East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 26, 1902, Image 1

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l " " ! .,,- ,ut,, ,m,mm,,
Wilt be delivered at your residence
or place of business by currier at
Eastern Oregon WcAtbcr
T --Atgkt ainivtf tain. Ttiur
!i eal. fair Mt snuthevt?
dltiMbin Thursday
VOL. 14.
rEXDLETON, UM AT11.1. V COUNTY, OltWiON, Wr.nMM).Y, FKmtlWm 1002.
- .'! j1-""" kJ tesS ei
schooner yacht afloat
over all being 161 feet; on the water
line 120 fppt-
,, , ,, u v vt vi u(.am mi
feet; 'depth 16 feet 6 inches: draught
; 15 feet. Her masts, of Oregon nine.
win be Wo feet In height, ami the
, largest boom S5 feet lone.
Hpnrv Puts Off His Visit tn!..H" !?w.b"ath of braw h( l
I v ' ' J - - -
Grant's Tomb,
Billions of Capital, of Course, Was
Paraded at the Table, Which Im
pressed Even a German Prince
The Millionaires Swarmed the Din
ing Room.
New York, Feb. 2G. Another gray
damp day faced Prince Honry when
he went unon the deck of Hohenzol
lnrn this morning. A drizzling rain
fell. The prince remained aboar.l the
yacht all the morning. Th inclem
ent weather decided him to tempor
arily abandon his visit to Grant's
tomb, which he was to make today.
At noon he left for the luncheon at
Doodles of Wealth.
Billions of capital was represented
at the luncheon to the prince. All
the leadors of Wall street were there,
besides monied men from Chicago
and other cities. The banquet room
wns coreeouslv decorated. Prince
Henry and his party was assigned to
a table at one side of the room, the
other diners being ranged around it
In crescent form. The prince was
greatly impressed at the gathering of
fbo money kings of free America.
Spent Most of the day in Sight See
ing Under Escort of Entertainment
New Yorli,P((."5(.it-TliTs was an
chor buoy tL&otp'Trlucg JJenryV
The greater part or the time was taic
en up with sightseeing under escort
of membors of the local entertain
ment committee. Many places of in
terest in and about, the city were vis
ited, the mammoth office buildings,
Fpnclous parks, monumouts and par
ticularly the busy scenes witnessed
on the itrn-'s elli'inni! manv rxpres-!
Blons of surprise from the prince
and his suite. At noon the party
rounded up at Sherry's where the
prince was the guest of honor at a
banquet arranged by leading business
men and financiers, among the num
ber being J. Plerpont Morgan, Wil
liam Rockefeller. William K. Vander
bilt and Ahram S. Hewitt. After the
dinner the tour of sightseeing was
continued until evening when the
prince proceedes to Arlon Hall to re
view the parade of the German
American societies of Greater New
York. The parade promises to be
one of the greatest affairs of the kind
ever Been in the metropolis. It will
be a torchlight parade and the par
ticipants will include all the German
singing, gymnastic, snapshooting
and bowling societies in Now York
and vicinity.
Press to Dine With Prince.
Maw Ynrk. Feb. 2C Elaborate pre
parations for the dinner in honor of
Prlnro TTp.nrv to be tendered to the
press of the country by the New York
Statts-Zeitung at the waiaon-Asiur-la
thin nvpnlnsr have been perfected.
Leading newspaper men are to be
present from all parts of the country.
Tho toasts for the dinner are urrauB
Arl no f nllrvwa
"Wnlonmo tn our
rcna Wnrmnn Rldder of the
Staats-'Zeltung. Responded to by
Prlnff TTonrv.
"Tko HmTiornr of Germany and the
President of the United States," by
Whitelaw Reld of the New iorK in
"Tho -Praaa flip Tie that BinilS,"
by St Claire McKelway of the Brook
lyn Dally. Eagle,
"Snvnn TtlnnH What W6 OWe tO
Germany in Literature, Art, Science
Unit Mimln " hv Unanes tiuiuij
Rmiti, nt iim Phiindelnhla Press.
"International Amity." by Charles
W. Knapp of the St. Louis Republic,
The 8chooner Yacht Meteor.
