East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 12, 1902, Image 4

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    . zz v j:zm
Bast Qregonun Pubttthfag Company
tut; v IVBstBnfeio. k1).
fffc. e.pr H wr. iiDii. ... .
"f "J nu'iuhv l mi: . '
fc- "Pj. prfS. l-vo.;:. ; I
1HO' M. II ., ft)
IW1-tt1IKl,Y KIR-. BP ti..v i , -
a . .my oih vKr
. it Biantl
aJ uK-ti,
A i t-uml n
.. fl
. :t
nOtill. fi
tut Wkly. ft Hn6 Jr
i . I. m r I n l h SMV
i I'a an i . m i. r
. .. -
ft art y ear monh in
i. v .!. '-t .. i. f
1 - l I. ill oi -
nmln IB Hn, U .kl.v
- t 0-ar i, (vr la i. 1 1
Ih FM I It
a r, I
i r i
eanitnt . uiiKlstrnt h do after the rove
lattnnn marie a g the ilivtorhia of
tin- .MnltiumiRli county eleettea lutanl
ii Ilk Simon Interest That element
Is i ertalnty letwe'n the devil and
tin dtH'i h"h and only oue i-ourae re
maln to Jnni) over obstructions, or
flaht n way throunii them, and then
BOM up here In the huiu harass re
llOB and select a candidate, who I
not aftlllant with either Mr (Jeer or
Ml Simon.
Tin- Salem Statesman bhhi-hk that
fMtin Oreiton reinililleaii Jourtm!
i jniM'ortlng a candidate from thi
pari oi tli state tot tin- office of (ov
rnor Tin Stnt. tuan has merlook
ad ma ii pNMlOW that hav- conn-
to Mi. attention of the exchange read
' t It Rust OrVgaMtt, et It is true
' i tbi MMttm Oregon republican
' ri it- slow to take advantage
o; tin situation to conie out openly for
;li ii MM Show your colors" Is a
good motto ti offer to these Journals
1 MM BO OmdhhUw will have ttttlc
rttrtH : Kratttu.l. towards them slleua
mi., i lii Mi.' event they receive re
gBttiOB In th republican convention
lack Is honest) and manly good
faith lit r cvt'omlty Is. in reality, a
I .. Mag test ot our nation charac
It Have we the courage to face
railMQMBPM ot mil own artlons?
Can we be fair and considerate? Of
a . ertaln iHtfM oi York Mi. Goodwin
Bmltfa has ncniallj observed that the
Ml) meritorious action of his life
W that hi one risked In a duel,
is such a reprMCh to be visited upon
the I lilted States We (ought a
due; with Spain for the rescue of On
ba Ate we now to make her last
state wots, than tin first Are we
'o ruin Iter industrially while rttfolna.
,.:. ... iv morall "
M ale til. qaMtloua Vblcb the
talk frOtt Washington ot bad lalfh
, with Cuba would bite Into the tun"
can conscience
Poor Way
Ti.. ISaat Otragooiaa hopes that Mr.
Fted Walt, n will succeed In working
Wtt ii t)ans to a lucrtmful
It will hring a monthly My
M .ue ul i month! pajrrolli
i 1 - I'enilleton has now
aite a liberal distribution of month
wagai ami is strong baoaaaa ol
tt Uiotlie; addoi! w! proi.oi tun,
i MraagUiaa th- niace ft wai
a .ash value The nterir:. at .
NJaai . . talnlj have the back
au of th- i itlzem Ai: en. ourag.
cut shoubt Ih his. and all will hop
aka: luceess ataj -own bis ..(tort
Mratad a npi mill win muke a
- ability to cunt' Unit. ; . ,.
