mm 1 Mr I? Grocery Coee CONTINUES AT THE Martin Family Grocery and Bakery While the New Store fn The LaFontaine Block is being prepared for the new stock of groceries, the old stock at the present location must be dis posed of, to save expense of removal. Prices on Many Articles aie cut... Martin Family Grocery and Bakery, Main St. Next to Joe Basler's. THE HUES WED RED BOY CONCORD COS. WERE CONSOLIDATED. WW TO SCflTTE WOODMEN WILL SPEND $1000 IN LOG-ROLLOING. Besides Several Thousand Dollars Left Here by the Hundreds of Visitors. Last night's meeting of the Women ui ooucrau was a "hummer," ami plainly showed the great interest wuicn is ueing taken by the local mem bers of the Perfected Woodcraft in the iortncoming log-rolling. Every seat m tue nan was lined and a full row of extra chairs down one side of the room were brought in and occupied. Eighteen applications for member ship were entertained, and assurances received that at the next meeting ful ly 25 more would be presented. Cap tain J. E. Krause presented thp ' ings showing the designs " - n row uniform of the '-" - tor the new ited univ -if?l w&Ui, which 'die. admiration an) "approv al. TUt? ladles will uer&Vuiy be "in it" (the uniforms) wlien they make their appearance in the competitive contests in April. A lengthy diacusslon was Indulged in anent the entertaining of guests during the great log-rolling, and it was decided that between three and four hundred dollars would be required for that purpose. The matter was refer red to the executive committee, who will furnish the necessary funds. This money, in addition to $700 already voted by the local camp, makes over" $1000 already allowed by the two local lodges of Perfected Woodcraft This money will almost to a dollar, be spent right here in Pendleton among our local business men. When it is remembered that the great host of visitors who are coming, will leave between $5000 and $10,000 in this city, to say nothing of the splendid advertisement we will re ceive, some conception of the import ance of this movement may be realiz ed. Pendleton camp, Woodmen of the World, Will meet tonight and after en tertaining the largo list of applications which are to be presented, will immed" diately adjourn and go over to attend the bail which the camp is giving this evening at Music Hall. The commit tee having this party in charge have spared no pains to make it a royal success, and a splendid time is promis ed all attending. All are invited and n good time is assured to all. Kirk man's music of five pieces will bo in attendance. This dance is not intend ed as a profit-making one, 50 . cents only being charged to defray the ex penses. It is intended to introduce to the lovers of dancing a series of dances to be given by the Woodmen and Women of Woodcraft up to April 21-22, when the largest event that ever occurred in Eastern Oregan takes place, and 1144 candidates will be in itiated on those dates. They take this means of bringing to the public notice of that event. PIONEERS OF PACIFIC MAY HAVE LODGE HOME Incorporation Articles Filed In Baker' City on Monday Capital $3,000,-, 000. The Conrord and Red Boy mining companies have been consolidated, is a result of the recent negotiations that have been going on between the God freys, Tabors and the owners of the Concord, among them Jnmes A. How ard and J. H. bobbins, who appear in the new ofllciary nf the Consolidated. Mr. Howard, secretary of the new con corn, makes the following authorita tive statement to the East Oregonian: "The articles of incorporation of the Red Boy Consolidated Gold Mines Company wore filed in Baker City on Monday. They had previously been filed In Charleston, W. Va. The capi- tal of the company is $3,000,000. It i was formed to take over the properties I of the Concord and Red Boy compa I nies, consisting of quartz claims and I mines, timber tracts, water rights, ' mining machinery, tools and a large quantity of personal property besides the realty included in the transfers. "Thp stockholders of the new com pany met on Monday and elected the following directors, who are also offic ers as indicated in each instance. uiark Tauer, president; E. J. God Big Deal in Typewriters Austrian Government Orders 1200 Smith Premiers. "Vienna, Feb. 7 The greatest single purchase of typewriters ever made has ordered by the Minister of