feast (j&Kvxa THtJMDAY, raBRtTART I, ItOt, HEEDS GUARANTEED SALARIES THE THING THIS YEAR. That Is the Proposition Against Which Pendleton Must Go in Form ing a Team. A guarantee of salary, with chances Of aililitional pay, if the season's re celpts he good. Is thi plan being '" lowed by baseball managers In towns hereabouts, against which Pendleton's team must play this year. It Is prai tlcally u proposition ol salaried men. Whatever nift be I lie views of base bull cranks 11 poii this question. thlK la the coUI. unchangeable situation. It ! guarantee salary, or quit, or adorn the tail end ot the procession. Walla Walla Is not losing time In securing Rood player. It Is stated now that Mccarty. Tacoma's crack player, has been added to Walla WallaV list, and other famed artists of the diamond have been se cured, so It Is said. This policy of jut rll 1 1 lni pay to the men pleases them, and makes then want to ro to that town Manager John L Sharp tetn. W'ho has piloted the Garden CR) aggregation 'through a season or two 01 sin rcssiul ball playing, is at the head of the team again, and has been doing 1 1 1 . effective work dill ing the past few weeks, lie has al read assured that town ot a good lot of playera. Athena, too. It is claimed, ha.- made guarantees of remuneration to play ers and has held some of the men who assisted to make that town fa mous throuRh Its ' Yellov. Kids Man' ager Osburn's crack crowd of base halllsts Walla Walla and Athena are Pendleton's chief opponents In base ball. b reason of the situation of the towns and the acquaintance of the people UvlnR In them. There is plenty of enthusiasm hen . and money to back tin team is wall ing at hand. If no time he wasted However. It is felt that there are no davs to snare It l satit that Walla Walla has conn right Into Pendleton and signed a player who recently ' . ann here, and who would like to re main, but. iving no assurance, ho .n i opted Managei Shut lutein's offer and is now on his list FARMER ATHLETES COMING Washington Agricultural College Team to Make a Tour. i'emlletoii may have a visit Irom tin Washingtun State Agricultural Col' lege athletes during this month Fol lowing Is a dispatch from Pullman which Ik self-explanatory The athlete., ol tile State Agin Ullll rai College will he seen in the varl-! )iis towns ami cities ot soutneastern Washington in ne roles within tin next tew weeks. The athletn assocl-1 atlon ol the school has decided to tour the eastern part 01 tin- state ami into 1 maiiini ount aud perform feats of j trength agility and nerve Spokane Walla Wtalla ami Peinlle ton will hi among the places visited and It is the Intention of the associ atlon ti make Walla Walla 011 Feb ruary i I The following day the ath h ies will cross into Oregon. The contemplated trip will man. the rat In the history of the college although among those who will go are several whose names are well SSI Hivsit snl tir from bleulaJi i ll,i- tklii, 1IU1J liu.i litnrnied, ana b. 11 in, j by Iccticcsa 8esr. lit prvuU th I cauaeofiiuiplM, blsckbul, td, roughhsmlt.ilry. Uiu . sntl UDios blr, n 1 bb lblFllillh,TW UM cleKur-i, irnuicO. iniUmcd. ur tlug- utl Itlun ol Uw N other op U be cumparMl wltb It for (irvar'tius, unf)iug, od bc.' !Vi.' Ill' ll.,C! . MSfi ii 1 hnd. NuoOitr oi tj 1 1 sf ova pared Hi 11 foi all uw pur. puaaa ot llir Kilitt, baU, aud (tiurarr) 1 bua II oxabiuM lo Huir al Omi fines Fnaui.i, SA OKKT.i - lb. but tn aod oomplaiiun aoap, and Star toilet aoap, auil mar 'bab aoap In tke worst. Nail's Dyspepsia Cure Has cured these caes and It will cur you J. M. Church, l.atirande, Ore. say). "I suffered for 31 years, and helieve had I not used Nan's Dysjieia Cure I won iii not i alive to write von a testimonial BASEBALL 1 mmm, sflv ti''ki; Nathan Kalk, Boise Idaho, says: "I suffered for years; found many reliefs but no cure except yours." For sal by I oilman A Co., and all flrat class druggists, or sand to Frank Nasi, Portland Hotel Pharmacy, Port land, Oregon. Price f i a bottle or 6 (oris, es press prepaid. "THE 1AHK AOM Sam Strang. Crack Player. Ham Strang, who played with the New York "(Hants. " was a crack In tii Ider and is considering an offer from Cluclnnati to plav with the Rods " Known In tin Northwest on account. 