Ill ?1 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS. ajswwuwwwiawww 0 A BIG LOG ROLLING 1144 INITIATED WOODMEN AND WOMEN OF WOOD CRAFT, PENDLETON APRIL 21-22 NEXT. va a $ s $ a e ? vfi tf" v" v ?i v 8 (i m 15. 0 - i) $ l v v) I, yft vl ?l If y (va ifr vi g ij vg g rA .g v ,v ii ,t y One cent Der wnrH fn- , .. . - . . 1 . OB SALE GASOLINE !SyliNB, WITH nn6, tanks and rttl ieb. rri to tit, Ave to six horse ooiver. I3v)hiuitcnl lu tie rise of fuel. Price S!30. Kast Orciou in office, Peudleton. fOK SALE NEW CHICAGO Tri'EWRIT er, universal key board, first class ma thine. Take a look at It Thirty dollirs will buy It. East Oregonlan office. PiBBITT METAL, BEST IN THE world, In bars. Price $1 per bar, at the ttst Orejronlan office. fOK SALE AT THE EAST OnEGONIAN office, large bundles of newspapers, con taining over 100 birr papers can be obtained for 25 cents a bundle. PHYSICIANS. Dli W. U. C.TOLK. OFFICE IN JIJDD building, unice nnnrs. jn to 12 a. m 1 to 5 p. Ei. Telephone 77. DR. C J. SMITH, OFFICE OVER THE Penleton Savings nauk. Telephone 30: tHldence telephone 81. n R. CARPIELD, M. D.. HOMEOPATH, t f i-nysician nna surgeon. OlUce In jnda building. Telephone: Office, black tl ; residence, black 24. Burgeon. Office, room 20 Judd Rnlld Hcsldence Hotel Ug. Phone Main 72. Pendleton. DR. T. M. HENDERSON, PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Specialties eye. car. nose ind throat. Office In Savings Rank build ing. I'hone Main 33. J, L. MILLER, M. D.. DESPAIN BLOCK, treats nnd corrects eye troubles catar rhal conditions and Impaired bearing. I Glasses correctly fitted for refractive er-j ron. 1 i DR. J. P M'FAIJL. ROO.M 17. ASSOCIA- t or, diopk. TelPiihnne Main 1)3 : rea . ience telephone, black 101. OSTEOPATHIC Kejes & Keyes. Boston Store. PHYSICIANS. DRS. Office one block wist ot on i.vw i'p. nnmivin and uiirvous diseases and nlst-'um's of lonien. Odd. Hotel Pendleton, car. Wnfpr Ind Main Sts., Pendleton, Ore. Phone ltd 273. ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS. t. F HOWARD, ARCHITECT ANL' Su perintendent, makes complete anil rell- itie plans lor nuuuings In the city or tonntry Room 1 Judd building. 6ni:nic & cole, contractors and builders. Estimates furnished on short lotlce. Job work n specialty. Prompt lervlce Shop on BlufT street, nenr Slain D. A MAY , CONTRACTOR AND bu der Est mates furnished on al kinds of masonry, cement walks, stone walls, etc. Orders can be left at the East Oregonlan office. ATTORNEYS. CARTER & RALEY, ATTORNEYS AT Law Office In Savings Bank building. BEAN & LOWELL. ATTORNEYS AT Law Room 14 Asssoclatlon block, Pen- llttoc, Oregon. T. G HAILEY, LAWYER. OFFICE Pendleton, Oregon. IN ' Judd building, If. BERKELEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office In Association block. t D. BOYD. ATTORNEY AT LAW Ill Tonrt St. Af IaW, Pendleton, Oregon. coiiuing. TILLMAN & PIERCE, ATTORNEYS t Law. Mr. Stlllman has been admit- to practice In United States patent J I Inltn nt Patoflt CABS AND CARRIAGES. leiepnono aiam tj, at me uupuv i.hcij Ktblt. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. MAPLE BROS., COURT STREET, LA ,,Dow Block, electricians, dealers In dec imal supplies. Houses, stores wired for Metric lights, bells or telephones. ElectM- futures, all kinds. Get our prlijs. Re Kir work ,a specialty. SECOND HAND DEALER8. DEOnGR O'DANIEL, NEW AND 8ECOND Band goods bought and "old. Court St., bouse block. Call and sn' me. f. STRftniT nwAT.Tr.n in SECOND tiand oocwln. if tho la anvthlng you d In new or second band furniture, 5JT?V uranlte ware and crockery, coll ond W ols prices. No. 212 Court St LODGING HOUSES. IBE PAT.ifii? innmi'n TiniTOP r It. WIL .utraa, proprietor. First class rooms, well " thaJavnr-ure.fiV. els Main straet. RESTAURANTS AND CAFE8. 'T. Cil.onriM ima-PAnnAXT. KTRICTLY ,trt class. W. W. PangaJ n, Prop. Men .1." ! nour 004 Main St. Tel. Main is. larmon SIshODS' ff.l!!. 1 Church w tuail JllQwet? rouui eijr of ttlt-tinac, duiipjucn, iceuc3, -a. bmu.-- M 1 trh t rut. taVS'dXF3i ,5171,. ,,,i,L ,nseon, i PHOTOGRAPHERS. ;wB9aAIt' LEADING PnOTOGRA. hf er ?f thc. clty- Harvest views. Indian r?,SLf0f saele- FnllnR done for teurs. Slain St., near brlSge. Phone. Red DENTISTS. dfflf ' DKXT,ST- FFICR tlon block, over F. n. Clopton's offlct. HIDES, PELTS AND JUNK. YOU CAN GET THE HIGHEST MAR. kinds of Junk, such as rubber, brass. cot pnr,,i "i"' 2lnc' antl bottles. Iron of all kinds a specialty. You can brine in 50 cents worth of old raps or ship In nop worth of hides and will be treated In the same way. We have come here to ,l,Ry,r i!.e "8 8 cal ana y will be satl ed. L. Shank & Co., office and warehouse next to Eastern Hotel, Pendleton. Ore. Jeiepnone, Red 221. FRATERNAL ORDERS. ArKmrA nnnwooa camp, No. 2833, meets sec- ond and fourth Saturdays of each month. In Hendrlck's nail. Mrs. Ida Holcomb, Oracle; Mrs. Nettle Robblns. Recorder UMATILLA TENT, NO. 27. K. O. T. M Meets In Secret Sorletv TInll unnl n fourth Tuesdays of each month. All vis iting Sir Knights cordially Invited. J. 8. Kees, Record Keeper: E. D. Estabrook, Commander. RKDMEN UMAHALES TRIBE. NO. 18 Meets every Tuesday night In neu drlck's Hall. Roy W. Rltner. Keeper of Records. PENDLETON LODGE, NO. 52, A. I and A. M., meets first and third Mondays of eacn monin. visiuug Drjt.inn vt"M9. r. J. Tweedy, W. M., Joe II. I :ivl:, . PENDLETON CHAITEn, NO. T. V Taylor, H. P., F. F. Wnmsley, Se-retary. .Meets first and fourth Friday of each month In Masonic Hall. i PENDLETON COMM..' Rr.liert Forster. E. i ret dry. Meeis first ' each mouth In Mnsoulc l IONEERS OF THE PACIFIC Wlt liam Martin Encampment. No. 1. Meets f, r i- r n,ii - ' ' . ! PENDLETON LODGE. NO. 28S B. P. O. I Klks. Thomas Fltz Gerald, E It : L. 1 V Held, Secretary. Meets