East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 05, 1902, Image 4

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    uKDVKsnw I'Kimr HY r. I MM
ul Oregon i an Publishing Cwnpam
Fi.NIii.kthv, lMNM'
OiN eepy pr .ear. Uy mo I
Utffif fix nnrith. hv sua-:
I .1 . T " . I. . i-Ktt. I I
Trial iibw-rtpll. ii
i- aii nanitxra
MRMi-wBKKtv vamntrriio utw
Om- ipy om ir
One ropy l mimilK .. m-
T rial aiitoerriei n il
feiiiiffi' numhi r ... I
it'., v II BM kii ftO ihiin
DM copy our rr M
irnroooyplx ni' nii.n
1 rial Moerii i
Must r. j '
OVmriMtlM mm;
IB i irl aruiriil" )
Oil' Im'h. 01 !. In rni(.Wrki . r inOiilli ltt.0 .
moll, er Iran. I n lis I , . pri Ill 2.0t
1 " ! he. or ! i u lialf) aid W r-l.lv. ar
ii .1111 W
0-r tlirae I' - - iuI U . , r. r l in Ii ei
M .Mill ... I OU I .
1 . r Hirer in. i,r-. Iii . pi i I. h i i n nili IV ' - "I" "ll
0i I i rrr III. In a. Ill lal an. I Wrrklv, rr
i . i'rr nin'ilh iW
On. ii I. or I. e V . kly ee r Mil Ii IT'
Oi I lira in ii-. 10 Weral., Del imliprr
i I irti-l I - . Ill 1'lti.ailOT'a is.ll i 0J -
w. !. r- r i . I. ir rnoni'h t
HMiilaenpan i alvrrttamieniA ID Harm Week.)
Wafjal? nr ... r.l iBaOriivili M)f lf..li. fl.ll
ear IfeM , ii ii. -. .
Lora 1.1,111 1. 1. ii . ...a r nu . a 1. lunrriiain
i-it up. People Who Hhould Iihv kfflt
lii mind tin- liilorooiH of others !,
tainetl their kWWlodgf, And th nf
i at eil to nllnw thi' mnlaily L) Rail:
i tinner Ann in tin hprds or
n w I tic hTo:iliontr
It Is ItMiBgS t lilt t people will Httrl
ly illnreKArd thi' iIkIUh Of Otlltn by
iini secretlni lafwiBstlOti iicnrin,
ipon lbs (Hiiiiii health TBBS
tllBgS shtuilil IMVI heen told inilK UH"
mil SfeOggl Artloii taken wIhmi till' ill
I-' wa lii f illclptoncy.
Publicity bj uooii lor mini vol Mu
lls that afflict the people It Ik la-ultUy
n many ways In iiuiMt cAnen. lexlti
note ratorntrltM in not Mater by lot
inn the ini'tH !' kQOWO, g a nili'.
till) I bOW ilnims that should not he'
leed mciwc) TIM hatht Di pnhiicit
i ' tt a purifier in re tattoo to th i
luhts Of m pOOpts tUKf ah It does
ii 'elation to physical health
"TtttB on thi' Unlit" In a rath"
food niiittn tin till time and In alt
Thi' time Is past when the COBIUir
elal mail wa merely croituio of eli
riimstanee, nioulded by hlu oocld ntn:
nirolintfiiigt. Today. If he would At
tain ItrJfOM, hf nuiHt In- edm atei! Ot
must tdUCOta himself, as MrOftla n
the young engineer. Above nil. II
he wishe to moke his BMrh in thi
Indostrln world, and does not eati
in trust tn BMft otaBN h must ha.'
;i piotessional tralliliiK which Is Hi"
interim to that of thr technlinl BMH
tils htfonootlon, aalda from ihc nu
taalOOl part of his calltiiK Will Hot
ml) nu brace a thoitrtasb uodiratanci
Hi: ot the ifndaoclva m his nwn load
mil lorelgn countrlM bttl he In
Dim an Industrial merchant ii
Ahli'h hum Wf may illstlii-tulsh hlfl
fron the ordinary business man
Did as such will devotf hldlMll ll
DIM bronob Of Industry, tn which hi
will uain at least so much kaowledi;
I it the tacbnlool dtoommh ittd tin
ItrOpOltltO ot thr products a.- will nit
ible him to discuss thooi inti lllgeni
ij ti liotaft in tin- BoRiMorlni
Mima 'in. tin Kehruary.
