East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 14, 1902, Image 8

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an opportunity to purchase
footwear at a price you can
not afforci to misg ..
your wants. If you have a horse es
tray, or If you have lost a bone, or
found a taorso or other animal, you
can nnt let bo many peoplo know of
It In any other way as through these
columns and at an expense that Is not
worth considering. Try an ad. It will
Wilson & Co.
Successor to Cleaver Bros.
Phone, Black 91.
E. Noonan, manager for the Puget
Sound Warehouse Company, Is in
town from Tacoma.
A. Vinson, a prominent business
man of Walla Walla, was registered
at the Golden Rule hotel last night.
Furnish Slater, who has been laid
up with cold several days, Is again
able to be out and attend to his work.
A. Zeuske, of Helix, a well-known
farmer, was in town today and pur
chased of A. Kunkel & Co. one of
their three-bottom steel gallg? plows.
t). Garden and son, extensive farm
ers of the Vinson country, were in
town yesterday. Mr. Garden says
wheat Is all right in his section of the
country and very little, If any, will
have to be resown.
John W. Haller came over from
Walla Walla on Thursday evening
and left thlB morning on the east
bound train for Albion, Idaho, where
his father Is seriously ill. Mr. Haller
received word lmt his father may
llCt recover from ail attack of IllfluhV
matory rheumatism.
An Interesting Page In the Dally Eatt
The East Oregonlan solicits classi
fied ads, little adB stating the wants
of the people. Tho expense of these
ads la small, from IB cents up.
Through them much information can
to conveyed. You can tell your neigh
bor what you have to traae ior bobio
thing for which you have a need, but
you cannot tell from 1000 to 6000 peo
ple thla fact These ads will do that
lor yon. With tho aid of them you
can get value for your surplus things;
you can supply your wants; sell arti
cles that you can not sell In any other
way, and all for a small sum of
money, from 15 cents for one inser
tion to 51 for 10 or more.
You may want to hire a man or
woman. A want ad will hit the spoL
You may want employment. Try
an ad for 15 cents to 60 cents.
You may want to buy something.
Try a want ad.
You may wish to sell something.
A "For Sale" ad will till the bill.
You may want to trade a wheelbar
row for a grindstone. The wheelbar
row you have no need for; the grind
stone the other fellow has no need
for. The little ad expressing your
wishes will do the business at a small
expense. Why not try It?
Have you a house to rent? A room
to rent? Do you want to rent a house
or a room? A want ad will be effec
tive. The cost is little, the result sat
isfactory. Try one.
There Is no more effective way of
advertising, and the price Is within
the reach of all.
Look over the "classified ad" col
umns and use them when you want
to rell or buy something; when you
want to make a trade; when you
want to give employment; when you
want employment; when you want to
lend or borrow money; when you
want to let or rent a house or room
or store. The want ad will Bupply
From one cent to
five dollars.
Counsel Appear Before Judge Ellis
and Present Respective Sides.
As had previously been announced,
the city injunction cases which have
been hanging fire since the 6th of
January, came up this morning,
These are the cases involving the
rights of Marshal Heathman and Re
corder Beam in acting as city mar
shal and recorder.
At a meeting of the, now council,
after the first of the year they, by a
vote of 4 to 4 and the decision of
Mayor Hailey against the old incum
bents of the offices, declared the of
fices of marshal and recorder vacant
and proceeded to elect William Lane
and Jj. G. Frazier to fill the places
by the same vote. This action was
taken as Illegal by Heathman and
Beam, and they immediately employ
ed counsel and injunctions were filed,
asking the county court to enjoin the
newly-elected men to these places
from qualifying as such officers or
from in any way attempting to mo
lest Heathman and Beam in their
duty as such officers, holding and de
claring that under the city charter
it took a majority vote of tho council
to oust any incumbent of these of
fices and elect now men and that the
mayor has no say whatever in the
matter. The plaintiffs also alleged
that T. G. Hailey was not mayor, T.
B. Wells, Frank B. Clopton, J. R.
Dickson were not councilmen, and
that the only man who opposed
Heathman and Beam who had any
right whatever to have a say in the
running of the municipal affairs of
the city was Councilman Johnson, a
hold-over member, thereby attacking
the constitutionality of the city char
ter which provided that the marshal
and recorder should be appointed by
the council and not elected by a
vote of the people the same as are
the councilmen. ,,
Tho defendants filed their answer
to plaintiffs' and asked that the dis
trict court dissolve the injunctions,
and the argument of both sides is
now being heard.
The Arguments.
Mayor Hailey was the first on the
floor this morning. He read the com
plaint and commented on it. He also
read many citations of law which
bore on the subject and submitted his
argument at 10:05. Then Attorney
A. D. Stlllman, for tho plaintiffs, took
the floor and he occupied the atten
tion of the judge until 12 o'clock in
reading special cases of law bearing
on his side of the question. He again
took up the reading and argument
when court convened at 1:30 and con
tinued It until 2 o'clock, when he
yielded the floor to City Attorney
Carter, who appeared in behalf of the
This afternoon, Messrs. Carter,
Pierce and Hailey were heard, and
the case is yet unfinished.
