LASSIFIED advertisements: nil W id d) (x) cy ' )0 i yi V K W W () (I) (I) 5) (J) J A BIG LOG ROLLING 1144 INITIATED WOODMEN AND WOMEN OF WOOD CRAFT, PENDLETON APRIL 21-22 NEXT. s s & $ a 1?" ? ji $ & & fs S Li Q $ $ 5 5s $ $ S $ $ Q f j .11 ), Lin, t5 1 ft v 4s ft -ft osj k5, -V $ 5: j? 6- ? ffi J t 3 a v $ i 'V V V V iA . i iv V ft w ills. ) 3 mm id Heatr Be.: Mi iseJ a One cent per word for the first insertion. l-2c thereafter; 30 w FOR SALE. I FRATERNAL ORDERS. j . vJZ ords or less, SI.50 per month, or $12 per year. Ho ad. inserted (or less than 15c. i i l am vjrkj v--a a j Ji 1 1 1 . r-. it i i I r i I v r vpirtnnn . tm.i nnd r..i . . . I "U.? 1 W . AMSRICA- iHP' : ;,7r: 'TV imwooa (.amp, no. 2333. mis v five to six uorse nonrer. ilMnouili-al lu 01 mei. 1. rice fov. rcas: Oregon- retiuieton.. I.E-TWO WATER TANK'S AVn up, good as liew. Address A. Kunkel & PHYSICIANS. IW Q. COT.E. Or FICR TN jrjDD lliainc. Office hours. 10 to 12 n. m. ; 5 p. m. leiepuone 77. MILLER. M. D., DESPAIN RLOCK. lats and corrects eye troubles catar- ?n tian?i f."rth )t"rda$'8 of Mc'' month. (imp In Afro Vai rt.t.i. i . . ' UMATILLA TEXT, XO. 2T. K. O. T. y , Meets In Secret Society Uall. Bc-onJ and fourth Tuesdays of each month. All tIs IMnR Sir Knights cordially InTlted. J. 8. Kees, Hecord Keeper: K. U. Estabrook, Commander. 11EDMEN PMAHALES TUIIin. KO. 18 , rTIee,,,s ,.evcr.? T"e.sdar n'Kht In Hen drlck's Hall. Hoy W. Kitner, Keeper of llecords. l'ENDLETOX LODGE, NO. r,-J. A. F. nnd conditions nnn impaired hearing. , A. M., meets first and third Mondays cf es correctly fitted for refractive cr- each mouth. Vlsltlnp brjtar.n T. J. Tweedy. W. M., Joe II. CnrkM, ,iC. C. J SMITH, OFFICE OVER TIIE j savmes nanic. Telephone 30; telephone 31. GAUFIKLD, M. D., IIOMRnPATH- Physlclan nnd Surceon. oaire In bulldlnK. Teiepnono: ucice, black sldence, uincK LLIAM HOUSE. I'nVSTCIAN AND zeon. imce. room 20 Jndd Rnlld- i jinin 7H. Kcsiaenue rhone Red 23. T. M'FAUL. ROOM 17. ASSOCIA- block. Telephone Main 03 : real- telephone, black 101. M. nENDEUSON, 1'UYSICIAN Surzeon. SneclnltleR eye. ear. noe bront. Office In Savings Bank bulld- IPUone Main 33. ll'ATHIC ies & Keyes. Store. PHYSICIANS. DIIS. Office one block wist of I'NN K. RLAKESLEE, CHRONIC nervous diseases nud olseiiis of Onn. Hotel Pendleton, cor. Water tfaln Sts., Pendleton, Ore. Phone 13. 5HITECTS AND BUILDERS. t llOWARD, ARCHITECT AND SU Itondcnt. makes comnlete nnd full is for buildings lu the city or Jioom a, juua uuiuiini;- ; COLE, CONTRACTORS AND ere. Estimates furnlHhed on short : Job work n specialty. Prompt snop on Ulun: street, near Main MAY . CONTRACTOR AND kr. Estimates furnished on all masonry, cement walks, stone Orders can be left at the East in ouice. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. BROS.. COURT STREET. LA ITilock, electricians, dealers In elec- tipnlles. Houses, stores wired for plights, bells or telephones. Electri zes, all kinds, uet our prices, lie- rk a specialty. ERY AND FEED STABLES. 