LASSlFIED ADVERTISEMENTS. 30O ay sen, tor., M. ICI1V, I liMlJll leSollcid leRooa antritd , Prcu. ished troBJ cosneetl" 50c, 75c g0 ft I e g09 One cent per WANTED. foiDSOME AKD IMMENSELY WEALTHY Kaerionn widow wants immediately abls, ttjt uu'Diiuu. ituuicn i.Liv, uueonin illtlg., Vnfo, 111 PHYSICIANS. vr r. roLR, cwice i jnnn ItnlldlnK Offlre hours. 10 to 12 a. m. j p. m. leiuimuuv l l. J 8MITII, OKFICB OVRu"TnE :ton Savings Hank. Telephone 30: :e telephone 31. OAItPIRLD, M. D.. HOMKOl'ATn. riiyslelnn and Surgeon. Cilice In uj buildlnp. Toiepnono: Office, black resilience, oihck i WILLIAM IIOUSR. PHYSICIAN AND lorjreou, uiuce. room jmia Hulld- rnone .nam i. uesiuence Uotel Jlcton T M. iIKNDERSON, 1'IIYSICIAN l:d Surseon. Specialties eye. ear, nose I throat, umce in savincs uank build- rbone .Mntu 33. MILLER, M. D., DKSI'AIN BLOCK. -ats and corrects eye troubles catar-1 conditions and Impaired hearing. 1 ses correctly iictea tor retractive or-; J. P. M'FADL, ROOM 17. ASSOCIA- lot block. Telephone Main 03; resl- i telephone, DlacK llil. lOI'ATIIIC THYSICIANS, Ofllce one block DRS. . wist of bjes heyes. Store. LYNN K. IiLAKESLEE, CnitONJC Id nervous diseases and rtlseums or en. upp. tiotei renuieton, cor. water i Main Sts., Pendleton, Ore. Phone 1573. RCHITECTS AND BUILDERS. HOWARD. ARCHITECT ANL' SU Irlntendent. makes complete and rell- plans tor buildings In thu city or i tioota it, j una Duimmg. & COLU. CONTRACTORS AND tiers. Estimates furnished on short Job work a specialty Prompt ttt snop on wiiir street, near Slain A. MAY , CONTRACTOR AND Per. Estimates furnished on all i of masonry cement walks, stone i etc. Orders can be left at the East blin office. ATTORNEYS. ER & RALEY, ATTORNEl'S AT Ofllce In Savings Rank building. & LOWELL. ATTORNEYS AT I Room 14 Association block. Pen- , Oregon. nAILEY. LAWYER. Pendleton, OFFICE Oregon. IN Ill building. IERKELEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. K( in Association mods. EOYD, ATTORNEY AT LAW 111 ; at. BEEDER. ATTORNEY Af LAW. Illeton, Oregon. I A. FEE, LAW OFFICE IN JUDD I ATTORNEYS i been admit- AN & PIERCE. Mr. Stlllman has liractlce In United States patent I I ltd makes a specialty of Patent Dooms 10, 11, 12 and 13 Associa CABS AND CARRIAGES. m LINE, ERWIN BAKER, PROP. 79, at the Depot Ltvery ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. BROS.. CnTTItP STREET. LA Block, electricians, dealers in clec- imppiles. Houses, stores wircu ior plfebts. bells or telenhones. Electri zes, all kinds. Get our prlsis. He- a specialty. RY AND FEED STABLES. fWlAL STABLES, G. W. FROOME M-ifery reea nna uoaraing. ah Kinuu , competent drivers, opposite ho- wn. Telephone 10. LIVERY, FEED AND SAUF.3 Flrat nlca qfnr.a i.nri ilitllhle til nPAnolAna rtOT t 'rttf nvrnrj Rt dpUlD 70. Evlln Crnlg, Prop. iES. T. W. AVRrtS. PROP.. fePfl Anil liAnMtn.. Thn host In the citv. Alta St.. ltween 'Cottonwood Sts. Phone, Mnlu 10. fEED STARLES, M. Mil A at SATISFACTION bet Webb and Many, years ex- ' f Ilortcl..... ...' P this business. FKED YARD. W T. ROYNTON wial caro given horeei' left with nebb street Phono Red 201 IC0ND HAND DEALERS. 