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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1902)
"SB 5: s 1 i H r MMiiiii ii .., .. ' ii .m-- WHAT WESTON DID SUPPLIED THE O. R. A. N. ie China Bargains. rprising values in China Ware and Glass Vre, and hes of all kind. These lines are the daintiest ami 1st attractive that has ever been shown in the city. ' all n-aS I .m -:Mhm1i.1...i1 1 1 1. i lam ' reach, and fuel l8 sold At from to $l.5 per cord. There are two saw mills on Weaton mountain, one ;ot large capacity. j Land.lmprovcd land ranges In' price from $20 to 50 per nerv ae- WITU Ar,ltTD-i-.o,n . ; 1 .mvivi mm U1SIIRT nmutK irom inc railroad. Ther la nn v Makes Old Age V IGGROUS ... wvm vmv iurvnu. more i no va- r -. . oeScriPuve;,r-TUr,at? iir 2S'Paulc s Cdcry impound the Greatest Nerve Tonic Dinner Plates $J.J9 a set. Cups and Saucers to match t.75 a set. Dessert Plates " Butter Dish Bulter Dishes The Railroad Asked tor Matter of the County of Umatilla seoksrs without means to come hen( , and Got It. i ' some weeks s; ' Railroad and Navi requested advertls the company's aeent at nnv ,mn)'r": M PP"MCho8 paradise In s omt organ I predisposed to destuv .it..i j ."'.. nn runatn. iHr anil firs I ion B,"lL,,,atr r,B' ,r rompound u t and town In th w.d s nee, tho Orvcon : " 2. j. . ... " e saw fhw ionic ever Riven to ta United talc. Ration Coraivaiu,;.r"V' "T ,no. nm wnbo.wirw u in pntniUrtr Rctlr Mr. KawlA OrUIL at Inc matter from.:.." V. . V " . n- w mi- mkicih ra : vraount, writes te tt f.OO a set. t .98 each. .45 a set. J a iet. X reamers 33c, 35c and 48c each, t t would be taken and distributed fret llCt CVer It W: llld do thi mn. , f in the east. Such a request was ro-T'cttv "ST vn -tti , i COlved bv th Cam - . i non- town nrtntv Kitnnimi a.. tt,e uu aciou on. out no nteratun? de- ,,., nf ' " V V, ' ; " scriptlve of the country has been ' the lthi inflnHtiT . f. Plied In response thereto. However. vTl ln. . nt .nh 1a,,llt f the little town of Weston responded . torf!? Jl hZun vAKnH promptly to the WU harlng had I JKlkS" fl" yuiuiuiv wus suni wie comitonv tor P tho I can rvcuMwpnJ 1te''.4 Cifcy wstr land commands from S to I'atne' Olw CNphU reW.-. a aw kitti .i.,..., .w-Ts vlKtrous oW nc jhIW. U keep frw yr Fw .ri eea ihottah Yf rtn I. t 4 sH-d MtiiliA, f.-r ftt'tHrtttr la a rai wr tl4)i rofr. an.t I ar a . At,. liese goods must be cleared out AT VERY LOW PRICES. CALL AND SEE THEM. Alexander MPBELL'S PROMOTION. Traffic Manager of the Har- .Ines Office in Chicago. f confirmation comes from the Traffic Manager Benjamin of the O. R. & N. Company, selected by Mr. Stubbs to mt traffic director of the lines. For some -weeks Mr. 'has been in Chicago asslst- ic Manager atmiDs, ana nas Iducting" the office most of fsince Mr. Stubbs' serious at- llness in December. The offl plar announcing the appolnt- Ithe new oflicial will not be ktil March 1. Imation Is given as to who EIr. Campbell's successor as inager of the O. R. & N what readjustments will be by his removal to Chicago, that no decision on these lhas been made and that it Th Uaatern Or. ' U.MAT,;.1A COUNTY-TM. Is JiATZ mr-mrnvm V-l H1 t' ... ... iiLvaimviu roimuts in j imirire. aim win nn mote Into a prosperous Oregon, and ranks nrst of 1 mmino new school bulldln. i'"Hicuon. us area is mere is also an excellent luiMIe i 322fl square miles, and Its population, school. Weston has uior brick total- .inTnims iu uiu ihsi census. IS J.