SS IT Mo e People have WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1902 LAING FOUND MUCH VHEAT KILLED. Plained MEN PROMINENT IN THE CUBAN TARIFF CONTROVERSY SOA1E OF THE LEADING CUBANS DRYHE 111 Vr ol DID YOU NO. WHAT CATCH WAS IT? IT? WHY ! i an opportunity -to purchase footwear at a price you can not afford to miss WHERE? AT Dindinger, Wilson & Co. Successor to Cleaver Bros, rhoiie, Black 91. PERSONAL MENTION L. E. Roy is in town form Pilot Rock. Jesso Ferney is in town from Walla Walla. F. E. Simpson is in town from Athena. W. S. Mayberry visited Walla Walla yesterday. Carl Kupers Is in town today from bis ranch north of Pendleton. Mrs. J. H. Small, of Dayton, is here visiting her friend, Mrs. C. P. Larks. S. L. Morse and H. L.. Stevens were in town yesterday from Pilot Rock. Lou Bradburn will leave for Port land this evening for medical treat ment. C. P. Davis, deputy sheriff, return-1 ed this morning from an extended visit to Portland. j Ben Williams, a prominent Pome-; roy citizen, is In Pendleton looking! for a business location. j The little girls of Mr. and Mrs. the Sisters' hospital several days ago Frank Curl who have been down with ; with a compound fracture of the leg scarlet fever, are fast recovering. below the knee, is reported to be get- rr,u u -vr- o,i -frC -MiiiPr t inS along well and the bone is knit The home of Mr. and Mrs Miller , home ig &t living near Adams, has been niaiie , the advent or a iu-pouna ; Scmfvio ooi j ' A-Y.:VV " GKOlNO FM Examined Grain in the Cold Spring Country More Than 25 Per Cent Must Be Resown. Robert Lainjr. a careful observer 1 and nccurnto judge of farming condi tions, has returned from a trip through the Cold Springs region. i "I find thnt a very large area of winter wheat land must be resown and believe the proportion will be more than 25 per cent of the total , area of winter wheat In the country," j , said Mr. Lnlng to tne umst uregon-, 1 inn. He adds to the discussion some thing that is Indorsed by numbers of . other well-known farmers, saying: t . 11 1 1 ....11 11 L It is not uie cum wuauiur uiui ' killed the greater part of the wheat. The fact is that the wheat did not i come up last fall, on account of the , exceeding dryness. I "The ground now is in excellent j I condition for rcseoding, and I saw . many drills in the fields at work put-' ting in seed for a spring wheat crop whete the winter grain was killed or, failed to come up." s- j ill II Wear winter b( ver. have El but Inn. t the tc... "soiling tt Crockery and Glassware; Imported English Shire and Percheron Stallions. For one week I will' offer for sale in Pendleton, 11 head of the PER CHEON and SHIRE STALLIONS, from 2 to 5 years old, imported di rect from the OLD COUNTRY. These stallions weigh from 1800 to 21 no pounds each, and are of the very finest quality being registered in Eng lish, French and American books. To see them, call at Froome's livery stable, opposite Hotel Pendleton. E. B. HILL. Washington, Feb. 19. Cuba is represented here by a number of men prominent in the fight for reciproc ity, which is opposed by the ways and means committee of the house, and favored by the president and others in the administration circles. DISTRIBUTION OF STOCK IN THE CONSOLIDATED. Howard returned this Commander Luciau Young of the naw testified before the senate corn- happy by boy. James A. t .. Cumntnr T.nwtnn find , . : 1 .. : uiuiuiug "ui" 1 miiiee on ucutiiui: tauuib cuirai iuii-, Baker City, where he had been ou j a visit t0 the vicinity of the Panama business. i canal several years ago, when, he Mrs. George Carrier is expected said, the engineers engaged on the home Friday from her trip to Chica- . x : - v.rt go, wuere sue wem iu juoirci. latest styles in Eastern mnnnery. work there told him of the great diffi culties they experiended because of the hardness of the granite. He said right." he said, "but if we pay the ex-1 penses of our delegates to King Ed ward's coronation, the German emper- or ought to pay the expenses of his Some Further Figures in the Red Boy- brother's visit here." Concord Deal. i The articles of the consolidation of Stampede in Nevada. the Red Boy and Concord mining com- eno, isev., feu. a stampeue is, panies which were filed at Baker City " progress irom xsevaua camps to a; Monday provide that on January 1, of rich discovery seven miles north each year, a 3 per cent dividend on "om Tonopan. A vein iu reet wide j preferred stock out of a treasury sur- j is lounu tnat carries ore worm ?uuu plus shall be paid; if a surplus still a ton. Another big strike is reported remains, a 3 per cent dividend on at uamp itay near uutier uuy. common stock shall be declared. Pre- j Impaired Digestion is quickly corrrected by these won derful pills One trial will show you the reason for the big sales of Beecham's Pills Sold ETCTrwhete-In boxes lOe. and I5e. Want to Buy or Sell A house A lot A farm A horse A cow A Piano A dog A wagon OR ANYTHING aSE Put -an add la classified colua the East Ortjsi as there Is no means oJ securf great anaui your neeltj through thecti of this paptr, Everybody hereabout! reads it. Don't you? T. J. Kirk, one of the directors oi ne was iuiu uiey uc uuumic iu the." Athena bank, and a prominent blast to any advantage, and that their farmer of that country, was transact-; oniy recuuree wua me uau ui uic hh inc busiue--! in Pendieo'j yeateniay "William Turney and Charles Finch returned yesterday from the Oriental mine. Work there