5W state, the county and the district In; under "woman's' emancipation." Ap- ,- ; made. The state should bear the regtaurant ccokiiiK. In her mad rush WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1902. major portion of the expense, the j for "independence" she has even for- comity the mnjor portion of the re mainder, and the balance should be DAILY, WEEKLY "5 SEMI-WEEKLY I horue by the district through which the road is to run. The last named provision would be nv thk East Oregcnian Publishing Company AT PKXDLKTUN, OltKtlON. DAILY SVIlsrP.irTION' r.ATrs: One copy jior year, by mnU One copy six moiithi, dy tunll One copy per wei'k, by cnrrl r Trial subscription Blnglo numbers BCHMYKEKX.Y 8nrKIITION l.ATfcg! Oiipeopy one your One copy Bi.x monllis Triul subscription Vlncle numbers TTESKLY SfBSl'HIITlO.V nATHS. )no copy one year Ono copy six months Trial subscription blngle copy apvkp.tihi.su hates: .fife . :u . J . . icv . ,.?! . 76 . ao . us On Inch, or lea. In Semi- Weekly, ir nionth.2.0O ...... n . I t. rt-tl.. ............. ,1. . I iv n . ui t-rw. ..mi I'V. .., .... ...... ... Twolnrhfs, orleib, in Imiiy m.U Wwkly, per mount nimit Over three Inclief. Dally, iierltn'h ir month Over tlireo Inches, In J)nily ami Weekly, p-r jticli per month - Onelucti,orle,ln Weeklvpermonih 1"5 i Over three incliec, in Weekly, per inch per j month Ti Over three Inches, In Tudny'slsiioorsemi- I AVeekly.perlnchperinonth K Solid nonimre'l fulvo'tlsements In Soml-Wepkly i "Wekly or Dally. HrM !neriion, per Inch, LCo; based upon the principle of local self government, which is needed to a greater extent than It is now se cured under prevailing laws. Fur thermore, the provision that all per: maneiit roadways constructed at state aid must bo paid for in part by a di rect tax upon the district through which it runs, would act as a deter ment to extravagant requests upon the state treasury. Tills wnulri make good roads in Ore gon. It would he diillcult to adjust it to different sections with different pa- 00 1 tience and honesty would overcome these difficulties. 100 Over llireo Inches. Semi- Weekly, per Inch per' pnl,,ltti,ins hut ltirnl!l.nnnn n-rwl gotten to ask herself whether tne children might not ho benefitted by a more intimate acquaintance with their father. But the "head of the household" has at last been located. Just as we were about to send out a tracer for him to ascertain where he had land ed under the new domestic system the president of the New York Moth ers' Club flashes a red lantern in the fog and declares he is -m ihe main track. The man who pays the bills is still the bend of the domestic com bine. Pink teas may flourish and green and yellow luncheons multiply, but tfie silent partner with the cash box, who seeks quiet solace and com fort in a cozy corner of the club, must be reckoned with finally in the ronnubinl directorate. This is the bold pronouncement of UMU IS A Demon of pa Rheumatism seems f& take a fiendish r1i; i, . imoh'hic. NTrx ,a c - i uulgnt in w. , . Ay Aiivuc ja pumsninent eve,- ; llnn or practiced by devil-possessed savage W bodily suffering, such deep, rackinrr Si disease. Rheumatism leaves in ibTwi as this u i j j i -t . . 1Li trail dict-j f uuukCu auu Ainssnapen joints and Mmn i"? iiuioweu countenance or tne sufferer T?t, Msm i us grow old and decrepid before our This is the Hold pronouncemeiu m . . , j i . -r3 t , -"""A-uuua Has h TJ Mis. Harry Hastings, president or stricken by this ruthless disease, and made almost as helpless and depend t the New York Mothers club, in an 1 Chained to the invalid's chair or hobbling about on crutches irf 5n auan address to the club she delivered these .... of,-Qf : ,1a,QWtJ cno -n . ? cntlUUallv W1LJ1 JJiLlJl, blAV. tlLH-UL J.AX UUUlttUUU A WU1 LO I.U UOC KJt UpiatCS, Which d fl ""HIS lead to ruinous habits. There is no disease so aggressive and stuhh eu UNSTRENUOUS ROOSEVELT. Has the strenuous Roosevelt resign- stirring utterances: There is a tendency in too many "households to subordinate the father. The modern phase of the women ques tion makes every woman to emphasize too strongly their equality "in the tech sutveoiiecr Insertion, We. ,, . ,.. ... ... ... i, I hniisehnlil. mid this has n tendency lyOcalnoticto.teiicJiiWtrllua-eacUliiseition. !'" lu "S1"1 ' inmv iu u nuiracvKii , x , IRRIGATION PROSPECTS. Federal money for reclamation Western, arid lands lias the approval of the president. He strongly recom mended in his first message to con- ... .1.... I. .ii.l. t . I.ii iiM.'