- i UCS hlllldllici hnn nv (,..., .... li... Hfltn9rlm)n 6iA A V , 1 ,101)"ln i0U is b0,loVini l !,c,ap ro8t rf iwpulatlon, and Its UCDdnillBlli ufOiES t " A' 8PVoraI th0,,snrt morP- Whom attractive homi are surround! by r vpfb viwi m 4, ls thtf stn,,,p rro., nnd Un)nUl)n cou. Kreen lawns. Th vnr.u i' 1 ty produces between four and Ave j and nearly evry resident has a Rr' 1 million bushels every year, or about den. Weston ban a brickyard which ' ir ceni 01 uio total crop r tuo j irouuees rour million brick evorj I United States. Hrnley. oats, ryo and year, and employes about in men may be some weeks before they are ' t,ur cereals are also successfully t for seven months In the year. It has i t t taken up. Benjamin Cnmpbell was born at Liberty, Ind., June 10. 1858. He en tered the railway service in 1875 as telegraph operator for the Cairo & Vincennes railway. He had been con- raised and nearly all kinds of fruits and vegetables. The south end of the county, with alfalfa covored creek bottoms, is devoted largely to cattle and sheep raising, tho cast onl Is noted for its splendid i. 1 for secutively from 1876 to 1SS4 operator, ' tlie flne fruits produced in the beau station agent, traveling freight ngent!tiful valley or the Walla Walla, and general agent, for the Minneapo-i Weston, Oregon, is located In the lis, St. Paul & Sioux City railway, i eastern portion of Umntilla county, now a part of the Chlcaco. St. Tanl. 1 on the Snoknnn branch of I he O. It. A.- n flouring mill and two ebon mills nnd one of the latter has ordered th machinery for tho mnnuincluro of corn meal. There are four churches here, and numerous lodge societies. The city' tlnances are In excellent shape. Its floating debt Is small, and city script Is In demand nt par. Tho municipal tax Is never more than live mills annually. Information. if special Inorinatinn In an Meal I lb shm-vm jrstM Ih a norm I rn mu ur uuk. it kp ti dixi lv orRntts lM pffrl coMHiH- It kwrK Ih ittw and Vdny attir- and In prfwt hnlth ; It nTil,. Vf ftbim a wU a mnmi ahrv nnA olhr tiMH. H ktH Ike -rv. fore (rof, It aldt diction it Hla1t9 th-h, pure kktod and nt. ttfith tu tbtHw In whm the w i ftw of In kuiuiit NMy hnre .- .., M wnno. t t tiftntrnt or th lru!" cOmuiftH to old l'nin,s i:. n CotutwiiMd to th fitit-t wi ! mntHly. WUUam IV Hoe wit en ani kit umr-. were the lrt whitt tt'w of " town that te ne tke elt ef (ius l ha had a ton And Yntful li'. Ills trade Was that of n brlrkmv -lle fnusht with t ami' l from ISfil to lSfl. Ho bed ir't. u ly seen service in tho Mxlrn v( In the forll He has hold m" cnl ortleen tf trnal. nnd there til r bettw known man lu Vobraxkn tlav "It Rives me great pliwmuev he wrot in a letter on October U last "to attest the piod qualities of Maine's ('elery ComHiund. I bato UNed It for years, and It has never; fane -ru-it t. a part of the Northwestern system. In 1884 he took service with the Union Pacific as general agent at Portland, Or. Ho was made general freight agent or the 0. It. & N. in 1SSG, which position he held until 1894, when he was made genernl traf fic manager of the company. It is believed that the retirement of Mr. Campbell will bring about several changes in the traffic department of the O. R. & N. When R. B. Miller was made general freight ami passen ger agent of the Southern Pacific Minneapolis & Omaha road, which isjCo.. midway between Pendleton and is desired H contained in this brief Wiilla Wnlln. It is a pleasant anO j ""to to .secretary Hoard of prosperous community, with a popu- j Tro''1'- Weston. Oregon. latlon of about SCO. Surrounding it i is the very best wheat land In the im-1 The Last Heard of It. mense grain belt of the great Inland1, My mti0 boy took the croup on Empire: it lies in tho richest pnrt of, night nnd soon grew so bad you could the rich empire whore wheat Is king, j hear him brcntho all over tho house." and crops hero never fall. ; snvs P. n Reynolds. Mansfield, O Clmate The weather Is neither e.