East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 12, 1902, Image 8

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A Tight
or store. The want ad will supply
your want. If 7011 have a hone ea
tray, or If you hare loat a home, or
found a horse or other animal, you
can not let ao many people know of
It In any other way as through these
eotonoi and at an expense that Is not
worth fonslderlng. Try an ad. It will
sometime? effects the foot,
pthcfl time the pocket
book, ami (mjuently hoin. '
Our bargain table will
help the pocket book ami
give you shoes that will
Ladle' SJlihO, JMO
Ladie' $.4.Sliot-. $l.6f
Ladi' 11.40 Shoes. M
Men Hlioei. kI' Cheap iu Unod.
Wilson & Co.
Successor to Cleaver Hros.
Pimm , llla.-k Ml.
An Interesting Page In the Dally East
The East Oregonlau eollclts classl
fled ada. little ads stating the wants
of the people. The expense of these
ads Is small, from IP cents up
Through them much Information can
be conveyed You can tell your neigh
bor v. hat you have to trade for some
thing for which you have a need, but
jrou cannot tell from 1000 to 8000 peo
pie tUa fact Thate ads will do that
for you. With the aid of them you
can get value for your surplus things
you can supply your wants, aell arti
cle that you can not aell In any other
way. and all for a small sum of
money, from 15 cents for one lnaer
tlon to tl for 10 or more.
You may want to hire a man or
woman A want ad will hit the spot
You may want employment. Try
an ad for 15 cents to 60 cants.
You mnv want to buy something
Try a want ad
You m.v wish to aell something
A "For Sale" ad will All the bill
You may want to trade a wheelbar
row (or a grindstone. The wheelbar
row you huve no need for. the grind
stone the other fellow has uo need
for. The little ad expressing your
wishes wli: do the business at a small
expense Why not try Itf
Have you a bouae to rent? A room
to rent? Do you want to rent a houae
or a room A want ad will be effec
tive. The coat la little the reault eat
lefaotory. Try on.
There la no more effective way of
advertlalng. and the price la within
the reach of all
Look over the "classified ad" col
umns and use them when yon want
to rell or buy something; when you
want to make a trad; whan yon
want to give employment; whn you
wnt employment when you want to
lead or borrow money, when you
want to let or rent a houae or room
From one cent to
live dollars.
1) N Mrintyre, of Athena, was In
tOWB yesterday.
DomM ROM Is down from his sheep
cninp ut Vinson.
William Mills was In Pendleton
yo!tenla from Juniper.
W A Watte and W. P, Muller were
In town Tuesday from Adams.
ill.xK Maj Swltzler left last evening
for hi"" hon,p t Wnlla Wnlla
I" s nn finmn Is confined at his
h..m. with an au of 1 Krlppe.
C. E Smith, the general morehan
diner o' Atliena. wan In town Tries
H OMMMM, who has been un
able to work on account of a cold. 1
Civile OVOM Ml this morning tor
Portland. where he goes to take les
s,ms 11. Indian club swinging.
The county clerk Issued a marrlac
H mi vajajti rday to Mtt Dupr) and
lla Eusterttrooks. botli Of t'ntatllla
L L, Moatagm tU lw Mturda
for Arlington. WhOti he will retnali.
for twi month!: or more looking after
his sheep, which range In that vicin
ity. Un a I Parker returned this
morning n jraj of Portland, to her
bOBM III Alb.iny. after spending a few
Utyi rial tint Mrs John A. Collier. In
this city
J Mulltnix an old Union war vet
:.u. inssed through over the O. K
& N last evening on his way from
the Oread Rood country whore he
bad been buying cattle, to his home In
Walla Walla
August Arp war down from Adams
Tuesday. Hi reports Adams- people
ore enjoying reasonable pood times,
and that there an no fears that whe.it
was Injured by the late cold weather
In that vicinity.
Oeorgi- I Peeblei experts to make
a trip to hla ranch. 11 miles northeast
of here, this evening He Is anxious
about the result of tin CO Id of a (O.
wakl ago on his grain and Is going
nut to make a thorough Investigation
to ascertain whether or not it la in
jured. W H Ni"'i.i. 0 S'nni.i' : Haher
county, bus purchased o; Mrs l.llllan
(;ib'l)s a house and a half acre tract
Of laud. IkfOMffh I T Wad tin real
state agent ami will with his family
make his home in Pendleton. Mr N-Ix-rgall
Is an uncle of Charles Neber
Kail, wlio had tin misfortune of los
In ln eyesight by the bursting of a
loda water bottle at the Hotel Pendle
ton several years ago
Took in Several Applications for
Membe rship.
r dUtW Camp Woodmen of th
Wc Id held a most enthusiast;
sion last night The hall was crowd
eil with neighbors, who viewed with
the evolutlona of the new de
gree team under conimaud of Captaii.
