LY EVENING EDITION DAILY EVENING EM THE DAILY Eastern Oregon Weather Tonight urn! Sunday. .-.aalvnal rain lillbt o .v)BMi bJr at r JSc A WEEK. PENDLETON, UMATILLA COUNTlrOREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1909. No. TARIFF IS PROHIBITIVE A 1200,000 SALE WRIGHTANDROGERS J. P. GIGANTIC PLAN 0 1 7 I MORGAN S Taft, if Only 50 Per Cent Reduction Be Made on Philip- Large Trade Between Two Pay a Visit to Inland Empire Combining the Surface and Efevtted LinM In Thirteen of tho pine Products. Pendleton Citizens. C. B. M Washington, Feb. 8. On returning testimony before the senate Philip committee this morning, Governor Taft submitted a cablegram just tvfd from Acting Governor Wright, in which the latter states that at a WADE SELLS TO J. E. SMITH SHEEP INTERESTS. Metropolis. rT!-. ,,htir session of the sugar and tobacco interests, a reduction of 75 t- .. I" .l- - s..lM ,,,-ir f iwr.r.t.H and that a rA,r- v.-. tA ... in . Tift sa'd it was an exaggerated statement that the friars owned three-. h. of the property In Manila. It they left the Philippines, the com W m.lri be alad to buy their punnc property in the cities, as well as . .... nrrirui I in cm id am ciuinnkir. ri;i:i!rc UPSON ENDS CAREER IN THE NAVY TONIGHT ALL THE WORLD MAY COMPETE IN THE RACE. Acres of Land. 17.000 Sheep and Various Ar ticles of Camp Equipage Biggest Sale Ever Recorded in Eastern Or egon. Excepting Mining Sales Makes Mr. Smith Sheep King C. H. Wade, cashier ol the First National Batik, nan sold to t, E. Smith, for $2in,OMl, his entire sheep and sheep range land holdings. ttTO Items of the deal being 3it.lHN acres of land and 17,ntni sheep The deal is practi cally rlosed. and there Is no doubt thiit tt will Ih' made a matter of rer on! Thi deal Ih perhaps the biggest . vet made In Eastern Oregon with the ei( eption of some of the mining Rear Admiral Cromwell was Re- Go-As-You-Pleaae Pedestrians Contest tired Today. I New York. sjUngton, fen. .- ine omcini New York, Feb. 8 --The genuine in- L . . . . .. ' i , i.mla I .modi . ....... . .... IdnlKht. wnon. i n bhoii 01 uit? trnmtlonal six-day ro-ax you-plcafto Kale that nave bwn mart that tomorrow lie narrifH HIP !,... .utriaii tam rare tar ih rham- Thlh will v Mr Smith aamethin.1. .limit hi will In- retired from a- tt... 4-1,1 rki.k hi,,, ot nnn .hn .,.,. ut.irte. or.. L W Itll'li II I k 111 II I If till . I.. A II. Jl f 1 m M 1 B I III 1 .uHnniii.i ii tln lloHtiui nnvv vftrn . .. ,.i. ...... 1.. uauij i ... 1 h .-nt . riiiiiiwiiii v - , a. 111 11 1 HL 111 11 1 1 1 1 11 1 iz 11 i iiiiiuii 1 iiw iiikiii 1 mm hi i'iiiiiii'ii n i - n i't i' rin ' i Ortooi i Admiral Sampson nn indicates a revival of the old time king of the Inland Empire' that is If snort. The race will differ creatlv 1 Hoti Noble of Idaho, he ruled a out pfnacintcd however, from the old atvle of race, as of the Inland Emnlre. He Ih now he teaniK will be contlniiallv shlftlne i The nronertv traiiHler .. ....... ... 1 1 M . luii'iinilnv U'.-ul. mil growing more hK Hevere lllneHH. . ... ,. i. uluirl wnlk euch fiiiv . - a I ... - ........... , .....I ...1,1, kar miiinort he would he unable a.. Ill iiilml Iiiih In inn. dim int those fumlllar with ho ftp rurtwiu' him now. j i-oini'idenee, Keur Admlrnl consists of which will mean a ninnlng race from fully He.uoo acre of land, among Htnrt to flnlah. and Hhould prove more which are the Scale, and Hartihart iiiterestlnK and exciting than the : ranches and a large quantity of hiiiu straight 142-hour go-u-you-pltiaae. trcr and winter range. There are alHo The entrlen come fnm France. Kng- horses and wagons and all the cquip liitid Canada, and several other lor age pertaining to the maintaining of eign countries, as well as from all parti of the United States. Most all ol tin nlil time .ed'Htrlans are rater kIh i i camps. Mr. Wade turns over to 111 Smith all of his sheep Interests, thus going