ing Out Sale I Continues. ur Collaretts $4.90 Regular price 10.00 J7.50 Was $.sb.oo hjackets $7.00 to $10 to close $2.90. . 1 PANAMA CANAL DEBATERS WON AT HIGH SCHOOL. venue In a damage suit pending be tween McCollough va. Hughes and Sheridan. k :hh l AKV s WJ: BREVITIES. Howard, fire Insurance. t rh'iiver IlroB ' ii: . . j I. Ihn V. DUttOIl'B linn - k. tin ,, 12.90. Cloav lu " floods Co. ticket $1 7.50. was $35. J Dry Goods Co. -- -I, vtftri lamiiH. at News, nms In the Bruce a llnnwiutir Lk iklrt. regular price II V 1 , panting and papering. i.tli liruuu nnil wood v,0'in miuti. It. i , . , i hull t steam heated I ot an I -1 I..U ... In I.AH1IB - hi vl appOOjfOd for tlM L..nnuu I fll.U'tl till ipnm iwwm ...... . -- - CUItndv III till' sheriff if! (ration man anil Span Ian lea- ClmeB or' being form rurtioti of J F. Heynaiirt, Whitman College. Ad . . inn i;i.-'-n ark iv n iiii'ir inn' in . t... - ic i!n all tin' business In lo protect their business to take foreign advertls show tneir appre nninv I nr nniH niiucc take a pleasant herb morn lit: I feet bright It acta gently on the tod Kidneys, ana ib a . It I. mnlA fpnm nreuarecl a easily aa ailed Lane's Medicine. .VIM h' IIIOVt'H Illf toy Price 26c and 6nc. Tallman Co.. aole City and country property for Bale. I louses rented, collections. Locale lands subject to entry. Agent Hoti'e CcMiperatlve Co. Homes on easy pay nn-nts. Wi V Hlhorn. room 10, over Tavlor's store. I.'rylng preparations simply develop dry catarrh; they dry up the secre tlons which adhere to the membrane and decompose, causing a far more serious trouble than the ordinary form of catarrh Avoid all drying in halantB and use that which cleanses, sooths and heals. Ely's Cream Bairn Is sin i a remedy and will cure catar rli or cold In the head easily and pleasantly. All druggist! sell It at fir' rents, or It will be mailed by Ely Brothers, 5C Warren street. New York. CITY INJUNCTION SUITS REMAIN YET UNSETTLED. Matter Haa Not Been Heard in Court. Owinq to Postponement. The umrshal und rtMMrwtr QUMtiOtl nnil the Injunctions hanging over the iitv Involving the Invalidity of the i-itx eharter. are still hanging lire ami the residents of the town are Just as much at sen to know what the out colli" will be as they have ever I II N'othliiK remains now but the argu men! ami trying t get the thing near f B hunl Mr. Halley Is now better BB4 it- cxpeeted Ifl I"' ii I nnil abb- tu intend to his duties next week and as tin gAjOMBOd .laniiur.. term of t ! ills trlct court reconvenes on Tuesday It is expected that some move will be ttlCM and the matter will he taken up uml disposed of in some way. The ii'tnrneys for plaintiffs are In no hurry to bring the thing up and have It settled, for. as the matter stands, they huve things Just about us llie would have been had there not been any opposition brought iiKiiins! their official reign Heath man is still marshal and lleam Is Btlll recorder regurdless of the fact that (our COOncllmen and the mayor voted against (hem and put iu other men to till the places The men selected by th opposition ! the old Incumbents ol llic oflleei have each dropped Horn the fight. L. 0. Fraaler. elected Ifl Mr. Ileum s place, hat. refused tfl SOTTO, and William l.anc. elected to take Heathman's place. Is not eligible uu der the elty charter Iihcbusc he holds a homestead The oppouenta to' Hoathmau and Heam retaining their, uSlces are anxious to Bee the thing' nettled uml are awaiting the uexl move with uo little Impatience Reading" Won Over "Observation" M the Pendleton Academy. Friday evening the first of an ar ranged aeries of literary entertain-1 ments was held In the assembly hall 1 of the public school. The entertain ment started out with a selection from the male quartet, composed of the following young gentlemen: By ron Hawkes, William McCart , Sam i Neil. Fred Hartman, C. Williams. Roy I Conklln and E. B. Conklln. Then came i the debate, which was between three j young ladles and the same number of young men and the subject was: "Re solved, that the United States pur , chase the Panama canal, build, oper-1 ate and control It." The young ladles had the affirmative, and the young I men the negative of the question, and I the affirmative side won the honors by DM point. The speakers were Misses Bertha Alexander. Nellie Jay, Mary Rothvock. Messrs. Robert Cronln, El mer Baker. Henry Taylor, and they ! wen all iironouneeil excellent by the , audience Mrs Sheridan. Miss Mary Rltner and James E. Krause were the judges who passed 00 the merits of the