turn mi 1 1 1 m nTTTT SCENE OF THE RECENT DYNAMITE EXPLOSION IN NEW YORK" MANY OTHER MINES FOUND SINCF THF ACCIOFNT OCCURRED ATTRACTS, QUALITY nrninre i w , T lur New Corsets (ti,o fit of the dress del ends unon tho fit nf tha m. not have your spring ?own lined over an old eor5et" We will J Bone, either straight front or regulw model at a popular price 1 T t itis ictory tylish ightly lade brsets lone etter The dressy Women are always Friendly Toward Our Corsets llfdf sired our corset saleswomen will op pi ae.l to assist you in select- letlienioaei oestBiuLuu iu your jorni. we snow the most popular X Ifles i the leading makes. J ie Alexander Department Store. home Type Setter For Sale! New York, Feb. 14. Investigation into the recent dynamite explosion cauaea New Yorkera to shudder with jpprehenalon Uit other uah , calamities occur, for countless mines of dynamite have been found In many localities where tunnela are benu built, a tource of great dnar i When in careless hands. ILL COW WENT THREE NATIONALITIES TAKEN TO PRISON. a few weeks employed in 1'rlvott's barbershop ami during that time stole a suit of clothes ami other . things out of n Pullman ear on the , Chicago-Portland special, anil the In- j (Han stole a horse and saddle thnt bo ' longed to a yohng man named Smith. a. m-CO bcMno nnnAunn. reauires only one quanei ho run it and with it one person can set from 20,000 to 25,000 Ibrevier in eight hours. , . . ... a lith the machine there is the necessary pulleys and shafting ana 0800 pounds brevier type, 8 point. 'chine will be sold for 350 f 0. b. at Pendleton. East Oregoman, Pendleton, ur. Chinaman, Negro and Indian Go to the Penitentiary From Pendle. ton. A Chinaman, a negro and an Indian! The first to serve three years in the penitentiary, the second to serve two and a half years, and the last to spend two years behind the bars, all for stealing. This is the motley abrogation that left here this morning under charge of Deputy Sheriff Joe Iilakely, and never before in the history of the sheriff's oilice of Umntllla county has that official been called upon to deliver three men of different colors to the warden of the state prison at the same time; perhaps will never be called upon to ropeat the same thing. While the taking of a man or mon to prison for a term of years is noth ing to be looked at in a jocular mood, some of the boys have been heard to remark, "it is too bad that thero Isn't a white man to take along with this crowd." The Chinaman is Charley Moy, who got his sentence for having been caught in Hohhach's hakory. The negro is the bootblack who was for Where are You Going? To The New Lumber Yard to buy nice, new clean, bright lumber. Court House Notes. 1 The bond of J. W. Duncan fu jus j tice ol the peace for I'lljt Rock p:i 1 clnct has been approved by Ooveinor Geer and rcturnod to the touiu) c'eik to be turned over to Mr. Duncnn. A suit entitled J. I Temple vs. I) F. Dennis was filed at the court house Thursday for the collection of se eral promissory notes amounting in nil to $2f2 with interest ami attor neys fees. Nathan S. Orton, administrator i: the estate of John N. Orton. den as m1. has llled his petition asking tlx ronrt to set March 22, for the finnl settling of the affairs of tho estate and the discharge of his bondsmen The reipiost was granted by Judge Hartman. 