East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 10, 1902, Image 1

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n ii i. .lidlvrad m your residence
nr n!'-'' "' bttlnei by carrier t
15c A WEEK.
Eastern Oregon Wfatlnt
Tonight mn1 Ttirsda pnthn'xt
fair t ooler
No. i ::,
1 7K v
founp Patient Reaches a Critical Stage in the Serious Attack of Pneumonia at Groton, Mass.,
Brought on by a Barehead Excursion Teddy Jr. Led One Winter Night.
ay .EaS
Orotun ..lass., Feb. 10
of uiiiir Koosevelt took a turn
At 8:U
The condl dlaeaae. He has grown much weaker
In tin last '.'4 hours, ami rompncwiuur
now would I), highly dangerous I ti
the president, known when In will re
turn to Washington The president
(ertnliih Will not leave In Ion I In
erial8 etage of the (lineage has been
passed, which will laat for several
days more, at leant
White House It Quirt
Washington. Fel. Hi Business at
the White Houae practically la at a
standstill. Th only . alien, are thoae
who drop In to luqulre for the latent
newa from Groton Telephone and
telegraph wire arc huay with met.
sages of Inquiry and Information re
gardlng the condition of the preal
dent' aon.
President Bears Bravely.
; rot on Keti li At noon the Ihi
was said to he holding hla own The
crisis will lie reached w ithin the next
111', hours The president realises that
the fate ot the boy hangs in the bal
ance but ll bravely bearing up to
Bilateral Pneumonia.
(iroton Feb 10 The dlaeaae la dl
aguoaed as ni lateral pneumonia There
la no change in the patlent'a condi
tion Bll alt. moon lie Is holding out
Wtbi worse thin morning At ai. , ((i n,oiihi ions for the greater
tftbek It was announced that the dis art al ,h.- tun. Se. ftatv ('..rtelyoii
pneumonia, had spread to tne m)t t president son is in uo iui
ier hiug The temperature was mediate danger, but the attending puy
r, and the respiration was leas uhlans have noted with alarm symp
parable The pulse how-vi was almost exactu ilk. tiios. oi an
stle bett.- othet student who died a lew days children of Central Whtaton and Mu
u - - - uila ago
,. Presidents Stay indefinite
Grutoi. Feb 10. Young Kooaevelt .... I . . ..
Until the critical stage of h.s gfOWB re., .opqu,
rat Halauad Married.
Waehingtoh Feb 10 8t John's
church v at the seen, of a notable
wedding i.t i ' r loda) when Miss Oc
by Firebugs-
Pateraon, N
New Jersey, in a Chaotic
From a Conflagration Oi
Theater, Chicago, Deatroyed
Fire in St. Louie.
J.. Feb. It. Citizens
and officials started In with vim this
morning lo bring order out of the
chaos i rented by Sunday's great fire
At dawn this morning found militia
' nun patrolltBg the devastated district
l"htrlng the night, despite the presence
ol sold i ts. pillagers were out Thiee
Oi tin t.i were taken Into custody
The fire Is still burning In sots this
morning hut well under control. No
1 li i it li , spread Is anticipated Gangs
Of sMB were put to work today tear
inn down (he threat, nlng walls
Kvety train entering the city Is crowd
ed with sightseers
The burned area BfBH a remark
' able sight. In I ho center It Is a
seething mass of steam and smoke
with here and there tongues Of flames
shooting upwards
There la no suffering so far among
those whose homes were destroyed
alt being temporarily cared for by
the householders who escaped the
There was Mime uneasiness among
the depositors of the burned hanks
but they were reassured when the
hank officials Informed them that
none would suffer financial loss Prao
tlcally all of the wealth ol Peterson la
hurled In the ruins
The Chicago Fire.
GfckagO. Feb 10. No lives were lost
In the fire which deatroyed the Or
pheum theater early thla morning. It
was thought that a number of persons
lex ping In the building failed to es
cape, hut all are now accounted for
Poll. and firemen are confident the
fire was the work of Incendiaries Se
oral bonis alter the Humes were sub
ilued open gas jets were found In
vat Ions parts ol the building Fire
bugs have been trying to burn the
building for years No less than M
attempts to n tro.l li have hex it
To Be Carried Away Loss is About
$500 Workmen Begin at Once to
Repair Damage Winy Dan, Went
Thta Morning.