llrot and j till -tl Thursdays, Secret Society Hall. DA dON LODGE. NO. 4. KNIGHTS OF 1 l ythlas. J. F. Nowlln, C. C. ; R. W. j Feecher, K. of It. and S. Meets eiery Monday In Secret Society Hall. j MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Tutullla Camp, No. 031)0. Meets first and third Saturdays of each month nt Hen-, drlck's Hall George A. Hamblln. Con- sul ; G. A. Bobbins. Clerk. , WOODMEN OF THE WORLD REGULAR meetings of Pendleton Camp No. 41, W. of W., are held In Odd Fellows' hall every Tuesday evening. .Visiting neighbors always welcome. J. P. Walker, Clerk, J. P. Earl, C. C. LIVERY AND FEED STABLES. COMMERCIAL STABLES. G. W. FROOME Prop. Livery feed and Boarding. All kinds turnouts. Competent drivers. Opposite Ho-, tel Pendleton. Telephone 10. nupriT r.ivrcnv. ifRRn AND SA'jES Stables. First class 3in-'" Mia uuDie rigs for all occasions. 027 Cottinwood St Phone, Main 70. Evlln Craig, prop. CITY STABLES, T W. AYERS. PKOr.. Livery, feed and boarding. The best turnouts In the city. Alta St., between Main and Cottonwood 8ts. Phone. Mnlu JO. BANKS AND BROKERS. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ATHENA. Oregon. Capital, SGO.OOO surplus and profits, $0000. Interest on time deposits. Deals In foreign and domestic exchange. Collections promptly attended to. Henry C. Adams, president : T J Kirk, vice-president: E. L. Barnett, cashier: Mrs. E. L. Rarnett, assistant cashier K oalncL' 100; table, iGun runitfli. r,n.non : aurmus. inj,uuu. t intorpar Allowed on time aenooiis. ca change bought and sold on all p points. Special attention given to principal ;o collec- v. J. Furn sn. nresiaent; j. jv Teal, vice-president; T. J. Morris, cashier THE FARMERS BANK OF WESTON. Weston, Oregon, Does a general bank ing business. Exchange bought and sola. Collections promptlv attended to. u. Jameson, president: Geo. W. Protbste I. ;?c President; J- R. Kllgore, cashier; di rectors, O, A. nartman, M. M. Johns, T. J Price, G. D. Graw, J. F. Kllgore, Robert Jameson, O. W. Proebstel. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PENDLE- ".' ... n.r.i.l' hnklnr business Ex ;bange and telegraphic transfers i sola on S fl ,n F?an?laco. New York and .T..-A.i In the northwest Drafts .S..rT on China. Japan and Europe, . . . i.n.,inr nn rpjuuuDuic iciuu. , -i nrealdent: W. r Marioci:, Tlce-presldent: C B, Wade, cashier' Guernsey, asslstnnt canbier n r. ew.l." Francisco, CL ..SridaV. cur Lost. Mannooa. im- .r6wrmaVrrfioanln.omn,,urn; nn emissions. "-.i- Varicocele, loss or wrwrm "f smni ner - 2c thereafter; 30 words or less. S1.50 ncr month, nr so m.r simuwD. Mlas Blngs Are you g.lrib to send air. utuureMi-i i in kuiiie ij ntiiu ner ir? ino aearesi ining jn ma worm eaonomy. COMMERCE -TRADE.rlS Local Market Prices. The following snows tho prices paid on tho local market: Turnips, 7oc per sack. Parsnips, 75c per sack. Cabbage, 