V w York lieraid The rettisa! oi
unarwaa to give the quick rallal
whlob is con.eile.1 uli atoiind t.. he
BMcatial to th. aatvatloo oi cnbt
Ii :i Sl.e. tacle o: selti.ih 1'(Wl, stli
I'birtJ and dishonest for which there
.ii. t" found t... ,i al
As a bold eh'liltioi; of . l(.fre
tatriotlaai ll It wall calculated to
In rusI Ihi aiitrj with the republi
aai Ilea and cause
.. wide spread rea. tion In (avor of the
it.- . .euanued under wle
hip Its Inevitable effect. If
martl) iM rslsted in. must clthar ba
J ""' Miaqunl anarchy In Cuba
I i. id be a worse evil at our
fot which In wriit
ii. oi torceti nnaara
o: th. ery Interests
Tl a ) Lent on pre-
" on. nun til oi roue
it is oondaauiad as
I blundering even to
io raaliM the ralm
attra market)
'ducts in a proa pei
New Yor Herald It will be
mipossible for me . o anyone els.
to establish a stion; ami stable gov
PI nnient in Cuba unless tarif! POBCta
sions are matu to us b the Dflttad
"I HttV thin nf.t.t kavlflia i!iuIim.I tin
situation in all Its phMtS It is th
statement of facts that I believe to
be absolute!) . in Tec! ami It Is for tin
tmartcaa paoplc to faallw their Mil
..:t.;ti. it 1 1 1 t '
riutt is Mie Hrm Donvlctloa itallb
atel) i xpressed m yestenlav Her
ald .e Seine Palnm the patriot.'
I ' in tin Cuban peopb called to be
lie. Ml st president.
It Is supported by (he views Ol Qot
pmoi (teneral Wood, Secretary Root
aad leading rapfnoBtatlvaa ot Cuba
to the effect that reliet wttbheld
nieaiii. ruin, and nun means anarch
It it- eiiiihasied by tin cries ot ills
tresj. and appeals lor suet oi that are
puunng Into Waab.lBgt.OB abowini
that Cuba is fast nearlng an Indi
trial crisis ami wlli b. ruined unless
a helping hand is l)Uick bald out.
In a mini, reliei essential to the
salvation of tin islam, and realixatuu,
Ot tin repiiblb It must In adequate
am! above all it must l si.eedj
Anieriean MBtlBMBl omuiaiu
give t at iilli " F!trv roauiiti than
prompted the emam pation ot Cuba
db tates that this be done Tin mi
tion is bound "b avar) coaaidoratioti
baaoi and national' interest." as
Praatdaai Rooaoretl declarad la his
.!t niessagt to coagroas, to do it
fstaplU all this the waj is bin ;..
by a few protoctloadati th Instance
.'. seitish intetfsts lent on dofaatlai
lie: in datoydag it until p win ba ot
Ituatlon on which i'
t. as the aaad p tb
and laadot ot :i
cannot afford to UhiV,
COBCOra Cuba itllinot
To Treat
. .in' vrottld Iti v.. fooligh as to kindle the tire on top
p it in in. ike it 1k'.:, yet the treatment ot" Catarrh is often
Dst Ic and illogical. l)ouehes, sprays, ointments,
- .called tobacco cum. and various other applications, are
ntl J used, but the little pood accomplished is swept away
the fint breath of winter. When you attempt to cure a
nai disease one anecung ine enure system witn
local remedies, )rou are aplving the fire to the top of,
. '. II IMl Jill Iff x4 lll.a l,.,nnJ. -t'
.mi, yvu ii 1 1 uin mi ui syuijjiuuja, nuu, imc itiuitamiu oi SIBV-rv-C , .3sS
others, rel disappoiutinff results. In Chronic Catarrh, the whole svts.r u. .
mucous inembrane, or inner covering of the body, is in a state of 1 ' if ' J!
