East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 05, 1902, Image 1

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    . . '-y
Eastern Oregon Weather
tonight and Thurday . loud,
with OK aslnnal light rain or
gU '' . ncP by carrier l
t 1 1 1 T 'wi ii' 1 1 1 i-
r 1 5c A WEEK.
no. l.MrtO
i 11
m haeeeei m ojb ajr---nBBBBs. ew an x. ojnm
i om WRONG
(forking for Legislation for
His Island.
f-.-t ( St V lb I
Ut" '
Itert) Asking Tariff
for Cuba and Must Be
Gently by Teddy.
. i ' ill
(lencrill Wool I
" .. rt.. .1. ..l.l.
wr '" ... , . .. n
..,.K niillHt in tin i-Aii fiiii-i
. ji..
lit I 'HIS DVl WtM-il l ill iWW
i ...111 km ....
thf irpnniwuu win nut rT-
ITt'llHr (MlllHlHI H ID I.IIV
..... 'i ll i " i ii iii n t 1 1
..b Uia t h i 'Ml II) HI 1111 1 I II 1 III 'I'll
inn me. r
In ("llltll
map i "
thr Cause
of the Per
tin sen
i.t ... u hi i ci ue oaie mi
tml between Mr-Cumber, of
.. UiL.t I, III 'M P. Ill '
ir..i'ntii inr iiciinuiiccti iovos
i,, i hi.i nt ion ren vine
I lllti'tll' ' ' "
... . I.. P.ir .- nu eot.lll IIII'M
..,k.. i' ih.ni ii i our ii u one i n.
, ...... Kt. ....... AI..V
ami"-i "
unit otlnr nroin tieni
f i i. " .
irbtrn'ii with being conspirators.
1. 1 . . u orou tin unti'tt m
Callforn lit MrCumber declared
Ifeyw would never return to
H. n n himpltnl m LWB
, .i ..... i. .. i.i
nuii ?i i. hi in 'i .......
i inMki I H Tt i it 1 1 almost hoilluM'il
ti. Rive "
ILL. W W -rw v w w
TO DENMARK $5,700,000.
nil, nruu' u:u wy nc wcn.i. vwn.
mittee Oleo Bill Tomorrow.
Mhlngton l-'eh. r The treaty
. 1 . 1 V, LI ... .
tth-lmlli'i N ' hi inilies whs lepoii
lie senate comniHIe.
toMnu nit Ions today. It pro
i uunti lor them.
TV- him-, i inlay decided no.
m- im -
..-.a r- t tin i M fc ill.
His Wife.
BkKimiiiKtuM 111 . Feb. 5 Meri 'l
an, ttin .ii i mi ii' u i i til ii. I
111 III H i 111 I'll. IllllMV lllll Sl'l
in I'J , i' I h 111 111' I M 1 1 I I 1 1
followed rtfUM'
it Ii ii i ii( nuii a
reflecting on
' ihi- Hail in hv
mm. I.....! .... ..i.i.
hla HI yoai old
The Case Postponed.
ajUngton Keb. 5. The Attorney
eral ha iMtponod iuvcHtigutMin
IB. II.. n I inlu.. Navm f AlnyWft
b. u.. ... .lint., .... . .......... .i
- . ...... ,,,1 .. , Itulf,' ."
linn in. iiH.-s The li.-ai mg
f'itnl S-.,i. Ireull court, will lie
Barrett bays Delay Needed
Wuiiiiigtui. p.ib r. i, iiin Mm i ei i
luu cbargi of the foreign exhlh
Jjwartne ut of the St. Imts
orld'n Pan uiformell the president
aiorniMg thai foreign govern
aU sill ,,, i. ,eaiy W, tBOti
RMllH if 111,, fair Im. l.ul.l In mill
Steel Spring Trust.
! York Keb fi.A railway ateol
y1! tomptny is being organised
1 M anltttl It will take
' ll rom i rna in the United states
BaAUfacture steel springs 'I'm
miit Hi
"Two Suffocated.
gWh B C . Feb. 6. Bngineer
aiDIt. anil vnnno- niuii iiHiued
T AS. .Itn...l ... hk ..al.itl
inn. an n .11 i.. ' w.....
" "U- "teailii-i Senator at HIHnev last
' "-pipe had been re-
they died from asphyxia
Mrs Buckly Elected.