.niinn .1 . t-l,n 1 . , . , LU lllllllllimi lilt; JllllfUl i'L bii -!vll I'sses none of the character- mt nQ nmtte how the qual. I istk's t,iat made Teddy, the Rough ltv of n,en ajul Women may be insist- Rider, the impulsive, the straightfor- ed on, the development of ages has of ; ward, the generous, the fearless Teddy I Riven the man the dictatorship in the admired by most republicans, and by thousands of democrats? The presi dent has consented to the closure rule asked for by the machine politic- others of home. He should be the reverenced head of the household. He should bo tlie supreme court to which the prob lems of the upbringing of a child are finally referred. as the hold. Here is gress that it be taken up as a para mount issue, and something be done to 1 ians Hanna, Aldrich and transform the vast deserts of the West i the like and the rule has been ap- into the productive regions they might plied to the house of representatives, j through the gathering clouds of the be, and would be were water placed . The war tax repeal bill was forced j domestic firmament. Record-Herald upon them. The president appreciates j through under a special rule reported i the possibilities in the case. by Dalzell, of the rules committee. after it becomes well intrenched or fixed in the system, and no lininie t Wnafl application can check it or do any permanent srood. Rhenimf,'e,,, . .r 'txfen influences or causes, but is a constitutional disease, an internal inflame to out too acid condition of the blood. Waste matter that should have been cast f f1 retained, fermentation takes place, Uric, Lactic andpther acids form nri , REPEATEn fa mm time a traveling o.i wlnatn,N.C . Bays: "Two rears tn at 801 wretched condition and l1?0 bodily ailments I ' Sjiiwt.' the blood, and as it circulates through the system every joint, membrane, tissue and nerve is saturated with these corrosive, irritating acids ; when exposure to cold and damp or a spell of indigestion will hring on a fierce attack that almost takes the breath by its suddenness and severitv. The parts affected become inflamed and Think of the twentieth century man i ,.,ii,, ,i ,V AA ,.VI, supreme POUrt" Of hlB house- ouull,-" tl1"-4 UU.V iauvtmcin. ao xlu. yy.x ya. Some Western congressmen 1 ' havej w hose only distinction appears to have CHECKERS AT THE STORE In a dim nook partly sheltered. By the barrels therein stored uuments I nnfFa - nheTxmatisn, After" ft. seoure relief from the usa nf .ik " I besau S. S. S., unlit JJV The rheumatic 'jX, ut 'tLJ xne rnenmatic pains left w health was built Sp Veil R1" hlr-Viot nnnnn i- cv -.BU' I Uti . . . i"'i ui o. o, a, fo-It I medicine that did ma any good." accom)lished positive 'results tor the j been lus selection to perform this rep-' with a rapt, intent expression, irrigation propaganda, and among . rehensible bit of work for the others Sit two players at the board. them is Malcolm A. Moody, of this dis-i of his associates. There were items Anrt tne country merchant lingers tric't. It is the East Oregonian's pol icy to commend public servants, re gardless of their party connections. Mr. Moody deserves commendation for the interest he has taken in the irri gation of Western lands, and the re sults that have followed from his movements along this line. He has directed the attention of the depart ment, from which must come influ ence, to the conditions, has personally conducted representatives of the gov ernment over the lands of Oregon needing attention, and thus has cans-! ed them to see what is needed. In the future working out of the irriga tion problem, the second district con gressman will have had a part by no means small. Irrigation of arid lands in the West is not a petty measure for the pleas ing of a constituency. It is states manship. It looks into the future. It makes for the development of the country. It trends towards increase of productiveness. It is on the side of labor and industry. Let due credit be given to Mr. Moody, even though his opponent, Mr. Williamson, be an excellent man. In this and as to Mr. Moody's position anent leasing the public domain, let all who fight bo fair and accord justice to political enemies. in the Avar tax that might linve been Loath to serve the public more. Pnr bin thnnrrhts nrt with tlm worthies left iii effect without harm, for in-j playing checkers at the store, stance the inheritance tax. Had this) and other items of the tax law been PS on the situation , ! On the mimic battlefield, allowed to stand, revenues would havs Guarding carefully the "king row been easier, and reductions in the tar-1 Lest the small battalion yield, iff, or reciprocity with our "colonies," i "Jumping" with a gleeful chuckle, might have been more diillcult to de-! "Crowning" his opponent's king e 1 .iivii i wiv. i.itu an t'U uvviij.uii At any rate, ,the measure would