hmi mm i in umm .Tt: - I PRICE ATTRACTS QUALITY DEC.iriFe: UL UllT U D fi 1 1 II P 2 - III 111! II I 1 E I I I U I 1 I 1 1! L I U I lu UU8LII1U g , strdnoust IN THIS WORLD." ALL READY FOR THE I SPRING TRADE. With the largest axd best selected stock of new merchandise ever .shown in PENDLETON. We have not overlooked the wants of anybody within the reach of this store, our lest poods have no superior as merchandise: OUR PRICES HAVE NO EOIIAL AS v m m5v DTJCERS. ' So there you are, not only the g uroniuu warn, u, om me cneape.t, and s E J,fc J all the combination of these two. "2 G THE BEST CHEAPES r. AW'H iv, wi 3 I have you visit us this week. whole store; inspect the coods at vour leisure 3 ENJOY THE DISPLAYS, ask all the que. 3 lions you like withoutnny feeliug of restraint or obligation to make a purchase. The styles and beauties of the new Roods will in terest you, BUT THE PRICES WILL PROVE TO BE AN IRRESISTIBLE AT TRACTION and a revelation to thoe who are not familiar with our method of merchandising. t ? v I' POLITICIANS HAVE COM n n MENCED TO SWARM jj ;The Situation In the Willamette Val!y ley: friends of Geer Deny Uvt H ! Their Chief IS n n n a a a a a he Alexander Department Store, i EST FOR THE BOWELS La haven't a recular, healthy movement of the lis open, and bo well, l orce. In the shape ot via thTstcorplll poison, Is dantrcrous. The smooth- tj.. inoab iunt;:v u. wi at-cjiu iuo uunuc I clean is 10 iau BASEBALL NOTES. CANDY CATHARTIC EAT aEM LIKE CANDY wint, I'alntnlilo, l'oient. Taato Rood, Do Good, r Sicken, Weaken, or Gripe, 10, S5, nrnl 60 cent hoi. Write for free sample, ana booklet on lb. Address 33 IMG ItKJtEDV COHPiNY, CHICiUO or NEW TURK. :p your blooo glean ra get )od Beer.. When you drink PILSK El BEER Walla Walla Is Slow in Raising Mon ey for Its Team. Things are still moving In bnse ball despite the fact that the neces sary amount of money has not yet been raised to insure a successful season in Walla Walla, says the Un ion. Manager Sharpestein, presum ing upon the willingness of the citi zens to support a fast ball team, has gone ahead and scheduled several games with the best teams in the northwest Fred Weed, the popular right-fielder of the Portland baseball team, will play again this year in a Portland suit Manager Vigneux has boon negotiating with Weed for some time, and has received from him a signed contract for the season. .Last year Weed was one of the star out fielders of the northwest league. He is a fast runner, a clever fielder and a hard bitter. He led the right fielders of the league last summer, with an av erage of .955. Weed's homo is in San Francisco, and he has been pluy ing there recently with the winter league. He Is 23 years old. Guaranteed not to cause headache or dizziness Ask for it. hultz Brewing Co. L. Ray & Co., Buy and sell : Stocks, Bonds and Grain (or cub or on margins. New York Stock Exchange. Chlcare Stock Exchange. Chicago Board ef Trade. i Btr, j-Ut-. Or, How's This? We offer One HundredPollftrs Rewaid for any case of catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY t CO., Props., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known K. J. Che ney for the last fifteen years, and believe him perfectly honorable In all business transactions and financially ablo to carry out any obliga tions made by their firm. West & Tp.l'ax, Wholesale Drupsli-ts, Toledo, Ohio. 11 T...... ... f. f......t- t Abinriw, ivi..A. .Mai. i.ii WhnlpK.lf Drucclsts. Toledo. Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure h taken internally, act. has Joined Forces i With Simon. ' The Salem correspondent of ttto Portland Oreconlan, wrttlns under j date of the 24th Inst, has the follow inn it ss of j-tlltir-s s si , the ! Willamette valley: "In Clarion county only two names arp. generally heard in connection With the COVernorshlti f!nr nw1 VSir. 'J nlsh. And yet no one hero is boom lllCOfllC IU ins Furnish. The candithtcv of Fur h nlsh is crvatlHR no enthusiasm what ever. Tho fact that he Is an avow ed candidate and is making a fight for the nomination, is apparently the only cwise of tho use of his name. Bllipent inquirv among the crowd of I politicians who are working on the ! streets of Salem failed to reveal the name of a singlo nnti-Geor man who is talking for Furnish. Still, this Is not saying that Furnish will not find ! Rllnnnrt bnrn 1 J No Candidate Agreed Upon. "Pointed questions put to tho lend ers of the antis brought the response that no candidnte had been agreed upon and that none had yet been put forward at Snlom. "What men who have been men tioned in connection with tho gover norship would bo satisfactory to the antis?" was asked. "Senator llooth could probably got! the support of every anti-Oeor man in the county, if .he would take It.' but we understand that Rooth can-! ! not leave his business." i "How about Lowell?'