East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 13, 1902, Image 6

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f Grocery
Mm bike
Main St. Next to Joe Basler's.
14 pounds Japan Rice, pure and white ...$i.oo
25 pounds Rolled Oats $i.oo
2 packages seeded raisins 25c
2 packages cleaned currents 25c
3 packages gloss starch....:.... i 25c
3 packages corn starch 25c
2 pounds Salmon bellies for 25c
Fresh lot of Russian sardines. '
When you want the finest cream cheese we
have it at 20c per pound; Limberger cheese
25c per pound.
When you want the finest catsup in the world
we have it at 25c per bottle.
Try our 20c coffee and you will find that it
is better than what you have paid 25c for at
other stores.
Don't forget that we sell you a first class
Flour for 80c per sack.
Five cans imported French peas for $1.00
Four cans imported French Mushrooms $1
Try trading at the Martin Family Grocery and Bakery
for one Month and watch results,
N. B. Will move into our elegant new store in the LaFontaine
block within the next 15 or 20 days. GROCERIES AT REDUCED
Wyen Chung, Merchant, Presides
Over a Table Groaning With Lux
uries. Another feast in Chinatown!
Drs. Cole and Vincent, Marshal
Heathman aud Joe Parkcs were in
vited to the place of Wyen ChtiuR, the
Chinese merchant on Alta street,
where they partook of another &rand
feast last night. These gentlemen
are favorites of the Celestials of
Pendleton and never are they slighted
when there is an extra function on in
Chinatown. The warm aud large
hearted merchant of the pig tails kill
ed the fatted calf and ' did himself
proud in entertaining their white
guests last night, and the memory
of the occasion will he fresh with the
guests as long as they remain on this
terrestial glohe.
"It was the greatest feed I over sat
down to," said one of the gentlemen
in whose honor the dinner was pre
pared, "and I shall remember it as
long as I live, if that Is until I am as
old as Methusela. Wo had chicken,
beef, oysters, clams, jelly fish, and
many other dishes of the very rarest
and most toothsome varieties. The
courses wero many and we spent one
hour in feasting and having a good
time. Wine flowed freely and when
we wero ready to go homo I could no
help but havo a Mm"- teeUng tQvf
..yen Chung, our host."
evidence at the trial yesterday and
he was found guilty after about an
hour's deliberation. He will also re
ceive his sentence Friday.
Friday is also set by the Judge
when he will deal out the punishment
he deems equal to the crime of Sen
ator Mitchell, who was found guilty
Monday night of horse-stealing.
The Pendleton.
F. W. Vaille, Portland.
C. M. Smith, Portland.
Roy Clark, Oregon City.
J. H. Treulieb, Chicago.
F. J. Ginger, Spokane.
W. E. Kurtz, Portland.
S. S. Gill, Spokane.
George S. Beer, Portland.
H. P. Brandes, Portland.
II. J. Fries, Spokane.
William Maker, Portland.
J. S. Aikman, Denver.
T. Vogel, Spokane.
George Harris, Portland.
A. W. Wliitmer, Portland.
J. E. Kloecker.
Roscoe S. Bryson, citv.
II. Crafts, St. Joe Mo.
Charley Moy and Drlscoll Convicted
on Wednesday.
Two criminal cases were ground
out in the district court for Umatilla
county Wednesday.
The first one was that of Charles
Moy, the Chinaman, who was up for
having been caught in Hohbach's bak
ery. The case was taken up yester
day morning and went to the jury in
the afternoon. The evidence was
such that it only took the jury about
in minute tn find Mr. Celestial euiltv
and Judge Ellis set Friday forenoon
when sentence will be passed.
The other, case was that of Ben
Drlscoll, colored, who was acquitted
by the jury at the regular January
term of court for taking a grip be
longing to William Maker, conductor
on the O. It. & N and was again
arrested charged with taking the grip
and a Riiit of H-i h n l.olougini; u inc.
Pullman car conductor, the things be
ing taken out of he car while rtoi'ped
at tho O. It. & N. depot a few months
ago. Tho evidence in the first case
was not sufficient that the jury saw
fit to convict, but tho prosecution
made a special effort to introduce now
For Sanative Uses.
Its reraarkablo, emollient, cleansing, and
purifying properties, uo
rlveil from Cuticuila, Urn
fireat cjcln cure, wnrrnut tlio
use of CUTicuitA 8oAi", In
iliu formof baths foruunoy.
ing irritations, lutlainma.
tions, and dialings, for too
freo or offensive perspir
ation, mill also In tlio form of
Inlnrn.'il waehoa 4111(1 eoltl.
iinm nmii.orntlvnurn.ikiinHriea. and formnnr
sanative, antlueptlo purposes which readily
BUKceBt themselves to women, and especially
to mothers. Tlio uso of Cuticuiia Ointment
with Cimouiu Boav will suggest Itself In
tho eovoror cases.
