East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 19, 1902, Image 6

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    WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1902. .
All Kinds of Seeds,
Orders for any kind
of Seed Solicited by
Who Sells Field hence in all heights,
as well as every variety of HARD
WARE, Barbed Wire, Stock Salt, &c
W I II 1 1 IT ( .1141 1
Kemerer: Coal. First Class Wood
Orders Promptly Filled.
Telephone, Eed 401, or call on
Office Main Street, just opposite Hans
ford & Thompson's hardware store.
re Meat
Schwarz & Greulicb,
Phone, Main 18.
607 Main Street.
LaFontaine & Garrison
Old Dutch Henry
Feed Yard.
Cavalry Horses for Sale.
Treasury Department, Offlco of the Comp
troller of tbe Currency, Washington, D. 0..
January 16, 1903, Whereas, by satisfactory evi
dence presented to the undersigned. It has
been made to appear that tbe First National
Bank of Pendleton, in tbe city of Pendleton.
In tbe county of Umatilla and state of Oregon,
baa complied with all of tbe provisions of the
"Act of Congress to ecablo Natfonal Hanking
Associations to extend their corporate exis
tence, and for other purposes," approved July
112 1882
Now,' therefore. I, William B Bldgely. Comp
troller of tbe Currency, do heroby certify that
The First Natfonal Bank of Pendleton," In
the City of Pendleton, in tbe county of Uma
tilla and state of Oregon, is authorized to bave
succession for tbe period specified In Its amen
ded articles ot association, namely, until clow
of business on January 16, 1922.
In testimony whereof, witness my hand and
Seel of office this sixteenth day of January,
1902. WM. B. BIDOKLY,
Comptroller of tbe Currency,
CopjTlfcUt, 1001, by Io Crane. 6
The Rninll column of rough looking
men that wound In single file through
the tangled jungle was nil that re-
mnlned of the once mighty Twelfth.
I It hnd dwindled to this-handful hi the
I space of nine months, and no doubt
I when the wet senson began even the
skeleton would have room for fresh
i recruits, providing nlwnys the rebels.
I who lay hidden iu the wild grasses,
would allow the fever time enough. A
i rebel in the wild grass is as certain as
the fever, and much quicker.
Nine months before the Twelfth had
landed from the rusty red transport
Southern Queen and had marched with
a swinging step over the wet sand.,
The straggly line of palms skirting the
beach swallowed them, and from that
moment the decimation began.
For n time they idled In the hot sun
at Qunlmas, where they ate fruit,
sickened, n few died nnd the rest re
covered to curse the heat and to won
der why they didn't go up country.
Then they went up country and the
rebels amusfil them grimly. This for
nine months. The Twelfth wns thor
oughly tired out.
"Don't you wish you were golu
home, Connelly?" asked a man trudg-!
lug behind a great tall chap.
"Home! Do you ever expect to get
home? Bosh!"
"Do you menu San Pedro or do you
mean the real home?" asked another.
"Why, I meant home, ncross the
water, where the people are of the
white brand, nnd where there's hot
biscuits, nnd a bed, nnd elenn water
nnd uirls. Oil! I meant home!"
t Harrison looked nt the man and
! shook his head strangely.
"Don't git that way often. Fnrsons;
H affects the head so."
! "But I
But I had a dream last night nnu
we were all goln' home."
i "Funny dream, that," said Martin.
I "xviin- rnn wnnt Is n cood stiff dose
i rf millllnn until ntiiin' lik-n twpntv-flve
' grains." '
"No doubt the poor lad's nerves are
gone," said another, "all jangled and
j out of tune." '
I "Wish 1 could dream, though,"
' growled Connelly. "There's lots of ',
! things I'd dream about there's" But I
i i . na ..,.....,. tit
UOIineny Uroue UU Willi ll minium mi
his throat. The things he would dream j
i about were evidently not for the ears ;
of the regiment.
"You'd dream about what?" asked a
But his question went unanswered,
i The straggly line of men emerged
from the shadow and came to where
' they could see the white huts of San
i Pedro glaring In the tropical sun. ,
"Seems to me there's somethin' a-go-In
on down there," said Martin.