4c lb. Green onions, per loz. bunches, 2ic Cheese, per lb.. 20c. Onions, per cwt., ?2. Bei'ts per lb., lVc. Potatoes, per cwt.. y. Apples, per box, Jl. Horse radish, 12M;C lb. Garllck, livac lb. Sweot potatoes, 5c per lb. Sauer Kraut, 40c per gallon. Pendleton Livestock and Poultry. Chickens, hens, per doz J3.50 to $4. Roosters, $3.50 to $4. Turkeys, per lb., 10. Geese, per doz., ?9. Spring chickens, per doz., J3.50. Ducks, per doz., $3.75. Pigeons, per doz., $1.50. Eggs, 30c In trade. Butter, r.O to COc per roll. unoioo neu cattle, etc. Cows, per hundred, $3.10. Steers, $4. Hogs, live, 5c. Hogs, dressed, Sc. Calves, dressod, 7 to 8c. Pendleton Retail Grocery Prices. Sugar Cane granulated, best, $5.75 per sack; do. 15 lbs, $1; beet granu lated, $5.50 per sack; do 16 lbB, $1. Coffee Mocha and Java, beaL 40c per lb; next grade, 35c lb; lower grades coffee. 25 to 15c lb; package coffee, 15c lb. Rice Best head rice, izc per id; 23,4V pur ivv. Hides and Pelts In Pendleton. No. 1 dry bides, 13c per lb. No. 2 dry hides, 8 2-3c per lb. Green salted hides, 7c por lb. Green unsalted hides, 6c per lb. Sheep pelts. Bhort wool, 25c each. Sheep pelts, medium wool, 36c each. Sheep pelts, long wool, 65c each. No, 1 tallow. 3c per lb. No. 2 tallow, 2c per lb. Pendleton Flour, Feed, Hay, Etc. Flour, $2.50 per bbl. Bran, $13 per ton. Shorts, $16 per ton. Barley, retail, 76c per 100. Rye, retail, 90c per 100. OaU, retail. $1.15 per 100. Wood, $5.60 to $. Chop barley, $17 per ton. Hay Loose wheat, $10 ton; baled wheat, $15; timothy baled, $18; al falfa, loose, $10; baled. $16; rye hay 1 on ranch, 16 to $6. Hods, Wool and Hides. Pnrtinnil Feb. 13. HopB 11 13c per pound. BJtSroSr8,C12Hc:, 21 &P0- 'Shearing,, 1620c: Wool Nominal; vaney, your sweetheart an ej:pnalV8 valentl: ner a piiuiUBTHiin Ol nerfCII Snu 'inars wnai i cull oouiul cjuijilluiciitur; 26tT35c; medium wool, ool. COctlJl oHfh. j,;t , ... . "I u HidoB Dry hides. No. l, 10 pounds and up. 16C'l4r per pound; dry kip, No. 1, 6 to 16 pounds. 16r; dry calf, No. 1, under 5 iKiunds, lOc , diy i-alf. ml bulls and stage one-lhlid luw than dry flint; salted hides, atutii. Kw;:nd, 00 pounds and over, 8CP ; 50 to 00 huiu!h, 7ViSc; under 50 iwuihIb and rows, 7c; stiiKK and bulls, sound, RlJ'Btte: l.lp, souua. 16 to 30 tiounds, 7c; vetil, sound. 10 to 14 pounds. 7c; calf, sound under 10 pounds, 8c; greon (unsnlU'd), 1 c perpound luts; culla. ono cent per iound loss; horse hides, salted, inch $1.50C'2: dry, onch $1 (Z? 1.60 ; olts hldus, onch. 26 COc; goat skins, common, each, lO lfic; Angora, with wool on. ench.26 $1.00. Polts Hour sklnB. ns to slo. No. 1. each $5T30; cubs, $z6; badger, each, 1040c; wlldcnt. oicb. 25 30c; house cat, 510c; fox, coinmon Kray, 30Sr50c; do rod, each. $1.602; do. cross, each. $G4?15; do silver and black, each. $100(f?200; llshorB. each. $64f6; lynx. each. $2?3; mluk, strictly