East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 11, 1902, Image 1

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. , L.II It'll'''
Eastern Oregon Weather
Tonight tad Tfitnaeda) ; i
and occasionally threatening
It ' iv .arrler At
" J5c A WEEK.
1 fe2-
gislation Afiec-
by the Recent Struggle
Marfan -Rociproctty Ap-
rs to Be Doomed to De-
hy (he Ultra-Protection-
IS OF int wn
Pbsies o' the Present Situa-
thit Touch it ana tie wuea
iind Points of Difference.
dagton. ren 11 ificnoes ti the
lAmcni ii war hum nil tno
M of tli moHt remarkable
i of tin d&r'l news at the cap-
I the trn number or questions
out ol 'III' lute UllileitHUUt
Mth Spniii which now ileum ml
mi' nt ion at the linn ni
elir B0 We huve lornier
Cbimli'i attacking our for-
r ti .spam, Uonera! Wood-
riii li.auilgomUnt of the ill
rtfthi rltlcal period Just he
I otllhn ;il of hostilit n- ami
FWoodfn 1 1 preparing a formal
wlf iP'tense. We have the
Of Kin ope disputitm at to
It tlx greatest ami best
of th I'nlteil HtaifH when
inn., to Heeure a Europ-
lotion against this country.
W Mr i -1 . i : 1 1 ift I ii - (iieHtlon up
(tlr-ll form at. a tariff hill, anil
tent i in 1 1 1 .i wav the future of
Itklpelugo ll HlippoKeil to he
tr.'.r . ;m bet w.'en I h poll
ftloi ot the country, Cuban
tjon Is suggested In n'Holii
ptr!n in the house hy Mr.
, an i .innovation it likely to
TT MOD to the front of the
paitlon. a constitutional
Kot pi I it 1 1 ti k 'hi' torniai ion
i out ol .my territory not con-
I to tli I nlted States proper In
m i i! known rennbllcan
Cuba '.- commercial relations
Daltei states torn t lie tub
thr llvi ileal agitatlm Im Con
i it tin -.-sslon with annexH
nvK ii 'li- hai'kKrountl as u
I A II all this were not
m tli. way of war echoes
lb"- ' It. now ukkI
tin 'i.ln'utf nueatiun iir
ihlrn bj Admiral Schley's up
I review of the venllel on
iii-i ii Hi.- war with Stmln
in! Sampson, on I In e , ni
It. Ii in receive a Hperial
1 'in llll- Official Hllpel
win b the protected Internets whlob
are now flrhrin anv enneoaalon to
Culm anil they win he Joined hy the
conoervattres, who are advocating
oonoeeelooa to Cnba bocausc tbey
hope thcrnhy to avert annexation. In
the face of the opposition of two auch
mighty fnmaa eg thee?, unlijnltci an
nexatlon or any promtac of It. such ns
ll prapOMd by lit. Newlanda. would
prohahly he Itnpimrihle. Limited an
nexatlon. or bringing In Cuha as eon
si Itutlnnal territory, to he governed
hy congress as Porto Rico and the
Philippines are governed, with power
to levy tariff without regard to the
rule of uniformity, might be aohlered,
though even BR to this there Is at this
time no little doubt Our friends In
Europe, who hove always believed
the UBlted States ousted Spain from
Cuha bOCOMC the Americans wanted
that fair and rich piece ot earth, will
doubtless learn that the people of On
ha might ask for annexntion on their
ban dad kneei ami still be dented,
There has heen one striking devel
opment in the agitation concerning
Culm's tariff. This Ik the declaration
hy Senator Piatt, chairman of the
On ban committet ol the senate, that
the high protectionist are overplay
ing their hand In opposition to Cuha
and doing more harm to tic protec
tion cause than all tlx free traders
Powerful Influence Opposed to the
Washington, Feb. 11. According to
the boot opinion here. C'uha canuot
ecu re unlimited annexation. That la
to soy, she cannot he incorporated
and he started on the road to state-)
hood. It may not he generally known
hut there Is a very strong party
of conservative men In congress who
have tried to manage the relations be
tWOOB the (Tofted States und Cuha as
to stave off the final annexation.
