East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 20, 1902, Image 1

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lci.verrti iu your residence
J pi a of buMness by carrier at
J 5c A WEEK.
Eastern Oregon Weather
Tnlt ami TriUy f.,r
i Rss ""Kl w 11 ft
-4 4
II. t
I on the arrangement of ships ahead
hn Secn?1-C,,r,c,e "und the hnrtor and
Lh Std B orders. In accordant
hV, V , ,U,Py Instantly moved to
nhla"a.f th? Svlrt when the
l-1n.-area. tor a these .
things the credit Is his.
"Admiral Schley Is riqhtly cntttl- t n r ,
STSJf uJSSUS4 TZ BeSul,mittotl Tomorrow u
flttht. On the whole she did well- ,i r
ut I agree with the unanimous find- t0 tHO Panama DUcll.
ings of three admirals who composed
the court of inquiry as to the 'loop.'
It seriously marred the Bro'oklvn's
the American ship that day.
"Personally. I feel it would have!
NTY. OKKCJON, T1U Usn.VY, rr.lllU'AHY tfo. li.o-J
terms snmsH Ruinun
$750,000 TO PANAMA.
! J f DrAnAWAlf .-tit 4- L
. I r D AJ!...i ru BCI 10 Given Cnntainl
i t4iiL iimi wn c rri -v , 1 i . ,
I Bin waiving this, it is evident that i
Aainwright was entitled to receive I
more than any other or the com-'
manders and that it is lust tn i,imL'
ral Sampson that ho received n I f the protocol crautinc the Pnitmi , n).iut
), j .. . - r... ...
h.juici mnuniage in numbers than0iaus
i Cnbinot ? Rosign-Blood
shot! Near Barcelona.
Ll., Cuntnlrtn tk f" L
V l J 1..JLUIII.1 (111. I III
j n CLl..
11 1 iHIIMI I rir. .Till
We Lease Strip Five Miles Each
Side of Canal Colombia Retains
Washington. Fob. 20. The terms
Centennial Cclcbfatlan Tarfay In p4r.
4y We DUtrtbatton f M m
Cmewtn f the Event. !
WWrh b rrrrtrd u Um hmmI
man ixinirlbutH 0
Aliomoy-Genorl Kitox,
Army and Navy In the Cele-
f TT1 . r f n
today said: "I have no com-
on the president's ruling on
rs appeal, except to express my
ciation or its full conscientious,
Mforward character. It Is, of
gratifying that the navy de-
Ant Ic RllRtntnn1 T'ha ilonlelnti
be read as no other document
be, and I believe it will di-
Trooa and R,oters Met-RervM j U ! arrallf srHnnwl,, t,
may c ua,,ed out to Offset Crl. ' AtllZT , "" K Wor fo ;
Itv U tmU. ami tr-hv. av !
Madrid. Keb. M.-Mrabw, of th ' SL.. . P, Tl"rt " hM
taS !." nbo than the rights necessary for the! riot. In 10," m h devoM, 3 ! NoHERN tiCOUR.T.CS
"""""" ocniey mere was nnthlnir tonsirucuou and malntonanco rr I l. .vi,ii.i . or He Unr i .....i ..".. . f
tT .ll"" warranted Panama canal, if that route be the goVonlmVnt wUl cal V.r " Krniic It wai NaiH-
In ieu. hiii oe presented to Secre- serves, fearinc th.. (nrii-, .... ... ' ' who th aUvlco of th., ,.
ta,f n,"fl y tomorrow. advantage of the situation. "r t Mnlt. ilwltlml to etnbllh th
Colombia agrees to loaso for 200 1 a K1 Hmtitutlou. At !!., rml of (hn tint
years with the privilege or rental a ' The Batt,e Near Barcelona. , r It wan found thst Ita prodm-fl , "
strip of land five miles wide on each'. Pnrls- Mi. 20. 1 I'ntrlo has nub- l,(,tln ninountn! to MOMOftflo
Ctrl.. r,F V. ....... .1. . I M0I....I n .11.....!. ... 1 ' ' K v
.v.. n mv luuiu, uio annual rtnini""'1" iimu-ii via iienunyo, stat- """ owi.ng can hhmv moni oltv
to be $750,000. Colombia retains her inK that a bloody tight linn takon 9utly t vtvt of tin. rjuto tr.
sovereignty over the strip, but grnns I'1"'"' hetween tio.ps and rlnttirK j v'r,t thn than to corauar
uie tniteu states full police power: 1,tnr "nreeiona
anci rignt to trv civil cases m which kiiich
the United States is a party, and the the
satisfied on the whole that
Admiral Schley wus in com-
On the other hand, I feel
t jiif f i j
Th' court Is united in con-
any 'unusual reward for oitimr
short, as regards Admirals Sampson
and Schley. I find that President Mc
Kinley did substantial
there would be no warrant for revis
ing his action.
