BAER & DALEY, Bxclti ivc Deata rs in.. Men's and Boys' Clothing, Gents Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps and Shoes. ONE PRICE TO all 7jq Main Street: PUBLIC SCHOOLS HAVE ENROLLED 812 PUPILS. Avenge Dally Attendance for 19 Rooms l 40 Each Another Teacher. B, n Conklla, prtni ipai of tM ivn dltton public achoale, states t UM But Oregonlan'taai the total nroll- tiiciii (hi .mi I and that th ararat attendance For 11 mmnm i M, These IChOOl pupils taken with thoHo tttfldlDR tin- PeBdletOtt Ajd emv and Ht losenh s Armiemy Rive Ptndltton a total tcfeool BBrotlnrai Mils roof 01 mora than ItOO. To the public school iKfJtt) Of teadtrara has boon added Miss Colli Hon. or Jasper, Or., who t.i k-s miss I'anott'B room In the AMOmbljf hall. Principal Coaklln renawa the ra OOOBt Bade at the hpalnnliiK ol the raai thin paranta Mad their ehlldnn who arc to botln it hool to the room in Um field bolldlat, on Weal aiu treat. Cold aatkor kept down tha mrollraent of now pupils at this room, itid It Is much ileslreil hy Mr. Conklin thai tha 'hitdreo, who arc comlai this winter to school as baftanara as sent tt oaee to report to the field lull1lnK hetlnners' room. MONDAY FEBRUARY 10, i!"-' JAMES NEILL'S LATEST LETTER ANENT INITIATION GENERAL NEWS The Maalcan Central railwaj ex tciolini: frorr ,.i I'nso, Tex., to tha Oty oi Mexico, is raportad to in- on Oi. mar'tt and tin Santa FV and K hrtaad toads an' said to he ti fill Ifl .i rate for Its possession a dispatch to Um Rachaage Tal grapM company from I'trerht Imlt-tat-.'H the probability of th i amoral ei the iiofi baadkiaarteri to Qeaeva li of friction -between Ml stntajar and hu aaetataata ami the D'Mi h got i ii ue ill By ononiliiiK spae. in tin Prlaee Wenrv train It has ti found poaal At' te provide six places. Ihlee lor frpiPSfi; tat Ives of the American Preai aaaoctattOB and three for the eorrenondenta of newspapers pub shed In tierman.v who will be deata) aaud i, ih. Qarmata awibaaaador, As-I-I.ltlt S.cretai oi State Kill 4dutan' (ieneral Oorbia ami Hear Admlra Kvans have been officially a-s(rnatd as the presiden ,1, I Bates foi the reception and enter BjtaBMBt Ol Priaea Henry of Prussia. anil this ntic is the formal oaa used t) them in all their tiorraapoaaleaoa Two sol ,i te rs were handed In the Philippines, on executloa or aaataaeaa hi: pi ii b tli. military enmnilsslou by whp (i lii.-v were hied and con ,. i! of ileaartlnj to the eaemy. Their. i .1 n wen Kijwaid A PUPOeS and iei . kiissi li and both were nf" 1 1 1 troop I oi Um Niath Carol t. .. i,..sio .. j i went. . Dr. Maud Alien, (Oraaerly ol Port- butC Ort . a medical missionary (roni itdta, who arrived on the ataOBBBl irjri nil i an Bhaenfe of seven roan ear that it foolish tor the American lieopb te send ships full of wheat for the succor of the famine sufferers, because ih, r i- never aa) real dearth of cereals In that empire. It s the rapacity of tin money lenders Miat st . - til- - iff, uiiK native, at Tti- tun. thai India i - a, tuallv expol t wheal to other rouatrtaa Major General 8 li. M. Young now . 1 1 1 1 : .i ' IK the depai I lie nt of the Columbia has been selected by the 4ei retary ol war to be the first presi JJtnt o! tl.e new l ee led war col is-c U be loaatad at WaiiinKi"ii aarrai ks The war colleKe is aspect mi to boooaao a great military insti tution and Baorotar) Root was de airous of securinK a liahtlnt; man at Am bead. Major General Young sue ceede'l (ieneral Shaftei In eomniand f th department of California lb lore that time he was in command i UM d partmenl oi Northern Uuxon m tue Philippine; and mad,- a fine re ord He Asserts that he Himself Did not Let Out the 8ecret of the Affair. The latest Incident ol the lames Nelll Incident when he balked and r fused to proceed with the mlliaton ceremony of lb'' Boohaae Blk'l leultfe. is the follOWlBI letter: ' Clt) Editor, Spokesman Koview I thank yon cordially or the oppoi tunltj extcaded in your telegram to preaenl m stor of ni declination to submit lo initiation in your local lod'i. oi BUu i loft your city afbai I cnln: sessio.' Of the lodge and did not mention even to m wife, until ee art re u ot Spokane, that I had not been Initiated. Any