TWsiks, Valises Suit Cases a&! Telescopes A Complete Line at Popular Prices. BAER BALE J One Price. Clothiers, Furnishers and Halters, Pendleton. w. h. nebergalL may LOSE INJURED LEG. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Pg(& RAILROAD PROFITS IN 190. He Is at Sinters Hospital, Where Sur geons Are Treating Him. Tho breaking or H. Nebergall's log in n runaway accident Tuesday Is considered much more serious by the attending physician than was at first thought. It was n vbry serious fracture of the bones below the knee and there is a possibility that air. Ne berRall will have to lose the foot. Sev eral pieces of the bono had to be re moved which were splintered off. It Is considered quite serious. Mr. Nebergall and . II. McCorm mach were driving along the road near Saxe Station, in the latter's bug gy, when one of the horses shied at the train and then kicked the tongue of the buggy, breaking It. thus caus ing the rig to run onto the team and as air. McCormmnch. who was driv ing, had no control of the buggy and the team was fast becoming unman ageable, they both attempted to jump from the rig. Mr. McCormmach es caped without injury, but Mr. Neber gall was not so lucky. His foot was t aught in the wheel and he was drag- red for several feet before he extri i cated himself. Mr. Nebergnll has ' heen taken to the Sisters' hospital, I where he will receive the best atten tion possible in the effort to save the limb. WEDNESDAY. FEBRVARY 10, 1902. GENERAL NEWS U is probable that the war revenue repeal bill will be amended by the senate. General Funstan has entirely recov ered from the operation performed upon him two weeks ago. The United States transport Meade arrived in San Francisco, 2 days from Manila with about 1200 soldiers whose term of service have expired. Four deaths occurred during the voy Lge. A special meeting or the Big Horn county, Wyoming, Woolgrowers' asso ciation was held for the pur pose of protesting to congress against the setting aside of a portion of country lying between the Gray Bull river and the. Montnna line, and west of range 102, as a forest reserve. Two thousand invitations to the launching of the Emperor's yacht wore sent out by the builders, Town-send-Downey Company. Only those whose names have been passed upon by the committee of arrangements at Washington and the secret service bureau, and personal friends of the builders received the coveted card boards. . The beet-sugar men have probably won their fight, and are able to pre vent a concession to Cuba. Represen tatives who at first favored making concessions to Cuba now fear it would be impossible to meet a cam paign i nwhich it was pointed out that the concession was largely in favor of the sugar trust and would work harm to the beet sugar interests of the country. PACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWb Jlr. William Steele, the well known saw mill man of Hllgard, died at his home aionday. At a meeting held in Portland, 120 saloon men adopted resolutions pro testing against the ordinance passed at the special meeting of the common council, increasing the annual license Jrom $-100 to $G00. Senator Mitchell gave notice of an amendment he would offer to the sun dry civil appropriation bill appro priating $20,000 for additional build ings and improvements at the Astoria quarantine station. Seventeen houses on Long Beach, belonging to Portland people who spend their summers at the seaside, have recently been ransacked by bur glars. The thieves have been arrest ed and arenow in jail. It is not be lieved that' anything of great value has been stolen. At the Portland exposition build ing 1200 people in mass meeting as sembled formally denounced resolu tions recently adopted by the trustees of the chamber of commerce favoring unrestricted Immigration of certain favored classes of Chinese. The petition of citizens of Van couver, Wash., to congress for a wa gon course on the proposed railroad bridge across the Columbia river, for . which a franchise Is sought, will re ceive the indorsement of the Cham ber of commerce of Portlnnd. The secretary of war has fixed the limit to the number of sheop to be al lowed to graze in the several forest reserves during the season of 19u2. Under the arrangement pow outlined 200,000 sheep will be permitted in the Cascade reserve from June 15 to Oc tober 1&; 25,000 in tho Washington re sorvo, and 170,000 In the ait Ranler reserve, east of the Cascade range. The Fish Lake irrigation ditch will bo completed by the first of aiay. The ditch starts at a point on Little- Butte creek, about thirty miles north of Sledford. The most difilcu't part tf the V3rk is niw imik(iIiIpi The two largest rock cuts have been finished, the first being 2000 feet In length and the second 800 feet In length. A ditch flvo feet in Ions' J' hns bocn blasted throug these rocks. Tho ditch le 05 miles long. (Concluded.) freight earnings amounting to $5,S00 per mile of line. It should be noted that some, if not all, of the per mile averages derived from the prelimi nary compilation nre probably some ' what larger than those that will ap pear from the full returns for the year when compiled for an increased number of roads, owing to the inclu sion of those havinc comnarat'ivelv j small earnings per mile of line. j Operating Expenses. I Tlie operating expenses aggregated Sl.02d.15C.2Sl, which indicates an av erage outlay on this account of ?5.323 per mile of line. Making a compar- ison between these preliminary fig. j ures for 1901 and the final figures for i 11)00. it appears that gross earnings increased ? I89 per mile of line, oper-1 ating expenses ?3.'