inen Torchon Lace. Worth 20c, 15c, 10c yard February price ALMOST SERIOUS 5c yd. See Display in North Window. . . m D ate t I . i v 4 i " . v ver mu:. u uuuuM'U. CLOSING OUT SALE. HAVDEN QUAIL CASE ENDS IN TROUBLE. Glenn Buehee and R. V. Hutcrtina Have an Encounter, Caused by ! Bushee's Threatening Hutchins ! Guna Figured In the Affair. This afternoon, w lenn Bushee. who has been employed a clerk at the Hotel Pendleton, and R V Hutchlns. 1 reporter on UM East Oregonlan had 1 INJUNCTION CASES FRIDAY. Date Set Again by the Partlea Inter eated. Thp latest datp set for the hearing of thp Injunction rasee Involving the city of Pendleton which was pro- In tatcd by the opposition of four of the cotincllmen and Mayor Halley to the further Inenmbenct of the marshal a ami recorder's office by It path man and lleam. Is for ! o'clock Friday morning at the court house. Then, unless something conies up that causes thp attorneys to ask for an other postMnmcnt the pros and cons of the case will be argued by the at lorneys in the cases before JsAgt Kl lis and he will decide the matter. It an encounter w hich was but a trifle I iB Impossible for any one to tons,. less than aerioua. Bushee threatened wn"' ,n,B 'vision will be and which to assault Hutchlns; ttutchlns. armed ' 0Vrr WR n, 'It'ddes. It t" not known to protect himself the two nipt at the "hfOHT or not his decision will set Froome llvcrv stables; Hutchlne drew ,ho "fair The tleathnmn -Beam bis pistol to prevent receiving Injury. "ion na, ,,,,,'n determined all the Bushee also drawing his but falling1 ft through ' they will cany to get It from his pocket In time, rIt-I to higher court in case of losing ing Hutchlns the -drop;" Hutchlna i 1,1 tlu' dlatrict COUTt Therefore w here illfl ahnt hnvinv on ho th.uivht H " WW cannot be foretold, but prevente.i Bushee from assaulting FEBRUABT 12, 1902. BREVITIES. Howard. Are Insurance i book stove for valentines miy IB IB i'i y- uuiion chooola'os. . II...BH IVtt mi . - ,t What aienunes. groceries. F. 8. Younger T- ........ ; ur " ' l0 mPi hose, at 5c w hile next Saturda ill the D( W spring styles. Jit ment of vegetables Younger Son's. Brand" creamery to be had F B. 1. to I Gooa mm shins. $1 U0 Ml ut 4!'c I 'leaver Co. r. pa mine; and papering I brass and wood i Coir' street, a anything In the grocery mi F. I, Younger Son i It. Quick delivery, country property tor aale MUd, ouectlouB. Locate io . t.try. Agent Hou v i Co Homes on easy pa t. Riliorn, room 10, over i M flniiii and agents want' ! t tti. Turner Little Won 9 Is t' instills County and cant!,' power. No glass Clsri St. George hotel. Or. - kandh .meat, and others to call on any druggist urn tiuuio ui ivouiu tat throat and lungs. .- i' 'eed to cure am'. tbroni' und acute coughs. itid consumption I aOc. For aale by 1 alL- ni axenta. i 1 I L " M v l, 0 Si. i if o". a i l,i a: i r's bakery fresh and crlap. New Ideas always shown first at the Peoples Warehouse. Up to the time all the time, the Peoples Warehouse. Walla Walla health food at lezer's baker?-. All the grades. The newest creations In Men s hats at the Peoples Warehouse. Hundreds o. useful articles, fi and lo cents Nolf's Notion Store. First showing of men's spring head gear at the P oples Warehouse. Only ! for a good shirt. Sep them at Cleaver Bros, a Dry Goods Co. Headquarters for toilet paper. Inks, crepe paer. dolls games Nolf's. No back numbers In anything ever shown at the Peoples Warehouse. Font dollar silk waists are the big gest values In Pendleton. Boston ' Store. .iisplay of new spring hats for men in the north window ot th( Pi I pies Warehouse. (M a pair of Regent UN men's j