entirely out trom the sheep audi as "Pete" Golden. Frank breeding buslneHS. Mivi will also reach the retiring Mart. George CartwriKht. Oeorgc Nor. tomorrow it being tin sim snii'verHary of his birth. He I ' i I IllUVtl tilt Ml-fiV M'll ll l lit , however. It liliviug been decided retain his services ax commander the Kuropeuu Niiuaiiroii until . . , . . . I. i - nm rti i-i in- ir ii. ip. iv fi i i.i . I l I jl LI. I.I m ih iiic i. hi. -an tn inn ik. i i. mac. "Pete" lleglemnn "Pat" Cava MUgB, Tom Howarth. Ceorge Track John Hughes John Ollek, Archie Sin In If. Ernest Campbell and Oeorge 11 Ml. HI H I S I" V f L I 8TILL HAS FEVER. to Charleston. WuhitiK'on. Feb. I J u'uw ilifint flu snnie as ll lui nijv'lit HIh temperatiiM was uarminglv lngb ami his pulse Official Bulletin. WmuiiikIimi Feb 8. At noon See fll 111.' I l II I li III.' l.l.-D ih inri u laviiran n rniu r H s Carnival of Sports. HoHion. Feb. 8. Some record per-in-"lancet. Hie promised at the Kith! Mi nun I indoor handicap meeting of the Huston Athletic Association to he held i in Mechanics' building tonight. The entry list of the meet Is one of the laruest ever seen hereabouts. The big special event of the meet will he the 40-yard scratch event ( invitation i in whn h A. F ltilff. ot (ieorgetown 8 Telegraphic University, who won last year In rec on! time will gn U4iinst V Scheuber o! Harvard W A. 8hlek. the crack Audovei sprinter, and W. I) Eaton, of Amherst Tin team rela races are also attracting much attention. In I these tvstnj Harvard will race Penn sylvania. Cornell will go airainst Princeton. DsrtaMMtl agaiust (Nlnm Ida. and Williams against Amherst. Good Racing Promised at Louisville. Louisville Kv Feb 8 The stakes SpeakihK "I the sale Mi Wade said to th East oregoniau today thai In was also contemplating the sale ot Ins cattle and horse interests, which are Iverjl extensive Mi Wade has some ol the lines! lisol-blooded catll. on the t'oast. that have won prices In recent competitions. uotab! ft Spokaue ami i Salem and The I miles. He has a line ' establishment In I'nlon county where he maintains a cattle breeding ranch ' and has a herd that would do credit to any of the older regions of the East, ! where full-blooded cattle bin ding has been carried on lor generations Mr. Wade may also dispose of his i horse Interests ol which he has a number that are valuable The busi ness ol tin First National Bank, of which be Is the efficient executive head as cashier, has developed to an extent demanding more ot his time than lie would be able to devote to it. re he to retain so many extensive outside establishments and this is one reason for his selling these livestock mil rests two big Moguls of woodcraft here Head Clerk and General Organiser Received by Local Members of the Order Both Delighted With Pen dleton Say Town Is All Right Big Time at April Log-r.miing Occurs General Hustling to Be Done. J. L Wright, grand head clerk of the Women of WOOtV raft, arrived In the city Friday from his home In I.eadvltle. Col., to pa an official visit to the local circle nn.l Is the guest of Grand (iunrillan Mrs Carrie C Van Orsdall This afternoon at I M. the Women of Woodcraft and Woodmen of the World rave Mr Wright a rci .-p tlon at the I. O. O. F. hall. In speak Ing of the order he represents and his visit here. Mr Wright said "The Women of Woodcraft, as an organization. Is only five years old, vi it is In a flourishing condition and growing Into one of the most powerful fraternal organizations In the world During Its short existence, it has paid over f.too.oon in death claims It now has Invested $4J.immi from the reserve fund In Iwinds drawing 4 and .' per cent Interest. The membership now is oei L's.unii and we expert to have a membership of .1(..Ol0 by the next meeting of the grand circle, which Is to be held In Cripple Creek. Col.. In August I attribute much of the sue cess of the order to the efforts of our worthv grand guardian Mrs Van (iisdall of this city." Mr. Wright was: th.