A. O. Garden New uniforms for pub
lic fancy military drill were ordered,
and thi team anticittes being In
trim to enter Into active competition
with the crack Portland. Seattle and
Tuconia teams, which will be in Pen
dletoii at tin log-rolling Ten applies
tions were passed on in a burat or en
thuslasm the neighbors pledging H
in w apulicatlons for next Tuesday
1 he Capitol Dome.
Tin dome ot tin capltol at Wash
U the only considerable on' of
llta .1 Um world It is a vast hollow
spbei. weighlUK h.O(M.:iOO pounds
mure than MM tons,, or almost the
weight of "o.uoo full grown persons
o rabout equal to about 1000 loaded
coal cars of four tons each, which, it
strung out one behind the other,
would occupy a mile and a half ot
track On the very top of the dome
tin allegorical figure "America ."
weighing 13: pounds, lifts its
n tow id head high in the ir The
preuiiure of this dome and figure upon
'In piers and pillars Is 14.477 pounds
0 the spuaic foot It would, how
ever, require a pressure of FM.MI
pounds to tin- square foot to crnah the
supports of the dome The coat q
Mns immense dome was little short ni
11.000,0 0.
Story That He Was Strung Up Proves
to Be Figment of Imagination Hint
of a Plan That Was Formed
Tlni Townseml was not lynched last
night as he was botag conveyed to
Oram count). U) answer the obarfi of
horsi-stenllnR in the Monument re
gton. The report was circulatcil here
this morning that, as Tnwnsend was
going syuth In the custody of Consta
ble Hiiiisnekei m .Monument In WOJ
met In the mountains near l'kinli bj
a compnnv Of ueople living there and
hanged to one of the tall pines that
grow on thosi bills. The East Or
gonian made inquiry and found no
basis for the story. Tnwnsend left
Pklah ytrdS) iii safe care of the
rtnnstabli and DO one In Camas Prn
lr'" Us heard or the reported hiftf
lug excopttai as the Inqulrj went to
thai ItatlOt over tin telephone from
thi Baai OfOfOBlatl office.
Dunne th prosecution of the in
- lv this paper, several state
men I r 1 1 that cause It to be
no impossible theory that a plnr. Jta
iaiiv. d for Townsottd's lynching
Pot InaUUlO 00 mail asserted post
and with no doubt apparent
truth that Townsend would steal no
more horses." the man lielnir firmly
.1 that Townsend was guilty
of the charge now lodged against him
taothi I said that Townsend neve
would reach Monument but. when
questioned as to why he thought so
he replied;
0 ..11 people out tttOfO are tired of
losing louses KB)d they nun do sonic
thine "
"What Is thi something tln may
Sei her . voting man what makes
you question me so closely?"
"I am merely securing confirmation
Ot u-nla! of the story of Tim Town
land's lynching, toe the newspapers.'
Je ru sa lam I'm mum from thil on
and say, som, and have a cigar with
me "
New s helnc more Important than
1 tee tobacco the news man followed
the troll Of the untrue story that had
.nisei! so great sensation here in Pen"
die ton and learned thot anrl) this
morning, before audi reports othei
I . -. would have circulated generally
In the community It was being ills
Hi..... 1! n numbers ot people who
might have heard it so soon because
IOOMOM xpCtd the lynching to
take pin., and therefore knew or
though) they kin w of It at that early
horn today.
Office's Had Word.
It was learned that the officer
here received "tips' that Constable
Hnnotickor would better not attempt
to take ins uutu through tie 1 cur,
be must tr vers. If he wepi romp
from Pendleton via Cklah and that
portion of Orant county rtglnOh)g
just heyoinl Dol RaaMCtCM how
ret thought he did not can to go
around by Mo- u of Heppnei and
plunged dlrectlv into tiie MM of dan
ge: rem 01 presumed arriving In Pi
lot Hock From there so goer the n
pnr message-, flew py telephoni to
tin interim reaching men who had
taken vows upon stacks of Ilibles that
they would try and convict Townsend
101 OrdlaYf to tin code of Judge Lynch
The atory furthermore related that
tin- men ot (irant county gathered
armed. stopMd Hunsucker took
ToamOWki from him. encircled his
ue 1 with a rope ami swiiiik him off
into the air.