The German emperor's new sailing
' l J nli.nnlai'
yacht, successfully launcneu iuu,
at Shooter's Island, is to no
did nvnmniA nf tlifi skill of the Amerl
can yacht builder. While the emper
or himself has given many sugges
ift fHMne ana outnt
ivgm utfb -- - .
VtA trt AnalrmoA find 18 tO DO
entlrnlv onnBtriicled by Americans
an I A wi ndlnnn nmtnrlftlS. WllCH
completed the yacht will have cost
175.000. She Is to bo the largest
,ns much deck room ns tho finest
! steam yachts. The yacht will pos
j scss all die palatial anil roomy con
t veniencies of the most princelv steam
, juculi, wniie at tne sany; lime Having
In 1 J . , ,i , ...
n-.u mi,iuuige in uisponsing wun
the vast amount of wnchlnory. boil
ers and coal hunkers.
To carry out- tho emperor's com
mands her finish throughout will be
plain yet substantial. All her woiK
such as the deckhouse, skylights and
rail will be of selected teakwood and
all capstans, winches, etc.. of bronxe.
Situated aft Is a deck house of steol
cased with walnut. This deckhouse
serves as the main companion leail
ing below, and in addition will be
used In dirty weather and will allow
a view of what Is going on on deck.
The stairs from tho deckhouse loml
to a vestibule, here is found a chart
case, shelves for chronometer, and
nautical Instruments and a locker
for hanging oilskins. Aft, opening
from the vestibule, Is the ladles' ca
bin, containing two berths, sofas, a
writing desk, and a large marble
wash stand and mirror. The state
rooms are few in number, but of large
size. The main saloon extends the
whole width of the boat, and Is 18
feet long.
iShe will be rigged as a fore-and-aft
schooner craft, and will have tho fol
lowing sales: Mainsail and foresail,
forestaysall, jib, main and aft and
gaff topsail, main club and topsail, or-'
dlnary trysail, balloon trysail, bal
loon foretopsall, balloon jlbtopsail,
baby jlbtopsail, spinnaker, fore and
aft trysail. Tho keel is of trough
type and the deck is of. best white
pine. In different parts of the boat
have beeu placed lesu,.-! bearing Ii''
imp),-i i coat K am ;-.
The yacht was designed by A. Cary
Snlith and Henry C. ISarbey. The
builders are the Townseud & Dowm
shipbuilding company.
Trtneh Pay Marked Tribute to thr
Uluttraui Countryman,
Parts, VVh. St-.Vot iiwt tb rt ,
mln nf tht srwvt S'eKil
lrMnht from St. tllt autt hm- ,
itv4 in tW InIM k l'fww pnM
a Huirv KiaAow or mtirv tStl J
f 1.11 , A ,lu . )
irm rninoM mi tfen ikat 4 t
iUy whon th attmikt nt nil Franow
!.! In ltw rfMWAtHMI o(
th Vlrnr Httft rWory TTi
i Mnrm tlNl nil rttiy, Wic(ni)ii tH
Ih- ii.r.n on wtt)i th HvM!nf ot
th Huw monunrat (m th Square
th- V(vr Hnrt coK-tuiUiit totUjeiit
with a rtK-ftkm nt tk VUW
mt a Bla rttottnnno o Hnr
m" nt the OcstHKtHi I'rnRfHi.
PrndBt tmhvt, M VVnl4c1t
i;i..-vu a ltd uthr omril at tlw,
?fi t : Hutthr uk w4Vil
array of writer, orlvutlgtti, nrthrtk,
nnd Micltlw. tmrtirtpAtwl In tit
vriiu cort'inonlo. UHrtns Um hC
temoon thor wa a ehw rwn
lal nt thn Panthwm wUn I Unto
tomn wnn nitnot nimiHi UHdr
tnAM of ftorttl embteiHA t))Ml(4 ,
thpre by hl adav.r. f
Reported by I. L. Ray & Co., Pendle
ton, Chicago Board of Trade and
New York Stock Exchange Brokers.
New York, Feb. 20. The wheat
market had a range of a cent today
and the close showed a gain of
over yesterday. Liverpool closed
lower, G Vj. New York opened
lower, and after touching 81, ad
vanced to S2V. Chicago opened 7C
and closed 7G. Stocks steady.
Closed yesterday, 82..
Onened today. 81.
Range today, 81'S2.
Closed today, 82',.
