East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 05, 1902, Image 8

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9B3BBSBBM SHMBBBMBMSMHHSBHI mmmm mmm mmmmmmm' . nr a a" ""T"'"!SJ
nrnonUAl UCUT ON a iffMAr HIT A ' a al el B l r "V -CH
111 TV
vi u
v J : DN KH Ii A Y " KKHR1 J A H V 6. 1D02
(a. 1 1 vairo R ;oni in vnr '.?,
which hM hpen advertised contlnti
ously fm jroars, and those who hare
nVer used laxatlvo lirnmo-Qulnlii"
ten COM or Rrlp should Rive tbll
celebrated remedy a trial Every
ilriiKxial In the country Bella It.
Felt Slippers,
Felt Shoes and
Jersey Leggins
FOB LADIES, mihskh
Wlui on nil. ni to have wH feet whan
you can bin rutiber at audi prices:
Ladies Storm rulihers, aoc
Misses Storm ruhhe-rs. 15c
Chilli's Storm rulihers, UK
Wilson & Co.
Successor fu Cleaver Urns.
Annual Meeting of Paris Medicine
Company, held at Paris, Tenn.
The annual meeting of the I'arla
Mndlelne company of St. Louts, was
lM'ld laat Tuesday at I'arls. Tenn
ayw the St. Iouln RepuhPc. The
apltal stock was Increased to $1)0
Oil Th statements showed that the
ompany did the largest und most
profitable business of Its career laat
year. E. V. Grove, the organiser of
the company, was re-elected presi
dent. A H. Duncan vtce-prealden;
and V L Seely. secretary and tre.v
Mr. Seely is In charge of the 81
1 .01111 office at No 2624 Pine street.
Id said the business of the com par. y
Ik growing rapidly, and that Its pro
duct hax been received with tavor all
over the world. The sales of
BrOBO-QvlalM last were nearly
8,000,9M box an. and the piespeett
are that the number will be areatK
InOTMMd this year.
Thi llroninQulniii- tSbieta Waff
Ural BUde at I'ariu Tenn The first
iitillditiK was an unpretentious st riv
ture. and the tablets were made In
small iu;ntltlt's Tin- merit of th"
m'dicliii' was soon dlscoverd, and
tin- ordi-rs urni1 in so ranldh tha!
the COnptS was compelled to move
Into lamer quarters and the small
factory aave place to oue k.vIiik em
iloymMit tO a large uumliei of per
sons, so that at the present UflM 1 1 1
' onsume ten tons of quinine annually
A handsome office ami warehouse
ll maintained in this city Shortlv
after the business was established It
wa.- toimil advisable to mak" this city
the principal distributing point. Mt.
,iul Mrs Seely made a tour of the
world In thf Interests of the com
DOIl ami while In Paris. Tenn. M.
eel) gave two stereoptlcon lectures.
On 1 readers have no doub become
lamlliar with thf reading notice head
Special Offer.
A Singular Man Who Lives In a Dug
Wet tOD contains at least one resi
ifallt for whom the cold snap hath nn
terror! ( i Ulysses Wllmore, the
hermit whose dugout near Muin
tree! and whose singular garb have
mad. him an object ol much run
tj and BOIBmOBt, says tha Leader.
On Friday night, the first and cold
est 'i the recent freeze, when the
mercury registered id neiow zero, anu
a DM0 could alu.ost walk on hla ti
en breatb, Mr Wllmora was enjoying
a midnight promenade along the crest
01 the nines The full moon ga.ed
down In awe upon his lonely figure,
striding through the snow amidst the
lesniate solitude of the pines, und
wondered If he could he fuller thar
It and sought to walk of Its untimely
"Jau " Not so. Mr. Wllmore was
simply enjoying himself In his pocul
lar way.
He started from rouse creek Kri
day evening and meandered through
the mountains until he came to Dob
le - old haw mill. This he reached (J
1 0 : : o'clock at night, when il'c
weary stars shivered In the heavMis
and Weston people were hustl'm;
hurriedly out of bed In search of mm
covers Mr. WMmore had not fl n t s
ed his frigid Journey, however. He
left the mill and tolled through the
snow to Davison's pasture on Wild
Horse wher" he secured his horses
He then came tO town with the i,.i
mats and at early dawn knocked at
pa Wlllinnis' shanty. where a light
was burning, for admission Eph Bd
nine 1 the pilgrim hermit, who Ml
tlally thawed hlme"lf out by the tin
having nearly froen a foot; an ordi
nary man would have been an lev
statue under the same circumstances
Ulysses was no, yet done with his
pilgrimage. He remained hut half
an hour, and then proceeded with his
horses back to his starting place
on Couse creek.