-n anke.l what lie thought ot Pendleton lie replied "I was very much disappointed at Pendleton I never heard of the town until about five v.ars ago and I did rot think much o it but BBMI HNBIm here. I find quite a city, with ii ii cch of a great future befoie It. It re minds in.- of u mining town that grad ually develops Into a great big city. You have the right kind of people. Tin are Just the kind we have In Colorado and It Is a pleasure to meet tin in They an- open hearted and kind and do ever) thing possible to make II pleasant for those they come In con tHlt with." Mr Wright will remain here until Monday, when he will continue his Journe) Into California before return lai home. Largest Cilies of the East. Philadelphia, Feb. 8. The North American says today the tractioa trust, which Morgan is reported to be financing, will include all the ele vated and street railway systems in New York, Philadelphia, Washington, Cincinnati, Columbus, Cleveland, Toledo, Baltimore, Chicago, St. Louie, Boe ton. Milwaukee and Detroit. THK DAT I: SI:T RW APRIL 2 KR(K)M.ANI) IS I AUNCHbD REPUBLICAN STATE CONVENTION DELEGATES. GIGANTIC VESSEL WAS LAUNCHED BY CRAMPS 350 in Number One for Each 150 Vote in 1900. Portland. Feb. k The republican slate central committee announce that the -tate convention will be held on April I The apM.i ilonnieni Is one delegate to each U.O votes In the pres idcntlal election R gives 360 delegates The Largest Ever Constituted in thl Country. Philadelphia. Feb. 8 - The blggee ship oVei built in America the Krooe land. .instructed i the Cramp ship yards for the Inlet national Naviga tion company, and which Is to ply bev twe.-n New ork mill Houthamptoa, waa sm. .-ssfulK Though the exeiil little I'ereinonv It launched today. vMi It 1. Ml. led wltfc was wltneaeed hjr THE MKINLBV MEMORIAL MEMORIAL OF THE GREAT PRESIDENT Congregational Churches Asked to Observe the Occasion. New York. Feb 8 Congregational churches throughout the iiiuntry are cMctod to observe tomorrow aa a memorial of Abraham Lincoln tn re sMtnse to an appeal Issued by the American Missionary Society "Abraham Lincoln." says this ap peal, "was BOfB In the mountains of tin -onth where schools and church -s have BIBB established by this as social Ion The negroes have grown Into a gt.-at multitude or more than uht million among whom this as social ion has planted lis Institution) and missions Through Its mission lilies the colored people are being 1 1 Mined In shop on the farm In the school, church and home for christian responsibility." TRADES UNIONISTS ARE ENRAGED OvER DECISION. 1 thousands of sights, " i who thrutis4l the shlpvard The pi'itn ipal dimensions of the M-ssei are Length over all. feet width 600 feet, and from de.. Illn- to keelson. 42 feel The groM .tiling. - ii' not), and on a .11 place ment ,.f 11,000 long she will draw N let of watei Her contract 17 knots In building the Kroouland her sister ships Finland now on the wavs at i i. hi. I tie Yadcilane; and e. 1 in. I built abroad thg Int national Navigation -m ..m. I a 1 s hav .int. in. ic, i to get gWB rraea tbe or asm greyl nd idea anB to iiippl) ess. la w in. i will . r.ata JBB tlaiili. comfortahl) in iiIhmiI "fffl daye and i.llow- the InttiMl i. Hon of all sorts of MBVMltMt eg In 'he makes lip of the vessel PRINCE VICTOR WOULD LEAD FRENCH PEOPLE Were Judge Con th.- president should not go to tot th. spring meeting Of the new California Mining Gains. San Francisco Feb 8 Figun-s aaaedlati danger." Boy Is Better. Qroton Mass.. Feb. 8. Mrs. House- hen- Ibis morning and tin lalwli l....-.-i...l .. pi'i i...-. . I.... I 8h. loiind him slightly lufpiov ri....... ,1.1.1.. iw i.i.onii. i.M kev I'l,, i, . i.M.