That there were whiapeniiKs 01
lynching is true It was talked last
rental with significant shakes of tin
head ami many In Pendleton expect
ed that this morning continuation 01
tile report would conn over the wire
New Walls Walla Hospital Grows
lg Favor ar?d ! a Public Benefac
tor. .1 W MulUBtS. secretary Ol l"1'
New Wnlla Walla Hospital corpora
lion and In charge of all the practical
affalri Ol the Institution, was In town
0Y1 Blghl ami returned home this
morning. H was at th QoldM Hu'c
hotel Mr. Mulllnlx stated to the Kaet
OronlB that ho Is pleased with th
n ess made by the hospital, which,
lor the greater part of the time, la
m:i patients The hospital,
while being second to none In the
. of patients BOOdlBI medical at
tcntlOO), also has a surgery that Is
tin pride ni all who are connected
with thO Institution It contains every
thine needed. Indeed 'there being
I nr ly anything known to surgical
aclenc that has not lieon provided for
th iurtrj of this hospital tuooooi
111 the porfortuaoca Of delicate opera
um.- hj hjuntd lUrgOOOO, ami the per
il , 1 care glVn afterwards. Is due to
tin perfection 01 the methods employ
d In the surgery and to the complete
fUrnlOhmCBl provided by UM manage
No Shirt Has Lung Disease. There
fore Long Hair Awaits Before Do
ing to National Capital.
No Shirt, chief pf the Walla Wallas,
am! l ong Hair, it ni oinii op the re
serve, were to have gone this morn.'.'?"
on their trip to Washington, where
they propose to place their plaints
in lore the Indian commissioner. Rut.
No Shirt bad pneumonia this morn
1111. and could not make the Journey,
hem e LOBl lialr defers his departure.
Thi y w ere to have been accompanied
DJ an Interpreter.
When naked what he wanted in
Washington Long Hair seemed to be
mm li in the dark, even through the
medium of an interpreter. He Inti
mated that be desired to have some
Of tin money paid to the government
for the Indians' lands here, and yet
appeared unable clearly to express
what were bis desires. It Is not
l.nowii when No Bhlrt wli lbe able to
Pnul Sbowawny expects soo t0 R0
with a delegation from th, Flathead
agency In Montana.
1 1 1 a 1 . . . 1 .
VII n.
Km 11..1. .
w njl
Luloradr Gets Morf From it
From Silver.
Gn at ns Is the wealth 01 ihe state
0l Colorado IB sliver, she lias I far
mon reJaabh produol In tho royal
altalfn that supplies fodder
01 tin iniiumerahlt herds that roam
ihe plains and feed in the valleys
1 .as' veat the value of the alfalfa crop
was placed at 10.0flO.MO yet that
dona in" repwnsnl its contributory
In 1MI the Introductioii ol tins
grass into tin state solved tin ques
(OrngS whlcli up to that time
had puzzled tin piolieeis. who hud
not been aim to ralao nuccenofttllj
other form of loragc Alfalfa
made possible the grea' stock grow
mr ndustry of the state Last year
In aggregate number of bOTOOSi cat
tle sheep and bogs according to as
sessms returns, was 4,000,000, val
ued at h.yi u BncopUai the
rnngS si P and cattle and some
llOTMS III the cities, alllllta lormed
the greater part of the feed of all the
animals Thus dairying, a new but
rapidly developing Industry depends
on 'he ulinlia
Receiver for Busted Bank.
hetrolt. Fob 12 The Union Trust
t'ompnny todav wns appointed r0lv
the wrecked City Savings Rank
A naturalist says that every time
I farmer kills a hawk he throws fu
into the fire, for although the hawk
tin M an occasional chicken It de
stioyes a' least a thousand rats, mice
and gophert every year. Professor
ilmlgi in Clark University, estimates
minis un worth $20 each for their
as destroyers of worms.
Owl Tea
Oockerv nnrf f.u.
' ..
' 1 v 1 n . r- h
- V I I V
. . .
1 'n AG
, r v sfV V t ' nt
Tin Hainliin k Anierlcaii line now
has ninety. eight steamers.