1KCIAL STABLES, G. W. FROOME ELivery reed and uoarding. All kinds i. uompetent drivers, upposite uo lleton. Telephone 10. LIVERY, FEED AND SAF.S nrst class 3 ni rnd duume fall occasions. 027 Cott imvood St. Bain 70. Evlln Craig, Prop. (TABLES, T. W. AYERS. PROP.. i teed and boarding, The best In the city. Alta St., between I Cottonwood Sts. Phone, Main 10. PENDLETON CHAPTER. NO. 2ST. C. Taylor, U. p., F. F. Wamsley. Secretary. Meets first and fourth Friday of each month In Masonic Hall, PENDLETON COMMANDERY, NO. 7.. Robert Forster. E. C, W. E. Carter. Sk retnry. Meets first nnd third Friday of each month to Masonic Hall. 1 IONEERS OF THE PACIFIC WIL llam Martin Encampment. No. 1. Meeti every Wednesday at Hendricks Hall. Mrs. L. F. Lampkln, Secretary. DAMON LODGE. NO. 4. KNIGHTS OF Pythias. J. F. Nowlln. C. C: R. W. Fletcher, K ol R AS. Mecls evrry Monday In Secret Society Hall. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Tutullla Camp, No. 0399. Meets first and third Saturdays of each month at Hen dricks Hail. George A. Uamblln, Con sul : G. A. Robblns. Clerk. WO'' . MO. C. v "N OF THE WORLD REGULAR of Pendleton Cnmp No. 41, W. 'Id In Odd Fellows' hall every Visiting neighbors always .tauter, uicrk, j. r, Earl. , TORNEYS. A,.. WW AW r i HIDES. PELTS AND JUNK. YOU CAN OKT THK lUnillWV UAU t Hlrr or yr hM, f4t nd ll VlmU rf Jtwk, wh rtiN-r. brM. n vr, Vni tlnr. nsif. tiJ Mllf. iron all Umtn a upKUlty Yhi can bttivt la 30 rrnta otb f M r(i w M lo j:tV w(rth of IiKIm nnd will y (rratKl In th mj W ba m hw ta taj Qlrv a ral and jn Hill tv IU M. L Sbank A and wartnoi out to (Unrrn Ueui. IVnitlcttm, 0. Telfoi. I1M ait. SECOND HAND DEALERS, TRANSPORTATION UNEW, mm. (JKOIUJK OMUNIW . N VAX ASH HKCOSO hand RhvI Niocht ami i,a t'(Ht tl, Of re boue bloct. tU and t mt V STKOtlLU UKALEH IV NKCOXD hand ewoH, If thfre U anythla mi ttd In neir or md band turnllw. , torr, cr&nlt war and rnvktry, tail and trt hU pii(T, N ?ia Conrt ! MUM na OREGON Short Lirm UNION PACIFIC Tim tbiut rrm r.illUa MISCCLLAN tOUS, r IV tAIVt "Pit I IILIILMV'iLrL !!.' "V"" ItacrlUol tKk ti Urn uktn op by lh f(t A Oily mrhl and nlll tv xh th iplrtloR ne On brkl!ii ho'ir. blirk Urt, and HU. Molob bran .a tlchi lioulJf. Uuf jrr .... ' old, hi about i iwun4 AlUnll ' lUU-d VbrrT H. yah Xtftt I J.M.llUHMAM.CIy Mtrthal. , ti TiuX:. OLD XKWHr.M'l'.H-TO PUT I'ftPKk i .cartla. on ahelvc. walla, or for wran- 1 j PlnK purrxwra. Old nrwapattrr In larjl biiudlea of onp hundrnl rarh at S5 tvnli a , hunillf at th KA8T OHIMONIAN efflr. , IVndlfton. Orfgon. Phi, itll Ika, (Vanttt. rv IMUUn.) Wflh. Uah, KanH ttirUt VUt.M LoI. Cki uai-i lo aii vaoa a. at. 1 hUli Ul, lnvt, ru H4V .M. Mall A.k4a. n ila Vsitan, Proepwtlve lluyer Now. as to th? doath rt In thin plmv What I that? Ileal K.lut- Aitfiit t- only hIIow onv deth tu --li mtui. CARTER u RALEY, ATTORNEYS ATI Law. OQlce lu Savlugs Bank bulldlDir. BEAN & LOWELL. ATTORNEYS AT Law. Room 14 Asssoclatlou block, Pen dleton, Oregon. THE TIDE OF IMMIGRATION. "Famllk'.s which lieforo thmiKlit It would lie impossible