"There Just Is that," replied Ilarrl
the sun and '
son, shading his eyes from
gazing at the town's gate.
utsniuu u x uuu i .. ;
"XZZtTSZe. and. besides.
oi,D .".. " n, nc h-iivii' nr i
arsons, you're nlwnys bellein, and
drenmln' things."
"But If it Is maybe we'll go to some
place farther down the const. Maybe
we'll see soinethln' new. Mnybe"
"Well, nln't you done with mny
bein'V" The tall man looked nt the questioner
nnd replied slowly
"Ann mnyue we u go nome;
It seemed to stun the lot of thorn.
One gasped and turned pale. Home!
They had never given that a thought.
Home? While the rebels were yet
limTrnuuu,u , 1 ,f,
rirosf aucii u w.v.
uuyilling Ol noiu ueioru uukhii iu nuijj
to a wonderful tune of his own:
"We're goln' bomel We're goln' hornet
Our ship Is at the shore.
And you can pack your harersack,
Fur we won't come back no more.
Oh, we won't come back no more, my boys,
We wou't come back no more!"
and the whole rauk took up the burden
of the chorus:
"Oh, we won't come back no more, my boys,
We won't come back no more!"
With n quickened step, born of the ,
swinging meter of the song, the j
Twelfth marched to the town'B little j
gate. The hot sun, the tropical smell,
the petty Ills nnd the quinine were nil
forgotten In their curiosity to lenm
why a strnngo sentry paced forwnrd
! nnd back before the place, Like so
many statues tuey wniteu ior ne
lieutenant to renppenr from the com
mander's hut. lie camo out with n
smile on his face.
"The Twelfth Is mustered out!"
A yell went skyward thnt mnde the
vines rustle nnd above all the rest
big Connelly bawled:
"Hurrah! Hurruh! We're goln'
Five men Burrounded a pair of the
new guard nud begged from them an
old newKiinnor. -. -r - -'
"Look here, Connelly"
"What? Newspapers? Gltnrae one!
What n find! A newspaper!"
S'poso you almost forgot there wan
such a thing."
"Perhaps. Sec If there's anything
from home."
"Home? Where d'you live anyway,
"Why, thnt'B In Massachusetts."
"Of course, dunnnyhouse! Look fer
the news, will you?"
"What's the date? Five mouths old.
this paper! Gloucester Gloucester
tere 'tis Gloucester:
'Mau killed at the town hall last
night now that's what I call an In
terestlnc piece of news, sccln' as we
don't know what a killln' is. 'George
Hall convicted of stealin' from Nathan
Forrest that sounds like home
'Mnrrinfp'-Mint's very homelike 'Bill
Thompson dead; leaves forty thousand
dollars.' That's nil, Connelly, from 1
Gloucester " '
"Humph! Who's married?" ;
iamiuou wioo
and' "-
"You lie! Let me see that: '
"What in the name of nation is tlfo
matter with you, Connelly?"
"You're right, Parsons, that's all!
That's all!"
And big Connelly, the man with an
Intense longing for home, bent down
Ids head and walked with a swagger
to the far end of the town.
The next morning, when the bugle
called the men of the Twelfth from
the dingy white huts, they sprang
forth with alacrity.
"We're a mighty slim crowd com
pared to nil that came up, ain't we?"
"Well. I should say! There was Sam
Johnson and Jerry Fntterson. Bill
Williams, Harry Carter but what's
the use in countlu' 'em? all gone, and
ioofl bovs. too. all cood boys. But.
then, tlint's what we 'listed fur."
"And we're the lucky dogs! I wouldn't
be one of them fellers want's come to
relieve us no, not fer a cool million.
Would you, Connelly?"
"1 don't know," replied Connelly
"You don't know?"
"Js'o, I don't know."
Then the Uncle blnred again. The
tall man turned nnd walked to the "suing uoubu, .Hu.uuj .... -lieutenant
and saluted: i eret that they were unable to accept
"Well Connellv'!" uur novel.
"I-I think I'd'like to stay and enlist j She gulped down something in her
with the other regiment sir-and-and throat. Her novel declined! Her firs
stav out the -war. You see"- really original work, to which she had
f f ti. itintnnnnt i.,.,.mo n' civen the leisure hours of six years!
a stone mask and for n moment he
stured fixedly. Then, remembering his
rank, he said kindly:
"If you think so, Connelly, you may
report to Major Southern."