No. 1 each 30c C 1.26; mar ten, dark northern; $0(fl2; marton, pale pine, according to slzo and co lor, $1.60(0'; muskrats, large, each, 5ifluc; Bkunks. uach. 2530c; t-lvot or polocnt. each, 6Cf'10c; otter for large prime skins, each, $6tf7; pan thor, with head and claws perfect, each, $2.005.00; raccoon, for laro prime, 30S'36c; wolf, mountain, with head perfect, each. $S,00 5; wolf, prairie (coyote) with head perfect, each, lOCfOw: wolf prairie, (coyote) without head perfect, each, 30035c, wolverine, each $407; beav er, por skin, large, $6f6; do medium, $3 4; do small. $!,J.60; do kits, 50g75c. Eastern Livestock. Chicago, Feb 13 Cattle--Receipts 21.000, Including 1400 Texans; steady to 10c lower; good to prime Kteera. $G.50C7: poor to medium. $46; ator-kers and feeders, $2.6004.60; cows $1.26: helfors. $2.6005.26; canners. $1.2602.25; bulls. $2,260 4.90. calves, $2.6007 00. Texas-fed BtoorB. $406. HogsReceipts today. 48,000, to morrow. 42.000; loft over. 8S00; stoady to lower; mixed and butchers, $5.9606.40, good to choice heavy, $0.300 6.4 Vh rough heavy. $606.26; light, $5,70 0 6.D0: bulk of sales, $6.9u 0 6.20. Sheep Receipt, 14,000; ahoop, strong: higher: good to choice weth ers, $4.7606.26; fair to chojice mixed, rice mixed, u 14 260 76 West! i $3.8004.60; Westorn sheep 6.86; native lambs. $4.76 0 6 ern lambs. $6.2506.55. Advertising, may live without poetry, We music and art, '0 ,nay jjVe without conscience and i live without heart; We may live without friend, and live fiids Hut bu.lnM today cannot live with ! 0Ut """-The Country Merchant, No Ad, inserted (or The McPhenon WIM Cootett 1 N' rk. IVK tl Ativttlu'k thajv trr 'n (h fnmiMis McPh riKMi wH Mi t vm K-Kn m tin ,lorn i ' . ourts today vb.n nntiwnt wan ta Kn n Ihp Hiotktn of lr J'im' Mivlr to hv hi nw l.nM.i,s .18 uttAnt tn lU of trial of the ilwiwitHl Mr, Mulr. TIip whuh Is -ntsttHl ta that of Mrs Jori! It McrhMriH. vsldow of lk Irtst iiiirt tor MfPliertNiM of Now Jtrv Tho enntmt ni brought by bvr dURhtr Mr. liWtn C Milr. who .lto.l Uvforv tht rontPKt wn liroaghl for otU--nicnl. Dr. Mulr, who Wlr ilnih tin ooutwtt In hl own nnwr !s thc prosont Ihtltunt Statin ni! at Stwkholin. Ore Dock to be the Largctt. nuluth. Minn.. Kli. II. Tho 18.t vn MlnnosotaGruat Nortlmru ltitr tMs art" nrrnncInK to Incroaso the loiiKtti ot thnlr now oio tlwk on Al lniic liny Suoorlor. flflOO foet nld hiK loo pookots. riMiioHcuiliiK Jo.ltim grosii ton, ami Ktvlng tho ontlro ilork n stoniKi) enimrlty of loo.ooi) gn ton. This will nmko tho tlm-k tho largost or shopiilng utructuro In the world. It Is nlfco tho hlgtiOKt. m Ing 71 ftot ftxmi i ho wnlor t tho top of the mlla. It Is hyimm'UiI that thr addition will bp rrady for rwrhltur and fihlpiltiK or- by Jutir 1 Stamp coII.m IIhk in l.ondoii Is Itt rwislng ny day. Tht vry smart ewi Hiaile arp icoIur In for It TRANSPORTATION LINCS. "MiST 01s