Th. l'lr t land Oregonlan and OthOY
ropnbUcM popari iiav. of late intl
Mated that the daowwiHUlu party i.
divided upon the main HMOta of tha
MtlotMl pollttej How aliout Um ra
publlCOM I: tin d mm tats ndniit N
tondNnw) towotafai tin. bvNhtsi of
tormri ittMa ot demarkat ion batwaaii
th' twi, Krent BaVftMt, what Is thr
trtttli n . nine the nox dOMMBlM
itia ftrgaoriatlmit
TaK tin two ihiHi issuns thnt all
t aoiial'i men i on . d. tn In the
most Impi rtant ins; no tin- tntlfl
ami tin treats, 'an .m om Ton a
Philadelphia lawyer, who is presumed
mil:. I
ill I
iuususI powon ot dlocrlm
"-in what th.. malm It
res? What todjoy In tin
Mil port) f ''at. an I
.in mttnU'd thouuli he uia.
from pant and present
th patty in po.. wants
inn tn Cuban reciproclt)
lloplni dutlH or the atib
ifr i' lattoiis in :; in ral
i ot fact. tUr : publir an
irn inti, a nam hoi of ta
a. Ii ' ouii'inlini! tin lio-
maatery .mi' no man can toll which
representi the taojority of tin meat
ni tin n: uiini.ation
As tn the trust, there is a oaaldoi
a! ' lion ot the repuhlnan port)
heath ! Hohsooli of HTnooailn.
and Tawaey. ot .Minnesota, win, voted
tot ttn frse. trust nsnds aoili iidei
tin the ta repeal bill WtUoh is 000
riu! am! aii iilate.t t., aiurm th.
Iraatvloyml nwhajii tr the oppoHi
tlon. Which represents the majoi
Ity t aIll rspressntatle popen a.
sort tiiat ttn actum oi tie rnoiailttse
of th in.iia. ami nciiati in deiiMii,
rottal h OObtt or tin Phllippinen oi, in
th. peopl. irom the upureoaiuli ol th
truHth is what th. majority m tin
party tool rest Will they make thi
ilaniaKiiiL udmilon? ' Or will thoj
'intend that a large uumher of n
puhlicans want reform in these mat
Iota, ami that tin majority deniriiiat
tins reform an not proerly repie
lented b) thOOS omuiittet ami thai
th-reiorr the party 1h torn right down
the ntiddl into two blttet relentless
fm tionn"
U'liv not bs tuit towaril an oppon
Satf Whj not ClittohM onr s own an
oriates as well as otherH? Why al
w ?. the weakness of other., and
nevei 1 1, n, ai, .mi 's own weakneas
es? lier ausi tn do sui ii wuulit mean
tn fr-i one's self from tin ahsolu'e
loiitination of a political party . and
that aaast aawspapers could not do
li llapppily tin Portland
Orefoattw frssjaaatlj s-es the faults
of tii. tort) withm vshJc.i it trains
am! h. lltatSS not to pronoutn aaoa
tin hi Its example might hi jpsod foi
otheri to toiiow
Whii. tin flection laws an uodl t
Hat itoslon it is n kooiI time tn temaii
that we tare a propooad constiti,
tlonal nmendnaenl to he voted upon
in coastal J aas it is ths pruaonal
for the initiative ami referendum
.itul though thi' suhject is one ma:
- ssi's tot most people ouh a fatal
mil Bctltloos Interesi erery propos
al ot this ctaiaotor should act at-
tentlon saoagh fretn tin rotst so ths
h ran voir, upon It InfUIOMd ot Its
imrpose and iirohable effects.
The pnu.it i in th. hum ot an
intendment to thr' first section m the
ninth Article ol th.' OrwJOB CoMtltU
'ion. am! it off en to raeerve tn tin
""lc "powei to propose laws an I
imendmenta to the constitution am1
to saaei m rajoi t the sann- at th
mils Independent of tin legisiativ
tsaembly, and also to reserve "miwc
n their own option tn approve or
t nt tip polls, on y act ot the leglsta
tire asoembl) "
v have here two proposals on
ths "Initiative," or power to origv
i legislation, ami th- other la ttn
leti'iidum " in powi i tn pass up. in
tlslotla I'tuh! per cent of th
'oters, taking as a boats tin' litest
npnlsr rots for lapreaii judge, ma)
'"ii'.' a propos 'i! law with the seen
irj i stat.v Then this ad must i .
