East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 01, 1902, Image 2

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One Price Clothier?, Furnishers and Hatters, Pend-'ctm
sce November last. R. W.
Vat, formerly a stuuent 01 ftismcru
vmiwrsuy. a sou ui t.nr ran- "t
4 . 1 T . . lAtA I .Atlf 1
1'effte. assistant, surgeon general of
tkeXTnited States armv. has !een
imsnng. Every effort has been made
to torate him .but wlthen'. result.
a the death of Dr. John Pouta a1
is avsidence in New York City, tho
lat at the fonr sons of Junius Brutus
Itoaffi, the elder, passed away. !
3Jaeh was a younger brother of Fd
xrin. Junius Bnitits. Jr.. and John
SEI&es Dootli. He lived a quit: lire.
EJvard Tucker, a wealthy Boston
15, Sas decided to defray th entire
BQWiser of the establishment of a
iree American hospital In i'a-1
Tliir hospital is to be named the
TnrcMiu hospital, and 'besides being
upou the latest American moJuJ
wlH be managed entirel- by Amer?
43tn nnrses and physicians.
Xlin and Greek as taught in the
jfelgh schools of the country came Tip
lor discussion in the last day's ses
sion of the convention of the depsrt-
aeat of superintendents of the Xn
"tiaial Educational associations ai
Chicago. Tbf- languages wen brand-
B is "baby Latin and Gr3, ' and
trcre described as sanctified rel? by
Stsalej- Hall, jiresidcnt of v!!.m: nni-
Tl5 central commits of Gilliam
rmaiy. will meet in Coadoa. Mr.rrh
S lo get the dates for the republican
jstearies and county convention.
Mst. M. A. Cannon, a prominent and
Tspxlar society woman, daughter or
Sat D. P. Mason, died su-tdeul ft
3ear trouble it bar home i Albany
5b proposition to mov? ihe N'ouh
sa Pacific division terminals at Rl
Ueasinrs to Cle Elura. 55 miles west.
Urss not been abandoned by the offi
3ali af the road.
Bowen. of Baker City, a plumb
er Bed a petition in bankruptcy in
4&e United ' States court in
Xmtttnd. His HabUiUs auom t o
JSSETJ)!: assest. $75.
"STue democratic central committee
iBtaiorrow county meets in Heppne
n 3farch S to name the dates on
fekh to hold the primaries and the
casnty convention.
Tfamas D. Wright, a newspaper
aaia: well known througltout Montana
ss adjudged insane at Great Falls
aafl ordered committed to the as.-lttia.
-as recently
Sarjruts two checks.
arrateo fnr
Ab W. Purdom. one of AlbanV.
wrs citixens, died at bis home formation wbioh infiuen-ej cur mova-' Aa of the West,
'I Wednesday, af,r a Tlasertng nwnts was not whoMv inaccurate 1 1 ease
f: ,He was, bo n Van Buren always came to whore the ltisur-' ls e iuture with preph&Ue avo
warty. Iowa August 2S. i42. and Sms had been but nevar where tbex ' ad Ppneuc sye.
3iv most of his life Sn Aibany. ere. and at the end of it U thw' ThQ
Tlx Linn countv deat.-at Was ""'v,111? SDcta,I of the .8e.0p! 1 se
tnrt committer named Aj.rii 2. at i,iL E, v horse,s t0 ah0lT owri M &ais and it does not took
for.the counv convention and 1 ta-ve a,ways K a aspect Lo: for 1
amended 'Saturday.' ft'-arch" ftffiemter" UUt WbeE 1 r' ' ShUng ,n the bal(i bead'
fin-Jr J'1113 except In W-Cla25 !n t fepreSttlliJ' whp 1 ed , ?w 81 ths and usiag mv
That date be name lato:g;S.?n5 Ul?,S fia,d'.to the .Noek for a pully-belt! AIm'
- aabscrintinn, . , ilSJf to PsterIy tabouiSVO Excuse these tears!
