East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 05, 1902, Image 5

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sing Out Sale
I tonunues.
gsl 1 nrttr
Regular price 10.00
ectric Seal Jacket to close
J 7.50
Was $85.00
th Jackets $7.00 to $10 to close
ver Bros. Dry Goods Co.
I Howard. Are tneu.anc.
(or $4.90 Clearer Bros.'
..a. i th. i l v. Dutton's
7 to $1" "w 12-90. Cleav-
in mwwmm
. . . m wr r
. v . . .. , .
room for ront at the
.... VI'. it..r utrmW
...n It. i,, 111 ,i
f(Bt Apply " I'oniftuir
flnuiaMi linti lllUt m
. rtiir
Hep'- h iiiin'M in vuiuui
V'ANTi:i' l (. Huy'h.
;wh iti i' htre Mtur
l.i. . i ... i .r
ki potato uml on- for
dwriptlmi oi tliut vcgeta
jtm I imi nun tM ant.
its. served Thundnj nnd
ibiii cordlall) invited to
MBtvW till!- h' it It ll food. F.
k Son
.in m i nimi ill I In- trniw
lk itratu in i'h tin- I'cndle
im! Beourlni .uil nmmI
uii morning
liit eui v iii-ut crop, con
IM baihi It to K. W. Mr-
5.' c?nls per bushel. Th'
itored In Adams.
. m ii ii I' mnn a a
'st, and others
tu call mi any druggist
trim uuuie 01 ivamu b
the throu' und lunge, a
rtronlc and ucate couxhu.
M 50c For sale dt Tall-
ki agent
Free lunch of hIi rll i wheat bis
cults. Thursday und rriday, at F. a
Younger & Son'a.
Nothing bettor Known than shred
ded wheat Demonstration now on ut
F. 8. Younger & Son's.
W.ti B r, painting und papering
pic i noil lint hoth brass and wood'
at C bh.iri a. Court street.
A rook book ol Jiio recipes on shr -d'
ded v. heal at . 1 1 i -1 A Suns, wli i.
you can get one free of charge.
I. oat. a flno boa somewhere betw n
Aura and Willow streets Fin'.'
' pleuse return Bume to this office.
Rooms In the Fast Oregonlm build
ing for rent. Steam heated, lot anl
cold water nnd hath room In conne
A. L. Knight has fflrrhTtl1 Un.uou
' bushels nt wheat In the warehouses hi
Vunsycle. belonging to K. I.. Smith
William Mills and .1 A Creswell. TlM
price paid w us cents.
French. Oormau and Spanish lei
sous given Classes an being form
ed under Instruction of J- F. Ii-naud.
formerly of Whitman College. Ad
dress care Fust Oreonum
Prank Iteveui and Pal Donnhw
employed in the yutds ot tie 0 U I
N. depot, got Into uti altercation 0V0I
some work this illuming and as a re ,
suit Donahue ban been arrested (01
Hssuult. he linvlng battered up St.-
ens' head with a lantern and struck
him on the aim with a shovel lli
hearlng is to be this afternoon.
kill 1 1 n M V I L
II H HllllfV
I. L. Campbell Affected With Paraly
sis In Serious Condition.
Tin- members ol the newspaper pro
fesslou throughout the Northwest
will learn with legret that L b, OUIP
bell, editor of !ne Eugene tiuurd, is
seriously uffected with paralysis, and
Ills condition Is inch us to give Ills'
friends considerable alarm He lelt
the first uttack last Saturda.v OVWlM,
while sitting in u barber chuli. Mb
vocal organs w m first uffected, and
he was unable () siieak. He is con
sclous, and at times recovers the pow
er of speech but not for long Intel
vals. The doctors think It is caused
by rupture of I blood vessel, caus
ing pressure on ihe braiu. A special
ist ou brain d;s-a -s has been sum
moned i miiii Portland
State Veterinarian Gives Wholesoms
Advice to Those Engaged in the In
Dr. William McLean, state veter;
narlan. who spent all dAj- yesterihi.
holding post mortem exaifi! nations on
hogs that were sick or had died froi:!
the discus, which has been so preva
lent through tile country recent tj
and which was pronounced swine
plague by Dr. Christie, simply verifies
the latter's statements To the East
Otegonlan he said:
"There is little to say In regard to
the disease that Is killing the hogs
arOUBd Pendleton more than whnt
was in the Interview from me yester
day. 1 found everything as I said In
that It Is swlnr plague, but it Is in
a mild luini now. and I do not anti"l
Mtta another serious outbreak. Dur
ing the tall. I find, quite a number n
young hogs died with the disease and
as I said before, the disease has been
In a mild form and I attribute most of
the deaths tn the fact that the hogs
have not hud proper care. They have
been let run down physically iy not
enough attention being nld to their
diet, and when they are In a weak
eiied condition their system Is in
shape in take in any disease germ
that Is afloat. Just the same ax a hu
man being is more likely to dlseas.