''tllltt-.l to the people at thr It."'
Hon. act If approved by thr- ma
OI It) I ttot ot the Whole vote, but ol
in. .mi iim thereon), it must
nmtllgati -t -ts a law WlthOUl ativ it,
I' Vi lit;, Hi OH flic part Of tllr lei;,,; .
i in ii leiemiitm ma) in secured
S) oi potitioii. as with thr- lilt's
ii in tn. pi. . sent method ot mi ,
wlon by legislative enactmenl m
bad tot exomple, tot tree bririi
am! is we ire to have in .In.
t tin new chartet Tin- rofOreadNin
' Uteri y ail S percent ti
Itloi tn. ! olnet) day pjtot ths lei
latin, thai passed the act in ,pi.s
inn hu- adjourned
where the smiii
the l,r
wouiii try
knew n box
were kept.
n matter haw largi
ot itroai the bolt. I
Twoald ODSn, I know, for me
Then over the !,m. ami the HOI In
i would scatter ths MOHt i to pis
That the i h I hi reus ' faces might I ....
t hem fast
Cor man- ami tuan n da
Ii I knew a box that was hum enmi
Tn hold all thi' frowns I meet,
I would like to gather tln'tn evet
Profs the nursery school ami ItTSel
Then folding sad holding I'd put
them in.
Ami turatai the MMstrous hsj)
I'd bin' u giant to drop tin box
To tip' depths of tile deep Hoop Ii .
Maud Wyman In the Ann n .
s. nstor Morgan voices ien i i
ipinlon Whoa be sas that tin Pan
ms proposition is lateoded to dels,
otistructloii oi am canal am
Inii it we should accept It w. ihoilll
a. i i'i! goods that COUld not hi
i llvered Hut Beootoi .Morgan
opinion in the matlr-i Is worth man
than isnernl opinion fm he bus mad
't a spsotal study for years: Ills
nowledge ol It i exhaustive, am'
rllsintsresttrinesi is unouestlonei
is tii devotion to tin consummst 101
' the loan di rented of Idea ot a;
Ithmlsn canal It will be a shatm
If, when every thing at last seem
n . On Hi.- constiiictioh oi ibis gn a
mterprlse, the project nt the Pnnanui
lobh) should be permitted tn mil.
nltel) defeat it Courier J out mil
tin general principle a i .
oi tin.- treasure tin Orsnu
till! ai mid iilin :t will not
1: the amendment is adon
' i i gonian has lone t-ii ..
As a reaiilt of the newspupci publl
city given to th 04ttp. ol Itsssiw
aoioug th' twtoi Ig'i enmity the
state vet. rinarian til Wil!' mi M
Lean has I onn to I'r iidleion ha.
made OSiSBtllt inquiry into its na
tun and a ir cision will lie n.. tad
in aceordaier siih th. iucts. Horn.
' illen here profess to hoUSWI thu'
nothtol thould iiaw been printed it
the papers regarding th. disease
As a matter of fact had not tin-iir-wspapers
sired it. it miht have
goin- much longer without otti i' a.
tion it was kuown to many p rsons
WOOgg gggfg it was Blgilt public, urn!
tin facts win' systi'inatically cov
1 1 us.
an is in
n, plain
(Hi, The
ro iiav. i m patience with any umi
r.il.iiig to curtail tin- poWOT ol the p..
Hi 'a. bosses aim in- foi the p -o
"'i nr.-atc; facility In MO) petting I'
lecoemltioa It hi rogdll) eoaeelreh'i
'i. at obnoxious measures rushe i
through a legislature b) , vssie !
partisan machines might be benefl
it 1 set aside through tin op. i i
tint, oi tin referendum, while roformi
that party disoipltaa BOUld defeat lii
tin legislature might be achieved ty
'in' initial iv.
Vol i' Is also recognled that tin
amend steal is almost eertgta of d.
nat owing to tin failure such prop.,
iltions always make in an effort to
troiav populai lets mat, in practice
morenvet the beneficial results ..r 11 .
am POOS 1 1 would be problematical. A
aoaauro thai can conuaaad s pet oaat
If ths populai vote will never gi li
for someonr to introduce it at Hale .