has Deen suspena- About 250,000 pair of glasses will be purchased by the state committee in Maryland for use in polling booths. Politicians have found that both in eu owing to iub Muu im ui : th clt and the country districts a pany to get pipe delivered. large number of voters of the poorer E. J. Wood, who was brought to classes can read sufficiently well to r - I ballot, but their sight is so defective that In the dimly lighted booths they are unable to read the list of contest I ants on the ballot. Capable men will be provided at every polling place to I adjust the glasses for the voters. The governor of the richest and most populous province of China, re- : cently told Mr. Barrett, our represen- tative that the province contained 100,000,000 inhabitants, and after the j war with Japan, fully 99,000,000 of the number actually believed that China had won, and no pains have been taken to dissuade them of this view For a First-Class articlle in Stationery, Blank-books, Office and Typewrite Supplies firTtr TALLMAN & GO. THE LEADING DRUGGISTS. Two millions of two-penny meals are dally supplied to the London poor by a large victuling company. The food is plentiful, well cooked, cleanly served and the hungry multitude en joy them. The king's coronation robe will be of cloth of gold. The material which will be specially woven, will contain a less proportion of alloy than gold coinage. It Is stated that it will be "as bright as a golden cloud." The Pendleton Shoe Company Have 500 pairs of Misses Shoes, they are selling at, per pair , Kormer price from $1.50 to $1.75: 500 pairs Children's Shoes at, per pair Former prices from $i.a5 to S1.75. $1.45 $1.20 Betides nny Bargalas la lea's and Ladles' Shoes. DUN'T FAIL TO QET OUR PRICES. Pendleton Shoe Co. 645 Main Street, Pendleton, Orsgon. Wa signature U on or pry box of the genuine Laxative Bromo-Quinine ta the remedy that emretf m cld 1m m day. ferred stock dividends for any one year shall not exceed 3 per cent, with out a like dividend in common stock. When dividends on common stock from all sources aggregate 50 per cent of its par value, it shall become common stock. Godfrey and Tabor, the old owners of the Red Boy, are by the terms of the consolidation in absolute control. The Red Boy interests in the merger company represent s $2,250,000, as against $750,000 held by the Concord people. The distribution of the stock to the vorious interested parties is as follows: Common. Preferred Merited Promotion for Campbell. Portland, Feb. 19. It is stated on excellent authority that Benjamin Canrpbell, traffic manager of the Ore gon Railroad & Navigation Company, will be made assistant traffic director of the Harriman lines, with head quarters at Chicago. B. J. Godfrey 951.700 Clark Taber 951,700 J. H. Bobbins 317.200 J. A. Howard 317,200 C. A. Johns N. C. Richards 173.250 173,250 57.750 57,750 100 ' 100 2,537,800 402,200 ; The above figures, showing the ' amount of stock subscribed by James A. Howard, of this city, and J. H. Rob-' bins ,of Sumpter, simply represent the j entire holdings of the original stock holders in the Concorn Gold Mining Company, they having been authoriz ed yith power of attorney to act for, the rest of those interested in the! original company and to subscribe for all the stock of each respectively. 1 When the stock is issued it will be to each member of the Concord com pany pro rata according to the amount held by each man. REPRESENTATIVE KERN TALKED PRINCE HENRY. Said Republicans Exaggerated the Ef-i feet of Wheeler's Speech. Washington, Feb. 19. Kern, demo crat of Illinois, made one of the moat interesting speeches thus far deliver ed iu the house on the subject of Prince Henry's visit. He took the ground that the republicans are ex aggerating the effect of Wheeler's speech and that the Germans In the United States will not be caught by such clap-trap. A r.iark made by one representative In congress will not Influence their votes. Germans came to this country to escape the princes, and for that reason they do not believe In spending xnonoy for the ontertalnmont of repiesontntlves of Prince Henry's class. "Prince Henry probably Is all Susceptible of high polish, Made in the new shapes-with oak tanned soles, at $1.00 a pair. A most satisfactory business shoe for men. Peoples Warehouse Feetfitters. Cooper Promoted. Washington, Feb. 19. The presi-j dent sent to the senate today the nomination of Captain Phillip Cooper j to be a h u: a.imiral. : I Velours Calf. The Perfection of Chrome Tannery... Soft, Light, Datable ST. JOE STORE, We are still in the saddle driving prices down to the LOWEST POSSIBLE FIGURES in ALL DEPARTMENTS of this STORE. We are SLASHING PRICES in order to get in shape for our BIG SPRING STOCK, which will com mence to arrive soon. If you are hunting Bar gains, we have them for you. Remember, the largest stock in the county to select from. Come and see us. THE LYONS MERCANTILE A SURPRISE In handsome fumitj o n( thp most agreeal that deligb'5 tbj Sessofahome.especu, y in sum v." ? are showing in all imes as are kept in an Up-to-Date, First Class Fwnltwe Store The largest stock from which to select and all ,al . pn defy competition. Undertaking parlors in connect . M. A. RADEP. Pendleton,) main anu weou oireeis POULTRY EGGS International Poultry Food makes tbem. Beef Meal gives them flavor. Clamshells make them isoiia. Mica grit aids digestion. TVr a camole. C. F. COLESWqPTHY. ( i7 attd 129 East Alta Street. Sou