Commander of the battleship III) c s and just now hobnobbing with
Prince Henry of Prussia.
Irrigation in Utah.
Suit. Lake City. Feb. 20. In re
sponse to the call of Governor Wells
delegates from all parts or tne state
assembled In conference here today
to discuss questions relating to irri
gation. The condition and needs of
irrlftition throughout the state, tne
advisability of a thorough and active
organization of water users and state
and federal legislation to protect and
extend irrigation works were among
the subjects discussed.
Lord Kitchener Reports the Lotees
of the Enemy.
Loudon. l-Vb. 2. Lord Kitchener
today reiHirts as follow; "Six hund
red Boers, drlviug a herd or eattl- be
fore them, attempted to rush Colonel
llyngs' right out poet line on the !SM
Inst., near Bothasberg. A certain
number sot through after abHtidoniuR
everything and Ipavtiiii 15 of thH
dead and six wounded bohlnd. Our
casualties hav noi bvn repurti-d
British Convoy Captured.
London. Feb. 26. An official dis
patch from Protorir. ntate that a'li
empty convoy wns attacked 10 imIIos
southwest of Klorksdorp. After e
vere fighting, the convoy wns captur
ed. The details of the engagement
have not been received.
'1. -
persDU&l injoriM mvr ummU In
L.r for a dt-ath ii hufi
:i . ti..M ,-n.f-i '-d,il
Interesting Topics Intercut Thote In
Attendance nt Superintendent'
Chlrnco. Fb. If. -The IiImaI nor
mnl nchool mid tin- duusro of (uliic
bloloKtcal annlouJtMi lit roaitnnlni; on
mtKi-ntifuinl mitijoctn xvum thn Kn-I
il iiiplci of dbcloii thl morn
mp at thr mitxrtntoitdont' coiivoh I
tiou of tho N'attonnl litlucntlnnal An '
i hocintlon. The partlrlpnnt IneludtU
Prof. W. II. Paynn. of the UnUerty
of Mirhlgnn; Frank L Joncn, ntnte
NUporlntoiutHul of public instrurlton
r Indiana. 8uperlntitiilnl It. O.
l'.Minc or Cincinnati, and PrtMltlttnt
John V CtK.k. or the Northern Itll
r.t! rttnttt Normal tfohool.
'I'hU afternooa the ctinvvntloa
i-i'lit into two neprKt eentHrunriM
tor round table dlaruMtloiu on mat
ter of apocful liitureat to city and
' r-uMuty BMitertnlentfatitfl, nud normal
!d trainrng nehoeol tociohar. Thin
rWnlnE tU MlUffttars nre t IUIihi
to en udtlrwa on thw tHluctiUaiwI
! trm of Porto ltlco. to be dnlivred Uf
I Dr. M. 0. nrvimbiiiiBh. wunmlaekmer
of etlucallon for that Ulaiiu.
Sofintors Doddo Not to Expel
Urn South Cnrotfntins.
At PUl It Wa Theuaht That Bot
Sevater SheuM Ot CpHrd From
the 0ety for a Umlud Time, liut
LrItr DolJd Otharwtvt.
WiMato. 1VU t - Tin tueUn
a to whettKMr (it ptiHhli ttenatotw Till
man ami Meljuul v. an taken Hp thl.t
mntac by tit Mtvntt elertfcm antt
rrilljf wwmlttxo. H yaa thouht
ihai a nHHilitin wunui ti.t a.itiptpii
tepeliHii tHtth imatof from par
tt.lHtUiti la tho nroc-rdltiKM of (he
neeate for a Hmli.l time, tMl the
member of th, eouimlttre dildeil
llnrwln!. belnic inQanncod by a Ueela.
oltt of eoufetenee bt'tf'.m revuhll
ran and Ufniooratlr teadrr. who re..
uwmtfRilt'd (hut tho punlnhment lake
th- form of a vlfiotmi raoHitlou o(
-nure and conM"'IUn each t thetu
ti tu4V a ihrmil aiuloxy In writ
ttif; to the nitv
The Phlllpplnt Tariff Bill.
