MONDAY KKI1RUARY 10. ltOl ASK GAMES STOPPED A CAMPAIGN AGAINST SUNDAY AMUSEMENTS. Umatilla County Sunday School Work ers Adopt Resolutions and Preeent a Petition to the Railroad Company. Vh Sunday School Association Ol Umatilla county, at the mention In Atheni last Wtik, took strong ground again.) the i ountenancing of Sunday i in ami the rutin m.. of Sundav o cureion trains, ami called upon DIs trlct Attorney ami Mayor T. O. Hal ley to suppress the names here this eiimni.'i Thi- resolution which the convention gdopted was printed last Saturday In the Kast Oregonlnn nnd calleil for that ofllclal to prevent the bafoball games upon the plea of need ed observance of the Sunday In the communities of the association Tie tltlon to the O. R. & N. Conianv read "We, the undersigned, members of the Umatilla County Sunday School COSVantlOll and Sunda School work era, rotltai the (treat need of taking n wh Ided stand in opposition to all Sund.n exclusions do hereby ask your road to cooperate with us for the fol ' lowing reasons: "In the Sunday school work we tand tor the upbuilding of homes, up-1 right lavs abiding citizenship, and the beat interests of oven community. "What builds up our work is also Milton ror tne beat interests Of the road. Therefore we respectfully request on finance mmiM that ....... i, Baldwin. Haptlst, Pendleton; Iteta Saunders. Baptist, Pendleton; H. L. Kra.ier, M K South Milton; A. B. Wood, U. II . Weston, Melford W Sin I tli Athena, Maud' Frazler. M. B. church. South. Milton; Jesse Frazler. m B, church, loath, Milton. U Penland, Baptist, Pendleton; C, a Dotson, Portland, l.ucla Howman. Congregational. Pendleton; Mrs. 8. A. Lowell, Congregational, Pendleton. William Dew mm, M. K. Sunday school. Athena: Mrs. () C. Oallaher. Congregational Sunday school. Ingle's Chapel. Miss Mary K. Warner. M I Church, South. Pendleton; Miss KHz atietb Warner. Congregational church, Pendleton. W Marvin TSehrung Pres bvti tian. IVnd!"ton . W. M. .oiler Adams, M B, Sundn achool. E. A. Child. Kreo water; Charles H. Camp bell. Stanton; t; H. Qlhbe, M E South. Milton. .1 F. BtrlM, M. E., Wat erman II II Curtis. Athena; II A VlnaOD Milton. Chrlsllan: Mra. R. A. 111. tii 1 I! .s,iiula school, Weston. Mrs Llnnt Read, Methodist Sunday school. Athena, Mrs. Mattle M Mill Methodist Sunday achool Athena Mn Charles Kelts. Haptlst. Helix; Mrs Jennie Richmond, Haptlst. Helix I N Stone Milton. Christian; C II Waterman, Portland. Tlie oflkceft ol the coming year are: Pn lldenl II ll. Curtis. Athena col responding secretary, Mrs. R. Jones Echo; recording secretary. Mifs Maud l'ra.ier. Milton treasurer. Mrs H B Porti i Meacham; first vico-presldenl ond superintendent of home depart meat, Mrs M, B, Whitman Pendleton second vice-president ami superlnteml Ml of primary work. Mrs. S. K. Yates. Pendleton : third vice-president and superintendent normal work. Rev Levi Johnson Pendleton! executive committee Mrs 8. A. Lowell. Peudle ton Itev C II fJlDM, Milton. Mrs Sarah (ieiss. Adams Th the time to be determined b the executive hoard. The commlttei LAMBING TO BEGIN EARLY UNDER 8HED8. Pendleton, Sheep Men Do This to Secure Early Lambs for July Mutton. Under sheds for shelter and to se i lire iambs tor lanening wr isie ,nu markttl i number of Umatilla county ; sheep men are now engaged In lamb lug This Is for the purpose, also, of fattening the ewes for earlier sale as ; mutton The sheep men who follow this plan breed a certain number ol ewes early, so as to bring the lambs In th first days of February, ami M able the fattening of both ewes and lambs (Of the demand for fat mutton I early In the summer The lambing under sheds also causes a larger per rentage of lambs to be saved than would be the rase were the lambing done in the open and exposed to MM weather readv for ll 71 MCB here III Pendleton The Umatilla Implement Company Flying Dutchman Gang Plows, Canton Clipper Gang Plows with steel or full chilled bottoms. VANDRANB The Hut ti . . now in lJ 'toodtj i! Se&fim "SEXm FvrruWnf in t&r Innikntent Lint and tlic Host on Earth market In Jul) will bring o I THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. Saved Him From Torture. There 1h no more agonizing trouble than piles. The constant Itching and burning make life intolerable. No po sit ion is comfortable, The torture is