East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 13, 1902, Image 2

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Men's and Boys' Clothing,
Gents Furnishing Goods f
Hats, Gaps and Shoes.
729 Alain Street:
Pendleton Man Visits the Canadian
Capital and Writes Interestingly.
Victoria, B. C. Fob. 8.
"Time writes no wrinkle on thine
azure brow
Such as creation's dawn beheld
thou rollcst now.
Thy HhorcB are mplrps chnnged In
all save thee,
Assyria, Greece, Rome, Carthage.
where are they?"
I always like, says a- writer of
books, to put ft good quotation in the
preface,' and thonrif there Is nothing
of any real value in the book Itself,
the rcador's'time is not wholly wast
ed. He lias the quotation in the pre
face. Although half the writer's life
has been snent within half a day's
t journey of the Atlantic breakers, and
the dtlier half about the same dis
tance from the Pacific, his first
glimpse of old Ocean was gained last
, Thursday through the Straits of Juan
! dc Fuca. To a landsman whose life
I of vision is bounded year in and year
; out by the same line of hills and
strings of barbed wire fences, there
Walla Walls to Have a Structure for ' Is nothing particularly enjoyable
i onunuic iui ln tnose yagt water stretches and
That Use. timbered islands, whether viewed
Walla Walla. Fob. 1.1. A gang of from the fleck of a Sound steamer
workmen are engaged in removing a under 'the frowning guns of Uncle
number of old buildings adjoining the Sam or John Bull or from the- top of
a pleasant place to rest, surely, and
nearly every climo under tho sun Is
represented here. vbdcuuybi
derives considerable filthy lucre from
tourist travel. The visitors book at
the museum the day of the writers
visit there boro signatures from
from England, Scotland, the eastern
part of the province nnd several of,
the states of the Union. Victoria
though not particularly noted for
rrasplng new ideas, quickly thinks
tills business might be worked a lit
tle and has just formed a tourist as
sociation which nfter, a partial can
vass of the city reported a fund p
Fifty-three million dollars of new
insurance policies in the ilrst six
weeks of the year is the astounding have
postoflice to make room for the con
struction of the new fraternity build
ing which will be erected as soon as
the weather opens. The old buildings i
long been landmarks, having !
been in use for nearly a half century.
In an early dajthey were in the very
center of the town, and in them were
located prominent business firms.
They were built, of cheap lumber, one riw, iii.r fnTO nt ..nc,,,,,
story high, and were never very elab-, ..p.ltien is viup. ,in,,'r i,,.,-.-v thn
waiter." The history of Victoria, like
orate, although a great volume of bus
iness was conducted until more re
cent years forced the business into
brick blocks and to more central
quarters near the river. For many
years Chinese have occupied the
shacks as residences.
alsh-wnter record announced by one
af the foremost life insurance com
panies. Columbia stands ready to duplicate
ary concessions Nicaragua is willing
to make. There need be no question
ilwut the title of the Panama water
Tray. The United States can have it
-nrith a guaranteed title.
The new navy has cost the United
.States 899.81)3,1)28 for construction
.v:d $9,343.2;?;? for repairs on complet
i vessels. These figures were sup
plied in a .statement forwarded to the
sfenate by the secretary of the navy.
Dr. Mueller, ex-consul of the Orange
Tie Stnte to Holland, and now on his '
way to New York, is taking dispatches '
irom the Boer delegates ' in Europe
!Ior President Roosevelt, and Ur. 1
aiueller will remain in the United
Slates as an official Boer agent.
The wide stretch of desert in West-
bjh and Central Nevada has been
. J. 1... - ... l i . 1 . . a. n tA,t. 1.1 tl 1 1 f- f 1 w . r..M.mr ...1 . . . . I '
mn iy a wiim suinu iiuii ui nines " "hh;d iu uuimnoiu ohhk jllt, gtands
nas nnnroacnuu ine nronornons oi a luiiunuu iu pi m u.i-uimiu cun-
a Vancouver Island hill.
one of tlie first things, which
greets the eye of the traveler at the
Victoria wharf, is a prominently dis
played advertisement of John Dewar's
whiskey, and one of his first impres
sions, is that it is a decidedly leisure
ly town, so much so that a legend on
Tommy Atkins is represented here
by redcoats and bluejackets from the
garrison at Esqulmault, three miles
a Way, .and a visit will repay the cur
ious. All-the grim paraphernalia of
was are there, except the actnal bat
tlotield, torpedo boats, torpedo boat
destroyers, made to skim through the
water at the rate of forty miles an
hour, guns, old nnd discarded, to
be used, explained the guide only in
case the newer, ones are all disabled;
guns new just from the arsenal, piles
of various kinds of projectiles, boats
and men at work laying mines ln the
harbor by which any ship entering
with hostile intent can be blown sky
ward, the drydock in which the dis
abled ship is placed for repairs and
the new one built. There are no bat
tleships here at present, except the
torpedo boats and destroyers, the j
ships of this station being absent on
a cearcb for the Condor, one of their ,
number which left .this port some
time ago for Honolulu and is supposed j
to have foundered at sea, as nothing i
has been heard of her since leaving I
here. . C. E. M'CLELLAN.