WaeklHKtwn. Felt IB.Tht! houae
waja and inonne comiHltte today ln
;ttniet) Chalrnuu Payne to report
to the hiiiife the l'tilllpplttt) t a rift bill,
na H wn ameiuled by the stinale, with
retxtmnteH'htlunii that the hiu uor
roerur la tee niucndinent. and de
mind u couforunce. Tlui lmpre4Iort
rvii that In the nd the rnpiiMI
ran bouee tmilera will aeeept the bltl
a it paaaetl the veitttle.
Querrllla Chirtaln TaKn.
Waaalnutott, Feb. A oablsrttrn
to the war detMrtment from Uttral
f'bAtfee, nntiMiueoa (be capture t
General Uibmk the notortotls Kr
rilia rhleftaltt.
Y. P. U. Meeting.
firoon.lv v.. Feb. 2G.-
r.nmmittee on Ways and Means
Big Portland Fair.
) Portland. Fob. 2G. H. W. Corbett.
! president of the Lewis ami Clark -!
tonnlal. selected Uie following oltUenn
m.i n omnmlttoo of ways and
Thoi moans: W. D. Kenton. Adolph Wolfe,
-v' DaAnlo'c ITnlnn nf this ....... v 11 W KntMR. IlO
UaptlSl 1UUI1K i i-ui.v. o " ----- i JUHU r. v ativn. - . :., ,
district began its annual convention , Fri(.n,. a. H. IX-vers and 1. N. Holw-ti-
here today with a large uuuhuuhuk. , UH. xne purpose 01 appotnuiih
During the two days tne convouuou f.ominittoe is to navin u iwi i w
Is in session there are to be addresses
b ysome of the most prominent uai
tlst ministers of Kentucky.
ruiH"' ' " .. ..
charge of the details of soliciting and
collecting auUeerlpUoa lor uie nw.i
tlona! capital Htoek rooently author-Izod.
An.rlrn Universities.
, r.i. fiThoro was an i Will Raise the Flag.
Vj" h. ' mnrnlnp nti .,. 1 ...... n 1-V.l. SC. It till lefill
ncrpaseu attenuunuu mm 'uu'""'o --i vummis"' . --
he second day's session of the As- Lra(.,ically decided that focmal cero-
tlie SCLOUU tti..,IMms 1 .... i. tl,n ralflni? ovor of
snclation 01 AmencuH ui""" monies un iut-m - -
convention. The membership and j tht. DanlBh West Indies by the Uni u d
nollcv of tho association waa m!Statf.s Bnan oe i""
general subject of the day's discus-1 army anil It 1 prabable that ".d.1:
Sons ! m-nl of troope from Porto H o will
., ijf sent to wwi"10 - ---
Leading Negroes Meet. exchange of the ratifications of the
" . . . or mho . M4, ho flac and formally
boS'of bSJps oTthe A."m:e. Zlon ' poeseeeion of the new t,rr.tory.
church began Its annual conference Dead
in Little Rock today. --u -
consists of nine mcmoen . u.. ? ,'"'"' "inS ml. Is dead at
recognized as among me . mo ""-,,,.,1,1- 0f
erdnllgbtened race, sl Vincent's
Miss Stone at Salonlca. fun-maker of the tsage to pass away
IV I loa wfcwuw -
riA nnri i Vv nanf fnrtnlcat
ovation from the America..
The two women ieu o
among them "Goo-Coo
pie without delay.
King Assassinated.
Tendon. Fob. 2G.-A news agency
d.spatch from Berlin . Vincent Muessman 130.000 damages
ed there that the King of Sen la nas vincew the IargeBt ftWard
been assassinated.
Co6tlv Limbs.
New York. Feb. 2G.-For the loss
of both leg:, by being run over b a
street car. a jury sitting in the su
1, erne court has awarded 7-ycar-old
Why the Brland Captured
Stone and Held Her fcr 3
Siiencer Biddy, first aecretery of tho
United Btati-B lesatiou at CouUtl
nnnit who tied chare- of the iiexotl-
atiotm for th rlaec of Mlaa mien
! M. i-.tono and Mine. Tallka, which
!fi eut-i-eeeful. hae arrived In Now
York. Hi- atatee the brlguuda tiitur
?d MU 8tone. an Atnerlcan. rather
than any other wlaeloimry becauso
thoy believed the Americans bed tho
moat money and would he likely to
m.y the mneoni
"Did the brigands want tho money
for themaelvoe?" .Mr. Hddy was asked.