"Both Admirals Sampson and
Schley are now on the retired list.
In concluding their report the mem
bers of the court of inquiry. Admi
rals Dewey, Benham and Ramsey,
unite in stating that they recom
mended that no further action be
had in the matter. With this recom
mendation I must heartily concur.
There is no excuse whatever for
either side for any further agitation
of this unhappy controversy. To
keep it alive would merely do dam
age to the navy and to the country."
Of Leg.il DatttrlM. With th Rough
ttlcfer i th aunnir-lfvChM-Wht
It Old to W atrwt .
pursuit of crimluals.
Panama Citv Is
. " ' ami riomrH uh-h man 10 compute Vn(lhintori Fh -n . ,, .
Barcelona. Five huuduul wore ""' with that rwllnn! at the t(w,,v.,h h-' u . , ?".7l rt,,aal
.1 or wounded. A large part of' lS0-nmry. n.SM.oooJSo I Km to Sl AttornCh
town wan rarod by tbe atrlkwH. I niriy 170 tlmM the cr. I ? 'r J' T.-..,V,?!t
Blnal amount. t0 xM,i,b n,i.. ' " ' . . "7."?... n Tr. . ini.tl by th
'1-.1 a Keneral movement of noiw.m Vh, , 7 " w Com1V.
l.lctlvo valiLN. for ih ," ,""" L'!. xhW1 lpa of th. a
RVAN rriMnoATin . . ir.i . ..
uurt i cu .. ' niiuFiiiiunK in it. mil Mania
""" " oi ii raiinarda.
Men Prominent in Business, Profes
sional and Relifjious Life are
Among the Speakers.
Klmira, K. Y., Feb. 20. The bien
nial state convention of the Y. M. C.
A. opened here today with an attend
ance that so fnr exceeded expecta
tions that the. capacity of the hall
was sorely taxed to afford accomoda
tions for all. Delegations of record
breaking size are present from New
York City, Rochester, Troy, Buffalo,
Syracuse, Utica and other cities of
Reached His Scventy-Flfth Birthday
Question as to the "Double Standard", ls Hale and Hci""ty. With Not a
to come before the Convention for, Gray Halr
Settlement. 1 Philadelphia. Feb. 20 -Right Rev
t, , . . t'lClld Patrick .1. Rvan iirrhhlul,,,., r
eona, in i-ou. u.-blx hundred , R. KoM1B, Cnthol'lc archdii- r Now Yo
delegates and an equa number of Pi,llnii..tnhin Jn .i , . v . v
visitors renresentii c thn inonl ' 1 nfl ,ho rcIIcnt of Npw n
branches 0 ls "'o P ,onBtulatIon8 today on the started w
, e ,1 1U olb (lh 18101 "I occasion of bin seventy-fi! birth, and nrlrn.
int.- I'niivu iMirie vorners. nssemi) ed mm. ' - :: . . v"
Repotted by I. L. Ray & Co., Pendl.
ton, Chlcano Board of Trarf. nr
Now York 8tock Exchang Broker.
ork. Feb. 20.-l.owor caha
neat weak this moraine
con dwllned ic but on the
It Knocked Stocks' Value.
NW York. Kek 30, UixMavt1i
llretloni. to lh ttirnr.norftl, U
brlnK fiult AKlnl tho Northern P.
rurltlaa Company to twit th toRalJly
of thn mnrr. i'auHl a ulitmp In th
tock mrVt rntslnc from t u 1
point today.
the state and olllcers and members
ooi. il.lt. ...Ill .n !. - .
where It semes to me he ' V" , 1 -s
'retrograde move-
when he abandoned the block-
tion in the history of the association.