The pressure of blood upoti the glands and cells produce exeessi. e . 9X1
ich "i which is absorlted into the bhod and distributed to all parts of the 1 1
u tli,. itnmiu.li trwitn.fc unci Mitfutitwc an oftoti cmhaii c1 . . nflu,..i KtV. 1
kiiv . i, ii 1 1 1 , ... niiiiv i .... . .i. i . . , , 1 1 vV ll I
rn ti. tli.,..t fiti1 1,'ivi: o rp mi ,. ' f .-. 1 1 1 tt t 1 t ... , .1 .. 1 1 .1 ...
i n UW) uin'iii hum ti.T . iiwwitMj .iiun-MM - Hg Jim Qsja 1
nitcntia liitini' is avtmaad to the cold. flllUfl :iit uhic-h uttr-i,.t. .1. , ' 'B
r - ' r,- - r-"-" "'e mated bloods
. iirt:n ."litKiTiiT i.ntiiritcti,.ii ,.f t. 1 ..1 .. . v
, "7 -"-ai--l w me mtie hinod vaaak
glands, making breathing difficult and labored- IE
the nose gntduallv changes to a yellowish a
becoming1 more Drofnae and tenant a i . .
. 1 wi K,' uck uvi
throat. CSUSing gmog and almost constant conehJ
dislodge it Thii offensive dischar-, i spiteafi
6uuwb, nmis iu way into the stomach, and ext
Blinding headaches, neuralgia ot the eye and dizziness are also ivmolBBaal
I m';. .( and i hen I he in flnmtiintinii r. wlt. t It.. -1..1 : . i w
. , ...w wcvHBiusui 01 me ear, Uafiaffn
and. :: the ti Hoc! Ihv. itin-s tino-i. i..tiu- iwnctnu tt .. j .-. i . 6""
r-rv ". uucs iiuu Mm ix dies in the head i
at.wiur-.UK the face. At this stage of ft the breath dnomiB
.. ollcnsive. S. &, S. la the simp, est and most effective treatment for Catarrh u72
mw uk vM.iiiauiui i-acnes a.i pans tl tile svstem and cleanses the blood of
v nrrnfl ' m it-tr anA -.... im , I . ... i ... tin t , . . . w 01
- n.-iwii.i 11 hi .1 mil ihi LuuaiLinn. ct nrn n..., ..
. :. M i Msrah 84. 1001
I lisd a bsu i of Cstsrrh . my no
w.u Always sloppd up ud my hsmt
H unci t outiuusllr . nd th odor of my
itti was lukniuuii I had a most
Hnuoyintr . nisi . also. I triad a uuiuboi
Dt rxiUfdit. nnd was trastad bv a-varal
otora, but set no raliaf mv cut was
tlit to ba iD.urabla 8 8 8 bslua
f, 'imnixiulad to ma. I bacsn Its uc, and
afttr tshlna ulna bottlas wss cursd. ami
h vw uwer ban trnublad with Cstarrli
H01 Krancia Btrsat.
h the
ItJflB suet a are nd
a iu which super'!sor ti
Mtaati aad t ountv oflaai
sw " i it v ii ii aja ciiB"
"- just.iieU th gUfgl
m aaat :oat It nai arntiNed a 'n
BSBBl otherwis. wouid have re
Banner! dormaot. I'matlila -om. v
x .flu t. paj the aaat !..,. to
Kenctal movement that la to gle
Oe LaJaad Bmpire better high ways
The Eas Oregonlan would vUliBglj
d aid in giving the enterprise pui,
Bity and aaalitiua in securing a
to -' i-.tPT.'lai. ..
inar am! tnltu.
tu wur n
Secretary .lohi. V l.oug who i.olrt'
e naval portfolio sayt he will not
eati:L to long as he ia uader Are.
