East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 06, 1902, Image 1

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a TT V
Eastern Oregon Weather
pU?0 t,tilBM by carrier at
1 5c A WEEK.
Tonight and Friday probabt
tight now
i 14.
k BW a V ' e w ST
I CV f
I a 5? . V,
xeasaw----aB)sBaaB-0w 7JH T ' W'L BIBJBJBJBJBJ. saTaaBl
: . v. it mm
m MEnt
in a clash
. . ; I I II 1 , 1 I I ! ' f 1 I I I I F I I I I
1 1 A IT I ' t ' I -a-' - . w
MM '
Scene of a Quarrel.
. ba II fV AND
Occasion Graced by Presence of Mr, ind Mrs, Theodore Roosevelt and Many Other Dis
tinguished Guests.
j nunnunurinr Bill Resolu
u.,.1.1.1 M.in mm in Da ev
A... n s.-retarv. Whereun
m liui -- - r
Litter Resigned, and Then Re-
i . - --
in ft u-mil 0rnwirfi' enn.
tu a1tt- Indorsing oleomar
.inJ plsiglai the support of the
uvu w - v.
heClear) inii now noiorc con-
ThiK llll provides a tax of in
I II ....... I....
" liiil 11 1 "II ii i i iii' iiiimi . ' 1 ill"
i imitation ol butter,
tlonal Livestock Association,
presentatlve ot th' livestock
of th.' country, cattle ati
keep. In working for the tl- 1
le measure Sonic time ago
ttermiiKii thai tnc wool and
en Milium: hum. ius;ei uei hit
of bill rcqul ring the ninrli
jooiK containing shoddy.
jasnuiuus vrvrv pi vniiniPii
rrtni i" 'iif siunit tutu: in
A. n.k.,, l i . ll... ,. 1 .............. .
Both resolutions passed
th adoption ot the oloomnt
reujiitinn as did It. H. Scott
Wl 111 111'' . II I I 1' I L' 1 1 1 1
illllltllll' II1MH(I with hut
in In tli.' negative. Delegate
ik.'il thai the president only
i :::i III.- resolution
that Balk) WM dairy commis
rteep grower Hald If the score
ii vmnuihv with th..
i in in.. .1 .... ....... . i
..ii. ... mNii uir i i:n
he MMM not hold the posl
111 , l.Y 'UV'1 1 -
c Feb i; The
which Miss Hel
ot Si cretary of
nway from the
hoi i
lumped to his feet
resign here
MM) liall.y
I he lelt bit
l the UmI ol
a) a xuti
IL. I I. -I- II L. .I...I ... ............
K m'U'll lt 1-1. Ill I II II
sweiitioii udonted atronv rmm
in favm oi iil.'iiinuruuriiie ut
k..l .. . . . . . .
i.nnni.ii- nuiisi It tile
- i iii.um i up; isjbj mc-
hill. lll. hiiiik til nriiVAii. Itu
........ ... , . . . .11 . .O
l.riiKi .- n i.m
'" wi.lll HIM
deHk and took IiIh
the hall
oi the convention.
-w "'wiitQ ,ina People tie
oi me ueaa Bodies
uu all uikIii
bodieti HN
of bulldiugh
natural ta
and police
M'i, I el, i. am..,
'"ring win. h 1 1
"'' uu iiiniK
'Ml niuht In tl..
Wt hietuen
ri at til.- emii'liiaion tl,i
Ht ih Hot to lie illl'I'MMH-
the aenieli u,au . i.A ..
A niiniln.i ...
I'wi Duun w i'ie
MlUK this mornlna but
'! ciuirtHuiit .1.... ......
I. All Ik. t. . '
, uijiireii were UolllK
'"'e will ,... The bodien re
wl 4 iiMiri,
y " ' Anna Mamie.
Hostel, the children of
Tiostel, a nephew,
tip, and Marv Roaen
Waahltiftton. D.
Mffttept cel'tltleatt
en Hay daughter
Suite May, bent
ehttrch of the Covenant today
tin signature an wltneaa of
preMident of the I'nlted State-
I lay. one ot the mom notable and
und popular figures In the society of
Washington, became tlx- wit. nj
I'H.vne Whitney, son of William ('.
