East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 19, 1902, Image 5

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    Linen Torchon Lace. iWOULD Pi! IW
sold stump button. The former la a
ttrst pi tee and the latter a special
It Pays to Trade at the Peoples Warehouse.
am io every member taklitK an ac
cepted application.
ae t-irnlar racettnutly colludes
CASE OF THE STOpkhoi nnue M.Uh. lh n,ma'k nt thwo are "no
tut STOCKHOLDERS blanks In iViKUettw ramp."
OF FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Tonight them will t a Joint meet-
.. ' InC at Itio nimailHii.u a 11. ..vu ra.
Reliable Goods Only.
Worth 20c, 15c, 10c yard
February price
were Assessed at $350 per Shaie of lcl M ltm camp M the e
vuu . ar vaiu
to $76.84.
Clni r- . . .
-Demand Reduction
, -n -nrs. v. v, van ursUall. A nfoa
ant siirpris ts jwomlw for the clr
IcIb's tommte.
Most of the day yostordav
aaen up U Judge Kills, who Is tln-i KNIGHTS PYTHIAS
Sfie Display in
Cleaver Bros.
feast (g
James A. Howard, fawn loans.
Hendley & Howard, flro Insurance. '
k,v hats on salo at Boston Store .'.
Wide ribbons at narrow prices.
Boston Store.
Two for a quarter collars just in.
Boston Store.
Nicest candy in the cLy. Dutton's
lice cream chocolates.
Fishing tackle, baskets, poles, lead
ers, imported .noons, xnojis .book
A Email ten cent piece buys a good
I pair of gloves at Cleaver Bros. Dry
Goods Co,
A9k to .see the Chicago leader hat.
IOny ,?1.50j at Cleaver Bros. Dry
Goods Co.
Mothers, darlings in "Brownie
Ifhoes" look swell. The shoes are at
Boston Store.
Wall paper, wall paper! Where?
At Sharp's big wall paper store, opera i
block, Court street.
Rooms in the East Oregonlan build-
mg for rent. Steam heated, hot and
water and bath room in connec
will be sold, buturday, 22d, on Alta
tnd Main streets, one 3 wagon, one
pinch light wagon, one IG-inch plow,
be cultivator, one potato digger, one
ban horses and harness, to the high-
st bidder.
City and country property for sale.
Houses rented, collections. L-ocaie
ands subject to entry. Agent Home
(-operative Co. Homes on easy pay-
i. Rlhorn & Cook, room 10, over
Taylor's store.
The homliest man in Pendleton as
veil as the handsomest, and others
ire invited to call on any druggist
nd get free a trial bottle of Kemp's
(Balsam for the throat and lungs, a
kmedy that is guarnteed to cure and
relieve all chronic and acute coughs,
athma, bronchitis and consumption.
ice 25c and 50c. For sale by Tall
in & Co., sole agents.
lajestic Ranges
V. J. Clarke & Co
211 Court Street.
are twoaortuients
I Oc and 25c a box.
The 10 cent lot contains paper worth fro.,. to cejito 11
the 25 cent lot worth from 60 to 75 cents. U hite and tinted
65 Steps from Main Street
North Window.
Dry Goods Co,
i Darn for rent; inquire of Mrs. Mary
E. Rust, corner Bluff and Ann streets.
I Photo mounting and cardboard,
i pastes, glues, crepe paper. Nolf's
i Notion Store.
A sale of farming implements,
horses, a Holt combined harvester
.etc., will occur on Friday, February
I 21. at 10 o'clock, at R. Laing's Col 1 1
rancl1- Terms, under $20, cash:
YeI that mount. approved security
at S per cent
Dr. C. J. Smtlh has purchased a
very handsome Wilson Moline buggy
from A. Kunkel & Co., the new Im
plement firm. It is one of the hand
somest vehicles to be seen on the
streets, being a first-class article of
that famous make.