!0, and net earnings 1 $159. J Net Earnings. j The net earnings of the railways in-, eluded in the present report were j $555.01.17.924, and as the net earnings ' of the same railways for 1900, disre- j garding unimportant exceptions, were j 5519.430,700, there was an increase of I 535.577.21S in this item. I Dividends Declared. The railways to which this report ' relates received also an income from ' sources other than operation, as from investments of various kinds, amount-i ing to $05,271,244. This income, in! addition to the net earnings stated, mode the net income of the railways i for the last fiscal year $020,279,108.; From this sum, to ascertain the sur- J plus from the operations of the year, . there must be deducted interest on bonds, rents of leased lines, better-1 ments charged to income, taxes j (which were $47,041,214). dividends and other miscellaneous expenditures. . The total of these deductions from in come, not including dividends, was $421,G25,790. The dividends declared; during the year aggregated $121,108, i 037. As it is shown that the divi dends of corresponding roads for 1900 were $108,210,052, it appears that the pecuniary returns to their stockhold ers in 1901 wore about $1.1,000,000 greater than in the year before. It should perhaps be explained that the dividends stated in the preliminary reports, which are compiled from the returns of operating roads only, do not represent the entire amount of dividends declared on tho stocks of all the railway companies in the United States, because the dividends declared by those companies that lease thoir property to others for op-; eratlon are paid from the rentals they I receive, and such dividends are neces-j sarily omitted from reports of this j character. Returns for a series of years indicate, however, that the total amount of dividends paid by both classes of companies annually In cludes, roughly, about $30,00,0,000 paid on tho part of leased lines. Surpluses. From the income statement of the operating companies included in the report under consideration, it appears that the surplus from their operations for the year ending June 30, 1901, .was $77,514,735. Tho surplus for the pre vious year shown in tho final report was $87,057,933. For 1897, Instead of a surplus, there was a deficit of $0,-120,483. ! INFORMATION WAS I NOT AUTHENTIC Dr. W. R. Campbell Comes to Town and Corrects a Statement About His Swine. On apparently reliable information, the East Oregoninn published a story to the effect that Dr. W. R. Campbell had lost all of his hogs but 10 out of a band of 70 from the plague that is prevalent in the country, and as the doctor was not in town and could not be seen to correct the statement, It was published "as facts. Tuesday he was in town and positively denied the story, saying that he never gave out such information and that, as a matter of fact, he has lost only 10 hogs out of his whole band and that he did not anticipate the loss of any more. He says he is doctoring the sick ones and they are getting well and no more are taking the disease. The Pendleton. James Wright and wife, North Yak imn. William Jones. Bolso City. George Fltzgibbon, Portland. F. E. Simpson. Athenn. Thomns Wood, Portland. J. Bellinger. Spokane. E. J. Brannlck. Portland. G. E. Cozier, O. R. & N. J. J. Burns, Portland. J. II. Kloeckner, Portland. A. aicRea, city. A. II. Anderson. Boise. A. W. Whltmer. Portlnnd. Frank Miller and family, airs. A. Harrell. C. H. Anderson, Boise City. W. S. Bender Snn Frnncisco. W. P. Glendinlng. Portland. Charles S. aicNIchols. Illinois. B. W. Dennis. Portlnnd. J. G. Brandt. F. J. Ginger, Spokane. . " W. L. Marshall. Portland. T. W. Jackson. Portland. B. G. Baker, Portland. William Jones, Boise. H. ai. Ogden. Portland. W. L. arcLeod, St. Louis, airs. at. aioore, La Grande. E. B. Hill, Seattle. ABOUT EVERYTHING. How's This? Wo off or One Hundred Dollars Itewiud for any case of catarrh that cannot ho cured by HM'g Catarrh Cure. l J. OIIK.N'KY A CO., Props., Toledo, 0. We. the lindcrslKiieil, linvo known P.J. Che ney for the lust flfteon years, and believe Ulm perfectly honorable In allbuslnc&s transaction anil financially able to .irry out any obliga t ons made hy tliulr tirm. West A-Tim ax, Wholesale Drui.'idau, Toledo, Ohio. WaLU1.NO, It l.N.VAN & JlAHVlN. Wholesale Druggist, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally, act ing directly on tho blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Testimonials free. Hall's Family Tills arc the best. Sparrows begin housekeeping very expeditiously. A pair of them will build a nest and furnish It with an egg 'iifildo of 24 hours from the time lint the site was soleclsd. A Sioux Indian has committed sui cide for love. At last the Sioux seems to have been reached by the broaden ing influence of civilization. The Standnrd Oil office boy of a lew yars back is now several times a millionaire. He didn't spend all his energy soldiering the work on the other office boy. A London physician suggests the running of motor cars at a speed ful ly up to the legal limits as n means of administering the open-air treat ment to consumptives. A Florida woman has made nearly a million dollars giving "absent treatment" to lunatics all over the land who for some reason nre allowed to remain