for thorn to odti- Flood to West has Begun In Earnest, rate their children In the fur north- , SUMSCHHIKHS IX) MAOAr.ISM.IK YOU , want to aubarrlt to nucanlnt r nwa , llr In lt Unltrd Mtafni or Kurr. i r?PlL hr iw-atal nofi, rtircW or nd to (ha It AST ORIKiONlAN th nt mmltah.V. prlt of th imblliatlon yo drrlr. bJ w : will bur It nt ynti and aaatiHi al III. ! rlk of tbt monry bi-lng lt In lb mal'a. ilt will bat both trwibl aid rlk. . , If toii ar a antwrltwr to th l!AH1 ORIS p. i (JONIAN. In rrmlttln r" rn dislnd trii imt rriu rrom tn puhimiirr brt' Ad lrr UA8T OKKOONIAN I'lUl. VY, IVn- dltnn. On-con. UAIIIIITT M1STAL, UIWT IN T1IK wiflil, In bara Prlf It wr bar, at the IUt Orrsuulan offlre. Walla Walla. ttlwt,e,W4l!4r..lMI. wan. MtBa!)!!. MLIIUO . iw, Chiru and Katl. t. Ocean and River Schedule. rROM l(lll4f l. M. Itt p. w. ill 4llln dalu MtJl for iUi r1Hflio ,iTriii4j, t y. m. Cwlumbla invar lu AttotU ad Lijiit, 1 1 tn T. G. HAILBY, LAWYER. OFFICE Juda building, I'endleton, Oregon. IN N. BERKELEY. ATTORNEY AT LAW. ODIce In Association block. E. D. BOYD, ATTORNEY AT LAW Court St. Ill L. B. REEDER. ATTORNEY Af IaW. rendleton, Oregon. JAMES A. FEE. LAW Building. OFFICE IN JUDD STILLMAN & PIERCE, ATTORNEYS at Law. Mr. Stllltnnn has been admit ted to practice In United States patent offices and makes a specialty of Patent Law. Rooms 10, 11, 12 and 13 Associa tion block. PHOTOGRAPHERS. W. S. BOWMAN, LEADING PUOTOGRA- nher of the city. Harvest views, Indian photos for sale. Finishing done for mm tours. Main St.. near bridge. Phone, Red 270. BANKS AND BROKERS. . FEED STABLES. ked. 619 Aurn St.. IP Hartshorn, prop, a this business. SATISFACTION bat. Webb and Many years ox- FEED YARD. W. T. BOYNTON Special care given horses left with wcbD street. 1'nono ifeu an BS AND CARRIAGES. LINE. EUWIN BAKER. PROP. W Main 79. at the Depot Livery DENTISTS. ICQ II AN, DENTIST, OFFICE IN t". r.r. . a a a fnt 1 ki over F. B. Clopton'B office. LODGING HOUSES. HCE LODOINO HOUSE. J. H. WIL- Ifoprietor. First elase rooms, well naayor weok. 613 Main street. Homeseekers from Everywhere. The liomeseeUers movement Is now fairly on and tourists are now beginning to pour Into the northwest ern country to seek homes for thorn selves and their friends. The con ductors on the trains say that not a day passes but that from one to a dozen families are on tho train com ing from all parts of the eastern and middle states .looking to bettor their conditions In life or for a mlldor cli mate in which to reside. The gen eral rush is not yet on, and when it fairly starts tho trains will bo load ed, as the movement west Is expected to be greater this year than eer be fore in the history of the country. In some instances "experimental tourists," as a great many of those coming now are called, who are ad vance agents for others, taking ad vantage of tho transportation coin panics' low round-trip rates, to visit the western states to view its advan tages and return again for their fam ilies or report their findings to their