jf?pT,, fufU ko'J y respect dMa5 almost to Pr now
- Astoria for the aid of the veneration. Stephen lnmtl In I must ...r .v
men and chi dro-. in Som!,5'ier Wkly. ot..l i 1 .JK-d in the mlerpbe
concentration camps are rom-
i 2a3uiX( rapidly anj Ow- indica-
, ! ,at ibat fuUf lglJ vWibe se-
U .""T- , :
spending thP nli .wK:i04
-tmmtm at vtp&tvit. 3. O. Stonebum-'
'Sb.. wt, wettncsWr morhfr. cf-.v "
S e 'UmMHne taafib;
J3rf W taaritieS arC
w those of
,L tae .BorfesU
!M" Vk not
,m .
V erected '
i?lj a clock, anda iMy
LifHTf aaa .W 1 flo base
m.HUIMr lQTA.1l .lull. - I-. F.
.-- -. m vre ;y iwo . r
ngf the fiitc-,11 lads ahnv ,u " ; 'aut.iu5 "e
Prsoaam--t.inr rt,...! iiv th tTi?as. ."vr f as? ..LtJld I
- -fclW iif I'M 5t.-..J. J -J-V.. ' ...
, . . . .
Stephen Sonsal in Colliers o ntne
surgent's Meti crts.
Only one of our men wounded and j
just as I appear on the senj with my
trunk and my saddle tw doct jr ri'ies
in with the glad news that he will
probably pull through. Among the
fort dead insurufiu: left
upon the field there wpr a man with
a strangely familia face whomt
everybody recognize! but no one
couia name, ue wore amigo ciotiios,
ana tney carried mm a a nuer two
miles back to Bauan. where he was
recognized as one of tV leader mn
or the place, a merchant warn sev-'
era! hundred thousanl -iollars He
was such a friend to -h- Americans
that he had been allowed consider-
anie lioeny. umy a vwk neiore ae (
had gone to Manila on business, as,
io nrniocicH lmt nc it nmc uniun -
to see the secret junta and vas car-
rying information to tue insiirjeots
in the field when forti'iistoly Hart
mann strnrfc th hsnrt This littio in. i
cidont. to my mind, sheds more lii-lit '
on the methods and the meansv
which the insurgents carry on rn'e j
war than all the official folios and re-:
pons that have been published. j
Tat was a busy nighi in Baiatgas.
General Sumner snf in th tfinp-anh
office until midnight sendins; and
C!VlaC despatches -,rhirh chnwoil
that Mslvar was on the move. The
only satisfactory feature of the situ -
ation was that he saeme-i -o be mov -
ing in every direction at once I
had hardly shaken hands with Fas-Iln
sett just back from his daring i
marcn tnrough Mindoro w
hen the'
souerai sent mm on ana he .d can-
uuuv uiiu ui ddU .u.mihi
j. i
peared in the brush jus: as he used
to do in Cuba. At ten o'clock insur-i
gem nres were ngnted vn the moun-
wins Demno tne town and Boman
candles were sent up as signals from
mountain-top to mountain-top. I
rather thnnr-ht th 1t,3..., . 1
taking notice of my arrival, they hav-j
ing shot up the town only six "weeks
before in honor or Judge Taft anil his !
civil government, but soon the wires
brought in news that similar fire-1
works were being displawd at Tan! !
Lipa, and San Jose; so. whatever i
eise it was. candor comils me to say i
that it was not a personal tribute !
The general sent out detachment af- j
ter detachment through thr niht
and at last, when day is dawning' i "'cn. once beat high and triumph
something definite as to the ir.sur-,ant with the springing bound of an!
feuui, concentration is . ascertained
and young Heinzolman and half his
troop starts out across the country to
San Pablo with lnform&tfou that "can-i!n
not be trusted to the wire and wel-!
eome orders for nnlnni
.wm w
This is simply . the beginning, and -
as far as results nn j ...
v.. .. v"ul-c:";i. ine
Ml u ween .November 11 to IS
Of feverish activitv nn :
men in Batanns' rH.to aA0
' ..