Ul Ki a in i . . LV .i. r. fllk a uli
, --u. i0 it, ruu, u. ii 1 1
7 ''i-ileiauon of Women's club.-
llll II 111..., ... . - J m . mr . . . .
. lei-ien
Mia. Kate A
r-"e " Oakland
president, aue
Burdenne, of
""0K M
Wldener's Dinner in Philadelphia tn
be moat Sumptuous.
Philadelphia. Feb. I". Hundreds of
million of dollars will sit around
P, A. B, Widencr's dinner table at
his country seat nt Ashbourne t )
mi; in and the dinner, It la reported
will be the most sumptuous on FMOfd
Mf, Widcner Will have .1. Plcrpnn!
M orgnn as his chief guest, and
among others to he present are Am;
lint Belmont, Herman Oelrlchs. Wi
llsm C. Whitney. H. H. Vreelami.
lodge Elbert H Cary, Henrv c
Prick. H. H. Rogers. William F
Dodga inn! AIivrIiiiim S rfewetl
Every one of these gentlemen Is a
magnate prominently assoclate(
cither with the billion dollar steel
trust, tlie traction interests, or on"
Off more Of the other vast etiti rprN 1
in which Mr. Wldener Is actively con
cerned I'd haps for this reason ti c
least will he lavish beyond tt a
dreams of a Lucullus The cxac
cluiructcr Of the menu Is to kept
neerel until tt Is served, but It Is
Known that the best product of do
mestic and foreign markets will he
its makeup and among thent ninny
dishes which arc rare even to expert
Reported by I. L. Ray A Co., Pendle
ton, Chicago Board of Trade and
New York Stock Exchanga Broker.
New York. Feb. C There was .
dull day In the grain market tods
with the tendency towards low
prices. Lli rpool was H
24. New Von opened 8.1
imI s:t-v Ohlenfo n" 1
loscd 77;lt Stock. 'iea
higher. 1
, and oloa
st 7X an
v Moe
I per cent
Closed vestil(ln N
(Iponed ictluy. Mi.
ItaiiKe ui'liiy M 1 . ti
Closed today x:!3it.
Sugar, 127
8te-1 (1,
St Paul. 1 .'.'.
Baton Paatfcl 101
Wheat in San Franciaco.
San Francisco. V D I
Wheat in Chicago.
Clncago. Feb. , Wlu-at
Tlf 7714
Women Attacked Guards and Killed
Them Planned by Two.
St. Peteiaburg, Feb. 6. Novoe
reiuya today tells of an extraordlna
y prison delivery at the prison fo 1
loinen at Smoleuk. In which IK
guards were murdered and 111 con
vlcts eaeaped. Two of the liimatcr
organl.ed the revolt and when every
thing was ready the signal was given
and a simultaneous attack made on
the guards and all were killed
Dewet Laat Gun Captured m Attack
on a Commando.
London Feb ." Kitcheiiei today
reports the captuii of i last
lehl gun. togethei with th. recapture
of two oili.-i guns arnica had
taken bv the Hoers The guns
taken on Wessel.- ollitnandu
gyshonie. ill which Weetetl
men were killed
With Fatal
Consequences to Members
of the Crew.
Plttahuig. Keb. 6 The atenmer
John W Ailes whs blown up near her.
eariv this morning by a boiler expio
im ufiei-wards tiiirnlng and sinking
line man William P'l-r is
l,e dead Six ate missing
and four
in the hospital are in a
i-ltieal uunti
Arkansas Bans Robbed.
.i-L-..il.. Ork Feb d Masked
i ... inc.
...I.I... ik bleu oliell the sail
to tin
Hunk oi ClnrltavllU
lit aacuretl
early t Ii i morn
and killed Ihorli
John Powers
Then in made an
leinnt io
arrest thetn row. is .
in.- robber as
,el well collllUg Olll
from Lna
ed Ire.
hank am! immediately open
ti..i til. iias returned out
li.l not tall until
OBipttod Ins two n voivers.
i i - escaped on hoi-
Military Prisoners Escape.
Ben Fraudaco. Feb IV -Ten
iu.....,m i.eaiied trolll
...;.i.H.ic at th. Prealdio last
night ni
'. Has 1 1 om tin" ''"Is
to a point
-u- ik. leiice The
, levenl i' w
lllliniii' . , v.. i. .
stoniieil hi a
sentry s sin- -
ol the missing
ih inline
1 Nw Jersey Robbery.
Kluaheth. N I Nb. 6 V"
1 V ntra! shops this morning,
bound and gagg. d tin watchman
e , nocking him senseless, blew
.ash ami eaeaped
Action Relating to Columbia River Legislation Was Not Taken
in Accordance With Wishes of the Idaho Club.