friends in whose Interest they make the trip. Washington is getting the larger proportion of those coming now, but not all of them are bound FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ATHENA. ' Oregon. Capital, $50,000: surplus and profits, SOOOO, Interest on time deposits. , Deals In foreign nnd domestic exchange. Collections promptly attended to. Henry 1 r 1 .1 -1 . . w T 1 ." I -1- vl.n.,tFM. Went: unwett. cashleV; MiC L. for that state, as every few days a Burnett, assistant cashier. j family drops off at Pendleton and 1889; capital, $50,000; surplus, $00,000. Interest allowed on time deposits, bx change bought and sold on all principal points. Special attention given to collec tions. W. J. Furnish, president; J. IS. Teal, vice-president: T. J. Morris, cashier. cain in land that is for sale or for a place to rent. Quite a number of these people are going Into the more sparcely settled part of the state Malheur and Harney counties and THE FARMERS BANK OF WESTON. ' Into the John Day country, whero Weston, Oregon. Does a geueral bank-' they aim to go Into the Stock oust ing business. Exchange bonght and sold. farminK as the opportunity Collections promptlv attended to. R. Jamwon. president; Geo. W. Prof tatel, i may offer. v Ice-presldeut ; .1 It. Kllgore, cashier: dl- Kranklih P. Adame. from Dulutb, rectors, li. A. iiartroao, ai. n. junua. , . t, nrivance KUUrd IOf a company of XUnnoaotans who ar fig uring on coming to Kastorn uregon A. Hartman, M raw. j. r, Jameson, G. W Proebstel. AURANTS AND CAFES. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PENDLE ton. Capital f 70,000: surplus, J85.000. Transacts a general banking bmdneas Ex change and telegraphic transfers sold on ihlcago. San Francisco, New prk and l nnlnis In the northwest Drafts rtniwn on China. Japan and. Europe. !GE RESTAURANT. PTRICT1.T I Levi Ankeny, president ; W. k mbucwic, W V. PancDj n. Prop. Moa ' vice-president : i'. . ape, cnsuier, u. . Ainin Nr. -i'pi. .lnin i. juvimbcj. wwt.mi.. 'S PENNYROYA L PILlS They overcome Weak ness, irregularity and omissions, increase vig or and banish "pains and have sent him to invest moir money. Ho is looking principally for grazing lands, and to a reporter for the Walla Walla Union, while in that city recently, Mr. Adams ald: There will he large numbers of homeseekers como went this year and their arrival will mean more to tiiiR Kutlon of the country than did even the advance of th; pioneers H ) g- - years ago. In tho i.t vnWun Slbray, clerl west, woro taught by the oducntlounl display ut the I'an-Amorlcnu oxpoHl tlon just what could be expected in Washington nnd Orogon and they no longor fear to come. "Tho hotter ciimnte here Is what will bring most of those who luuvo really prosperous homos in tho mld die western nnd eastern statua and come to the far northwest. They re alize that if they can be successful in a country where tho thermometer 'OR 8AM! AT Till? EAST OIII'.OONlA.S nltu. laru bumll of nrwapaprra, tun- Wlllamalt ittvtr lloala lar iMillauJ dally IT IMttlauJ itall. aiotil Miih.U. talnlns otr 10 bis papra ru Im obtalnnl l;'?,1,'' rwtttlii lor a4 for 20 rnl a bundlo. Yihlll Klr h..u. FOR KENT ItCKima lu th IUt 0rti3 iu litillillnc for rnt : atvata btr!, liol nnd ndd water and liatti loont Clerk's Wlae Suogeitlon. "1 have latoly been much troubled with dyspopiln, belching and dour stomach," writes M. 8. Moad. leading plmrnmclat of Atteboro. Mnas. "I remains thirty dogrees below zero for could eat hardly anything without at f- nlnoty dnys out of the yonr and there fentiK aeveritl hours. My el'ttk auir- Ir Hlrla l ;M a, m Uallv tfa LwtUM lUilr t t iTAXAXJCY. Aa-Bt. IMWlun, Snak Hlr HtpaiU to UwUtott, Ib snow on the ground live months. they can do better where these rig orous conditions do not have to be combuttod. "I am looking for sheep land, nnd should I secure It will bring a colony of fancy wool producors west with mo next month.'" To accommodate those who arc par tial to the use of atomizers in apply ing liquids Into the nuoal passages for catarrhal troubles, tho proprietors pro pare Kly'8 Liquid Groam Uulm. Price gested I try Kodol Dyapopsla Cure, which I did with moat happy results. I have had no trouble, and whun one can go to eating mluce pie, cheese candy and nuts after such a time, tholr digestion must be pretty good. I Indorse Kodol Dyspepsia Cure heart1 ly." You don't have to diet. M all tho Kood food you want but dor't overload the stomach, Kodol Dypet sla Cure d Ik eats your food. Talloun H Co. and llrock & McComaa Co. Oeorge Ivy, convicted of the mur der of his uncle. Duvls Levy, lu Dolso Washington & Columbia River Railroad Take thf.M , route for For Uhlcnitu, Ht. t'ntil.Ht. IkiU, Kjuj. mm City, Ht. Jxt, Oinnhii, anil All 1'olnts lias, and South Portland and points on lli Sound TIUX CAUU, I ffulUUtu, dally attapt 4uo4f al Ijjj. ria. Airlta roalMa Mo4r, Wxailar aa4 ' including the spray tutto la ii cents, c ty. Idaho, has been nentcuced to lie i-rusar iiiMam. Arju ruoiioo iutiai, TaarMar m Druggists or by mail. Tho liquid em- hung on April IB. bulweeu the hours bodies tho medicinal properties of of 8 and 2 o'clock. the solid preparation. Cream Halm ' - . . Is quickly absorbed by the membrane, and does not dry up the secretions. hut changes them to a uatural and healthy character. Wy Hrothers, 50 Warren street. Kew York. ON UNCLE SAM'S PAY ROLL. TRANSPORTATION LINES. "BEST OF BVERVTIIINU" In a word thi tell of the p&NK-iiKer service vl Salutday an . Lare Walla Walla dally, al looaJ MA) sat. Arrtr WalU Walla ilatly Ml kooi)4 i& . for tDlOTMttloa i4M iatc aad uua lAwittUiUt, rail Of 4d W, AIUMH. it.aU I'taJtalua, ((( a. D.UAi.bKuiixAD.0 r. a, nana wai:, naaa. "Ti le Line" been many settloifi of the rat os made ivall yiemiolves by the railroad of menstruation." They are "LIFE SAVJfiKS" toi plrU at c.ompa nies, """',7 Vet womanhood aidinir development of organs and body, ho people of the east and middle weu to2ytofxX!vm s them Aannot do W-Wc j migrntwi with so clwr an unde becomes a pleasure. $1.00 PEK JJOX BY B. AJLL. Sold Ltamim gof what they were td nnJ. hv )ni.o.,riut nR. MOTT'S CIILMi A!