i BAER & DALEY, xclu-ie Dealers in... Men's and Boys' Clothing, Gents Furnishing Goods, Hats. Caps and Shoes. ONE PRICE TO ALL 720 .Main 91 rtet: irnNKSIAY PEBRVAKV 12 1902 GENERAL NEWS. Uat lacirBlBljr HniiTli k eonnrniei! tt- report that the IWini I had BlMldad 'n withdraw the Urltlwh tmii a: V I Ha: Wei an i to r i i Mi'ther with Iniililtntc lorti cat lone at that place r nt th euate who i con- it'tfd 'nrrnittt '"anal leuinlatlon . that the MpaMlCM BMjortt) HI y't ralv to f oaaldei the hi!l in th. nitt anil prefer Ibat It shall not HENRY BLAiKWELL THINKS RANGfc ip OVERSTOCKED He Says Catt c Sale Must bt Heav. During the Cofing Summer H. Y Hlarkwell. the prominent Haraaj cooat eat la bayer, in hi - I'll known i, (V.-ant ount uifir tiiivlnn iflif! h"ir fur neveial year li authority tor th- statement that the tMtlhwalBBi'B M both Harney ami lathe i ovatteB must niul a market tor tbHIIBBBlhi Dl head M cattle next mini n. owtaj ti retatorhed i imiIHImii M th- raajea Mr Blacfcaajll who Mb but reeentlj returaad from a trip to th. KoiiTh. iti ; irt of lake county, -ail! to the Hluc Mountain Kaxle a hlli in Canyon t'lty thi wc: i cattk raaaaa la boxk Bants) I akt i untitles are overatockpil viol to the nil Id Intci i uf the past halt doaea yar anil the upward ten o Qm MtM market dnrlni :l I'otli tending to .-ailie a at i' 'i ksj on liaml at the tmi op Ai J. co int.v nut little ibob lm MM! ot the rattle are still a raneji aad I ho oksneoa niippl'. ; t;ra lie' sum not at all fttvorauli aw tinint i on it t v an there U at PACIFIC NORTHWEST NP 1 - : I COUNTIES THAT GAIN. inattlia and Eifvtn Have More re publican D-icyjft in- r !tl :. - OWl Ulttl i' epublican nnr aional nwmllloa. ' '"r t lailll flxeil the ilitte lor the DOfraaeUMiBl eouention at April i t 10; W a. m.. ami the apportionment RTeeii upon bj the mate etinilllitte. eipnppini of tlo- r hll ..ft- :eil u Julnt r. two memoriaik of citizens of - : ' viiii.- ng :ii-- '.tie etiuat tent of i-KUlatlot. for leaHini; of puh- ctti ! . c lamli The (jerman nar Kcuatlor. the laat wael of the September fleet from rtiaal arrived out of Queenatowc flur.uay. ami Portlaml ha tbe uistinr turn, of i.einr the only port on th Pw ifii Coaat wkioh has not aim;ie Skip 'jf the flrat BJMUrtOt of the cereal yra Mill the way When the Portland puhlu litirary r oj.eni. iloon alKiil' Keliniar ' m oooj UbrartM w-iu ooeaaj tki place w . : f.u;- heet filled by P P I.each aln! I roin tlo- executive bjtMW toonj not a ht litaff exi-ept the cb's nucceaiior will ivnm of Hrooklvn. ;.tli. mult port ion Hi eiiitnties that lot are Hen i Uauop. L': Crook. 1; Mijitn. mall S Tnum amt Wtohiagtoii I All the other ouu'len hold tbolf ilW I TIMBER DGURES :li I. h at: mac 'll bo fen !tv Mr h MUM .Mtir r" T Howe of Eugene, a paaaenger or hoard one of the northbound pat :.xer tralm1 died while the train waa la waiting id Grant Pa Hit death MM '.he eirenmatancea connected wltb It bTOM eorj powllT and withal moat and He bad boon to 8an Francisco tx aid In tbe convoying of the bodv of but hroth'-' from tha city to Kugeno. tola broth' n havlnt died auddeoiy of areumoiua Directly af'-r leaving t. Fra:. K o How toot: III and died , the I roin reached Oranta' Paao. OoveM,! M'-Bride gave out a atate-a-'-nt .i t he iP-.-laret! the i iiar'-n anade b tTofeasvor .1 H Miller late gwlnclpal oi the State Normal School au Cheney againat two of the mem bers of th- loard of trustees of that Inntllutioi. wer- utterly unfounded At Astoria local candidate for col lector of uHtoma are much perturb m! over Um departure of Samuel El snore foi tbe Eaat and are wondering M be will be able to laud the plum through ii fluent e of prominent politi cal and personal friends who are tmowti to he close to President Roosevelt Tne Lmted State Cut an Immense Quantity Every Year. Ill tlo I'llltetl S' ite- 4 "on i feet ! pile lumber ur- u.ei. eurh ear for naatraoi m Um aaafvaloai oi Um pro