CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS. 30 jy . i? ' W (Si ffi ffi ffl (S) ffi W s A BIG LOG ROLLING 1144 INITIATED . v .! ,,- -. y ! j) a ,f jf A. & l1 oil ,!) sf! t i v i& $ (I I) . s o$ $ vS $ a $ j) s o , :i fell is. v ki a ti a sj - i ii y p .? S S S & ? 3 A ,-st y$ s v5 05 ,v v -it 9 $ W OODMEN AND WOMEN OF WOOD CRAFT, PENDLETON APRIL 21-22 NEXT. (?l(5 30 .0 15. One cent per WANTED. vvantkd advrutiskhs to makb use . . h n r i in KuuiLLiiiui: iiiiii unmn iirnnn lodr niny linve and linve no use for, some- Yon may have nn extra horse that you KOIUPl'U". "tj nil. ami VUHH'IU IjMiness, FOR SALE. r . . i ' 1 . , I . IU HIA iiuin iiuhcii l, fll'lUlll Ul HI Tri. i. t. - . - -. 1 j . ... . l j , 1 j i - . . ..... nr run cpicn i.-.,.,- pitp vrcw PltmAfiA iprnnn'Tiiw t, universal key board, first class ma- PHYSICIANS. K ,, W. . . ..J.J. II, (fl.l. building. Olllro Hours. 30 to 12 a. m. ; Til II I J. Ull 4.ll,l'UUUC I 1 I renieton savmes tianK. Teicpuone 30 ; .l.l.,.,nA tnlultlmtta I g PAIIFIELD. M. D., HOMEOPATH IC rliysicmn non surKPon. cTice in nttt T T AT TTriTTOT? lltTX'CJTrT A XT 1 VT BnrL'eon. Offlce, room 20 Judd Hulld- 111. . -fnlr. TO t ..1 .1 tlil n TltrililL. UUILt! Ill U 11U.UK 11111IU PHYSICIANS. DP.S. Office one block wmt o arnn nLuru. LYNN K. IJI.AKESLEE. CHllONIC T T 1 I . i 1 . . ...... Un,nH Main Sts., l'enuleton, Ore. rnoDe bki .h I I r I . I n u vu i 1 1 1 . i j r. nn. Timvjim a jtrrriTRCT ANli R1I- Mrlnt'etideut. makes complete and rell- . - " - i i , ,,.,1 hw linrK. intimates lurnisuea ua wnuii A. MAY , CONTRACTOR AND o prn i irfiirN riiu ui; iull ul iuc ijuol ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. iliin i)iro rnTTVip HTHROT. l.A Minnir o purriri tin. iiitiiikim iu trie.- i mini. lion. iimiKps. stores wirea ior flttiirua nil Wlnrlo Cot our .)rl;S. Ite- 1 work a specialty. L VtHY AIMIJ HttU & 1 HDLCO. Pondlnf.i, TAlanlinna 1ft rni. nil ..n.mni...... ii.jt , .,1 r , rr I HTA Ifr.Ti'O A' AVIiTIJM 111111 . tat l l,nA1tn. rriio hoc t wiw in rue citv. ana oi. iift" S nA ffr.n.AA,l Ota tllinna Mnlfi fO. - -m vuivutoiuuu tjvoi - " ' UUlf X (TV II I " . CABS AND CARRIAGES. DENTISTS. A. M A W nrvmtun iv ASrtPI A. uiock, over I' . 11. C'loptons omce, ---... oi, lyuil jLAUif j-vw - K I , PENNYROYAL L.glll I I of menatruation." They womanhood, aiding development of organs ana known remedy for jtlAUmd 13 T ALLMAN tk. UU unuuuigi-i Chuich oi ieu-uue. cussipiaon, room, - o,.tiatorrhOOa nvll'"'JV,,i rj: DOtanoy. Lort Power. Wight-Losses, ,8P,errriaio"Uacltf rteroua Re I t " voxtt. uucuura lite. Auwioom nirKiril PTflN Ktuun, LD BY TALLMAN & CO., DRU GGISTS, PENDLETON, u.i word for the first insertion, 1.2c thereafter: 30 words or less. SI.50 per month, or $12 per FRATERNAL ORDERS. K0-? NniGimons of axkiuca Nlldwood Camp, No. 2S33, metis tec pad and fourth Satttrdnys of r-ac'i month. In HcDdrlck'B Hall. Mrs. Ida llolcomb. Oracle: Mrs. Nettle uobblni. Ilccordor PMATILLA TENT. NO. 27. K. O. T. V Meets In Secret Society Hall, so-iad and fourth Tuesdays of each month. All vis ltlnc Sir Knights cordially Invited. J S. Keen, Itecord Keeper: K. I). Estabroofc, Commander. UCDMl'N CMAUALF.S THIISE, NO. IS . r;Meo,t,'' ..eTeS-v Tuesday nlcht in Hen drlcU's Unll. ltoy V. Ultncr, KceiK-r of Ilecords. i'r.NDLr.TON LODOH, NO. Wl, a. F. and A. .M meetR first and third .Mondays rf each month. Visiting brjt.ii'!n tNiooaiV. T. .1. Tweedy. W. M., Joe 11. I :irl:o, . .