--.'J.C 0:n-. If Watrh tho People who come to TALLMAN & CO.. DRUGGISTS, PENDLETON . Mormon Blahons PI IIS ae . ',,Vi U ea IS ."" aa4.nefvo uaua., wa wi, 'ITd"- nomeUr Co.. 8nn rranuif"f "Y TALLMAN & -CO.. DRU GGISTS, PENDLETON, OHUUc. .4 . i M ..a tl 1 ! son i the nortnwesi mis ywi u v ! they are families with money. The ' too long prevailing Idea that the I northwest was a vast wilderness I when land was to be had for squat- ,,.r ., it has dlstutiioarod. and eastern people have begun to reallza that in ordor to .bo successful here they must apply practical knowledge the same as in any oiuor unwtuu section. Thirteen Oregonlans In tile Census, Department In Washington. , . "f T r The Oregon appointees employed In j QXt 1 1 " W GStCTll ton. and the salury each receive, uroi follows: Henry C Allen, clerk IJOOOj Urady I'. Burnett, clerk 1200 i M. II. Cuniiingham, laborer f00 John W. Curry, clerk ISsM Foreat S. Klsher. dork lUrry L. Holgate. clerk ltOO, alr. Suale C. Irwin, OJerK jw D. V. Kuykendall. clerk 130 Kllsabeth McCormlck. clerk ... ftM Johu M. Pipes, clerk 1M Jainea It. Raly. clerk , 000 IW k I0 Under Uie fenna -of the "iMarwauant ,! iMirnDH' ' Mj, '" W'll '' uioat likely rotalnod in tli rforarn meat aervke, aa tht Huvn Umt r ported ae giving ultlfl. Jt aivlca) au coiupetent lu every way. Bucklln's Arnica Salve. The best and most famous com pound in tho world to conquor aches and kill pains. Cures Cuts, hoala Burns and Druises. subdues Inllama tion. mastorB Piles, Millions of box es sold annually. Works wonders in Rolls, Ulcers, Felons, Skin Erup tions. It cures or no pay. 25c al iTallman & Co.'s drug store. 8 train dally Utwten Ht. Paul miuI Chicago comjiHttluK The latest PulJiliail HlwxrH J'wiflcJs liiuliJK Cr lAhrhry fcinl Olrvatlou Cam Free IUchnliK Chair Cam 'J'hr iUi Cnlury Train TJIJ! N O H'l'l I W J&iTK I IN" LIMITED run every iluy of the yrar FINEST THAIN. IN TIIE WOULD KleotrJc Llghtl HUwin Ift-alwl TO CHIOAOO HV DAY LJOHT The Hitdger Hlat Kxpr, the Hiumt day train runiiiuu Uitwwn Ht. Pl.ul anil CliieKvia the Khort Mtw, ) neetioiu from the Went made via The Northern J'aelJlo, Orent Nortlieru, auu TliU 1m thelxnt line letwttii Omaha, fit, Paul and Mluiuttt. All agent sell tloketi via 'The N'orthwwUm Line." W. JI. MEAD, H. li. BISLBIt, O. A. T- A. 248 Alder St., Portland, Ore. HUNS IJulluinu Sleeping Curs, Iilegant I)lulii Otrti, TourlHt Sleeping Oira HT PAUL MINh'EAPOMH DUI.OTH KAltOO I HAND FORKfl CUOOKHTON WI.WKPKO HKIJiNA and HUTl'K, TIC1CITTS TO OHICAOO WAHHINCiTOX PlIIhADKI.PHlA NEW YOHK HOtrrON ami all jolnU I'ut and Houth Tbfouo llckl W Jta aa4 Ualua fit aad Au(tiau ila. TO TIIH0UGH Cauadlau I'acinu itya. xaruiaa a4 WrtJia Fax-Uc ttf.Rlilj 0. TIXK SCHKOUtf. TiluliruJWtoadll; txcpt laaila al IXU p. in. , . , tot laiiln iDloriaatloo, tlK eaida. WK, and Ueew, ratJoa ot wit W. Adau. r. CiUtoa, Orvsoa, or A, I). OMAKLTON. Tkltd aad Urloa Sit., mtUaa, Ort. 1 -1 -. .f . 11 si IP y