properly stand the test of debate, and this was prevented, and the president consented to the prevention. It is disappointing to Mr. Roose velt's friends. It is unworthy his reputation for openness. The action of the machine politicians in this con nection was expected, and excites no comment. THE JUST TAXATION. All his plots maneuvering. E'en the supper hour approaching With its promise of good cheer, Has no magic in its summons To entice the player here. Yet the contest in its finish, With its fine unwritten law, May with all its complications Be decided by a "draw." You may boast of golf and tennis, And the tournaments of chess. Heralded by great announcements And the plaudits of the press, But these champions of pleasure With their fund of players' lore, Well might envy those old worthies j Playing checkers at the store. Anna Fuller Treat, in Modern. Culture. rift of sunlight that seem to cut like a knife into the tender flesh and nerves. .After Rheumatism becomes chronic there is al ways a soreness and weakness of the back and dull throbbing pains in the muscles and joints and an ever increasing stiffness of the li: 'Pliic 7itirm nF Poiti offool'-o flio T-i11 our it-hti -r -Tio et-rv-vtifV onri llm muni, .1. JLWlllll -1- Ulll CAl.kfc4V.JVk, kll. V1U (111U J VLLUj bUV. OUVug U11U kXX VCliV. "" HO 011C IS CXfil bur frmn niiflflle life In r1r1 ncre itirf-'he time whpn ifc ncc'inlt-c: herrmie nmcf fmn l i A : . . r tr r rr" -yuCuLanQsevi At tms period tne vital energies begin to wane, tne blood grows weak and tliin, and is olllllorl -ll- mt.rll1nflAll konAtilad ntinnvfoi o n A r'l im.t n 1 A r-r I r. 1 viuii.Uj v. n uiaLiv.ui uv-1-viiin.o iiiiiv-i Ltiii-i ttiiva siutv cuiu. luv.iv. 13 3UU.ri.tuy U IHOni" ireedom rrom pain m some part or tne body. The treatment of Rheumatism must be internal ; some reined' that can reach ttftllf 4 1 . 11 1U11 f fill (' . I 111 r r"1 . 1 ..11 n n. un. .1 i-.' nil O O O 1 : .1 1 ;.. 11 ti 1 .; !c. . 1 . J s uicuivinic, nets prompn- uiiu surety in an is-iieuinatic cases, punning ana invigoratiii? : ii , s&zzrei ssssb ts3S5Jfe ii"povciibiieu uiouu, erauiccitiiiy a.u mmunties iroa is ... AT 'Hfi jr i ji:.. r i. r 1. n i. hyjjLcui, uuu beiiuiug a bueaui ui ncu new Diooatorash & SEss&iJB ff Bfer. sysiem, ana sending a 4. sste. 'ls, i W. the irritating particles that are causing the uifiaramati x' A esaN and Pain?- In chrome .. l j I.. 3 S 1 rlQw3' I fe' ' " ' S e-sPeca3r elective; it warms and enrici "-$0 S4' u) restores nervous energy and stimulates I 'juikls up ihe general liealth, thus fortif-iug the s'steni against the tortures of Rheuraatii Alkalies, Potasli and mineral remedies lulve an opposite effect, destrovinp-the delicate lm: )f the stomach and often permanently impairing the constitution. S. S.'S. is guarauld -Uitircly vegclable, and a specific in all Rheumatic troubles. Our Physicians will rial icivise, williout cl large, ail v. iio write them about their case, and -e will mail irecouxsp bu-jk on Rheumatism THE SvrVSFT SPECiFXC CO., Atlanta, 1 RATIONAL ROAD MOVEMENT A rational good roads movement in volves the formulation of a proper plan, and then the persistent follow ing of the plans laid. The" plans should look forward into the future, and involve permanent improvements, and just so rapidly as the financial resources at hand will justify. In the first place, the building of roads should be under the supervision of a .superintendent who understands his business. He should have exper ience in handling forces of men and teams, and thus have the capacity for'tho economical disposition of the funds devoted to road building. This is the method followed by railroad companies, which have reduced road building to a science. They have learrned to get the largest returns from the expenditure of a given sum of money.- In the next place, a plan should be formed, which provides Jor a giv eu amount of permanent road work each year, and beginning with the roads upon which Is the heaviest traffic. These permanent roads should be made in a mannor to need only a modicum of repairs each suc ceeding season bo that the hulk of the road money would not be expended In doing over again and again what is never done well until It Is done right. In the third place, the expense should be distributed between the1' SURGICAL OPERATION How Mrs. Bruce, a Noted Opera Singer, Escaped an Operation. Proof That Many Operations for Ovarian Troubles are Un necessary. " Deah Mils. PiMicirA.ii : Travelling Jown my health so completely two While Johnson is thus redeeming his election pledges ns to local street car service, lie is losing no points on the issue of taxation, in which his in terest is as keen and