Ask to see tho Chicago leader hat.
Only ?1.50, at Cleaver Bros. Dry
Goods Co.
The Pendleton Shoe Company
Have 500 pairs of Misses Shoes,
they are soiling at, per pair
Former price from $1.50 to $1.75;
500 pairs Children's Shoes
at, per pair
ormer prices from $i.a5 to $1.75.
Besides flany Bargains In flea's and Ladles' Shoes.
Pendleton Shoe Co.
645 Main Street,
Pendleton, Orsgon.
This signature is on ereiy box of tho gesulLt
Laxative Brorao-Quininc Tablets
'the remedy that curen-u cold In one rtaj'.
Messages From the Court of King Cu
pid to Various Lovers.
February 14, Saint Valentine's day.
The mails were filled this morning
with missives of all sorts and descrip
tions Bent from those who desired to
transmit messages from the court of
Cupid, while some of them wore not
calculated to convoy thought of ten
derness, for they were grotesque and
boro suggestions of ridicule and un
pleasant fun-making. Probably, tho
day was not observed so generally
as in the past, although tJie good
Saint Valenting has by no means lost
pis hold upon the imagination of the
Several valentines were sent to the
East Oregonian in response to the in
vitation, and are hero printed. The
best one, according to the decision of
the judges, will be given an acknowl
edgement of its merit.
They are printed under numbers,
and are thus submitted to the judges,
who will know nothing of tho authors
until their verdict of excellence ftn.a
been rendered:
. Valentine No. 1.
Saint Valentine is here once -more,
And knocking gently at the door
Of lovers' hearts.
Mine opens wide, the dear old painter
Within now begins to paint
A maiden's face.
A snow white brow 'neath waves of
Brown, but for sunbeams playing
And tangled in.
A cheek that Cupid's wing has
'Til like the red, red rose it blushed,
He's painting there.
Eyes that must tax his skill I know,
They are so blue and twinkle so
The stars seem dull.
Those little ears in hue and tint,
To apple blossoms give a hint,
To profit by.
Describe those Hps! a pen like thlp
Is all too weak. They're made to
If I but dared.
The portrait finished, Velentine
Said, "Young man, make that maiden
Without delay."
"nigh teagerly," my heart replied,
"No other maid shall be my bride
To thee I vow."
My heart's key Cupid brings to you
And bids you quickly come to view
Your own dear face.
Ah, love, if only I might dare
To hope you'd let me keep it there,
No. 2, Lover's Lane, Bridevllle.
Valentine No. 2.
This morning found St. Valentine a
bandage round his dead,
His fingers inky, tumbled hair, just
crawling into bed,
The floor was strewn with manu
scripts, wild were the good saints
In frenzy fine they rolled about; lie
growled "Confound that prize,"
It used to be a simple thing to write
a pretty rhyme,
Heart, dart; love dove; face, grace,
and such were welcomed on a time.
And Polly didn't really mind if I
rhymed bow with you,
And roses red and violets, were quite
good form then, too.
I used to trim them up with lace and
they were just too sweet,
(My -oinmisvslon from the parson was
always something neat)
Of late they haven't seemed to work,
and bachelors galore
Are roaming round and I've become
most scandalously pore
And so for dollars paltry I've nado
my old brain whirl,
A grindin' verses out to suit a twen
tieth century girl.
And all that I have got to show, for
this long night of woe
Is a lot of fine beginnings that balk
ed and wouldn't go.
So if you'll kindly mnll to mo that
check for dollars three
I'll send it to Eliza, and think, twixt
you and me,
It will be more effective than verses
And you can advertise the fact; then
we will make a te,am
You furnish checks, I send 'em out
'til old maid's disappear,
And bridegrooms for the good E. O.
will give a mighty cheer.
St. Valentine
Valentine No. 3.
Lady of the smiling eyes,
Lady of the golden hair,
Could I but hope to win the prize
There is no deed I would not dare.
Bend but; once those eyes on me,
Let but one sweet glance bo mine
And this pifro heart that beats for
Shall be thy loving valentine.
Valentine No. 4.
Still gliding onward with our race
From prehistoric times and place
A saint through many thousand years
Today in Pendleton appears.
Ho comes to sadden or delight
While dropping verses left and right
To chide or cheer the dull and gay
For this is Valentino's great day.
Old crusty bachelors now shall got
What thov aro huntlnc fnr v.i
And sour old maids with noses bluo
onau nave to meet his angor, too.
Tho lovesick swain will find relief
In tolling someone of his grjef.
And she will scarcely miss the
Of putting him Into a trance.
Ho comes from Cupid's realms above,
A faithful mercury of love,
And carries from his monarch true,
Full power of attorney, too.
And Mrs. Grundy will not dnro
To criticize, nor even staro,
So let us all for once comblno
And welcome good Saint Valentine.
Valentine No. 5.
Sweet girl, possessing beauty rare,
With eyes of Jet and raven hair,
Of matchless grace and form divine,
For theo I write this valentine.
By Intuition, I am sure,
That thou art gentle, kind and pure.
And yet thou art unknown to mo,
In whom my ideal I sec.