duct ul lm . ie ut viitiin forest Aitoiit S2A,MU,ftOO Ofqaa tMM ate bm laid on Amerban rallroada ani! M, new ties are reipilred uiinuullv lor lenewiili- Th. Hi bar used every year lor ties alone la aoAlivaloPI to IjMNi.UOU, teef ot lum bm Th. r. u:. mm ritaudiug nearly " "' ietegraph pule The aver age lite of a telegraph pole is about it year so that nearly TtMM new ooie are required ever year fur re newals Those figure, do not include telephone pole and the poles re 'I ii i ! b new railway lines The to tal annual consumption of timhet for am poleb is equivalent to the amount of timber grown on lOo.CMH) aero of good virgin foreat For making shoe pegs the amount of tim ber used In a aingb- ear is equal to the product of fully 3,600 acre of ood second growth hardwood land leasts and boot trea require at leaat MOJM cords more Most newspaiter and iwckiug paier Is made from srooc Although this industry has en ileveiopetl oin within Mi. past to years yet the amount of wood oojs sumed for paier during the time has been enormous The tr'al annual oiiHiimptlon of wood fur paper pulp Is equivalent to over vo.ooo.Oou board feet of timber for which It would te necesatry when the trees all growing together, to cut sotio no O' acres uf prime woods GRAIN UNINJURED FARMERS BEGINNING TD EXAMINE THE GRAIN R. wOppock Thinks No Injury Has Been Done by the Cold Weather. Crop conditions In the noiRhboi In oil of T'endleton. w hile conceded b) the human to i mm as (stttorlai ai- usual arc said to bt quite iiooil anil with favorable weather from BOW n til bat ft the araln jrloM Will be ftp to the average For a time many BMfOMra were tuimewhai alarmed at tin poMlbUtty of having froen-oiit grain, bin alttce the snow has gOBi ofl and a thorough investigation bat B HtdO very little flOanCl has heel found thus tai in MM loculltlca. at thoiuh In a few luataucev report have come In from farmers who M) theit WhaM injured. R. Coppooh who was ii, town or. Monday from tin Athena COOBtr) MM he had investigated ami. Wblli top Of the wheat look 'lb' killed the root are UQTWOtl) n unit MttaJUTMl, ami h i thlnk ntany who say their wheat i ate iiaaiug their opinion on tills without looking at the root ( whether 1 1 hav b.?n hurt. ' This Killing ot tin : RJM will no. luirt the crop, so long a the roots arc loft uninjured. said Mr Cop :Ock In tin eastern and southern pait iht eouatr) there is thoashl 10 he lictie ot no damage, for tin r aweon thai the grain wa mow protected hfow the coM binsth i thi eaon bttt ii the MMthtfh prt is was mm i til protected eatl "u Im- soa ahal iejorod ami a little May have to be owa The fruit i not Injured mile It I., sonic Of the tenilerei V allot l' '. uch a pear ami chortles hVveral triiit men h v( . sNaO0d thame 'hat oi tne hnrdy varieties than Will ln an abniittntu'e next season unless on.. UBfttireon thing lappeiu from now on i nlit f the same BOMbor of Inhabi tant 0M town has linpro' cil consider alilv ol laU The old resident. J H. Ktaititz hat- rafhlatod his mill and hi nan MMMtJr IibII which Is now Pout completed. 1 n credit to any I and secret order Tin hall will hi opened b u St. alcntlne ball on Friday eVOBUsfi 'ebrtWf) 1 I, under the auspices of the popuhu oung ladles oi our town. .Miss Boyd, daughter or our cuter ai MorohMon V H Boyd and I m Newport daughter ol the rail DM) OOOtiaotOI who has made his hoaM han ptoMlao excellent music. imi the i" si promptei In ll state will he here H C Mean nil Pendleton rualnted with I am glnd ; the mi mid midgwl loft last evening to get ne hi l ii ml h o knov ilia; tlo ma! 1 1 R - X agent C S Madge Is in I fair way to recovery Mrs R. .lones hns just returned ; ,mi Athena She has been elected potuling secretary ot tin fun duy school assoi uitioii of rmntllla Otinty, n just tribute to an earnest worker M thi hint fact Islarrli vaunot Be Cured Wiu ItM'al npiilii kIiiiiiii, ibtM fsntioi n'ticfc the seat of the