Bankers and wealthy merchants, law
,. ., .,,,, ,!, !.. 1
nA hie ,Hinl.lln.,no f n,vlora ,C,B ""u cum-aiu, o, '"nuillto UUU
isstatement of Tacts in relation "e P6' .drn. let
It should be remembered, 7 n ,
w r tkJ Mesire to promote Christianity.
er, that the majority or these
which tho court censures,
r irspu nun if riorrnin r ciptin n
Admiral Schley's actions were
second in command under
Sampson. His offenses were
to account for them. Admiral
ii arroi thn iiih in nn .
letter to the department, al
for the first time to Admiral
'roprenensiUle conduct, six
previously. If Admiral Schley
HfV nr unnnnhAnnlhlA fnrtlft
ami in i in nutrnr nr in n n vr mil
senior officer of tho blockad-
errand of communication with
I Bl,o
can therefore, for our present
I I II O nnnnnl nc KAlnlnti fft OnV.
-bcuua me point ialbcll in l"W
"WLweon Anmirai aamnson
to tho credit, if either of
MQIInl . . II
officers were respectively en-
As to Sampson.
Question as to which one of
? men, Admiral Sampson or
bchley. at that timn was in
fl In l t 1
K was a captain's fight
thn fnrn In rilli-1 o nn
WHU IO C3UL4tlC14i ivOl
part from the claim of the
command over the squad-
Jf far as the actual fight was
i uuiuiur me one nor mo
fact, exercised any com-
lUhllinA. 1 . 1 . a
--".jjoun was naraiy wuio
ill Lilt) 11 K 11 L. AXW
- u ujcuit reuiB upon mo
. Commander.lnhlef : unon
"enco of the blockade: upon
rttlona of the squadron: up-
Y. M. C. A. Athletic Carnival.
Cincinnati, Feb. 20. Indoor ath
letics which have eujoyed a boom
during the season, promise to reach
high water mark tonight, when the
ninth annual mid-winter carnival of
the Y. M. C. A. athletic association
will be held in the armory. The
games are expected to eclipse all the
meets of late years for, in aditlon to
the large following of local athletes,
the association has aroused interest
In the intercollegiate and interschol
astic circles of Indiana, Ohio, Ken
tucky and other near-by states with
a series of relay races and other
events. Y. M. C. A. teams are ex
pected to compete from Dayton,
Springfield, Buffalo, Indianapolis and
numerous other cities.
Pennsylvania Y. M. C. A.
Ti.tninc.i l.ril.ir tr ..... 1 . il... H.ll..n - v'
nlV, wi.r'r,r :im"8 'f thanksgiving u,0 rathodHlnM was recovered
" " "., , """MO biMuuiK rai tniH moi hlng. mi fl
n.ibi-o uii uuiiuuiuiis oi uujur uir uie
year beginning April 1. Tho
o" r ' ":.: ,..,u . 18"i,s ho is hale and hmrty
to. nd h Z "K r T,! f "!, !"r in 1.1. head.; Cloned. ye8terdny. SI.
" ,,: , " , , I nt I'oni in IS31. nrntr TluirloH.
fnrvmfn.i)J' V,b r,'M Tie "'Tlpperary county Ireland, and at
jority of tho delegates appear to con.tedPd a private m-hm.l at Dublin tui-
...... .v. h Bllv ,u wi-jui ne wa ir. year old. He then on-
.... v. .auhcu B wu, ue tor(1( carlow college, when lu re '
under existing circumstances The ,0,V(M, hu oc(.fi,a8Upul tnilH,B ,
only cloud on the horizon lies In the WIlK r,,fllnwl ,bdekeon. In 186 he
possibi lty that the operators may at- J left Ireland for thlu country and be '
tempt to introduce tho double stand-. ,.,,. eounectfd with the archdiocese
ard system in Illinois. ' of Bt Loil((J. At tlu-ag of 21 he w.
The miners of this stais -e h- j ;lpolnted professor of KugllHh liter
ing under the gross weight, or as bet ! t,,. nt ti. rrnniinti ..!., !!
ter known, "the run of the mine" sys- nml 0ialni.il doaenn with th ..ru-i. 1 orul . I'ropnratloim
tern. In Ohio, Indiana ind Peimsyl-1
vanla the double standard system 1
nrovnllc TTnilor llw. i.rnact unirnl '
I.I vnrixxil pI.v.
wfor lo1,.118 mOI'h,IIB , ,m1 fl-l. New York opsnod 53
;;,, i I,pw IHTSoiiB outside or tho clorl- "! nld off to S3. dloslnir sau
vt Ji I r? . (,r.Cl"8 Wf'rn nwnrn of 1,10 Arch- clll,,HB r,0"l Stocks nil low!
l,l8l,I'8 ?'. ho is hale and haarty I or.