outside asylum walls. During the year 1901 the various car building works in the United States have built, altogether, 114,207 cars of all kinds, the largest output for any one year, says the Railroad Gazette. These figures, of course, do not include cars built by the railroads at their own shops. Prince Henry fears, and not without reason, that his reception to the Uni ted States will be more German than American. And he comes to see the native American as he is at home. air. Frank' James is quite right. Plays glorifying outlawry, such as "The James Brothers in aiissouri, ' are injurious to the youth of the coun try and should be censored from the r.tafte. In the matter of elevating or holding up the stage, air. James is competent to criticize. The Washington correspondent of the Chicago Record-Herald notes the fact that the colored people of the south are migrating to northern cities. Washington has a larger number than any Southern city, and Chicago has more than Washington. Philadelphia has also a large number. The men who gather clam shells along the aiisslssippi river and its tributaries last year gathered and sold nearly 40,000,000 pounds. The shells are used In the manufacture of pearl buttons, there being u number of large factories in the vnno'is liver towns, principally in Iowa. The Albatross, one of the steamers of the fish commission has spent the greater part of three years in the investigation of the fisheries along the coast of Alaska, and It seems pro bable from the information which it has brought home that eventually the fisheries will add as much to the wealth of the nation as oven the gold mines of tho Klondike. Th increased value of sealskins In 1900 induced tho lessees of tho Ptibllof Islands, the breeding ground of tho seal herds, to kill 13,000 2-year-old seals, whoreas tho rule has been not to kill any senls which had not reached the ago of at least thr !.- years. If this killing of two-year olds is allowed to continue it Is cer tain that tho seal herd will soon be exterminated. The Golden Rule. W. J. Brown, Yakima. D. H. Coffin, Walla Walla.. R. E. Porter and wife, aieacham. X. Lavander and wife. Kate Brasmnn, Heppner. Sarah D. Neace, Wnitsburg. airs. L. Neace. Waltsburg. T. J. Kirk. Athena, arnrry J. Williams. Walla Walla. Z. Houser, Portland. S. ij. aiorse, Pilot Rook . L. D. Stetler. Sumpter. H. L. Stephens. Pilot Rock. J. E. Burch, Spokane. D. Belts. Pilot Rock. Julius F. Wegner, Pilot Rock. J. Swart, Bingham Springs. Lee Porter, aieacham. H. B. Perks, Baker City. John Jordan, city. D. Chase and wife. Portland. Charles Couch and family, Cornucopia. Grocery Removal CONTINUES AT Thf Martin Family Grocery and BaW U Wfiile the New Store J in The LaFontaine Block 1 is being prepared for the new stock of the old stock at the present location mSl' poted of, to save expense of removal Prices on Many Articles ate cut Martin Family Grocery and Baker, Main St. Next to Joe Basler's. Child Died From Pneumonia. The 13-months-old child of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hampton, died on Tues day from the results of whooping cough, which developed into pneu monia. The funeral occurred at the family residence, near the Sisters school, in the eastern part of town, this afternoon, Rev. H. J. Zercher conducting the services. Big Deal in Typ Austrian Government Orfel Smith Premiers, "Vienna, Feb. 7 The greatest single purchase of typewrit! ever made lias ordered Dy the Minister oi Justice, which, after mime iuiniaii) wiiii is muii x ouiuu jrremier typewrita supplying every court. Press dispatch to Portland Oregonian, FJ 7th. Tfje Portland Office Smith Premier Typewriter Co. 122 Third Street. L. & M. ALEXANDER, Agents. True. The occasional ad Is one of the very j best 'methods by which to squander money. Continuous advertising, on I the other hand, will bring ample re- -turns for the money Invested. Sue- gcstlons. Ex-Secretary Gage bus declined an offer of $100,000 a year to take the' presidency of the International Bank-' ing company of New York City. That's just double the salary of the 1 president of the "United States, and j the job is far easier and less annoy-j ing. BEAUTY IN THE KITCHEN One of our artistic, handsome i efficient cooking ranges, the pridJ the housekeeper's heart. Our rani are guaranteed to BAKE and BUB right. l'RICES LOW. Would! to show them to you. Thompson Hardwaret 631 Main Street, Phone Main S Time and Money- Two important words in the daily life of people. ime Because we are here to please the.people and make a special ty of filling orders, and wait ing on customers promptly. Cle&f&nce Sale CARPETS, WALL PAPER, MATTING LACE CURTAINS, PORTIERS, BIG DISCOUNT on all SEWING MACHINES. New Ma chines from $20 op. Second hand Machiues $3 to $10. ORIENTAL RUGS ON DISPLAY. JESSE FAILING, - Main Street, Nearji AMERICAN PLAN. S3 00 per Daj and Upwards. einst Hotel In the Pacific Norcw Money Because our large stock low prices enable us to the purchaser money on thing in our line. Make ; purchases at our store, Note the correctness our statements. F. S. YOUNGER & Phone, Main 28, Association Block. w. THE PORTLAND PORTLAND, OREOUW. Hed4rt . cist t In nil 'Jr" Special Rates to Eastern Oreeon people vmmnx iivRRS, i fnr tnnrlat mnA rAininnlii1 iMvlN i - TO CURB GRIP IN TWO DAYS Laxative nromo-Quluine removes the cause. K. W. Grove' signature on every box. l'rico JcenU. For Health, Strength and Pleasure Drink ::::::: Polydore Moens, Proprietor.