- I'EKDLKTOX CHAPTER, NO. L'.WT. C. Taylor, n. 1'., F. F. Wamsley. Se.-rtftarr. Meets first and fourth Friday of each month lu Masonic nail. PENDLETON COMMANDER Y. NO. 7.. Robert Forstcr. E. C, V. E. Ca-tor, Sec retary. Meets first and third Friday of each month In Masonic Hall. ' 1IONEERS OF THE PACIFIC WIL Ham Martin Encampment. No. 1. Meets 1 every Wednesday nt Hendricks Hall., Mrs. L. F. Lampkln. Secretary. , l'E.VDI.ETON LODGE, NO. 2SS iT P. 0. Elks. ThomaB Fltz Gerald, E R : L. W. Held, Secretary. Meets firet and third Thursdays. Secret Society Hall. DAMON LODGE, NO. 4. KNIGHTS OF Pythias. J. F. Nowlln. C. C. : R. Y Fletcher. K ot H & S Meets evrry Monday In Secret Society Hall. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Tuttillla Camp, No. OaSIl). Meets fltst and third Saturdays of each month nt Hen- i drick's Hall. George A. Hamblln, Con- ! sul; G. A. Robhlns. Clerk. WOODMEN OF THE WOnLD REGl'LAR meetlncrs of Pendleton Camp No. 41, W. , of W., aie held In Odd Fellows' hall every Tuesday evening. Visiting neighbors always welcome. 3. P. Walker, Clerk, J. P. Earl, C. C. ATTORNEYS. CARTER & HALEY, ATTORNEYS AT Law. Office In Savings Rank building BEAN & LOWELL. ATTORNEYS AT Law. Room 14 Asssoclatlon block, Pen dleton, Oregon. T. G. nAILEY, LAWYER. OFFICE IN Judd building, Pendleton, Oregon. V. I1ERKELEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office In Association block. G. D. UOYD, ATTORNEY AT LAW 111 Court St. Li. B. REEDER. ATTORNEY Af LAW, Pendleton, Oregon. JAMES A. FEE, LAW OFFICE IN JUDD Dulldlng. STILLMAN & PIERCE, ATTORNEYS at Law. Mr. Stlllman has been admit ted to practice In United States patent offices and makes a specialty of Patent Law, Rooms 10, 11, 12 and 13 Assocla tl n block. PHOTOGRAPHERS. W. S. IiOWMAN. LEADING PHOTOCJRA pher of the city. Harvest views, Indian photos for sale. Finishing done for ima K'uts. Main St., near bridge. Phone, Red 270. BANKS AND BROKERS. FIRST NATIONAL HANK OF ATHENA. Oregon. Capital, ?50,0(i0: surplus and profits, $0000. Interest on time deposits. ' Deals In foreign and domestic exchange. , Collections promptly attended to. Henry C. Adams, nresldent; T. J Kirk, vice-president; K. L. Harnett, cashier; Mrs. E. L. Harnett, assistant cashier. THE PENDLETON SAVINGS HAMC, Pendleton. Oregon. Organized March 1, 1880 : capital, J50.000 ; surplus, ?l)0,000. Interest allowed on time deposits. Lx hange bought and sold on all principal points. Special attention given to collec tions. W. J. Furnish, president; J. Teal, vice-president; T. J. Morris, cashier. THE FARMERS BANK OF WESTON, ii'.....,,.. n,ni.nn t.nnit n L-pneral bank- lug business. Exchange bought and sold. Collections promptlv alteuded to. It. Jameson, president; Geo. Protbat . vice-president; J. . Kllgore, cashier; di rectors, G. A. Hartman, M. M. Johns. T. J Price, G. D. Graw, J. F. Kllgore, Robert Jameson, G. W. Proebstel. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PENDLE ton. Capital f 70,000: surplus, f 85.000. Transacts a general banking business Ei- a. points in thenortbwest Dra. ; SfiS "oWtlons- on "Reason b!e terms J. VJ i.i.n. '-hlnr. 'iiiernsuj, KBBiomii, --- - - PiLU They overcome Weak ness, irregularity and ...nicolnnc lnirf-PjSG vilV orVTd banish "pains are "LIFB SAVERS'' to girls at L J 1 1 1 ' " ,, 'hjjert oli:- Murmi It J II I AN EMM .A NATION Johnnie Pupii. h ws li.i.iKv Wn-lii !k: n onll-d ir- K Our ! h' iVwn try '.' Papa- Maybe the w:t Pe Kptmknl r.i ;, . .U luU svHut..ii u- . with it ERCE-TRBDE Local Market Prices. The followlnK stiows tho prices paid on the local market: Turnips, 75c per stick. Parsnips, 75c per sack. Cabbage, 4c lb. Green onions, per tloz. bunches, 2Cc Cheese, per lb., 20c. Onions, per cwL, ?2, Beets, per lb., lc. Potatoes, per cwt.. J2. Apples, per box. $1. Horse radish, 12U-c lb. Gsrlick, 1-vac lb. Sweet potatoes, 5c per lb. Sauer Kraut. -50c per gallon. Pendleton Livestock and Poultry. Chickens, hens, per doz., $3.50 to $4. Roosters. $3.50 to $4. Turkeys, per lb., 10. Geese, per doz., $9. Spring chickens, per doz., $3.50. Ducks, per doz., $3.75. Pigeons, per doz., $1.50. Eggs, 30c In trade. Butter, 50 to COc per roll. Choice beet cattle, etc. Cows, per hundred, $3.10. Steers, $4. Hogs, live, 5c. Hogs, dressed, Sc. Calves, dressed, 7 to 8c Pendleton Retail Grocery Prlcr.c. Sugar Cane granulated, best, $5.75 per sack: do., 15 lbs, $1; beet granu lated, $5.50 per sack: do 16 lbs, $1. Coffee Mocha and Java, beet, 40c per lb; next grade, 35c lb; lower grades coffee, 25 to 15c lb; package coffee, 15c lb. Rico Beet head rice, 12V4c rer lb; next grade, 8 l-3c per lb. Salt Coarse, $1.35 per 100; table, $2.20 per 100. Hides and Pelts In Pendleton. No. 1 dry hides. 13c per lb. No. 2 dry hides, 8 2-3c per lb. Green salted hides. 7c per lb. Green uusalted hides, 5c per lb. Sheep pelts, short wool, 25c each. Sheep pelts, medium wool, 35c each. Sheep pelts, long wool, 65c each. No. 1 tallow, 3e per lb. No. 2 tallow, 2c per lb. Pendleton Flour, Feed, Hay, Etc. Flour, $2.50 per bbl. Dran, $13 per ton. Shorts, $15 per ton. Barley, rata.'l. 75c per 100. Rye, retail. flOc per 100. Oats, retail. $1.15 per 100. Wood, $5.50 to $6. Chop barley, $17 per ton. Hay Loose wheat, $10 ton; baled wheat, $15; timothy baled, $18; al falfa, loose, $10; baled, $16; rye hay on ranch, $5 to $6. Hops, Wool and Hides. Portland. Feb. 18. Hop lies' 13c per pound Wool Nominal; valley, 13015c: Kastern Oregon, S,12c; mohair, 21 '(3'21'c per pound. I Shoepskins Shearings, 1520c; short wool, 25035c: medium wool, 3060c; long wool, 6Oc0'$l each. Tallow Prime, per pound. 