that of-the civilii'.atidn of ancient
ftgypt stretches back somewhat into
antiquity. Some time after the char
ter was. granted to -the Hudson Bay
Wo offur One llumi'crt Dollars Kcwawl for
any case of enturrh tbut cnunot be cured by
Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. cnfiNEY A CO., I'rops., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known K. J. Che
uoy for the last'llftecn years, and. believe him
perfectly honorable in all biiBlness transactions
and financially able to carry out any obliga
tions mndo by their firm.
Wkstws Tkta i
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio.
.WATniNcT.'KiNNAN Jtf Marvin,
Wholesale IlruciiistK. Toledo. Ohio.
IlaH'&'Catarrh Cure is taken internally, act-
Coinnanv 1V tho Al.m- iMminmh n.i iiiB:"recuy on t ie blood and mucous surfaces
Hall's ramilv I'illf. are the liet.
Walla Walla County Stockmen Have
No Swine Plague.
Walla Walla, Fell. 13. While the
swine plague is ragiiig in Umatilla
itlCll, -U'if rif ,! tvctPTn. Prii.tt. T.ln itnp-tifiMl.i SJrtl.i lit.
post was established here, and grad n druggists. ToHUiMoniiilfreq.
i tiauy tne. town was limit around it.
I At present it claims a population of
! ovec twenty. -thousand, -of Which six
Imrricnne. At several points on the dition generally. Stockmen are at 'M james Douglas one o t e VivW .
,ru,,.l TJ.., I,i,i, TJ., ,,,,,1 OSK tn nnilorstniid this iw.milini- nnn. 1 ,U,"eb ul lM',s. One 01 tlie eaiij gO-
thousand are Chinese who have their I--
own quarter of the town over which ; Indian Commissioner Says He'll Look
the dragon flag is living. Victoria is ! , t n
the capital of British Columbia and m, ,nto Man,e QueEtl0"-
the parliament building, an imposing! Tho attention of Representative
other horses are rauidly
tlie disease throughout
Milinil' 11 i C nlrrn r I I f ilntmrnln. ,
. . ,,,. ., , .. airuciure 01 sione orecrci nt n prist ' "o " --
uons in nana wana county, so tur i r ,., , llnBrB lo , the Indian nouies on the Umatilla
. ib lepgrwu. nuuureus oi uregon nogs,.,,,, ,lInnfiS ,vn,.fll .- servation are ciuite generallv
nave uieu irom tne uisease. wane nut i - .,. ... . "., . :. . .i w)Hi mm, n,,,i i. iw,i
Uilie llliei-LlV 111 11(1111 Of t P 11111 1 (I- l ....lrv., uuu lllV-Jl UilOUl,
n Mt-ntii. ,!,. t,,,i i. ft, llOU Willi
I citizens of British Columbia to Sir ' "Preading
'Ountral Paei.ic. between Reno and loss to understand this lieculiar con
iEffto. the wind at times blew at tit dition. and some doubt the existence
ot tne real plague in tho Oregon conn"
Tte of So miles an hour though there
no serious damage to property.
Thirty-two Japanese laborers, im
jwrted from Wyoming to California' Walla Walla Chinamen Celebrate,
bj the Victor Fuel Company, to work , Walla Walla, Feb. 13. About 500
in the Chanlor coal mine, at Coal ' Chinamen residing at and near this
Creey, arrived there. All the city have been colebrating the new
TTtiite miners employed went on ; year with a most noisy ceromonv for
1 eruors of tlie province Whose fame
seems to be. still green in the memory
of his subjects.
At the provincial museum in par
liament block a few hours can be
very pleasantly spent. Just inside
the door is a small round table con
structed out of nearly three thousand
pieces of wood, and beside it is a
strike as a protest against the action several days. The Celestials' houses' niece of the stern hoard nr tho dhi ' tul:e stIls to 01'"lieate the disease by
aa? thfi winmtmv nml thn- ftnv lliov r,,. !1 lfrvl.4...l .. ,,trv.t rl.. l . . . ... . ' i Hllnb mnMinlo
eastern Oregon. State Veterinarian
McLean says he is without authority J
to stamp out this disease among the
Indian ponies, but suggests that the
general uovernment kill off the ani-,
nials afflicted and issue either sound i
horses or cattle in their stead. At
the request of Mr. Moody the Indian
Commissioner today ordered an inves-1
ligation into the true condition, and j
it it is found as recommended he will '
f the company, and they Say they
will keep the Japanese out of the
"mps if possible.