-' "We understand here that Lowell will lose Umatilla county and will, ! therefore, be out of the light"' "Is Fulton a possibility?" "Fulton says he wont have It. Just lot Fulton say tho word once, and see what will happen. Thoro would be such n stampede for Fulton for governor as you never saw boforo," and then the anti shook his head and passed on to buttonhole a worker from one of the county precincts. The antis here are apparently dis posed to watch the progress of the fight, and to study tho qualifications and strength of all available man, before attempting to center upon any one. No eastern Oregon man Is like ly to create any enthusiasm here, though oither Hooth or Fulton would be given warm support by the antis. The Situation in Lane. "So far as can be learned from Lane county people who have recent ly visited the capital, the political campaign in that county, so far as the republicans are concerned, will be, fought out on the Simon and anti' THE EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY Of the United States. Outstanding Assurance, Decem ber 3Jst, 1901 $1,179,276,725.00 i New Assurance Issued in 1 90 1 J90J n S Assets December 3 , 90 . i Assurance Fund and all Liabilities ..... Surplus oth er 3 Paid policy-holders in 90l 245,912,087.00 64,374,605.94 3 331,039,720.34 3 S ii 259,910,678.28 7 J, 129,042.06 jj u 27,714,621.42 8 JAMES V. ALEXANDER, President. JAMES H. HYDE, Vlcc-Prcsldcnt. L. SAMUEL, Manager, 306 Oregontan Building, Portland, Ore. u u u u u n n n 8 n n i nnnGBnnr.r.r.r.nrinnnGnncnnr.r.nnnnn Hall's Family 1'ills arc the Dest. True. The occasional ad is one of the very best methods by which to squander money. Continuous advertising, on the other hand, will bring ample re turns for the money invested. Suggestions. FALLING HAIR .THE. tench Restaurant COSY ROOflS "U Lighted and Steam Heated. ' liran party will Indorse the Initiative and referendum." Gccr Denies Simon, Tho Oeor forces take particular pains to deny any existing relation ship, politically or otherwise, between their chief and "Little Joe," tho sen ator, but at the same time it Is known that an agreement exists between the two men. and that "Little Joe" has given consent that floor shall deny his master, for purposes which are apparent. Politicians In Portland. "Kvery day sees the advent in Port land, says the Telegram, of political wire pullers and workerH from the rural districts. Stnto Senator J. N. Williamson, of Prinevllle, who Is an I aspirant for the republican nomliia j Hon from this district, arrived Satur ! day and has been In close consulta I tlon with ills friends all day. Ills 'most Influential oastem Oregon lieu tenant, J. W. Scrlbner, of !,n (Irantlo, j lias been In tho oily Hovoral days look ing after Mr. Williamson's Interests.' , "T. U. Crawford, of Union county. , is in the city. He snys that while tho 1 difference of opinion between tho i Sciilwr nuil Church factloiis of rpub i Means In Union county in so Rront Simon lines, with tho (leer people i as to prevent any enndltlate ror any lined up for Simon. It is learned that otllee from roeelvliiK an instructed for a time after the close of the last ' delegation. It will not bo carrtml to legislature some of the people of j the extent of ontiroly HhtittliiK out Lane county were not entirely satis-; either faction from the state conven- lon. He licllevos that uuvornor er will receive considerable sup- chell for senator. This feeling soon port from Union county, anil mat me nassed awav. however, and with tho I remainder of tho delegation will vote look. Simon will carr the dy In th--primary election, his herlern 1Mur n' work In all pnrtn ot the city. spendltiK money freely, with the view of rui ting support at l he prlmnry ihU f.