East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 01, 1902, Image 1

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    i, i - - .- 11
Will be dollvyrod nt your reslilonco
or plcc of business by currier nt
"VOL. 15.
I Tonigh tand Sunday fair. I
NO. 4871
R 1
ffif AT THE
Allegheny, Monongahela and
Schuylkill on a Tear. -
Thousands of Men Thrown Out of j
Work on Account of Floods and i
Railroad Service Practically Aban-1
doned Hundreds of Thousands of
Dollars of Property Destroyed.
Pittsburg, March 1. Allegheny and
Monongahela rivers continue to
rise. All of the cellars and basements
along, the river front are flooded. The
tracks are many feet under water.
The mills along the river near Alle-
gheny have been forced to close.
Floods on the Allegheny.
Pittsburg, March 1 The following
Is a warning bulletin received from
Templeton, 55 miles above Pittsburg,
on the Allegheny: "Prepare for a
big flood. Allegheny is overflowing
its banks. The river is rising rapid
ly. River is full of ice. Wrecked
boats loaded with lumber, are sweep
ing past here. Several bridges have
been carried away. Household effects
and wrecked buildings are passing,
which indicate much destruction
Excitement in Pittsburg.
Pittsburg, March 1. Excitement in
this city was further increased by the
announcement this morning, by the
weather forecaster that the river
wouia rise 10 at) reel, xnis wouiu
eclipse all previous floods and cause
Inestimable damage. Already 10,000
men are in idleness on account of
many mills and factories being flood
ed. All the street car lines between
Pittsburg and Allegheny are shut off
by the high water. Other street car
lines, traversing the low lying dis
tricts have been compelled to abandon
Great Damage in Lackawana Valley.
Scranton, Pa March 1. The most
damaging flood in the Lackawana
Valley swept this region yesterday
and last night and this morning, the
territory along the Lackawana river
presenting- a de;-- - . aspect. All
railroad communi ,i is cut off.
Gfeadnjaiage to vty has been
doneragTheresiden; .ilong the river
Li w- uvu ueu iu Lilt inuui auuuuuo
of thecity.
"(The Schuylkill on a Tear.
Philadelphia, March 1. The most
disastrous flood in years on the
Schuylkill river, said to be on its way
dpwn the entire 'length of the stream,
iccu;red last night and this morning,
dtAtfte .hundreds of thousands of dol
lars Worth of damage. Thus far only
one ife Is reported lost. The river
expanded to twice its width, but this
morning began to fall. Only meager
information has been received from
other itowns along the river as tele
graph jand telephone wires are down.
In thlA city the water swept back for
three blocks, inundating tracks and
tearing Hp manufacturing plants. The
railway service In this city is practi
cally abandoned. Thousands of tons
of coal in barges has been swept clown
the rlyer and a number of lumber
yards Were entirely washed away.
Flood Subsiding.
Cumberland, Md., March 1. The
floodthejre is subsiding and all danger
le practically ovor.
Floods in Sacramento Valley.
Sacramento, March 1. The Sacra
monto'lfjver is 28 feet abovo high
water, equally as high as any time
uat year, and is still rising. There Is
wo feQt of water over the Southern
acificj tracks. At Marcus, a mile of
rack 68 washed out. At Curtis tracks
ore Iltiioded avd also thorn In a wnsh.
Is flnncrnr rif nvordnwlni'
In the;cIty. but the water is running
?Ver il'e lovees near Freoport. There
m UfcU break in thn lncnlltv nt Innt
break. Thousands of acres in
and Yolo counties, are under
in which colored residents predomi
nate, has sent 366 colored persons to
New York, Texas, 713 and Alabama, ,
1)30. The increase of colored popula-
, tion, however, is only through Imini-
j gration, for though the birth rate is
EX-SECRETARY GAGE fairly high, the colored death rate is
A TRUST PRESIDENT 1 unduly so.
' Census Bureau Statistics.