40 4-c: No. 2 and grease, 2Vi03c. Hides Dry hides. No. 1, 16 pounds and up. 1501kM!C per pound; dry kip, No. 1, 5 to J5 pounds, 15c; dry calf. No. 1. under B pounds, lGc : dry calf, ed bulls and stags one-third Iceb than dry Hint; Baited hides, steers. Bound. 60 pounds and over, 89c; 50 to CO pounds. 70'8c; under 6p pounds and cows. 7c; stags and bulla, sound, 50514c: Lip, sound, 15 to 30 pounds, 7c: veal, sound, 10 to 14 pounds, 7c; calf, sound under 10 pounds, 8c; . nxAAn i n nan iron, l c. nernound less; culls, one cent per pound less; horse hides, salted, each $1-6002; dry, each $101.60; olts hides, each, 260 50c; goat skins, common, each, 100 MM 15c; Angora, with wool on, e;ch.26? $1.00. Pelts Hear skins, as Id bIzo. No. 1, each $5ff20; cubs, $2ft6; badfier. each, 10010c; wildcat, each. 25(r30c: house cat, SlOc; fox, cotninon gray, 30fiT0c, do rod, each, $1.60f2; do. cross, ench, $5415; do silver and black, each, $100200; fishers, wu-h. $5fC; lynx. each. $23; mink, strictly No. 1., enr-b 30cCri.8ft; mar ten, dark r.orlliurn, $titrl2; nmrtou. pale plno, according to slu and co lor, $1.50(5';,; inuskrnts. largo, each. Sfj'lUc; skunks, each. 25fSOc; civet or polecat, tach. fiCHtc. . utter for largo prime skins, each, $5t7; pan ther, willi lnad r.rid claws perfect, onch, $2.00 5.00; raccoon, for lare primo, 304ff35c; wolf, mountain, wlUi bond perfect, each. ja.fiO1 5; wolf, prairie (coyote) with head perfect, oach. 40JTi,0c; wolf, prairie, (coyote) without head perfect, wich. 30f?35c; wolverine, ench $t7; bonv or. per skin, large. $600: do medium, ?3'l; do small. $l?Jl.fi0; do kits. 50S75c. . ... Saved Him From Torture. Thoro Is no more agonizing trouble than piles. Tho constant itching ami burning make life Intolerable. No po- sltion la comfortable. The torture U unceasing. DoWltfs Witch Sulvn pnriH nllnn nt iiiiri' V l'or sk'tl disease, cuts, burns, bruises, all kinds of woundB, It is unequalled. J. S. Gt r- nll. St. Paul. Ark., says: "From 186: I suffered with the protruding, blind ing piles and could find nothing to help mo until I used DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salvo. A few boxes completely cured me." Boware ot counterfeit. Tallmnn & Co. and Brock & McCorpxs Co. GUARDING OLD LIBERTY. Precautions Taken to Keep the Bell Perfectly Safe. , The following details from thb , Fireman's Herald sIiowm the xtriiardl nnry precnutlonii taken to guard Iud, pondeiice hall, Philadelphia, from die- trtittloii by fin. Watfhmni uiaiiiialn u putrol every hour of the day and night and only llguta are permitted iu the old building to illumliiate lb clock at night. For tut bollem u" to hoot the building fire proof vault have boon provided uudr the arch ways, and only two electric wlr ar allowed. Chief Baxter hai provided for the appearance of ix bkIhm. two truclia and a chemical englnf within two tuliuitoa after an alarm of Hre la sent iu from the lire i'-u'ii lux tli tujuare. There am taudiux laatrur tloii In cnau the Arut nh i' I uiilii headway in the atnuturf, a aeneral alarm uhould bo seut la chIMhb to Uie. Kcono twonty-aix Are euglaes. atx i trockB, ami another . hfilral engine . aa well as the chief and nine dlatrict ougluuora. JSvery wire In the vli in-' Uy of the city hall in mie.