East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 10, 1902, Image 5

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    en Torchan Lace.
Worth 20c, 15c, 10c yard
February price
5c yd.
See Display in North Window.
iver Bros. Dry Goods Co.
mm aky 1902.
Howard Are Insurance.
,dv In Mi'' OhJT. Dutton-i
In the Uruoe
p Apply t Domeatlc
Ij, ., ho.'C at 5c while
Hk lik. IM Koocts. iioh
omiiIih next Saturday,
11 the n prlnR styles.
m irmi shlrta, i. iJU
to glow t 4c. Cleaver
kxxls Co.
, ptotniK and papering,
til both brass and wood
I hurt Htreet.
UEus' HreKonlnn bull J
8tn boated 1 ot an I
ball mom In onne
an and Rpanlsh lea-
Clan are being form
krurtloii nf J. F. Keynaud.
Wbltnuui College. Ad
jt Orecoulan.
I '; ..ml ji i.-ii ( want
line Tvrntr Little Won
i in Dmai ilia County ami
Ifinill'' power. No kIukh
, ''.a . f 'I'-orne bolel.
D. v: n. ii- .-UHi'(l the
i the (iuiilen Utile hotel,
I It up for a billiard and
0m i it thin evening.
; la two line pool
HUlard labia In thin room
up win chair, where
UO) ai i vestas playing
.1 lo HO.
man in Pendleton a
I i and other
call in any druggist
i trial bottle ot Kemp's
throat uud lungs, a
ruarnte. d to cure and
lie and acute coughs.
iltlr m, consumption
IMc Km Buie by Tall-
I kgei.u
tic Ranges
Tomorrow all late I 1 .60 books. Site,
Noafi Notion Store.
Wullu Walla health food at Inzer's
bakery. All the grades.
Only 4!U' for a good shirt. See them
at Cleaver Bros.'s Iry Ooods Co.
Four dgllar silk waists are the big
gest values In Pendleton. Boston
Oet a pair of Itegont $3.50 men s
kIkm-h Hlui-her cut. Dig eyelets and
books Boston Store.
A Jap was brought In from the line
of the O, H. ft N. today, with a crush
ed foot to receive surgical treatment
Golden Hule pool and billiard par
lors open tonight at ti o'clock : three
first -class tables J. E Platter, pro
prietor. Lost. In or near Presbyterian
church Sunday night, a pair of spec
tin lot, Kindei please leave at O. U.
H N depot.
At Leaser's bakery you can get a
in ounce run ot Macklln's baking pow
der and six bars of r.oap or a good
broom a a pieinlimi for only M 0OBtl
City and country Bfoportf tor sale
Houses rented, collection!. Locale
lands sublect to entry. Agent I Ion '
Co-operative Co. Homes on easy pai
inents W. P. Ulliorn. room 10. over
Taylor's store.
Obronic nasal catarrh poisons every
biculb that is drawn Into the lungs.
There is procurable from any drugglRt
the remedy for the cure of this trou
ble. A small (inutility of Kly's Cream
Halm plaed in the nostrils spreads
over an liillamed and angry surface,
relieving immediately the painful in
Humiliation, cleanse heals and cures.
A cold In the bead vanishes liumedl
atch Sold by dmggists. or will be
mailed for 60 cents by Ely Brothers
:' Warren Street, New York.
Clarke & Co
art Street.
Ladies Entertained State President
and Other Club Women.
Mrs. C. B. Wade returned Saturday
evening from Athena where she was
the guest of the Friday Club on the
occasion of its first annual banquet.
Mrs. Wade reports the affair as hav
lug been u great success. The Frl
day Club invited the Study Club, as
well as the state president, and the
guests were royallv entertained The
banciuet was given at the home of
Mrs. Miller and the rooms were taste
fully decorated in the cluh colors,
pink and green. A program of muse
um: recitations was given before the
supper. At 10 o'clock the guests w re
ushered Into the dining-room, where
the feast of thei good things was
spread The two long tables were
twice Oiled, the club and its guests
numbering about M Mrs Eddlngton
Smith wa- toast uilstiens. and the
toasts Th. Woman's Club." "The
Athena Club." and "Fairy Tales," were
given. Altogether, it was an evening
that will long be remembered by the
club ami the guests.
Made ao aamirl went of odd anil eUda of Box Writing
W Which w MA M, u Hiil Iterincl ion to close OUt. There
tad 25c a box.
I'JCeiit ml A.m. ........ ... sUfak m Mi fat J, imiIm sail..
- v.uiDiun uhiti nm in iiuiu w -m v- .'
' Clll l..f u ...it. Id spc . Vt'l .i. .....I til. 11
"i 'miiu! o' t iu UVU lav. n
,irom Main Street Toward the Court House
Thla .tg-nulur. 1 on cvory box of ta. g
Laxative Brorno'Ouiii'iv
'ltu r. iuxiy mil i un . ruttt MAS ""
Charge Is That He Sold a Horse in
ua Grande That He Had Stolen In
Grant County.