From statistics issued from the
eei.sus bureau, It appears that work
men employed in Brooklyn manufac
turing establishments are earning
less ner annum than ten yenrs ago,
-Not since an( aB everyone knows, the cost of
Venezuelan living is higher. In 1900 there were
1 w b
Drop In Southern California.
"V',n nirsnnnnrnfi nfr thn nnnt T
ralllngfhere and north. It probably
II nut breach the aouthnrn nnrt At
Inc. u-i2j
Mlogfstone in Constantinople.
Constantinople, March 1. -Miss
tone arrived here this .morning and
mediately canea on the American
Celebrates the Silver Anniversary of
the Pope; Census Statistics Prove
that Certain Workmen are Earning
Less per Man than Ten Years Ago.
New York, March 1
Cleveland nenned his
i.. iqos .aUnnHni 100,881 workmen in the
, , , , manufactories, who earned ?51,107,-
act caused so much excitement in 6f)4 an nverage of ?50G.G1 each year.
Wall street as did the announcement 1,. xsno there were 9-i,2 wc'nen
that the United States government wi,0 earned $51,017,300, an average
would take action against the merger Gf $553.21 each a year. This is not
of the Great Northern and Northern a Very bouyant statement. Brooklyn
Pacific into the Northern Securities nas gained 130 new manufacturing
company, at the instance of President enterprises in ten years and has in-
Roosevelt, and it is doubtful if any creased over 07 per cent In manufac-
man in the country could be mor.e un- turing capital.
popular than was Mr. Koosevelt in
Wall street on the day that the news I The Patriok Murder Case
was made public. All sorts of cri-! The Patrick murder case, with all
ticisms were advanced and some are its sensational developments, and
yet being discussed. Some said the whl-h Is being drawn out to an un
president was playing politics and expected length, has never absorbed
disturbing the business of the coun-1 as large a share of public, interest as
try; others accused him of pandering the Brooks murder. The interest in
to western anti-monopoly sentiment, , the Brooks case naturally centers in
while still others thought that he was un attractive young woman connected
trying to divert attention from the with the unfortunate affair. The Pat
Schley verdict. Very few, however, I ric case lacks the feminine element
think that he did a wise thing and j neoeKsary for a criminal sensation of
that it would have been better policy . the first water. That was a murder
to wait until the supreme court of ; if it is proved to be a murder pure-
Reported by I. L. Ray & Co., Pendle
ton, Chicago Board of Trade and
New York Stock Exchange Broker.
New York, March 1. There was
nothing doing in x wheat today, the
opening and closing being at the same
I mark. There has been a good trade
Train' Delayed by a Freight Wreck ln the coarse grains during the week,
But Henry Makes Time by Riding corn being up 3 cents, while wheat is
Minnesota had rendered a decision in
the case.
Gage Will be President.
Wall street is also discussing tho
rumor that ex-Secretary of the Treas
ury Gage has reconsidered his inten
tion of returning to Chicago and will
become president of the United
Trust company, one of the most im
portant financial institutions in the
Street It has become almost nn un
written law In politics that no secre
tary of the treasury shall be appoint
ed from this city, the reason being
the popular suspicion and fear of the
Wall street influences, but while sec
retaries are not generally appointed
from this city, they usually come here
after they leave office, as may be
shown in the case of William Wln
dom, Mr. Folgor, Mr. Manning and
Silver Anniversary.
In both Manhattan and Brooklyn
the Catholic churches are making
elaborate arrangements to celebrate
the silver anniversary of Popo Leo
XIII., which will occur two days
hence. A pilgrimage of clergy and
laymen to Rome Is being planned by
Bishop McDonnell, of Brooklyn, in
furthor celebration of tho pope's jubi
lee. Colored People of New York.
