East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 12, 1902, Image 3

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! DATE APRIL 21-22
0 0 0
0 00
mOWtt I 01 RBADT'TO Wi (HMnt.i
fu ,). ,.h..i- ivmllrtoii tn i i Dt! 'A an ooaatantlf plan- t
SlbllDROiiI tin iieeriondslt sesun v.. , that ever, late X
. wait
vie i sure ml found St A i xaii.ters. We fully
I ,1.. I llM. II . - . . . ... . . . X
....ini' n ui" ! i "e me i i unit rtL-BM-in ncir nou c in t
Our "ii " ' pinvTi . I'xr mailt', as a
1 .
L n.v Skirt In
111 rf. - n B
.m...fcl'li-H lot lH-'-
JH -
.-i... ...... I 11. in' till
Silk Mol DWW
i.l. IL
l .. V "HI
1 1 1 1 ' "
LaWHes' Bm Tailor Made
Suits, lack $(0.98
I ,:i.ic Blue Tailor
M;nle Kitiis In Mne
mannd 10.24
a spwiai libs of i.Miiii -'
Alexander Department Store, j
nr r n
. -.m , v 9 arm . a k. a m
1 r i i i ' a ' sii -i - r-
For Sale!
tnii, rrmrtiiion r. nuin n nail ODd quarter horst
wn it and with it wm i r nci wt fom 20.000 to 25.000
k machine there is the ntcesar p lyt Aid Rafting nd
- fv bhm i ' I X, Ivl I 1 Nf
win t naj lUiu (VI fJV -
East Oregon an, Pendleton, ur.
per ua and ipu uro.
Finest Motel
In the PaelAc
North well
'S '-TVS
George K RoQert, General Organlier.
Telle About the Plana.
Tlie IVnilleton logrolling, which la
to he held In thla i ity April LM tt, l
assuming Aeflaite s!iape. Report! are
pomlnc in irom l ania outside of this
rlty ami show an almost unhcrsal
and widespread interest That It la I
going to he the btggMI tlrng ever at-1
tempted by a fraternal order before la
now a certainty BecretAT) Stillman
received wmd fn ni Tlie Ia'les today,
that there woo Id be i hundred andi
dates from that i in to be initiated
Into the Woodmen of the World and
another htudred to loin the Women
of Woodcraft Add i thia the mem
bershrp of The i allei ramp and circle
and it can easily ie seen that some
fi' or six hundred ill lx In attend
in I from that dtetlfttl point. It Is
going to ta tin i i ' rflea tol the naeep.
lion ron:nuttee to th utmost lo pro-
for th" Immense com lave, hut
promise to do It. Kvery avail-
room Irt the city will he lifted
rantraottd for. long before the
One thing poiilveh will not be
allowed, and that is the racing of
prices dermis.' of th crowds. The
commlttof of arnuicatnentJ win not
list any I'uOfai at ot'i' i tttan reMOPi
hie and Just prices.
It has been decided to hold the ex
ercises In n ravine over the hills
north oi town The bottom of the ra
vine will be floored and ihe sides
will form a natural ampitbeater where
the thousand of i;toi ma;. iew
the exerclsi s below Invitations will
lie issued to the governors Of Oregon.
Washington and Idaho, as well II
senator, and congressmen from
throughout the Northwest It is rea
sonably certain that should public
business not prevent, thui the gover
nors of Oregon and Idaho will both
he present. They are enthusiastic
members of the order, both have
taken part In log rollings before In
tin tr eapltnl cities and kBOH what it
It Is too early et to OOtllM the
exercises which will take place but
the neighbors promise there will he
no flagging from start
that everybody will go
' have spent a few days
the choppers.
, A call "to avH ' which means a
notice to the members 10 bring In
their friends' application!, has Just
been Issued by .1 P Walker secre
tin of the local camp. Pendleton
rump has pfOmiaed that It alone will
rurnlsh of the. 1114 .audidates
which are to be initiated at the great
The enthusiasm oi lie membership
oi this order is lOCOIUltOd mi I" Ml
Itogers. the Northwest general or
linllir on tin ground that it has
adopted modern and up-to-date ideas
in its plans In speaking on this sub
Jed to a representative oi the ICast
Oregonian today, he said
The Orders.
"Our entiri ordei now bus e.
