East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 15, 1902, Image 3

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The fit of the dress depends upon the fit of the cort Tht
do not nave your spring Ro;vn tilted over nn old corset. We Z
8 new one, either straight front or regular model at a popular price
not drink In saloons; second. Besides
strons liquor, third
. and hop during the
penttee? to convert many
i thousands of v Yorker who do
imbib occasionally to Ms ideas
The dressy I
1 I lCliUiV
ow ard
If desired our corset sales women w it. b ,ti(, ; l( as,,t y , st.eet- ?
Ing the model best suited to our l rni. V si. ,w the most popular i
styles in the leading makes. j
The Alexander department Store. I
At thr great dinner watch tk
Staats-XrUttttg h to s'vo In honor of
Priuc HAy on btfca.lt of th prt
of the country, nt the Waldorf A '
toria oh February la. Mr. I let man
Wilder of th Staftts-SPltung will Jp
liver tho nddres of wrlMiu. io!
will respond.
I norne
For Sale!
; And Other Subjects from the Big Me
! tropoKs by a Regular Correspond,
Now York. Fob. 16. Tho abolition
of tho three platoon notice svstnm i which Princo Henry
by Police Commissions- prti.ii. "Whltelaw Ueld will mMii..o.i i . h ,
has resulted in much grumbling on toast of the Km,-r of r.efntn and;
the part of the policemen of this citv ; be president ol who 'e t :(,t
and plans arc said to be on Toot to 1st- Clair MeKolwny of th llrooktyu
take the matter into the legislature ' nsle wtll tftenk for t. preis, C
Seemingly Colonel Partridge's popu- j l'ostniastetGenwnl Charb im., ,
larlty among his men has not surfaced i Smith will respond to the toast S ,
materially, but the officers complain n t"eod What wo Owe tc artna
of bad faith on the part of tho fu-!j literature. Science. Art and Mm
sion lenders who. it would seom i Charles Knapp of th '
promised that this feature of the pr ' St- '-ls Republic will pak on "In
I llco management ould be abolished. tmatlonal Amity." More than font
if Tatnman weie defeated. CStypoitwn hundred invitations hat twn
, licemen claim that it cost them some-1 Issued to th representative of the
thing like $SO,noO to get the svstem ! dfti,Jr newspapers In 'New t'tik.
Installed, althongh it was nnelly done
by the legislature and Tammany nov-, Harry Payne Yaltuey. upon whose
, er accounted for the JSO.Ooo and too j shoulder the mantle of tele fn Ucro ,
much was risked to give up the fight ! vast business Interests tails, bids
tamely. The three platoon idea fail- j fair to become one of the mint ..
cd. however, during the recent Pnrk ' tent mti In the flnkortal l.Uio. i
Aenue tunnel explosion and citlions
in general are pleased with Commis
sioner Parti idce's action. In wilnu
back to two platoons ther will be j tary of the N'avy Ttltuey s bu?.i
two sets of men on duty, one actively ' affaits so ,i, j'-.i Hk wui.
woiKing. nnu tuo otiier held lu re-, sequent uon th hn'!ln i.
serve, whorens the three platoon large nionted interests Healden
system demanded something like an . inj? a favorite amonn bualiKst .
'addition of sixteen hundred extra! Mr. Whitney a few yoara ago ma
men with an Increase in expense ofjrled Miss Gertrude Vanderbtlt t
over two million dollars to tho city. ; daughter of Cornelius Vand-
! and Is a brother of Pay tie AVlnn
Lovers of opera receive with ming. J married Mlas Helen lla
led joy and regret the announcement j
that the famous Metropolitan opern i One of the moat Important ,i
tiouse is to lie sold to give way to the sporting events occur llila evinn
erection of a large department storo. , when the swimming nutos of tin Niw
if not a new one, to be remodeled to York Athletic club will be lit 1
answer the same purpose. The build- i There are four events on the l to
ing has boon tho scene of so many i gram as follows- Fifty yard huiu
triumphs, both musical and social ! novice; 200-yard swim. Iuindiiai
that old Knickerbockers fain would 1 Stm-ynrd swim. Imitation. relti nm
have it remain as it is. Thev are "l"(i yards, tennis of four men. ea. t
consoled with the statement," how- swim 100 yards. Prise will be
ovec that if the present site Is sold, to tho Hist, second and third n ju '
a largur and even more luxuriously , event.
appointed house of amusement will
be built to accommodate the opera. Two bills are pending In the I. .