shoes. Blucher cut. Big eyelets ami I books. Boston Store A. II. Noble,, roll. IHftle Wili take pla.e this ctening at Fletchers candy stot, on Court street, at 7:30 o'clock. Rooms In the East Oregonlan bull J jig for rent. Steam heated, lot ant "old water and bath room In tonne - tlon. At I.e. ers bakery you 'an get a It -ouuct can of Mackltn's baking pow der and six bars of soap or a good broom as a premium for only 60 cents Ths members ot the Degree of Hon 0t will give a uigbt-cap aoclal at l.u How ha!i on Saturday evening. Feb mar) t which a cordial Invitation is extended to all. Klpha Johnson has aai.ed the cir cuit IJglll I ot I'll, at ilia couut to giant b i ii ditrorot from her husband, William R Johnson, who ahc alb-xes willully deserted her and hut. failed to do anything toward the support of she ami theli two children. Chronic nasal catarrh poisons every breath that is drawn into the lungs. There is procurable from any drugglat the remedy for the cure of this trou H A small quantity of Ely a Cream Balm placed in the nostrils spreads over an Inflamed ami angry surface, relieving immediately the painful In flamination. cleanses, heals and cures. A told In the head vanishes Immedl ately. Sold by druggists, or will be mailed for 6" rents by Ely Brothers. 14 Warren Street. New York Dnw a nc Clarke & Co I Wi Wt But Coun street. Advertiamg. may lte without poetry, music and art. may live without conscience and live without heart; may live without frieuds aud live without tads business today cannot live with out ads him: both bad their weapons taken from ;)i in ami thou Bushee made the ntiai k, inflicting some slight bruises OS Hutchlns' tn . Bushee was taken to the city recorder's office, where he was tin., I $:'(!. In th raatft roflm. after ths trial, as well as at other Out Bushee said he would "put Hutchlns in his grave before tomor row H he did not get out of town." The trouble arose over thp .lohn P. Harden case, the latter having been lined tl yesterday by Justice Fltz Gerald for having two bob white quail In his possession Busli.v was a taml.r th' Hotel Pendleton, llav f den. Drlvtai In town a couple of days ' ago. took to the hotel a package con- taining game birds, which he Instruct , ed that the cook should prepare for I him. Bushee opened the package anil !aw that quail were in It. Later com piSl&l was made to the deputy game ' warden. T. B. Wells, who aused Mr lliiilens atttst and fining A question arose as to whether or not Bushee informed on Hayden, and I In the discussion of It. Bushee was if aged at Hutchlna and made threats several times that he proposed to do 1 1 he latter bodily harm. Hutchlns saw Bushee about the matter, and there was no eucountei. i Later, the threats weie renewed, ami Hutchlns being toM that Bushee was s "scrapiiei." placed a pistol In his pocket Mr Hutchlns suites that he !ind seep Bushe. with a weapon in 1 his pocket at the hotel. heUCS desired 1 to Ik- able to defend himselt against At Sboti! I ,.'. this atteriioon Bushee ailed Hull bins actoss the street to the Frooine livery ;t aides and upon his arrhul. HSBSSd to be willing to . the matter. The:' trouble aga.u arose, and ii. lbs mlsup both drwe their guns and both had t bem taken away from t hem The personal M00VMM that lollowed was inconsequential. PROTECTION OF GAME GIVEN PROMINENCE. J P Hayden Case Atttact Atten tion to the Queation. ( i nsMtrable interest has bSSg man- . 