The Baker City Chamber of Coin
swrce is taking steps to induce set
ters to locate on the lands in the
wder River valley.
Mr. Roosevelt sent a special agent
Ik Idaho to investigate. Tlfe report of
rJiis Inspector was received today,
iisd is said to be entirely favorable to
JParrault as surveyor-general.
The report of the army and navy
tttanl clearly establishes the fact that
Tanconver Barracks Is to bo the one
tjreat army post of the Pacific North--st,
and puts an end to the rumors
aiat this post is to be abandoned as
ieadquarters of the department of the
At Tlie Dalles, Frank Blanchard
cas arrested by Marshal Wood, for
attempting to pass a bogus check for
5150 in favor of Charles E. Went
vorth, of Portland, at a local hotel.
BMnchard is the man who was ar
rested and held in London," England,
isst summer, on suspicion that he had
sobbed tho Western Lumber Company
-of Portland.
Higgins & Elliott, of Victoria, B. C,
lire-1 Beaver brought to the Columbia rh:. 8;1 molhods as will afford complete
lake i (r hy the Hudson Bay Company in vcllPl-
are all lighted at night and
craeuuis are ireeiy useu to mane i f.r by the Hudson Bav Comnany
peace witn tne ueiestiai deity. Ajoss'iaas and winch is now a wreck off
uuuae nas ueen esiaousneu near tne , Buzzard Inlet, ln tlie hiineral mu
city where tlie Chinamen gather in Seum the mineral output of British
large numbers to pray and hold spec- Columbia is shown by a pyramid of
ml sorvice. . (.UUes representing the gold output
i of the province since 1898, in which
Walla Walla Notes. j year it amounted to 5300,000, gradual-
Walla Walla. Fell. 13. Tlie local , increasing until in 1000 it was near-
mail carriers have elected .Tohn An- 5a.ouo.O00. The province does not
Tako ' nxativo Dromo Quinine Tablets. A 1
druKamih refund the money if it falls to cure,
h. . Grove' signature is on each box Mo.
There are seventeen comunlties of
Shakei s in the United States.
derson as delegate to the state meet
ing at Tacoma, February' 22. Mr. An
derson has long been in charge of tlie
Main street district in the carrier ser
vice in this city.
While driving to town yesterday,
put forth muchclalm to being an ag
ricultural country, but pins its faith
to its mineral, timber and fisheries as
sources or wealth, but here in this
museum is a collection of native i
grains, grasses and fruits which for
John Rondema, a, farmer, passed over ! variety and excellence will be bard
the railway a few miles from the city
jpst as a train was passing. The en
gine struck bis buggy and demolish
ed it, while Mr. Rondema and his team
escaed with a few bruises.
Lincoln's birthday was observed to
some extent yesterday all over the
city. In some of the rooms in the
city schools commemorative exer
cises were hold. All tho county and
to excel in any country. Of course,
Victoria is not seen at its best at this
time of year. The old inhabitant dis
coursing on the subject, says, "you
should be here in the summer'," and
it is easy to believe, from the wealth
of shrubbery, plants, moss-covered
rocks and trees, summer will work an
almost miraculous change here.
There is nothing very imnresslvo
city offices closed as well as the land about the town, some of it beinc old.
office and the several banks. j dirty and tumble-down looking, but its
j inhabitants seem to be able to ex-
Finds Advertisino Pavsl i tract as Im,ch enjoyment out of life
Pendeton Orecon Fobruarv n ?,S 8R," numl,u1' 011 l'ait of
tLncieion uicgon, i onruarj u. God's footstoo . Kinlinir's fnmnnR n,..
(To the Editor.) In reply to your in-
God's footstool. Kipling's famous ar
raignment of tlie "ilannolled fools at
uirrisiers. eniereu an action against j i uu hui auini vuw mure , wicket and the mn,l,llod mfa oV
the White Pass & Yukon Railway for regulerly for my contract with you f he eonwm i!:n ?
damages and the return of freight and for space in the East Oregonlan, 1 1 Jj seonib to ,lml 8(:ailt sy'la-
$assenger rates paid by their clients, beg to say it takes all of my time an-1 '
xs the tariff of the company had not sworlng letters from people who 1 . .