-: "Wo feared ho would dlo, but a few tremely cold in winter nor oppres-1 doses of One Minute Cough Cure sively hot in the summer. During quickly rolloved him and ho went to July and August tho mercury some-1 sloop. That's the last wo board of times i culie- ion degrees above zero, j 'be croup. Now Isn't a coucl. curt but the cool nlnht mitigate the bent. 1 liUo ,,int valuable?" One MlnuU lines in Oregon last summer, thus The winters are almost Invariably Cough Cure Is absolutely safe tnd acti leaving vacant the position of assis- j mild, and in the spring nnd fall tho I ,,",llu,J"ll0,V,,, ouS". C(,1U8. cro"l' tant general freight agent of the O. , weather is simply perfect. There! srlj "ronc-hlt's and all other throat R. & N.. H. M. Adams, general agent is always sufflciwnt moisture to in-1 , JU?B . . . i ?.MCor.t.? 1? c,lr' at Spokane, was prominently talked ! sure good crops, and irrigation is un-. . ,lol" J"1 I"?.n failed to holp mo. While I am per haps the oldest resident of tho city. I am In good health. I have novnr found It necessary to take any other medicine." Nothing has even nppronchml Pnlno'a Celery Compound In Its pow er of building up weakened mrv tissues and glvlnn utreiiKth to tho tired body. In severe cases of per sllnl hortilaehen. dvupopsln, nei rnlgln and sliHplessness. due to n rr ous feebleness, I'alne's Celery Com pound has n record of rapid nnd Inst lug cures that omlirnron every city WOVVDtM' nr iUfjii.I t uiv vk rout ittir anm n! n tuy whi. h bliv U ihe reili id im uitng l4ih Calory lHlKIllinl It It a HTM Iirip to iu, and I liupe uriiy ld irou will uo it a ad It uvitd ttkurit and imffaf lnnH (llrw ik nrr a etmna l raeov nr. and hm mitm body will regain 1U kAllti AHd utrnA'A- Palme's (Vlry t'emiwund I Mlin't fol for lb rv. of for the position, with promotions necessary. Cyclones, bltwiida and for Robert Burns at AValla Walla and droughts are unknown. A. MucCorquodale. This slate was Crops. Wheat is the loading crop subsequently disarranged by the con-! in the Weston neighborhood . Tho the Hair grow. Clears mplexion. Softens and is the Hands. beautifies the skin of In- Children. rand olulclr nurt. delicnttlr mtdlcmtcd. larrrUinclr cimniiiti Soap ii not onlr the mnit cmesciout and beaulifien, but Ihe puitil nd iweet- fcrywhe-e. HHtlsh dfnoti Niwitn D. axd C. CoKt-., Sole Propi., Huston tering upon bis new duties. No pro vision has been made for his sucees- the finest sugar beets, but they hnvo sor in the O. R. & N. Company, and j only been grown as yet as au exper be says his promotion will not affect i linen' il c;op. the relations of the O. R. & N. and Fruits. Tho rich' mountain region the Oregon & California. Stubbs will i a few miles east of Weston is ndinlr- r. London. I ue much with Hari'iman in New York, ably adnpted to fruit raising, ospoc ,u.8.a. Tile new appointment is said to mean ially apples and strawberries The closer union of various pnrts of the , strawberries are of romarKitblo size Harriman system. lousness ye ud yonr valuable OASCA- k-iiul flnri lliom nrrfnet. Couldn't QO tthnm. I havo useil lliem forsome time lestlon ona biliousness nml am now com- fcured. Ilecommenrt tliem. 