East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 20, 1902, Image 4

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i nelutnut w.fli 41m rrnnrlnlir nf Olir
A lUVDlfATi oioPtnvntn When our citizenship
j ronies to a point when they must con-
' coal their desires from the corpora-
1 HUKSD Y, FEBRUARY 20, 1803 tlons and slink nlong with 'cards up
rrrrr .. . . l.j i tUGlr s,covos thon may the republic
tins no more ue ncrauieu to me
DAHY, WEEKLY i!1 SEMI-WEEKLY ! bo dissolved and our boasted 1
by the ! ties no more be heralded to
East Oregonian Publishing Company
. IS
. an
Ona copy per year, by nill
Uuucopy sis months, by mall
Ouo copy por wwk, by cartlt r
TVliU subaorintlnn
Bhigle numbers
SEJlI-WSnKLY rHrOKlllK'S ).atk:
Due copy one yrnr f JJJ
ttn copy sis muntlKs '2
Trial subscription
tHiiclu numbers "
One copy one year
Ouocopy six months v
Viiu subscription
t?tule copy...
One Inch, orW.ln Kiinl-VVekl;-. l"T iuontU.ii.09
The other day, two factions of the
Daughters of the American Revolu
tion in Chicago went to the Union
Passenger station to board the train
for "Washington. They went to at
tend the national meeting. Two la
dies headed the rival factions. As
they met upon the eve of departure,
they did not speak. Each looked frig
idlv at the other as though she were
nieincu,oriM,iiiUttiiy, permomii., . ... ... -w . nothinc but thin air. And they car
Two lurnrs, orlii.in llly mat WnMy.pvr
.lunin : 400 ried this frigidity to Washington,
OTTUireeiiicli.Biiil Wwkly.per Incli por j ,
tt-ror three lnehe. Dally. ir lm-h ix-r mouth.. - w
Over llireo Inches, in mmy mm t-vsiy, jw
inch i(r month -J
On in -h, orlpfs, in Vckly jier moiiib 1 5
trrer three lnclii-. IB Weekly, per im-hper
month '
OTer t hreo Indies, In Tuci!ny 's tsnt or i-euii-
Wwkly. per Inch por month 5t
Bolicl nonpnrPl I advertisements In Sml-W eer.ly
"V.'eafcly or Dull v. first Insertion, jier inch, l.vu:
Much sntnenueu' Insertion, Nc.
JjxuI nutlets, ton cjnta w.z llns. each Insertion.
iSS i throughout the sessions of the big
Perhaps they were not typical of
mend themselves so plainly to ourj
countrymen who are honest mhn;"l, i
and at a time when democratic op-1
portunlty ao palpably awaits their
sturdy and consistent ndvoency, It s
especially appropriate that those who
profess our party faith should cel
hrate this annivorsnry with cr.tluisi-i
asm. .
In any effort to put the dpnin-'-i in
ship upon Its true course, light and
inspiration will be afforded by a con
temptation of the career of the great
lender who, resisting every strange
temptation, and all false lights, stead
fastly followed the old and snfe land
marks of the democratic doctrine,
and those who sincerely tabor for a
return of democratic triumphs will
find their strongest hope and encour
agement In recalling the victories
won under the standard which Sam
uel J. Tilden held aloft.
In adjusting the assessment of pro-1 n general
David Bennett Hill I knew Mr.
Tilden well and Intimately and re
garded him ns one of the foromrs
men of his time, whose unsullied t a
reer reflected credit upon the coun
try and honor upon his party. I fol
lowed his leadership when he was
alive, and I cherish his memory now
tiint Iib is ilend. Ho was a student of
what the women would be as polltl-; vuc questions, an able statesman,
cians Indeed, some women have al- a profound thinker, a sagacious poli
readv demonstrated possession of ; ticinn and a cautions and prudent pol-.
t.,o '.mm .UPlonw in . J-.""XtLo .
politician. Yet, it cannot be doubt-, ahvnvs courteous always just. He I
ed that women cannot quarrel over SOught to guide his party on right )
one thing and be friends over things I lines and in honest paths.
T7,. inarfmr. siiiiiiose it "s war upon corrujiuuii
W'JUard, 111., Anrnst 1, IBM.
I wm In bd honUh this aprina: and could not
sit up in bed tot four weeks. When I was con
fined my child died. Wbon I bopn to sit up I
feltsowenViuid bad such tcrnblo ipalim In . tny
back nnd hips. I hod kidney trouble nnd fall
tne ol tUo worab. I also bad hysterical spells. I
ttiw lit a bud condition when I received your
"Ladioa' Wrthday Almnnao" aud read the ad
vertisement of Wine of Cardul and Thcdford'd
Ulook-DroUKht. Bluco April 20tb, I havo tnken
tour bottlo of "Wino of Cardul and Uirco pock
nes of Thedford's Dlaak-DranRht. I foollilo
now porsou now. I cau do all my work and can
walk out to see any of my neighbors. I belisTO
I would lmve boon In the imvvo hml it not been
tor Wine of Cardul. IT SAVML.