Their reason Is that they do not want
tn sec the character of the American
nation changed in any way hy the ad
mission as states of communities
which are of alien blood and which
can he thoroughly assimilated or
Amerlcanlj-il This feeling had much
to do with tlx adoption of the Platl
amendment by the inst congress, iti
Is one of the obstacles In the way
of a solution of the Philippine prob
lea, making the republican party re
luctanl to declare a definite policy re
garding the future of that archipela
go. Such men at- I'latt of Connect!-
in and Spooner of Wisconsin arc de
li .mined that none of the territory
that came to America through the
Spanish American war shall lie start
ed on the road that leads to state
hood, and Senator Spooner is prepnr
ing an amendment to the constitu
tion, which be will probably soon In
troduee. pt i enting any over-sea ter
ritory front i rat becoming a state of
the American union n does not ex
peet its adoption, but does hope that
ii will aid in directing tb public di
(Mission and opinion along wholesome
Although Pleurisy Developed In Right
Lung The Left Side Is Past the .
Q rot On, Mass.. Feb. 11. Somewhat I New
o; i: decided improvement showed this steam
.iinriiiiiL In the condition of Theodore
Roooevelt, Jr. Secretary Cortelyou
announced that a little pleurisy had
d( re Oped In the right lung but both
temperature and respiration were
more favorable thnn they were yester
lay The crisis in the lert lung,
which was the first affected, had
passed favorably, hut the crisis In the
left lung was yet to be met.
The president and Mrs Roosevelt
were more cheerful this morning, al
though tbey realized thnt the danger
was y t nut passed. The crisis In
tin right lung was expected today.
The attack has left the young sufferer
in that condition which makes It Im
possible to say whether or not he will
recover, Congestion may take place
at any time,
Th patient passed a reetleaa, fever
ish night. Most of the time he spent
In talking to his mother, then be
would relapse Into delirium. Early
tins morning he fell Into a restful
sleep, lasting two hours.
The pleurisy, which developed dur
ing the night, had been only a slight
attack up to noon, und gave little or
no Indication Of further developing
The president was at his son's bed
side during almost the entire morn
Ing. lie continues in. constant com
mimical Ion with Washington, and
transacts such public business as
needs his Immediate attention There
has been no change in the plans for
Prince Henry's visit. The story that
the boy's Illness Is the result of haz
Ing administered five weeks ago. Is
emphatically denied.
$500,000 Steam Launch for W. B.
Leeds, of Chicago Will Go Around
the World.
Feb. II A faoo.noo
contracted to be the
was launched today at
the llutice Pry Pock
Richmond. Stat, in
been built for W. R.
fastest afloat
the yards of
Company. Port
Island She has
I. Is. the president of the Chicago
Rock IslBtid railroad Met first
trip will be a voyage around the
world Aside iom the fact that the
guaranteed speed of the yacht Is is'...
knots an bout, and the builder's ex
pectations thai she will make L'". the
new yacht will he palatial In every
particular The principal rooms will
lie finished in mahogany and teak
wood and the specifications call for
the costliest kind of furnishings and
decorations. A special feature of the
design is h place for storing automo
biles and launches. Among other
auxiliaries Is a refrigerating plant of
six tons dally capacity, an evaporator,
which will make ten tons of water
dally and a distiller with a capacity
of NO gallons of drinklnx water
Reported by I. L, Ray A Co., Pendle
ton, Chicago Board of Trade and
New York Stock Exchange Brokers.
New fork, Feb ll. WfceM wsj
vcrv steady today and the undertone
was stronger In the East Liverpool
was H lower, -IV New York
opened k.ft, and closed S.1 being
tht high and low points Of the lav
Cht ago . losed 7V There will be no
mat i.ets tomorrow on account of I in
coin s hlrthdav
Closed yesterday
Opened t.i.lt mil.