0'DANIEL. NEW AND SECOND s bought and old. Court fct., block. Call and uj tne. DEALER IN SECOND If ilia., .la nnvttllnp vntl - , V . t H U . . J .M.O , ;ue ware and crockery, coll ona t o. 212 Court Bt 1 is. MANHOOD RESTOREDtSt SSiS blf5,7.? VMM. SSJSiSJh nhfalclan. will qnlcJtly LcnreyoB ?. aU nfervouaor dUeasSaof lite generative fir . Mm IDS n Itktnnn all ivB.A.i, IA"! .V - . n . 1 1 1 ...w .mucJBauu.ujVWWiMJ -O not sored by Doctoral wu remedy to cure wl returned If a boxes doe; J,V.H(1 money retnmed if fl boxes does not tY;.f "fiff circular and tcatlmonlitia. -SSTbV T'T"1' "iSttlCMIK CO., P.O. Box OT''"t7;irTnW OREGON. IRW'' WY TALLMAN & CO., DRUGGISTS, PENDLETON, OREGON. A BIG LOG ROLLING 1144 INITIATED WOODMEN AND WOMEN OF WOOD CRAFT, PENDLETON APRIL 21-22 NEXT. word for the first insert ion, l - PHOTOGRAPHERS. W, S. nnWMAv r.uinivn r.,.-. . m. ."."""MtT'ew.. Indian ;uj buic. tiuisnme none for tents. Main St.. near bridge. Phone, imn-1 lied DENTISTS. Rl , A'. J.A VP 11 AN7DENTI ST. Jiidd tmlldlug. OKFICB IX E. A. tlon MANN, DENTIST. IN ASSOCIA Idockover F. R Clopton's office. HIDES, PELTS AND JUNK. 0L CAN GET THE niGHEST MAIt un P,r'e .for rLur hIdes ,eltl, ft""! n'l Kinds of Junk, tiuch as rubber, brass, cop per, lead, zinc, raps and bottles. Iron of all kluds n specialty. You can bring In 1 nts worth of old rags or ship In' S500 worth of hides and will be treated i ? tne J?me have come here to ' ay,r Gie 118 a cal ana y" will be satis ed. L. Shank & Co.. office and warehouse next to Eastern Hotel, Pendleton, Ore. Telephone, Red 221. ; FRATERNAL ORDERS. I "OVAL NEIGHBORS OF AMKRICA 1 Wlldwood Camp, No. 2333, meets sec i ond nnd fourth Saturdays of cac'i month. , In Heudrlck's Hall. Mrs. Ida Holcomb, Oracle; Mrs. Nettle Robblns. Recorder. UMATILLA TENT, NO. 27. K. O. T. M , Meets In Secret Society Hall, se-onJ and fourth Tuesdays of each month. All vis iting Sir Knights cordially Invited. J. 8. I Kees, Record Keeper ; E. D. Estabrook, Commander. REDMEN UMAHALES TRIHE, NO. 18 1 Meets every Tuesday night In Hen-1 drlck's nail. Roy W. Ritncr, Keeper of i Records. , PENDLETON LODGE, NO. 52. A. F. aud A. M., meets first and third Mondays of ! each month. Visiting welcome. T. .1. Tweedy, W. M., Joe II. I arl:s, on PENDLETON CHAPTER, NO. 23 T. C. Taylor, H. P., P. F. Wainslcy, Secretary , Meets first nnd fourth Friday of each month in Masonic nail. I PENDLETON COMMANDERY. NO. 7., Robert Forster. E. C, W. E. Carter, Sec retary. Meets first and third Friday of each month In Masonic Hall. 1 10NEEI1S OF THE PACIFIC WIL llam Martin Encampment, No. 1. Meet every Wednesday at Ilndrlck"s Hall. Mrs. L. F. Lampkln, Secretory. PENDLETON LODGE. NO. 28811. P. O. Elks. Thomas Fitz Gerald, E It : L. W. Held, Secretary. Meets first and third Thursdays, Secret Society Hall. DAMON LODGE, NO. 4. KNIGHTS OF Pythias. J. F. Nowlln, C. C; R. W. Feecher, K. of R. and S. Meets eierj Monday In Secret Society Hall. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA, TutuIIla Camp, No. 0309. Meets first and third Saturdays of each month at Hen drlck's nail. George A. Hamblln, Con-1 snl; G. A. Robblns. Clerk. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD REGULAR meetings of Pendleton camp o. n, of W., are held In Odd Fellows' hall every Tuesday evening. .Visiting neighbors always welcome, j. i. uinur, i.iei, o. i. uii, LODGING HOUSES. THE PALACE LODGING HOUSE, J. H. WIL Hams, proprietor, yirst eluss rooms, well kept, by the day or week. 613 Main struct. RESTAURANTS AND CAFE8. ST. GEORGE RESTAURANT. FTRICTLY first class. W. W. PangSi n, Prop. Menu all hours. 004 Main St. Tel. Main I2. BANKS AND BROKERS. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ATHENA, Oregon. Capital. $50,000 ; surplus aud profits, $0000. Interest on time deposits. ' Deals In foreign and domestic exchange. 1 Collections promptly attended to. Henry C. Adams, president; T. J. Kirk, vice-president ; E. L. Barnett, cashier; Mrs. E. L. Barnett, assistant cashier. TUB PENDLETON BAVIKUB umu, I'endleton, Oregon, urganiieu 1889; capital, $50,000; surplus, 0,000. Interest allowed on time deposiu. ex change bought ana soia on an pnucimi f5nS.lnl attent on given to collec tions. W J. Furnish, president J. N. Teal, vice-president; t. j. Morris, cashier. THE FARMERS BANK OF WESTON, Weston, Oregon. Does t general bank ing business. Exchange bought .and sold Collections promptly attended to. R Jameson, president Geo. W. Irofcbstjj, rlc" president; 3. K. Kllgore, eartler; di rectors G. A. Hartraan, M. M. Jonns. i 5 Price, G, D. Graw, J. F. Kllsore. Robert Jameson, G. W. Proebstel. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF I'ENDLE ton. Capital $70,000; surplus, $85,000, banklnc business t.x- h VT;nhlr transfers sold on Run Francisco. New York and r.iinrinfl'l nolnts In the northwest DrafU Japan nnd Europe drawn Ufikeg "... ..!-, rnsnnable terms , C B. Wade, cashier; H ice-presiueui . assistant cashier. uueruBtj, organs, ud w J if? iUllltrt rimplM M.trtro0WedwllhHr.ttIUf. effect ft permanent ciue. i - rry, i:xbaUnir DrHlai f 5fnf Abre? " Ulcli It not checked 2c thereafter: 30 words or less, SI.50 per month, or $12 per "In in.iti i. 'VPS, Sill in. mi ts tl-c worst ( Vtll it. -WE Local Market Prices. The following shows the nrlccB paid on the local market: Turnips, 75c per sack. Parsnips, 7Cc per sack. Cabbage, 4c lb. Green onions, per tloz. bunches, 2Cc Cheese, per lb., 20c. Onions, per cwt., $2. Deets, per lb., IVjc. Potatoes, per cwt, 2. Apples, per box, $1. Horse radish, 12c lb. Garllck, lvjc lb. Sweet potatoes, Gc per lb. Sauer Kraut, 40c per gallon. Pendleton Livestock and Poultry. Chickens, bens, per doz., $3. GO to $4. Roosters, $3. GO to $4. Turkeya, per lb., 10. Geese, per doz., $9. Spring chickens, per doz., ?3.50. Ducks, per doz., $3.75, Pigeons, per doz., $1.50. Eggs, 30c In trade. Butter. 