Renge I
the Girl's Grav,.
:. . " -"uub B'ven
- u,ueontCUI.. Nt.v WImh u.'-lorf.
AT.i .7" 1. " . onn wrt lS-irtar-
5uiBr Jussie. He hari
. flf f.Len hoys and rfris h
rnT"",n", "en teacher!
Da: r.7w"" 'WnfesSd. Mr.
juttiif. i earl nir -nr
j-.. . ,iue ot nisi
ttnoirsfi,A" - ntl
tDlp RoWuaon boy be'fi
Justice. '
v To curb crjp m, ,
T. - . '
!-YS '
- r . ...
urn a
-Jwnle of jjX: eninc rnKW traeat.,
- mTMmm"mTT " MMB
on the Wild Horse Road
that May Call for Damages, from j
County .hJuoilcY In' favor or his mother in the
Tlie Adams Advance supplies w .- . . Insurall00 company of
Oreconlan witn me n""""""
I Born. Tuesday. 2S. 1902, to Mr. ard
Mrs. H. L. Chlttenflan. of this city,
a 10 pound son.
I George Perlnger. or PendeUra. was
' in town Thursday. He had been
. looking over his prospects tor a crop
this vear. Every thin? is all right on
; his reservation land, but his wheat
' near Helix is hurt some.
' August Arp has carpenters at work
this week bonding a 24-foot extension
on his saloon building, when com
pleted the Kentucky IJcjuor HonseJ
i Will pe mucii mure oiuvouioui
j accommodation of the customers of
j thl popular resort.
' David Ashbaugh. a vell known pi
neer of Umatilla county, residing
... . i. fnr- fhs
two and a half miles southeast al
HpIIv has been confined to his be i
j for the past week as the result of a j
! fall. He is now getting alons nicely!
and hopes soon to be around agaii:.
On Tuesday evening Fred Peterson,
j residing on J. H. Ferguson's ranch
load of wood, at the narrow place in
-..'the road just below the city limits
'iv . bis team became unruly and went
j over the grade. The wagon was over- 0 dandruff, and to stop falling hair. 1
n-jturned and Peterson now lies at j xewbro's Herpicide will positively
i home in a helpless condition. ForSdestrov that eenn. so that there can:
a while it was thought his shoulder
had been broken. His back is injured
and his left arm and shoulder are
useless. He cannot raise his arm j
from the bed. In fact, he has to be J
helped to move himself in bed any ,
way. The wagon only turned ovrj
partly, or we would have his deaths
A,lt?AT1Me nTT
, r
iownll Olus Reese on the Recent !
Hair Cuttia 0rdsr. j
Indians ;
" d r nr . Indians
' J-0'
The Poor Indian.
inr. ,
Have the fresh winds of be 7rr.. !
grown prairies .sung sweet melodies
i my flowing locks and lulled toi
sleeP th? gentle louse and the bash-;
ful fle3 where brush nor comb ne'er i
Passed amid the jungle? of my tang-1
lcd na""- ;
Am ol--"e uunter tajes. 1.0 of.
tle scalping knife and the anueate :
re-ffor d5 meat-
, Fierce j
. lld tnlns have been written and j
! sa!a f mJ dlful deeds in the days i
fof old when over the waste of aifcili l
I chased the long haired tenderfoot ;
tue frank endeavor to get him a j
Free- Do you hear my plaintive
COW nntn tho coil cJ
' i. i nil ul
a "e-sicK coyote singing a madrigal
'?w and sweet from the windward
La,ue "l " "s Pn wun the moon f
In ine mystic west hke the i
e-ve tear-dimmed with the mourning
-BiU as she weaps for the long-deaJ
Wureeee-eeeeeee !
