East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 06, 1902, Image 3

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is is tli' roatest opportunity that all caifa buyers
haw this 8ea"ii. vvu are maxing Hpt-cials ot
mnra Sntrvnlvn- I? iri 1 1 imf ttinm
50 Flannel waists, special price $3.98
00 Flannel waists, special pric e 3.75
'00 Flannel waists, special price 2.98
00 Flannel waists, Hpecial price 1.9H
50 Eiderdown dressing sacjues. special price 1.38
50 Fur Ruflb, special price . 1 H
50 Heavv suitings, specim price 98c
Fancy K-idordowns, special price. 09
Woolen dose, special price 19c
33 I 3 per cent off on all Knit Goods.
aa c a am m n . . at
He Aiexaimer ueum unew aiore.
orne 1 ype
For Sale!
H. S. Blandford's Paper in Part Be
fore the Walla Walla Convention.
Walla WaIIr. Feb. 8. In part, the
paper by H. 8. Blandford before the
good road convention, which asked
the MWIMHwri to nrlnf It said:
When we consider that the value of
all the product coming from the soil 1
Is many billions of dollars each year;
that the producers of these products
have in the first Instance, to deliver
then to the warehouses of the mer
chants or shippers; that all of them
have to be hauled for Home distance
OTOI COUntri roads; that hauling bj
animal power l the most expensive
Known to rnnsportatlon in America;
thai it routs on an average through
out the 1'nlted States. 2t" cents per
one per mile, or $1.26 for five miles,
when hauled by horses: that the
same weight may be carried II miles
by electric cars; 2B miles by rail
toad and inno miles by steamboat on
the treat lakes: that the annual bill
for freight for hauling over country
mails COOtl the agriculturists over ft,
,000, and that if an Intelligent
system Of country road Improvement
were cAi'rlod on for ten years, the j
MOM amount of hauling would cost
only 1400,000,000 then the great Im
portanee of building good country
ioiid becomes at once apparent, anil
producers of agricultural products
should be able to see that there Is no
other factor of economical manage
mint of the farm and its kindred in
dustrles more In need of attention
than good roads.
Strawing and Drainage.
Our supi rvlsors have made and are
making experiments with strnwing
with good results. Any oik who has
studied the history or good road tnnk
mg will be struck with the Import
aiwi oi good drainage In the plan ol
ret) epert road engineer It will
lie recalled that Macadam declared
that any soil would serve for road
inundation If thoroughly drained am
l.ept dry. ThU assertion seems to ue
home out by experience A note,!
writer on the construction Ol roods
has declared tlmi the thret SSOOa
tials to the making of a good ,H1
are "drainage, and drainage and
drainage Make tlx
greater rate of road tax. except per
haps temporarily.
Coming Improvement.
1 express my belief that the secur
ing of good, permanent mads on a I
plan of co-operation. between the I
nation, state, county and distil, t
will be one of the crowning achieve
ments of the agricultural districts
during the twentieth century. It Is
estimated that there are now less
than 1,000,000 miles of public high
ways In the Tutted States: that ot
these not more than one per cent
are good rock roads. The railroads
are largely built and great numbers
of laborers are no longer needed In
their construction. But in the build
ing of these rock roads labor can be
hopefully forward to much employ
tnent at good wages: capital can bt
assured that It will derive benefit
from the handling ot all agricultural!
products, and the agriculturalists
thomselve. ran sec the time coming
when a ton weight ran be hauled fin
miles for :o to .15 cents Instead Ol
$1.25. as Is the cost now; while the
man on pleasure bent, whethei rid
Ing In his buggy or automobile, or
on his bike, will bowl along over the
roads whose smooth surface and
Me grades will give a pleasure to
the ride and a satisfaction to the :
soul not dreamed of In these dys of 1
mud and ruts and hills.
JdAffj&9 Hu-
' I bm Lr 9
a ff k' ' a
Spring Sees Same Luxury and Ex
travagance as Dining the Winter.