Real estate brokers have been 011- ! tnri In nt-eveiil tlm pvila ntt. n . i i
the countty. For Ue lt th'
ysrs he ha b- . grafi.ulv ,-i. .
ing the responsibility of S
Should Watch tho Physical Develop
ment of Their Daughters. Earn
est Words From Mrs. Pinkham to
Kvrry mother jkwhwm inromatWt ,4 tttnl mXm in br pmx
cUuKtlitr). T1l laMtltet w a pm km y, tut the ltrMMAfikr
fw lur futr is kinp-lv ht lianOa of iw oht. the m&
chmitf,. ihm trw ttMHmfilWM irfrl itrt it thmhtfol xmmn
shinUl ftwl tho nxHher n the iiich lsiv nlht. A dm mm fer
the rfivjai wvlMUvf of br fUughtrr, will tlw whom b, and Inr
CtUhilVn StMK
WTij'ii tt mns; (ritP thoughts WoontA situxith, whn sho th
rn'mM iHviwiHiiMw,, dmiix. falnttww. And (shihlN tt shnoriMi
tut ton to alf-is in in the Wk A iivr llms cm iitm kwlt kr
Klttud. . and a disliko tot tho ovktj t( twr girk whn tin li i
lttjsn n h tu iel( mh) frktorim tlw n tV iivthT shooM gn hr M
pnMpl At sneh a tlm tho ?rtet kt to utut U Ak It. PlnU
hnm's eiretnldo CoinpiMiiHl. It prif ihv yHuir nvtem tr tW
coming- h.uisi an the siimit ndii"- i- thw htir 1 Iriai.
Tim fo'.lowtn,; letti r fnui
r'l'hb u-,i' i
the sale of property on Instnlliie t.t
Mnuy reputable deslers are in t
business, and. proiieily condui-ti 1
works well for Imth btiyw and -el't
Pianos. ewin imichine and tn ,
are sold on the Instnllmeut plan I '
on the east side tliore ate main u
principaled men engngod In suiiflhi
poor and Ignorant people by s. lu n .
puriortlng to be based on the mMni'
meut plan of selling proper
would lake too long to tell the umiliih
operandi of these swindles: gutllrlent
to say the evil has become an exieu
alve one and measures will h taken
to check It sr speedily as possible
deavoring for a long time to get the
property, but the stockholders, among
whom are included many capitalists,
will not accept nny offer which will
not insure the company of a hotter
site and a grander building without
cost to the company.
'Die Academy of Medicine bus
adopted a resolution opposing the ac
tion of the treasury department in
classifying pulmonary tuberculosis
with dangerous contagious diseases,
thereby placing- a stlgmn wholly un
deserved upon every American citi
zen suffering with consumption. The
academy clnims the decision of the
drtment is not based upon scion-j Thl HII0,inwmBt nude by tbv '
title experiments, and it regards thom.w Befwtary of the troasnry that
exc usion of consumptive immigrants wll, 1U)t depart flwn wlcv ofj
as inhuman. j ,8 pjedweossor on the lKdicy of pur i
L ,, . , I ( basing bonds is of much Interest toj
A notable feature ot the l.onten tl,e ,limilrlH district of the wetropo
season in New ork has been innug 8 Aocoraing to ibu. stfltemont
.tinted at St. Patrick's cathedral. ll0, Secretary Hhnw, the aatilstatit
Catholic, which has distributed ten ! slT,.(Jtary in this eitv U still authorl
thousand temperance cards through i e(1 t0 ,,uy ,lon)lB lmh Ki,lng him
out the city containing pledges cov-' ho,,lt, ot- lh(. .curltles to turn then,
ering Lent. The church has a torn- int() t,n(jh U llliv Vltl
prance c rusade in constant operation Xnvember. Deeenibttr and Januaiy
covering three degrees- First. r)ojt0 ,M, rc-linMo of bond amounted to
I j27.O0O.000. The February purchase
however, are likely to show a redm
Hon In view of the easy money rnte
Wall street believes that Sneretnr
Shaw will prove as conservative a
man at the head of the tieasur) -le
partinent as was Secretary (Inge
M .! 'i. il pm( of
vet iti 1111 t. l! s. H MlU-'l
Where are
You Going?
To The
Machine is in good condition, requires oniy one quarter horse
power to run it and with it one person can set from 2o,ooo to 25,000
ems brevier in eight hours. . ,
With the machine there is the necessary pvlleys and shafting ana
?oo to 800 pounds brevier type, 8 point.
Machine will be sold tor 350 1 o. i. bi 1
East Oregoiran, Pendleton, Or.
$3 00 per Day and Upwards.
Finest Hotel
In the Pacific
New Lumber Yard
to bu nice, new clean,
bright lumber.