10 every oue, led, you will never bo without tbein In lly.,f Eow. A. MAnx, Albauy, N. Y. CANDY CATHARTIC THA0B MAAN RMIATtAtO mm ovonh tfrnn vriicMn. nr a riiic. inc. CURE- CONSTIPATION. ... It....,!. r -I't-tr-j'i. Houlrr.l. Aw T.rk. 311 U'BAU cists lu tJU it i: Tobacco Habit. solidation of the Oregon Short Line and Southern Pacific offices, W. B. Coman being selected for the place. The Portland Oregonian says: As sistant Traffic Director Campbell, of the Harriman lnles, will be paid a sal ary or about $18,000 a year. He will take up his residence in Chicago and will not return to Portland before en- yieid ranges from 1!5 to 55 bushols per acre, and fall sown 'has ovon boon known to nverago 00 bushels to the acre in exceptional inHtnncos. Vegetables. Tho soil and climate are ideal for the production of all kinds of vegetables. Potatoes are raised with especial success, lining unformly large nnd of excellent qual ity. Ever ycondllion is favorable for McComns Co. CHURCH ANNUAL DINNER. GOOD ROADS CONVENTION. Next Tuesday, March 4, it will Con vene at Walla Walla. Dayton, Wash., Fob. 27. Next and delicious ffavor, and no Irrigation is required. They ic-aHi the market lat In the season, when the Walla Walla valley crop has been exhaust ed and command ready sale nt good prices. Grasses. Timothy hay ls raised on the mountain in large quantities, and after being baled is readily market able at remunerative prices. Alfalfa J is produced along toe eren oonomx Covers for 250 Laid and a "Love Feast" Enjoyed. Wnlln Walla. Feb. 27.--Tho annual dinner given by the Congregational church to Us members was given last night Ml the church, i-nruor of PnlousA and Alder streets. Tho oVont Is In tended to Anther together nil (he tueinberH of the church 111 one body for a love fat and Is one of the fuiictioiiA of the organiatlon In this city. From 6 to (! o'clock a r 'option was hold by tho pastor and his wife, Itt'v. Austin Hire and jlrs. I Kici'. and the superintendent of (he Sunday school mid wife, S H. I.. Pen i rose and Mrs. Penrose. At 0 o'clock i Hpresd was served, covers being laid for 250. The King's Ikuik'tilets i lain, but in rfrlR to KtAdi, fflr hnd chnrge of the luncheon la nil Its , hm n wltiMk ta otor. ktj details, iim well as tho elalMrt rtw miie tAttr wor Kimdy' mn lations of thv rhurrh. At the !. known RkMIhk kbhj At ntjwplA Ik f the dlniHM- the rHrt of nil of it rn in ft)Trrtior Mrllrtdw'fl aHbUi ollUera of the church were prntrd ' ry showliiK all th dvtulU of the maun-' ment and uccaa of the organUnMuu. Saved Him From Torture. Tho clmrch Is In a ilonrlikluB condl-; Tn" AonllMs UrntHt dm, Uksti pllett Tke eoiulanl llehlnc And ' ImrtiinK mak ltf lutuleralde, N i ' I ultioit l comfortatdu. The Oirturn 1 O'Drlen Tells a Story. t uncwslnB. DeWltt'b Wltcb HAiei Superlnletiilont O'Urlen. of the O Salve cures pltM al onre- lor skn It. i N. Company. tll n iMery on ; dUease, uta. burns. hruU, all VlnJ himself. Tho oilier day he wa rid wounds. It U unequnlMd J M, Ur. Ing In a cub nt The Hall. Two j H. HL Paul. Ark., says- "From U othor gontloniMU were In the vehicle. M ultred with ihe uiolrudlnir, hUad- wlmin In llin ihirlitiiMiti O'llr an nr, I'll ami nium iihd uuihiui im help lite until I iKiJ UoVSlll's WUffl Ilaol Halve. A few hntv ronidtttly curtwl me " Ilownre of countcrMt, thought were his old friends. Ktilph Moody, brotliur of t'oiiKresnmaii Mm ay. an, u . . eauy. ex s.a e sen,r T k Co , k A M(ClJ, from Multnomah count) and one tliim!,,,. state printer. On alighting from tho cab O'llrleu looked back mid said to' True, the wcupnnts: "Now tlu-rr's n line The eyratlona) sd Is on of (be very pair to draw to'" ImuKlne bis tuiilmr-1 method by wbkk te squander rassuienl when Moody called him money. Conltntiuus dertlln. on ba k and snld: "l'l me Introduce I the other hand, will bring smple re you to Governor Mcllrlde, of Wash 1 turns for tho money lnTUd Hit--Ington " O'llrleu atlempled li ft-1 Kesllona , . i i i i i .ii -i Tuesday the first good roads conven tion