01 lame achieved on Meld diamond and gridiron. Proff. of football fame, has developed into a tumbler and with Aiini make, ii riever team in pcito mime work, (leorge Husk, bag punch' i- is considered one ol the best ama teurs in tin country, having secured a gold medal at the Columbia Kxpo sltion In 1893. Among other features, the school nas a liglu-wo.ght wrestler and uego Nations will be opened with Whitman Colleg. for the purpose of securing a match If possible The entertainment team will consist of about 2 of the agriculturalists SOFT SOAP HOG CHOLERA Combine the Two and You Will Cure your Swine. Sine? the outbreak of hog choleru or "wine-plague," n this county vert man who is in the business either on a small or large scale, is anxious to find a remedy that will a mails cure the diseast after is fjota hold on a band of hogs Mam retip lies hate been advanced and uunrun teed to cure. Her" Is what C. U. Morgan of Montesatio Wash., who says he has had lots u experience with hog cholera, sends to the Eaat (fregonlan for iiublleation and It may be read with interest h some I see an account in your paper of hog cholera near Pendleton. Lot those who hav. tin infected animals try soft soap. 1 give one pint to the hog I have handled hogs netrly all my life, and some tint had the chol ra. aud have found it a sure cure It costs nothing and It is "d,n tried H WOHiiAN WHAT THE 8TATUTE PROVIDES IN OREGON Naturalization and Six Months' Resi dence in State when One Registers. When going to the deputy county I clerk in charge of registration or to the me. in, i justices or notaries to i eister the reguirements for a rotOI are- That he is a naturalized cltuen or has declared his Intention of be tommg oue by applying to the court (Of naturalisation papers, has to have resided in th. state six months prior to election; give his place of birth, place of present residi 11, , DA iioiialitt age and occupation, and then be is entitled to a vol. ami u. wno snail represent mm in the var ious offices. Senator Klkins, chairman of the in lerstatc commerce commission intro i n 'd a bill making a number of hauge.s in the interstate commerce law, the most important or which are the following (living the interstate commerce commission, under certain conditions, power to tlx railroad rates; legalizing pooling and abol ishing imprisonment as a method of punishing offenses against the law THE YALE COACH. CAMERON Net Haven. Conn., Feb. 6. Alexan der Cameron will coach the Yale 'var sity crew for the coming season. He nas accepted the position of head coach, and will at once get his men to work. He is a Yale graduate and pulled stroke in the crews of 1900 and 101. He has his own stroke which he will teach to the crew this year. WHEN HE WAS 21. How a Memphis Youth Celebrated His Coming of Age. Then is a young criminal lawyer 111 f,l,K ,ty wh" on th' occasion of tils "miiig 01 age negan the celebrv ,ion of M" hlrthday In a way that 'ause1 ni nouen)l1 Krat deal Ol oiiMternatiou On tin ve of the fete, shortly after midnight, tin young man's famllv WON suddenly startled from their slumbers by loud voice in the hous calling. "There's a man in the hoc. There's a man in the house!" The valiant paterfamilias rushi 4 irom his room, hearing In his ha'i I . tteav! iniiet or firewood to im the cause of the disturbance and to aptUr tin Intruder. His son wa.i XMIM Ifl the hall shouting at t'n- 'op tils voice Where's the man' exclaimed the old gentleman Here sir, here!" proudly rep'ied id. roaai man "This Is he. At lant i Memphis KcimlUr. Rev. Mr. Dotson to 8peak. Rev Mr. Dotson. field