Ami OOOggtOBO when SMOUgh Inter'
can In- aroiine. I to set un- a n versal nt
legislative , ugctBMBl will lie rare in
The true and invincible remedy foi
ad law- ami foi failure to enact go
laws, is good nun in offlce. If we
can ever get our legislature chosen
without refOreacs tn senatorial am
blUotM men ma y be elected with a
view tn theli fitness for making laws
ttagar which we tare to lire and try
to do business. Oregonian
LaFontaine & (iamsor
What ateam Is t i navigation, news
paper advertising is to business In
IndlctoUS use of steam will blow ym
' Injudicious Advertising will hlov
pear baala -si; - Newark Advertls
ft Poor Way
To Treat
No oiio would 1) so toolish BJ to kindle the fire on top
of ,1 xt to make it boil, vet the tnattnent of Catarrh is often
just i leuaelggg gnd illogical. Douehct, sprays, ointments,
vailed tobftCCO cures, and various other applications, are
.... s a
diligently iwed, bttt the little gootl accotupiisnea is swept away
bj the tirst breath of winter. When you attempt to cure a
constitutional disease one affecting the entire system with
purely local remedies, you are applying the fire to the top of ,
the inn von are doctoring symptoms, and, like thousands of
others, ret disannointins results. In Chronic Catarrh, the whole system 1
the entire 1UUCOUI memhrane, or inner covering of the body, is in a state of hirh infl
'!M. ..( 1.1, .,.,1 HfliAti ttio rrlatilic ntirl rl 1 c ric,.,li,, . a.
.umi i nc prcBsuiw iivvrvA mm f,'-" ' . . r" vAi't'shive hecrettorj of
mucli 'i which i alisoriieti into tne dkmiu una cusinouicu to all parts of the bodv I
the stomach, kidneyi aud intestines arc often seriously affected y" '
The nose, throal and ears are most frequently attacked b) this foul diseasr uJ
1 .. 1. I ... fl.aa i;yA ft (I 111 T ail' tet.w.l. nil. .' .1 .' ."""tCai
tiie mucous iiuiuj is cajwbcv mw v.iu, ..... ... . , ui,liui.i.s me itiatecl blood tn
: I i. , 'ti II CI 1 1 II . ,1 1 , , c t I , .. , .T al.. I I , "rl
SUA I v.M.,.r.6 vunguuuii l(1 lm- UUle DlOOll tOSSl
- ,,,l,iH I ....... 1 1 . ai .1. la. "I5
Kuiiiur., iiAi.iK uicuiiung uintcun and labored' the tk
becomes parched and dry; the hot, watery discharwl
ttie nose Rractually Cftange to a yellfmihs color
iKrcomitiL1 more urofuse and tciiiiointn: ,. l..i
. . HssK mm
imoiu, causing KiiKginK unci almost constant Cou
dialodge it. This offensive discharge, iq sfgtoft
cauuoii.s, inius us way lino l lit RtomgCB. and
nausea and an obstinate form of dvsrjeDaia foil
lii..,., i ..i..... i : .. ,.c iu ....... ....ai
ii.iiniini iiiiiihii in -i. inin.ui;i.i oi niv tv.n nun ui..nifSS ate also SVIimtnnii. c
diiteaae, ami w hen the inflaiutnation reaches the delicate niechanisni of the ear, hearine U
ami, aa tne diooq oeconiei more deeply poisoneo, cne uagues and soft bones in toe mm
eaten out, greath diafijgurins the face. At this stage of Catarrh the breath lecoiiies insui
alilv nfti'lisiv i- S S S is tin- sMiutilf' ' iitnl iiinwt i'fli'it i ImjIimaiiI (.... rv.... i. i
taken into the circulation reaches all parts of the system and cleanses the blood of
Catarrhal matter and restores it to a normal condition. hen rich, new hlood liepns to
til', ,11. I'll till. I'Atta ilia. llllarf ntrS .,) . .t.l. .'la' ...! 1... .!... al..a..a. II.. .f
.-" . rv .(!, in., iiimuiu mi i;i.iini.-i .vim iiiuMii hum ii iv,is ttsniuc ineir tutu
functions, aud the hot and inflamed membranes ait lubricated ami moistened with a soothn
i.e. .mix niua titai rutcKiy Dringa relief to tne congested parts. S. S. S. putg the bloall
s 1 1 ii peneci conuitiou ami go strengthens and invigorates tne general health that the la
mautfestationi of the disease eradnallv disappear, thed
charge from the nose ceases, the head clears, breath.