-in.Hy lnu latod. and olllcera of the ti.e depart-, r.ic'iilni-lt- (,.ln Ih', u-'Mtnllliinil lll! iuBpectlng the edllk-e Po.table fire oxtingtilshors are nt atterMl atwrnt tb building and dlrectloiiH for wiving th famous old portraits that Imng on the wall Is conenlcuotialy iMMied - I There In a premptory order displayed I that reads. "In case of r ih- 1 irlv bell out or danger at any . ot " . I Souator Turner, by request, offer- ied a resolution leelting that many of the Indian schools of tho country !nro being conducted loosely; that lu I pits who are affected with tuberculo-, Liu ..,.,1 niiior ,llinuu are admitted. to the detriment of the health of the Ht. Paul and ailnncMita. All agi'iiU Inmates of tho schools, resulting in.aell tlcketa via '"Ihe Northwi-itern an "appalling mortality": that the In termixture of the sexes resuiiH in a lowering of the standard of moral Ity. year. No ad Inserted (or less than 15c. HIDCS. PELTS AND JUNK, vov cn urr tiik until mvh kt pHt fnt J.Htr bhWv p'" aid l pw. tliw, r hmttf-i ir ff II VImV iM'lHr Mt Nin b.n: la u(h of 1J r hip In IMM Ttb of bfctM una I r ft In lh UMf ttT mt hf 1 5 Uftf tlU rr.l ir wnt l t. el U Smik A r, , wtl i , t t Ralm I.ll(.., Or TVHn'h""- K.i rai LODGING HOUSES. ruK r.tAi r umhuv; hhkk, t u lUWt. JKu'lir Tt rl. lel,hy lhUy or wl in vutn nr. RESTAURANTS AND CAPES. ST Ul.YlliOi: UKSTAl'UANT. "TllliTLV flrnt rUK V. V l"nri n. I i Mi'i ill honrs 001 .Main St. Trl VUm I ! SECOND HAND DEALERS. i;i;oi:uTt 6'iNutL new and sitooND baud kihhU txnictit M) Court ft, uht nmiM iiux-n t an ami m. V. STKtHU.L PKAI.KK IV SKrOVli hand kixhU. if tlttr U inythlnc ju nwd In new or r5ond hand furniture, itiifWi srsnlte wr ml rrwHrrr. tll sud ift hl pi lei SV 212 Court rf MISCELLANEOUS OLD NliWSP.Cl'KUS TO PI T t'NDKIt t-tuiwta. "i lirtTvM. ur fur w rar tiluR iirp.Mm out rrniiir la lre bund Im of ttnv huiulrnl Mtb t S rnli biindlr at ttir EAHT OltlMONI.VS' etnt, Pendlttoti, Orccon. UlllMCKIUEHS TO M.VnAWNttS.lV OU Maul to rubmetX t lBitnr t ptr In III t'nltwl PtMn or KuroM. rrali by ptmtsl note, chrx k or 4 to t KAUT nMKJONIAN lb pwll.M.f pili f the ;-.ubHrli: you iknlr. ml vcie lll bare It t Jon ami "aw si lit. lifk f !: niimry MtM lout l Om l'r It Mill i-nvr von ImhIi troWi 41 d rUk It von r n puWMUr la tb lUM'l OB It tioN'IAN'. In rmlMlB joa rn iltdact tH lr iiit truwi tb uuMUltM'a irk Ad Ira EAST (lUtKiONIAS I'UH CO. I" rtlototi. Oi(tMi. riAlUlirr MKTAL. IIHHT IN T1IK win-1,1. In Iwr I'rlt'i! ft pr Imt, at I We ftet llrt;viiUi) utacc. Kt)R HA Lll AT Til IS HAST OIlKGONIAN oCli. Is fit UiBillrrt of uniM)nr, roN Inlultig uvir llhi blat papnr ran t oMalarl far VI rutttii n botiiflt. FDlt RENT It In lb li.t ()roa ' -n bulMlui: for rnt . tn. Iiat). bt jll and both ruwu INl'uTND-THK IlKltKlNAKTItH UK. ttMortt"! tk li un iih up br u Xt'mik,', Out ImckiUo hir. tUV !. nu l "H