1). F. Heck has sold lots I anil 2. In block H. in Jacob's addition, to th city of Pnndloton. to Minnie Hall Consideration $12f.o. her. Tho track will then b- ol th Se-pouud HtoI rails on the level and On-pound steel In tho mouiilalnn, tho heaviest on any trans-continental Hue wost of the Kooky mountain It takes !2!i tons of SO Mund otei-l or 141 tons of to. pound Mteel to ls a mile of track. Twenty-four new atevl Ill-Id have also linen oout rat-tetl for by the O It & N. Co. for construction I hi ywir. and 11 large number of other brtdRe will bo tilled with mirth. A great many new- Hide tracks and tnllmi trucks will lie laid, and f-r) u building" will be 1 (iiiHtnic ti-l I'lutm for additinnal tutpiovom nt ai,v in in prori hs ot forinuthm d it-.il- an nnuui-c'iiK nt of whn'i will .in-, ut.-i The Last Heard of It "My Utile boy took ih croup on ttiKht and soon Krew no bad you eould hwir him I) rent tin all over the hou." ;ays F. D ItMjuotdi. Munsnetd. O. ' "Wo futtrd hs would dl. but fow dooes of Out Mlnut Cough Cur , quickly mllnvtHl htm and ha u nt to lp. Thut'n th Initt wo haitrd of ' thu rroup. Now Isn't comjl eur like that vnlunbtet" Onu Mluut Voueh Cur U Hbaolntely sitta and Acta ' itntnedtutely. For counh. coldi. eroui. i grip broiuMUi and ll other thnut and luti ttoubtH It I a certain cur. . V. i) nletiiMui t taku The Httl onus tike It Tallmnu & Co and 'lrik A Mct'otunn Co Poisoned by Absorption Tb-bior' and ah U tlic jx)ieA of the kiu uuoy poUon ar Mii.i the bkvxl, dna-igui the ct ulalton the couxiit ut i-ti ai oulckir nI BUILDING A SCHOOL. Indian Aoency Government School Being Erected. F. A. lrickson was in town yestor day from the agency where lie l con tractor for the oivetlou of tlie new Indian school building which has been under course of construction for 1 the past few months. Mr. Krickson stated that the worn had been at a standstill 'for tiie past few weeks on account of the snow and cold weath er but they expect a load of brick on flic ground Monday when work will again lie resumed and pushed rapid ly as possible until the building Is completed. The basement, which Is of Htouo, Is completed and tho next stories, which will lie constructed of brick, will be completed in tho early spring. The building is to be 41 feet 7 Inchos by GC. with a basement' and two stories, and is on tho same ground as the old building, which was condemned, stood. neriotuiv thnc grnrr itrd within tltr yotein hut uiMrr the k m m- niiiunu-ftiuifr imir iu oioki vrMlit, and (.uiiiitt ItHfj til with the ski me iiullkiiu of null tutie orUadi, through winch the ih1ju Is conveyed to the blood tr--tcm Duruix the tprliu: and itiinmor, while AMERICAN PLAN. I0O per Day and Upwards. Finest Hotel In the Pacific Northwest HE PORTLAND PORTI.ANI', ,. tlnd Hcadqunrterf Rte8 to Eaalern Oregon people viaitlnR "'eRS MnRer. 1 Gray's Harbor Comiiierciai Co., I opposite the W. & C. R. depot PENDLKTON, OJtKOON. W, J. SEWELL, : : Manager WOOD! COAL! WOOD! COAL! WOOD! COAL! W. C. MINNIS SELLS BOTH. Kemerer Coal. First Class Wood' Orders Promptly Pilled. i Telephone, Bed 401, or call on W. C. MINNIS, Office Main Btreet, Just oprte Hans ford 4 Thompson's hardware store. How's ThlsV We offer Out- Hundred lilliir Kewstd for auy cako ot catarrh tlmt cannot Ixiuurvdhy Hall's Catarrh Ouru, F. J. CHKNKV A fXJ . l'ro., Tulwln, (). We, tbe uudumiKiil, have known K. J. Clio uey (or tho latt flfo.-en ynam, anl iHillevii htm IHirfectly lionorablo In all Im.uieMi trantaollom and flnnnclally alilo to carrr out any Mbllk'o tloua wailc by tlatlr firm WkktAIkcax, Vho!fttle iriiKit. Tolmto, ojilo, Waldimi Kihitti Mihvix Who! wale ihikkI Tute.tn, (Ifciu HhII'h Catarrh Cure l takm Inloruallf, tnif directly on the blooil ant tounuw Miria 1 o( the ayateui. I'rltu V- r iMMik- wll ' fail drUKKl!'