There are 60,000 eolored inhabi
tants in Now York City and the ex
cess of colored women ovor colored
men as shown by the last Federal
census Is 6,000, The overwhelming
majority aro not natives of (this state,
but come from the south. The great
bulk .of thom come from Virginia,
Maryland, North and South .Carolina,
Georgia and Missouri. Mississippi,
ly for money. But here is a very
young girl arrested for murdering a
man who refused to marry her. Her
coolness under arrest and her calm
denial of guilt in the face of police
evidence, have certainly augmented
public curiosity concerning the mor
al and intellectual calibre of the girl
capable of planning and executing
such a deed, and 'then holding her
self with all the self-poise of assured
Fifth Snow Slide Has Occurred at
Denver, March 1. Meager advices
from Tellurlde say the fifth snow slide
has occurred there this morning.
Though they caused no deaths, they
prevented resumption of work of res
cuing the victims of yesterday's dread
ful slide. It Is estimated now that
24 were killed in the slide yesterday.
Fourteen of those snowed under wore
rescued. Snow slides are reported
from many sections of Colorado to
day. One man was killed at tho Sher
man mine and a second slide occur
red a tOuray, killing ono and fatally
injuring three others.
Rebellion Again ln China.
Washington, March 1. The follow
ing was received by the' state depart
ment this afternoon from the United
States copbuI at Canton? "A rebellion
has broken out nt Nannlng, in tho
province of Kwang, At tho request of
the governor of tho province mission
aries wore ordered by me to leave
immediately, under a pledged escort,
to be taken to Wu Chow. Details will
be aont later." 1
in an Engine Cab, Which He Says
Was a Delightful Experience.
Portage, Pa., March 1. Prince
Henry's special is held here by a
f freight wreck, two miles west of this
place, and the railroad people are un
able 'to say when he will be able to
get away. The prince left his car for
a short walk and was approached by
a shabbily-dressed man, but the secret
service man kept the stranger away.
The Prince Passes Johnstown.
Johnstown, Pa March 1. Prineti
Henry arrived here two hours late on
account of a train wreck near Portage.
The train did not stop here. The
prince and party were riding in a cab
and bowed to the people, who cheered
as the train sped by.
Liked'His Ride in the Cab.
Johnstown, Pa., March 1. The
prince enjoyed himself thoroughly
during the ride to this city. He was
particularly pleased with his experi
ence in the cab with the fireman and
engineer. At Altoona', because he was
dressed In civilian clothes, he was not
recognized by the mayor, who headed
the committee to extend the freedom
of the city to the royal guest. "Where
Is the prince?" exclaimed the mayor,
digging his elbow into a quiet gentle
man whom he met. "I am the prince,"
responded the quiet gentleman, with
a smile, "and the mayor nearly was
taken off his feet with astonishment.
Interested in Johnstown.
The prince was greatly interested
in Johnstown as he had heard of its
great calamity, and inquired about the
minute details of tho disaster, until
he had it fixed in his mind clearly.
The time lost at Portage will probably
be made up before his train reaches
Chattanooga. It is about decided to
cut out the' trip to Lookout Mountain
The prince will, however, be driven
over to Missionary Ridge.
Reception at Pittsburg.
Pittsburg, March 1. Only .about a
10-mlnute stop was made here. The
recoptlo accorded the prince at che
depot was enthusiastic, but dignified.
Patriotic songs and a presentation ad
dress of welcome, by former German
soldiers and sailors, following by tho
official welcome, formed the formal
program Qf the reception.
Lord Kitchener's Report.
London, ?-rrcTi 2. LjkI ICIti-hencr
today reports aa .follows: "Autheiilic
list of the Boor casualties fa Thurs
day's block house drive, were 60 kill
ed and 10 wounded and 759 captured,
besides ovor 100 wounded whom the
Boers removed from tho field.
up a cent. We look for more active
markets from this time forward. New
York closed 82; Chicago 76 .
Closed yesterday; 82.
Opened today, 82.
Range today, 8282.
Closed today, 82.
Sugar, 128.
Steel, 43.
St. Paul, 162.
Union Pacific, 98.
Wheat in Chicago.