j sHal.' rs ami their decision, willi each point Is as follows: Points. Nicaragiuin canal debaters lis Paiiunin canal debaters W Hellvcrv Pnnama 30 Deliver; Ni arauiian II Hesitation. Nicaragua n II Hesitation. Panama H Pre) iratlon. Panama 28 Preparation. Nlcaraguan B Facts. Nlcaraguan H Kacts. Panuiua M t'ambatlye. each 2 Panama, total 188 Nlcaraguan. total Follo.vlng tie decision ot th? Judges Hoy Conklln rendered a solo. Miss Gertrude Sheridan recited and the male quartet brought down the house by singing the "Oigglety Olrl." In answer to an encore they repeated: A rosewood cofftn: vain regrets; all In mourning; cigarettes.'' which fur ther threw the uiidlence Into hearty laughter. An instrumental trio was then rendered on the piano by the Misses Bessie Krebs Ethel Kimball mid Hazel Arnold, and Thomus Hum) rend u paper which bail several good hits in It ami caused broud mill t" uilorn the countenanees of al leu ept those upon whom they were muile The paper was ditto' by Mr, BOOd, usslsted by Ailss Nellie Kimbrcll and Hoy AlOlQUdl r At the Academy. (;i Krlday aflet m , the members 1 lh. Beta Kpsllon Society "I the Pcndli-ton Academy . held a debate. In which tlie ufflriiiatlje won uhui this qoMtion : "Rooolvoa, thut the Bind gains morn from rsodlBg than from observation." Tbs nflrasntiva was nnportod b) Ulisioi Myrtle HowkM, Ethel l'msons. Mabel Melllll ami Mr Earl Yates. The negative was taken . Misses ItiiL-lc. Whlttemore I. m 5 t'ampbell Thtesstt Porter ami Mi liouglas .lohiisoii The debate was the mom Inter-sting yet held l the aeud my. all the participants tuklng hold ni the ciintentlon and presenting strong arguments. The society rfung once or twli-e . together and Mr Hi.wne of the faculty gave a brief but helpful talk on "The Academy Spirit ' The society has only recent ly been revived, and the members ex- J e( to roeoivo large benefits from Its i tings during the remainder ot the year Ernest Hlippe vice president was In the chair on this occasion Miss Whlttemore. one of the debaters is the president. THE SANTA FE ORDERS PORTERS TO TAKE NO TIPS. Men Are Furious Over the Rule and Public Is Pleased. People traveling upon the railroads will hope that the recent order of the Santa Fe road, that sleeping-car ir ters cannot accept tips, will In some manner be enforced and he extended ti other roads. . That company has promulgated a nile that all port en must refuse tips Trom passengers snd It Is claimed that the patrons of the company will he given Just as good treatment as though they paid the porters the usual small fee that nil travelers know Is necessary In order to receive the care and attention one likes when on the road. The men are furious at the order, and assert that they will be underpaid as they de fended ttpaa lips for the major part of their revenues, snd that the com pany will not pay them enough to make up for the loss. It Is hoped, however, that the rule will be exd ml ed to other roads. COUNTY SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION AT ATHENA. Ask Prosecutinq Attorney to Suppress Sunday Basebsll. The County Sunday Schixil Associa tion at Athena has completed IU in nnal convention Two mease M adopted are of spei ia Interest. One' asks Prosecuting Attorney llailey to I siippiess Sunday baseball, and the other asks the O. H N Company to stop giving Suiidav excursions The request to Mr Hailey is: Athena. Keh 7 Hon. T. Ok Halley. Pendleton. Or. Dear Sir: The Sun day School workers of this county in convention assembled, ask you to use, all jsissible effort in your position as i "-ecutlng Attorney and mayor of Pendleton, tu suppress Sunday base ball games and all Sunday amuse ments, as being in opposition to the Upbuilding ul an upiight. law nbtdlng.1 conscientious it Izenshlp." It was unanimously adopted. IT PAYS TO TRADE AT THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE. SILK SALE.. Just received a complete; line of Corded Wash Silks in all the latest shades and patterns. For the next few days they will he sold ft r J9g a waist length. REMNANT SALE. Wo place on sal" today ind Saturday all tlu RttblDatlU loit from our I2tb Annual Clearunco gulc. You will And in them most remarkable valuti among the lot on Silk lr'H Goods, Parotic, Muslm uml ialioo. rVganti Buttarit k s Pattarm and Publioationi PEOPLES WAREHOUSE, Empire Meat Market is Till PBNDLBTOM DEPOT FOR SWEATS OF A 1. 