Justice, which, after three months of exhaustive competitive tests, has contracted to equip th entire ministry with no less than 1200 Smith Premier typewriters, supplying every court. Press dispatch to Portland Oregonian, Feb 7th. n Tfoe Portland Office Smith Premier Typewriter Co. 122 Third Street. L, & M. ALEXANDER, Agents. Some Talk of Erecting a Building, But Not Very Soon. Although several of the members of froy, vice-president; James A. Howard. William Martin Encampment, No. 1, , secretary; J. H. Robbins, treasurer; C. Pioneers of the Pacific, have stated i A- ??ms counsel." , . . E o,, r.1Jorior tgS-&s.'2&l' they had done nothing officially to- jt. Is understood from a reliable source I that the owners of stock in either of ward the" move for erecting thorn. selves a home, thev sa i'tat the Wen has been discussed by the officers of the order and that they may bring it to the notice of the lodge in the near future with the honos rw u i.i Will lift n ftrmi .r..? f , steps taken toward that end. "ll ever, they say t may be p.- How" before this fa done vernl years may - f t- and in fact, it " J- . . the approval ot the lodge p- tnp j(jea ))e ai)an,ionetl en- tllff former corporations are at liberty 1 to" accept fttoeir in Zw comanv-1 or cash hi full for theii' ohtirP llUltl"' ings. t IB Ulidei'StOod that most. i K lt)t all, of the former stockholders i I in both companies have elected Ko take stock on the Consolidated, nnd thus j express their faith in the strength of the company that is now formed from both the others. Regarding the amount of stock held in the Concord in Pendleton, it is true BEAUTY IN THE KITCHEN One of our artistic, handsome and efficient cooking ranges, the pride of the housekeeper's heart. Our ranges are guaranteed to BAKE and BURN right. i'RICES LOW. Would like to show them to you. Thompson Hardware Co 631 Main Street, Phone Main 81 soest Mow inpe and nc , . - sotq as j inv. ITCHING HUMORS Complete Ilxtornnl nnd Iutoruul Treatmout 81.25 ConsUUn(fofCuTicuKA8oAi'(2flo ),toclcanao tlio Hkln of cries tri ami ecilcd, Cdtiuiiha Olnt. mcnt (60c.), to allay (tolling nnd soothe and lienl, ami CuTiuuit Husolvknt (SOc,). to rool and clcaiiiio the blood. A alnxlo eut U oiten sufflciunt to cure tliu huvcrtMt humor. Hold throughout the vorid. 1'ottik Dtio anpCuih. Cum'., 1'rop i Uoktou. - How toCuraSUn Humo:," liso Standard remedjr lor Gleet, Gonorrhoea and Runnings IN 48 HOURS. Cures Kid nejr and Dladdu- Troubles, M1DY . ' litir rho nrnionrnro f Inn 1- it ic o fwuio n,i Wr,,,i,i .i,in,.hciK. ! that the majority is owned here, but be a paying proposition. If a large ! af tGt eN'act 'Uiantittes held in in building was erected in the business dividual instances, no correct state part of town the lower floor could be ! me, has ever been pub ished. and it leased for store purposes and the up-i's llkelv that none will be given out ,,pr Ann,- Pnnl.i inwinnhto.ilv ir rnntn.i 1 Guesses may be made by one as well to other secret societies as well as as atkor, therefore guesses by fnr t,0rin,r0 nf tw nnturc cn 1 uowspaper writer have no value. Tin that the money expended in the con struction would pay interest on it self In this way and save the paying of rent the Pioneers pay for their present meeting place. Only two ont of the many secret societies in Pendleton own their own meeting places. These are the Odd Fellows and the Masons, and as the Pioneers is among the largest orders' in town, there is no reason why they should not own their own building. HOTEL ARRIVALS. The Pendleton. George McGovern, Iowa. N. B. Sill, Portland. John F. Allen, Portland. Joseph R. Ramsay, Montana. George T. Coyne, 1905. A. P. Stewart, San Francisco. G. Muir, W-alla Walla. Andy Nylander, Portland. F. A. Kennedy. Portland. S. S. Gill, Spokane. T. G. Blackman, Spokane. H. L. LatB, New York. H. H. Gramp, Memphis. Charles P. Hartley, Caldwell. Frank Wilbur, Portland. B. O. Rogers, Chicago. C. B. Willtins, San Francisco. D. S. Ralston, St. Louis. W. D. Allard. 1905. F. Roth, Walla Walla. George Harris, Portland. George McGilvcry, Spokane. Harry Li. Keats, Portland. H. Danley, Spokane. M. Applebaum, Cincinnati. W. D. Palmer, Portland. The Golden Rule. B. P. Doherty, Heppnor. W. S. Sterling Portland. Julius Posner, San Francisco. Mrs. J. C. Houser, Portland. M. M. Burdeck, Portland. Daily Irons, Milton. W. A. Irons, Milton. Ben Hagon, Bingham Springs. R. E. Porter, Meacham. 