Hange todaj " - 3 ,
Closed today s.T
Sugar, It?,
Steel. 44 4
St Paul, it;:
Vnion Pacific. 1014
Wheat In San Francisco.
San Prancisco. Ken ,, ,,i
lOIHf v
Wheat in Chicago.
Chicago Feb. 11 Wheat 71K
I Urgt Area ot
Angry OcMn.
J. D. Farrel, of Pacific Coast Com
pany, is Slated for the Presidency.
Seattle. Feb 11- It Is given out
borg on good authority that I ! Far
rll, president of the Pacific Coast
Company Is slated for president of
the Northern Pacific to succeed
harles Mellen who Is to be retired
Prince Henry's Visit Not Affected.
Berlin, Fob 11, la view or the
fact that no alarming reports have
In en received from the (terman em
baaay in Washington regarding the
condition ol young ltoosev. it nothing
ll 1 g done In the way ol postpon
Ing Prince lletnv's visit to the Pnlted
Long Sees Roosevelt
UrOtOll, Feb. II. Secretary
cairn- to fJroton this alternoon
bud a lone ooafofoaoe with th
IdcnL lie thought u conclusl
the Schley case bae been reached and
that President KoOSSTSlI ll arranging
for Its announcement.
No Change at 2:20
OfOtOB, Feb 11- A bulletin Issued
at " L'o o do, I, says fh. re Is no
change in Theodore Roosevelt's con
(lit ion
m In
Soldiers From Fort Walla
in Serious Trouble.
UmIIii Walla. Feb. 11 The Union
says :
A murderous assault upon Police
mail Mik- I uu if in the Concordia sa
loon ,ut a late hour last night was
the indirect cause oi two burglars b-
nig detected ami luought to justice.
Leon Itoyle. h soldier ill tlu- thirtieth
battery Held artillery, sttoasptod U
shoot Oftlcci I i.i v is. with a Imm
army revolver and had it not been lot
the timely Interference of Detective
Sanderson might have been success
fu! in his effort. He. together with
trumpeter lohl A luroeu, hla part
ner rests In the city jail. The hulg
lurs self -con f eased If guilty . are con
fined In the guurd house at Fort Walls
Wulla and will face a general court
murtlul bucked I the probability ol
five years each In the military prison
on Aleut ru Island They arc I'M waul
c Htonebi eakre and Samuel T Mot
I'll both ol the thirtieth
On the Distribution of Army Posts
Number Are Given Permanently to
the Coast.
Washington. Feb. 1 1.- The board of
k BOra) officers appointed to report on
the location and dlatrlhutlon of army
posts and camp sites, has recommend
N. among others, the establishment
of a new itost for one regiment of In
I a lit i in the vicinity of Los Aogtlpl
one for a regiment of esvnln on the
NacimtsatO ranch, and in Monterey,
and San Luis Obispo counties in Cml
Ifoniia. The latter post will also he
a camp alte. The board alao recom
BMBdta the following assignment to
temporary barracks
Boiae liarracks, Idaho, one troop of
Fort Qlbbofl Alaska t mpSSlOl
nt infantry
Ram pari cut Alaska m Hssign
Fort Ml. hael Alaska
of infantry.
Fort Wullu Walla Washington
four troops of cavalry
The following eostfrssasata to tn.
posik designated ate n rnieoeol
Bsoicla barracks California, foui
rompaalse Of Itifantiy.. Fort l.awton
Washington four compaalse of in
I an try
tieneial Stoim Prevails From C
Flattery to San Francisco Tro
for Shipping Feared.
dan Fi am Is. o I'. h i i a soial
east gab' I j l.lKUltt lllollK tile .11
north, oast from Oape Flattery i
i sn rrancieca a gonersl Moral
I prsvalllng as far south as San Pre
ctaco where a quartet of an inch
I ram had tallei, up to nmin It is at
die ted tin st irm will not p'iii h C
southern part of the state
Disaster Feared.