dlssaa I'slofrh hltssl or DOaatlMtlOMl liev met In order tn CVfl It ymi nmt tnlie interna: rpineillen Hall', ("a larrii Can It iktii Intonall) and acts directly n the lilmsl anil nniroii. rlce Hall1- "a larrh ' urt U nut k iiim. k intHlit'lne. It wr pre-i-rlbeil ley DSM of tnt N-! phrlilan in till iuutr for yean, ami i re-iilr fcest1pjUB It U rompoartl ot the lie' innlc inimn inm bthed ".ll Iht- heal skaad purlflfrn. Kt I nt llrertlyon lb mm ou iir(i ea The iierfeel oniblnsuon of the twe iiigretllent In what lrvdtu-M .ueh aoinlerlul reautt. In curing ea ;arrii Bead I"- issttsMolals, Ire F J I'HKVKy d I'n., Prop... Ttilflti 0 S.p .l hv .iruegxi- (in. ?. Hall rnin I'lll. urt the lr.i NO PORTLAND PAPER PROSPEROUS BUTTER CREEK WRITTEN ABO L 1 Everyone There ha a Bank Ac:oui ;. and i m Gcod Tinancial Conditio sMra, Peh. i bath . tlx v la MoMy or is in as prOBperotta condl' lion Bt our own little hamlet Take llf B hint i -.litter on ... ship llf Leston Balliet will not I n One tn that City. Laat OB iiatliel nci otnpnuieil by his wife PBBBBB through Por'land Sa'ur day eveaiai ea route to San Francis BO lb wa ask' ,1 ulioiu hi- M Port land newspaper venture wahleh wa given publicity thtough his Maker City Herald "It 1 all wrong 1 said the promoter. I have BBVBI nte: talm'tl any thought of starting a paix-r In Portland Of any where eis. Howavar l intend to pfftal IsHiies oi tbe lluki : City Herald 01 Ittada) and MoadB) murniug bj new BMterut'hW in the ay that I have in mlml " i.ilkei! ol his operatioiis la eaateri egoa Bad said the work on tlo- Whit Swan mine would re S'lnil tH V. llti-Sll th I la TO LURK GRIP IN t WU DAYS : .t--v. Pmoio-'iiiini e remove, tbe cause B w 'irnve'i tgnatsjr ea veej uix peiai 1 eiii han the U R 1 b sin liuiieiige ciinipui'isni. with any MISS LAURA HOWARD Presidoi-i South fabl IMkf (nil Cluli. Cliic.iL'o, Cured liy LjiiU E. t'lllkhuiu's euelulile OmmwbJ After the Iiet 1).h--tors Hud l ulled Jo Help Her. " Hi ah M Ms I'ivkiiam : I can thank vou for perfetrt Pt-allh t day. Life looked o dark to iue a year" or two Stfu. I Had coustunt pallia. Oiv limba awelled. I had diay spells, and ncvor Empire Meat Market I- IHI- pkvdu rem DEPOT FOH EATS IF l.l. KIKM I .v LARGE OK SVUI I. LOTS, y icK DBLniRi in cm KAMI l. TH U1 BPEt ALLY C UUSD K )K Scbwan & Oreulich, Proprietor?. PtVOQB, .Man. i n : ,Muln Ktrewt If You Wdnt to Buv or Sell A hou t A lot A farm A hurse A c w A Piano A doy A wayon OK AW IHI0 I LSI Misa Lat h-a lum.uiu t:mi .iuo knew one il.ty tiow I Wuuid fji the next. I waa nervous aud nad uo ap petiut, netthar could ! siaep aouudly BifUM LjrtUa B, Clukliaiu's Vej el.il. le I .impound, t.,,n. Juuotiou witii your banativt- Wash, did more for me than all tne BTtdlelnea and the skill of too doctors fog eignt oaoutua 1 have eaioytsd Barfect hi I varily belie n that BMast of the doc tors arc (fllenaiug aud BaOOriBMOl Of whan they try to cure a WOfBII WltS au aasortiiMul of eOMPlsBBtluaa inch aa mioAt , but you do uut kflicss. How 1 wish all .-.ufleriu,' women DO Bid only know of yoin reeaacVy I then w.mld be kmb auffenug I know." L a I Ha Uow aMBvttl Nowbarry Ave , ("hicavo, HI ISOOO fotfti t If Bm tntmv.ai It . Mtb. PiukUuiu invites hII vvo iumu vvlio ure Ul to write iter fur tt4vlo.w Address Lynn, .Uu., firing full iMtrtlctilur. Put an add In the t lasslfled columns of the East Oregonlan, as there Is no other means of securing so great an audience to your needs as through the (olums of this paper. Everybody hereabouts reads it. Don't you? BICYCLE BEST IN THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD Cleveland AND Crescent a Wheels Sold for Cash or Installments The Prices Range From $25.00 TO $15.00 WHEELS FUR WHS AMI GIRLS, Bold in Pendleton and C mat ilia utility by lames B. Welch, W e AGENT East Oregonian Building, Webb Street Come in and See the Wheels. For Health, Strength and measure Drink Polydore Moens, Proprietor. ii