13. C. O'Neel, Winchester. Miss Preston, Weston. L. C. Preston, Weston. C. L. Whitney, Walla Walla. Bert Cole. A. F. Hughes, Spokane. L. U Steele. S. S. Darnell and family. Z. Houser, Portland. J. M. Walker, Tacoma. Geo. S. Moore and wife, La Grande. M. Fonder, Seward. Fred James, Seward. J. P. Myrlck, Hollx. G. D. Galloy, Portland. Wo Advertising, may live without poetry, music and art, Wo may live without conscience and live without heart; Wo may live without frionds, and live without fads, But business today cannot live with out ads. The Country Merchant i i l here is no likelihood that the precise amount held in the new company's stock ,by Pendleton people will be told to the public, since it is not usually the custom of business men to tell their affairs to the world. It is known, however, that there is a fine profit ac cruing to several Pendletonians, from the Red Boy-Concord consolidation, and that the total mounts up well into the hundreds of thousands. CkaJance Sale CA.RPETS, WALL PAPER, MATTING LACE CURTAINS, PORTIERS, BIG DISCOUNT on all SEWING MACHINES. New Ma chines from $20 up. Second hand Machines $3 to $10. ORIENTAL RUGS ON DISPLAY. JESSE FAILING, - Main Street, Near Bridge. BXEKS'B fHE .. French Restaurant cosy Rooms VHI Lighted and Steam Heated. EST FLOUR To make good bread use Eyors' B?et Flour. It took first premium at the Chicago World's Fair overall competi tion, and gives excellent satisfaction wherever used. Every aact; ie guaranteed. We have the best Steam Rolled Bailoy, Seed Bye and Beardless Barley. PENDLETON ROLLER MILLS W. S. BYERS, Proprietor. Best 25 cent Meals in the City. EXTRAS Legs, Eastern and Oysters. Olynipift XJY THE est Babbitt Metal IN 10 POUND BARS. For line shafting and all bearings of machinery of the mill or factory it cannot be surpassed : : : OPEN DAY and NIGHT GUS LA FONTAINE, Prop. LaFontaine k Garrison Proprietors Old Dutch Henry Feed Yard. Cavalry Horses for Sale. BEST OF CARE TAKEN OF TEAMS OVER NIGHT ! give us a call. II East Oregonian Office, Pendleton, or. Headquarters for Traveling fo. Commodious Sample C" j Rates $2 pet J Spedal rates by weekormom, Excellent Cublne. every jiodern Conveni Bar and Billiard RoominComifl Only Three Blocks from Dei GOLDEN MM Comer Court &nd JohHson Sttwu, Pendleton, Oregon, M. F. Kelly, Proprietor, HEATED BY STEAM. LIGHTED BY ELECTKICEIYl American Plan, rates tl-H to (Mil European plan, 60c, 75c, (1.00 Special rates by wee or mosti Free Bus fleets all Trains. Commercial TradeS Fine Sample 1 Special attention giyen Conatrjl 0 Made from Type Metal. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. Treasury Department, Odlco of tho Comp. , trollor oi tho Ourroncy, Washington, I). d.. 1 January 10. 1TO2. Whereas bv vatiarnpinrif ai. (lenco presented to tho Umlersiurieil, it has ! mmmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmi mmm been mado to appear that the First National Bank ol Pendleton, in the city of Pendleton. . . pSSSSSi Gasoline Engine for Sale Associations to extend their corporate oils- 0" w AVTB JM.' tenco. and for other mirnoses." ntmrnv. ,) i,,i t,1882 . A five horse nnwor nei: now, luereiore. 1, rv iiiiam u 11 tlselv. Cnmn. , ' " biuiuic uukhic Now, therefore. I, William B Hidgely, Comp- troller of the Currency, do hereby certify that an" Water '.',Ji,?.?,'r't. '""LB,0. ?' A'rtletpnj" in , and fittinn the (Htyof Pendleton. In the rnnniv nf h tllla and state of Oregon, is authorized to have succession for tho period specified In Its amen ded article oi association, namely, until close of business on January 16, 1922. In testimony whereof, witness my band and Seal of ofllce this sixteenth day of January iu2. wm. n. ftmaKLY, ' Comptroller of the Currency. with ni two nn1 fiftlnrre nil tnrikf! nl ZT tanks',f verythtng necesssary to set up and operate. Engine and fittings are all new, being in use only a few we'elcs; t.X? r Ve;Z "ono,"cal and guaranteed to be satisfactory. Price 25o including fittings. Address East Oregonian, Pendleton, Oregon. GEO. DARVEAU, Prr. Elegantly Furnished Steam Euronean Pten. Block. and ah"' Sample Room w" Dnnin Dnfe UVERN rMJiniiPi Ifrop. riT Inionts. C 1 lendleti IStablea. The Colutnbl LodgiDgJ?g .nlTTC Prntecd f'itoee in t P.Pfinv ...I rP ' Spel PTV Pin Vp 0 bull nio nail only 15 cw SOLD ra bom caeI