East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 13, 1902, Image 5

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    inen Torchon Lace.
mm. i furnish sirs
Worth 20c, 15c, 10c yard
February price
5c yd.
See Display in North Window.
I w m h va w H mm 111 a ua
mr -
r- k mm m i m w b m b m mm
i i nintii fi-tt vnlantinaa
nV. 111 r. t- una
gloves worth $1.25, sold for 75c
n(.nn Store.
MM,ir in thfi p.i' v. Button's
at the Boston
Saturday, the loin.
Hweetbcart. Fra-
.. . WhntV valentines.
is Cl '
, rrt-nnnrles. F. S. Youncer
-u i.n hont Trv them.
caui. c .
.... t.. r.nn Hint, unlrt for SI. 25
seia " ' .
had at F. S. Younger & faon s.
"Gold Medal Brand" creamery
C Pnri
Mflrtr. uamtinE and papering,
in.mHinir both brass and wood
Rhan.fi. Court street.
VIK IS Ulll Llllllh ill tio b'w'iT
8 UilVC 11. vifUiM.
icaiiiit-i i.iuij
ana country property tor saie.
tuDjeci to entry, Agem. nuu-.c
W. P. Rihorn, room 10, over
handle the Turner Little Won-
Lamp in umatiiia uoumy anu
M. T. Clark, St. George hotel,
mvn iir
bedtime I take a pleasant herb
tie next morning I leei bright
says it acta gently on me
. llvnr nnrt Irtrlnnvn anil Is a
and is nrennred as easily as
It is called Lane's Medicine.
Family Medicine moves the
each rlftv Price 2Ro and Gdc.
title bv Tallman & Co.. sole
Saratoga chips at Leezer's bakery,
fresh and crisp.
New Ideas always shown first at the
Peoples Warehouse.
Up to the time all the time, the
Peoples Warehouse.
The newest creations in Men's hats
at the Peoples WarehonM.
First showing of men's spring head
gear at the Peoples Warehouse.
No back numbers, in anything ever
shown at the Peoples Warehouse.
Garden, field and flower seeds.
Lowest prices, reliable goods. Nolf's.
A small ten cent piece buys a good
pair of gloves at -Cleaver Bros. Dry
Goods Co.
Ask to see the Chicago leader hat
Only 1.50, at Cleaver Bros. Dry
Goods Co.
See display of new spring hata lor
men in the north window of the Peo
ples Warehouse.
Kirkman's orchestra left this morn
ing for Echo, where they are to play
f- r a big dance tonight.
RoomB in the East Oregonlan build
ing for rent. Steam heated, hot ani
cold water and bath room in connec
tion. The members of the Degree of Hon
or will give a night-cap social at La
Dow hall, on Saturday evening, Feb
ruary 15, to which a cordial Invitation
is extended to all.
Loss $4500 to $5000 City Marshal
Has Accident During the Conflagra
tion. Adams, Feb. 13. About 6:30 yester
day evening a gasoline lamp explod
ed at the home of J. T. Lleuallen and
soon reduced his handsomo two-story
building to ashes. Mr. Lleuallen
grasped the burning lamp with the
intention of throwing it out doors,
and seriously burned his right hand
and torearm, and for a short tlmo
rendering him powerless from pain.
The alarm was almost Immediately
given and the fire brigade promptly
responded and did everything lu their
power to check the fierce blaze, but
all to no avail. The citizens formed
themselves into an impromptu salv
age corps and in a ' short time most
of the furniture on the lower floor
was carried to a place of safety, but
everything on the upper floor, consist
ing of clothing, bedding, furnlturo,
etc., was completely destroyed. The
loss is estimated at between $4500
and $5000. No Insurance.
A Second Blaze.
About 5:30 tills morning a second
nlarm rang out and in
the department was on
This proved to be an incipient blaze
in the buttery, which had escaped the
evening previously. A few minutes
was sufficient to get it under con
trol. While assisting the lire boys to get
the engine and hose cart In place,
City Marshal Frank 13. Wilkes fell
and received serious injury to his
right cheek and forehead and the
hose cart ran over his neck. For n
time he was thought to be danger
ously injured, but ho regained his
feet, and with blood streaming down
his face, kept on until the apparatus
was in position. He then had his
wounds dressed by Dr. Smith. In a
Talked with a Baker City Man on the
Governorship Issue.
While, in Baker City on Wednes
day. W. J. Furnish said to the Her
ald: "Eastern Oregon will go Into the
next republican state convention pro
pared to demand nt the hands of the
party a certain recognition. That re
cognition will come not as a result
of trades, cliques or combines but
as a result of rightful title to repre
sentation In the state government
Bunchgrass republicans which gen
eric title Includes that big half of the
people living east of the Cascades- -are
numerically and politically 'strong
enough to exercise a ruling Inttueiu-e
In the affairs of Oregon. Our diver
sifted Interests, which In man Im
portant Instances differ materially
from the Interests of our webfoot
brethren. Imperatively demand re
cognition. And this recognition will
be granted, as 1 said beofre. because
we Inlanders will not divide against
ourselves, but will enter the Poitland
convention next April with solid dele
gations and with stout hearts
'Piriminll v 1 tinllt-.v-.t m. . ah.H
short order ujncv for t; governorship is mvept
nit- Ol l-liu, ,il,l ... Mi,, mnlnrllv it lint ...w,.l.i ,t
eastern Oregan.
1 have many warm friends in tin
ker City nnd county, and It Is afford
lug me considerable pleasure to meet
"Polltlcnl conditions down tho lino
seem favoroblo. Things look good nil
over the stnto, both in eastern and
western Oregon."
Reliable Goods Only.
Another Startling Dress Goods Sale.
Black Wool Novelties away below their regular
value, not too many dress goods in the country
but little lots lodge m wrong places.
75c values in Hlack Fancy Mohair, now
38c yd.
50c values in Hlack Kancy Mohair, now
25c yard.
A Commanding Silk Sale.
The new looa wash silks are here, the
Kai-Kai sorts, in cross, cord effects and
stripes, on sale (or the next few days at
a waist patten
p Pphi pi Wnrphn w
j bU J uO 11 1 u UU0V3
! i'romni
Scheme by Harrimau Lines to Bring
Settlers into Pacific Northwest.
A novel nlnii for Kcttllnn tin hindx
few days he will have fully recovered, i tn Oregon, Washington. Idaho. Call
J. O. Coffey is in Milton this week. ' rornln and other western states tn
F. Maestrettl and son. Paul, were binary to the Hues of the Hariinian
in Pendleton yesterday. is.vndicate is being worked out bv the
John S. Jackson, of Chestnut. 111.. mlflreiK of these nillronils. nK the
I visited with friends In this city this
week. He is favorably impressed
I with this section nnd (ins determined
to locate here.
1 Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Morrison, Mrs.
I B. A. Marquis and Mrs. J. C. Smith
visited at Pendleton yesterday.
! Y. H. Sayer wns a Pendleton visit
, or yesterday.
W. L. Davis, the shoemaker, moved
to Athena this morning to locate in
I business.
1 Charles G. RIchter,
in the city today.
What It Is.
psnr y ftl OTPS
- - o
J. Clarke & Co
211 Court Street.
Advertising is the life blood of the
business world today, and well direct
ed advertising is like the powerful
searchlight of a river steamer, thrown
upon a distant cottage on the bank,
cutting it out like a picture painted on
a black canvas. The timid buyer and
the. prospective industry will follow
the rays of the searchlight of public
ity, just as surely as will the eyes of
the steamer's passengers follow the
light thrown from their vessel. They
will not search the surrounding gloom
for objects of interest when a beauti
ful picture is clearly shown before
them. Prospective buyefs will not
search the surrounding gloom for
your competitors if the searchlight of
publicity is turned on your own place
of business. Canastota (N. Y.) Bee.