It li well that women arc more patient thin
men. Few men could bear the bitter pangs,
the Bgonv and distress that women cudurt.
Thousand's of women have come to look upon
lufferina as a duty of their sex. But there are
many Instances of tills heroic fortitude which
now renders unnecessary. Women need no longer su fer for modesty!
sake Wine of Cardui brimti relief to modest women in the privacy of their
bonus. Many of the best homes In this city arc never without this great
medicine. It cures whites and falling of the womb and completely eradl.
cates these dragging periodical pains. Mrs. Davis' cure shows you conclu.
slvelv what you may expect if you follow her example nnd bike Wine of
Cardui. Thedlord-s Black.Draught aids Wine of Cardul by regulating th
stomach and bowels. When you ask vour druggist for thue medicines, he
iurtvou get them. U wai Wine of 6rdul and Thedford's Black Draught
fhat saved Mrs. Davis' life. Never take a substitute.
Oopiatnicnt'" The Cltuwnootta ilBdlcIne Company, CUatumooBa. loan.
in New j
,. rui ...u"--. nifv , ,0-,., nvorMirow of
perty in Umatilla county one prlnai-, had been the Sons of the Revolution , notoous canal' rlng in the stnte !
pie should govern privileges grant-, in that case in Chicago, 'i ne lean
ed by the people to any man or cor- ers 0f the rival factions meeting at
poration should pay according to the the Union station, would have said
value of the privilege's value to the ' to each other:
granted. It is upon this principle -Ah, good morning, old fellow, let's j vorml from business Interests. With j
that it is argued that rail and tele-: g0 and take a walk," or words to ; j,, conceptions of public duty he re- j
phone lines must pay towards the -jiat effect. And an onlooker would
support of the government. But, in never had suspected that fierce rival
justice to all, let the application be vy vns carried on between them,
not alone to corporations doing bus-' Perhaps, too, the method of the wo-
in 1875, and his victory for hard
mouev in the democratic national
convention of 1S70 wore among
most notable achievements. He be
, lieved in honest politics, wholly di
garueu every citizen, eiBattii) cvci t
vonnc man. as under obligation to j
take an active part in public affairs ! The
and not leave the direction of politics
to those who would use them for
ness here and owned i-'seAlur.
It has been one of the tenets of the jess
men is the move honest, and involves mercenary and selfish purposes. If
i i.iii ii t. 1 tn..A l
the pretended friendship. : ne was amnuious u was n uiv uuuv
, ... l t t i,.-.. 1 whnl"1 f11 uaiilisiiiii(, DU,u'""ub -"-l
newer croen oi iu.uuu mui. nuu-i nowever iuut muj uc, jiu """'peneraj welfare.
chises given to a company private would ordinarily refuse to speak to : Tnls is niy nrief description of Til
or semi-public call for proportion-1 a political opponent could hold den his high ideals and his lofty
ate compensation. For instance, fcs his following He would he outlawed , purposes. Our party should profit by
nnd soon be ' u,e o---ana
soon ne steniU,. maintain the principles
which he so ably championed in his
Victor at Last,
his: nil! ivn HA8D AMD nAMTtDIlCC
i l ri.UL.Hivi liniiy. ni iu i o n i i i i
Latest Scientific Discovery Eight lots with dwelling and barn,
right of eminent domain given to a , as
railroad company possesses a distinct
value. It permits the company the
right to survey a line across any
man's farm, and to build a road re
gardless of the wishes of the people
whose property is to he out into by
it. This right of eminent domain
a churlish fellow,
lonesome politically.
The Statesman's assertion that the
fight for governorship was between
Geer and Furnish is reported to be
resented with much bitterness and
public papers and speeches and so
well exemplified in his official and
private life.
Cures all forms of Scalp
Diseases, such as Dan
druff, Baldness &c, and
will stop the Hair from
Falling out. As a Dress
ing it has no equal, keep
ing the Scalp and Hair in
a Healthy condition.
Richard Oluey The memory of
Samuel J, Tilden not only a wise
and resourceful party leader, but a
i ....... . Ki- flin Inrwlm-G nf fllA nil. p 1, fi . . ...1 .-. 1 - T.T I c- . i of-
together with the actual alue of the , )0sltlfm ond characteriZed as false , rIotism was pure and ardent, his
land used is largely what .rokes tlie;ancl nialieious. Geer, Furnish and ; knowledge of political science pro
roilroad company protit.ili'.-j Lowell are the only authorized candi-, found, his conviction of the superior
Tint th.-. mil r-timiiiinios nr tho t.-l-! dates and are the only persans seek-,ity of the American people and in
ephono companla:3 are
enjoy privileges gained
pie. There are franchis
of wav for electric ligat poles, for I by far stronger in the couventljn J the plain tendencies of the policies
than his home rlvai. Newspaper and measures of the dominant party
BKOUK 4 McCOilAB, Ag'to for Pendleton and
St 12.500 lor a Prescription.
