tii ft - it rfi npprif Jub J ft Main St. Next to Joe Basler's. BULLETIN FOR FEBRUARY 14 pounds Japan Rice, pure and white ...$1,00 25 pounds Rolled Oats $1.00 2 packages seeded raisins 25c 2 packages cleaned. currents 25c 3 packages gloss starch 25c 3 packages corn starch 25c 2 pounds Salmon bellies for 25c Fresh lot of Russian sardines. When you want the finest cream cheese we have it at 20c per pound; Limberger cheese 25c per pound. When you want the finest catsup in the world we have it at 25c per bottle. Try our 20c coffee and you will find that it is better than what you have paid 25c for at other stores. Don't forget that we sell you a first class Flour for 80c per sack. Five cans imported French peas for $1.00 Four cans imported French Mushrooms $1 THE MIKING MECCA ROUTES TO THE THUNDER MOUNTAIN Try trading at the Martin Family Grocery and Bakery for one Month and watch results. N. B. Will move into our elegant new store in the LaFontaine block within the next 15 or 20 days. GROCERIES AT REDUCED PRICES PREAPRATORY TO REMOVAL. BAKER CITY WILL JOIN PENDLETON LOG-ROLLING, From All Over About the Big Inquiries Coming Eastern Oregon Event Mr. J. E. Krause, president of the general committee of the Woodmen of the World log-rolling association, received a letter from Baker City this morning to the effect that that camp had decided not to hold a log rolling at this time, and saying that invitations to all camps in that neck of the woods to participate in the Pendleton affair would be acceptable. A hint to the Pendleton neighbors Is sufllcient and invitations to all camps in that portion of the forest will be issued today. From all over Eastern Oregon are coming letters of inquiry showing that already interest is great and widespread. The local committee held a very largely-attended meeting Sunday afternoon. Reports were heard from the chairmen of all sub-committees and each showed work progressing satisfactorily in his department. This teams of Portland, Tacoma and Se attle will "give them a run for their money. Aseries of balls and parties will be given during the campaign for the purpose of bringing the public and the membership together in the great movement. The first of this list will come off tomorrow night at Music hall. The special committee having the affair in charge have made extended arrangements to make it the success which always characterizes anything given by this camp. The Last Heard of It. "My little boy took the croup out night and soon grew so bad you could hear him breathe all over the house," says F. D. Reynolds, Mansfield, O "We feared he would die, but a few doses of One Minute Cough Curt quickly relieved him and he went to sleep. That's the last we heard cf the croup. Now isn't a cough cure like that valuable?" One Minute Cough Cure is absolutely safe and act immediately. For coughs, colds, croup grip, bronchitis and all other throat I and luntr troubles It Is a certain cure. week the committee on grounds will j Very pleasant to take. The little one make its selection and will report I like it. Tallman & Co. and Brock & at the next session. The committee . McComas Co. on entertainment will commence the work of listing all available rooming and boarding places In the city and will make a complete canvass of the entire town. The degree teams under the com mand of Captain A. 0. Carden, for the woodmen, and Captain J. E. Krause for the Women of Woodcraft, are drilling steadily and rapidly per fecting themselves in fancy military maneuvers. A generous rivalry has sprung up between the two teams, and each is endeavoring to keep its drill work a secret from the other. Both captains are confident that his team wll lcarry off the honors for Pendleton or vicinity, but when it comes to capturing the big prizes In tho drills they realize that the crack (utiuura THE SET $1.25 Complete Kxtornul and Internal Treatment for Kvery Humor. Consisting of Cuticuha Soai- (25c.), to cleanse tho akin of i.-rusts and scales, ami soften tho thickened cuticle, Cuticuiia Oint ment (60c.), to Instantly allay Itching, Irrita. tlon, and Inflammation, and soothe and heal and Cuticuka Uksouveut (50c.), to cool and cleauso the blood. A single set is often sufllcient to euro tho most torturing, UlsHguring skin, acalp, and blood humors, rashes, itehlnge, and Irrita tions, with lose of hair, when the best physl clans and all other remedies fall. FALLING HAIR ,'ar?.;iScd TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. Treasury Department, Office of the Comp troller ol tbo Currency, .Washington, D, C.. January 10, 1903, Whereas, by satisfactory eyi dence presented to the undersigned, it baa been made to appear that the First National Bank of Pendleton, in