This Is a singular man He ca no
Ben from Wallowa county, and for a
I few weekks carried the mountain
mall Then he bought a little piece of
ground back of the White HOUSQ
salooi, and hullt a dugout soared;
three feet high, under which lie
crawls for slumber upon a pallet of
straw, cooking his meals upon a ruuy
old stove outside He Is said tO ' n.
sunn- an enormous quantity of food
at one meal, and then to fast for s ft
oral days One would almost Imag t.e
that he partakes of shlngh- nail- and
hrokfii glass foi desert from his ap
pee ranee
i)v and Mrs r . W. Vincent
Port load.
Dr. .J. W. Heat was In town reatOI
day from Wc !
lames A Howard Is In Maker City
again on business
Kll Carson was In town this Bortl
iiu- from Walla Wnlla.
Miss Jennie Dykoa is visiting
frlonda In Pendleton.
w v Matlock ins returned from i
business trip to Portland
Qeorgj Schorr has returned from
Walla Walla where he visited M I
Al Ooldman. the clothier and Wll
bUT Klrkma.n of Walla Walla we e
I 111 town oil UUSIl.ess yemeiuu...
J. H Haley, who has been slight ly
'indisposed for the past week. Il BO
1 BW and able to attend to his dOttea
Mrs. J. 11. SwItJllei. of Swltlei'i
Island on the Columbia river, Is In
Missouri settling up BOOM business al
, fairs.
Andrew Anderson Is expected bone
mini Portland this evening. His ail
ter Miss Carrie Anderson will B
1 ompany him
Harry Adams and MrH. Klla Donot
were Issued a marriage license from
the etorv'l offl- yesterday. They
Bra hOtJl MldOSM Of the reservation
Matt Taylor, who was stricken i.l
, the right side Sunday with DOralysl
-aid to be soniewnat improved an I
his ultlmat recovery is looked to
JudlU H. (i. Yoakum, forme'rl) eoun
: ty Judge of Umatilla county but now
oi Salmon Meadows. Idaho is In the
city renewing old acquaintances lie
' will remain here until the last oi the
1 week, when he expects to go to Hoss
inirg to visit a daughter Mis (i
Polodore Moe.i.e pioprlctoi 01 the
I City Hrewery. M Court street Is put
ting up large quantities of good ice,
obtained from Hyers' mill ruce and
I the river In the far uppei end Of town
! He Is using the utmost can In obtain
ing the supply over, for old storage
purposes and the Ice that will be need
in the manufacture of City Browen
1 and at the bar of the DTOWOI 1 - 1
loon will be above suspicion
Realty Company
the Property
From (' H. Wade, as truotet the
Paelfh Roatt) Oompony, a privoti poi
iwrntion has piirnhnaed the ij Dow
Block, on Court street, between Cot
lonwooil ami .lohnson streets Tin
consideration was $30,000 Tin Pa
cllic Healty Company was rOQOBtl)
formed, mostly b) local people, ami
win continue to hundi tin property
the last week of our book
ending Saturday. February 1
UHBBM'a lrawiug f.S.lst, now
Wei.-tei n I iialiridgfd Dp tionaiien
I mum- 10 no. standard T'x edlllon-
Fork of the John Day
Sought By Miners.
Tin north fork of the John Day
river. In Umatilla county, is bOOMJBlOf
llllite noted rffPntlv n nlurr mm.
mg dlitrlcl inning tin last mo..i. i
as many as L" placet , laims have!i
m e,, Qled ,ni n that country, and up
until that time quite a number had
been taken although not so many 11
such a short time Formerly miners
have rushed to the Haker City and
Humptcr country They have over
looked the pay dirt that has lain the
many years on the John Day rive
which may be destined to turn QUI
many dollars worth of the vello
metal m response to the efforts of the
miner and his pick ami pan. and sine
the very early day 11 is only recently
'hat the attention of prospectors has
been directed to this country an 1
they are evidently finding pay dirt or
tin y would not go to the trouble and
expense of filing 00 claims and da
veloplng them.