tnceaalng. DeWltt'a witch iiazoi Salve cures piles at once. For akui disease, cuts, burns, bruises, nil kinds o1 wound) H Is iineuualled, J, S (! r all. 81 Paul. Ark., anys: "From 180.". I suffered with the protruding, hie -d Ing tilles and could find nothing to help ni. until 1 used DeWltt's Witch Hazel 8alve. A few boxes complete!) cured me " Meware of counterfeits Tallman & Co. and Brock & McCom-"-Co. Successors to HANSFORD & THOMPSON, Main Mriet, ..... Thompson Block Denim In Hardware, Stoves. Tinware, Barbnd Wire, Bdgi Tooll, Supplies (Ol Woodehoppatl MM) Lumbermen. Got Our Priooo. your road to not run Sunday excursion trains to ball games or other places of Sunday amusements." Those who are backing the move ment are named here each one being a member of the convention, and vot ing for the resolution and petition without exception. The Backers. F U Koontz M R Sunday school. Athena. Mrs. Brown. M. E. Sunday school. Milton. Miss Margery Mc Queen M E Sunday school. Milton Mrs S K. Yates president Sunday school Pendleton Mrs. Sarah C. C.elss Haptlst Sunday school Adams. Mrs Maggie Wheel.t United Hreth ran Sunday school. Weston: Mrs i.ena Van siyke. United Brethren Sunday school. Weston. A K Price. Athena. Christian; Mrs. Adda Tal bait, Milton Christian; Miss Flora Walker, First Preshvterlan church, Pendleton: Mrs 8. S. Shields. Mrs. T. C. Salt. Grace Presbyterian. Milton. Miss Maude Kent M. I c hurch. Mil ton; Josephine Wilson. M. E. church. Milton. Oliver Dickenson. Waterman. Asa E Troyer. Christian. Milton. Mrs Flo H Holman. Cumberland Presbyterian Freewater; J. A Ayres, superintendent (' 8 S Freewater OrnM Oliver. Methodist. Pendleton; Eva Helts. Presbyterian. Pendleton; (iraye, ('ro. kett. Presbyterian, Pen dleton. Hertha Long. United Hreth ren Weston; John Read. United Brethren, Weston. Mrs H. E. Porter, Mea.ham. Miss Anna McQua. Chris tian. Milton; Mrs Ann Taylor. Chris tlan. Athena. Rev I.. W. Oowen pas tor Weston and Athena. Baptist; Leri lohnoon, Pendleton, Presbyterian; Mrs R Jones, Echo M. E . H A Qreen. Pendleton M E. 8.. It W King. Haptlst. Pendleton R E Coon Economical Expense. Vou cannot make an advertisement too plain, and the right sort of lllus next convep.ion will be held in tratlons will '.elp. Sometimes their oxpeaslveness precludes their use. hu; quite often the most expensive oxpense Is the one that Is not incur red. Sometimes It Is really extrava state gant not to spend money. If you have a ten-dollar apace In thi paper, you had better apend Are dollars more. i. necessary, to mau it attractive ad efr tive Ooood -dvertlalng. should be assessed one ceni per mem MT enrolled Tor county and work Other Matters. The resignation of Mrs. 8. A. lx w. i as secretary was read and the following resolution passed by a rls ing vote: "Resolved. That we. by rising, vtoe to express our heartfeul thanks to Mrs. 8. A earnest and efficient labors as seer tary since the organization of the as hoc latton. and that we profoundly re mat it iia he. one u. , . r Favorite Nearly Everywhere. Constipation means dullness, de Lowell for her presslon, headache, generally elisor b red health. De Witt's Mttle Karl Kisers atlmulate the liver, open the bowels and relieve tbla condition Safe, apeedy and thorough. They her to lay down this work in wlo.h never gripe Favorite pills Tallman Clearance Sale CARPETS, WALL PAPER, MATTING LACE CURTAINS, PORTIERS, BIG DISCOUNT On all SEWING MACHINES New Ma chines from tin up Sncontl hand Machines $j to io. ORIENTAL RUGS ON DISPLAY. II SSI FAILING, - Main Street, Near Bridge. Mm unmoim Sample hj Rates $2 J Special rates by week , l-.xcfllent CuWb,, Every nosfrnCaJ Bar and BHliari1itaJ Only Three Bloclu Iran J her heart is so thoroughly hound up.' 1 lies., ar. c. legates to th state onventlon May U-iM'. Mra. 8. A. Lowell. Fendleton: II A Frazler. Mil ton Mrs R. Jones. Kcho; N. A. Dnvls. Milton: D. E. Coon. Pendleton. Mrs. 8. 8. Shields. Freewater; L K. Fen land. Itev. I.evl Johnson. I'emlletou II II Curtis Athena; Miss Grace oiier Peadletoa: Rar. Walter Pajraai Weston; Hev. H W. King. Pendleton s Simmons. Pendleton; Rev. John Kvans. Milton. C. E. Hern, Milton; Mrs l.inna Head. Athena; J. T. Lieu alleu. Adams; Mrs Frank Hlchniond. HeHx; (). K. (ioodman. Freewater; Miss Eva Belts. Pendleton; Miss lira.