New York, Ke ti It ran not really
be claimed that there ..ny thing
new BONl the distinguishing features
1 1 1 the spring modes, lor I boot are
ItlxnT) and extravagance Just as ever
they were at the beginning of the
winter season An Idea which will
he employed b a great man) well
it rested women to an unusual ex
tent will be the making of evening
J rets developed in this silky good
hi lOCjl a wax that they ran be wntn
dining the spring ami suuim, it alter
DOOM a calling toilettes- The tighten
is certainly an e client one l I i e
i these days- ol diaphanous atreei
inaterials the nut Jin 1 1 ot the evening
gown might do the dual tint of after
noon trork and reception d
an Anti-Climax
Culmination of
drains dei p
no water ran
and Weaken
the stirtai r
that th
- mm in ,,uuu V.UII1II IIUII i I .., win j 1
run it and with it one pert t can s't from 20,000 to 25.000
4 'K" uwui a-
lilt' lll.e Lne tlir.. I Im nir cii:iril It llfV a 11(1 S 1 1 A f t 1 n a? HUQ
1 1 1 1' l v- I 1 1 iv six-vvkinuai a- " ' --- ti
100 1 1. 1 1 t . 1 lirni sab O n t
r - rwM,.vvi. I'll X I , O I'WIUl
"in i'f hum ioi 1330 1. o. O. rtl r vnuiciuiii
East Oregonian, Pendleton, Or.
ami permanant, so thai
get under the roadbed.
the foundation. keep
rounded ami imooth, so
whlrh will fall on tin
run otr. prOTOBl the cutting of ruts
by constant smoothing, urn! dirt roads
will keep if and hard lu fact, in
many putts ol the Mississippi volley
where there Is u deep, cold clav sub
soil and where the mini Kit MOO
sle. good dirt roads are muintulned
all the year round.
Value of Rolling.
I liuve often thought thut. Il
straw after being chopped fine us the
result of the travel over it. could Im
thoroughly wet M(l as to amalugmaii
with the dust and surlace ol thi Ntd
und alter being so wetted could bt
rolled solid with a steam rollei H
would make a roud as hard and dur
able hs we could well wish and at
a cost extremely small as compared
with the coat of rock surfaced roads
What we need on out roads ot lo;,i iv
soil Is a smooth, round surfaee to
shed wiiti- good drainage to keeu
the loud bed dry. and something to
use on the surface a a binder.
Benefits to Contigous Property.
Supposing the average cost of such
a road to Im- 14 per tod. or Ill's." pel
mile and the benefit district to aver
ftp one mile on each side of the road
and supposing the district is charg
ed with oue-ioiiitli ot the cost. $32i
per mile, thin would lie only 25 cents
pel urn oil the lands benefitted, or
five rents pet aere annually if dis
tt United over a period of five years
This umouut would be hardly more
than one hull of the annua! road
iiiuiuteiiaure tux The iuiease of
values roliHcqurut upon tile building
of h good rock loud would operate
hen us it ulways bus in other places,
to prevent the necessity of levying a
Besides Having
Spoils the
"At Valley Koti'e" Is a drama will
ten bj Williuni I Hobcrts. It wa.
produced hen- by a company BOMS
ed by lltttl. 1 ft Mann It furnish.
latOTMttal study in play Writing
Young poopl - 1 111 find It valuable ai
a brilliant example of what not in
write. Teachers of rhetoric ahoold
not lull to rite this drama as a pi it en
illustration of the anticlimax. Till
Is Its pci ullar value, to show stu
dents what play rights do not when
tiny understand their business
"At Valley Forge" is a fourai 1
pieei with the climax broken Into
several partial climaxes which are I
scattered throughout the play, earn !
"in el OQWU intensity. The principle
of Incidental rltlMtoa. htm time to
titer nil leading to a grand eulmitia
tlon Is lost by Mr. Roberts who ends
bis effort with one of the most disap
pointing ant! 1 Untaxes ever wltnes..
The hero. Captain Kalriax. Virgin
inn MM) eon 1 1 tie n t a 1 officer in the war1
01 the ROrolOtkM, loves Virginia
ProotOI Lord Carleton. Kugllsh offl
eel and torv. also loves Miss I'reHloii
ruin lins PrOOtOO loves Captain Fairfax,
enti 1 Lord Carleton Is enraged, in eonse I
ipienn-, against Kan lux FalrfM DO
I'onies a prisoner of Carleton. A bit !