Bold throudhont the world. 1'ottee D. ahd C. Cor.,
The Golden Rule.
A. Wr. Downer, Walla Walla.
Mae Richard, Pendleton.
C. Ferris, Portland.
Mattie Mitchell, Moro.
Marion Jack, city.
Effie Worcester, city.
T. A. Lieuallen, Adams.
George Osbom, Freewater.
W. A. Wade, Adams.
W. P. Willan, Adams.
R. E. Porter, Meacham.
J. N. Luiste, Vinson.
Charles Lanquest, Chicago.
A. E. Felower, Enterprise.
D. Cerrell, Enterprise.
A. Croanch and wife.
G. A. Nichols, Union.
William Greening,- Randall.
H. Greening, Salt Lake.
II. G. Slbray, Portland.
William Glasson.
W. J. Stringer. Devil's Lake.
Fred Marten, Cold Springs.
S. Miller.
E. D. Koontz, Prescott.
Matt Brown, Pocatello.
Carl Hartwell, Omaha.
(.W. H. Sayer Has a Patent on His In
vention. W. H. Sayer, who was In Pendle
ton from Adams, has just received a
patent on a now bicycle attachment
for riding on railroads. Mr. Sayor's
attachment is something different to
anything in this line that has over
been put out, and ho Is confident that
it will prove a boon to people who
wish to travel on tho railroads with
their own locomotive power. His at
tachment has bars running from the
frame of the bike that are Just the
length of the width of the track and
Instead of having a grooved wheel to
straddle the opposite rail from the
one the bicycler rides on, like most
of the former inventions, It has a
tired wheel only about a foot across
that sets on top of the rail and the
only thing that holds the wheel in
place is bnrs from the axle of each
wheel that run down on either side of
the rail and Mr. Sayer claims that
this is a much safer contrivance than
the older patent" as it is impossible
for the wheel to jump the track with
his attachments.
He also stated that the road along
the Wild Horse creek between here
and Adams, is in a very bad condi
tion, the creek having gradually wash
ed off the bank and cut into the road
until It is Impossible for two rigs
to pass each other for quite a distance.
The Umatilla Implement Company
Flying Dutchman Gang Plows,
Canton Clipper Gang Plows
with steel or full chilled bottoms.
A Lincoln J. Carter Play to be Here
Next Thursday.
"The Eleventh Hour" will open at
the Frazer on February 21. This is
the new play by Lincoln J. Carter and
is justly considered by many to be
his best. The scenes of "The Elev
enth Hour" are taken from the vicin
ity of Chicago and are full of heart in
terest. Clean, plenty of action, keep
ing the audience spell bound, while
story of how right is compensated,
and wrong brought to justice is un
folded. During the third act, the
working of the block system is shown
just as used on all railroads. The
last act shows the drawing room of
one of- Chicago's multimillionaires,
reproduced from photographs of the
original. It is in this act that the
terriffic struggle for life occurs.
While the two men strive for mastery
they break, smash and seemingly de
stroy all the beautiful furniture, bric-a-brac
and furnishings. It is certain
ly very exciting, holding the interest
from the rise of the curtain until it
falls. "The Eleventh Hour" will be
presented by a strong company which
includes Chas. A. (Karl) Gardner the
favorite German dialect comedian
who during the action of the piece
sings his old favorites, "The Lilacs"
and "Apple Blossoms."
Meets at Battle Creek.
Battle Creek, Mich., Feb. 13 This
city is entertaining the largest con
vention ever held of the Young Men's
Christian Association of Michigan.
Tho sessions begun today and will
continue through Sunday. Tho cen
tral theme of the meeting Is "The
Personal Winning of Men," and on
this general subject and its various
phases addresses are to be delivered
by prominent Christian workers from
various parts of tho country and
Canada. Some of the speakers to bo
heard are Rev. Elmore Harris, D. D
principal of the Blblo Training school
of Toronto; C. S. Ward, of Chicago,
field secretary of tho national com
mittee; John F. Moore, of New York,
railrad lecretary of tho untimul eom
initteee, and A. t), Williams, of Now
York, interurban college secretary.
They Are Each Caused by a Pestifer
ous Germ.
Ring worm and dandruff are some
what similar in their origin; each is
caused by a parasite. The germ that
causes dandruff digs to the root of the
hair, and saps its vitality, causing
falling hair, and, finally, baldness.
"Without dandruff there would never
be baldness, and to cure dandruff it
is necessary to kill the germ. There
has been no hair preparation that
would do this until the discovery of
Nowbro's Herpicide, which positively
kills the dandruff germ, allayB Itching
instantly and makes hair glossy and
soft as silk. At all druggists. Take no
substitutes. There is nothing "just
as good."
