct the Nicaragua line. In stead of the tunnel costing $22,500,000 per mile as has been publicly stated a number of tho most able contractors in the country have offered to do tho work for 17,250,000 per mile. "The men who make these offers arc not theorists or pessimists or men who have never seen the work, but responsible gentlemen who are willing to put up a guarantee of $10,000,000 In United StateB bonds In the way of good faith, and to show their confl deuce in the practicability of the en terprise. If they fail to do tho work within the specified time, and for tho -money agreed upon, they obligate themselves to pay forfeit. When Buch men as Professor Hopkins, Angus Mc- Dougall and Charles S, Sweet nut themselves on record as saying that the Mandingo hill Is granite, it would seem to bq the height of folly for any one who has not given tho ground a closer inspection than the opponents of a tunnel have done to maintain that It is a volcanic heap of ashes, As com pared with tho great cut on the Pan ama canal the Mandingo tunnel is simply a small affair," Avoid all drying inhalants and use that which cleanses and heals tho membrane. Ely's Cream Balm Is such a remedy and cures Catarrh easily and pleasantly. Cold in the hoad vanishes quickly. Price 50 cents at druggists or by mail. Catarrh caused difficulty In speak ing and to a great extent loss of hear ing. By the use of Ely's Cream Balm dropping pf mucus has ceased, voice and hearing have greatly improved, J. W. Davidson, attorney at law, Mon mouth, 111, True. The occasional ad is one of the vsrr best methods by which to squander money. Continuous advertlsissr. oa the other hand, will bring aaple re turns for the mosey Invested. lug- gestloss. For Sale! Eight lots with dwelling and barn, $3,000 House has seven rooms, bath, cellar and wood house, city water", hard finished on stone foundation. Also four lots and new cottage, $1,250 Two lots and house, $i,ooo, part cash, reasonable time on balance, or will sell on installments. See FRANK B. CLOPTON, 8i'7 Main Street. 1. jU. Ray & Co., Buy and sell Stoclca, Bonds and Grain for cash or on margins. New York Atock Exchsage. Chicago Stock Exchange. Chkage Beard ef Trade. tart fat!-, Padl(aa, Or, Where are You Going? To The New Lumber Yard to buy nice, new clean, bright lumber. Gray's Harbor Commercial Co,, opposite the W. & C. R, depot PENDLETON, OREGON, W. J. SEWELL, ; ? : Manage 3 I