Chicago, March 1. 'Wheat is quot
ed at 7076c per bushel.
Wheat in San Francisco.
San Francisco, March 1. Wheat Is
quoted at $1.12 per cental.
The Sweeten-Hankins Sho'ot-
ing Excites. Much. Interest.
Agree on Philippine'Tariff.
Washington, March 1; Conferees
of the house and senate held a long
session this morning, at which an
agreement on .the Philippine tariff bill
was reached. With the exception of
a few unimportant changes, the bill
will become a law just as it passed
the senate. The duties to be levied
will be 75 per cent of the full DIngley
rates, the receipts to be used for the
benefit of the Philippines.
Charged With Murder.
. San Francisco, March 1. Charles
Seifert, arrested as a suspect for the
Flora Fuller murder, was brought to
this city today. He states that he
did not know the girl and is entirely
Innocent of the crime. He has a fa
cial resemblance to the suspect, Ben
nett, but is much lighter in weight.
Chief of Detectives Seymour thinks
he Is not the man wanted.
Hankins Fired the First Shot, Which
Took Effect in .Ceiling Sweeten
Fired Four Shots, Three of Which
Took Effect, one After His Victim
Had Fallen.
Arlington, March 1. The shooting
of R. R. Hankins, ex-city marshal, by
T. C. Sweeten, the present marshal,
at Arlington, Thursday afternoon, as
heretofore reported in the East Oro
gonian, Is the sole topic of conversa
tion In this city.
Little was determined at the coro
ner's inquest on Friday". The testi
mony showed that Hankins fired tha
first shot, which took effect in tho
ceiling, and that Sweeten fired four
shots In all, one after Hankins had
fallen. Three of Sweeten's bullets
took effect. The verdict of the jury
was that Sweeten shot and killed
Hankins, but vouchsafed no further
Hankins, until recently, had served
as city marshal, being succeeded by
Sweeten. There was, 111 will between
the men on account of it. They had
quarreled concerning the differences.
When they met in the postoffico
Thursday afternoon, words passed
and Hankins drew a pistol, w.hea
Sweeten shot him to death.
Hankins left a widow, but no child
ren. Sweeten has a wife and,- three
children. Both men had resided ia
Arlington for many years and wero
well known and respected. Hankins
had served as coroner of the county
several terms, and was night watch
man for quite a while. Sweeten has
served as constable and later as mar
shal. When the district attorney arrives
from Condon, county seat of Gilliam,
the examination will occur. Sweeten,
is in custody, having surrenderel
himself immediately after the shoot
ing. Hankins' funeral today, was con
ducted under the auspices of the
Knights of Pythias, of which order
he was a member.
in Cleve
to the
Four-Story Brick Building
land, Ohio, Tumbles
Cleveland, O., March 1. The Cleve
land Banking Company's four-story
building collapsed this morning. IJour
girls and two men are missing and
are supposed to be dead in the ruins.
The collapse is attributed to over
weighting of the top floor.
Government Timber to Be Sold.,
Tacoma, March 1. Superintendent
Sheller, of the Northwestern forest re
serve, has been notified by the de
partment of the interior that large
tracts of standing timber on the foi
est reserves will be sold to tliehlgh
est bidders. This will greatly in
crease the available timber supply.
A Heavy Villain.
Odesa, March l.Ax industrial
magnate named Alexander Aflanolf,
has absconded, after perpetrating
frauds amounting to $LQQO,000. Kag-
fiisu ana .American apusep
principal suiterers. ,
Imparts that peculiar lightness, sweetne,
and flavor noticed in the finest calcei
cake, biscuit; rolls, crusts, 'etc. , wic)
pert pastry cooks declare ja tujbt)j
oy me use .01 any owjer
X9 1 J V v
it r - w.u. M. ' ITU bVj, j . s ri . f t ..-'-ir .
1 uBtuiminx jwmrmanem uammnn.. .' ' n-?iawwiT'ciTjr.' i -ir ... '