-.i toduv Jus' mad. publu hy the stale mluiug ra for the worse. The piesldent is high class or tne entries me meeting ItA mil on... I.. Croloi, as his will be a highly succoaaful one The winch time nine stages are to ue run including the lierb Clark aud Oaks beeidee the Nursery, a new $Mn race i for 2-year-olda. Childs vs. Martin. Philadelphia. Feb round g" bet w.i Chicago and lienver Ed" Martin which is slated for the arena of the Industrial Athletic Club tonight has The ntesident is high " lass of the entries the meeting of California la In a more thriving ... . a . . . m ama. . I ...a... akan f . . . ..... .. . a-uaaa-u VA'lill.. I I l Ii' I I I .Ol. Il.ll. I'' in." I..- I. . r ...ii.- the gold production baa largely In creaeed, the most notable gain la In .upper. During the year many valu libit copjM t properties have been oM-ned The figures show also the important, ot the quicksilver Indus In of tin. ..ti.ii the iiroduitlon for h !.' iHif. I the year having amounted to 27,418 n Frank ( "lids ! n(Ul.8 ttt, UKMMl a8.:tl7 flasks in 1" FashionaDlc Wedding in Gotham. New You Feb 8- Fashionable so- LEOMARGARINE BILL FOR NEXT WEEK'S BUSINESS woUMd llvl iniet-st in sporting rff- il.s The two men haw be.-n matin ,,.,.,., ,, in .,re i,Mav at th. ma. Will Consider It, With Revenue several times In 'h. pa - ,,,,,,. Miss ..s...lni.e Hoe, a Reduction. were prevented from coming together ,ia(lt,lter ol Oeaeral and Mrs Charles 'hlagt,, Keb 8. The oleoma! '' l"-o.-eellngs Francis H- and Mr Preecot BBMH mi, will claim the Htten . ,, w u f A 'ei. n il..' i ' ulUie house next week, aud, un oouln "rw""- V T "1 "7 Thomas r.jts.ui cnurcn. uss ,mm the appropriation bills Interfere Columbia, 8. C, Feb. 8 - Delegates or of whn n was magnificently deco euur. will reai h a vote before I and visitors Mom all parts of the rated with i-alms ami flowers Fol upH... n.i. . ..... i.., ...iii.ii lor tin annua i.mhi.v tl. ..leiniiiiv there was.t I? will h. called un in the iieai convention of the South Carolina Urge am! t.rilliant recepUM at the a. o ... . . - ... ... - . ,. i.i..., u .ll I... In ae.s ion tiere I, , ,t n,, n ide s nareUB . a. ---- i -;- . J. 4 .., uirin inn wtll lie leSllllletl 111 (luring tuc u""1 ' - nat. .Mondav. It is eonfldentlv welcoming meeting nas inn p.tora to See Palestine. . " ' " -1 . .., ... ....... ... . . I . I. . tl . , I , I I . -ww sw ill. till wi hi. iihkkci lo t(i un (ins ...... the end of the week ! e of greeting will 1"' delivered on New loiak. Feb s.-i n.- wiiiissur imoi ine week. paeia ,-hun hes and liner Celtic which sailed for Europe tUt. eaj branch of the association today, has among 1U passengers 100 o-ioii de Constant Sails. ... i. tvan ov .-r to r nlnrvvniei and Other, lroui various j OHIO! I .,T . aa - - - - - Ked. K Amanu Hi,. I..KK..H H..I....- when the pulplU ol parts of Pennsylvania who are bound 'SSlilllg i. hi. Ilnura. for New V eok .... i. . loirclies of the city win on a pilgrimage to raieauue- sue t TiMiraine today waa Barond' j p, ts t upled b cnilneut divines who party is one of the largest of Its kind 7. uc v uuinaiiiii who woo ai,. auioug "' - - - . - the- French delegates to The 1 (,, the largi number and the pron. numbers the atholic pilgrimages - i ine ri- will i.i.h -. .taniitngioii. wuere lie win -est of the French aiubas uttjuce go to uuicaeo 10 - on- anareaa on nanair 01 n asuingion s nirtnoay . .... ...... it. I the r.tuvenUoi mailt- to Home each spring 1 ne will be the most notable in the hlb tour is under the direction of tlie Hev. . ... ... ii..- state orguntzatlon l)r Edwin S Wallace of Oreenburg, Pa. (team is ... ..wi.uti. '" - dvertleliiK Is to bugtuess In- uae of steam will blow you 'uju.llcioilS i. will hlow r taisinoss Newark Adrertls An automobile took Are recently a Spriugneld. Mass. snd the driver with great presence of mind ran the hurnliig ina. hlne to the nearest Ore Officials Exonerated. Washington Feb. 8-Investigation . ... i.ll... I.. quuo " " , , . rhBi, and seneattonai an usee -m-i brought to them, Instead of their go- Mm.