Baa M Laai iest:ued tc nevar
igi. tor he wil! be under Are Juat
ring tut time in which he shows
in-ati m public at an ometal. The
teat I'.ople regard hltt as ac
B ... Ikak BaBSBgjgjj friend, hear
imiral Winfield Scot? Schley and
ne. reaent efrroatf offered to tholr
hun.t Th.r .ciericai. imojii. will
tnelr amumnitiOL wagons filled
and their lines on coainiunicatJoi.
ei-eL anc tueir gunLers- -the preen -wel.
drilled The lustructious these
aeople hav. B-:veii to their gunnert
at to hit everything that looka like
Joht D Laai haa ... gj uol 4.,.c;
BOOL to BB the piasiirt uf Btip
BjBJ BJBjgl : fron. .ut,l, Vga,
oeatttution. (TropBfBd for self
BBMBl and her republic estah
"i ii firm basis. To this end
'- own aiivautaije, it ban in
oadlUaaa whtah make Cuba
Hcall) u ward if the United
witiioiit freedom to treat with
i. nations.
8 MBeaad Oaaa t:.iai ggajsgga
aad .levaatation at the coat of
traaaaia umi iiiood only to
1 i ufferlni und starva
nstun . o! petty seltlah
Hu-. mt undortahei. to
hei lieuellclent 1,'un.rnnm.ii
to drive hi
in. i.n .t .
The logic of the situation in Port
and la this The Corbett K. ott ele
neat ic the republican party cannot
upport Mi Ooer, becaus. they are
against Mr Simon and Ml Rimon
Sad M' 'ie. are working lOgBllM
IB IMl campaign Ti suppon Mr
Ce.r Uieaua ti support Mr Slmoi
and iggj the Coraau g ott .en., n-
u lie! Ilnt"ieuit!ii
l to aiiiicxation?
Jill perhBp.
iit-ueed r.-liof pttuiipti-.; , nation
iBtataal a wall a.- . unnuoi, hunian-
and which cannot ba irlthBeld
hoat braaota pledged faith and
i. i' iima. ilishonot '
NW fork r:emug Hoat The cry
; aud despairing Cuba has
I much in our ears o.' Ia t . ni
ll Kreat The powerful appeal
' '..ttk to the strong ha been
berg Ic the e, of pity she preaents
ii.. t .lecta'ie tearfully Implor-
dj aaf Ubaralon not to become gat
'royers. But it si,, could believe
this mornlnga dispatches aa would
think our owu national plight more
alamltous than Cuba's For to be
without food is l-s, Kfcvioun than to
i.e devoid of honor ami humanity a
'Krupt treaaury cau be better en
uurad than broken jiromiaea' and beg
aery Is to be preierred to callous
aad. And if it were true that tin-
"is.- of representatives had dellber-
oncludede to turn a deaf ear
' libs'! plee,. this natloi: would have
"light itaelf lo,-: than Cuba ,-ver
was or can be. She is oulv to be
Pitied: we If the ways and' means
iiiiimitte, allows Itself to be beatrld
deg t.v Oxnard and his kind will be
1'iatlv hated and despised
In this aspect of the matter our
Is rnal'y greater than Cuba's
she retinues iicro- what we appear
Inch the will be
l.t'l then, beware
- Its MtaideraUoaa
deal RnOSfVelt lii.tv well till
agi aaa with bis oba
' " --a mllit Mtlt rh..
ad rail) to the support oi
with n promptness and ef
would Muni. i. tint eaaarBM
I v'i wtaaiioa uo
nan i waaa Ni Rooaavalt 'i.... twi
iiiontbs agn "the vital need' of re
.mil "tin weighty reasons ot moi
BBd nutlona! Interest' for e.
V ha' the outcome involves was
tuua Pictured by Prealdaat Nlgja la
B Mil tWO ears ahead I
thftv.ug : ..public just off
your shores, our people prosperous
and happy, owning then own little
"!. - ami having asough atoaa to
sp.-iu! at leas' lijn oiHi iHji, a raal in
i'l'yihg your natural aad BMBUfoc
tun .1 products.