Tin high water in the l'tnatlllii river
! this morning swept ii all of the
false work put In by t'ontractor (Jeo
F. Schorr, who Is constructing the
concrete atari for the v i 0 R n
steel bridge east of Pendleton The
loss will be about 1MB, Tin- wing
I .lam ami nil of the woodwork was
taken out by the freshet Tins wi
all the result ol the win I, oi Mr
Schorr's force of tinu Mim e the first
of the year, hut he ptoposcn lo lose
no time In repairing the dnmage ami
is already started upon th. i.pln.luK
that which went out.
The melting of the snows and the
inthcr heavy ralna of the past few
days brought a sudden rise of wntct
In the I'niHtliln. and ll wan noticeable
on Sunda afternoon, about 4 o'clock,
that there was danger Nothing could
In .lone howevet as not enough men
could be secured to prevent the high
watr from completing the destructive
work that It had begun Therefore,
Mr Schorr una compelled to aland by
and aee the dollars he had BBBBBttfd
go down the river lowarda the DohlBV
bin. and ph.n for Immediate replacing
f the el i nit nr.- that was gone.
Mill Race Overflows.
Owing to the sudden rise of the
inn last night the llyers mill race
was overflow,' n The watei mn down
town doing some damage In Ita path
Around the electric Ugh! plant ever)
thing was flooded ami several cellars
filled with f.-veral Inches of
beside welling things III gen
ihc Phiiiupiup Governor Was
Saved Only $1,500 .iodi
His $20,000 Salary-SchMl
Houses Cos! Much Moiujr
Hence Heav) Revenues Arr
w ere
w alei .
Found Newsboy's Body.
I'hi bodj o an unknown MWOhO)
was found in the ruins al noon As a
number of others were asleep with
him In the building It la believed now
that mole bodies will be found
St. Louis Holocsust.
St LBBJB, Feb. 10 All the guests
iii the l.ii.i . rooming bi ns, .linli
was hurncd on Sunday are accounted
lor The dead number II: injured
eight though lion, seriously The ot
igln of the fire remains a mystery.
A Springfield Fire.
Spiliigtl. l.l 111 K I I" TIM m at
Kant stteet shops is . upled by a num
ber ol manufai-tiiriug concerns limn
ed this morning The loss is about
fl oiHiiMMi The water pleasure was
Insufficient badly hHiwilcappIng tin
w ot I. of the fit etnen The shops l
longed to Senator Fairbanks ot Indl
Week of Gaiety Commenced Royal
Procession Up t River Branny
the Ruler of the Festive Celebra
New ( li leans. Feb III The wt-el
ill leal met i iiinking bus BfrlVBfj ami
the city is crowded with strangers
fiom all over tin itili) who will
vie with the people of New Orleans
hi getting thelt t,l o mirth and pleas
uie for the next three days. The
oily is gaily decorated business is
largely suspended and Jollity and en
ihiislasm are abundant. The b i
lug of cannon ahorth all.i noon to
lay aiiiioum.il (he attlval ol the
royal yacht bearing Hex, king of the
carnival, escorted by the royal flotilla
lb, musts Bid Hgglng of nil III. rat
d being gaily deem aid with the
ai nival eolorn When tin king ol
the , uinhul and his rati I had land
ed the pal!) .molted h) a tack mil
Itai) cotiipau) proceeded to the lt
hBll and fonnall) received the keys
Of the CH Tonlgbl lb. My.tn Ki. w.
ol Proteus gives Its gtaud pag'sin
"ii tin sheets winding up with tsh
lOM hall ul the Fram h Opera Hons.
Mr Hun House Rent Free. But Mss
MuinUm an Expensive EstahliSsv
nrnt Lswyers in the Judiciary OV
mand Liberal Remuneration to B
Induced to Go To the Arclnpelaga
Wushlugton Kcli in In PoatlBNlBB
his testimom hef, u.' iii, inati PbatV
Ipplne committee this morning, -ermn
art aald that one gieat rav
non which mskea a large rvaB
' ssarv In the cost of const ructlsar
school houses. Tsff denied Hint
lomminslon Is extravagant He ast
i Nirs oi 110,000 i set
raai h, hBd only If Ifi the ra
saaladi i aaiai spent for living es
ih on I u iiow am in i iias
t'on to Ins Mlttf) granted him helaB
his residence in the .Malacanan palaeat
of th. Spanish Kovernors Ph.. iuaaa
U nan I thl raaldem Ii heat nh
-I'l l' 'I ' hat ID i tit or the high , ,a
I waa i ssai i lo pay gneal
salaries to lawyers win. cbbm fmaa
m lies fx take poaltkMU In ths )e
ll Isl depsi fluent
More Small Pos Cases.