Record-Herald or Chli-ngo Tin oill
cials of the system June determined
to carry on a progressive campaign
of coineptltlon against the Hill Mor
gau lines, not only in going nftci nu
ilk. but in eoloiil.lng lands for the
companies, puiticulurly in Oregon.
Washington and Idaho. It Is Intend
ed lo start the campaign by Indurlni'
I:..:. . 10 take land ..1 -u .
lines of the ronils of the combination
I in the stales nnmud.
of Pendleton, Is a new method lb to by used iu lit-
I lluonclni; thif, setloment. The IIhitI
To make good bread non llvurs' IUt Hour Itt.mk tlrt
premium at thn OhtenKo V.rM'd Kr oor nil commit i
tion, ami given eicdlont atiitlsotiou wherever limit.
Kvory sack In guaranteed. We havn thn lnt Htcaiu
HoUtvl Ihwley, ."ihhI live llcnnllco mrlfy.
W. S. HYKHS, Proprietor.
It is given out on good authority, man syndicate, through Urn ollicers ol
that E. E. Smith will in the course , the dilTeient roads, has engaged .-!
of a couple of months open up a large i corps ot lecturers who will travel
and other building
material Iiu'Indln
If You Want to
Buy or Sell
general merchandise stock
Maestrettl store building.
In tho
Artisans Take Notice.
All members of Alpha Assembly No.
9, United Artisans, are requested to
be present this evening at their usual
meeting place, as there is business f
importance to attend to. By order of
Henry Thompson, master artisan; L.
F. Iampkln, secretary.
Hook & Ladder Co. Postponed Dane.
Rescue Hook and Ladder Company
No. 1, which had advertised to give a
grand ball on Friday evening, Febru
ary 14 St. Valentine's day, have post
poned the event until Saturday even
ing, February 15, the day following.
It will be given in Armory Hall.
Uncle Aldi, who wants the demo
crayc to present "an unbroken front
to the enemy, has evidently been
reading the back pages of the maga
zines and got "unbroken" mixed up
with "straight front."
Echo Citizens, Arrested
Barb Wire Stealing.
Constable J. M. Uentley returned
yesterday evening from Echo with
John Creighton and William Bene
dict, whom he had arrested on the
charge of stealing barb wire. Mrs.
Mary M. Crane accuses the prisoners
with taking wire off her land that
had been left there by the railroad
company when they removed their
track and says the company gave the
wire to her. The accused were
brought before Judge Fitz Gerald at
noon today and owing to the rush of
business on the hands of the district
attorney, he moved that they be dis
missed on their own recognizance un
til such a time as he would be able to
pro. cute the case. This was done.
Mr. Creighton and Mr, Benedict are
well-known citizens of the Echo coun
try and their arrest is somewhat of a
surprise to their friends. Tho wire
alleged to have been taken Is valued
at $40.
and Sand.
over the tast and central went giving
I lectures on the subject of settlement
j iu the west and noithwosl. Thosd
lecturers will lllustrnto tholr talk
' with stereoptlcons and moving pic
J tures. The photographs will show
I tho land offered for sale and the de
velopment of the country. Thoy will
show the products, the milroadx,
water facilities nnd everything else
that will tend to induce moves from,
the older rogions of the country to 1 Wo have a lare otook of
the promised land. ; WOOD OUTTKHH
In addition to tho lect nes the c-n , for hitrna and dvtulllnnt.
tire United States and l'Jufow aio to
be flooded with tons of literature '
bearing on the advantages of tho
great Noithweat. The syndicate will,
Paris, llauib
points from
usually low rates during tne proper
seasons fur prospective settlors to
visit tho points along tho lines."
jithweat. The syndicate will, .
i general agencies In London f I ,, m L - . 1..J
s-arssifiUfeKon Lumber Yard
plans will be fort I lied by un 1 O
Altn St., opp. Court House.
We have made un waortment of odds aud
Paper -which we will sell nt a Big Reduction to i lose out.
are two assortments
Oc and 25c afeox.