To Assume Attitude of Opposition to
Mouth of the River Improvements,
Even Though Present Appropria
tions for Dalles-Celilo Canal Br Not
! Available Action Was Unanimous
Which Wat Taken by the Locl
Commercial Body.
T'w IVniH"ton Commercial
ttofl with no hesitation, last
snt down on hr proposition
Of the
l.ewiston Commercial Club to
I any federal appropriation for
tin DO
Intnbil i ver unless provision be made
i'or the const met Ion of The Dalles
Celllo river at this time The sentl
ment Of the association Is unequivo
rally for the removal of the oiistnu
ttoBI at Celllo. but It will not assume
the attitude of opposing any reeogni
tlon of the Columbia river by the fed
'ral government unless all that is de
sired may he obtained at once
The remarks of T. C. Taylor were
Indorsed by the association, and the
l.ewlston club's request will be sent i
back with such
communication as
will express the position
of th. P. m
Hi-ton association.
The Lewiston Request
Tin- l.ewlston Commercial Club
sent a letter which read:
l.ewlston Idaho Jan IS. To the
Pendleton Commercial Association:
'wing lo our "community of inter
'sts" in the opening of the Columbia
liver to navigation we ventun to
' quest VOU to Immedlntl I.V telegraph
oin senators and 1 1 Ml I aOllttllTOg in
"ongress the follOWtng message, a
copy of vvhii h are hnvi wired to the
Idalio delegation as below We lie-li.-M
that this will have the desiied
effect W. nr. requesting chambers
of commerce in all interested towns
to wire likewise For the good of the
The Message.
"We demand that our representa
tins iii congress insist on tin- adop
tlon ot Hart's plan lot the Dallca-Cc
Hlo ' anal and sum. appropriation un
dei contlnnous contract system, and
to tight the rest ot the hill until
granted. Tin entii. Northwest ex
Cop) Portland is opposed to further
appropriation for the mouth
Columbia unless tin- canal be
ot the
ffntl) provided for."
T. C. Taylor' viw,
Su soon as Secretary Wanisl. y had
read the inessag. T C, Taylor arose
and aid:
"The proposition Is absurd Sup
MM the mouth of the river were uoi
kept g proper condition and pro islon
Iliad, tor needed iiupiovenienls then
the oBttn Northwest would be at tin
mi n y ot the railroad corporations
Tie Hi-u MOgM to im wrong and I
am opMsed t" granting the request ot
the Lewlaton clnb i moT that the
oommuntontton rotumod to them
with a stat.-nieiii to that effect '
The Association Indorsed It.
Tin remarks ol Mr Taylor were
representative ot the views of the as
sociation and ike) wore enthusiastic
aiu Indorsed by a rot thai waa
Senaur Fostei l'reident.
Tgnomi fen lenntof rostag
w,as elected preetdenl of the Paeitlc
sti.i Compnny, whleh oierates at
Irondnh the unly lilast furnaces on
in. mart and introls all the acceasi
hla 1 1 .ii. mines ot tin Northwest
Il is
enneoted tin Irondnh plant
Will be
consolidated with the
uih i ompnny'a plant
proposed Taeo
Training 8hip Coming Home.
Kingston. Jama'-a Feb .1 -Tie-training
stop Essex which has he n
In H tor several days aailtd today tor
Key West at which port she is due
to arrive February IS From Key
West the ship will proceed to York
town touching en route at the Reiinu
In Memory of Profeor Adam.
Baltimore, Md.. Feb 8 Interesting
exercises were held at the Johns
Hopkins University today in bono vf
th memory of Professor Herbert B.
Adam The memorial address was
delivered by Profeasoi Klchard r
KU ot tin Pnlveralty of Wlaconaln
Leon Conen, President New Mem
bers Elected New Furnishings
May Be Bought Changes Suggest
ed in Conducting the Library Pos
sibile That Only Regular Associa
tion Members May Be Allowed Use
of Rooms of the Club.
i. Hon OOHBM prMldeal
Pit P. W VINCENT u.cprehi
JOHN F ROP.INSON secretary.