..-aa. --jsnnaai anahal a
asasrere"s'rs" rerOsesr w
A Genuine
Dongola Kid
Lace or Button
Shoe for the Girl
Extra hav iprinf heel,
licavy Holt'B.
A iplendid wenring. nice
' - -: 1
UUlUg rllllt-.
The number of dogs In the United
States Is estimated at from 1, M0 .000
to 1,500.000.
The Pendleton Shoe Company
Havt 500 pain of MisBOn Shoes,
IhfW are selling at, per pair
1 m me 1 price 1 mm $1.90 to $1 73.
500 pftin ChUdfei)'l Shoes
at, jer pan
ormer prices Iron fo.3) to 41.7V
Qnlgn flany bargain in "ten's and Ladies Shoes
Pendleton Shoe Go.
645 Main Street,
Pendleton, Orsgon
m mifQAtor 10 oq tjTry box of the gcnuiaff
Laxative Brumo-Quinine rbn
S B. Calderhaad Arranging One so
That Expense Will Be Moderate.
July to Be Date.
S li L'aiderhead. ueral ireiKht
and asseiiKer anent of the W at c
It Kail ron Comian staled 10 the
Kast Oieftonlan yesterday that he is
arranKiiiK tor a pleasant excursion to
Yellowstone National Hark for the
first week in July with u rati that will
place the Journey withu. tin reach of
people nt imiderati meaim He wil
offer to the numerous Peudletoniann
who lor years have desired to go to
the Yellow Htolii 111 ill iii'.i. - 11! ,1
personally conducted excursion plan
ued and looked after h one who
kuows the park familiarly Tin j
cursion ticket sold hen will carry
the tourist from PndltO0 to the
park, pay hotel bills, staKe lar. .mil
return to Pendleton tin time to be
five ami one half days. The mon
strous hotels are distributed so at- to
bring one at the end of each day b
ride on the tltn old thorough btno
.slaKes. whleh are fitted Wl'i. Dbber
vation curtaliib ready to he mweied
when storms come up
There lb a theological nln4liieratlon
iii tin Yellowstone trip according to
a Spokane clergyman, who In a re
cent address said "I would not want
to go to heaven had I not Keen the
Yellowstone National Park " So that,
according to the Spokane pastor's
creed this excursion will be an es
sentlal part of everyone'! Journey in
this vale of tears and In a measure
prepare one for entrance Into Hare
Whether this combination of cleri
cal and railroad thought he part of a
' preconceived plan it mn g assured
that Baj DBS taking advantage of Mr.
alderhead's offer will not regret It
u pair.
Shot Btrings. Sho - polish
Peoples Wareboose
Wc an still i.i tlit suikllf driv uik prices dOwlJl
DEPART MENTb of this STOKE We ate
SI.ASHINCi PRICES in ordei to get in shape
lor our BIG Sl'KINO STOCK which will com
mence to arrive boon It you arc hunting Bar
gains, we hi. them for you Kenu niber, the
tamest stock in the county to select from. Come
and set lis.
In handtcirt futnsl
is oik ol lb most srrtol
surprises thai dciifbB
misttefs of bomt Mi
ml: i,t desisjrk al
are sin. vnnsj in ill
as hm Kept in id
Uptc Date, Ffxfrt Claas Furnrttfff Storf
The largest stock from which to select and all. at pcieooj
dot) competition rndertaking parlors in conncv..--
Mam and Weld) Streets
Victory at Last.
The Latest Scientific Discovery
Cures all forms of Scalp
Diseases, such as Dan
druff, baldness & .. and
will stop the Hair from
Falling out. As a Dress
ing it has no equal, keep
ing the Scalp and Hair in
a I'ealthy condition.
aaooa a aeooaias, a, u i. lajgHagj. ,ud
A Carload of Field Fd
I all hfightB. just nceivodby
! Taylor, the Hardware
ited to Kl
Mr. Tavlor's prices before huymg
A Italia imV.r UrnfllOu 1 1 1 a-l T 1 1 1 11 h . Blue grass, m
nnailS, iiiuuiuy, wi iii" (IrUo
other seeds in quantities to buiI huyera
inquiries hv mail will receive promp"'
T. C. TAYLOR, the Hardware
... Pndlet0tl, OfM0-
International Poultry Food ako .
lieof Meal gives them flavor
Clamshells make theni solid
Mica grit aids digestion.
Try a sample.
m..., (rnn and Leefl.
. .
197 aad 129 Kast Alta Street.