Wt hJagton Pet. to Itopofti n
iii,., I i. tlx matin,, hospliul servl,ts
lor th, past w.ek stale the,, are noss
i- I.J i u. k ot small mm In tls
United Italea, lualnst ltd! at ih
period hint vear
Turner Still at It.
M si ngUM Pei. in ti,, , 114sa,
tods resumed roaslderaUon of taa
Philippine!, turiff hill '-intiet 4
WushiiiKton. eoatlBUlBfl his ipaech txa
gun on Frlda
Junior "Prom" at the U. of W. to Be
Madlaon. Wis . Feb 10 The Junior
promensde. the biggest social event
oi the year at the University of Wis
' onslu. takes place tonight The
prom" of this yeai promlaea to
eclipse al previous events of Ita kind
at the atate institution One thoua
sad laMfitetsMU were sent out to upper
clans men and alumni of the unlveral
ty. A large sum has been spent for
decorating the big hall foi the oeca
slon and an oichestra of 5ft pieces
will furnish music for the "prom" and
the concert preceding The list of
patronesses im hides all th, protni
nent women of Madison ami from
man) othci points la Win. onslu.
s to Sign a Convention With the
United States.
Madrid Feb. 10. The cabinet has
MtfriMtj ... minister for foreign at
1 sign a treaty of friendship
tl" 1 nitad States after it bus
oiniloih.-d by the council of state.
tests lotiwmme,, team, and ind.vidua' .-via Ma- omi. Wheat,,,, A BUSTED BANK IN DETROIT
howlers Handsome trophies are to Major-tieneral and Mis. neatoD. ua-
I,. uwurded the Winners ol til, various elu, in. . in, oi r,e.,ciiv wwpiva
. , i ...i. u . r...i....
. ..... i . ik i,,. iii'k mv ion ruuairiii ... -
i its kind to In held on the Pacific to th m death of tb- bud.-
Coast, and has attracted the attention
of ail devotees of the sport
.ioms ti.'h, I the Wed .CK WSS .1
quiet on. attended only by the rela
lives and a few Intimate friends of
the two families The ceremony was
followed li n small leeeptlon Slid
Nora Fuller's Autopsy Agam Shews breakfast at home ot the hride'a
This Fact. parent.-
... . uutousv ' Murat Halstead's Son Marries.
Sun nanus, o in h a,. WaB,llnSl01 Ktb 10 A large and
this morning on. the Wy of Wa weddlna today was that
Fuller confirms the previous auiop
that death was caused by atrangula
tion after an anaesthetic was adminis
t.red There are uo new develop
The lire are working on
..urn Alley.. ,.m, dues but have discovered noth 'rar""i.rZTrZLTSS.
AK, ies. Feb. 10,-The bowling ing There is uo trace of ti,. missing ,.bor.,. raceutloa at
Ml, . . m n . I n n . . . 11 u m L I n. ' T
'""o,r oi souineru i auioriiitt jonn neuiicn .i
ptrnament Began Today on the Coh
of Miss Helen Mlchener. daughter of
Mr and Mrs Ixiuls T. Michener. and
Mr. Griffin Halstead, aon of Murat
Halstead, the well known Journalist
Th. ceremony was performed al noon
oe determined by the tourua
which began .today on the Coli
'ys in this eitv. While the
the home of the brides parents
Tolstoi Is Sick.
Feb 10 A St. rei.Tsuurg
Alum and plaster of pans mixed
IHC . . r , ... I u ,1 M hum U H H Mri l..U.v. .........
Detroit Bankino Institution Goes to
. the Well.
lH-iroit Feb 10. Tue City .savings
Hank closed Its doors this morning.