I of good fortune given Knlrfsx a BWOfd
and tin two strip tor (In iasi duel
1 that always ends an historical play
HON COmaa the anticlimax. Carle
1 ton has his sword wrested from his 1
gtusp by a severe counter from Fair
I 'ax. tucks up a chair, whacks the
hero on tin head, leaves the latter ly
ing senseless and humiliated, and
! with 'his antl eliniaxiea! situation.
Carletmi flees ttotn the house, to be
I shot outside by his own men "Mr
Wlllard." by James lewls; "Hen
by." by Mr Livingston: "llllt " by
I Mr. Dunham, and "Carleton." by Mr
Mont in wen the strong character In
tri . relations of the play
New fook, I'eh I The woman
who has sued RUMOll Sage tm $75,000
rot alleged lll-trcatiueiit is laobollo
I'Ajurlu. and she rlalmi the title of
marrblotifaa, sin la h painter of win--itures
and Kays Ml Bago nlatTvotfd
her lv vears see
Theory That It la Induced by a Scie
tlon o a Narcotic.
A rather starthlng tkoori Intel) put
tot ward by a voting pbv siolnglst Is it
tiactlng considerable attention I'lill
student bellcven that a gland 01 1 1
:alu iilai.tls m tin- system lerrete 1
narcotle siibstance. that this suii
stanrr Is stored in the gland 01
rlaiids until at detinite 1 1 tn t man I..'
Influenced lj ..: t aim in run ss
"I the liulit Idual It Is thrown in
Iiiulatlon and tMNb) 1 INOOf I he
phOMHBOSOO of sleep Fin ther. he
suggests that Sleep lontlUlles us long
ms the supply of the natural narenu, '
is kept up until the laltel Is so im
attoaoatod in, or tehollj abet met i-ri
lioin the blood bv tin im ii tint
guns Then is no direct evidence 01 the
coireetness of this theory, lull In
fers to a lately discovered tact thai
the uillle of health seeieled 111 wnk 1
hours always contains u an root it ml
statu 1 . and he ur$JM this nolnl in
support ot ins theory Tht Klatam
of stu b glands is dun. nit to deny.
mi r Lander BruoUM has polited
nut thut ogdwi win keep :i pel oa
UWUke I) he Wishes to lie wakeful
and conversely will niaki bim sle, p
If he wishes to sleep which WOM.il
seem to show that sleep s In OMM
iceasun- 1 1 11 t f 1 the control ol the eii'
Prababl) another reason foi tbo
towing popularity 01 tin- lad Is that
in-, little addition an lie -igned by
i he home artist 11 afc Is skl'led Mr It I
the needle I' r those Mir Af t ol.
however, the dlaterenee between the
.iiiiount saved and the lam bodice
will not be great lor the det4 liable
nkrn with st 01 I, s which m. fasten
1 ovei the decoletta bodice are very
exisinaltre, though tholi beauty and
effect Justitv tin-iost When White aad
1 in- palest ot paste) tiuls are nut am
loyed lii the making ot elegant
-owns tot fonaal went Dane sM(hm
turns to bla k Them will be tm gag.
ilium this vein, and a itOch inust lie
either very light 01 yen dart to he
strictly a la mode Hit medium
shades an- Mod simply to obtain a
touch ol contrasting OokM "hen they
ran 1 rfoetiveiv blended In the
1 Inme.
An evening dress Hull 1- veiy
mart and vqoallj becoming to light
and dark eompb-xlons is rarrlod out
111 pale blue silk muslin The akin Is
dnlahod at tin- fool aith lanumembla
niiN ot the same Material freighted
ilh narrow rows ol Mini, velvet rib
!"'ii Above tin- skht is banded claav
10 tin- waist with broad antra doai in
biarJi laca set on that aaoh haadj
l"lllls slightly III the middle of the
froat. The rorangi makes use 01 the
1 in effective, oarvm that mriea
tin lajara froai the decolettage in
1 mill in loss I he 1 mil In- bail, Then- Is
' Naall p ii rt 11 in iiont ot tin.