Deconies easy and natural, the appetite uiipruvo. aadj
peneci and permanent cure is effected.
S. S. ,S. is the only guaranteed purely vegetable Mi
purifier, It contains no minerals in further poison 1
lilooil and derausre the dmestiou, lur cm lx? taku;
perfect gaiety in all stages and forms of Catarrh. Our physicians will gUdlyidrigi
out charge, all who write their about their case. I look on Hlood am! Skin 1 'i -cases frev
Sl Joseph Me.. Mikroli 84. 1001
1 hurt a bait SSSS ol Catarrh ; By iio
wa alwaya atuppad up and my head
i.'iiad coutinuallv . and the odor of my
Ith wa ai.UmiiiiK I had a moat
Aiiuoylnu coutrli. also. I tried a number
in ill i -a and w treated by aeveral
tors, but " o relief mv caae was
i k 1 1 ' tn be incurable. S 8 H beine
numended to M, I bea;an Its use. and
after tahiuir nine bottles was cured, and
have never b..u iruuulsd with Catarrh
HOI Trancia Htreet.
CO Atluntb, Qi
For SoMUicuisi
bight l;is witii willing ami bora,
noun Ilia Mvgg rooms, bath
Coli.lt ,l!l(l WoOll ilOtlSI . ills W.ltr l
haul nniihod mi itoni ouodgtioti
Also lour lots and new OOltggg.
Two lots ami BOUie, $i,ihmj. Dili
Ogjghi rriasonalilc time mi bgUnt
or will sell on iaitillaients, Set
A llllllll 1,
Is 1 7 Main Street.
i, ca i
lien i
lien r
I'ilot HucK
IJU Sc'iea wlnnt limil
IBO acre.- wlnui Ui,il
IBQ Sr'tA-s Wheal latuil
Ut ter wlleul lullil
i -ii leiea wlirti Uuid
li" m'tM VaIumI lun. i
IBO edr-i arbsBl l.;.
Krntii i, in go , fjogi i
Six New Houses Cheap.
ilgvtnjp Bbas Hun. in. k, PwidlaiiiB. Ot.
ml mh" buildniK
uiHtcria! incluillug
and Sand.
We imve large auck hi
(or iMrim hi,. i dwtilliuif.
1 he Place to Buy:::!
in when, vou can t rli
n ii ii k an J ciisau prim.
Lumber, Lath,
Shingles, Build
ing Tir
paper rLiaM ltd
otment, Ticket
I'hihter, Brick.
Band, Mouldins
Berten l)mr&
Windows, Ifjh
4 Voon, IWn
( otta Yx.
Old Dutch Henry
Feed Yard.
Tlkt IWW tliaOAIIla,
Ookl aacdeM Mr,
also awaroed el
Cavalry llnrses for Sale.
aold h, JOHN SttllMlin
The Louvre Saloon
A cereleao iMUiiUry will Ki, Igggagg
your shirt in twtl wnliiiiKf, man out
s- M ' "Hi tt'ly II vu Imil worn It a
besi or cake taken of Farmers Custom Mill u- airt Z
i ... ........ . nr in
Fred WgjgSSO, ProprUtur f. " ,"""e' 't' w,u '' sour
m jfim iiu ii ymir ailUrrar
caparllT itai barrel, s Isjt
loor ofliaaf. lor bai
Flaur, rslll Krw1 ttt ej it W,
Oregon Lumber Yard
Pendkimi Planing 1
Lumber lard
Alta Bt., opp. Conrt Hoosc. PQKS1 tRi - Propntittfl
Vou get
Uood Beer.
When you drink
Ciuuraiitewd not to
cauee headache or
Ask for it.
Schultz Brewing Co
l Alt"!
'-- mm
win iiauia.li i'i""Au':r,,- UaSeH!
.1,. ll,a .liuilKl'Al Willi.".' - ZtutiMim
w can make 'rT5a, V,'
,,n Hi.oh result
.sin, , aai m
Chsrgei Ion sjCagi.C ""Vl
Water M., uear Ml
Daliy eat
J. K. Rub
PtOpi aPgaslggga
only 13 ecnU