New Member T. C. Warner. E II
Clarke F. L Satterh-e W S Sat
terlee. H. V Carienler Ralph Wndc
l It McVeaish .Innics M Welch Earl
i) Borto.
These are the offleeis elecled at
the annual meeting ot the Pendleton
Commercial Association mi Tnesda)
evening President II F Johnson re
! fused the courtesy of re election, say
ing that he had served for one year
and tliHt In desired that the duties ol
the office be discharged by some otliei
' business man. He was nominated for
' re election by H Alexander
When Mr Johnson doctored fell "n
willingness to accept tor another year
hi i' J Smith arose and MUBOd boon
Cr.' i .i fr.; il preafdcnry, The .
.nation was unanimously agn cable to
the members, no other name being
preeentedi and Mr. Cohen being otoel
d with pleasure to the tin mbeiship
in tin- choosing
Dr. F. W Vincent was chosen mi
nresideiit without opposition
Secretary p f Wnannley was noml
Bled for re-election. He posltiveh
declined the Kisltlou having sei n il
for a nunibei ol terms and desired to
Im- relieved. W. L Shlverlck was
nominated. He de. lined E. P Dodd
was nominated He also declined
Then John F. Robinson's name wis
placed before the meeting and in
was elected unanimously
J. R Dickson had been treastirei
tin two terms and In- nas n nominal
ed. He began an emphatic refusal
but, in good natured manner, amid
his protests the nominations VBfg
dosed, the vote was taken and bv
was declared elected even before he
had esuu)ei bis hall gftM insisting
'hat In would not serve Id was pi
1 ailed llptill lo accept
A brief recess was then taken, an 1
iftt r calling to order again a iioiuma
MiiK committee was appointed wltl
'he result above stated as to I In
"OH I it ot IliailUgels
Discussed the Library.
Some dls ussion was had as to the
permitting t Ubrnry ntesahoM to am
the rooms ol the association Tin
revenues from the
IllelllbeiShlp so it
ouly from $r. to 17
that It was scarcely
lar members ol
persons paying 'ib
monthly lihrarv
was stated, ruu
It was suggesli-d
Just to I he regu
association tha:
cents a nionlli
should have practically the sann
rights as thoa.- paying f a mouth Al
though no posit In- action was taken
it was quite tin si us.- oi the as sin is
tlon. as develop, ii in the opinions el
pressed that Mini' hang.- should b
made DeSoftj dedetoa arlll soon ba
New Fu" -. -
PlesliU Ut Johnson suggested t 'at
had been thriught by many that som
new lurtiishiugs, among tin n n not be
billiard table, nhoul I be bought an
it wh reder red to th board of man
gels for rhclr ileels oil
New Me -,ber.
Tin- nn-mliersiiip ii II wis inci.-asei.
by the addition of the names of a
number ot desirable lining men tin
list appearing above Others are saw
to cont mplate Joining The outtool
in this regard appears to in ogoetenl
More Irish Cnvoy-
New York. Feb. 6 The Irish soi i
ties oi New York have prepared a
rousing reception for William H K
Redmond M. P and Joseph Dtivlln
of Belfast, who are due to arrive here
on the White Star liner Cymbrlc io
mm row Messrs Redmond and Dei
liu com. to the United States to com
plete the arrangements here of th
United Irlah league
G'.ind Army Men in Washington on a
VBahiiiKion. Feb .' The romntii
tee mi pensions of (he flrand Arm;
uf the Republic met in Washington
today to Investigate cases Of alleged
injustice to pensioner. In order t
find out where the fault lies. If there
lie any and adopt remedial measures
The hi linn ol the committee is nwai'
ed with much interest by war veter
ans tlitiinghotit the country The
aeaelom will occupy aajvon days as
timny niHltcrs ilemaml attention
The ember ol th acownimeei .t h.
uieJotlt) ol arbOBI are in ateudance
at the opralu ii tin meeting this
tuoinlna an- Cokmel RoImtI II BOfl
tho. of Pennsylvania: lleneral John
i' Hlack ol Illinois: Ceneral JOlei
It Carnahan ot Indianapolis Judge
Charles (. Hurton. ol Missouri. x
rjovemor w n Upton ol Wtooou
sin. Henry E Faintor ol OonMctl
cut. and John o Mnehnn ol Won
Ak for Ample Fund to Carry on
the Contest Against Northern Se
curitie Company.