(AB wttnt exonerated An Enthusiastic Woodman. (inirge K Kog.r. general North Wegt or nun I, cr ol the WobBbmi of th. World, arrived in Peiidl.-ton this morning trom Port laud Mr Hog. is will make Pendleton his headquarters for the next three mouths In ordei t. giv. the Eastern Oregon Washington logrollings closer attention than he could (lo from the west sbb Mr lingers is an enthusiast in pei feetd Woodcraft. He Introduced th. gnat logrolling idea lo tin North west, which culminated lo the Inltla tion ot 1000 candidates on Mount Ta bor. Portland August " last 168 at lloquiaui. Wash August In. 446 In Tacoma. August 24. 1117 in Seattle. August .11 : 260 at Halein Sept em b.-1 l.r. and 827 at .Sokao DOBMBBT 12 13. These log-rollings were also I in incuse sim-IbI events and were attend ed by thousands of visitors. In speaking to a reporter of the East Oregouian Mi Hog.-u- said He Likes Pendleton. "1 have been lsking foiwaid to getting in Peudleioii for some time I have couie here lo give persoual at tention to the gr.-a' gatherings which will be held In Walla Walla. Pendle ton and Maker City during the ..m ing sprlug. I am used IB Mk4BI a wonderful display of in our order It Is rhgrnoterlstji of Per teeled Woodcraf bill I III list confess in) astonishment at the oomplete pos session of the minds and hearts of a. i iiii.crshlps which our order has here. I am delighted and T predict that Pendleton will have a time nest April whnh will aatoulsh the Hunch grassers' themselves. Fine Drill Teams. "We will for altt e at ou i celebration her. ot large .telega tlons from all over Eastern On-gon aud of smaller i-sriles from the entire Northwest We will bring (Ml hand somely uniformed drill tenuis from Portland Seattle and Tacoma and will give a aeriee of public exhibition drills These team, are easily coo . ed.-d to be the best drilled bodlee of men lu fancy military movements on the Coast. "A series of high-class perform ances and entertainments peculiar to Woodcraft will be introduced and all In all. we will verily shake the old town up with fraternal dyaaaalte oa that occasion " Smtih Says They're in tempt When Striking. Cincinnati, Fuh 8. llellevlng the' weeping derision of Judge Smith In' declaring that the striking employes .t the Anchor Muggy Com pan ) In en . lining them even t etin mji u r 1 1 against the pursuance of peaceful or other i im ans and declaring them in eon tempt of court Is a blow at the very 'oundatlon of trades unionism, union men of all trades are pi .paring lo Ir i . slate a monster protest agaiust what th.-) believe to ha an un American i rullBf. It Is proposed to hate the pro I test signed by every uulou workman in i he United Ststes They to Insist Upon It Hie Progrsm Given. Paris Feb. 8 Prime Victor Napot ..I. election manifesto in II tbe prloca i presses himself as lu favor of the return or the Imperial loitu of no i inn. M anil opposite socialistic Inter reread with wages and hours of to Inn lie SBBBBB0M willingness to aB ss leader ot the F rein I. eopi Wanted in Portland. Poillsnd K.l. H Ho tlailic. soa r th.- Ts onia laink cashier, who la under mi .est lu San Pram Is. o barf ed with forgery Is here on a similar charge foi forging th.- name B Charles W King Schley and Wife Return. Washington I h Hear Admlrto and Mis. Hchley arrived home (ram then western and soul hern tour morning. ICES .) Cream Baking Powder Di. I'llceh iiakiir.' I'dWiIci 1 1 1 1 1 a pure, wbolotofiii leAveninK Agvnt. winc h main i 'Ii- biscuit and cftlct o hijhcMi beAltbfulncMi ndimn cotl ami protects iii food fratfn 'iuiu. which ibtlic 'icaichl 1 1 if 1. 1 1 v (lftflgM ii tip ila . The foremost baking powder in all the world. Mill eas .Mb eowitsa co cm.caco -Altai - ,i. 1 4 . ut. if..' I " po. ... I ,. i!iii lew I , UKli 11.1 I . HlllS . . .L - e- ing to tne uiv.