The 10 cent lot contains Pf JJ"1 W and 1
the 25 cent lot worth from 50 to 75 cents. v uu
Steps fcim Hfn Sheet Towarf the Coort Ho
Accused of Horse Stealing by Pearl
B. Smith.
John Tharp was arraigned yester
day before Judge Fttz Gorald on the
charge of the larceny of a mare. Pearl
B. Smith is the complaining witness
nnH lie rhnrires Tharii with taking the
mare and selling her. His trial is set
for Saturday and he was placed under
a ?G00 cash bond to insure uis appear
ance at that time.
To Build Stock Yards In Portland
Has 100 Acres.
Portland, Feb. 13. The Harrimau
company have decided to build exten
sive stock yards on the peninsula ho
tween the Columbia and Willamette
rivers, about four miles from this
city. One hundred acres of land was
bonded and the Oregon Railroad &
Navigation Compauy has a spur al
most complete to the site of the
yards. Both the Oregon Railroad &
Navigation Company and the South
ern Pacific will use these yardB and it
is Btated that the packing houses of
Chicago will establish an extensive
plant here. The establishment of
stock yards and packing houses wil
make this city the market for several
hundred thousand head of live stock
In the Northwest which Is now ship
ped to Eastern points.
LaFontaine & Garrison
Hopes to Convince Roosevelt He's All
Phoenix. Ariz., Feb. 13. -Hen Dan
iels, roeently appointed Uiilted
States marshal for Arizona, arrlvod
hero this morning. He refuses to
discuss the alleged Wyomiug prison
record, but says ho has written Pros 1
Ident itoosovelt explaining everything, j
He Is sanguine of the outcome.
Old Dutch Henry
Feed Yard.
Cavalry Horses tor Sale.
In aid of Good Roads. !
Raleigh, N. C, Fob. 13. One of tho i
most notable good roads conventions
over held in this part of the country
began in Raleigh toduy and will con
tinue through tomorrow Delegates
ronreseutiuK the agricultural, com-
corcial and other organizations In all i
parts of North Carolina are lu attend- 'fllVP lls A CAll
anco and tho discussions promiso to,UlVLr UO n VrkL,i-..
Kivo a decided Impetus to the good !
roads movement throughout tho state. I
The Southern Railway dood Roads i
train is here during the continuance
of the gathering and will glvo practi
cal demonstrations of the best ninth-1
oils of scientific road making. I
Rice and Callihan to Meet. :
St. Louis, Feb. 13. Tho twenty, j
round bout between Tim Callihan. or j
New York, and Austin Rice, of Now
London, Conn., which is slated for,
tho arena of the West End Athletic
club tonight, has aroused keen In
terest In sporting circles. Judging
from past performances the two light
ers are evenly matched and as both
are anKresslvo fighters a hard con
test Is expected to be the outcome.
Tho men have been In training for
some time and both appear to he lu
splendid condition.
for Gentlemen
vvlio (.i,.-. uh
The Louvre Saloon
Put An add In the
classified columns of
the East Oregonlan,
as there Is no other
tncAna of securliiu so
yre.it an audience to
your it e d s as
throtiuh the colums
of this paper,
Everybody hereabouts
reads it. Don't you?
Notary and
$3.50 to $5 Delivered
Ordttr of u tod ve tnctmy,
Oidr for RubUr Huaipt
. isssssssssssssssssssssssssssW
Tkaoc Mahas
CortmaMTS Ac.
ltlf utwuin our CItaUia tlmt mtiu tf
r..,..i.ii.i ItttuiOilmulUL I luuitiottk oa l'!iU
Jail l..uc lit tilt3 11 It.
: t r - - .... & ft.
Scientific AmericM.
l-ArjiMt hp
ion w
,uw ' L
n 36iBfi.H5W Tor
.i-ih.ii tli .fir Mlvrit fl lourtiAJ jura vm m
mr nionini bl -