Mt Vni!?P whinh
mounta,ns t0 Ko-tow and tremble like
a cnrntc jag m a hurricane, now
slicks j my teeth and jingles mv
nose tUI my ears ter. My
i Biepe scorching the plains with
' four or five arrows sticking into his
dark meat- now thumps and rattlec
m-r hollow breast like a dead
mouse a tomato can.
I besin to rpnlf rh o ,
- - -u nuuuD-
ing howling.
r)eoa of the West,
I nm hncoH Knn. . '
" . -mj more.
lu Bra" niy sealp lock whh a raost
er's tntl ana cyvnr.r
scaW .. Z Jl'.i" e
aa.ion h.r I TY1 c,v-
i weep; ior
I.wittr ...
m0 ..-.n . ; 1P-ock, vuil
o.knah win
'ffltons of a princelr rr4
I aa ebodr mJTZ.
Alas! I am "
The Poor Indian
hZhe Mwl ad Is one of the very
best methods by whih IS?
money. Continuous adreMr 0I
the other hand, will hHain' on
. JACK wuoj.n.w
; rroot oj uhu. r-u....o..vM .
In Favor of Mother.
Jack Wade carried an Insurance
jiewmls. on which tl
there is $103 due.
an the company has written Sheriff
Fraaler. says the Porttand Oregoninn.
requesting him to have blanks show
inc the proof of Wade"s death filled
out and returned. This has been
In tlie line following the printed
words, "cause of death." was written
"strangulation, logal ixeeution for
murder": "duration of iliness. "nine
minutes"; "place of death." ' jail
vard"r "attending uhysk ian." "Harry
F. McKay."
The blank as completed, is probaMv ;
a very nnnsual one In life insurance
circles. '
Newbro's Herpicide Destroys the Dan
druff Germ Permanently and Cures
Quinine and rum and-a whole lot
j 0f other things are pleasant to rub
on ta scalp after washing it free of
i e general run cures dandruff and
j falling hair. It is necessary to kill
fhat semi to be permanently cured ,
j ue n0 more dandruff, and so that ,
i the hair will grow luxuriantly. "De-'
stroy the cause and you remove the
Saved her Child's Life. !
.., thr(10 ,.- ..r ph,.hhv mtle
& b paeumonia al-,
most t0 a skeleton, writes iiirs.
Watkins. of Pleasant City, O. "Ai
firrihle counh set in. thaL in sDite of.
a good doctor's treatment for sever-'
al eeks. grew worse every day. Te
then used Dr.-King's New Discoverv!
for Consumption, and our darling was
0011 E0Und and weU- Ve are sure
ffiedicIne saTed his life."
' Millions know it's the only sure cure
for Coughs, Colds and all lung diseas-!
es. uauman a; co. guarantee saus-,
Action. 50c, ?1.00. Trial bottles
Massachusetts to License Cats. j
A bill now before the Massachusetts 1
legislature requires the licensing of
cats. The fee is fixed at 50 cents, and j
it is provided that any one who shall
keep a cat contrary to the provisions j
nf thp nit Khali hr finwi ss nnp-hnif
to go to the informer and one-half
t0 the citv or tn-.vn trpciirv Ttoriroon
July 1 and 10 nf each vear the chief
executive of each city or town is re-
quired to issue warrants for the exe-
cution of all unlicensed felines.
Bucklin's Arnica Salve.
. ,
"--J- xuuat liuuuus cuiu-
Timing : -.. , , . ,
't ,.,, , " l" u""'uei
J p;Ic ouret , . fleais.
. T p,.::'
. ' " I,,; 7' ."T "l
f5 anuall-v" , orka wonders
retons, iKin .rnp-'
mv Sn
i -" "v
Tnllmnn X- fn't ,1 .-, c
ww. v.. BKViKZ
When you are
Everyone speaks well of
you'- When j'ou are very
much alive some speak
ill. If anyone speaks ill
of us its because we are
One thing is certain
you get better groceries
for less monev when 3'ou
buy of b S. Younger &
Don't believe the knock,
ors; try them for your
selves; order of
. 'i
and ret vour lmoria
delivered promptly.
