East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 05, 1902, Image 3

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Al II I IT TTTTTtTttTtTTtttttl lit
the greatest opportunity that all cnh buyer
. niinanii Wo urp mnlrinrr one idle ,1
have I". - . , ...
L, winter goods, nomenoay win gei mem.
Flannel waists, special price $3.98 J
FIiuiiihI waists, special price 8.715 j
Flannel waists, special price 2.98 J
Flannel waists, special price 1.98
eiderdown dressing saques. special price 1.38 ;
cflTj arkooin.1 nrir.n 1 1K 1
, .1 r i mi:-'. " t'- r - .v.
tflonvv suitings, special price
swv fcidcrdowns, special price
Wiiolrii nose, Heeiii in;o j;re t
33 t 3 Per cent 00 aH nit Goods.
Alexander Department Store. I
in make good braad urn- Byerfl' Brat Flour. It took Anrt
premium nt t h Chicago World's Fair over all coin peti
tion, and ifivw excel leut satisfaction wherevar noed.
Every sack ia guaranteed. w" dve the best Htearo
Rollwl Hat lev, Heed Ry and Beardless Barley.
W. S. BYFRS, Proprietor.
isoline Engine for Sale
Lehorv power gasoline engine with pipes ami fitlingb. oil tanks
ttrunkv evervtlunR necessary to set up and operate BngiBfl
art- all new, being in use only a jew weeks.
is vcrv economical and guarnntcto to he satisfactory. Price
ilinp titlmgs. Address
Fast Orejr,onian, Pendleton, Oregon.
not nearly so much la made in the
way of showing tor the money. The
matter of hroad tires, strawing for
(Inst and covering with roek for mn.l
mere discussed fully.
Every Supervisor in Walla Walla
County Wat Preaent, With Many
Fron, Columbia.
Walla Walla. Feb. F. At the good
roads convention yesterday, a move
ment was put on foot to niaKi pcrma
nent improvements In the roadways
of the Walla Walla valley Every
road supervisor in Walla Walla coun
t was present, and most of those in
Columbia county were in attendance,
and took an active part. The meeting
was called by the board , of county
commissioner, and It proved a far
greater success than had been an
Delos II Coffin, c hail man f the
board of commissioners, called the
meeting to order and C. I.. Whitney
wa promptly chosen as chairman of
a permanent good roads association
which was organized with considera
ble enthusiasm. Clark N. McLean
county auditor, was chosen secretary
A. L Ring, of Dixie, treasurer and
vice pre suit ut. and R P. Reynolds
city clerk, was chosen treasurer.
I'npers were read by C. L Whitney
(' McLean. Thomas Moore. J. B.
CatrOB, superintendent of the state
penitentiary, and H. 8. Btaadford
Who has had active charge of much of
tin street improvement in this city.
Mr. Illandi'ord s address was the fcai
n of the convention and the body or
dci ci it printed in full. Brief ad
dresses were made by Professor W. .1.
Huberts, of the state agricultural col
lege. Milton Evans. Thomas Cutbburt,
Dir., imh Oehornc, h. e. oiiham. or
Dayton, and others.
A committee consisting of H. 8.
niandford. Milton Evans. .,iah Os
borne. .1. M Fiedler and Levi Ankeny
was named to draft a law for the per
manent betterment of country roads
and take nn active Interest in the
matter before the next session of the
legislature. A committee was also
named to interview the governor and
board of control relative to maklne I
arrangement ror the employment of
convicts to crush rock foi tlM purpose1
of treating a few miles ni road near1
this city as an experiment. An effort
will also be made to scenic tin con
traction of a boulevard from the
business pait of the city to the pent-1
tcntlHi.v grounds, the work being dote
by convict laboi. part nt tin actual ex-j
doom tn ! bona by the city and
The building of modern roads was
Heated hrtiadl.i b Plotessnt Roberts.
of Pullman, who asserted that the
roads of Whitman county now cost !
more than the public schools, and
The Charleston Exposition hat Suet,
a Convention.