The largest sum ever paid for a prescription
House has seven rooms, bath,
cellar and wood house, city water,
hard finished on stone foundation.
IB wiiero von m
Bsstlineof oeaPpn
?lasjerV Brick
Windows, Bash
Pendleton Planing
Luinber Yard.
Not on Pasco,
I still haveFarracfori
Also four lots and new cottage,
N. Berkelei
Bavin gs Bank Building, Pendletftl
.1 ii . .1 . ne rt , ,. , i . .ii niifinrran fin Tins 111 hoti ii run tTivcii a h'mrl . 11.
f n tl,i i tne nomination, as an leaueia ui ; tne eincacy oi appeals to tneir rea-' " "- - - -- -
not all tlial!newspai)ers well know. In eastern so anrt conscience unbounded. , lfOi. The transfer involved iu roin nd stock
by the peo.;0 it is generally admitted that , Tholl h a revohltlon ln our form of i 12'f aml 7rsp m?
os for rights 1 Furnish will be ahead of Lowell, and KOvernment may not yet be on foot. , !"e.n 'spe.d"c '.r. r B. t.'s" 6ease aud 1ltt-
mill races and water rights that are
The subject deserves close study
here in Umatilla county.
I all over rii.' te said t the fight ,
betes, hitherto incurable diseases.
They commenced the careful Investigation of
the speollic November 15, 19(0. They inter
vpved score? of the mired nnd tried It out on
its merits by putting over three dozen discs
on tho treatment nnd watching them. They
also got physicians to name chtonic, incurable
cases, and administered It with the physicians
for Judges. Up to August 27, eighty seven por
cent of the test cases were either well or
progressing favorably.
There being but thirteen per cent of failures,
the parties were satlnQed and closed th trans
action. The proceedings of tho investigating
committee and the clinical reports of the test
cases were published and will be mallid free
nnunnllnaflnn A.lrlnec ImiU T TT I I 'reW (rJ .
una iu uLlCmpt iu pan v,4:0 Montgomery St.. Ban Francisco, Cal.
emasculate them.
cItipo thn nutlirpnlr nf iha Snnnlfili
of great value. These privileges , wafi between Gper and Furnish. Of war is to destroy the ideals which ,
onct granted demand compensation course other names have been men-, were once the peculiar glory of the (
to tho people who give them in the J tioned, without authority, though, in American people, and the loss of
form of annual taxes toward the car-1 connection with this nomination. C. , which makes governmental form of ,
. . . A. Johns, one of the number, says he j i,ut slight moment. The democratic !
rying on the government that P"-,w,u nol put a 8traw iu the way of I party at this hour and at a critical
teats the recipients of the privileges Governor Geer's renominatlon and , stage of the national life, can in no '
in tho exercise of their rights so glv-1 will not be a candidate. Henry An-1 other way deserve so well of the
i heny, nnother, has repeatedly said country and of the human race as by ,
that his people favor the reiinmma-, reaffirming its allegiance to tho vital
tion of Governor Geer, and he has as-1 features of our American policy, and
sured his friends that lie is pledged j by declaring its unwavering opposl-'
to bring that about. J. SI. Church,
who has also been named has de
clined to become a candidate, and
An esteemed eastern Oregon demo- i says he will use his influence to
crat, "William Smith, state senator J bring a delegation from Union conn
' , . , , twty to the state convention for Gover-
from Baker coutny, has said to the , Geer
Daily Democrat of Baker City: '
"I aslo found that a number of peo ; The fight is between Geer and Fur
pie object to the nomination of any i nish, and no one Is as well assured
Individual for the United States sena- j oi this as the men who are denying
.. , 5 , it. It was decided several months
torship on tho grounds that it ago that Furnish would havo ihe tup.
an opportunity to the big corpora-; port 0f the Mitchell machine; he
tlons to determine whether or not I paid for it, so it is alleged, by liber-
they could use him and if not they!al contributions to the campaign
i iunus, anu n is uia piuiieiiy. mc
1 leaders of tho opposition to Governor
could combine to defeat him."