-, f.'roekett Pendleton; Asa Trov at Milton; . H Woods. Weston. ft Co. and lirock & M. -Comas Co HOW DO YOU ADVERTISE? The new store can never be known unless It advertises Where are You Going? AMERICAN PLAN $3 00 per Da and Upwards To Tlu- The Last Heard of It. "My little boy took the croup ov night and soon grew so bad you could hear him breathe all over the houae says F D Reynolds. Mansfield. f. "We feared he would die, but a few doses of One Minute Cough Cute puciuy reii. v. ii mm and he n-ent to sleep That's the last wo heard of th. croup Now Isn't a cougl cur HKe mat valuable' New Lumber Yard to buy nice, new clean, bright lumber. in . aw. a ii'in. tvii .'lie. uaitr- M.U , u.s on-. Uaiitist. Penlleton; Mn T. E. PIMPLES PREVENTED BY ur is absolutely safe and acts immediately For coughs, colds croup, grip, bronchitis and all other throat and lung troublea It la a certain cure Very pleasant to take. The little ones like It. Tallman aV Co. and Mrock Mi Comas Co. J Gray's Harbor fill ll 111 Co., opposite the W. & C. K. depot PENDLETON, ORKOON W. J. ShWELL, : : : Man.ct BAKER GIVES UP THE BAKER CITY THEATRE (tttfclUa fSOAP ilMBeWwnejlWIW mi TheBMMteflertivenkiii purl fyiug and beao tifyiatg soap, as well as purest and swaetest, lor Unlet, bath, au.l inirwry. ll sinkoa i thu cuutr of bid coujploiionx, mi, rough Ii4ji4i, falling hair, and baby Urmiihtu, iii, tho clogged, uriuuxl, iLlUaicl, over Uurked, or sluggish I nr.- h 44 trr hL.rn. ... ..ooduu ' llow to Cut HEADACHE "SSelli my wile on. I tujUttmw been lie Lee H. Pearl Likely to be the Succea sor of the Portland Man. Ueorge L liakei manager of the Baker theatrical circuit, which in eludes opera houses in Portland, Pen djt Mn uud liakei City, came up from tae Webfoot HetropoUl Wednesday to attend a meeting of the- board of dl rectors of the Raker City opera house, says the Uaker City Herald The board met and adjourned that even lug without transacting any business, and Mr Haker returned to Portland OH the early moruing train yesterray Ijtst night at an adjourned meeting ..I tin board Mr Baker's resignation as manager of the local playhouse was read No action was taken by 1 the board, pending a full meeting of the directors. It is probable that Manager Baiter's resignation will be ! iMtftoi and the control placed in 1 the able hands of Lee H Pearl. 1 1 ' C.l-tV. sing CAS AMI I ' ..1 Lt lKta we liitve ev. i Lu.l In ll..- buusi- Last " ) wif. was tmnlic with bexliicbe tor i- 1jt she lriel sonniof yourCASCAKhl dl t rusv relieved tie. (utu fh ber ben 1 slrnott llaieij B . 1 u ici,juiuiiniC'Mcsreu " ClIAS S'lll'll lu PltietNrf au a Urpoit Co Pituburi Pa MURDER IN SECOND DEGREE FOR WRECKER R. at Colored Man Whe Derailed O. N. Passenger Sentenced. Addison Kidd wrecker of the O. R. i & N. passengen train near Celllo, was arraigned before Judge liradshaw In I Th. Ialles The law of 18U3, which applies to eases of this kind, makes the crime murder in second toffee and to this charge Kidd pleaded gull ty. An the prisoner waived further trial, the Judge at once sentenced him to tie penitentiary for life. He was taken to Halem PltkMui. foleul 'rut Uood. Uo i OtAid NuTer Slc-kfii Wcakri, or firTTe 10c Sic 90c ... ouna CONSTIPATION. ... uJf,M 11,11 d and n,Kht aiVae e a afih !'' . iwt. mt the ahlfts changing at noon and mi' . ; 7" night Most of the mill workers are NO-TO-BAC & VVwmW&LtLyiUSr children. GOLDEN RULE if to know what nRftfjT I you have to sell If you don't fdw irMI s k II jjk Flneat Hotel BBanananal VJ le the akalBHklaW Nor1 HEATED BY STEAiW iWlaili ..BBBaWIBaV aBal an i' n m iiii m m w i eji rm.Mu mm mt.iv i ssssi megm. "msmm, anv - " m tamK&BStsma d an 1 m . . . a sai mwmM m mm ii MHvV ' s mud ! m m mm I B ..u.. ItAOVKAL. rrSBBBW I I Elegantly Furtii4lK1. O A tassel aaF" 9 3UBu wmm luropeanrlss, K. Ik mo. - - mmt m mwmhm. mm afN aL HOHTLANI), URBQON. Special Kates to bastern Oregon people vUltlac Partland. HeaOwiners tor tourists and commercial travelers. K. C. BOWKKS, Maoager .m.a..m,.,.,.,.,.,, TirrriirriririniiiigiiiiiBinaiaiaiaiiaiwwwrT; CLEVEL James B. Welch will tell yeu what these letters stand for. It's a good story. Have him tell you, and if you do not, you will find out later by watching this space. CRESCE The Column Lodging m r ' ' mmmm ftlTifi twr ALil" SCHEMA Dally lawwwaaaenniniwnwn only 16 onw I amraia..i..iMMM.,... , mmmmmmmmmu