Port Townsend Feb ll. A see
gale raged laat nig lit off Caps Fh
I iory i dnring large aumhor of w
W Is out to sea Disaster Is ,eart
1 ill Men Are Lost.
Cape May. February II Tin t
wiii.n nad tieen looking tor the cn
f the inline. i -.boonei returned tt
atteitioon without the men
one . oinpam
Tariff Bills Will Not Receive Geneea)
Washington, rob u it was givoa
.uu on gM Itj today th' ffeS
program o i tli. imt. lth i"gai lS
the rerenui problem wuh erhloh tha
h. uis. ways and men as . onuuittes k
now Btruggllni Bntsmplatse no is
ami ravieloo ol the tatiff. which is
i. '.In. lion of ,n es( 'il psi .'tit as
the tailff utte- on Migur ami tofts
omins 1 1 in uhu
Giant Makes Admission.
Ian Franclaio. Feb 11 Attorney
Hugh Grunt, who gave Nora Fui: t
the dress that was found by bet death
bed bed admitted this morning having
I howu she waa missing the suspect,
Bennett, having business relations
with him which ,e has hlfherto da
tiled The coroner's Jury viewed the
body and visited the house of the
murder to.tuy
Alice Roosevelt's Birthday.
IVaahiagtoa Feb n Aiho r
veil cam. ol age today . hut mat.
of receiving personal cutiaistt
Hons from t of friends, she
only notes of sympathy on acco
of h-1 brother s 'ilueaa Hlrt Inlay I
tn ti.-s aere pontponed without Si
i imasjle Wires Hie Olft.
l.ewtitown. Me, Feb. 11. Tbs
h bare waa dedi.-aun
isa " ntereettig csremoules
Andrea Caraegit has presented a
magnitl. ' nt pips organ to the conges
giitiiin J
Attempt to
Cuiiom Futile
Forte Them,
thin Keh ii.--Senator ("ul
-.nil efforts to eel
'lro)i Irastlsa naantlMtml hw
. : :i l li 1st rut Ion mi for
Wtloi. i senate He Base
Id have them illiieiiaauH ho.
u ol the commute.
II relations he eon nt anv
executive aeaslon for
Kilt It Is well settled
ff 'sniio' he estlAss i.avlnt
'i' the iiiuch diucuss
hethiM Of not they
constitutional and
the senate can regu
with foreign conn
ii si'lll ol tin- house
e an
I ,
P Kill
or not
nn 1 1
out tin
i treat i.-
' ilrurts
Hins ,
the future of the
a boneless out- A
tarty m n,e i. ..i.
y shull not he ratified.
Prty led hv Kfiialor Aid
' variably able to car
specially Its negative
- or i lo- ,.ni i '..
"ty P0li nf the late nrulLU.,!
WBtlv ...i ' , ."I
-. " acou in ins laai
IIS I'unoai'
"Heying their Hsnde, Think.
ut0ti L-eh 11 i .v- n
.. mc vH-
aiiiiexution thev will be
ui'islng forcea. First
Stated Upon Good Authority that He'i
Washington. Feb. 11. It is not true
that President Roosevelt has coniplel
ed his review of tht- Schley cast ami
that he is about ready to make publn
his conclusions In fact, the presl
dent hat barely begun tin- task ol
writing his opinion aud It will prob
ubly hi a week oi ten days before he
bus finished It, even when his boy re
covers There Is no doubt that tht
president now knows whul he uuuts
to say. und that Ins mind Is made up
as to tin merits ol the case. It wus
stated is vara I iiuys ago upon the best
authority, that the president hud heen
, unable to discover any reason why Ad
mirul Schley should haw a rehearing
I or why thr verdict of the court of in
! quiry should not etand precisely aa It
as nudered. The Judgment ot the
presides! therefore, win b. aetvsrae
i to Admiral Bohlej ami will uphold
tli. verdict of the court Hut the pn
sent scope of the president's review
I to w iiai extent be will enter Into the
discussion ol various phases ot the
icase and the exact nature ol his Ins
iugs upon each one of them. Is of
j course pun guesswork in some pur
1 tloulnre the president himsell liar not
' yet decided whther or not It Is advis
able to iBtei upon i' revlea In detail.