Only yesterday afternoon 11 placet
claims were died with the eouim n
eordei from this country Kach o!
these claims include Ku acres and the
names of the loeaters are: Ueorge
H Chamberlain. Oracle Morrlsou, Wll
Item Henzic (ieorge llaldwin Mrs
Mary Morrison Steve Williams Mrs
JMJMi A Williams James WJIsori
John Morrison. Frank Morrison and
JaBMI I Clark
Baseball Papers Returned.
Tin paper- for th, incorporation '
the Pendleton Dane boll Club, hove r
turned Horn Salem ami immediai
steps will oe taken in tell the necee
try stocks required by low, which .
i little over one lull: when a meetii
the st holders will be called an
uermenenl oflcora elected nod th
esary ereliminan woik ol u
iilB a le.ini h, nut i onnnei
wdjrtii mg ioi 'in omini naon
Horton-Butler Contest.
Washington D C Feb 3-Tbe
ontest of Mi Morton far the seat of
RoproooBtotlve James i Botlor ol
the Twelfth Missouri district i ante up
for hearing today before tin b Pine
ommlttee on elections Sevi ,a!
lays Will be devoted to the healing
of arguments ol opposing eOUnOOl
it u not the purpost ot tin oooamli
tat to hold any oral examination m
witnesses, but this may lie done n
' ase any Ol the members desire add i
ional evidence on any ot the potal
Hi the dispute The case promise, fa
" the moat interesting of Its It tad
lefan the present session ol ion
lit ess
(lilt top lii nto. sUndanl m, edition-
Drying preparations simply dovelorj
dry catarrh; they dry up the BOON
turns whnh adhere to the mtinbrain
and deeompose causing a tar nior
senoin troiibli than th linai
lorm of catarrh Avoid all drying in
halants and use that which ftlaaOBl
sooths and heals. Ely's Cream Hale;
is such a remedy and will cure catai
rh or cold In the head . easily and
pleasantly. Al) dmggi-i sell It at 10
n uts or It will be mailed by Rlv
Urothers, 5ti Warren street v ,
Commencement at Carlisle.
Oorltalo. Pa.. Feb. ;.. fhe nooual
oiiiuieneenif nt exercises ol the L'ai
isle Indian Industrial Trolnini
-i booi vifrt- eommeneed today with
BOB) dtotiOJUiOBOd visitors ainl
rioada of the institution in attend
nee I lie exercises w ill be
Od tomorrow when the add
he graduating class will be ,
v Hon Jantei s gharnun oi
N. V.
oea to
llhai a
The Pendleton Shoe Company
Have 500 pairs of Missen Shoes,
they are selling at, per pair
Former price from $1.90 to S1.75;
500 pairs Children1! Shoes
at, per oair
Knights templar Ball.
Chicago, III Feb 5 - Prornin. nt
Masons from various parts of the
state. Including a number of state .,iu
elals, are here for the sixteenth ai
1 lUOj Knights Tempia, ball, wine
lukes place tonight at the auditorium
Fifteen thousand Invitations ha,
been Issued and the event proml
fa be the moat brilliant ot lib kind
seen in Chicago this winter. The
proceeds, as heretofore, will be used
for the benefit of the Illinois Mason
1 1, urn
ormer prices from $t.a5 to Si. 73.
Besides riany bargain fa flea'a and l.ad'es' Shoes
Pendleton Shoe Co.
645 Main Street,
Pendleton, Orsgon.
Wisconsin Farmers in Session
Madison Wle.. Peb 5 -Repreaeu-lathe
agriculturists from all parts li
the atate are attending the annual
onventlon of their state association
which opened today In the aenatu
chamber of the state caplfal An e
client program of papers and eddies
ses has been arranged lo, the tv.o
days' session Leading features are
addresses by Governor La Folletie
and former (iovcrnoi V i Hoard
t, igTinranee thy aholcr whefl
knowlpdgr leads to woe Heattle.
Re win. rules mual humor fun ai
much n he command. lenr(fc Pilot.
dood eompaej and god discourse
are the fery sinews of virtue Wal
ton. An OOaea of eheerfuliioss la worth
a pound of sadness to serve Ood with
Whatrver makes men good Chris
MeOO makes them food oltliens
Dsnlfl Webster
Oecaaloni do not make a mar.