-, U y ly tho rlwtlon of th fallowing oihrers President. Oeorgn M. Or- ton vice (iwoMont tl Y I lurry. C C. l-ouck. Charles Mlrklny. ecn tar V NoftKe. trtnmirr. Chirlc The opposition In ilolnn Utile. I( mi) Jmw. sentinel, John ln Tho thiiiK- to defmtt him. seeMiliiKl) ImlUB . trhlnt, vtr pri.lrnt and scoro unable to battle aKiiliut htm. Thei tary wero (Mltrletl tu nppolnt An OreKonlan has. In a way whleli lack j uvwutlvw (ttmiHlttef ot moinlmrs force and convlctloln. referred to S- to Ih ehtnn without rsrl to ul mon'a work in Portland nud the oh- apportion meat tMlvtn hhIoiih. Th Jeet ot It, hut It Ihih not followinl It up' purtMxe of the asH)ohtlUin Is not po lo a stylo to block his Kniuo in arous- littxl tu llio ( ut It lieliix In tn lug the rnspeetnhlo elumuiit to ia , tnlrsi of any party or faction, tend the primaries and dofoat "Lilt!" Neither do It tiMltvat ntt? Intention Joe," the senator. In netting up at on tht pttrl ot the intxir lHitet of plus. In short, Kluion has stihl INtrtlatul to ui up a city or sistn "thumbs - up," and tht )rtoutun flrWet at the roialuit ntUn As It hardly seems to know whether 11 Is title Indlrute. Ihn fainil At in will Included or not , b to hItUm thtf unlwn iisrn an thn Scott Should be Senator. rcriU of ramllilalo townl union ...... I. ...til ..I... ... I..M,.Utrt. I lain. u win Himi wn w hiiiii'jh-j'i leflsltttom to Haas kiws of tutnrent SSrS"W with the action of the represon- j .lo all druggists. Testimonials iree. ttttives ill voting for John li. Mil- f.e 25 cent Meals is the City. EXTRAS Legs, Eaatern and Oysters. Olympto 'EN DAY and NIGHT Prevented by warn) bhnniiooi wltUCi'TictuiA 6(ui-.and llt'ht ili-lir t Ciiticura. pur- e t of emollient .km euros. Tills trcatinei. o c stops falling l.:Ur. cleara tho a I" .r Hatlesnnd ilaniriiff,wt!ieln-it;itc(l, rf cm. stimulates Iho Iwtr M SSikos tho imlr grow upon a r lean, whole, some, healthy scalp when aU eUc faHs. You get What you buy from us. BIO Stock of WOOD, COAL, SAND & BRICK. ,wWe do... Trucking & Transferring. Laatz Br- exception of n few Simon leaders, the republicans are satisfied that iuit ehell can do nioro for Oreson and for the Pacific coast than any othor man who could have boon elected at that time. It is said that a very ducidod majority of the republicans of Lane county favor tho election of a succes sor to Simon, who can and will work in harmony with Mitchell. The iat- I tor senator lias Ave years yet to serve in his present term, with a ood pros- pect for another torm when that Is I closed. The interests of the state ro I quire, so it Is argued, that Senator; ' Mitchell's colleague in the sonato should be a man who will pull with j Mitchell and not against him. I Initiative and Referendum, i Mr. U'llen exprosses the belief ! that both the ropubllcan and demo cratic state conventions will endorse the initiative and referendum. Tho republican state convention will be held first. If the republicans should Ikuoio the amendment, then the dem ocrats should indorse it. the latter party would have n decided advan tage Bt the polls. "My experionco with tho republicans," says Mr. U'Hen. "is that they do not overlook anything that will ho of material ad vuntaBO to them in the campaign, and I do not bellow that thoy will let the democrats so into the campaign as the sole advocates of the amendment Tho amendment as proposed In this state has been divested of all the ob jectionable features, and Is certain to meet wtlh popular approval. It does not require that all acts of the legislature shall bo submitted to tho people, but leaves it in the power of the people to subject any act to tho test of popular vote, so that any thing that is obnoxious may ho re jected. The initiative and referen dum amendment proposed in Oregon Is the best that has yet been framed. It can not he called cumbersome or expensive, and yet It furnishes a com plete safeguard against Improper legislation." "If Mr. U'Hon's opinion of the ac tion that will be taken by the republi can convention bo correct, and It should seem probable that tho repub- for C. A. Johns, of linker county. In the eveut of that gentleman's candi dacy. Mr Crawford says the light between Mr. Furnish and Judge Ste phen A. Lowell, of Umatilln county. Is waxing exceedingly warm in east ern Oregon, and he gives It as his private opinion that either of those coiitostatits would rather heat his an tagonist than bo governor of Oregon. Walter Pierce's Opinion. "Furnish will carry Umatilla coun ty two to ou.0 In the primaries," said Walter M. Pierce, tho Umatilla coun ty wheat king and democratic poli tician, who arrived In Portland Satur day. Mr. Piorco Is a democratic par tisan above all else and tho wish may have been father to tho thought Mr. Pierce has been mentioned as good political timber himself In connoc tlon with tho di-moerat nomination for congresuian from this district, bin ho denies the soft Impeachment "Tho Ktatnrnnnt has been printed that tho delegates to tho democratic