Opened todny. Sail.
ltange today, $Z?S1M.
Closed today, K1H,
Sugar. 139.
Stel. U.
Hi. Paul. lOIVi.
I'nlon lclile, I0t Vi .
Delaware Society Dinner.
Ne Vork, Fttb. JO.-A roiaancn
brimful of Herniation culiulnate In a
wHldliiK al KhoibtMd liny thl
-venliiK. when MIm Roberta Monxoi
bH?oi th brid of Hly Corwju.
VonK Corwlii, wbo fatlmr. a form
r cnmittrollor of Brooklyn, loft him
abwit ll.0Oo.0W. Biwnt a o4 jwirt of
th wuly winter at Onuity Utand.
Tlwa he inut MUn MatiK, dauxMrr
of a trnlwar of rsr hora. and b.
oaiHo tm much nttarhml to her that
procwMliNKA for abdurtian wr b.
, F,un bk1h1 him In th Ktlk court
or iitooklyn
'ti... . .
NVw York. Feb. 80-The Delaware I "V"'T '""PP""
i u.. . k v...... . . . ' ""iiiiuiirorudiH ( ino inar
Seminary " " . "l ""7. ' ur .,naUB . rlage of Mr. ('orw)n and ML. ubm
and ordained deacon with thn prlvl-i " . vvnm lor ita twolftn wn madti by ti,e Ki,- faihar. Tr
lege of preaching In the Ht. KouIh ea-1 " u- , ,""rr. . "', "h plco al , propnotlH brl.oKroow I. authority
'hedrnl. the Ualdrof-Antorla lonUhL The (or tne Htatcinent that tho we.ldlnx
On Ri.ntninl.nr K IBM 1... ...... - I ITHWUIeilt or tilt. IM'lllt!W U Wll nn.l H, kii.i.ia. i.. r.,tt..w .iii t.. ... .
i! il.. 1 . r, . " " " " ".,. ! .... f .. ...i. . . ...... I , "Ill uo u
I ; , ,,,"lu dalned priest and made nHHimant pan- , ,T , " 14 " I oiot brilliant of th kind eter a
the weight or the Kbvl;. the weight tor 0r the cathedral, which position 1 " ,; . T . mr ' "ccef,,,J,s , tho City of Churrhe.
credited him boHg taken berore the ht, flJ()(l ,,, ,8r,r, w,0n ,,0 1)Wum, nvllatlonB to ttpoak Indtidj Governor .
coal is screened The doul.le stand-, )t8 rector. In 1800. he was transfer-1 tvvTn uwT" nml ,",h' Vr"f0 dwUlon to .wak
ard system deprives him of this and re(l t0 (m. Annunciation church, St. ' " C oIon,an' of ""wo. t ,h, b lni;llh at Ms vJJ
It is a question, which it Is rumored
the operators will raise, which way
cause trouble, as the miners are not
Ixiuls, where he remained for twelve
pearancp In tho United HUt hat
caucd otn ndrnrie comtnint la hi
own country, but tho niwi will tw
balled with Joy In tho 3iflj of tnaay
years, acting also during tho civil The iimnufnetiirurii club of Phllndtt'-
wim nr cliiifilndi nf n tnlHturv lw.ail. . nhln hnii tiAHHiiit u rM.ntntl.iM Inrln..
disposed tO Stand lor the dOUblO fal nml nrlKfin H,. unn rnnmxriliiil ! Ini thn rni.lrlr KVMt,.m nml i. m.mn.l.l
sUndnrd system on the basis of the; fouiljutnr bishop of St. I.ouls In 1872. .will he sunt to eonRreim urKlnic Ita' an official who cannot (peak the (1
im-nciii Diuiu. nn,i wim,. visiting Home in IhSt was gonnrni adoption by tho gorernmcnt. I man laujcuari.
given Uio honorary title of "Arch-! -
j bishop of Halamlna" by Pope Loo
On Juno 8, 1884. Archbishop,
Kentucky Y. M. C. A.