ever held in Columbia County will convene nl this city. The local committee of arrangements. Mayor , Kvi..lHinlR , nimu-n that alfalfa Woodworth, G. F. Jackson and H. h. j om bp Bllf.,.egBfuy raigej 0n the Gilham, has made all arrangements, , hlgliel. landi aB the g0) lg rit.i, nd tho and hope to have present a large , , . abundant. Dairying lb not number of farmers and others inter ested in the movement. From Walla Walla, Garfield, Whitman and Asotin "5TK0NUH5T IN TMU WOHLD." THE EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY Of the United States. .THE. n iiAPT'inrMTii ill ll ill . l I I ll I ill COSY ROOflS -em t i 25 cent Meals ia the City. EXTRAS Leers, Eastern and Oysters. Olympla . - - r 1 m AV m r . s-m i m-m m H IJA X (IUU QU8 IiA FONTAINE, Prop. practiced to any great extent, as the farmers cling tenaciously to wheat, imi (ho tinssibllitiuK for this industn counties a number of gentlemen are are )rjgi,t. a creamery is needed, exnected to attend and give voice to , u,n..i(. nnv ,..nii o,u, lg in BU,.. the movement In their respective , (,e8sv,i operation at Milton, V) miles i 'J .nM.tlnc ... . I J .uuuucd. aistani. The rock crusher purchased by the stock. To some eitut in this lo city or Dayton and Columbia county juj c-attle are pasturwl on tho has arrived and will be used for a niountaln ranges In summer, but cat practical demonstration of road mak-)tje raHing j8 chiefly conlluod to the Ing at the time of the convention. , K0,,thern part of the county. Hogs Prof. Roberts, of Pullman; ur . r more nrofltable crop and are yearly receiving more attention A few bands of sheep obtain summer range In the mountains of the east Outstanding Assurance. Decem ber 3 1st, 1901 $1,179,276,725.00 Pletrzychi and M. M. Godman, of Day ton; W. D. Wallace, of Starbuck: C L .Whitney, Thos. Moore and H. S. Blandford of Walla Walla will make addresses. Saved her Child's Life. end. Good horses are raited by the farmers for their own uso, and some fow are marketed. Poultry. Fowls find ideal condl- New Assurance Issued m 1 90 1 . Income in 1 90 1 Assets December 3 , 90 . . Assurance Fund and all other Liabilities ..t ti,r mir ehnbbv little 4 tlons here and are healthy and pro-'u "In three weeks our cnuuoy nine ,t. 0i,.. n PnnH mar. a A IIU1 1 J V e D-"" - boy was changed by pneumonia al most to a skeleton," writes Mrs. W. Watklns, of Pleasant City, O. "A terrible cough set in, that, in spite of a good doctor's treatment for sever al weeks, grew worse every day. We then used Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, and our darling was soon sound and well. We are sure this grand medicine saved his life. Millions linow it's the only sure cure for Coughs, Colds and all lung diseas es. Tallman & Co. guarantee satis faction. 50c, $1.00. Trial bottles free. liftc ket for eggs at from 16 to 30 cents i u Surplus per dozen, and nearly every farmer In 444 f raises a few chickens. Poultry rais- .j PaiA COllCV-hOlOerS in I "U J Ing on an extensive and systematic 1 -j Jf w 245,9J2,087.00a 64,374,605.94 g 331,039,720.34 j I 259,910,678.28 71,129,042.06 I 27,714,621.42 I basis Js unknown, however, and un- j j doubtediy would yield piofltabe re- j a turns. i ,j Water and Timber. An abundance 3 of pure water is everywhere easily obtained. Kvery farm has Its well, and many are equipped with wind mills. Numerous springs and streams afford ample water for stock in the mountains. Timber ls within easy 3 n a 3 3 n 3 cccc JAMES W. ALEXANDER, President. TAMES H. HYDE, Vice-President. L. SAMUEL, Manager, 306 Oregonian Building, Portland, Ore. BBCcncnnccencnncccnoannaanaaaanaaaaaaaaanaManaaa aaaassaeBce8MHM,MI