Charleston. 8 C. Febr 6. One ot
tin most important meetings held in
connection with the Charleston Expc
sltlon is thi Southern Interstate 0004
Roads convention, which began iis
sessions today. Delegates appoint 1
by tlw governors of the several south
trn states are present, together with
representatives of numerous board'
of trade and other commercial organ
leatlooe and agricultural BOCtetioa
Expert road makers are In attendance
and during the three days the con v en
tlon Is In session they will demon
strate the scientific method of mod
em road making.
was $3R.ooo, and Cii - rental pi 1KB
to be turned back ll t'n etl 'c tivas
ury. or utilized otherwise
"The building Is really cr fine
It Is well built and convenient It
Is .lust what Is wanted for the school,
and will enable the faculty to do work
heretofore impossible The new
building's acceptance marks an era ir.
the school M
l-Mward l.axarus. of Portland, the
architect who drew the plans, wa
present He came down to Pendleton
Tuesday evening, and was at Ihe ho
id Pendleton Regent lerlbor also
came from In tJrande and Regent
WorthlngtOfl trom Portland Moth
gentlemen stopped In Pendleton en
route going and coming.
Clerk's Wise Suggestion.
"I have lately been much troubl -d
with dyspepsia, belching rind BOW
stomach " writes M. 8. Mead. Icadlni
pharmacist of Attehoro, Maes. "I
could cat hardly anything without at f
feting MVera hours. My cleiU sup
gested I try Ko.lol Dyspepsia Cure
which 1 did with most happy result
1 BOVe bad no trouble, and when (NM
an go to eating mlnee pie. c hoei
candy and nuts after such a time
their digestion must be pretty good I
Indorsi Kodol Dyspepsia Cure heart'
br. You don't have to diet. Eat atl
the good food ou want but dot ';
overload the stomach. Kodoi Dyspep
sin Cute ('.igests your food. Trillium
& c.i .mil Mrock K McCnmas Co.
With the Work of Van Patten oY Erb
anl Gardener & Kendall Structure
Turned Over to State.
It Alexander, of Pendleton, presi
dent of the board of regents of the
Easti n Oregon Normal School at
Weetooi ! W. Serine, of Lg Omudo!
P. A. Worthlngton of Portland and ft,
v Proe betel, of Weotoo, regents, on
Tuesday accepted the new billldit.
erect! il by Van Patten Erb It was
satisfactory in every particular. The
beating apparatus put In by Guidener
Ar K. ndall wa also accepted. The
striuture will therefore be turned
DVCI to the state and be oect H M
soon by the school Speaking of til
building. Mr, Alexander said: ' Ul
ually. In the erection of public let Kill,!-;-
I lu re is a bill of extns, and
thi additional amount was to be pi i
elded for by another appropi ial MM,
in ill la case, however, thorn w-as mmi
o left, the cost m it now Hw r-a
being done ac. ually le.i- thai. H.c
sum all,, wed by the leglslatu." This
8io Copeland Seeks Legal Separ.i
tion From Joseph Copeland.
Sim, Copeland m Joseph Copeland
Is the title Ot an action for divorce
tiled at the min t bouse Tuesday. 'I hi
pla'ntlff and defendant were manic I
b Douglas county in September lltl
ami dofendonl deoartod plaintiff
April. 1s!ti. since which time he ha.
ailed to provide fW her and their1
lire, children, all Imys aged icspce
lively s. t; ami t in the complaint
"laintiff prayi the court to dlaaolve
the bonds of matrimony existing be
tween plaintiff ami defendant and
grant hei the care of the clilldnv
who lilt v beOP tared fOT b her BlOCe
dofendonl deserted her and the COOtl
of action Peter West is attorney i ,
Kyle Long
Kyle Long during tin
snap has Invented a hl
scarcely a bicycle. The
one can say: "I have a
is nnt all a bicycle
wheels are gone " for. in
front arm el is
on the anon
one for Soow
re cm i oi
role thai is
man owning
Idi ) , lc t'lat
pari of the
plli e of the
a runner to glide along
Motive IHlWel is sup
Bd B the teat wheel and chain etui
in other machines, and those who
at d it say It Is ajntte easy of opera
lion The machine caused a at naa
tlon as It was sent about town by
some ill the younger fallows
Ft azier Kerr.
itc fohg Droak pastor hi the
Thompson St reel M E bUKh, Join
ed In mailing, Miss Elfin Kerr and
William A Fia.ler. at the Alia If mil i
Monday evening The bride is the
daughter of Thomas Ken a prOBBl
MOl farm, i nt t'matllla county and
the groom is a ronajg ami deoervlaj
young man oi Pendleton Thai have
the best w ishes of many 1 1 lends
Khc gold bade have bong dtaoovei
,d in the areatorn state- by magna "f
an electrical ,ll ining rod '
Favor of th
the Officials.