dlsdos ures. therefore, nuul have come from tin Rika, and i consider it more illg nllad to read their version be fore koine Into print with mine. I i ik,iis iii avoid un oontroverajr, ami a111 not go further in the press than I did In the lodge room, in an effort to protect myself in a DMBl) way rrom personal Indimiltv and coarse btfffoouery. Very truly yours, MAMKS Mill." Leaked out Through Elks. Tin Review says of the affair: The itorj of the Nelll Inclden) leaked out through a number ol the Klks. though probably thesi inein are nut themselves awur,- that i Inatrumeatal in us pobll city, Tin boon after the Incldeui i ua l.mnvn to many persons who ware dm Elks Oaa little party of non Km - n,.irc: two o, tlll'ic Klks ills ( 'isslii" it in an udjoininx restaurant boa in another instance BonMha b .ml two BUM dibcusblug it In n sa--alooi: I. Iiis .-. arch tor (lie di tails Um reportei uol a mimbar oi non Klks who had iliead heard ol tin IB Ideal In fact, the story was wide)) scattered bomnui BOOBtki ba on midnight on 8aturda ECHO NEW8. Pall to Be on Thursday Evening. Not Friday. Beho, Keb 10, Uev M H, Marvin urealdlBi eider of the district, praaob ed morning and evening In the M. K Church, The pastor. ROV, V II Zel lar eoaducted the aerrlaaa, Mis. Smith ami children oi Omaha Is visiting her sister. Mrs V II. t.'ath ermau. Ol foster They arrived from omalia Sunday morning and will stay -everal weeks U. II. Staiitlelil has letiirned from i short business trip to Pendleton. i t Hoahiaa ! , aadlatoo, is visit nig his rnnch on Butter creek There a a s bora to Mrs Hosklns a few days i n. baby girl. 0 s. Mud RO tin (i It. ; N agent aaa taken oulte sick 8aturda even itig. Dr, Smith was oalHNl. Mr Madge is COBlaad to his bed. though much iiettet . 1 i Si. nt I- was also down durtfll ;in weali in atteadance on m c Trlb ble Mr. TrlbMe is aerloaaly in with pneumoaia The ball in tlx Odd Fellows' hall win be Thuradaj evening. Pebruarj .: laatead of Prldaj evening, as at first .in a ii -ei I Tin change xvas ucces tar) IB OTdei to secure Kiiknian's or neetra ol Pendleton, to furnish tin inis'i Si. i Sayloi oi I'malllla. will prompt, a new door win be told in the hall, which will be n great in: troramoBl a loll) Una bj assured to wine. Born to Mi ud Mrs. Cloyd Oliver rhureday, Pebruary a i" pouhd boy GAMBLING IS CLOSE! But our radical style of cut price making in our celebrated Closing Out Sale continues to worry competition and please thousands of contented customers. Plenty Pints If you uaed them. 'oath and veati Ifyou need themHoi will that suit yooT A tew days now and we will take an nual invoice. W ) therefore anxious to close on' a lot of oihls and Midi at sacrifice prices. Ve have added the celebrated 'Gloria' : All aliria I .v. i"b m our extendi uhoe ntorn irml au tl,,. l.., l r Vllln 0IJIQ QM prwn Hitch a favtrite in the lig towns U Hpeak for it a hearty welcome here Boston 5tore : WHEi TOD TAKE TO COVER LET ACTORS BEWARE. And Keep Away From Natchez, Where Elk Are fathered. Natohaa, mi.. Pab, 10. Thai etty n i apltalatod to i tiuxt or Kb, who bavi gathered (roaa uii aorta of Mix bikklppi to attend their ttrat state re union. Th attetiduine o( rtatton Is larva aad the batata ami uthoi publl ,l.te. :ir, deorateil in their honoi Th'Te ih ( onslilerable busines eon B0 t"i witli tha affairH a the order to b tran&ai led duriiiK the tVO dnys Heaalon. but the proKram bus been so arranged u to allow ample time for the visitors to enjoy the elaboi it. , n tertainment provided by the members a Naiohez Lodge No. 553. HAS PASTRICK LYONS ANY RELATIVES HERE' Was Smashed in Railroad Accident ai Kalitpel and Lies Unconscious. The Butt Orejjonlan is in receipt oi a latter from i tlahor, written in Btarbueh, Wa.b requeatlai ihut in qulrlea be laatltutad Ba to the where 1 aboota of any rehutroa or IHurieh i. who as Injured in n railwn ae id DI at Kaliapel, Mom., and who. so, Mr. Mallei says, hlls beep Ulieoiiseioilx ah tin aoeldeal id- dealraa that those who know about Lyons rela lives write to Mr. Maher at StarbueK PACIFIC NORTHWE8T NEWS Benator Mitchell lias been urging sjenaK MorKun and other members ef tin, int'Toeeanie canal eommitte who