Saturday evening, Tim Townsend
was arrested In Pendleton on the
charge of horsestealing in Orant
oiinty The same night Constable
Hunaurker arrived from Monument
and this morning left for the scene of
the crime with the prisoner.
Town: end Is accused of the theft of
a horse from the range of Orant conn
ty and this is the second arreat which
has been made during the past 10
days as a result of the work of the
stockmen who have banded them
selves together with the determination
to break tip the rustling" that they
think has been going on In Orant
and Ollllani counties for several
BOBtba. The first arrest was Tom
Kane ami was made here ten days
ago Hi was, taken to Oilllam county
. on the charge of selling a horse that
I did not belong to him.
lot one horse which was sold in I a
Onto da, and It is said that he disposed
1 of several head that have been recog
nlzed as stolen proper) He came
hen a week ago and had been on a
drank most of the time since until
, Ills -ii rest His plea is the same a
, Kane's, 'hat n). sold the horse for
someone else.
Townsend has a record which has
been very checkered He served one
term I nthe penitentiary from this
county for horsestealing and was
triad and aOQVlttad by a jury In the
district court of this county in
for the murder of William Hale, at
Hale near the Oram county line.
The William Hale Case.
Th history of this case is as fol
Hale better known as Wild Bill,"
had been In Pendleton, when' he had
deposed of a bam! of sheep. When
l aving Dale he leTt a Winchester
with a ininei. who had a cabin near
where "Billy" Anderson was running
a tent saloon. When Hale returned
to Dale, he went to the saloon and
tKjgan a quarrel with a man named
Tuttle ovei the possession of a colt
In some w . Townsend was mixed
up In the difficulty ami altar some
little time la discussing the thing and
quarreling ovw the oolt, Hale left,
saying that be was going to get a gun.
He went to the miner's cabin and was
told that his gun had been taken to
the Hflloiui ami leit and he would llnd
It there. He then returned to the
brat, renewed the quarrel and drew
:i I ntfl lib Whl h hi cut Tutlle
, sUghth on the arm ami chest Town
send then walked to a bed Unit was
in th irnar ot the tent, picked up
Hale's own Winchester, stepped up to
within a few feet of him and fired, the
ball striking Hale in the head ami kill
tig bim instantly Townsend was
later arr-sted y the Kev. Paul Km
i:er. who had been deputised a conata
hie, and brought to the county jail
Townsend was cleared on the plea oi
Other Cases Pending.
Aftei the arrest of KftM and his r
turn to i oudon the Uiiik Creek Kngle
had the tOllOWfai to say
We ra port ad In luat iaue thut the
itOOiliarj ot the Lona Kock country
. . . the victims of "rustlers " Last
wek several of th. in got together aud
com Imp d to semi i( M Johnson,
stock Inspector to Pendleton w here It
was reported that several head of the
stock hud been sold In one of the
feed yards Mr. Johnson Immediate
I) proceded to that city aud commenc
ed investigations and soon had Ave
head of tlie missing horses located
proving beyond doubt that the report 1
was well founded. Tom Kane was ar-,
rested near Pendleton and will be
brought to Condon today. Warrants ,
were also sworn out for the arreat oX
Oeo. Arthur aud John Madden and
an ohVer left yesterday to secure
them Tin se oiiiig men. who are all
residents of the Lone Kock country,
art charged with the crime.
Proposes to Set That the Law Is Care
fully Enforced. Whatever Be the
Coiisidciuhle has ' . i, said recent
s about tin iiiseUf.' l... ii bus been
Lllllnir mi i muiiv .wiiic ull ni'Mr the
country Laal week ai the request '
of Distil, t Attorney Halley, State
ct. liuarlau William McLean cama
from Portland to investigate and after
speudlug a day here looking, he con
cluded that the disease which he
called "swine plaue," was dytug out
and he atied to the Kast Oregonlan
that he t nought there wouid m no
more trouble from it if the swim rals
ers Mould use the right klliu Ql pn
uuliuu in keeping their peM ' lean
ami Iced well. Since he left reports
of many deaths have been made aud
It is evident that whatever it was that
was killing the bogs is tending very
little towards "dying out"
Histrict Attorney Halley was seen
this inorulng and asked what he was
- -:ug to do. He stated that as aoon
as he was able to get out. he was
going to make a speeds I investigation
aud see if something could not h.
done to help stamp out the diaaaja
It Is easential to every farim-i and
hog raiser that everything isaisthle
lie done to stamp Olll Hie disease
whatever ll is. and BKorj man should
look at it in this light aud do every
thing veu to the killing of BM) hug.
and Moving them, to get rid of the
plague, for the longer It Is let run
th. deeper will be Its hold on the
country and the harder will It be to
stamp out Therefore, It behooves
every man that has any Interest In the
country to do all he can toward check
ing it.
Streams Must Be Kept Clean.