50 to COc per roll. Choice beet cattle, etc. Cows, per hundred, $3.10. Steers, $4. Hogs, live, 5c. Hogs, dressed, Sc. Calves, dressed, 7 to 8c. Pendleton Retail Grocery Prices. Sugar Cane granulated, beat, $5.75 per sack: do., 15 lbs, fl; beet granu lated, $5.50 per sack; do 16 lbs, $1. Coffee Mocha and Java, best, 40c per lb; next grad. 35c lb; lower grades coffee, 25 to 15c lb; package coffee, 15c lb. Rico Best bead rice, 12&c per lb; next grade, 8 1-Sc per lb. Salt Coarse. $1.35 per 100; table. $2.20 per 100. Hides and Pelts In Pendleton. No. 1 dry bides, 13c per lb. No. 2 dry hides, 8 2-3c per lb. Green salted hides. 7c per lb. Green unsalted hides, 6c per lb. Sheep pelts, short wool, 25c each. Sheep pelts, medium wool. 35c each. Sheep pelts, long wool, C5c each. No. 1 tallow. S'yfcc per lb. No. 2 tallow. 2c per lb. Pendleton Flour, Feed, Hay, Etc. Flour, $2.50 per bbl. Bran, $13 per ton. Shorts, $15 per ton. Barley, ratall, 76c per 100. Rye, retail, 90c per 100. Oats, retail, $1.16 per 100. Wood, $5.50 to $C. Chop barley, $17 per ton. Hay Loose wheat, $10 ton: baled wheat, $15; timothy baled, $18; al falfa, loose. $10; baled. $15; rye bay on ranch, $5 to $C. Hods. Wool and Hides. Portland. Feb. 15.-Hops 110 jdc per jiuuiiu. Wnnl HUE Nominal; valley, 130150;;, atcamer's passengers follow the Eastern Oregon, 8012c; monair, 21c per pound. -,. Sheepskins Shearings, 15020c. short wool, 25935c: medium wool, 3060c; Mong wool, 6Oc0$l each. TallowPime, per pound- 4W 4c; No. 2 and grease, 2 03c. , Hides-Dry hides, No. 1.-.1 6 pounds and up. 158li&c per pound; dry kip, No. 1. 5 to 15 pounds. 15c, dry calf. No. 1, under R pound. 10c; dry calf . ed bulls nnd sings mio-Uilnl less than dry Hint; saltod bldos, stoora, sound, CO pounds and over, StffOc; 60 to 00 pounds, 7Ms8p; undor 60 pounds and cows. 7c; stags and bulls, sound, G5 Vie; kip, Bound, 15 to 30 pounds, 7c; veal, sound, 10 to M pounds, 7c; calf, sound undor 10 pounds. Sc; green (unsaltod), 1 c perpound less; culls, ono cont por pound loss; horso hides, salted, each $1.502; dry, f-nrli $Hf?l.fi0- i.iKr hldiiR iinrh 2fiff? 60c; goat skins, common, each.' 10 ir.n- Ani-nrn wIMi u-rvilnn nnli T.rfJl $1.00. Pelts Bear skins, as to size, No. 1. each $5?20; cubs, $205; badger, each, 10040c; wildcat, oach, 25J?30e; house cat, 610c; fox. common gray, 30j60c; do red. each, $1.60J2; do. cross, each. $ri4rib; do silver and black, each, $100?200; fishers, ouch, $56 0; lynx. each. $2T3; mink, strictly No. 1., each 30eftl.26; mar tun, dark northern; $C12; marten, nalo pine, according to slzo nnd co lor, $1.50?o; muskrats, large, each, 6010c; skunkc, each, 25020c; civet or polecat, each, G&lOc; otter for large prime skins, each, $G4J7; pan ther, wltL head and claws perfoct, each, $2.00p5.00; raccoon, for lare prime. 