The Twelfth marched out and the
last man, looking back from a distant
hill, saw a forlorn figure watching by
ltri V!1 nn4.i TTjrk tvn voil o I net flirt.
uiu um m.mv u.ui
well to tu man in the sun painted
ic. a iciiow oy nis sine sunn-
. .. - A.
ed to hum again the song of the swing
ing meter:
"Oh, w're goln' home! We're coin' home!
Our ship is at"
"Oh, shut up!" growled out the man.
The skeleton of the Twelfth, minus
one of the larger bones, inarched on in
TnrqnoliiM nnd the MonfjolH,
Turquoises are the favorite stones of ,
a11 thu MoI1o1 rnces "nd nre eel"aI,.v
worn In their original state, except by
misift.n tl'SlllWirt YVlin lift Vft flllllll
roUK,lllv cm nmi wclir them mixed with.
and coral. Both U,e Tibetan.
meu luul W0Ilie" ornameiu uieuiseivcs
t.-nnloS tl.o men woarlnc1
. .v..
them attached t5 their single gold ear-j
I rings, which are worn In the right ear,
, only. j
i The women of Lndakh carry their j
fortunes on their bentls, in tne snape
of n broad strip of red cloth stuuueu
J with huge turquoises, which, starting
nfl nnd h nenpy t0 tUe Wfti8t
,lCBe fe nR th nre cnUed 60uie.
nfl mwh nB 20 By tue
, r .,,,, thn. tl,ml!oiSpS ,. nrnfnr.
i red thiit have little black specks on
'them, which show their genuineness.
( for eyeu ,u U(, w,ub ()f centra,
the spotless blue composition emanat
lug from Europe Is offered for sale, the
, bazaar at Darjcoilng being uootieu wun
The Bhutla women In the Darjeellng
I district wear quaint brass ornaments
; covered with chip turquoises, which are
cheap, but the Mongolians have the,
i embossed silver plates which iorm
, such n becoming headgear, studded
with really line turquoises, for which
; the owners have to give valuable furs
Iu exchange. Cornhill.
The Ilote Not.
Betel uuts, the produce of the arecn
nnlm n pn nlil,flt ucnfl nn n timet lAtini
jfl. 1 .... 1 . t U villbUJ V. .J . . ' . lllj.ll.l.LUI J
by the natives of the east. They nre
too small to be applied to many orna
mental uses, but are occasionally em
ployed by tho turner and wrought Into
bends for brncelots. small rosnry cases
nnd other little fancy articles. In the
Museum of Economic Botnny at Kcw
there Is a walking stick made of these
nuts, sliced, mounted or supported on
an Iron center.
Didn't net Oia Credit.
"I was sorry I sent Ellen such an
fxpeuslve wedding present"
"Why wero you?"
"Why, she went nud placed them on
exhibition without tho donor's cards."
rhlladelplitn Bulletin.
1 ON THE 1
Copyright, 1001, liy
Garfield MacNenl.
t mi.,,, rrviniivpU nwoke on the
morning of her thirtieth birthday to
the sickening consciousness thnt she
wns an old maid. She parted tne
cretonne curtains of her bed, curtains
covered with red roses, suggestive of
summer sunshine, nnd turned her eyes
toward the window. n nt
against the panes and dull gtaj skj
proclaimed n cheerless November day.
Sue sighed. Then, stretching out n
cii.ii.niv arm. she took a silver hand
u...., ..
mirror from the nearby dressing tabic
and carefully studied her features.
In the langunge of Shakespeare she
saw "no deeper wrinkles yet." face
long and oval, patrician In outline nnd
expression, skin rather olive, eyes
brown, deep nnd luminous, n mouth gen-
erously molded, and n wealth of brown
hair. On tne wnoie ii wns a iiuuiwt
face and ono of character.
Dropping the mirror on the bed, sue
called, "Lois!" A French maid, neat,
trim and smiling, uppoared with the
breakfast tray.
"Ah, mn'm'selle! A thousand con
gratulations on your birthday."
"My thirtieth, Lois! But thank you
just the same."
"Mn'm'selle is still young, and al
ready fame has como to you. And
when your novel is published the world
will be nt your feet," said Lois with a
comprehensive sweep indicating, the
"Oh, yes, the novel," murmured her
mistress, sitting up nnd starting in on
her coffee and rolls, while the maid
laid a bundle of letters and manu
scripts on the bed.