St Paul. Feb. Ii tJoveriioi Van
Sant s message lo the special aes
slou of the legislature was read to
day. .1 was largely devoted to tax
matter. A special section was de
luted to the railroad merger The
governor commends the steps all cadi
taken and says that if the t'nlted
States supreme court refuses to as
Mime . Jurisdiction action will be
brought in the stale courts No spec
llll Icgl.-latloti Is needed but tin- legis
IntUre is asked to provide ample
hinds to carry on the legal light
The section dc tiled to the gggggJOf
was rather milder than was ant n I
Ohio Municipalities Reprrsentativi
in a Convention.
Columbus it piii Membeis oi
the Ohio League ot Municipalities hi
today's session of their annual c n
Hi !i l Hi-1 1 to the . adiug I (
nap. is as tollows 1 Mtinli Ipallti
Their Perils and Possibilities by I
W Vnndervorl ot PggfwtwhnM, W
1 'a.; "The iniiboaiii Hwlgnnra Bhonlil
Il h. Regiiiateii'" b w s Cmadnll
, if New York City . Ailvuntages f
Slate Municipal Leagues." by Jason
BtoekfOfd I' Fllullay Mann Join
is scheduled lo address the m00tln
, this evening on the RUliJ. ct ' Wii.i'
is Crime ami Who are the Crlm I
als?" Ofni-ra for the ensuing
yggJI Will he elected tomorrow
Twenty-fifth Anniversary in Philar. I
phia Celebrated
Philadelphia Feb I, Tin
i 'lub ot Philad. Iphla one ol
piomiiient orgaul.atioiis ol
I athol,'
the mo. i
Its kllit
I'g the country has completed a.
angetneiits for III haliquet tomgi.
n leliialion ol its twenty filth ami.
I vernary There an to gg many dig
tlajspjtohod gin-nis among them th.
I follOWlBI are to reply to toast.
1 Cardinal lilbbous ol BnttlMOfO, An n
liishop Ryan of Philadelphia OoVM
noi Stone of Pennsylvania. Rear A:
in 1 1 41 Oeoige W Melville and Jud,
Ham ie it frTI 0B Bell solii Itor of 11.1
United states tteaaury.
To Induce Rami Cutturr
Sun Pram loan Feb i An Of gel
land edtotl is about to at mad. to Ii
dm e tin (aimers of the KnCfaV c,ai
to grow hi-mp and ramie Tin lat
lei is one of the most valuable of the
nine plant. Aiihmigii giraggj gad -
slsting the filler of the lamle plan'
an- fiin i than thus.- of flat and It has
th. additional advantage of p.msess
lug a silky lustre, wlili h n pei uia
nciitl) retains Its leslstane to mm
inn- ami Its lightness and gi
trengta make n a vaiuabi. aebsil
tuie lot hemp cordage in ships sell
ligglllgs allll fit IMI pill poser W II. I .
i ualltlee are essential
Knight of Columbus Ml.
Springfield III Feb (.. The . i
nual convention of tin Knights i.l
Columbus whph began Inn- t inlay .s
the laig.-st hi the atotori t tin ..
gnniutlon Heieaaten an- m gtteu!
nana from Joiu-i Ea.t st loalg Mu
iins Fi.eMrl Peoila ami "tin i had
lag 'Mies of the stale together Willi
a laigw ntimbei Ironi Chicago pi
iitl.-s tiansaeiing tiuslness connei led
with the affairs of Hi. society ami
i i ting oltl.clB foi the i-usullig i.
III. i on Kill lull Will ee t delegal S
to represent the state at the n.-xt
convention of tin- national body
Militia Withdrswn.
Waieibury, Keb G The militia un
duty In the burned district were
withiiiawu i tile inoi ulus Nuthlus
deiiuite can be learned of the woman
mil ants B bent whose escape from
1 lie top story of the ScOVll houa
' I" i was some (.-. . M
Released on Bail Prellmimry
HtMiiup, Mondayt
Compelled lo Give Bonds -
Charged with Conversion of Grain
in Warehouse.
i: Hotnl tiiaiiagi-i "i
i lout Ing Mill fompnn)
i .i pOfB
Mom was arrested Tueeito) ifternoaB
.mil plnced undet $-. bondi st the
instigation "I C H BroWB, who
hnrgei thnl Bond removed hi grain
i "in tin- arnrekonM ami hai fa'hsi i .