IVkagj I think of that pl. tur. I -an
t.ii (.car to look apaa laa dread a;
ter native at ruin ami anarchy "
a South Iiakota mat. write to
mm tile I. in. inn.. ..f I .... i i
. ........... .. . ,. , ,
iiv i, ori'inTi.tt
VeillS. the i't: lietel el:itiils :nul bmVatei 1,,.,, ... .i
. . . 0. ...... - ..v.. "ip ivMiine ineir Bggj
!nt and tiinained tneiiniv:ims ar liirrriint..fl nA ... .. . ; .. .:t. . .
... , . " tM.'i-iviifu iui ;i KOOM
tum-Kiy onuj-.s renei to the congested parts. S S S. puts the blood
' " mviguraiea tue general health that tit
in.iinieMaii. il.-. ui in.' disease in-... . ,.ik t.n. u.
n , ....,.j,j.al) nren
cnargc From the note ceases, the head dean, bratM
:ki natural, the appetite improves, aadi
jieneei aiui permanent cure is enecte
O f n : d e
a. o a. ig cue only guaranteed purely vegBtobkkl
t contains m minerals tu turrlier nnunn i
i . . . r
leiatiL't the diwestinri t t. lu. tot-..,,
1.1,-..! ...wl
1 ivmtsjjcj u.f uiesiion, inn eati tie taken raj
perfect safety in all gtages and fonna oi Catarrh. Onr physicians t ill gladly airiai J
out charge, all who write titer about their case. Book on Wood and Skin 1 diseases free. 1
inn. SWIFT SPECIFIC C :Iantu, d
The Place to Buy::
It ad n ;
quick ami
Heft llaM of
i .iL (tt (C0S
I8 pricat.
ii acres ne. Ptadletoii.
110 aofen near Pendleton,
HO a- re ieUr RaiMlleUNI
l" acre iiea- 1'einlietoii.
'A'JI i. Teh Men! I'llnl R.u.lr
aorse wii.a' hn.it
itcre- uli.n' lainl
a-re- w iiH,,' isml
a -reh. wbaa
ISil acre lieal
Iwi acre wli.-a!
BI acreit U'lien
Kmiii s -j) iuIIm. f1(1111 town
Six New Houses Cheap.
N. Berkeley
Havlugn Bank Hull(Iii,K P,.mlletoii Or.
E ght ; ti writh darglltaaj nnd hum
M-'um h us seven rooms, hath,
t-e :.' . ! wood house, i it water,
hard fiaiahed oa stone foundation.
Alto four lots an.', new iuttae,
1 lots ar.d hoiiite, fi.uoo. part
n tBOBSbil tune on balance,
or will s.-l on installments. See
H17 Main Street.
A carelr. lauiidry will K through
your shm in t.. raiaiagi oril
aj BBBll lately a if you had man it a
year 'e w you, -nir, mju,
you BMBjgf, We will send for your
BBSS if ou send us youraadrwa,.
KIU.B0 vvoKfiANsiti'
but lor
M tea
j., '.uriiucil' m
an .iroiiiiil muiirliiir In ti..
iriarf. k, 1 1 1 ,,,in iiutii. ,,,i,,lli,.
.nil, uiuuur Dim. - ml bave U don. ptoiHirl)
'OBI uhleU netrii . iboroush overhaul
as bfii ii litre ami w will raiuru ll looklou
Uk. w ,0 M,.u -J nr Of0r.
tm M . ucar Mam. Haudleion, Oraaua.
Oal.y East Oregonien by
only 16 ctnto a week.
Luii. her, Lath,
B .iigleg.Build
ing pair, Tar
paper .I.ime aud
Plaster, Brick,
Band, Mouldins
s. reeo Doati
Windows, Sash
A I loon, '1 errs
Ootta Pip'
tadleton Waning
Lurta lard.
R. FORSUR, PropnetoJ
Vou get
Good Beer..
Whm you driuk
Guaranteed not
cau UlldMW or
Ak for it.
Schultz Brewing Co