Vaen annroved bv the Dominion Gov- have seen in the East Oregonlan my I . inere ore 1X lootball games in
ifrnment. ns rnoiiiroil bv thn raihvav real estate announcements, as tbov , l.own 011 Saturday,
act. and further because the tariffs . now appear. The East Oregonian an-, V,e l,0l".lao" did not exactly ad
impire Meat
Schwarz & Qreulich,
Phoiie, Muin 18. 007 Main Street.
n ....... I . . . . . . .
which although ! V0"01, l.Xb LJ,,.l,l'.rono'' WaMilniiton, D. d..
not exact! v nd ' .A. vl-
vere unjust and extortionate. pearts to be as ubiquitous as "Ivory
A disastrous snow-slide occurred ' ?oan" or '"Castoria," Inquiries com-
W TiiPUilnv nt Romvl Arm rw.nr I i"S fl'Om all points Of tllO COmpaSS
Ketchikan, Alaska, in which' three i J" rl,ly to mX ndvertising in the East
fives were lost. Chris Jenson, Thorn- uregonian. ii a man noes not want a
as McDermott, James Lodge and , J0",1"""? oft,or for, ,i1b ireal ?tat ho
yrank Arvill. miners, wore on their i bo,ttor 1eP t S?' TEast
ay to Kotchlknn, and when in tho Oregoiilnn. N. BERKELEY,
rfcinitv of Scowl Arm an immense Reitl Estate and Mortgage Loans,
mass of snow and ice broke loose
Irom the mountain nnd came crushing
After a family quarrel of long dura-1
uon, Mrs. Asa Cates. who resides in
the fpothills near McMinnville, resolv
d to end her earthly troubles by com
mitting suicide. To that end she plac
ad a small amount of strychnine in
a piece of chewing gum. After chew-
It has been learned that T. W. Law
son's yacht Indopondonco, which, it
was stated, had been ordered broken
up and sold for Junk, is bo broken up
that she can bo put together nt a mo
ment's notice. Its parts are said to
have been carefully stowed away.
Every frame, ovory plank, in fact,
every part is numbered and tho store
house is watched night and dny. Mr,
r . .. ii , ... . iiuiiou id ,T tubulin jiihlll- mill UUJ. .111.
Ing this for some time she became , i awaonB nian8 for thB noftt nrfl lin.
ery nauseous, accompanied with vlo- B ,,lanB f0r tU UOftt ftre un
tent fits of insanity. The hnsnnd, in ' Known
alarm, called in the nelghbora. and llomomber tlmt advertising will ac
joiit a messenger to McMinnville for com,Bh wonders, but it won't create
f. dw l01' )Vl0' ator lmn1 work' 8av,,(1 a continuous demand for a poor arti
Uio lite of the woman. cle. Salt Lake Tribune.
donee nrosented tn tlin iinrinraion...i n v.-
i i ' . . ---r . . . ..." ' 1 j. uug
ii i. V . uPPeur lnftl "'o rirst .National
nui ui ruiiuiuiuu, in mo city oi I'ennleton
in tho county of Umatilla and state of OreKou!
journed business en masse to attend
seemed to be fairly wel laptronized.
Tbore aro a numbor of good hotels
at which the visitor can live com
fortably at moderate cost, and if the
numbor and size of the church build
ings are anything to judge by, the
community must bo a religious one.
Tlie Georgian arm of Victoria har
bor running along whose well wooded
shores are many nlcnicv looklm?
nopKs, turnlshes good boating, nnd ' ' buslnesson Jnnunrr 10, vm
many gravelled roads pleasant driv
ing, ueacon Hill Park is one of the
spots near town worth a visit. The
park Is nothing to speak of, but the
view or tho Olympic range across the
Straits is a superb one. A statue to
Robert Burns, surmounted by figures
of the poet and his Highland Mary,
with the inscription:
"The golden hours ou angola' wings
Flew o'er mo and my dearie,"
stands here. A short distance away
and sloping gently backward from
tho beach is tho cemetery, in which
ihe forefathers of the hamlet sleep,
has compiled with all of the nrnvlilnnu t
"Act of Conereesto enable National it,.ui
Associations to extend their corporate exls-!
JontHMHid for other purposes," approved July
kowr,' therefore. I( willlam b, Kidgely, Comn- I
trailer of tho Currency, do hereby certify that '
The First National Hank ot Penille on," in i
he Citrot Pendleton, ln the county of 6ma. '
tllla anil state of Oregon, Is authorized to have i
succession for the period specified ln its amon. I
Sf'tt L"1,?!.'0' "! "iy. until SSn I
In tost I into nv wliornnf. urltnnec ..... v....i
Seal oi office this Isieenth day V.f January, ,
W2. WM. n. RIUOELY, '
Comptroller of the Currency.
Sold for Cash
The Prices Range From
Sold in Pendleton and Umatilla County by
James B. Welch,
East Oregonian Building, Webb Street.
Come in and See the Wheels.
For Health, Strength and
Pleasure Drink
Polydore Moens, Proprietor. )
tv Dnnuriw on