when his system is in bad shape. Th;s
discHse which was In the countr.
attacked these hogn when weak, anl
they lai ImmI the strength to throw o(f
the attack Hnd consequently succumb
ed. Then it spread from one plan- to
anot liei I do not mean to say thn:
swi-ie plugue will not attack older
hogs, or that It only attacks them
when they are thin and weak, hut It
is more like!) to attack them in that
condition than when they are In good
physical condition and are being fed
plenty of substantial food. The dls
ease Is dying out here. In our Invc
ligations. Dr. Christie and I founl
only three sick hogs which belonged
tn IVrry Hoiiser. These were killed
and buried.
"If those who arc In the swine bust
ness will keep their liens ( lean an I
feed substantial food. I think It will
soon die out und there will be little
more trouble frOBI the plague.
"I ndvlse all who are In the bus1
ness t.' I eep thell pens perfectly
clean and ii possible have two apur
mentei Im pine' them in one a day nt
i wo and then turn them Into the
Other, while the tirst is tboroughl.'
'Untied nnd dried out It is a good
plan to prtnklc lime over the eens
loi a disinfectant Then, alter this
n n Is thoroughly dried and cleaned
turn the cogs back and treat Ihe otlo r
naitment iu the sunn eruy, it this
Is done i.ud the feed is changed o"
casionally. not giving the mime thin-:
nil the Jul. . but giving tin bog i
vailet) of food, there will l.e no iui
plalnl (row swine plague.
When one does get the dlM'BSi
tbi i in only oiu- plun to puisne, and
that is to get it away from the Othetl
ut once, kill and bury it. Then on -should
be aieful to clean his bOOtf
before he returns to the ien whe .
i In ot Iu bugs are. for there is grev
luiigei ui carrying the germ on th
teet "
iir. M I. '-uii Bald thut although DO
le wet. somewhat aluruied over tin
Outlook tor the hug Industry In this
counti i or the future on account of
the tec en I tutalltles from the plugue
there ITM no reason for the raise'-:
to go out of the business as the In
dustry was not Injured so far, and if
people used proper sanitary preetn
tions there was no reason for niaev
Sheriff will Have a Small Amount to
Next Monday. February-. 10. Is the
date aet by the sheriff of Umatilla
county for the eale of property (or
which taxee have become delinquent.
This sale will be at the court houit
and conducted under the supervision
of the sheriff and the property will
be knocked down" to the highest
1 bidder for cash. This Is the first de
! Ilnquent sale Tor the 1500 assessment
i Never In the history of the county
I has th delinquent tax roll been so
small as this one, which, by the time
'of the sale Monday M not amount
to more than $600 or $t50o This Is
; a remarkable record and show the
; prosperous condition of the county.
The work of posting up the tax
collection roll books for 1901 is pro-
gresslng rapidly and the levy will be
M fed) by the first of March. All tax
let paid between that tfme and the
: Iftth will have 8 per cent discount.
! This will amount to several dollars to
the farmer who 1b paying ta on sev
eral hundred acres of land and 0th
er property and It Is expected that the
many will take advantage of the dls
E count.
Remnant Sale.
We pki on Friday .mi Saturday all t!M Remnant!
left f rum our ttth Annual CltMlWtt Sals, which ara
now on display in our South Window V-m wiU tin l in
them must remarkable VnlttSi No old i;ihIs in the lot.
and one of the hrst remanant collection! SVC! ihown
Among the lot von will hml Silk, DjOSI 1 ioodl Pert ll
Muslin, Online, Klannel ami t'alu 0
Women of Woodcraft Will Give a Re
ception. When J. U Wright, head clerk of
the Women of WoodCTSft, arrlv, at
Friday, he will be myall) welcomed.
The circle members and members of
the camp will meet him at the depot
in a body, iiHiu tile arrival of train
No. t, from the east. Saturday utter
' noon there will be en informal re, ep
: tion. and In the afternoon a banque:
will be held at the I. O. O. F. hall
Snnaai evenini tbe aeoiberi i Dnptt'
' ne Circle will attend special services
! ut the Thompson street church,
where Rev Frank IpMMIni and Rev,
I'reu will spak
We Will Stay The
With a lot ot Corsets
that 1901 (oimciK
ti oo, It. jo and $i,i o
Your t hou c of the lot
I SrylC364-.