1. KIMDfl IN LMv'il (1R SM-MI LOTS. QUICK DBLIVBRY IN CITY. FAMILY rRADE 8PW IALL1 CAJUfiO TOM :chwarz & Orculich, Proprietors. I'lioiie, MbIii is gai Main Street. BYERS' BEST FLOUR To make tsl tires! iim l.xe-.' m Klmir. It took Hrst premium at the Cihnao World's Kair eer all competi tion, and givaa esuilieut BStl.fsctl in wherever t.e.l WJ sack is gtUVMlMd We bOVO the lieat Hteam ,!ixt llsrley, tnyJ Rve aiI liesriilem Harle?. PENDLETON ROLLER MILLS W.s. HYI KS. PropriettM r , t ii Prldf ol Washbitofl Thresber. BBaf sqlUkUod for fBt, dean woik. bikI from ilMncli to 80lSofa li Itullt iu tile Men fni Murk In R ton flelils I he StfOMMti ' liKlltiwt runiilliK anil BkWt ilurwhle tli relii i msile I'u Mb'Ic (ii slen from -t-lheli to '.'Ulin li eylinilers ..i . . m ii .a in-. I'rleen aim tertns leu on itiii innui. i Hlaloviie froO. I.ttrue fnniiiliy nml mai liine mnk All wmk Koaiaiiteeil THE OILBEg "HUNT CO.. Wnlta Walln, Wie.h Gasoline Engine for Sale I I I a & . . , i K fivo bone ("iwi r asi.litu i n inr s i th I 'I pes an Milting ill links 1 i V c t tx ). ,ad water tank everythii try to sot up and operati Bngim CIRCUIT COURT CONVENES ON TUESDAY NEXT. I la. . IV Mm 'KM M. o i DWARF Pleasant Dancing Party. The MaKlstrl Artls Cluh Kae uu other of their delightful dances In the l.a Uow hall last evenini?. This will he the last dunce the club will Kive until after boat aud a large com pany 0M proOOOt, there helng ahout 4(1 eon iic. tourt Street. In the United States there Is but oik 'tout comers." where four states and territorial J"l More than this, it Is the only place of its kind In the world This point upou the spur uf the t atizon Mountains Is the one where t'olorado, Utah. New Mexico aud ArUona Join THAN HALF PRICE. 'an mud uu aonii.eiit of odd anil eliuV f nox ntliiK ' whim men ii. and 7c a DOT . 'Jlokut lot aatxioiaa Bojnnr aroHti frooj 90 U OMttlol werth from 60 to 76 000 U. WbJU '"i LY ANl UET THE HIM SELECTION. OEPPENS PHARMACY. om Main Street Toward the Court House Business ot January Tsrm Will Be Completed First National Bank Case on the Docket. Tin' udjoiitued January term of the district court will convene akbIu the llth Inat Tuehduy. when the unOnish d husluebn ol the r.xulai term Mill he taken up aud dlspooed of. The .limitary tern waa adJOttTBOd on go count of the lllneBs ot District Attor ney Halle) unit set lor this dsle when he Will le utile to he present A great mauy civil and 'iniiuportaut i uses are to cotne ul at this term MM ilieiv are onl) three iniiilual ae Charlie Moy. the Chiuamaii churged with burglary: Fred Hurr. larceny; and Ben MaOOU, wh was a-uuitted liy the jury on the chaige of taking a Kiip out of a car. but who was again a r rented on tin- gggM OlirfO and ad iiuonal charges preferred against him will all come UJ frogj the crlml nal do got The equity docket is quite heavy, although the most of the cases ure .trivial. The cases brought against Sheriff Blakley as sheriff of Umatilla count- In doing his duty In loryiag ion stock of the First Natlona1 Hank i ot Pendleton, brought by the stock 1 holders, will be aired at thn- U t This wai. caused hy a dispute aud re I iiisal on the part oj the stocggoldors to P.v ertaiu delinquent taxes against the Bti k and Sheriff Hlakle) ,iW ordered by the c ourt lo lotry on the stocks, which he did. and the In junction suits wore the result Theee .h kholderr are: !.evi Ankeny, Al ten Reynolds, W F Matlo'k J S kM og Abraham Schwabacher Bell ! s. hwabacher. H. T Johnson and ; Henry Reynolda. These and the In (unction ase against the city which ,c out .f the inarshal squabble are mum iiiooitHiH aniiuuKii rn.ii Him and Mil Htckt, Hoi idea and humus ate all new, licmn in use only a l-w wee k' Kiiki'"' vt-r) cc ciiiuniic ill anil K'Mi.nitceiJ to lie s.itisl.n lory 250 : l'.idinK tittitiKs A 1 1 1 r I in and Crein lor nub ur uu martin Now York 5tock hachnog. Cbicogo Stock Eacbaag. Chicago Board of Trade Hast OreKonian, Pendleton. Oregon. art Mir ..1 Or 1 1. uu- piudina a doaoo or autre divorce cases. Judge Ellis returned Friday OVOBlBg trom Heppuer, where he had been Ui the urgumrtit for a change ol iVIanys The Time Sellers Renters Buyers Servants Houses HAVE BEEN FOUND TH ROUGH AN ADLET IN THC CLAgglFIED COLUMNS OF THC EAST OREGON IAN WHEN ALL OTHgR MEANS HAVE FAILED THESE CLASSI FIED ADVERTISEMENTS BRIN6 RE8ULT8 AND DO NOT COST BUT A TRIFLE. TRY ONE tttYWWW ejntfts-1trHflc BUY THE Best Babbitt Metal IN 10 POUND BARS. I or line Abafting and all bearing of machinery of the mill ur factory it cannut be (surpassed : : : Made from Type Metal. East Oregonian Office, Pendleton, or. LEGAL BLANKS gonUa for a free cat alogue of them. A full supply always kept m stock.