KVIiRYTMIiNli" lu n word this Ml of the imnnengcr wrvloe via u The North-Western Line R triiliw dully Uitwren Ht. Paul and Clilcugo t'liuiprtnlug The latent Ptillinnu Klif i-rn Ptirlef Dining Cum Library and Olwrvatlon Cam Free lUclinlilg Clmir Cara The 'Mh (Vntiiry Train THK NORTH WICHTK11N l.IMITKI) ruiiH every day uf the year FINEST TRAIN IN THE WOULD ICIectrlc Unlited Hl.ain Hi-atnl TO CHiCAOO J1Y DAY I.K1HT The HalKr Htate Kxprow, tlie tlnewt day train riiiinliiK Ixdwceti HL Paul and '.iIcko via the Bliort Line; m niMtIoii from the Went made via The Northern Pacific, (Ireat Northern, and Pai-lllo lly. Tlilft Is IhelKut line U-twH-n Omaha, Ht. Paul and .MIiiiHotn. All aK"'iiU tlcketa via "The North VM-ntt-m Line." V. H. MKAD, H. L. HIHLKU, (J. A. T. A. alb Alder Ht., Portland, Ore. "NEW L.IN E tf To and rom.the Illinois Cenlral Railroad. Solid Trains New Equipment Wide Vestibuies! , , Knqnire Kent O. R. A N. U,, or B. H. TKUMUULL. Cohi'I. AkooI. 142 Third Ht., P;rtland, Or. Pendleton-Ukiah Stage Line Huston ft Carney, Prop's. I I'ltrifUftoii uverv dav nt 7 o'clock rent Huudav. (or Pilot Kock. .Nj'e, Itidge, Aioa arm uaian comtnodatioru. Hesionahl Oood ae Jtonionahle freiht and ;K"TllIM a .tor. rv.i Ama Lo'i ortl less than 15c. TRANSPORTATION LINE. Oregon SHORf LIISC union Pacific Tim 1h4ul from ft dlaton ! J?1?.0: 3,411 Uk. io'l PoiIUik! Worth. Untlti. tt4o jrr"t tnir. i tW, aw Tl ftuni tntou tXQ , n. AlUtilU 5lli . in, vU Muni' noun, Or.b, Koa ciir.m u.uit.ohi HI. P.ttl rn mii .It irin VIL. ,M fi)i..ii.rui- aui. irtllllin, i1!-..... Iff., . . uccan iuiu Kivcr lieuulc. mou rourusn, Ull 'tlllni ttl k)M ASS p. m Sa4; is Nk. 811 ! y 4xt, Columbt Hlvr MHil y Wliumatu utT.r 1hi1 tMU4 4lljr, M iia,Uf, (irof w.tsf r(isltti m ttfB nJ i LvoUlaa ( M li.n, H.llr Kirpl Aim t. r WAUSLKY, A.t, PttwIUUin. Washington & Columbia River Railroad 'lake tiifii route for For L'hlta, Ht. Paul, HL twita, Kaw Clty.Ht J. , Ou.aha. ai.4 All Points Iinst and Souiii Portland and points on the Sound TIHK CXUU. Ivu-lUUtn. Uftllr 'cn uiU; l tin nu frf.Ur HMm. iIU(ir i ni Ufe W4IU WIU dt'lr. Uub4 IS.OUsm, Attire Wall Wll dully we.l Uun.l 4. Fur lulurui.llou iki4lt) 4ad cm. moOktteui, fll iO ot vMitt W ADA MB. Afsl. U H. !ALbXHHKAl.U r A , Willi Will. Wi. NORTHERN PACIFIC JU iNS I'ulluian Sleeping Otr, ElcKant DiniiiK Otnt, I'ourlht Sleeping Cnra HT PAUL MINNKAPOL1H 110LIJTH FAIUIO TO ((HAND FOIlKft OHOOKHTON WINNKPEfl HKLKNA and IWTVK. THH0UG1I TICKirrS TO CHIUAOO WAHHINOTON PHILADKLPHIA NKW YOJIK HOBTON and all iliiU Kaxt and Houtit Ttiiuoti llct w JPn 4bJ (IhloA. tit Tuuiit u4 ,Northia i'mtev suiiuiilp C, taii Amerlrta !lu. TIMS SCKSOULs. Tnlrn tc r,nllluu dill cpt Ann4r l W p. nt. WOT tlltlDtr iuju,vliuu, umv (iua, ipf i sad tlcktu, cllon or wrU Vf. Adsus. ! ' Sutoo, Orsuu. or A. I. OUAKLTOJ, TUUJ tnH Worrtton Hli., forlUsa, Or. aum BY TALLMAN & CO., uuuio.wi .