This would be a much more peace
ful world if the grown up people as
well as children would be seen and
not heard.
m&'&W " 5 - - .
A big deal-in land in Adams county
has just been consummated. Thomas
Durroy soils to the Walla Walla Live
stock company 9000 acres of land on
Cow crook. The tract Is 14 miles
westerly of Rltzvillo. It Is all under
a wire fence and Is sub-divided into
12 pastures'. With tho land go all tho
stock, about 300 head of cattle and
horses, with 700 tons of hay. It is tho
Intention of tho company to put 600
head of cows on the place as Boon as
possible and to raise cattle on an ex
tensive scale.
Thomas Edison has taken out near
ly 800 patents on his Inventions.
Nothing but a local I
remedy or change o(
I cnmaio win cure
; The Specific is
Ely's Cream Balm
It is quickly absorbed,
Gives ltelici at once.
Opens and cleonees
Alla7nnamiaatlon.C0LD 'N HEAD
Heals and protects tho .Membrane, Uestorai
the Benso oi Tasto and Smell. No Mercury. No
Injurious Drue, Regular size 60c; Family size
J 1.00. at Druggists or by mail.
ELY IlltOXIIKUB 86 Warren St., Now York.
3112,500 for a Proscription
Tho largoit sum ever paid for a prescription
changed hands In Ban 1'rancleco August 0,
1901, The transfer involved in oln and stck
$112,tOO and was paid by a patty of busluess
men for a specific tor Drlght's Disease aud Dia
betes, hitherto incurable diteascs.
They commenced tho careful investigation of
the specific November 15, 10." 0. They inter
viewed scores of tho cured and tried it out on
its merits by putting over three dozen cases
on the treatment aud watching them. They
also got physicians to name chionlc, Incurable
eases, and administered it with tho phjsleluns
for judges, Up to Augutt 27, eighty teven per
cent of the test cases were cither well or
progressing favorably.
There being but thirteen per cent of failures,
tho parties were satisfied aud closed the trans
action. The proceedings of the investigating
committee aud tho clinical roportE of the test
cases wore published and will be mulkil freo
on application. Address John J, Fulton Com.
fany, 420 Montgomery St. Ban Frauclsco, Cal.
Everything in the Implement Line and the Best on Earth Only
Successors to
Main Street, - - - - - Thompson Block.
Dealers in Hardware, Stoves, Tinware, Barbed Wire, Edge
Tools, Supplies for Woodchoppers and Lumbermen.
Get Our Prices. .. -cis
Clearance Sale
chines from S20 up. Second hand Machines $3 to J5io.
JESSE FAILING, - Main Street, Near Bridge.
LJjOlJlf f X I 1 expect people to know what
nUVV LJKJ I JJ you have to sell If you don't
The new store can never be 1 CI "T" CTO
known unless It advertises JrKlmJ V EH tl I IOC l
Best Babbitt Metal
For line shafting and all
bearings of machinery
of the mill or factory it
cannot be surpassed : : :
Made from Type Metal.
oest Hotel ta Peod
CommndiniK j. m,l
uamm KWa
Rates $2 perfo.
Special rates by week or month I
Every riodern Convenlt,
Bar and Billiard Room in Connt(
Only Three Blocksfrnm Pep
Corner Court and JohMonBtrwu,
Pendleton, Oregon,
M. F. Kelly, Proprietor.
American Flan, ratn tl.2-5 toIiOOtdt.j
European plan, 50c, 75c, 11.00
Special rates by week or month
ci e Bub fleets all 1 rains.
Commercial Trade Solicit
Fine Sample Rowi
Special attention given CotiEtrjtaJ
East Oregonian Office, Pendleton, or.
of Washington
Built in the west for work in
w--!nv" wtj-wv, .(1ijv,iv"- iigmest running ana most
durable thresher made. Un
equalled for fust, clean work. Made in feizes from 24-inch to 36-iuch oyllndera
and from 40-lnch to 60-iueh shoe. Prices and terms quoted on application.
Catalogue free. Large foundry and machine works. All work guaranteed.
THE GILBERT HUNT CO., Walia Walla, Wash.
Gasoline Engine for Sale
A five horse power gasoline engine with pipes and fittings, oil tanks
and water tanks, everything necessary to set.up and operate. Engine
and fittings are all new, being in use only a few weeks.
Enginp is very economical and guaranteed to be satisfactory. Price
250 including fittings. Address
East Oregonian, Pendlefon, Qregpn
alogce of them. A foil supply always kept in stock
Pifio-flntlv Furnished
Steam Heate
Block anda Half from epot
c-m!C Room In connection-
Room Rate SOci!
The Columbia