- Twitiinoiilala fi Hall' Knmtlv i'lll. iv Hir m.i POiSON OAK, POISON IVY, BARBER'S ITCH, LEAD and BRASS r-UfaiijUnn, C V Ulc k). t Hio,t active and the liore wU open, we are much mote liable to Im Mffrttel ly IWnii Oak aud Ivy aiid other dangerous plants Workers In br-orn, iotijH-r, Irad atei in have their health Ihi paired and tin IiI-mhI upply pocoued thiouKh the alwitM'ni of flue p4itlctof tlif.ie 1nct.1l'- nii'l the uiidn u,cl in poinding ud ilraiim them. Inhaling th fumraof I-dd ;' " iinter that pallid, wjxv uppoiraiit e ttf the akin. IUibr' lUk is uiiothrr itci .m tli at le.ichcs the blixnl through the nkiu, and U 4 matt oUttlnat one win 11 it 1 1 'Mm hitnly fixed In the ayttriu. Aft. r the poltou Lj reached th IjIcmmI and lcii ilti iniuuted tlirouhout the Kvitrm it 1 too late to rntort to leva cpplicatinuii. In many c;ic the lilorxl ii affected slimiiuueoutljr with the appear anccof the raah or eruption on tbe klu. and ail elfurt-i ihould be directed to the purification mid btiildio; up of the blood, Ujfl crupttom and aorea will contuitia to break out in spile of mIvcs, waahca. aoatM or othrr eatcrtul trratoiaat. i S. .S. S. Is rcclally recoituncnilrd lor pofioua of thu cha meter. fl com pletely tloca it destroy the cffeiU of the Oak uud Ivy that there Lt uo (albUMv ot tin reappearance, mid it to cipully u ctlicacloua in lrui or UJ poUouIng or iUr ber's Itch , InnldiiiK up mid purifying the blood and driving out of the chculatloa imnuritirs of every kind, and removing every blemuli, toro or truplloa froaa th skill. There i no aubotitute for 8. ti 8. : it U the only purely vegetable Wood piirificrktiov.n, and the safest and bent in all tonstltutloual or liluod il !. Our Wedlcai Consultation Drpartnent.- If you dcatic any apecUl iuforrtioa or advice nlioiil your cam-, write our iiiiynciuns, ripuiiiinK your cumutwo, ai they will iroiuiiy couaiuer vn.u you nave 10 aav and you will ineiveu pn-inpi reply Our phyil ctan have mwlca lud v of L1-. i and skin dlaeoica, and you i-n n.ac tin- ixii'ti'- l tlmr eiperiencc and skill without uiv 1 .t to u wh itever. Don't heaitutc to write fully aliout Ourr!f oa nothing v,iii hhj tun Imv, md finr 1, Hi, MV have a vcrv Lutcrcitim' lroJ, on J. ! n l hki-i DUraaea, wbl L w wtd m k 1 lo il ' Til 14 bWII-r M'lJ'JII'IC COMPANY, ATLANTA, OA, o 0 sss O, R. &. N. WORK. Track Improvement to be Extensive as Heretofore. The 0. It. & N- Compauy has made arrangements to carry Its work of track ballasting 100 mllcu further this year. Iieginnlng at Huron, in tho Blue Mountains, 42 miles oast of 1 Pendleton, where its extonslvo bal-1 lasting operations halted last fall. It will perfect Its track entiioly through! the Blue Mountains and the ha Grando and BaKer City districts, prae-1 Mpniiv flntHhlnir the work to Hunting-! ton and giving a flno new lino all the way to Portland from the connection with the Oregon Short Line. The O. R. & N. has also contracted for this season's delivery sufficient 80-pound steel rails to complete the relaying of the track to Huntington, which work will be done by Septem- Big Deal in Typewriters Indian Covminieai Orders uio S111KI1 Prante .lh ii. iuiui unffip purebM ol typewriters evrr iii-'t- ).. ori n I l.v tin- M. mtr J Jutie. wltlcb. fW tbrc tnonttifc o e4lMu6tiv compliHvc tru, hit GMUClci to nqitip Uttl entire ntioiiry wilh no lea than lioo Smith Pwuier typtrilrt. supplyiog evory couri. -Prew 4ipuch to Portia iwi 0efoiM. 7th. Trje Portland Office Smith Premier Tynewrltar Co. 122 Third Street. 1 L, & M. ALEXANDER, Agents. A'