Miss Tread well opened the one bulky
package and looked at the accompany-
I v l.irtm. Tf wnc frnni n irroat nub-
lug letter.
! t r i t i. ....... 11 (wiifAaolurr fV.
Truly, this was a most delightful birth
day gift.
"Lois," she said and her voice trem
bled "Lois, my novel has been de
clined." "All. mn'm'selle, I am too sorry"
wlth quick sympathy "but some other
publisher will accept It."
Her mistress shook her head. "1
, , T 0i.0ii
" i.oi m.-..u u uut b
- , :
,n.,l.-n o llvltirr nfr tlinK" TllPll Kllft tHHl-
make a living at that." Then she add
ed reflectively, "my life has been a
Lois protested. She worshiped her
mistress. "Mn'm'selle has been suc
cessful. You have a pretty apartment
and everything you want."
"Other women, too, have pretty
apartments and everything they
"All, yes, but they did not work for
! them," snld Lois with a worldly shrug
i ns slie went lu response to the electric
1...tt ...l.t..1. ..i- il.t .tn.mi4- Ktimrw1
ioudlv , the hall.
8I,- wltIl n UUKe whlte
i,ox "Flowers, mn'm'selle, ami a
., ',.,,.
iiviivt nnu ntiivi iii
j,ss Trendwell cut the ribbon that
IC$ the box nnd disclosed a mass of
violets. They seemed to look up at
j10l. tenderly yet shrlnkingly ns she
j)ent over them. With a sigh of pleas
tire she took the note and studied the
bold hand writing of the superscrip
tion. Iler heart jumped. Surely It
wns Jack's! Dear old Jack had re
membered her!
She slit ncross the end of the en
velope while her fingers trembled nnd
eagerly unfolded the paper.
"Denr Lillian," she read, "mny I
hope that this remembrance of your
birthday will prove that I have not
forgotten you? I have been In town
, two (lavB- j. fiec,u.eci your address
from G.'s Magazine and send these
dowers t0' warn you thnt I aui coming
t0 VIUie your sanctum sanctorum und
tiUk over oId UlueSi Always your
frlctld Jack Ainsworth.V
She started up, scattering letters nnd
manuscripts on the Moor. "Lois," she
said decidedly, "I want you to lay out
my new morning gown, the sea green
one with the train."
Sitting down nt her dressing table,
she began a careful toilet. Her
thoughts wore busy with the past.
Jack had been her girlhood friend In
the little Inland town where they were
both born and bred. Again she was
tweuty-four and ho wns twenty-six.
Why had he never spoken? She knew
he loved her, nnd, perhaps, she had
loved him, too, then. But when her
mother's death left her alone in the
world, sho was" seized with the desire
to come to New York to try her for
tune. Jack had advised against it,
but a strange perversity made her deaf
to his warnings.
At first they had kept up a corre
spondence. Soon even that link was bro
ken ns sho was drawn more nnd more
Into the ubsorumg wum ot newspaper
nnd magazine work. For llvo years no
letters had pushed between them. To
b sure sh had heard of him Indirect-
lv, how he grndnnrty. rorgen nncno
from clerk In the railroad office to
manager of the whole system, nnd she
hnd been glnu for his sake.
And now, after all this time, they
wero to meet. She wondered what lie
would be like. Doubtless he had lost
the rresh, boyish beauty she so well
remembered, no was past thirty now,
she reflected with n sigh. Doubtless,
too, his career as n man of affairs had
made him brusque nnd cold. She hnd
visions of bearded cheek and chlu, nnd
nnriinns clnsses! Horrors! Had It
really come to that? Well, she would
live In the old days, nnd pny no atten
tion to externnls.
When at last Lois announced thnt
Mr. Ainsworth was In the drawing
room, she swept t her mirror nnd sur
veyed the gim-eful figure reflected
there. Iler gown of sea green fell In
shimmering folds. Her hnlr wns done
beautifully, and some of the violets
were, clasped In the silver girdle nt her
waist. She could not tail to be satis
Thl consciousness helped her to
enter tho drawing room with the per
feet self possession of n woninn of the
world. With outstretched hnnd she
greeted him as If they had parted but
"Jack! How good of you to come to
see me on my birthday and to send
me these lovely flowers," turning to a
center table where tho violets were
.Tack Ainsworth gasped. Could this
elegant woman with her perfect hair
and silvery voice be his old frleuci t
"Lillian," he said, still grasping her
hnnd, "Is It really you?"