iavor the Nicaraguan route, or any canal, to hurry a report. The el iells ot Ooldeudale and Klukiut county have raised 910,000 tor do light ot way lot the railroad In Portland The committee in charge et this matter consider the amount uBUieni to st ruie the right of way from Uoldendale to Lyle 31 mile The department contemplates the erection at Tacouia ol a three story and basement building having an area of II square feet and now asks for a total appropriation of $6iiimhi for this building, an increase f fUMi.oon HQjce the first estimate was submitt' ii Senator Simon introduced bills ap propriatlUK $15u.b0o cacti for public feutldiugs at Albany and Oregon Oily. He says he believes it will be poasi hie to secure the passage of these two measures, particularly through the senate, as conditions in both towns coinplv with committee require ments. 8euatoi Mitchell is preparing a speeoii on the Philippine and has Hsteued attentively to the debate cui ried on chiefly by the democrats and will probably take occasion to answer a number of contentious they have Biade He paid special attention to denatoi Turner and will answer some tt tl.. points of the Washington man Teachers' Examinations. Notice is hereby given that 1 will hold the regular examination of appli cants for atate and county papers In the court house In Pendleton aa fql Iowa: For State Papers. Commencing Wednesday, February 12th. at o'clock a m and continuing until Saturday, February 15th, at 4 o'clock p. m. Wednesday- -Penmanship. hlatory, spelling algebra, reading, school law. Thursday Written arithmetic, the ory of teaching, grammar, bookkeep ing, physics, civil government. Friday Physiology, geometry, men tal arithmetic, composition, physical geography. Saturday Itot.ny plane geometry, general history. English literature, Paper. Commencing Wednesday. February Llth, at 9 o'clock a. m.. and continuing until Friday, February 14th, at 4 o'clock p. m.: First, second and third grade certl ncatea. Wedneaday Penmanablp, history, orthography, reading. Thursday Writing, arithmetic, the ry of teaching, grammar, school law. Friday Oeography, mental arithme tic, physiology civil government Primary Certificates Wednesday Penmanship ortnogra phy. reading, arithmetic Thursday- Art of queatlonlng. the ory of teaching, methods, physiology J. F. NOWUN. County School Superintendent Urns tllla County. Oregon. Clerk's Wise Suggestion. "I have lately been much troubl sj with dyspepsia bclchluK am! sour stomach." writes M. 8 Mead Icadlto. pharmacist of Atteboro. Mass. I could eat hardly anythiug without Buf fering several hours My cleik sug gi Itad 1 try Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, arhleb I did with most happy results I -have had no trouble and when one un go to eating mince pie. cheese candy and nuts after eucb a time, j tin Ii digestion must be pretty good I Indorse Kodol Dyspepsia Cure heart' ly." You don't have to diei l!at ill the good food you want but dor't overload the stomach. Kodol Dyspep sla Cure dlgetts your food Tfcllaua Ai Co ami Brock r McComas Co. If You Want to Buy or Sell jdjs " 'v i'ef?jig2je3i0BiB-t ' Ki . .1. .iii - ''.'Jfrv, : "."L"'.'V,3 ,i .' .'?L jjfeaV' 'I BLTl ywiaM Bi - ' , ' BE SURE IT IS A GOOD COYER With a pair of Tondleton HlanketB" on your bid you will be comfortable uicl warm during th- cold oat winter nights FOR A pair of Mil pound hlanketn of Pendleton maun flOtuK have hten proven to be as warm & a ten pouod pan of other hrands A A A A A A A A house lot farm horse cow Piano dog wauon BECAUSE Nothing but pure FLEECE wool is used in the Pen dleton Mill uud they Hpin their yarn liner and weave their blankets closer than other mills OR ANYTHING ELSE Put an add In the clasalfled columns of the East Oreyonlan, as there Is no oilier means of securing so great an audience to your needs as through the colums of this paper. Every bod hereabouts reads it. Don't you? PENDLETON WOOLEN MILLS, PENDLETON, OREGON. Manufacturers of Fleece Wool Blankets, Indian Robes and Shawls. -asaaaWl II I II llll Illl Mil'11 I iTitf'i1 gS- For Health, Strength and fl Tl nnriKTRl IHTH Pleasure Drink :::::: 1 U iU -Oh ' 'n Polydore Moens,Tirto7 J I JuLnLnlJI