Wliltnev toitnerlj n- h r ol the
The wedding whs by far the most
brilliant of the season In the nation
al capital. Scores of famous
personages were in attendant and
the ceremony was distinguished In
many ptctnr que features the in
and I terlor of the chunk presented a de
lightful pictttn (iorgeousness was
nut cout uipla'1 d in the dm orations
Oa the contraiv it was the desire of
.ery mi. OMMlj connected with the
event ti, have simplicity reign, and
1 this was done, though it was an el.
gant simpln ity. The effect produced
. Iiy the hugh palms miles of vines and
thousands ot flowers was beautiful
I and rich. In the high chancel more
1 than 1hi palms, large and small w. r.
in ninged am! it cut tain ot green hid
' the carved oak reredos The altar
was draped with flowers and the
chancel rail was covered with i rysan
tliemums and roses, while outside of
it the chancel was carpeted with
whit, lowan setting off tlo dark
green ol llie palms
The President was There.
Among those present were I'r.si
dent and Mrs Uuuscvelt and th
various in. min is oi the aldnei and
their fntnlllei. (in tl;. left wre seat
ed members "l tl" lliiv and Whitney
hoiisi holds
I III musical '.I..' Irellls W.I. oil
a seal., titling Uu 'ei. Hour, Tin
members ot the pieslilent'i part) ha.i
ban i seated thetuselvat in the itews
hscimmI tor then: at tin head of tlx
main aisle Ion the musical exerels
s were Iii gun uiili the "Itohcngrth
bridal music sung hv the ehuicM
choir. In tin midst ol a BsOftOM
burst oi music from the organ and or
i h , st in tlo bride tall and graceiul
entered the church, leaning on the
arm ot her distinguished lather
No fairer brlib ever approached the
altar than Miss May
PlM pfQMWlOO tO the I llHIu e was
led b)Jf the eight uhiici- III' lids of
tlu lu i legnioin anil all u 1 1 known
you.ig men of NW York. Then
CMM tOMf littb tlowei inaidens
gov lie, in while moiisselllie de sole,
trio Bex) with hehtlt of lace, the cos
tttaM 1'iilig completed With large
soil I ;,ls ol White felt. FolloWinK
Miese came the two luldesmtalds. Mls
Allot Ma and .Mis.- Dorothy Whit
ney. wear 1 1 o' gowns oi puiawhir
de sole am! lurrying whit.
inoilss. 1 1 lit
Miss May's wedding gown was ol
baavj duchebs taUa, parfhotly piaiu.
without lace oi embroidery, save for
i heavy silk eor4 which ran around
'lu edge A ClttOtaf ol orange bios
Minis was fastened at the left aide
"ii th. waist line and the veil was
Bad of in,..-' lull
The bridal party was met at tin
' ' ' 1 ' ' ........ inr, his
best man The ceremony was ion
ducted by the Kev. Tennis S Hamlin.
,.astiir ol the chUfCh, assisted by the
Hi I h I'.-abo.lv nt Huston
deception Followed.
Th. ouremoQ? over, the president
and several ol the othei distinguished
vii. sis signed the marriage certltl
'-ate. Alter the reception and bn-ak
last at tin. secretary's house, in l.a
layette square which was attended
only by the relatives and close
Irlends ol the two families. Ml
Whitney and his bride departed for
Thumusv ille. Oa.. where the honey
in, mi. Is to he passed
The wedding gilts were oi great
magnificence, diamonds prcdomtaal
The lomaii't which culminated in
today's wedding dates tmin the Vale
Prom." two years ago Mr Whit
ney was a schoolmate and Intimat.
mend ni Adalbert Hay It was dur
lai his visit ol condolence which he
made st the secretary s home at Lake
S una pee thai th. irnndshlp between
the two young people ripened into
li'Vi 'll.i engagement was aunoiim
ed last Nov lu bet
Tin bride Is the elder ot the se. e
iiitvs two daughteis She has lu
h'rited her father's literary taste, and
has gained more than local tame as
a writer oi verse She was engug. u
upon the preparation of her fourth
volume of verae, "Home Norse Le
gends." when her brother's death and
her love story Interrupted her lahui
Mr. Whittle;, is the sc. und son of
William Oi Whitney He spent much
ol his boyhood In Washington and
is as well known here a in New York
where he spends must of his time
Mre Bodies Fount
-"UU .-V y ml. m
fcy. rvu. o. i wo
MUSI I l ull, ,i, .