the city of Pendleton. in the county Of Umatilla and state of Oregon, aai compuea wiin an oi me proTiaions oi me "Act of Congress to enable National Banklur AMOClatlons to extend their corporate exis tence, and for other purpotet," approyed July Howtherefore. I, William B hldgely, Comp troller of. the Currency,, do hereby certify that Toe First National .Bank of Pendleton in the City of Pendleton, in the county of Uma tilla and state ot Oregon, la authorised to bar succession for the period specified In tta amen ded article ol association, namely, until close f business on January 18, 1K2. In toitlBtecy whereof, wltaec my band and SmI of oMo this slxtath day of January, 1M. WM. B. U001U.Y, OoMplMlUrOf the Carreavar. HOTEL ARRIVALS. The Pendleton. Charles E. Comstock, Portland. W. H. Torrance, Now York. E. E. Kasbrig and wife, Wasco. William Maher, Portland. George Stephens, Portland. C. H. Ruflin, Now York. John W. 'i'ayolr, Indiana. T. Amery, Sprague. Thomas Duncan, San Francisco. T. Vogel, Walla Walla. M. D. Lee, Portland. C. M. Smith, Portland. R. Brown, New York. J. W. Rogers, Wa3co. N. G. Pollock, Chicago. Charles S. McNlchols, Illinois. The Golden Rule. David Williams, Portland. A. A. Peterson, Hot Lake. L. Cunningham, Portland. Hugo Spaugel, South Dakota. Ben Mitchell, Portland. J. W. Smith and wife, Athena. C. L. Whitney, Walla Walla. H. D. Collin, Walla Walla. A. E. McBreen, Portland. S. A. Frans, Spokane. William J. Moore, Supokane. J. E. Klockner, Centervllle. Thomas Balding, Holton. John F. Hayden, St. Louis. W. F. Woodstock. Nolin. J. L. Smill and wife, Baker City. J. A. Dunham, Walla Walla. S. S. Taylor, San Francisco. Slado Taylor, Eleanor Taylor. Leo Blondln. James Skyles. Ed Barrett. William Johnson, Spokane. Miss Swift, Sokane. T. W. Young. Trout in Grande Ronde. Tho 50,000 eastern brook trout which wero turned over to tho La Orande Rod and Gun club, says tho La Grando Observer, and placed in tho springs on C. H. Conkoy's farm last fall have boon turned Into the south branch of Grando Ronde river, and win soon be Ilndlng their way into all tho tributaries of tho rlvor. They are now about t.hree Inches long and by noxt year thoy will be, large enough to catch. When grown they often reach 18 Inches in length and aro pronounced by sportsmen the gamest fish in tho United States and amateurs need not have fears of over depopulating the streams wherein they abound. O. R. & N. Company Collates Rell able Information Relative to In nress into that Region. Tho East. Oreconlan is asked fre quontly regarding tho best route into the Thunder Mountain mining region which appears just now to hold the center of tho stage and to uo me Mecca for all stampeders. The O. it. & N. Company, through the general passenger agent, A. L. Craig, has se cured Information or a rename na ture telling how to get into that coun try by all the known routes, aud tne following is the substance of the statement sent out by Mr. Craig: Portland, Oregon, Feb. 13, 1902. To Agents. There has been much discussion in the papers in regard to rntitcs to the Thunder Mountain country. Heretofore I have refrained from entering Into a discussion, until I could set full information in regard to the subject. The country for a radiu3 of 75 miles surrounding Thun der mountain is unsurvoyed and very rough. I believe that the Informa tion given below in regard to routes is at least approximately correct and is certainly the best we can secure I now. At the present time there are no wagon roads completed into Thunder mountain, all roads terminating with in from 49 to 70 miles of that district according to route taken. Following are the different routes in detail as they exist at this time: Weiser Route. A'ia O. R. & N. to Huntington, Ore gon Short Line to Weiser, Pacific, Idaho & Northern to Council, thence dally stage (good road) to Meadows; thence to Warren via state wagon road (there being no established stage line between Meadows and Warren, wagon road ending at lat ter point) ; thence by rail from War ren across Warren divide to the south fork; thence up the south fork (crossing same at Curly Brewer's ranch) to the 'mouth of Elk creek; following the latter creek to Smoke house cabin, at base of summit; thence over the summit down to Smith creel;, following this creek to Big creek, passing Copper camp, to mouth of Monumental creek; thence up last named creek o mouth of ulule creek, thence to Roosevelt, thence ,to Dewey Mill, 101 miles. Boise Route. Via O. R. & N. to Huntington, Ore gon Short Line to Boise; thence wa gon road ( no stage line yet establish ed) from Boise to Elk creek, 100 miles as follows: Boise to Idaho City, thence to Ban ner, thence to mouth of Clear creek on Payette, thence