.11. blue chiffon An odd and dleMae-
live effeet Is galled bl tbn- lows of
biaCh velvet llbbon laslli .1 log. lhei
at Intervals with rosettes, the whole
" lining the finish to the decnllettagO
The bodice is i ul extremely low Upon
iie boulders in tact, ho much an
ii tht ranhlonn ol our grandmother!
i ' ailed! but n is doubtless tag
design ol Fashion I,, iiilow im an of
feci display ol rtBCha trills when the
decolleflage is eon. egb d with oin- of
ii, iiishionuiiic sokes
Making Money in Prison.
A lemuikuble example of running
has been unearthed lu one of our
large prlaons. A convict bad perfect
ed a die and was making silver dol
lars. and distributing them, through
in "tnidlces on the outside. Natural
ly the offlelals were very much sur
prised at the discovery, but no mo'e
so than the person who receives a
i ouiiterlert article In place of the gen
uine. It la therefore very Important
when you ask for Hoetetter's Stomach
Hitters to tee that their Private
Stamp over the neck Is unbroken, !f
you value your health For fifty years !
the bitters has been recognised as
the beit health maker in existent
and If you are a sufferer from Indi
gestlon. dyspepsia, constipation flu'
llleaey or nervousness, it Is because
you have never tried It Try It e
Teachers' Examinations.
Notice la Igfghy given that I wllL
hold the regular examination of appll
'rants for state and (onntv gngam In'
tag court house lu I'' mil, ton as f-d
For StaU Papers.
i 'oinmenring Wednesday, February
IXtfc, at i o'clock a tu . and continuing '
unti: Saturday. F binary 16th at I
o'clock p. m.
Wedmsday I'eumanshlji, history,
ipaitlaff. algebra, reading, school law.
Thursday Written arithmetic, the
ory of teaching, grammar, bookkeep
ing, physics, civil government.
Krlduy Physiology, geometry, men
tul arithmetic, composition, physical
Hatiiiday- Hotauy. plane geometry,
general history Rngllsh literature
ti'" .11 III Hide
ribbon rowa
ol sle, v M II
so many small
Mapping egeh
at It top.
at the el
loan dlataaci gown
liendOni ol tile velvet
Hive Is II,. UH Hirst
.insists simply "I ovei
'His or the muslin ot
'In i I Ills sleeve , los.
; ' teat its greatest dan
i "W wnere it endt in spit.. i the
i Hun Fun. . Hoarj oi Prussia
lakes u visit to A merles luring Lsnti
1 ' sale o saj that lintliaiu will put
aids many ot lis penetaaUsI levo
Hons to satartaia the royal viait.H
reri table nnmpaigo ot dress is ragmg
ami sverj dreasamfcei m tin metropa
o is tuvi'ii in u. i niiMosi t,, f
oruttri w im b ai ,- I,. mg show prod
In. in
aUa Walla Health Foods
Are Carried by the
Martin City Bakery and Grocery.
I'hesc goods consist of all kinds ciackcrs, wafer:,, lus- nit, (Iranola, cream sticks,
tack, infant food, nut butter, ramsr ihkrs, j-ranose luscuits, prutose, nuttotsf,
Piuts, inalt extracts.
III lion CaIa i:...;i. riarSac
waa ixiv. uiiiii t ji xjwv wwmm
epautory to removal of the stock t-i the new location m the La Fountaine block,
continues al the
Main Street, next to Joe Baaler'a
County Papers.
CopuaeaalM Wednesday, February
llth, at 1 o'clock a. m . and continuing
until Friday, February Mth at 4
o'cliM'k p. m.:
First, second and third grade cert!
Wednesday IV nuianahlp. history.
nrl hnirnnhv rnndliis
, Experimental Station to b Establish- Ttl ,,,,,; Wr,,
ea near Dayton.
IJsyton. Wash.. Feb. 6. Prepare
lions are being luade to establish an
experimental saluinn hatchery on the
Tiiinalum a little stream running Into
the Tukanon 'l miles east ot Im.
and near the Garfield county Hue.
Iteeelitly A II Allen who is connect
led with the game and fth ib paituieut
i of On gon and represents state flsh
1 warden H U. Van Duaen of Astoria,
wua In re anil went out to look over
the ground He is enthusiastic over
the place for a salmon hatchery. The
Tuinalum lias some reputation as a
1 fish stream and the hatchery will be
located Just above the juuetiou of
the two streams, if the results of
the experiments are satisfactory, the
betehary will be made permanant
Economical Expense.