Certainly, Senator Smith cannot ( Qeer know Umt thJs lg true; they
support this declaration to Us logi- j know that Furnish has rights that
cal conclusion. If the people Bhould they cannot deny. The talk of other
conceal their candidates for the Unit-' candidates is simply for effect. The
g I opposition to Governor Geer has but
ed States senato from tho corpora-, Qne candldnte( and that ls w. j. Fur.
tlons between the time wnen tne njan.
nominating conventions nro held and
Is often the name civen by careless and
But why should our friends go Into : thoughtless people ito those who are 'care-
the time when the elections i spasms a n :
then why should not the candidates Mr. FurnlBli in tn contest. " 's j taty procluiin her free from womanly
!! rtI LrZ fl So be 1-ont in S?ntle,nian V? n6ed DOt b asmmed diseas-W. The luck often consists in her ,
for the other ofnees also no Kept in t of K renUhlicans are bo exceeding- t,j t.tf.,n r.r,ci,ir.ri n, r,,r.
tho background, dark horses, aa It iy unwise as to nominate Mr. Furnish its 0f rjr, Pierce's Favorite Prescription
and other building
material including
and Sand.
We have a large stock of
for barns and dwellinge
and proved its ability to cure the dis
eases peculiar to her sex.
"1'nvonte rrescnpuuu " is a rename
wnm for fear the cornorations will ! the Statesman will support him with
ascertain their views, and, If hostile, every awent available The
defeat them? Are wo so securely i . . . . .. . poniHdntn to tho ! medicine for the cure of womanlv dis-
wlthin ihe grasp of the corporations ront. Bring him from behind the eases. It establishes regularity, dries
inin tim ii riit t t bin rofnni weakeninji- drains, heals iuflammation
IIIUI l HiUBl ""''" ll"- "O . ,, ra fmn,
! Q
on Lumber far
Alta St., opp. Court House.
Two lots and house, $1,000, parti
cash, reasonable time on balance, j
or will sell on installments. See.
817 Main Street. j
The Time
'COhv 1 OM7
Popular Decision
is that the Domestic Laundry is noted
for the biiperlority of its service. All
linen laundered there is dotie by the
best, luteet and most perfect methods,
and is in every way the most, satis
factory. This is a question of fact that
good dressers will appreciate.
J. F. Bohinhon, Prop. Pendleton.
uMe cam PD. THESE CU
conceal our intentions from tbem?
The Inference on tho part of Senator
Smith Ju not worthy that open, frank,
outapo)son, fearless man. And It is
not ln accordance with the views of
tho people of the country, who want
that much of a Btop towards tho elec
tion of United Statso aenatorH by di
rect vote of the people.
Tho peoplo should not liavo to go
about their election hecauBe In mor
tal fear of corporations. It is really
an attitude of cowardice, and Is not
riR a citizen and a republican be ex-! 1
nmlnnl In r.rlr tlint tlin nnrtv will f "CSS. . . . . .
' , I " I hart poor health for nine years," writes Mra.
1)0 able to make an intol'ifjont pelec-1 Artnintie Wntkins, of Acme. Kanawha Co., W.
tion at the primaries. Tho contest Is I v.. lS,
botweon Geer and Furnish, and the
republicans havo a right to know
something of tho man the opposition
proposes to place on the ticket for
them to ratify at the polls. Salem
drover Clevoland At a time when
tho beneficence and sufficiency of tho
principles of pure domocracy corn-
doctor did not do me uuy good ami I concluded :
to write to you. When I wrote I had no Idea '
that I would ever get well, but when your letter
reacneu me 1 uegan 10 nave nope. 1 commenced
taking Dr. Pierce's medicines us directed aud
began to improve in strength. I was toon able
to do the work for my family of six. I took
eight bottles, three of ' Favorite Prescription
and five of Golden Medical Discovery ' and two
vUl of' Pellet.'
The People's Common Sense Medical
Adviser, J008 pages, iu paper covers, Is
sent free on receipt of ai one-cent stamps
to pay expense ot mailing only. Address
Dr. U, V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
Notary and
$3.50 to $5 Delivered
Order of ua and aave money.
Orders for Rubber Stamps
also solicited.
You get
What you to!
from us.
Bid Stock of
...we do...
Trucking & 'Trans
Lsatz Br
SKlLCcu woKK fiAINrtlH. I
has mude our repair department tho best for
nil nrouuu repairing in the county, wnun
jrour carriage, wagon or buggy needs mending,
bring it to our shop nnd huve it dono properly.
When your vehicle needs a thorough overhaul-
ini:. urine it nere sua wo will return it iookiuu
II bo new,
''e do work -well; wo never over
WatcrSt., n arStttin, remlletou, Oret
Pendleton-Ukiah Stage Line
Huston & Carney, Prop'n.
Leave Pendleton every day at 7 o'clock
except Sunday, for Pilot Kock, Nyo,
Ridge, Alba and Ukiah. Good ao
conitnodationa. Reasonable freight and
pausenger rates.
City oilice at Tallman & Go's drug
. . 1 -.n ill u u--
sent free. u."- Ifosun "pa
l-atonts tftien i cw, .
eolation or k BO'i-i
"nViucii Ornca -