E. T. Wade, the real estate man,
sold a lot and a half on the west side
of Madison street, between Jackson
and Washington streets, today, to
Mrs. Elizabeth C. Gulhford, In consld-1
eration ot ?&u. Mr. ana Mrs. Gulll-i
ford will soon commence the erection ;
of a family home upon the site,
which is one of the most desirable 1
locations on the north side of the i
river. j
' '
plaintiffs and sell them at public saio.
Is Seven Miles Northwest Cost $400 they pray the court to enjoin him
Presbyterian In Affiliation. : from doing so and to make the injunc
The Rev. F. L. Forbes, the "Rev. tlon I'erpotunl and that tho county be
Levi Johnson, of Pcndlet.'n. mid :;io lforceu 10 accept taxes on tho plain
Rev. A. J. Adams, of Milton, liava ded-i ,iffs' shares of stock at tho assessed
icated the chapel on the W. P. Tempi" ' vallIt' of S-9'- whlch wns offered tho
farm, seven miles northwest from this
place, an-1 turned it over to the uses
of Presbyterian worship. It cost $400,
most of which was given by the peo
ple living thereabouts. Rev. Mr. Ad
ams preached the dedicatory sermon.
It is of 24 by 30 feet ground dimen
sions, and is neat and convenient.
The new chapel Ms located in Despain
Pete Marsh Will Pitch and an ex
League Man, Tom McKlddle, Will
Pilot Rock. Feb. 19. The ball play
ers of Pilot Rock have met and com-!
pleted the organization of a baseball i
club. A large sum of money was;
subscribed and a strong team win uejnavjiig laiu-n it uhut uuvihuhiooi.
placed in the field. A number of play-, , j
ers have been secured and as soon woodmen give
as the season permits the boys wlll!THE: woodmen give
be ready to give any club in the coun-' A SUCCESSFUL DANCE.
try a "work out.
The following officers were elected: Music Hall Crowded With a Merry
Manager Pete Marsh, the famous ball , Company Camp's Big Meeting,
twlrler; Captain Tom McKlddle, ail As redlctod the party glvwi m
ex-league player: treasurer, a V'nlelit bv the local camp. Woodmen of
jCarnes; secretary, William Valland
i ingham.
Toward the Cotift Hoase
Thta.lgntul. on erery box of th .genuine
Laxative Bromo-QuinineTu
theremedy tbat c-. eoW iu one Uy.
Bank of Pendleton, a corporation , !' i ,i,hment ' the Order by JuUne!
U llllam Ulakley. as sheriff of Um'atil-1 Rathbone.
a county, State of Oregon, and Unin-, Clitaifio. Feb. I8.-Membr M tke
ii lomiV'- 1,1 whlon tho Plaintiffs i Knights of Pythias tlmmshont t
nioil nu injunction against the sheriff laud art today celebrating the mmy
e ,,,V 1 " from lcv-v,K on and . Ktk anniversary of thrtr order,
sui ng shares of some of the stocks They bellow they have good catie for
nojuors. in the corporation for 1SSH , Jubilation In the rapid growth and
Wn7 .1 ' ,iecom doltnquont dourishing coudltlon of tholt oraer
ila if . owners had refused to throughout tho country. Slur It was
pa wnat they t hour lit was n nt.fjiififnuml.xl hv .limtlii.. 11 itmHtwu... i
I rat. o, iv. The history of the case Wmhtnjrton. 1). C less than four d
i n m n,unt,ons !t substance are: ! de ngw the Knights of Pythias have'
On March i 1, 1S89, the First Nation- spread to every fctate and torntory
ai uank of Pondleton. beside its other the Union, to AlniOsn. Culm, the:
j property, had TOO shares of stock val-' Hawaiian Island. .Mexico and the!
ued at ?100 per share. This stork was' Province of Quebec. Th member--
ifsmeius 0 tne country. aI nas iasei tii imir-mllllon mark
some of whom live in Walla Walla and the precentnR of Katns hIiows to '
and some in Portland. C. It. Wndo. Ikb of dinreae. Ohio. Illinois. In-!