Money advanced to street railway pro
ii.ot. is is said lo be the reason The
bank's failure is attributed to 'he uu
limited credit extended to Frank An
draws, a street railroad promoter, by
the cashier, who Is hla cousin without
consulting the bank s directors
Andrews will wake au assignment
for upwards of 12,000.000 The school
board has half a million on deposit
in the failed bank and the library
fund a quarter of a million Andrews
had $662, 00 In bank certified
and fliU.OO In overdrafts
Warrants for the arrest of Andrews
and the raahler, Harry Andrews were
Issued this afternoon
Reported by I L. Ray A Co., Pendle
ton, Chicago Board of Trade and
New York Stock Exchange Broker.
New Yoik Pel, 10 - There waa
man ely anything doing lo wheat to
day and the dose was the same aa
Haturday b 14 Liverpool and IJ'ij
New York The visible supply show
d a decrease for th weak of 1,361,
OOfi making total 66 666 two com par
ed with ft 414,000 at the same date
last year Slocks steady Money 4
pel i cut
Closed Saiuiday, flSty.
' ipened today Ul
Iteas '"'lay :.'.
Cloned today lH
Sugai I2SV
Steel. 44H
Si Paul. 167
Piiion Pa. in,
t'hl. ago Feb
Wheat in San Francisco.
Sen Fran, is. o. r' h l, Wheat
I0f ink"
It Will Dedsre Thst th United Stats
Proposes Independence for th uh
Washington K, i, in Teller ol .
or ado Padaj lafrotlaoad an . mb8
bMBI Ul ll" Phlllppinen lm iff isHI
Whirl s..tn forth th, fact that It
in,' Hi- int. ntlon "i 'he l i, i ,i Haap
i" .ni,' . in. PhllipidBaa as ui, ,svaa
gial pan ot ih. I'mied Staf log JA
In tlo del. i m i uat ion of the I'm
Htatea to eatablleh with the
"i 'I,.- I'tiiiippiiiea a novel in, . ,,i .ug
aide lo (he 1 1 wuiii ami , rmdli :ous W
DOBtrol the I '
B ibllgAtlM Itself lo i
real furl hi latarfraea
Not to Reeign so Long aa He le us
der CrltlcUm.
Hiughaui Macs. Feb In Me. ret
' i i oug In an Interview her ,1m larva
thst he will not resign no lm . as
I under fire, hut would be glad to ha
In Chltsao.
10 Wh.al
aa Me
siodman Wanamaksr Gave It
morial for His Wife.
Philadelphia Feb 10. Protestant
Kplscopul 'hui.huieu from several
sections of the country participated
tods) lo the ceremoale attending the
onset-ration of the uew Ijtdy Chapel
of 81 Mark'a ehareh Hlsbop Niehol
son, of Milwaukee. ohVlated, aaslated
by Rev Dr. A J Mortimer, rector of
the church The rerenioulee war of
au Intereatlua character ud In, li.de.t
chcha an elaborate mualcal sarvt, .
The uew chapel which Is of elegant
sichliactural design, Is a gift to the
church from Rodman Waaamaker, aa
a memorial to hla wtfe
Demon Orink to Meet Onslaught f mm
Lansing. Mich Feb 10 A renewefl
umpaigu against the liquor tiafn. la
, p.ii.. to kmiIi fiom the Iwo duytT
i lm i, h. gan her, lo laa
undei ibm implraa of the mi, higaa
Anil Sal no, l.ague I'mmim nl t
parajUU ,-uders and ixpreseblallrM
of i bur, lies and young people h aueA
lies in all pat in A he state are la
nil. m Ism I I,, Hem. dial, purpoe
r tin- eaaraBticNJ is to devise plaaa
1 1 1 prohibition amptUgB
in Iboaa .ninth s or the alate which
ui. io vote on local option at th
Will election
Santo Dumont Again Succeed.
Moute Carlo Feb 10 Sautoe Iks
moot made another smcsssfui triad
afti Ms dirgihU haJlooa this aftea
noon He proved his airship' ai.,..i
hi make progra against a strong
hesd wind
Joe i ciur Mao a Caid.
New York Fab 10 The rapoe
that Jo lltr, the eg king of the
QMS) o wheat market la aerloualy IB
la untrve. He has a alight cold
fiuRinui aiso prnviaw cvu lion oi u," i"