nay therefor
Th.- omptolM reads Tin- state of
Oregon i W I' lloiui si ' Used of
crtatlaalh selling, shipping and re
moving beyoad his rnetod) ami coa
troi gram for which a warehouse re
elpt had been given b) blui without
i the written consent ot
! of such leeelpts The
ant. W E I . utl. did
mini i State Iregoti
,i i .i. ' -a.
in Umatilla
u tbi i it
dav ot Jaunari I90J being sneto for
the Alliens Flouring Mill Co n cor
porntton operal ug wineliouses and a
l mill where grain I stored a agent
tor said corporation unlaw mil) and
feloalounl) sell ship ami reanore 1 e
i i his i aalrol I 'i i of
barley valued a' $ 1 win., a the
pronert) ol 0 h Brown ami i.ui
lloogeni partaera. fat w w- -. iiariey
i warehmtee t ipt iiad theretafnea
. ' nuii in said rtefondaal an
11.1 mi i-if the i oi iMiiatloii ii i limit the
rrltten ronaenl of said c h Hiowe
and i outs Hodgen roatra) to the
tatutea oi thi- slate m Dregjon in
-in h cam i
This th. latest mine which ia
he oiil irrow t ii of a 'i" nllf
iiuuabi b.i J m VYalhet i" recoveg
irsM ""ii in the Ithean nonrlngj
Mill wa. chouse.' and which Rult bit
10 Bnm p Pnrdj who is a ttoi k holder
11 tin i oi porat ioii. tiling suit asking
lor a h i elver lor tin- imnpany to
gang t ii dltor. ii oiii i loelag it
down ami imcing n rporatlog into
Walker rhnrgsd fraud na the part
"i lion i ladlvldaaily m the rjornora
noli and I" a- maiiag. i n. 'In- mis
appropriation of atored grata in the
enrehowee whpii eaaU not i- av
counted fW but tin- ain-st of Tuesday
ifteraooa was th.- tirsi aAroaaeaa te-
nkj st. Ip that hag been taken
lion Cob. u and I I Kn .ui oo
tin bondi in i he sum of -5i in tn
ni.- Mi lloiui s appearam before
ludge gin Qerald at in o'etock Moe
ilaj ioi prellmlaary hearing
Kcntucsy Cily Entertains tne N4.4I
Hero Lavlehly.
Kim. 1 ill. Ten 11 , Fell fj Ailiulr.
.Hid Mis Si hlei were loyally entef'
tallied 111 Knoxvllle 1 . The I n
lows ttim oughfar is aie gaily gecorvV
d in honor of the dlsllngulabed ,
iiors slid huiidreils of straiigets were
in tin illy from a ladlua of Ita
miles A monster parade r lfle
..inl pall lolli societies was the (ee
'die of th.- mm ulng's program 1 '
1 Iii th. ia a ptiblli reception was
held attended hy thousands jf m o.
women ami 1 hlldrnn This ey. nlng
he ahambm of commerce give, an
etohorati banquet In lonM oi tha Ad
miral Colar' Gubernatoi lal Boom
NiW Yolk Feb f. Ill the gUISt- of
u dollai lentlmonlal dinner tin gutier
natorlal boom of liini s Color, rr
mi l romptrtdlei of New Yoik is 10 be
laaawhed in Brooklyn 'rfi'lh1 e
Cobi bj said 10 In the lllll ' ami. date
im tin demucrath nomlaattoa n
u said io In willing 10 ttnnd win. Hag
aal-Crokei faction ami nlreadi
he auoporl f th. Cltlsaaa Unkm.
Th. afran tonight according 10 all
oiitwaid ladlcatloaa is Inteaded to bid)
foi tin- luppmf of tin Hi ook 'in di-lnis
Tlnec Bom Rscovered
St Louis Feb U Tin. ggaUgg of
thlee tlieuieii killed b) tin illaS
f llo walls of th. M- I. can bttlldlag
iasl night weie n-ioien-d (In. mora
Ing At least line, more an d.-ad la
the deb 1 Is The rem ten 1 are Mbb-a.-i
Keho) William DundaM an-t lua
lel Steele
Biddir Brother Buried
Pittsburg Feb I Till 1 IIS of
tin Kiddle brother were laid lo rest
in Cglvaiy - meWry brief gawrleeg be
ing conducted at the niu. . 1. toly
retotlvea and a few friends a uipa
. il ilo renmiag to the cemetery