secretary of 'Me HiIHiIav linn) nnlnn r... ...... (IIWII lwl ,M . will address the i..'u-l v ol tin t,n 1 U.....I.. ..U 1. . .. . . n.iiina; aeiiu I Ol I II IK Cl' Ol. r'rlday evening of .:.o v.eel at thei ongregatlon l cnuich. , who are ii. iesieil iii this worl. an irged to hear him earnestly ' f Where are You. Going? To The New Lumber Yard to buy nice, new clean, bright lumber. Gray's Harbor Comerdal Cu opposite tin W. & C. K. depot PENDI.KTON, OKKUON. W. J. SLWELL, Manager HOTEL ARRIVAL8. The Pendleton. diaries I Oomttooli tad wlfo, Port land C II Smith, Portland Prank Palmer. s () Newton. Han Francisco. J, I Miller. San Francisco. Marl Hare. Tacnma. Mici' Darby Missouri. B, H, Waterman. Portland. II J Damon. Duluth, ,1 It DOB that, Portland. William Mahcr Portland (' K Roosevelt, city. Hleg H TopHtl, Han Francisco. T P. floseter. Portland. It II May Portland I.. (' .Innes Alamanda. Prank Wilbur. Portland. Dr V. S Sawbaugh. Chicago. QflOrgfl Harris. Portland II B Root, Spokane The Golden Rule. M Klepper. Mnnkato. II A Lobar, Now York. Nmm llascotn. New York. J, H Lewis, Iloston. Thomas Haokott E C. dale. W F. Wann Ralph Ware .1 l Moon Adams A Mcltae Athena .1 Y. Simpson. Seattle William U Hire Lansing I Rogers Calgary J Redout (ll'ccnwood I' K Hunsucker Spokane. Sam l.ee. Spokane P. A. Worthlngton Portland I I'lattei Taconia L Downei. Spokane. M' Mann. Helena M Walker. 1'acoma W Stover V Hhepler. Kansas City. P Doliert. Ileppner S Stephen.-, Pilot Hock Mr-' I MoBroon, (irangevlllc Mrs lames Hlley. Ashland Mrs. Katie Pryor Dayton Ttao LaWls. Hock Springs BORROWING NEIGHBORS Housewife Writes in Rhyme of Her Woes From Impecunious Neigh bors. A Pendleton housewife has either written or cut from a scrap hook the roliOWtlU Ml 0 fhyn. wmeii is re printed here In m It vl appeal In inan 11 person as lorrectlv telling MMM truths: She borrowed a cupful 01 sugar Then came for a drawing of tea. A little cornmeal and some soda Wee tile CXt tilings she wanted. dear mi'' She torgot sin was clear out ol hut tor." t'ntll they were ready to dim ' "' lin -l! hurried and woi 11,11 '" hornn a little ol mine Al"' J""' M Bl last 1 had settled Msei 101 an afternoon nap came in t ask could she borrow The pattern 01 mv newest wrap'.' Ot (rail daj ih borrowed tn bolloi And a little blueing and soap, Tnn' tl"' won't want to borrow the laundress Is the only thing now I can nope MM borrowed mv books and my pa pers. And everything else she can use. She's always so sweet and good tern perod I haven't the heart to refuse. MOV I'm not al all stingy, believe nn And 1 lost in be neighborly, too. lint I think there is always a limit Even in lending don't total With (ieneral Charles King, then 'ni luigade commander the ex Wash iaton voluntaora ctlabratod taa third anniversary of th. battle of Santa Ana. in which thev first smelted the moke of war V Pendleton, The Umatilla Implement C Flying Dutchman fi "6 riowg Canton Clipper Gang p0Ws with steel or full chilled bot Even tiling in the Implement line and the Best it THOMPSON HANSFORD & THOMPSON Main Street, ...,rP,,.a ,w. yi-uuui .noppcrs and Lumberm Qet Our Prloea. - - AMERICAN PLAN. $3.00 per Da and Upwards. THE PORTLAN POHTLANli, OHBOON. Special Rates to t astern Oregon people visiting Portland lor tourist and commercial travelers H. C. MOWERS, WOOD! COAL! WOOD! COAL! WOOD! COAL! W. C. MINNIS SELLS BOTH. KOMrer Coal. First Class Wood Orders Promptly Filled. rMtP"ont 4W, trmu m W. 0. MINNIS, Ulice Main Hlreet, just opposite Hans rom a i iii.mi oi hardware store. CRES James B. Welch will tell you what these letters stand for. It's a good story. Have him tell you. and if you do not, you will find out later by watching this space. CLEV Athena, HARDWARE C(U Successors to itt en. fm Hssjl The Columbia Lodging House N'KWI.V rTRNII hak in wNrficncn !N CENTO 09 BLOOM ISKT. ALTAaWKaBo F.X. SCHEMPPN. f itaaaaaaaaaaaataaaaawwa n"Sie.iii i 11 "i ,.- :mi