cashier of the bank, furnished Asses-! dlnna. Iowa. Pennsylvania. New
scr Hutan with the names of all the.York and Missouri lend the rtdl. with
stockholders with the amount of California. Kansas. Colorado. Florida,
stock of each, and Levi Ankcnv. Al-' Mmucsotn. Nebraska. Oregon. Texas
leu Reynolds. W. F. Matlock. J. S. Wisconsin following close behind
McLean, A. Schwabacher. Uoll Schwa-1 Tni present supremo chancellor of
bacher. H. F. Johnson and Henry Rev.) tle order Is Ogdon . Feathers o,"
nolds nliege thnt the assessor tlxed "iaoonsln. who will hold oillce until
the value of their stock at J250 per ''Is successor Is chosen t the next
share, and when tho board of oquall
zntlon. consisting of County Judm
County Judce
Hartmnn, County Clork Chamberlain . August.
and County Assessor Uusan. met in.
Septombor, 1S99. they raised thei Were Hungry and Surrendered,
value or the stocks to $350 per share, i Manila, Fob. 19. A Filipino band,
without giving any notice whatever ! consisting of 9S men nud 8 oniccrs.
to tho plaintiffs, and that after tho as-! surrendered In Batangns province yes
sessed value of tho real estate anil terday. They turned In 00 rlllos.
other property was deducted, !t only Hunger mnde them surrender.
left them actually worth $70 per
share, and according to the assessed. SOFTNESS OF SEALSKINS."
value of other bank stock in the conn
ty, this was a good value to put on Is Rivaled by Human Hnlr Where Dan
the stock, and that tho assessor and dru(f i. Eradicated
board of equalisation adopted a svs-, , , , 7 ., ..
tern of valuation designed to n.rnL St,.a'Bl1. admin d the world over
ally upon different classes of 1
property similarly situated whereby I
all the shares of the First National
Bank were assessed at a greator rnto i
than other moneyed capital, and that
other capital was allowed 40 per cent '
off ail money in the county ana tho'
Plaintiffs should hnve the same treat-,
mont. Because the county court Is-i
sueu instructions to tlio sheriff to
file a Hen on all tho stocks of snlil
luulll- ' " "'"ouiu equal 10
the assessments of other capital in
I the county.
The argument of the attorneys wns
finished last night and Judge Ellis
has the matter under ndvisemont.
Tharp Case Postponed.
Tho second case of the stato of
Orogon vs. John Tharp, accused of
perjury, which was to have come up
today for preliminary In Judge Fitz
Gerald's court, has again boon post 1
ponod because the defendnnt as not
ready for trial. It Is set for 10 o'clock 1
tomorrow. j
Rlchter vs. Means.
The civil case of Richtor vs. Moans.
where Mr. Richtor filed a lion on Mr.
Steaiix' houso for $29 alloged to lie
due for carpenter work, was tried y-
tf rday and the evidence hoard, but.
ice )ute, nas not given ins uuoibu-i, ;
the World, was a marked social sue-.
ess. The ball-room w almost over
crowded with one of the happiest lot j
of dancers that ever gathered In tho
Pendleton camp met early and rush
ed their business through, In order to
go over to th" party In a body. Dur
ing tho session tho camp room wbb
literally packed with enthusiastic
choppers." Like tho previous even
ing, when the Women of Woodcraft
, met, two lines of oxtra seats had to
. be brought in m order to accommo
1 date the neigh lors,
Four candidates were Initiated and
1 14 applications received. Never has
I this order Ik en in such a Jlourinshliig
condition as at present, and if the en
thusiasm which wag manifest last
night Is uny criterion, then indeed
will tho gathering of candidates
, as Pendleton's contribution to the
treat 1H4 initiation be an oasy task.