So with a hapless lovor's sigh
I bow my homage and pass by.
Valentine No. 6.
Gliding down tho stream of ages,
From tho prehistoric line,
Known by Druid bards and sages,
Comes the good Saint Valentino,
To rejuvenate the aged,
To electrify the young,
As he did in ancient Carthage,
As he did when Homer sung.
For some heart he bears a flower,
For some heart ho bears a thorn,
Happy mortal, Cupid's dower,
Luckless mortal, Cupid's ZZZ'Z.
Vfticre he comes from -no one know
eth. .. B"t his' mission is sublime,
"Thou shalt reap but what thou bow
eth," Is a maxim old as time.
Let the loved one take his treasure
With a glad and grateful heart,
And the loveless his displeasure
As of his deserts a part.
Give him welcome, then, good people,
And for mail fall into line,
And let bells from each church
steeple Ring "All Han. St. Valentine."
Occurred Near Rockford, Washington
Two Passengers Hurt Slightly.
The train duo at G:20 p. m., from
Spokane, was delayed two hours on
Thursday ovoning, by a wreck that
occurred at Rockford, 'a station 20
miles this side from Spokane. Two
engines were smashed, one of two
cars crushed, and two passongers in
jured, although not severely. It was
a head-end collision, and tho wonder
is great that no one was killed. Tho
collision was caused by a switchman
failing to throw the switch, and this
sent the Portland-Spokane train into
the Pendleton-Spokane train which
stood on a siding. The moving train
was going slowly, which is the ex
planation of the fact that tr6 wag
little damage. The paBfl(mgers were
badly BhnBn Up and frightened.
T ft. . .
1,11 vx oi
nil 1 t
"'icr i
Kill lliit .
UUJw we light
titns th
mmmr w w mm mm k.i ai
rocKery and.Glasswi
An Artistic Sign.
C. Sharp, the paper man and paint
er, now has a sign on his window that
he is justly proud of. The words used
In the sign are "Sharp's Wall Paper,
Painting and Oil Depot," and It Is in
many colors. F. R. Peale was the
painter, and he has a card hanging
in the window offering any one $50
who will duplicato the piece of work.
It is one of the most artistic products
of the painter's brush in town.
The occasional ad Is one of the very
best methods by which to squander
money. Continuous advertising, on
the other hand, will bring ample re
turns for the money invested. Suggestions.
A Genuine
Dongola Kid
Lacer Button
Shoe for the Gil
Extra heavy spring heel,
heavy soles.
A splendid wearing, nice
fitting shoe.
si. Ml
a pair.
Shoe strings. Shoe polish
Peoples Warehouse
Victory at Last.
The Latest Scientific Discovery
Cures all forms of Scalp
Diseases, such as Dan
druff, Baldness &c., and
will stop the Hair from
Falling out. As a Dress
ing it has no equal, keep
ing the Scalp and Hair in
a Healthy condition.
ROOK KMWIUfl, Af U tor Pdlton and
During tho year ending on Septem
ber 30, 1001, there was shipped from
tho Btate of Iowa 89,8G0,C4G pounds of
butter, a net Increase of 4,425,90
pounds over the year previous.
It Is said that a school teacher the
other day asked her pupils to write
a long sentence, and one of her boys
nearly caused her to faint when he
wrote "Imprisonment for Life."
Marriage seems to have robbed
Chauncoy M. Dopow, like ordinary
men, of the gift of tongueB. "When a
man and a woman are made one the
man soon findB out which Is the one.
. j 1 1,
an. . -h
. . 'W
wwjurniJHJS MAIN i
We are still in the saddle driving prices down to
SLASHING PRICES in order to get in shape
for our BIG SPRING STOCK, which will com
mence to arrive soon. If you are hunting Bar
gains, we have them for you. Remember, the
largest stock in the county to select from. Come
and see us.
In handsome furniture
is one of the moFt agreeable
surprises that delights the
mistiess of a heme, especia.
yln such new designs asw
are showing in all lines such
as are kept in an
Up-to-Date, First Class Farnitwe Store
The largest stock from which to select and all at prices that
defy competition. Undertaking parlors in connection.
Main and Webb Streets Pendleton, uregu
- A, . Ji t 4!i
ip w w w w w Qfe qf rx on m w v. v ?m 'jr vr- e- cv mm
7 z z Ti - - ri
rv vai luau ui t ivhj
In all heights, just received by
TarnIs Un Hnu OfP lYIfl
Farmers and Stockmen are invited to get
Mr. Taylor's prices before buyinglelsewherc.
A lfn lfn 4?w.4U,. T T ..o Tllnn nTftSS. ClU6
milium y, XJiuxuUB iuoiiuud, 0
other seeds in quantities to suit buyers. Orders
inquiries by mail will receive prompt attention
a m
. j mm wm
1.1.1 ayluk, tne narowaic
7ti main street, rencntauu, vwh.
International Poultry Food makes them.
Beef Meal gives them flavor.
Clamshells make them solid.
Mica grit aids digestion.
Try a sample.
Hay, drain and Feed.
137 aad 129 East Alta Street.