25i.0Mi members which is 0Tt)r three
times larger than was tin- in-xt most
successful CaTdOT In the world at the
same age Winn it In remembered
that our ordei was founded Just prior
to the gteat panic and that murly its
ntiti lustoiv hus lii-en maiked by
the hardest times the country has
ci seen when, loo reflect that
ours Is tlo Miiiinteht oi the great or
ders, and that our cities and towns
were filled .with similar Institutions
bctoie w. von born when we W
mOBlhOI 'hat tin Woodmen of the
World lists sunn ooeopationi as in
eligible accepting onl what are
termed preferred risks, ai.u we n
fleet that a great epidemic of la
grippe and a war has also marked
its Inlet histoM tln n indeed, does Its
record bordei on the marvelous,
"But wonderful as lias been our
tthe Woodmen .it th. Woild'i) record,
that ot our ladi.s' branch has hcn far
irantw Rlfbi ken In PondMot is
tbl band oniri ol the worlds most
to finish and
home glad to
In camp with
J a no I K. ITol - mi I
ih KAfeVJ 0RB0 N I V N a the
mar; around ' Wo n 111 'iit
vol) plaea ol btiilnatfl hi No
Aloton every otber day M
roll aiound report lbs moei
nucnis of tki laal Orogonlnnn
family of adverttoera an i other
patrons solicit ord.-,.- for Job
printing, advertising "d BU"
acriptious. and otherwlst set tur
Ins it "tb iest papa i iidishod
in toe UnUnd '" 11 lown
6.5IH" iieople or leas " Those who
favor him with their oii.r will
b. . rved promptly and faithfully
and be roaaombort ' U4?ar ,D
mind that he will visit your
place of buaiues every otner day
snd see that you do not send bim
away eniptv handed Save your
orders for him.
' i
Shooter Island, n. v.. Feb 12.
Crowds come to visit thr yards
Townsend A Ooimrv. who in liinldmsj
the new yacht for Empeioi Wilhelnv
of Gerreany. Inteiest in the .omlns
ot Pnnce Henry is increaslos evani
day. as is shown by the larger nums
bet of people who come to watch th
ihip builders at work on the now fa
nous craft.
successful order. Ilight hen ai: in.
protontlOUS little Pendleton woman
tuts guided the destin'es ot ail Old.,-
that las commnndod thi sdsilratlon
of the entire fraternal world and has
compelled St on us Woodmen to ac
knowledge Wt haw been . outpointed
by another.
"There Is nothing (hat so advertises
Pendleton as does the fact that this
i the home for that great order. I
know for a certainty that other eltlei
bppreeintlni this (net, art going1 bo
on "11 next rand seaaion ol thai I
der. which will be held In August next
and will make bids to have the head
ipiartcrs moved or established in their
towns You ran Imagine what an ad
vottisf nient the order is for this city
ebol I say that the official organ
-it the order, which is published lii
this city, has a larger circulation than
snj Otnot paper published In the state
ol Oregon or Washington and that It
circulates all over trie Pacific Coast
and Mirtloiis of the East I believe
the neat seaslou of the grand circle
will make provision tor the en-ition
of a building, a permanent home for
I his great older, and It will be Penille
'mi s own fault It sin lets this t?. iih ii
dous ad vertlsetni nt slip through her
Mi Hogers has established his
bcad'j'iarters with A. I) Btllltuan.
who is chairman of the bogld of head
managers of the Woodmen of the
World and from there the campaign
will In directed.
. ; a. nj 1 1 nwRI.ON.
kassu. t..... ... n...ii..d tieaduuariert
New Commission House.
Walla Wslli. Peb. IS The Went.
I era ('omnilaslon Coansnnj ts the gggss
, of a new corporation oigam d in
this city for the purpoae of carrying
oti a general commission and fruit
packing buslm ss The proprietors
a.' H E Johnson assistant OaAkaSf
of the Raker-Boyer bank Si huvier Ar
sold county clerk. J W Bn OKI lot
epk TssHlf and H V V I... nn An
effort is now being made in .- n
I suitable quaiters and tlo eomg BJ
will open for business in a abort USM
Clerk's Wise Suggestion.
"1 have lately been much troiibl d
prlth ctvapepsis. belching and sou'
stomach." writes M. 8. Mead leading
1 lianna'dst of Atteboro, Maaa "I
"ould eat hardly auythlug without r f
fi ring aeveral houra M lioih sug
gested I try Kodol Oysiiepsla Cure,
arblch I did with most happy results
I haw had no trouble, and when 0M
can go to eating mince pie. hei
candy and nuts after such a tin.)
their digestion must be pretty ood I
Indorse Kodol Dyspepsia Cure heart'
) You don't have to diet. Bat aM
ti e good food you want but doi t
overload the atoiuach Kodol .ysp'
sla Cure digests your food Tallman
tt C and Brock A sfeOoajkM
Tioublee seem to be accumulating
around the English government. The
Itsnrboai conservative organa publlah
ai.grllv satirical editorials on the poor
Bgun tai government cuts over Wei
Hat Wei
E KSmlngtiOnS Began Thia Morning at
the Court House.