bluirli trn l nil HkIii ahuliUr tmir),r. VftttiTS iW IK THM N ritr M.r.h.l Advertising. We may live without potttry. music tuiil url. V may live without cowtrcleaco and llt'0 without tiiMtrl; ' may llv wltUoot (rfende. ami llvs without fada. Hut bualntMM today nuinot lire with out nda. Thi Country MerchauL Aaunclon ICunulvtil olitnliiml a mi- Joiity of tin) lK'tanil votH In tu lftloi. for the prtmlUenry of CiHitit Itlen. - TRANSPORTATION LINES, 'lil'ST 0I; RVHUrrillNn" III u wonl tlilx tells of the phhwiDgur iMirvIm rl i ne North-Western r ... ' ' Line S truliu daily Ntwimi Ht. Paul Mild Chicago UOiJIpfralllg The latwtt I'lilhnan HlM-ir Pt-orlia Dining Curt Library and OIwirvrt.on Cura Free lUelinliiK ("hair t'ar The tf)th fVntury Train ! THIS NO I ITJ I V ICHTK I IN LIM ITI6D ruim every day of Uie yuur IMVITT TIM IV IV Till? U'OMI I) 'nnDI lllAIA IA I lib II UH1.U i ,,, ......... , i..i..i u...,., niwi R ...... ,, TO (JHIOAfJO JiV DA V I.HJHT The Badger Hlate Kxprtwi, the flnrwt day train ruimlng Iwtwt-nii St. Pul ami Chicago vk tlie Hhort Mile; rn neotloiu from Hie Witit made via The Northern PielHe, fJreat Northern, ami fniwllait Paclllo Jlyn. ThU ht the U-nt line hetwreil Oinalia, V. ILMKAD, II. L, HIoLKft, O, A. l.A. all. Alder St., i'ortlaml, Ore. ,- '' (i p i v ! ,r ii Si ii ii f TRANSPORTATION LINES. OREGON UNION PACIFIC Tlmt sh4uU From X JUtan 4IXT1 iM(t .l lV. tWnr. rtl tSMtlilHl ...!. V.t JffUI HljMt lout.. Cit-lUD. M. iim mi, tin lluttl-i I AlUutU KiirM ilil . m l Hunt, Incti-n Wll Ul. Pwnrrr, rvJ Ht r.ut !iu wii, ii.tiM l U Malt I Hi,W.ltr,tiU vu. m m. Ml n (, at. t raf. Pululti. Uu Hii4a ! k. Clli H. rt krw f, a, Ocean and Rlvur Schedule. chow rvHrnMii. Ul xltlni d.hH (Hhr! fHr I n rtMi ?ll ttr 4f. U"p III llr i . M. HtrtT ColumbU Rlvr r A.M.U Mtl ; jmMM. VVIIUtnntl Hlvtr ll lMU.4 lUliy. 4f4 tMBd;, (U at wafer ifWtHlH kit WU.w4uJ IUU 11 IV(l4l tUlly innk rtlvtr lJtJ M !), in. nllr HliiU lo Uol.tuii. 4i t.t WAMHI tit, A'U. fStttlluil. Washington & Columbia River Railroad Take thfs route for For Chicago, Ht. Paul, Ht. UuU, Ku wu City, rit. Jim, UnmliM, and All Points Hast and Souili Portland and point on the Sound T1X tukl). L-r fandUtun. Jallr riNyl nn4at al DUX oa Artlra I'audtalon MuBdar, Wa-j a4 ffli'.ar IllttUtrl Arjlt fo.lltoo thnradar -s4 Salurda; iMia . Ut WIL Hlidait;, utWtt4 WJaa. AnlTA Malta MatUdaif; at ttm, tot IntnrnalloB rtf arllns rU aa4 aw tuo-Utfom. ll wu tn 4ln W, AIMMS, 1L f't4Ulull. M, B, UAtt)KKIIKA). 0 I. A.. WaltaValta, Wl HUNS Piillimtn Sleeping Oini, Klcgaut Dining Oir, SIccjiIiir Girs , tfl. ItWU MINNK.VPOL18 DULUTH KA1UJO TO .(JU.S.VD FOUKfl CJtOOKKl'ON WINNhiPKtl HKLKNA, and I JltriTK THHour.ii 'iicKirrs 'ro WAHHIKOTON I'll 1 1 iA DKIiPHIA NKW YOHK HOrtTON and all 1-dnU Kant and Houth 1bu-ia tkkU l J&n ao4 Cilo. U Tacoiua and .N'omUid Mis Hull aud Amr1io Una. TIMK SCHKDULII. TialoilfTtfndlwadall; atMtt aaa; It I 1Ji P IA. tot tuilba lulomalluu. lima t4. mfj, tud tlciaU.Mtoo er wrIU ,v,iV!ViK ' dlalou. Ilrvioo. or A. II. till AHLTvtl, II Ml