You csnnot mske sn advertisement
too plain, and the right sort of lllua
truttons will elp Sometimes their
expenslveneaa precludes their use,
hu'. quite often the most expensive
' Is the one that Is not Incur
red Sometimes it la really extrava
gaut not to spend money. If you have
a ten-dollar space In the paper, you
had better spend five dollars more,
it neceaaary, to make It attractive
. fr tive -Coood dvertlsing
arithmetic, the
ory of teaching, grammar, school law.
Krllt. I1 11.., ,'rHtihw (.., tut . ,111, in..
tic. physiology, ivll government
Primary Certificates
Wednesday I'enmauship. oithogra
phy, reading, arithmetb
Thursday- Art of questioning, the
ory of teaching, tuetnods. physiology.
County School Superintendent Cms
tills County, Oregon.
War on Rats
The rat problem in the PhiliggiW
has now become so important that t g
a time tin aawoisan aoldln win tmu
his sttentlou to fighting iheui instead
of Insurgents In Manila l per esal
ot the rats captured were found In
i.eted by plague, and It Is to remove
this menace to the health and safety
of the American troops that ord -J
have been Issued by Oeneral Cheffeg
to exterminate the rats
Prises for Attempt
An exhibition of airships in sjporg
Mon has been determined upon
one uf the great novelties for the
Louisiana Purciiaae Kxposlt ion for
1W03 It is proposed to offer piixes of
not leas than ttOO.000
OSS of the imartSSl models wln.li
a ill be worn during Pi line II, mi's
my will be seen lit Washington It
Il Ql bla k lae gjmllfSd In while
I lie I'oW Ii Is Itlatb UIHin I'lltu esM III....
but with marked IsndSBCMS Ul lh
"i'1" sffUet Tht whiti appli. atlona
dencrths a brlel bolero ending sell up
! uiidei Hie arms b. low whnh the gar
i. k nt fiowi out iii ii . i ... grss
iui lliit a Tin foundation la ol black
I satin und tits the ligu i kj
not glut .1 to the .-atet a lu Otero, but
the clinging Cord is gained bi ths
I ciusest ftitlug silk imii .i and
I little of it a.- possible an bs won
Whelevei may be the eff - l of I i
Help Otaro'i mfhti vigorous moth
ods of searing Uaglsg raoeful out
ii. it li loabtful ll New Void socl
ety women will go the a steal ol c J
lug on Hied gowns with glyeiilne
Catarrh cannot, Bs I urel
tt III, lis si SWill, l .,.. bi ISsi ssMnel tael
ISS SMl l llm sfSSi stsrrh Iss i,liMsl ul
..usllluliuusl II,... .1,1 ,i, ,! lu i.oM It
',u UiU.l Isktf liil- it ml r. ui.-.lii-. Ils.l .i's
isrrli CUM Ii laksii InUraally aut a, ii 1iif.
i. li Hit I . s.l aiel I, i .- -n, lain Hsll's !
tsria Cart .. net a . .a. . .,, liidas Ji .n ut
. Illasl 0 uuu ul Ik.- L.. .I il,).i iaui in 'lila
.iiuutryfut ). '- lu.l a rrf ular ,i. . rlbtlut
nun. a Bte,u .,ui
I' la i on.
tlrri II
... I at Ilia II
iai.il nt
I, II.-
II lite
I J 'III. .1,
-sil l I., It
ran, 11)
(Kllax t
null It slisl
1 1. .it Iti 4 is
Cropa lula.ia q
I'll.! at. t in uaai
' OUI i has
The Colorado supiem
handed down a decision
h llvisloil Inspection law passed
l.y the leglslatun 'I'm gat ISiOO was
'"ml' led In tin i as. ,1 Kd II Iteld,
VljO lushed Battle in from Teiss to
i. si th law 'I he seuteSK of sla
months in tht count jail against
.-ni It, also afllrmed Held was back
Sd by leading livestock "i sanitations
oi tht aouat whti t laimed that the
(edaraJ ISipsSllOI Isws superceded
i hose of a Htete