This morning at ! o'clock" Count)
School nperlntondenl .1 t Nowlls
begun tin exainlnat Ion ot si hool
1. ai ders applying lor stale ami oMB
papers in his OfAce uml the SS
, pnm cowl room oi the oonrl souse
i lo 1. an to tanchin Is sttondanci
loin ill fl. rent parts ol ihe county lot
iiapori in ti.e iilflnrosl educational
uranchM Today the examinations
jaie for both state and C0nnl papers
: mid for first and second grade i . i
: testes, pitman eoiHIAentee em
brace penmanship orthography, read
1 to. and ai Itbiiii tic Tin examination
i"i slate paiM-rs are fin history
SpolllSg algi bra reading uml - hool
Thuisda) the examination for 1 01111
1 j papers will be along the Hue of
writing, arithmetic theory of teach
! lug. giammui and school law-, aud
tin pilmun doportmeni will he on
tin art ot ipn st lonliig theory of
loot lung BOt Sod I and physiology
I.l -late papers It will he from the
standpoint of wiitten arithmetic, the
OTJf oi teaching, grammar, Inaikkeep
lug phyaiis snd ellM govei nineiii
'lii' PMdA) eanaianntioni for the
.it. will be physiology geometry
montnl irtikmetlr com pool U00 and
pnjrslosl gogiuphy The gnostans for
county papeis will be from the
Itnndpniiii ol geoiiicin mental arlth
luetic phvsiologv and civil sjOtrOn
HO Ill
Tin .Saturday s work will all be de
voted lo the stall papers and the
questions that will be answered by
asplianli will In ..11 liotanv plum
ometr) genersl hiatorj Bsgllik liter
al Hi and psyi hology
Inch and a Half Fell in Past Few
Walla Walla r'cb 12 Nearly au
inch and a halt of rain baa fallen
. it. , fin- past n a gsjri snd baa
uoa is faat dlaippaiing The rc
old lor lalnfall bgl ibOOi been res li
d In the n lent rains, a stand) dOWS
o 'vi. ag ovei Mversi sonra.
I hart Is still u d. tk ktnci Of lalnfall
oi tin- Baontk and a half of tb. gnn
I ai ol BOOSl half an Inch despite the
(art mat nearly a tool ol light snow
colored ""' ground at one lines The
liost Is Hing giadually drlVOS fiom
tno ITOSSd and the aoll I taking up
in aily all of the moisture This la
i leiituri of the weather which la
'.ringing general satisfaction lo the
ai im is of this section
i agram Thi gli Ii i li ml ""d
i , polli . took knrge ot Iksm Then
hav appi snd In i ourl kofon and
.n- pvnnlt) was iii.tcil out in thla
, Neith. i oi the prlnonnn opnM
SBj tin tine and they will have to
i i v in- . H . iii lati im -o da) ..acn
Brer) effoii to make Inose1 rntsgfj
ilrli toll wnen thi lUtnm is swurad
, ai proii ii fntlb snd ihi ofdi en srn
unabh lo lot ati 'I - itum of that
' rouble,
QolnrndO man Is said to have ta
Milled an automobile fm faiiuera It
I ma inn. ili.it nSB SS mierated bf
.in,, oi elect r I' tv ami is adapted
in plowing seeding cultivsUng
Where arc
You doing?
Ill III!
New Lumber Yard
lo bll) no Bi new lean,
brighi lymbi r
(,m taftoi CoBWitbl
oppotrfld list v .i' l dnpoi
1'KMil.H'iX iiKIM.D.N
Two Girls m walla Walla Place In
Walla Walla Keb 12 Jane Peas
ner and Maud Jsssap, two girls reald
Ing ifl this 'Ity. were yeeterdsy fined
10 and coats each on the charge of
lletererCoal CtoWood
Ordcrg Promptly Hied.
i'eleplioiitr, lu-d 401, ul uall uu
i mi i Ma.Hi Hlreet, luat oiiMaillr Haiui
ford A i'liiuiasiira hardware atora
-. '7-r r HUWBHS Manager
vhhi uociciii wmt w