30ff35c; wolf, mountnln, with head imrfoct, each, $3.60 Cf 5; wolf, prairie f coyote) with hoad porfoct, each, 40 COc; wolf, prairie, (coyote) without head porfoct, each, 30(SJ35c; wolverine, each $4 7; boav or. per skin, large, $5,C; do medium. $3474; do small. $1T1.G0; do kits, 50 076c. Eastern Livestock. Chicago. Fob. 16 -Cattle Uo'lpDj 21,000, Including 1400 Toxans; steady to 10c lower; good to prlinu steers, $G.507; poor to medium. $4C; stockors and foedors, $2.60jM.60; cows. $1.2505; holfors, $2.6006.25; caunors, $1.2502.25; bulls. $2,250 4.90; calvos, $2.6007.00; Texas-fed steers, $406. Hogs Receipts today. 48.000; U morrow, 42.000; loft ovor. 800; steady to lower; mlxod and butchers, $5,950 C.40, good to choice heavy, $6.3006.4714; rough heavy, $606.26; light. $5.70 0 6.90; bulk of salt, $5.90 0 6.30. Sheep Recoipts, 14,000; aheep, strong; higher; good to choice weth ers, $4.7605.25; fair to chonce mixed, $3.800 4.00; Western sheep, $4,260 6.85; native JarnbB, $4.7606.76; West ern lambs, $5.2506.55. Vhat It Ic. Advertising Is tho life blood of the business world today, and well dlwt ad advertising Is like the powerful Kearchllght of a river steamor, thrown upon a distant cottage on the bank, euttlug it out like a picture painted on a black canvas. The timid buyer and Mm iirnKiioctlvfl Industry will follow tjJt. rayB 0f tho searchlight of public ity. Just as surely as will too es ot light thrown from their vessel. Tney will not search tho surrounding gloom for obJectB of interest when a beauti ful pictur I clearly s,hown before them. Prospective buyers will not search the surrounding gloom for your competitors Jf the searchlight of ( publicity Js turned on your own place i of business. Canastota (N. Y ) Bee. year. No ad. inserted (or CLEAVER MINING COMPANY. Incprpcrtrd With a CaultAlitAtlon sf Th' Mining InctnpMraikHt of th vlaM in.- iTwn nty Mwr. 1 an r more than ordinary liUHiin mt owl) to the t of tn,. t,, lay country nd nrlghNirin mitnltle. but to the iitlre u diotrftt In which he- nr- n-em :! ucll H to the entire m'nmn t. it of it8twrn Or.on nc Incorpomtoni r Phu.r t rirn tr Or aw let Uh i! UiimIio a am to nearer mim! Oetr. AtOMto ClfRWr V V. 0. nrowy uttd tMiftor. I ' HUT linn irtrty roMtirta twenty t . taliiiK. Iwntwl two yimrs nml nt t.. head witter of tlm enst fork at t a u on creik j Tin- Olwivcr Mining ('onuwiiy ot 1'iairif City In i-nttltnllifd nt 1. WHI,-; tit.' larKewl capltnlUntiun enr ihhi by nny toinimny In tin ilUtii-(. TRANSPORTATION LINES. "BUST OP UVl-RYTIIINti" In wortl thin U'lU i f tln Mi.HiwiiKor mtvW vln "The North -Western Line S trains tlaUy Urfwrtm Ht. Paul a ml Chtcngo cotnprliiliiK Tlio lnttf.t l'utlitniii KltN'jH'Oi l'c'rlii Dining Ciiw Library kikI Olirvnllon ("un l-'rce" Hclliiliig ( 'linlr tVrn Tin-Will (Vtitury Tmln TH12 NORTH WKHTKltN LIMITICI) rtuiH evt'iy Ih.v of tln ywu CIVUCT TRAIN IN TIIF WORM) iHUaJI llVilli 111 Nib IIUIU.W KhHitrlo LlKlititl HU'iun H.