Am.i... " "--eu iiwi
. . -r- tin,: ii, , ni ,,,,.,,,
"us Bornlai. Klve Ladies ! hl, h ' h
wr I,, . . jiiMtiii. in- .1
How People in England Struggle with
Coronation Difficulties
London Keb j With tin vorona
tion ceremonies but little more than
four months distant It Is SO) la be
wondered that all London Is ragroa
sed in the pn palatum for the . vent
The question ot dress as was antici
patcd Horn Hi. I rtt, is proving most
burdensome ThOM In chart o: this
portion ol the ariuiigeiinnts find
it exceedinglv difficult to dacleV UOOB
(oatumes thai art in any way artlsth
or becoming and at the ann linn
nav dm- reverence t,. the t
or the
! , VI
' and tin v suffer fnun
as much as ordinary
th. heat
Pasadena. L'al
of one hundred
and visitors ire
hi v i-iit inn oi tin
mill ions
storied past The peeroeaea
soleinnlv objected to tin mill
lver "stuinui
tic bodices.
- ie Anions Marshal
'P Nat ... - -
'be ExConwl..
J" Feb. 6. Th.
At.Knl .
-'.Ulell 0 th TInllil
"fnalshlp of Ario. t.
the li.ai n,11,.0 IT v. .i.-
rv'1 " term In th Wvnm.
Win i 1
tune nusiuess In
hers." ami bulky, inariis
or rather corsages with
i been proposed to hide
Hiatorl nr llestrov their llioie Ol lens
greceful figures are Lav inn "'en ..wu
sweet way in tin matter, as might
uaturallv l expected and an plum
.. , L. .U.. .r .. , . I . th.
ing tlU'lUSCIVeS Oil Hindus "
day In this hlgbly important mutter
Duchesses and coiiutesses who are
young as tncy useu io r.
looking forward with purti
Joyous anticipation to the
of heavy velvet robes, load
fur, and cumbrous with bul
silver and gold embroidery.
midsummer day home
V M. C A.
, Fab. 6. Upwards
and 'fitly delegates
Inn for the state
V M. C A . which
will bt in sissiun hen during the
coming throe days It is the twenty
first annual ataotlaf, sud tin assocla
tloa has pro pared un ciraadlaity at
tractive prOg ran to celehrate its com
iug ol age Tonight there is to lie a
public srfilf omlBJ demonstration at
ivhlcb adiii.sse Will be delivered hy
si veral Speakers ol promineui a The
rejiorts to be presenled to llie con
V, nt ion by tin several uhVrs show
that the association is making grati
lying progreas in f'allfornia
"not so
are not
ed with
llou and
on a blazing
these ladles sre "trorj tine and
Hearing on Metric System.
Washington Kelt 6. Represents
live manufacturers and merchants
from various parts of the country to
day appeared before the coinage
, 'i tin in 1 1 tee of the boose and gave
i lu ii opinions regarding the proposed
adoption of the metric system or
weights and measures The views of
scientific men had previously been
obtained on the subject, but as the
question was considered more s prac
tical than a acienUfli one, it was de
sired that the large bualness luter-
Hts should be heard
Was Sitting ,n His Library When
the Deed Was Done
Sofia Feb. Kautaeheff the Hul
garian minister of public Instruction
was assassinated lodU) while sitting
in his library
The assassin w ho w ss a Mai don
tan. afterwards ulcMad by shooting
He gained sudn tu . wiih the minis
ter on the pretense thai he wanted tu
present a petition
Brother of Sultan to Die.
'oustautiuople, Feb ti Hamad
Mahmud Pasha, the sultan's brothoi
Inlaw has been aaalMcad to death
Mahmud. who was living in Paris, a
number of years, had long been prom
imut iu the young Turk movement.
The specific charge Is conspiring to
assassinate the sultan but Mahmud
is believed to be the victim of a po
luteal Intrigue
To Arrange Racing DaUs.
Ualtimore, Md Feb Kepreseu
tatives of the Maryland, Virginia and
lielaware raciug curcult met at the
Carrolton Hotel today In response to
the call of Colonel Robert Hough
the circuit secretary Before ad
jourulng the meeting will decide upon
tin dates for the autumn racaa.
Landlordism Overthrown by the Oc
currenceViolence Feared as Re
sult of the event.
RHftst. Fob. . The political over
throw o landlords by the election to
parliament of an ludoptBdoal candl
date has . roatod the greatest o. it
ment here Trouble la fnarc.l tonight
Whan the workmen quit.
The election of the Independent
amounts to a political revolution, the
district having always been can led
by the Inn. Ilords hv a large majority
Of Crossing the Isthmus Of.
fered in Congress
Reported by I. L. Ray A Co.. Pendle
ton, Chicago Board of Trade and
New York Stock Exchange Brokere.