All that is kuown Is that h has found
no siifliclant reason (or roverelni the;
vardlcl of the court, ami tins was
known sonic tlm -igo
interstate Commissioners Present at
the Meeting in Charleston. 8. C.
Important Subjects.
Charleston 8 C K.h ll. Tfgg
fourteenth annual com cut ion ol the
Nations! Association of Railway Com
mlaalonen opened in this efty todsy
:il states being represented by up
wards oi inn delegates Chairman
Kanpp, Secretary E A Most-Icy and
other memberi Ol the interstate com
men . commission un in attendance
The lesslous continue several days,
during which tunc the following sub
lecis will be taken up In the order
mentioned Classification of operat
Iss and const tuition eXpstyaei of elec
tncrnilway grade crossings iitllroad
tuxes Bud plans for gacertniinug fair
raluatloni ol rallrond propertj olag
slfleation oi operating and construct
ion expo USi ot steam railwuys mil
form OlaaalflcatlOD and simplification
of tariff sheets railroad statistics, leg
islation safety appllain es delays at
tendant upon eiitorelng orders of rail
way commission.'- rates and rate mak
ing. Lit in toi it-ports ol electric rail
For Cromer's Seat.
Portlaud I nt! Keh 11 -The repub
Iran congre.-sional convention of the
eighth diatrict is in session hen to
day with delegates from the several
counties in attendance Congressman
(ieorge W Cromer of Miincie Is a
candidate foi the tv nomination He
is opposed hy several other aspirants
for the honor and tht final result eu
not he foretold with any degree of
Lentz-Tompkins Contest.
Washington. Feb. 11. The home
committee on elections today began a
hearing in the contest of John J.
i.entz for the seat of Bmmetl r'mP
Utus of the twelfth Ohio district The
contest promises to he one of the most
intereeting of the present seselon and
is attracting wide attention The
committee will spend several days
...,airtHni the mass of evidence up
on which the allegations
testaut are baaed.
of the con-
Captured Bolos and Typewriters.
Manila, Feb 11. A strong Insurg
ent poet, believed to have been Gen
era! Malvar's headquarters is cuptui
. .I neur Calamhu i -a guns Province.
A number of bolos and six typewrit
ing machines fell into the hands of
the Amrelcans
Edward L Chittenden '03. has been
elected captain of the Whitman Ool
legt football team for next season
ROYAL Baking Powder is indispen
sable to the preparation of the fines I
cake, hot-breads, rolls and muffins.
Hoiiienkdaiiptri im lonictifnct imponuncd i i luy
Other DUwden because tliev ure Mchin."
J luiit keepef st)ul(i Mttj ;nnl lliiiik. ll .mil
powdci s are lower r i cti, are tlu v imi inlerpn t
h it eidiiujuy to bjjoil your rjigc ti"ii to mvc
a few penniesi1
'I I.. " Royal hakt-r und l ustiy Cook" - on
uiiuug uv. r too uiobt prai Ik al and -..iin
cookaig receipts ht-t to every pair on.
bcod (KUl card with your full audi ess.
Alum ll Usl i
uml in nans lai tfM
deib, Imiuum- it
t lit up! pilMilt I
I J- ..- ,1 W III! ll
I sonit I w Ling wii. i
w-.. .lit . I pii.e.-hai- )
H lu ap aii-l ln.lkt s a
but alum ii a oonvav
tuk- II III iiMMi. M t.1 .1.11.1 ,
ously upon the stcmw.ii, bvci and ksluryv
anvat Ms I NO sowois CO 100 wiu.am ST., ww voaa.