Cray's Harbor Commercial Co.,
opposite the W. & C, R. depot
Mothers Who Allow Their DnunhtcM to Suffer nro Cruel When
Relief is Iwislly Obtained Road 1 lilt "lot Iter 'tt l.tperlencc
' IH t II MiH I'iskiivm I ivU1. .iln.i' i'i 1. t.i iny .tiurfii'r Hh
is thirteen fti-n!d Hni ie r untiit rusted W lio hl ii d--l.ir to hf
and be nhi) did not liuve etxmli liU.l. M h. tmwn btkinif iron tr
thrcu iiioulliN but in n I 't lr. In the momlutf H vtutitt, ihhm .Uy-t nb
win not keep iiiiythnur on Her iloinvlt until twelve o'- t-Mh If t0 trlM to il
anything n ifft fitvt. IUk hradselt nil lhi time, i M whit t i.rlil
with (,'reat dark rliiffs under hr evr Plesw write ud lil mm what t do
ns I am ilUr.mrmjed with the dmt.ir '' Ms. t ha i tliitiu, Phtrmn Mtllh
N.Y. .lau ft luno. )
" l)Kiii Mux. PiMKUiM - I .Inury I wr.it j.iu about tuy daughter,
and told you wltnt our family dnetor ald stnuut her I mvf aaolhar dootor
nnd he wild him bud iiiek eontunplion After rnrelrtntf rour tttr4 I began
k'ivlnir her your i-emedleo mid after tnklnif four biib't of Lyditt P.. Pltlk
llillll's N'egelulilo Compound mid four of lll.l Purillar. Ha It now uoll
and titruiig a ever. MriiMi Imv apperrl on 1 nr irtfiiUr. 1 Mil U
prnisu your ie medio enoiitfb they Mrd toy dHUtfbler'n tie." Mrh. Oias
Soutiiahu Pluenix Mill". N V U- II lx
Any yoiiuif uli'l or nnv inotlicr U eordiitlly In vlled to rrlto tu
IlIrH. IMiikluuii at hynn, lust., tor ndvlco lit retfurd to her slek
im).. No i hn hntl jrrenler experience or iitcce hi Dfuldliur
mother and tlii'lf luiiKhtorH to health. ThotixniMli lmo trusted
hor mid ore jflml. HI10 elmrKOJ iiothlntf lor advke. WHto to-du).
Keraerer Coal. First Class Wood
Order Promptly Filled.
Telephone, Red 401, or call on
Offloe Main 8treet, JustopposlUi Hans
ford TbomIon'B LarSware sUw.
Many ounurs of rate ho rues unit
traluois of the same are looking fot
ward to the possibility of scoring a
double victory and initial KinU
.Muck's triumph of I!100 when he won
both the Hrooklyn and Subuibat,
Handicaps at the opening of the (
! ney Island Jockey club's spring nn 1
! ing. The Suburban, at least, will hi
run on thut day. Maw hs n"
I for the double honor lth th. i
, thoroughbreds and fstled. but jm-i
! new thoie is unusual sdivit) in !'
circlos and sjiortsmen aie lookup
forward to the large! msmih m
inuny years.
Many new Vorkeu and. lu Iset ie
Jdents of other cities si inclined l
Iriilr mum (lu. mi .if riuikilll' 11 m hum
, ble and Ill-paid but thuy were surprU
od to read recently that tho head
1 cook of a big hotel here loft an
aatate of 00.000 As a matter of
I feint tlwin. llliu'b lllMIl ilie elinf III '
I V I HI'JI - ... ...in. r. ...
Gotham whose salary U us largo as :
that of a Justice of the supnuno ,
i-nnrf niw! mnnv of thein oWtl COII1 I
' paratlvely luxurious homos In iiolgh
' borhods where no on suspflcts their I
j j
! How' Thli?
We otfer Oue lluudret DolUri Itewna lor '
ny ce of cUrrh tht eanuul U eoiwi bj
1 Hair C'Urrb Curo.
i P. . CHKNKY A CO , J'lopi , Tvtfdo. U-
, We, the undersigned, bsve known r i Che
uey for the ImI lllieen jf"'. wl W '
1 pcrfuctlr houoruble lu nil bui4uelfmctioui
and financially able to carry out ur obhga ,
I tloni made br their firm.
1 Wki 4 Tsiuz, , . I
1 Wholewle UruKgUU. Tolwlo, Ulno.
Wbole&ale DruggUU, Toltdo, pblo
Ing directly on the blood and uiutou urfv
of'heayitem. Price 7Sc.r bottle. Sold by
all drugirtiu. Tettlmoolala free.
Uall'i Vault r WIU are tbe iJt.
tfc r t f fS III' W Itll. Wa lmril'.MiU.i UU lh" xli-mal I 17 lUul ' t I. jnH,
jP 11 1 1 1 If I win. 1. .u 1 w. I ! M( !' wli.i jn r..) Ibal il. tUtlt iMllweolil UlUlf
Ti 1! IiISm i. v " r i.(ii.Uli.t bi ubUiiil lb wrtut ifll Hf
ijJv'JUW I" 1 .JIU K. fliiVbaiu ,M.lleii. ., l ytin.
Big Deal in Typewriters
Austrian Guvernmenl Orders m
S111HI1 lvrciiilrrs.
Never advertise without a definite,
purpose in view let that purpose bo
the Increasing of trade In some par
ticular branch of your business. -The
I It. ..latent single purch oi tyflwjtcr
t w., ,, , - r , . ibe Mniwtci ol juie. whK iUlf tl
months ul hau .L. loinpttitivc tests, MI C9UCUi IM 9f
ontifo tn.nisiry with olti tlitn IJ "Hb PrtWMtf lyfjf ritfs,
supi'lyini! vt wHirt - Pre Jifteh to PortUttd Oicfwiiii. Vb
Tbe Portland Office Smith Premier Typewriter Co.
122 Third Street.
Gasoline Engine for Sale
and fittinns are all new, being in use only a few weeks
e,bK very economical and guarantee! to be sat.sfaUory. Price
350 including fittings. Address
East Oregonian, Pendleton, Oregon-
'wms ami cMrcial travelers.