She smiled, and It wns her old smile,
"Yes. Jack, it Is I. You see. 1 nm
going the way of the world."
"Nonsense! Y'ou nre perfect!" he
cried vehemently.
She was no less charmed. There wns
no evidence of beard or glasses, though
the boy had grown Into the man tall.
nthletic, clean shaven, with strong jaw
and deep voice. His honest gray eyes
feasted on her beauty. She flushed.
"Tell me what you have been doing
nil these years. Jack," she said finally
"Oh, working hard and following
your career."
"Y'es," she said, "you have done well
for j-ourself and I nm proud of you
As for my career, it lias not amounted
to much."
"Lillian," Ainsworth said, leaning
forward eagerly,- "do you know that
vou have not written n line I have not
read. You ceased to write to me, but
1 did not forget, denr."
Miss Trendwell had forgotten the
rain and the unfceliug publisher.
"Tell me, Jack, what brings you to
New York:" she asked.
"I have been elected vice president
of the road nnd must live here," he re
"Then I suppose you will marry and
keep up an establishment?" with
pretense pf lightness.
"I don't know," he -said dubiously
"There never was but one girl for me,
and she she has achieved fame. She
would not think of giving up glory to
become the wife of n railroad man."
A feeling long dead woke In the wo
man. "But she might be willing, Jack
if you asked her," she said almost
wistfully. "She might gladly give up
all her false glory to find real happi
"If I thought thnt," said Ainsworth
breathlessly, "I'd nsk her iu a minute.'
She thought of the novel, of the line!
work, of the loueliness of her life
which this friend of the past brought
sharply before her.
"Jack." she said, "I've declded"-
She paused, then went on rapidly
anserine the violets In her belt, "to
give up literature for good."
Ainsworth stnrted forward. "Do you
really mean It, Lillian?"
"Yes, I do," she replied bravely.
"But why?" he Inquired, doubting
She looked up nt him, and be read it
in her shining eyes.
He leaped forward and folded her In
his arms, crushing the violets In his
eagerness. "My darling!" was all he
could say In trembling tones.
As for Miss Trendwell, with that em
brace came the realization that woman
was not made to live on mlndiloue
"Lois," she called, after u little,
"bring me the manuscript of my
novel." Sho took It from the wonder
lug maid and turned to Jack .with
radlaut smile. "Come," she cried gay
ly "come to my study fire nnd help me
make dust und ashes of my literary
A BoMtou Translation.
Little Emerson Momma, I find no
marginal note In elucidation of this ex
pression, which I observe frequently to
occur In my volume of "Fairy Tale
Classics," "With bated breath." What
is tho proper interpretation of the,
Mamma "With bated breath," my
son, commonly occurs in fairy tales,
l'our father often returns from pisca
torial excursions with bated breath.
The phrase in such instances, however,
tins no significance as applying to the
bait employed to allure tho fleh, ,but is
merely nn elastic term of dubious
meaning and suspicious origin, utilized,
as I have already intimated, almply be
cause of the sanction whlpb it linn ga.in
pd by customary usage in fairy tales
generally. Do you comprehend, Emer
son? Little Emerson Perfectly, mamma.
lhe Best Hotel in Pfc
and as good as any.
Headquarters for Traveling ft,
Commodious Sample Rooms, '
Rates $2 per day,
Special rates by week or month.
Excellent Cuisine,
Every modern Convenience,
Bar and Billiard Room in Conncctioa
Only Three Blocks from Depot
Corner Court and Johnson BtrtU,
Pendleton, Oregon,
M. F. Kelly, Proprietor.
American Flan, rates $1.25 to 52.03 ill.
Enropean plan, 50c, 75c, tl.00
Special rates by week or month
Cm Run riffta all 1 ralm.
Commercial Trade Solid W,'
Fine Sample Room
Special attention given Country M
""6" v
European Plan.
Block andanalMrosdepot.
i Doom In ceiwectlfl'
"""P1' " tl Ad
50c, 75C,)
The Columbia
Dntol CI Con
rn iir-i i in h i
11UI0I Ul. UDUp
only cent.