Patli ris
Saved Him From Torture.
There Is no more agonizing trouble
than illes The constant Itching and
burning make life Intolerable. No no
sit Ion is comfortable. The torture is
unceasing. DeWltt'e Witch Baanl
Salve cures pllce at once. For ek'i
disease, cuts, burns, bruises, all kinds
of wounds. It Is unequalled. J. S. 0 r
ill. St. Paul. Ark., says: "From UN!.".
I suffered with the protruding, hie nl
Ing piles and could find nothing to
help me until I used DeWltt'e Wltfil
Hazel Sule A few boxee completely
i ii red nie " Beware of counterfeit
TuHnou) ii Co nnd llt.u k k McCom"'
Clarke & Co
Al Court Street.
Begins on Friday Morning Continues
Several Days.
Frlduy morning begins the Chinese
New Year which lasts over the 16th
and during this - John Chinaman s
toBtivul time everything Imaginable
Is pressed Into service that will BMlM
a racket. Ah ou of them expressi I
it they have a "hill unie" All kinds
of odd instruments ate used to niiilv
what they call music to drive the
devil " Ire ruckers and the like are
set off and every Chinaman ll the
countrv seems to enjoy life Immense
ly during their week of celel.i m ng
ur extra sitonK Horehouu,d Candy etODI the Uokh hi
your throal Tbsaaaflf i delicious, Hoanta pooud
Pop Con, Ku.Ikc is uiiother gissl eating ( uik1 v wehuv.
eetbai t'ough DeofMnad Mew Oougb Cure for your
I'luiietr Koue C'reeuii for eeVkOfNe lUMOe a'"1
(Sl'Ml "A ........ .. I
, . . mur h inline.
Sfcps from Main Street Toward the Court House
Teachers' Examinations.
Notice Is hereby given that I will
hold the legular examination of appli
cants im state and county papere In
the eoui' house In t'endletou as fol
lows: For State Papers.
Commencing Wednesday, February
'-ib. at : o'clock a. m , and continuing
until Saturday. Ftbruary 15th, at 4
o'clock p, m.
Wednesday Fentuauship. history,
spelling, algebra, reading, school law.
Thursday Written arithmetic, the
ory of teaching, grammar, bookkeep
ing, phyeice, civil government.
Friday Physiology, geometry, men
tal arithmetic, composition, phyelcal
Saturday Botany, plane geometry
general history Engliih literature,
County Papere.
Commencing Wednesday. February
tttbu at H o'clock a. m . and continuing
until Friday, February Utb, at 4
o'clock p. m.:
First, second and third grade certl
Wednesday Pt-nmanBhip. history,
(lithography, reading.
Thursday Writing, arithmetic, the
ory of teaching, grammar, echool law.
Friday Geography, mental arithme
tic physiology, civil government
Primary Certificates.
Wednesday Penmanship, orthogra
phy reading, critbrnetlc.
Thursaay Art of questioning, the
ory of teaching, methods, physiology.
County 8chool Superintendent Uma
tilla County, Oregon
Plumber and I inner.
Special attention to
Job Work.
Shop: Cottonwood St.
Opp St. Joe Store.
Machine tl il Kood COOditiOBi requires nfflj one quarter horse
power to run it ami with it Ml PSfSOl un Ml Irmn OfOOO to j'000
HU hrevier in eight houra.
With th.- maclufM then ii the aecasairy pulley ittd aftiitisf
no to Hoi pniimlb hrcvier tjic, H (lonil
Machine will lie sold fur f , l o It at Pendleton,
Bast Oregoiran, Pendleton, Or.
bissi(astsnU oa .ry bM ' tb- I""
I .vutive Krtirnit'Ouinine T.fie"
LMAUl.v -
Wauted. a suite of t.so or three lurn
Ished rooms, within two 01 timt
hlocki of Hotel Pendleton. Addiess
f C. W.i this offli e
Walla Walla Health Foods
Are Carried by the
Martin City Bakery and Brooery.
1 hest- goods consist ot all kinds crackers, wafers, DtSCUiti Oflatoili tWfin sticks, Zwre
hack, infant fond, nut hotter, grauosc Makes, grannie I u s nits, prOtOHh lUttOMi shelled
peanuts, malt extracts
Reduction Sale Family Groceries.
Preparatory to removal of the-slot k to lh new location m tin I. a PotMltlifM hloi k,
still continues at the
Main .Street, next t Joe ISalerV