'st'll ill PellUleUlU abillg the III, i il1 protecting game birds since the ar est and fining of J. P. Hayden yes tOrdSj tot having two boh white quail in his possession and tins will likely do others some good who have been unlawfully hunting aud killing game birds out of season Considerable com plaint has 'omo to the ears of the raui. warden recent!) but In every In stall' e the tracks of the breaker of the law hat been so completely aud well covered that not enough evidence was obtainable to cause an arrest aud conviction. i he Oregon Game and Fish Associ ation are determined to puulsii every man who is caught breakklng the law by (I -"living the birds or fish out of k.'iituu oi eVSTJ man who comes un ite' Ibe penalty of this law by having tin m his possession, no mallei ... vvhul way he getb it The arrest of Ha. len resulted from Glenn Bushee' curiosity to see wna' a paper bag con tained that was left at Utile! Pendle ton when- he is clerk, he not think ing at the time in opened the sack, that he would get anjoue into trouble. DM of the men whose attention Was attracted to tfci -a. 1 is a member oi the associuli'u. and be was Is duty hound to intorui the game wardeu. whose pla c i . .. t.i file the inform if ion. tin people arc awaiting the final out come with more than ordinal inter est and an- aiisioiis to sc it settled It. The Laat Heard of "My little boy took the crottr. ore u i glit and soon grew so bad you could hear him breathe all over the hous". ' says F. D. Reynolds, Mansfield, M. W. feared he would die. but a few doses of One Minute Cough Cute quickly relieved him and he W4a to slppp. That's the last we hpard of the croup Now Isn't a cotigl cuio like that valuable?'' One Minute Cough Cure Is absolutely safe snd arts Immediately. For coughs, cold, croup, grip, bronchitis and all other throat ind lung troubles It Is a certain cure. Very pleasant to take. The little ones like It. Tallman ft Co and Breefe McComas Co. Hook A Ladder Co. Postponed Dance. Rescue Hook and l.addei Company No. 1. which hail advertised to glic a trsnd ball on Frida. ecnnig. Febru ary 14.. St alcntliie's .lay. have post tht eveut until Saturdav even Ing. Februaty U.. the day following. It will be giveu in Aiiiioia Hall. THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE Reliable Goods Only. Another Startling; Dress Goods Sale. Black Wool Novelties ,u.n Ix low then lecular values, not too many dress nools in the . oimtt) but little lots loilo in wioiik pl.tccv 75c values in BlsVOh Fam y Mohair, now 38c yd. s. values in Hlack F.mry Moliair, now 25c yard. A Commanding Silk Sale. The new i.joa wash silks are hctc, Kat Kai sorts, in cros. cord effects stripes, on Salt lor the next few .lays $1.98 . waist pattern. the popular an. 1 Romas u Xuctits Mutter ick's patterns D J es It s 0 PENDLETON. OREGON Mail Urders I'rontpt I) Filled Send for samples Th If put . ohi of a Sblt at U,0i 0011 from Hi'tii.liilu A Wonderful Medicine. Seecham's Pills BEST FLOUR To make good bma.I BM BvsfS1 It. at Klour. Il took rl rat pre dIsjs at tlx Ohlnsaii Itorld'i Fair oesr si I sssjiMll 11, a. 1. 1 given eicttl lent at .hiscI 1011 wperevet u.ial. K.erv -m is guaranteed We have the laud ntearu K.dltsl Mai lev. Seel Kve 1 ! I tear. 1 1 em. Marler PENDLETON ROLLER MILLS w. s. BYER8, Proprietor. I ok ALL Bilious and Nervous Disorders, Sick Headache, Constipation, Wind and Pains in Stomach, Impaired Digestion, Disordered Liver and Female Ailments. catrAaao onr ar rax iWSSHSSSi Thorrvai Beecham, St. Meltn, Eng., and 365 Canal St.. Nw York, s.a.l 1 . all iHusgl! In 1 nttrJ si. i. In boat. IO. and 2fc. LUMBER ami other buiMiny material laa IvdlBfl Line, Cement, Plaster, lirick. and Sand. W bave a lare SSSSl "' WOOli QU IT Kits lor barn and delin,K YtMl Kt-'t What fnnti un. you buy HI I Slock ol WOOD, COAL, SAND & BRICK. .Ha do... Trucking 6t I raii.tferrlnK. Laatz Bros. THI Oregon Lumber Yard French Kesiaiiraiil Alta 8t , Ofsp, Court I'ouse BEST FOR THE BOWELS If ou l.all'l . ' Fontaine & Garrison I'roprletorn Im ' 1 . II 1,1 ut , t, ... 