It Is said that the carcasses of the
dead swine have been thrown Into the
different streams along the country
and there left to decay and wash
down the rivers with the tWc and In
j feet every ranch along the I'matilla
' river below Thlr should be avoided,
j No carcasses should be allowed to
get Into the waters. There Is a law
against this and the district attorney
says he is going to do all he can to
enforce this law and keep the dead
hogs out of the streams, no matter
what they die from
It is now being suggested that
1 some of the deaths and sick hogs are
caused from what Is termed being
. "alkllled." This Is something new
among hogs, but has been know n
among horses. It is caused from eat
I lug alklll dirt, which clogs up the
Intestines and causes them to get
weak across the loins and eventually
.auses their death Plenty of salt is
said to be a preventative of this dis
ease amonr the horse family, and It
might help the hogs, in case there Is
anything In the story that this is the
: cause of some of the sickness and
i Tied Witn A. Kunkle, But Beat in
the Shoot-Off.
The Pendleton Sportsmen's Asm IB
tlon hail a very pleasant time Sunday
afternoon at their monthly target
shoot for . m dal at their grounds
south of town. There were seven en
atrnces and the scores were qul'e
good I'nder the Butte handicap
method, the association Is divided In
to five classes A. B C D and E.
and the E man stands as good a show
to w'n the prise as the A man for
he practicallv gets to shoot at three
times as manv birds as the A man
For instance: If he shoois at !u
birds and hits 12. missing It, he gets
to shoot at the M again and so on as
long as he mlasea. A. B. Thompson
In Id the prlre from last month and
won It again yesterday He and
A Knnkel tied rn the scores first but
on the shoot off Thompson beat him
following are the names of those In
the shoot and the scores
Birds Hit
Fr. d Walte . 2f 21
.Kill Spell. . IT, 20
! Kunkel 4fi 24
A D Stillman 27
I A. B. Thompson fift 24
M Jay 41 22
II .1 Stillman 26 21
In the shoot off Thompson scored 9
ami K.mi.el 7. .
It Pays to TradJe at The Peoples Warehouse.
"Not a Questionable Quality Here."
When We Say So,'!lt'sTrtie.
Men's Suits Men's Overcoats
Suits and ovcnoat that are well tailored
Suits ami Oven-oats (hat fit right, that are matte
right and are right. We place them on le thW
w eck for lese money than is aake.1 by many BtOfW
for cheap trashy gsss Not a suit or oven-oat
worth less than M and up to I V) We oher
Photos of IM either tttlt -r OVtOBBt for
Hide - lake wing-, and bargain- fly away if
not taken in time. RoBMBBBM them bargain will
not 1at always
We al offer Mil week alsuit -V doaN fine
laundered -bins, alt ie, worth t.v, ILOOaud i .
for only
iOc each.
Your Money's worth or Your Money Back.
To make good bread ae lUers' IUt I-lour. It Usk tirsl
premium at the Chicago World's Fair over all competi
tion ami givee eseel lent at''cHon wherever nse..
t .erv sack is IBBMBtOad, We have the )eet Hteam
Rollad Bailey, Semi Rye bad Hcardles Barley.
pi:ndlbto roller mills
w. s. byi'.hs. Proprietor.
Empire Meat
OA MED fob
chvvarz & (ireulich,
I'lioue, Main IN. 007 Main Kinwt.
You get
What you buy
from us.
Bill Stock of
. .W So...
Trucking & Transferring.
Luatv Bros.
French Restaurant
cosy koons
V-ll I njbt.-i and HUauu Hwtd
Best 25 cent Meals
to the CNy
hi Was
1 1 1 t ift the el for woil, in
V . -t. I Ii fil Lis f ,1 L.lik;.!
IlKhtext ruiililliK nod IHoat
durable tbrrsber BMsSI I'll
.iiallel for fast, clean wuiU Made In "l..s from 'Jt Inch in Mn im b , y Hiidem
and from KHrtfth to tttHBffh atlfrti PftBM and terms quotas on itpdli atbui.
atalugiie free. LBBJHI foundrs and fJltalhllW works All Moik BSMStaBi
I II L QILBBR1 HI M CO., Walla Walla, Wash
Gasoline Engine for Sale
A live horse power .asolmi- engine witli i-a an. I filling, oil t.ink
and water tanks, t-ver; thirty necessary to set u ami ODBTBtl Bagisi
am bttifigs are all new, Iiciiik in use only a few weeks
Kngine ta very economical anil guaranteed lu tie hatiktatloi . l ute
250 including lutings Address
East Oregonian, Pendleton, Oregon.
iWaMratllfr WiaJW
Best Babbitt Metal
For line shafting and all
twarlngs of machinery
of the mill or factory It
cannot be uriiasjcd :
Made from Type Metal.
East Oregonian Office Pendleton, or.
Pftsf Legs, KaeU-n. and Oiyiiipl. WkWBQtBkWtBKtL
JyaU-ra .
LECiAI BLANKS Wntethe East Ore
I'LN DAY aud NKillT VJAaV DLAllIVO gonlsn for a free cat
(.1 (j. i a contain 1 hi, alogue of them. A fall supply always Urpt to stock.