Pnducah. Ky.. Feb. 20. Arriving XIII.
trains today brought scorns of delo-1 Ryan was removed from St. Unila to
gates and visitors to the 21st annual i this city as successor of th lat
convention of the Kentucky Young ! Archbishop Wood.
i Men's Christian Association. A iec-
ord-breaklng attendance and bound-(HIS HOLINESS TO CELEBRATE
less enthusiasm promise to character- . .
Warren, Pa., Feb. 20 Warren ex-ze tne gathering. ' which will bo In wnioKio mt k'ai.t.
tended a hearty welcome today to the ; Besslon during the next three days. , "
GOO delegates who have come to at-A feature of the attendance Is the Twenty-Fourth Anniversary to be
tend the 34th annual state convention i unusual number of college studonts 1 Formally Observed In Rome by the j
of the Y. M. C. A., which will be In 1 present. The prominent speakors who Pontiff Valuable Presentation will
session here through the remaiuder nre to be heard include Lieutenant I be Made. ',
ar to be held, addressed by men well Welling, vice-president of the Illinois . years ago today that Pone
known throughout the religious central railroad; Robert Woldensall Tj " " y., " Jhulr of
world. At a formal welcoming de- Uon O. Shelton and C. L. dates, sec-j l 11 wa8 " c" r
monstratlon tonight
was twenty-1
nAl .
jnight addresses are to ; retaries of the International commit., ,nr,nHv ,,,;,..-,., ,., it iM of llflC..
be delivered by the Rev. C. Lamp- tM New York; President B. fa. Al-,, , tj nwvortIloi0iI, BH )t markH the
bell Morgan, of Baltimore, and other j derman, of Bethel College, and A. M coinniencoin0l,t or UlP observance of.
men equally well known in the world i Bruner, railroad secretary for Hll-tho twenty-fifth year of his .sovereign '
of Christian effort. Reports to be nois. nnntirlcate. The Jubilee la to bo eel-
. i u c liui. c t ;ebrated tho 3d of noxt month, the day
Alabama Exhibit at St Louis. ,tt., ,,, .,h t.irth.
presented by the officers show tbe as
sociation in Pennsylvania to nave
made gratifying progress during the
past year.
Virginia Y. M. C. A.
Rtnnntnn. Va.. Feb. 20. Delegates
and visitors from all parts oi me,
exhibit at the St. Louis World's Fair
v l. I l A nn.t .nM nliAtitn In n
state are attending the Young Mew tfco outlook ,B brfgnt for
.i ...... Accnnintmn convcniion . .. ..... .
I follnwlne thn ninety
BlrmlnKham. Ala.. Feb. 20. A con-rfv ,,r niu ifniinrwu. Thn nccBsfoti
forence of representatives of leading wim !, rnmin memorable bv the ore-1
cities of Alabama was held today to I 8entatiou of a precious triregno (trip-1
discuss preliminary plans for a state ! jf, croWn) mado of gold, encrusted i
Christian Association eonientlon, hJbH fu credltable to tho re
which began a three q&b nf th ,
SIUIV.VD 1 l,.. OVW.V.
session here today, rroimnuiu
among those who are to address the
convention are Rev. Carter Holm
Jones, D. D., of Louisville; President
George H. Denny, of Washington and
Lee University, A. O. Knebel, state
secretary of North and South Caro
lina, and D. A. Sinclaire, of Dayton,
What a tremendous cult there la
between the woman who s'ns and Ib
not found out and the woman who
sins and is found out.
A chemist at Frankfurt, Germany,
has patented a process for making
artificial horse-hair.
with dlomands and rubles, tho value:
of which will exceed $200,000. ,
The presentation will be made by
Cardinal Jtesplghl, tho pope's Vicar
General and president of tho Interna
tional committee for tho Jublleo fes
tivities. The nope will wear this
crown on Easter Sunday during the
solomn ceremony of thanksgiving to
be celobrated In St. Poter'. In anti
cipation of tho Jublleo pilgrims from
all parts of the Catholic world are
already beginning to arrive In Rome.
Why is ROYAL
Baking Powder bet
ter ihejn any other?
Because in its jn urn moth works a.
corps of chemical experts is con
stantly employed to test every ingre
dient and supervise every process of
ma nu fact tire to insure a product ab
solutely pure, wholesome and perfect
in every respect.
The most wholesome food and
the most digestible food are madQ
with Royal Baking Powder.
noyi BMic fwoiW fte, W 0iumm Toio . T -