deeper. What he lacked in this connection, Gover noi Nash has supplied. In order to "steal Johnson's thunder," the gover nor proposed a state tax on corpora tions. But as he neglected to illarln. gnish between corporations without! special privileges and those with very ' valuable special privileges a distinc tion which Johnson scrupulously makes he has actually given Johnson more tax thunder than lie had before, j The situation is very clearlv describ ed by a Columbus staff correspondent I for years on the road, with irregular of the Cleveland Plain Dealer (Febru-' muals an1 sleep and damp beds, broke arv 91. whn wrltps- i down my health so completely two When he started out to "separate yea aS Uu th" l'y''eiau advised a state from county taxes" Governor 1 20ml'lct rCSt Und wkea 1 had t?amed Nash thought he would have an easy time of it; that the corporation's would fnll over themselves to accept his ideas as a means of escaping the Johnson bills. Governor Nash forgot that the Johnson bills were aimed at the corporations fattening on public privileges, while he was going after those who owned their success to the workings of men's brains only. Rail roads without the right of eminent domain would be of little value, it is argued. The greater part of their value is in the right of way, a contin uous strip of land running across the state or the continent. The value of telephone and telegraph companies Is mainly in the privilege which they have to sot poles and string wires across a city, county or state. Tho greater part of tho value of a streot LUMBER UAP 1 VI and other building material including Line, Cement, Plaster, Brick, and Sand. We have a largo Btoek of WOOD GUTTERS for barna and dwellingf rep Lumber faro Aha St., opp. Court House. Eight lots with' dwelling and barn-, $3,000 House has seven rooms, bath, cellar and wood house, city water, hard finished on stone foundation Also lour lots and new cottage, $1,250 - T if r, w i silts. . miuoE. sufficient vitality, rn operation fot ovarian troubles. Not a very cheerful pronpect, to be sure. I, however, was railroad Is In tho right given it to use ! u lvised to try LvdUx. K. Pinklmm's the streets of a municipality. These 1 Voffotalilo Compound suwl Sun- are tne propositions which tho advo-Uulve Yasli; 1 did so, fortunately r ates of the Johnsonian schonio of ! for uxe. llofore a month had passed I taxation advance. They say they do not want to tax brains. Governor Nash may not want to do that either, fult that my general health had im proved ; in thivu mouths more I was ourea, anil I have been in perfect but thnt he is doing It in his capital' hetllih slati- 1 dld Vot l0ti0 uu uuSaBe- Rtrmlf hill tlmrn onn 1 ,11a.,. ilr. ' xiiiaa u, nie.ll. Louis F. Post, in the Public WHO'8 MAN OF THE HOUSE? The "new woman niovomont" has been pushing along with constantly accelerating speed with reckless un concern for the fato of the now man, the old man or tho middle-aged man. Indeed, the twentieth century wo .man has not deemed it worth while to inquire into the status of the man ! taiuly wonderful, and well worthy the nraise your admiring friends who have uoen cured are ready to give you. I -'V- "t ijsijr Ul mm yon will udmit I have good reason to do eo." Mks. O. Uihjck, Lansing, Mich. (fJOOO forftlt If abovt testimonial not utnulne. The fullest counsel on this subject con bo secured without cost by writing- to Mrs Pinkham, Lynn, Mass. Your letter will be entirely confidential. Two lots and house, $1,000, part cash, reasonable time on balance, or will sell on installments. See FRANK B. CLOPTON, 817 Main Street. j You get I What you buy 1 from us. - . . Bid Stock of 'COfVRIOHT Popular Decision is tlmt the Domestic Laundry is noted for the superiority f it.s Bervice. All lineu laundered there is de by the Ml eaf und ,UOflt 'e.rfe(,t methods, and la in every way the most hfiH factory. Wis a qWton iffio ,fe good dressere will appreciate. THE DOMESTIC LAUNDRY WOOD, COAL, SAND & BRICK. wWi do... Trucking & Transferring. Laatz Bros. The Place to Buy:: Is where von can get gcoh quick ana cheap price!. Best line of Lumber, Lath, . Shingles.Build. -.-. . ing paper, Tar paper,Lime and . ceineut, Pickets v Plaster, Brick, Sand, Moulding Screen Doors k Windows, Sash & Doors, Terra Cotta Pipe. 1 Pendleton Planing I Lumber Yard, R. F0RSTER, KEEP Y01 J. V V w HUT ON BYERS' GR01 ADDITION TO PENDLETON. I still have Farms W- N.Berkel The East Oregonlan is Eastern Ore- and the people appreciate it and show THP RFAL ESTAl" J. F, RobiUBon Prrm t 11 . 11 y nir unerai patronage. It is tne ... - pjDa 1WD,nBon. PrP' Pendleton, .advertising medium of this section. Saving Bauk Building, iTTTT 3 I