M, Ml, III) I 1,1
n mty
Vote Wa Ml to 5 in
Movement Names of
Freewatei. KeP I
3d was the date set by the
couit for the election in t i - nlsie to
determine whether ot not the town
should be Incorporated bnd to i loci
the municipal officer, foi hi COmlM
year The eb-ctb i' reattll d in al
Boal a unanimous rote fot IncorpoM
tlon. the vote standing f for and a
against I'bls was much belter than
the most anient aupportera ,d Incor
porntlon expected, as the had only
M signatures on the patOtfog present
ed to the county couit and it waa u it
expected that eVOr) man thai ilgnod
It would vote for It. let alone having
(oui more In vote on thai tide than
petitioned for Incorporation
However, every tmdjy once pi that s
that voted against InCOCpOrOttOI
happy and the result is bernlded with
great rejoicing Those ele ted M fill
the (daces as city officials are
Mayor. D Talbott . record, m
I', arson marshal. F M Ivgni
urer August Tnnnei gldormen
Chrlatenaen, .1 A, Clementa,
Fi , ndlg
William Johnson
1 li Young
tr -
s II
Fi el
loha s.
Future Bright for Freewster
W S Pearson who was in tnwo
'yeeterdnj from freowater, itai thai
everything now looks bright for iiu
rntnrt at that little bnrg ami i bat
since the electloo, which givae then
ihe rights ot any Ineorpornted cit,
the people, with the exception of n
lew w bo opposed the liiov i ire feel
ing good over the result nt the ee ;
Hon They conldentlj exped tinir
town to take on new Ufa and vigor
mm ami soon present metropolitan
airs as well as Its neighboring towue.
w bnatneoa enteravleee arc expo -t
d tn open up and low people will
apt ml tin li money in the town ind
make it a good town Mi Pearson
BotOT) public tor North Miltun MO
'mi including Ficewatci .mil la
registration clerk for the precinct lit
Myl that he bni registered I vot.'ie
up to date This is . ; more than Ih
on tin registration bonk' at the coin'
i Mi which includes every district
in the county, inn tin rone on for tide
la peril) examined in the fact that fi
of theee registered enrly to act to
vott Bt tin municipal cleiilon How
eii this leaves that were not in
duced to regtater earl) nn this go
o, it, i unit still shows a much greater
percentage ni readatrntlona la Fn
rati ' than ail of Peodleton ami thoog
ii bo have Come In Itom tin iniintiv
16 Black Silk Waist $4-75e
r 0l.ur 1
Ttinse axj in fcbt wry latest ty,
goth-1 tjuality. ailk tucketl back tucked
und fancv fronts, new sleevee loll
lined, very best vurkmtnshlp,
$100 Flannel shirt waist 66c.
$1.25 Flannel shirt waist 87c
$ 1 .50 Flannel shirt waist $ 1 .
Meats Hutterick s Patter ns and Publications
$1.50 Tatfof Suiting $J.I9
mi m i l - wide in all the dark uliadea.
Nice for lsilorrnade suite ir walking
"kilts nemembi r it only tfUftf S yd
f r a xkirt, Uff 4 yds for a lliit.
Box calf, high cut, $3.50, formerly $4 U
Kanroo calf, high cut $2.50, was $3.50
heggins and Overshoes.
Men's Suits and Overcoats.
'J lit re g probsblt uu lettsr proof
of the reinarka'ilo alueM we are
giving In Iff it's, B v'i nd PhiWs
niiiH snd ovtrcosJs than ill" nsny
uager bneih who daily attend tliia
Jjieiit t-ule.
Koi ttda niul lOUOJJi 1' 'I t I if
Ifmlrii us iiiniHually tttrtotivt:
Men's Overcoats
Win 1 1, p to t'i
Men's Suits
M orth up t.- g7 q
ff Vi i s ii'ttitrealtlf lotlin tioiiM made all ibrough UUI
riimlehing Hoode dsptrtnunl it will pgjy you to In
' WiOfceW
JJaJ u Jj
he Peoples Warehouse