The prize committee, consisting of
Neighbors Leon Cohen, L. W. Hold
Inmi rv J. Greulich. has Issued a bul-
i i . nil mntnliom of Pendleton 1
1 letin to all memuers oi j emiiLiuij (
camu. setting loriii a "i i"-' ,
urrtii nt nrlzes which will be dlstrlb
Utea among uib iucwuC1p .....p.
applications. They rango In value)
from a solid gold watch to a rolled- j
iiicuiuiK ui uio supremo lodge. WIUcli
,s to lie Held in fan hnuiclsco next
1? , , '"V'. '
J" i"u iiwuiau iiiiii in vqKHIij HI MOi I
and glossy when healthy, nml the rad
leal cause of all hair trouble l dan
druff, which Is cauied by ti peatiferotm
parasite that sai the vitality of the
hair at Its root. Newbiti'n llerplctde
is the only preparation that i fntnl to
the dandruff genu. Without Uatidrurf
no falling hair, but a luxuriant growth
of glossy, soft hair is certain. Scour
ing the scalp won't euro dandruff. Kill
the dandruff genu. TIioubuiuIm of wo
men owe thoir bountiful stilts of hair
to Newbro's Herplcldi'.
Tho enormity of our salmon output
has playod havoc with tho British
fisheries, for In Canada tho law does
not permit tho use of tiapn. In Wiihlr
Ington and Oregon traps are used, so
that tho American fisheries are able
to furnish salmon to tho Canadian
cannorlcs for 2 Jo 3 cents a Hsh w here
whero the canneries used to pay tho
Canadians from 10 to 13 recta
Victory at Last.
! The Latebt Scientific Discovery
Cures all forms
Diseases, such
tlrtifl, BaldiH:f.s
as Dan-
&c, ami
will stop tlic Hair from
Falling out, As a Uro
ing it lias no equal, keep
ing the Scalp ami Hair in
a llualthy condition.
Hf'.OCK & licO'JUAB, At u tut I'flldlelua cd
i bat mdeour rti-ilr 1tpilmeii the U.t lot
all arouna repairini ri ipp wiihi
70U' cr. wy iiw-u iiieiwn u
rfng u wouribop,U(1 htM) ii.iuiio i.ioity
rour carriage, wagon or uunnj iiwu. nieii'nii.
wuen rour veincie ufceoi t. mwmok
rVben rour velilcle uttsu t. inorooir" oy.fii.ui-,
ln. Iirlnir It bora and wo w it return it looklu
ciurge. . i
water 3t., r arMaln, J'tndleton, Oioa.
Special Opening of
Ladies' Silk Dress
Skirts on Monday,
Tuesday and Wednesday
lie Piles
ic k's
To innVo pood brtwiil life livers' II it Klutir It took flrt
premium t the OhlrKO WNirld' Vrtir ovrli c)in rxit I
tlon, and slven excellent (MtUlnrimn Mh&ror ncl,
Kwrv chc1 i vaariiiitctl. Wn lme th lett Htriu
Itollii Nil7, Hwl Hyo n Ueardlrw ltorley.
W.S. HYUKS. Proprietor.
French Restaurant
cosy noons
V'tl Lighted nuil Hlenni H.lnl.
Best 25 cent Alcals
in the City.
Kivg 1-egH, ICnjitcMi and
1. Lv. Ray 6k Co.,
Stockn, HoikIh
and (xraln
lot cli or on wrtn,
New York 5tock Uxchance.
Clilcaeo Stock Hichnnse.
Chicago Board of Trade.
urt flr,
.rtUlwM Or,
ST OH A C fe.
tki rrtinn wih
viccjioTAHLios, rouiruv, pish, and
717 Main St. - Dione, Main 37,
Of Orlen
I Prompt
J Killed
You get
Whon you tlrmk
UuurauttMjd not U)
(tiuiHti hoadtiohi) Q,rt.
dizzinotw ., ? a
Ak for it.
Scliultz Brewing Co.
i'tf i;. lUi Ii.ii.u ij
w(tit'tai. for wki
turn I, Will rJ, Ubpf4 u
an li.nil
eoij Uf JMitjt 01(UC
The Louvre 5loon $
Fanners Custom AIM
i're4 Wltr, ProerUtar.
1 "J