No. they did not. and that Is whore
the Aimirlcnn people do not under
Kltnd this erne. It Is entirely a polit
ical matter and all the people in Mac
odonla arc In sympathy with the kid
naping, for they bollevo It la a atop
toward freeing Macedonia from Turk
ish rule, the bxiiio an Hulgarln has
been, and tho money thoy deitiaudod
ijioii.000) wan Intended for the Mac--donlau
i -If wo had been dealing with tho
professional brlganda, who wanted
money, pure and simple, inatead of
political one. Mlas Stone would have
leen reloaaed long ago. It la very
IlkHy that this capturo was deliber
ated upon for a long time and the
vlrUins selected were considered beat
to aervo the cause, when compared
with those of other nationalities."
"Do the Macodonluiifc have any feel
ing of onmlty toward the mlsalon
arlee?'" "No: they are rather friendly to
them than otherwise. They dotdro to
attract the attention of the worJd to
their cause and Incidentally to icei
some murh-iiooded money. I have
every reason to believe that they have
Klvon Miss Stone and companion in
captivity the very best 01 treatment.
TuUIih'h babv was born
sh- received the kindest of treatment
from all we can learn.
"I have five letters from MUa Stone
writton 4n Bulgaria, so her oaptora
could read them, and thoy wore mas
terpleeea In eleaverness In diplomacy.
Miss Stone Is a very courageous wo
man." A , .
"Won't Turkey attempt to punish
the ringleaders?"
Turkey will have a problem on her
hands If she does ,lor the Macedoni
ans have risen as one man In their dor
termination to be freed from Turkey,
and this kidnaping of the two mission,
arles may be called chapter one In
their plan for liberty."
i It I u tttitlfeable foot that nearly
! i nwnzm have soutei teth. Deeay
Italians Get Away With Seven Hun
dred Lire.
Home, Feb. 2l, -The Rev. Horace
Uutton of Hoaton waa robbed of 700
tiro yesterday. He wna hleyclliiH In
the country when hi machine broke
down and ho accepted the offar of
two men. who wore drlvliiK in a cart.
in tub.-, lil,n l llnoti M him i.rrll'Ml
here, Mr. Dutton atartnd to remuu-il
erato the drivers when he found that
hla purse had dlssHppcurud. He ar
ciiHod the drivers, who thereupon
whipped up their horxea and drove
rapidly away.
I tetn are an vtttente nt elvillf.
English Labor Leader Dead.
New York, Feb. 26 The English
liialta iirrlvlntr thii week brouKht tne
news of the death of Jamoa Mawds-tS
ley. for many yeara one of the fore I
moat labor leaders of Knjtland, altar- i g
1 . ..ut I. v. .. I. .,....... will.! "
IllK I'lJ. Il lll,(ltfl I. ,11 , V " ...
John Hum and Kelr Hardle The
Intelligence was received here with
regret among trade unionist, where
Mr. Mawdslcy waa well known, hav
ing visited this oouutrjr several years
ago as a fraternal detonate from the
llrltlsh Tradea Union Conicre to the
convention of the American Federa
tion of I.abor.
3 s
j Hearing In Bingham Case.
Kansaa Cllv. Mo . Feb. 26. The
case of Itolllna Minimum, charged ig
with forgery, camo up for hearing to- g
day. IJInKliam, it i allcxcd, fenced ! -deeds
to property own-d by hla step- j 8
mother and secured 120,000. When J
Indicted ho fled and nolhlnif w J
heard of hlra until two weens bro g
hi, surrendered voluntarily In 1 a
Texas and askud to be brought back I g
for trial. s
Ohio Bank Failure.
Washington, Feb. 26.The fomi
Iroller of the currency ha appointed
National Hank Kxamlner J- W. De
lay receiver of tho First National
bank of Belmont, Ohio, upon tele
graphic advlre from tbe director
that they had closed the doom. De
posits are 1201.636. Cash on hand,
Indian Missionary Dead.
St. Loula, Feb. 26,Itev. Joaepa
Cook, a pioneer of Indian missionary
work In Wyoming and tho Dakota,
Is dead of valvular dlseaao of the
heart. Mr- Cook wa one of the best
known Indian missionary workers In
the west,
Those Hut are guaran
teed to be rust proof, 1
colors Pink, Blue, White
Drab and Black
Golden Rule