For Health. Slrenh
Measure Drink :::::::
Polydore Moens, Propriefon
Premium Hams
and Bacon. . . .
Onion Sets, Gar
den Seeds
Saratoga Chips,
etc.. etc.. etc. .
Martin Familr Grocery and Bakery,
Main St Next to Joe Basler's.
- . t -i
! We Are Cleaning Otrf...
Our Winter Cartwts to mie room for our ew
Spring Ssoet -i! s a sweepiu? reduction m
prices, too. andtb.3 wise housekeeper will do
well to tuts a-lviiutas? of them. Come now
and make vour selection of Lace Curtains,
ortiers. Riiss, pic Ciosinff out an elegant
line of Hope yortiers, Jla:tmj and Wail I'uper.
Sewing Machines of All Kinds
Tmrnf r4 "PerU tt
-tnipOrteO JTZrCIlZrOlL
' Mailstone, Eoyal standard Xo. 14757)
Knf ull Shim mnt it'innur if ftraf
, ' w ..v..., ,.U1V. ... . -
! prize ingusti Koyai sture, weignt
over aXHJ pounds.
, MaUbtone Eoval, bov Vol. XXII, E.:H.
' B.,3 years old, weight about lbOO
pounui ' h
, rieu:njaua iemia. io. . m .
- T,' . ' ,
H.. 4 vearsnld. -weifht Iftfifl nniiride
I 1 " ' .......
: i These are all grandsons of the noted
, Herald ( 3703 j
Also a consigumeiit at eattle, Wash.
' A.V e guarantee them as represented and
: commercial otauiea. JfenOleton CAR5TEN BROS., inPORTINO CO.
' P. R. HII I . nrnurer.
- 2C.B. You all know Caraten Bros.,
I . r.l iUhi ki i ixi
7"-" --W gonian f or a fre
; alogte of them. A foil supply always kept in stock. ,
j$3 00 per Daj and Upwards.
fo tourUU and comr;r-r
.. . i-i uavciera.
OF feasiness has struck us this
winter which shows tke su
periority of oxst goods at low
A whirlwind of prices is now
on to last until our new store in
j the La Foantaine building is
; ready for as.
We have just received a fresh
lot of Walla Walla Butter Crackers.
One of our artistic, handsome and8
efficient cooking ranges, the pride ol
. t v . . ''A
the housekeeper s neari. uur rangejij
are guaranteed to BAKE and BURN'
right. I;RICES LOW. Wo.uld Hkel
tn chnw them to vou. II
Thompson Hardware Co1
631 Main Street, Phone Main 81
n A Q faffrfnrtC
dU3 kDUlY& Oia.lllQXlS.
Baisjaly (44094) F. B. Jso. 276M, A. BJ
linrtr irrov mu 3 vson urlorht. oh
&V I v J '
1W0 pounds.
Argentia, (43270) F. B. No. 27607, AJBv
dark grey, 5 years old, weignt li
Leveque 45433) F. B. No. 27601, A. B.1
black, a 3'ears oia, weignt Iioujds.
ni.. joirm w t -.- ocmtt a tj
iuiluu. (lotoui J. i). liu.auii .a., jj,
n. .u i, '..i m-n
black, 2 years old, weight about 1650
pounds. , ' - v. I
Boniface (43259fF. B. K&.-3?Q09, A.B.J
4 years old, weight ntxiut liw ids.
The StalliotiB are a cood soond lot
as breeders. Coine and Bee then At Ji
wholesale butchuxB of Seattle, Wash.,!
lv k. vy nie uie use
Finest Hotel
In the pacific
"P'6 vtsmng Portland. Heatfa
u r,... -r.
1 i