New York Feb l! The wheat
inaiket was firm today although ca
bles were unchanged. Liverpool he
Ing t 2. The primary rOCBlptl are
unusually light, as the farmers In the
outhwest are selling only sparingly
on account of shortage of conrsc
grains New York opened K.1 and
lOOOd M Chicago opened 777sfS4
and closed Tu'',, Stocks strong.
Closed yesterday. s.l'V
Opened today. 83V
Range today. MSfrM
Closed lodav. 84.
Sugar. ISSH
Steel, 48T
St Paul, 166',
I'nion Pacific, io;v
West Virginia 9enator Proposes s
Commission to Make Some More
Inquiries and Report to the Senate.
Washington Ken geatl d West
VMralala, today addressed the senata
on his resolution for a hoard to Ins
vestlgate th. pract Icahl II I y oi the i (in
struction of a canal avion the lath-
mus oi Dorian his roaaoai foi favor
Ing that rOUta were Hh healthy loca
Hon, lis shiiriness. Hh masralflrewl
K May 01 Phalnn, Ol San I ritnt lsco,
today made extensive aigumeut lu fa
vor of the Chinese exclusion before
' the house committee on forain sT
I ii Irs
To Remodel Peach Baskets.
Hovel. Del. Feb t Helliwaie
peachnO, the most famous In the
world, are to be shipped lu baskets
,,( a new style the coming season At
a mass meeting ot growers and com
mission men held in the taunt house
lure today, it was practically bled
to discard Hie ramlllai live eighths
basket, which Iihs been lu Use tor
nearly to years. In favor of a basket
ni different BUM and more couvan
" lit Iv handled The change is ex
M it tl to greatly lessen the cost of
transportation It Is estimated that
more than 1 1,000 baskets are used
for the shipment ol ii a, In s from Mils
sertlnri of the "trie In one season
Colorado Hotel Men.
Denver. Colo. Feb Many ho
tl men from various cities of Colo
i ado arc arriving for the meeting of
their state association in he held at
Hie Hrowu Palace hotel t.. morrow
fudging from the number of early ar
nvals. the ting wHI be the laigest
as well as tin- most Important evei
held by the association Protect I v
legislative agalimt dead beat, ratea
tu driimm.'iH and the theatrical pro
h salon ami other matters of para
mount lawortaaei tu thooe sognsjid
in .the hotel business are scheduled
tot i mishit ration
To Abolish Taxing Provinces for the
Benefit of the City of Manila.
Washington Feb ti Oovernor
Tail was prapaicl to take up the sub
aOt of th. proposed tariff in the Phli
limit's when he resumed his testt-
nonj baton tht laaoU PhlUyplaoi
i uinmiltve In preparing his remarks,
i.m Tnfl aid the lillip vines
ii ini' inn hail ib i bled tu abolish
tin vstein ui taxing the prortaoti
ror the ben. Ill of ManlU
Will Make Cheap Steel
I Li 1 1 Is I mi i g Pa Feb ii CoUalUen
bid intercMl Is BMtUifoOtod In the Rlvef
ni' Iron Company l.n sblol uu up
plication tot 'huitet was node to
day The tompanv s plan! ll (,. m
lot al. I al Shaipsvllle l a It bj ald
lo control patents on a new proem M
run and steel making Tint i .'ta
will, It Is stated reduce tl s) of
steel making ronsblerabl
World's Fair Commission.
New York. Feb The uutional
ominlSNltiu ot tbs l.oulsluna Pur
base Kxposltlon Is holding a special
ui" ting today at the Hotel Manhat
tan Tin prlaclnal parpoan u to out
uu tin duties ot tht hoard! of aHNBOB
Mnaagow ol whom Minn Helen. QouM
o. s memhei
BaLkin. Powder
Makes Clexn Bre&d
With Royal Halvii.i PoWsStf there is no
mixing with the bftodi, HQ swc-.h ..i ihc
hr)W. PSfttCi tlcaiiliiu ss, ffffiUll fa ility,
bwect, t ImD, hcalthlul ftKXi.
The ' kual askrr sad raitcy
. - a N sub
svosl btsvtitsl snd VAluublc
toukni( ic., ,,it l,,t iu cvei
saiiuu Send puaUi .J
Willi MU full llldltll.
i ' k ma I
fi.ie'i'' i-"
AIUII, i ikr.l
in ii lu. uia led
der Iht-jh .. a i- . in 4i a,h1 iiiaS.
I tSSISM BMSdw ttul ilum limuiluilv.
pMsoa whuli lakes m lood acts ;
huaI, uputi ll. kl..ui.li livei auJ kulusi
a... I, sgsj ansasj is ... i .uu.