-ntcd TO (UIIOAdO HY DAY I.KIHT The Rivdgcr Klntf ICxpirM, Mi llmwt day train runiiliig ImHwohi Ht I'ul and Clilcngo via the Hliort Lln; con nti'tloiiH from the Wtt made Via The Northern Paclne, (Ircat Northern, ami funntllall I'nrllli' Ryu. Thl Ih thelit Hue U-lwuni OuiuIih, rit. Paul and MluiKrhola. All agtinU will ticket via "The Nirlliwtini Line." V. H. .MKAI, H. L. 8IHLKR, U. A. T. A. ;M8 Ahb-rHt.. I'ortlniul, Or. "new line To hikI (roiu!tlit JQJ tZ? JL Illinois Central Railroad Solid TruliiH New Iiuipinent Wide Veritlbulu Knqulr ifut O. K. A K. Co.. or 11. H. THUMllll.L, Vai'. Agnnt. 142 Third Kt., Portlnml. Or. Pcndleton-Uklah Stage Line Huston A Carney, Prop'e. Iaavo PendleUjn evxy day at 7 o'obxik except Bundsy, (or Pilot Hook, fiye, ItidKe, Alba and DkUh Ool commodatlons. tAonble irii?bt sud ( passenger rat. tm , CMty otllc at Tullman A Oo's dniK storr, mi YOURSELF! V Hit U tat UBUftturtl uriuttii vr ol(rUvcK tit m ue ooi Bfuliuiia ll-ti, Htuci, r low4. so t uol iUta mum uj uruitfiti. "or Mut Jo t-Uiii It IllltU. MIH u rtr II Hi. .r 1 UllU,. 12.79. FTtivu VIllMlOU v IM U UUIWt y a g ,s a 0 ) f vft :) i ( . v & & $ W A m :s OSS IS. ) $! 5 , (" V -fl S , S Jt i?. J v P v9 5? S3 5 v v f S ,p .y ig ,a ,y y iv t n ,vi t x f y less than 15c. TRANSPORTATION LINE. I OREGON Shot Line If IV ION PACIFIC AMD ItalTl lMr, rv,i Worth, Obi IBM, Kn Till IllltlU i m ton. AlUniU ii Him I iMtMHt nil';. umU Ct)l4tln4 t , rto tun F.i. tM. 1'AHl W.lU W. lo Ul tiW,Ull. tin. m r-, foul. Ihtlalb. vilU.u MHHMI. Im, i"Mrii b. rU Ocean mul Klvor Schedule. All Mirtur fafJ ll Mtr ij, matt) i iv m. CsUmbU nTr To Ulft r mMn. WUUautt fitter (Mwl iNmlnWl lUUy, tMft ftTio.Ur, V.sihlll Rim t-rtttl.. lt T 'rl. Snk Klvar HItW l ImKIaii (Ullr r. M'AMMI KV, XtmoU I'.uJUujn, Washington ft Columbia River Railroad Tnke thfH route for Fur ChlrnKo, Ht I'ntil, HL Lotiln, Kti (my.Ht. Jw, Onmlm. ftiiil All Points l:nst nnd South Portland unit points on the Sound TIHK UAkU. l'M4lrUiM, dlr lfl'J a.)l itfa put. Anho I'niutlrlou UoihUt, Ht.nJ; 4 Ar4lr rvn1lton Tu.-Uj, Ttiuit4 04 KitunUr jci Ut Will. WIU "1'lr, 't IwuB.l MM pa. Arilft. Wil WJiall ttwQu4 M'. rut alirwtluo isf!ia( tnl mmm. m(KlalUHi, U xt f vlilix t W. ADA UM, AoL. JUIflO, Oi Hill ,CKIIKAD. (i I A . WtlUWiJIt, Wm NORTHERN PACIFIC Pullman Sleeping Oil's, lUcgant DlniiiK Cum, TouriHt SlecpiiiK Otr HT. PAUI MINN HA PO LlrJ VMM) TO (JIU.NI) FOIirCu ' ( UOOKHTON ! WINNKPKO HKLKNA Mid runovcn iicicirrs CH K.'AOO WAHHINimJN PiULADKLPHIA NKW VOKK BOHTON mill all (Kilubi Hftt am) tfoiitli Ittuuh lUkeU lo Jpa 4Bd Uklu TO Ttfuu tod Hon' nd AuittUi Hue. Hontein KuUe 8t.mtlj. TIMK SCHKDUL1I. Tln t falUtoaillJf cM HuBdsii' I ror:lurbr liitoimtma. IIM Mid. waji, ' snd tfekcVcAlloa or writ. W. Ad. .. rtUton. ortou, or , ""."f"''"' ILlrd nJ MoiiIwdSU., rortUDd, Or.