up Clear creek to head of and across divide into Bear Valley, thence down Bear Valley to forks of Valley creek and Elk creek, thence up Elk creek to head. Via trail from head of Elk creek to Dewey Mill, 70 miles, as lullo.vs: Elk creek across the divide to Sul phur creek; thence to Pen Basin (Pen basin is at the head of Johnson creek); thence across tributaries of Johnson creek, over rolling country to head of Indian creek; thence down Indian creek to forks, thence down another tributary of Indian creek to Monumental creek, thence down Monumental creek to forks, thence around base of mountain to Roosevelt, thence to Dewey Mill. Total approximate distance from Boise, including wagon road and trail 170 miles. Ketchum Route. Via O. R. & N. to Huntington, Ore gon Short Line to Ketchum, via good wagon road from Ketchum to Galena, 28 m!les;Galena to Stanley, 37 miles; Stanley to Cape Horn, 20 miles; Capo Horn to Wagon Town, 6 miles, length of wagon road, 90 miles. Via trail, Wagon Town to Sea Foam, 7 miles; Sea Foam to mouth of Marble creek, 20 miles; Mouth of Marble creek to Thunder mountain 25 miles. Length of trail 52 miles. Total distance from Ketchum, miles. Via Grangeville or Stltes. My Information Is that at tho nrnc ent time it Is Impossible to got In or out over this route, that at best it ran no opened only about two and a half or threo months In tho vonr The distance from Council to War- i ii i.i mjicn less tnan from Stites to Warren and from Warren to Thunder iuuiHiuuu.. jvrom warren tho trail is common to both routes. TTmw circumstances access to the Thunder muiiiiuuii country y the way of uiiiicu is mucn easier than via Stites. It Is' expected that April 1st will be uo booh us access can bo had via any route to Thunder Mountain country without considerable hardships to those Innured to camp life and pack. .in. io luuie via uouncu and War ren is open at tho present time. Pendleton, Athena, Helix, The Umatilla Implement Company Flying Dutchman Gang Plows, Canton Clipper Gang Plows with steel or full chilled bottoms. Ever) tiling in the Implement Line and the Best on Earth Only HOTELS. HOTEL VANmAHBSoTrr'- "HFgoodassnj,. 9l LLU-i 1:. mm ippMVinf BEAUTY IN THE KITCHEN One of our artistic, handsome and efficient cooking ranges, the pride of the housekeeper's heart. Our ranges are guaranteed to BAKE and BURN right. . RICES LOW. Would like to show them to you. Thompson Hardware Co 631 Main Street, Phone Main 81 Headquarters for Trave Clearance Sale CARPETS, WALL PAPER, MATTING LACE CURTAINS, PORTIERS, BIG DISCOUNT on all SEWJNG MACHINES. New Ma chines from $20 up. Second hand Machines $3 to $10. ORIENTAL RUGS ON DISPLAY. JESSE FAILING, - Main Street, Near Bridge. BYERS' BEST FLOUR To make good broad use Byers' Bt8t Flour. It took first premium at the Chicago World's Fair over all competi tion, and gives excellent satisfaction wherovor used. Every sack is guaranteed. Wo have the best Steam Rolled Barley, Seed Bye and Beardless Barley. PENDLETON ROLLER MILLS W. S. BYERS, Proprietor. s $2 pet da Special rates by week ormcnth Excellent Cuisine. Every nodem Con0 Bar and Billiard RoominConna Only Three Blocks from Corner Court and Johnson strecii Pendleton, Oregon, '. M. F. Kelly, Proprietor. HEATED BY STEAM. LIGHTED BY ELECTRICIIVJ American Plan, rates (1.25 to UK J European plan, 50c, 76c, Jl.W Special rates by week or ncntk BUY THE Best Babbitt Metal IN 10 POUND BARS. For line shafting and all bearings of machinery of the mill or factory it cannot be surpassed : : : Want Lower Coal Rate. The commercial club have a coralt tee that Is In communication with the O. It. & N. Ca., with a view ot secur Ing lower rates on coal, says tho La Grande Observer. Inasmuch as Pen dloton now enjoys a rate of i per ton thoy expect to be able to get a $3.75 rate. If they succeed It will mean a much greater consumption generally In thlB city, which exceeded all for mor periods this winter, and will make the retail price of coal in Tj drando at $6.60 which will be as cheap If not cheaper than wood. Made from Type Metal. East Oregonian Office, Pendleton, or. LaFontaine & Garrison I .THE. Proprietors Old Dutch Henry Feed Yard. Cavalry Horses lor Sale. BEST OF CARE TAKEN OF TEAMS OVER NIGHT GIVE US A CALL. French Restaurant cosy Roons WU Lighted and steam Heated. Best 25 cent Meals ib tfae City. EXTRAS Legs, Eastern and Oysters, Olympta OPEN DAY and NIGHT Free Bus fleets oil Trains. Commercial Trade S0II1 Fine Sample Rfc Special attention given Countrjl I GEO. DARVBAU, Pr- Rletrantlv Furnished Steam Hea European Plan. Block and a half from Sample Room In conn Pnnm ttflte 3W, the Columbia Lodgtogno NEWLY FOHgS BAB I? ffigoCK iaaTor?'" GUS LAFOWTAIN, Prop. rtly 18 can" Mil