1 e n. . 1 . . .. ..r .to I 'O'.a Tl. .l,.O.0. CANDY CATHARTIC Old Dutch Henry Feed Yard. MtlTCHECL. THE INDIAN, GUILTY OF STEALING. Tiiaai nai nDilr Wlia. inaili-an waaortiuent of imI.I- ami "tnli- f llox VVrituig mm blab w- will sell at a Big Raduetlan t" elsM ool Thaw allw.. awirtiutiiUi and 25c a box. J 10 SMI 1 lot own taiua paper wort L from JU to 4u o-ni SBd e, worth frln (o t, 76 cent Wlnt. and (!' 8kLV ANL QET TUB BE5T SELECTION. KOEPPENS PHARMACY. from Main Street Toward the Court House Court Triad Him on Tueaday and Con vcted. The rase of Kd CbS man aud lsSa tor Mitchell. Indlaun charged with stealing a horse and saddle fryni a ouuk man uain' J Sinltb -jcnnled the attention of tl.. diHtrkt court tor tJastllls 'ounty ail day Tu Is Chapman was dlmii"hsed a. there vsi aot fcuffl. i. i t avldanca agaiast loin to connect him with the crime Mitchell was tri'-u and the a.-.. la the Jury In the afternoon am! after ii. liberating for savarsJ hours t&ay '.-turned a verdict of guilty H has et been sentenred by Judge Bllln CkSrlid Moy, the Chlnsmsn ''harg , .I wif larceny fiom Hohba b a bah cty. wa before 'be t ourt flrcl ll.olulUg EAT riaMM't. l' '..-..III. '.Mi o.kuw ...... 'EM LIKE CANDY 1. 1. 1. 1. i- .. , -i.t t Wwk.l. "I IV. ult '.U t 1 . . . ... : L... . 1 ... ....... mi'Mu tuaa KEEP YOUR BLOOO CLEAN TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN t t ' l,r. KUIb UlOBSlUK D I 1 MtlaU' lor) ! udarslsi 'i Saa Hi. 1 r.t .,'.,,. this laUalguaiara U 00 arjr boa of toe s"u Laxative Bromo-Quinine ta tlu reiuad ' Ut CHJrua h cwitl tit esse ) True. The oci aalonal ad la one of tkV ',. at methods by v. bu b to syuauuei money. Continuous advertislux on the othar haad, will bring siasle IS ' urns for the mou-y Is bSSMMl mentions I I !-, l' lueli ' t'Ullr of lb. 1 utreuty, V J.uuary l. W, Vtn . 1, daca prwliU.'! t, t!.' Il. lo auw.r t lit. t Hlik u leua.tU.ll. in (be lltr UI liu.l. toli In th. . . unit of Cinalllla r.rt (taia of rcau, nu routblUra win. .11 "I iltc protialun. of lit ' A. I of Coligrttt. lo 1'io.uin Nalioiiai ...iililitg Anw .lion, lo ritartl tbelr rarporale n:i leuoe . aud for tLr purpMP ' f.p-l ' u 1 y Vo H.rrefui. l.Wllll.uih g.dfrlf, I cwa roller ut taa Carrt u , do i ',. 1 n.i ist I L. r.i.t National Hauk of IvodUtua." In Lli. 1 r.y ol FandU ton, lu IL. nuuuiy ut I'lua '.Ilia aud tut. I Orogoi. I aulltorli'd Ut baa 11 . .Mionfur 114 parlol .pcclflr.l .u it. iitm lartlclaaol um-ltH n uaioal) ,i.n! kaa cf l' 01 I uuarr I' . ).' 1 ... '. .. hraof, atlUiaw u) uud aad -, . u ,ft . I Ii llllrrutL day ol Jauuary . MM b AllXigl.V, Coaipiioilrr af Ida ' urra r Cavalry DpTKS tor Salt4. iStl Off CAM I A KEN OF I IAMI OVN MIGHT tilVK US A CALL. HARPER KENTUCKY WHISKEY cosy koons VVII I.lglitr-I and c l an SJBJSSI Best 25 cent Mealg in the City . Pim 1 ag. OPEN til H EXTRAS l-aalerii anil I lyatera HjraapaS DAY ami N1GH1 I.A.OMAI.N I'nH. SEALS! INotdry and Corporation I8.S0 to $ft llclitcreu I lltfal of us an. I aav n u; Tiers foi ltubbr Mlaui't a!a- aolli lUxl I Ahi OHI (.O.MAN ITH.OO Farmers Custom Mill Hraa Waller, -..,.. ui ... lor l.llrliKl, who cltrrlali geld irr jomm mum tut I he Louvre Saloon rgNOI gloN . . . t i;apaiijr, lav . .....t . day Slutit SBSSSSSaal '"' eSaai floor Milt Sm4 i'iiorpd r..d rt The r . .1 Oragonlan Is IwUm Or gsn's rapreaantaUva payer. II laaata, and the peopta appraolata It aitst sSm it by their liberal petroaaae. II hi She adverStatna meet Kin. af