city and county convention would he selected by precincts. Tills Is Just what will not be done. At the last meeting of tho city and county com mlttoo decided to select thorn by wards instead of precincts for obvious reasons. Thn apportionment has not yet been mudo. While no official announcement has yet boon made to that effect, the democratic state ronvontlon will no douht ho held In Hibernian hall. The secretaries of tho city and coun ty committees are arranging to open up headquarters within a few weeks. No apartments for tho purpose have yot been secured. "Tho democratic nomination for congress will he made by tho state convention, delegates! from the two districts separating and forming two congressional conventions. This has always been the democratic usage in Oregon." Simon, a Wily Politician. Portland, Feb, 25. It will ho nows, probably, to tho Kaat Oregonlan read ers that the forces of Joo Simon ap pear to have tho upper hand In tho prjmary elections of Multnomah coun ty and Portland. From tho present out- 3 H. V. Hcott. who has been mnnllutt ed as the proper successor of Ju Simon In the United Htntos senate, believes that the olltco should xeok the man and Is of tco big a culltiro make a disagreeable scramble for It heneo the Otogoulan. Mr. Scott's pa per. hesitates lo take up the nulKclt against Simon, for fear that th- putt lie tuny eohcluilB that It Is Im(uk for Mr. Scott's benefit This ni..a on tin part of the greni cditm n..t aHstst In Hie re-elttlnii of Jtwt4.l1 mou to the I'nlted Mute m-nut. 1 country pre of Oregon could good work tor ttt people by ib man lug, until the legislature iiimIm c lOOa, that II V. Scott should lu tic-' ud senator, on the ground that lit the tlttest man In the statu for tint' high olllco and that In the sciinio lie would give an Itiiluanco to Or'g"i that would mean much for the stale and the people, particularly so In' connection wtlh tho Lowls and Clark j centennial lit Portland In 10'ii t.ji which congress will ho uxked to give t a big subscription "d f which thoj poople of the whole country will have to he Informed so that It tuny assume ', the form of a great national under taking with A gnsat nation's interest In It. N'o man could do tills ttrtmt plec of work so thoroughly as II w Scott. There aro other reasons t a llitn moment why he should l. United State senator, a colleague "f Senator MHcholl. whose ability Oregon's behalf baa Imh piovn nud portatltlug tu the laboring ciaMi 1 , . It. iirs nlul:i l.-nr tll.te J1 Un ut t fusrut at. -,n m ha. 1 t, appro in .n'lnti rxr " . 1,'ai gt ' at North .in'ma ii'' I ut the Indian bill. IS ffkr 1 ll JI IP l it, PnOHI0ITIONI8T8 OUT. Request that they p Allowed Place on Primary Ticket Denied. A requoet made to County Clfis riwellsnd by li. O. Miller, secretary fLAUTY A NEVER COMPLETE w " a " , ! iti t)ut (ll ti ,(i 1 iw m " )'UII 01 Wil li," iit fotllllul t t StrWi. t' H it ; . .f il iliii tlnHuUf tt, If ilxir-iriuK ut I'ft-Mr rrv. th4t ltt O c lv' o Imh t"U it WtVrl tlKllliO. 1 1 tut I I kt-lj l t.itcKtr ltu- ),. ' n a (Nil k sr' win U- IV Ut VJI V.H iMa,Vitui Mr. 0.4 tUlU atU If jr lui lUUUMIti. rrUallWt CUM Pf1 !'. M of tho prohibition party of Oregon that his party bo allowed a plmo on, tho primary ticket lu Multousnah, county, will ho denied. County Clrk , Swetland referred tho question tj Jllstrlft Attorney Chamberlain aruli the latter replied that lu his opinion I tho tirohlhitlonlsts arw not intltIHl to a placo on tho primary ticket un less the party polled 6 per cent of tho uitlre vote raat at tho election pro ceding tho coming on Under tho law In force before the enactment of the primary law tho prohibition par ty had a standing as a regular party, upon having polled 3 per cent of tho entire vote of tho county. Out of a total vote of about 20,000 at the last election lu this county tho prohibition party lecolved iSd votes. labwinqIaeu meet. Organize and will Advise Union Men on Record of Candidates. At a mooting of representative la boring men affiliated with local union organizations, which was heid in Portland, Monday, tho Nonpartisan AdvUory Association was organized and permanent organization was cf- For Sale! K-ght Jot with dwelling and barn, $3,000 House has seven roasrii, bills cellar and wood houc, city bard finished on stone foundaujifs, c Also four loin and nw coitaj, $1,250 Two lots and house, $x,ooo, part cash, reasonable time on balance, or will sell on installments. See FRANK B. CLOPTON, 817 Main Street. MP"-.--- tl ti 4 1 .1 a ,a QU8 LA FONTAINE, Prop.