.Ither Strang or week, hut they show
what br is Thoma n Krmpia
As there is nothing in the world
great but man, then- is nothing truly
great in man but' character W W
Common sense is thr knack of see
, things aa they are and doing
things as thay ought to be dona t
F. Slows
The saddest failures in life arr
thoaa tbaJ come from not putting
forth of the power and will to eue
eeed Whipple
Che aharltj that hastans to pro
rlalm tu good leds. ceaaaa to be
eharity, and is only pride and oetea
Ution Uutton
nrrii ami 1 aaliOewei
wh and trim 1 heatrofeaullllowefi
bleneh II bj dropping for ie mtautoe
in boiling -;i 1 1 eil water and then in
sold, t in it Into malllah btenehea
and boil iiinil tender, not BTUmbljr,
Cook half a doen voiing beet ihor
noghl.t tender peel and iMee 1 hem
lengthwise and arrange the !ice -tar
faahien In the bottom of a bowl Heap
the caul Mower upon ibem. keep fpff
hoi ami pour over i hem a dreaalng
made bj mining a g'lll of the be-' Rated
nil, a loMeapoonful of a non juice, a
laltapoonful of -sit. half asmuehdrji
mn-tard ami a dash of while pepper
rteoiiii together In serving at Ir so
ever hit of both vegrtabjee -linll have
Its proportion of dressing Thi. is
much relished by eeprlcloiia appetltee,
bin many prefer I In bee 1 1 end KOUll
Mower dreeil llntpl) With ciesr melt
ed butter not drawn Puller and
dashed with I niegar at t lie moment of
eating Washington fGer,
No one ariiclr will add
more to your personal
comfort this winter
Hen's Canvas Leggins
40c to 90c.
Ladies' Fine Jersey
Cloth, High Cut
All kinds of
Peoples Warehouse
a.a.M.. .i''iU'lfllWfi(l
Victory at Last.
Ihe latest Scientific Discovery
Cures ali forms of s( tip
Diseases, sm:li a;. I an .
dffllfi, Baldness V. , kn(j
will stop the Hair from
Falling out. As a Dress
mg it has no eijual, keep
ing the Scalp and Hair jn
a Healthy condition.
think of oilfj
hack toosndlei
nfler tining oil
In in pa?
A 11 d you
wouldn't think
of using nny.
thing elsenfter
trying one of
our QasoUtn
Owl Tea House
Mother's Pride Coffee
Best 25
cent I
iooo I
you get
I tin. A. .
'rom us.
Trucking & TnJ
Uiti J
We ire still in t he saldl driving prices down to
SI SHING PRICES in order lo get in shut
lor our HKi SPKINCi STOCK, which will cob
mence to arrive soon If you art hunting Bit
Hams, wc have them for you. Remember, tit
largest stock in the counts to select from Coat
and Her us.
In handscrre H
1 1 hi (it tin- next m
sin prises that deaa
n -tn ss ol hcirt.
j in such ntw dewgatj
an t hi viiii; if al! liaeal
as are ktpt in
Up-to Date, First Class) jFomltew Sm
Thi lariest stock ironi which to select and all t
M) competition rndt rtaknic parlors in conneciion.
Main and Wehh Streets
1Ut nl.-uature ii oi. every boa ot tftn genal
Laxative liruniu-Ouinine i"'
Uui n-i oUy iua( curew u cuiii In uu uj
Awful Tragedy in Iowa
Waterloo. Iowa, Feb , ( g ,
('usher and two children wart burna 1
to death. hU father fatall hurt anil
thrae others serioualy burned laat
night in a flrr oausni b) tha overturn
Ing of a lamp
BHoca- a MeooaiAs. a.-u or lM Md
j J
A Carload of jField H
In all height, juil received by
Taylor, the Hardware
U.wi i.w L m.-n ere invited to ttl.
Ml VI B BU - ,
Mr. Taylor's prices before buyinjel8entn.
Alfalfa, timothy, Bromae Inarmui, Blue gn.
other seedH in quantities to suit buyers
Lpquiriaa by mail will h-hvc prompts-
T. C. TAYLOR, the Hardware
741 Mem atreet, l endleton,
International Poultry r ood make.
Beef Meal giv tliem flavor.
Clemahells mak. them solid
Mica grit aidl digestion.
Xrj- a sample.
Hu Train and Pt"-
mmmj , -
I aa eaul V Ala Ct.ot . I
ar eaeivi a JJ I'.atSl 1A OIICC4-