East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 04, 1902, Image 1

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Eastern Oregon Weather
Tonight nnd Wednesds) cloudy
with rain or mow; warmer to
No. I:i49
i m d m v - i sw r1 sm
bbbbbW a Bam m 1 aaaS Bl aBaW M X SB BBBBm.
L II -
cis pact
Lh Mad
Portland. Feb. 4. A report m just
received that states the ahlp Knight WaahinQton, Feb. 4 A dispatch frcm Cheyenne, WyominQ. to the rf
companion, ot the Oregon Railroad & '001 that Ben Darnel, recently appointed United Statea marahal (or Arito
Navigation Company' Oriental Una
ha foundered In the China Sea.
1.. I l,.. Hut.-ti San Franclarn. Pah 4 Th. M.r
vice that etate that the ftlW
steamer Knight Companion was
wrecked in the China Sea passengers
and crew being landed.
, Neootistions Are Off and
tnt Treating l at an End 1
- in Concerned.
ph i- I: : officially an
m tlif British government
...i .h., Dutch peace propo
wan made Id a
(mum r .
. ... ,, k uvncr a note
.... hv Murmi h lAnusownr
ajajM On UU conouct oi
... n. I fnr the nur
hllng tnem u corner wuu
In Si "it ii AiricB. ini'j
m nt ii.-n to England, it
power to conclude a treaty.
Unadowue replied that tne
,r.mn...iit will afihere to us
L .., orient the intervea
rtarelro government, WB1C3
roaitructn't placed on Hoi
tioni as II bas nt sceurea
Mire proposals.
ink for safe conduct ISO
n he considered. He con-
tut the statement that peace
, f an must taKe piace in
u -.... i.l..
Ktb 4 -Kitchener rep-rs
tl casualties during the
21 KHO 'l RIA t.uuui u,
.ii. iv surrendered. He
. hi : n held up and
'"ti i. supply train In tl
twin" on i lie ibi.
na, i an ex-convict, has created a flurry m the aenate. and about the
White House. The fact in the caae will be laid before President Rooe
velt and he may call for Daniel' res gn.ition.
Pans. Feb. 4. Dutch Premier Kuyper in an interview made public
here today, says his recent visit to England was to see how the wind i
blowing regarding the South African war. He hi quoted a saying it was
blowing in the direction of peace and ttiat the king is anxious to have it
proclaimed before his coronation, that the celebration may be the more
Election of Mayor Causes the Contest
Klondikers Insane From the
Tneoma. Feb 4 Dawson telegrams
state that h three-cornered political
fight Is In progress for the election of
the first mayor. All three candidates
are pledged to support the Honor el
ement. rSte BM cold has driven five
Dnwsonlies. Including two criminals.
A New York syndicate has applied ... t r n
f. n franchise to huiid a railway con- Admitted by Taft as to the Caused Havoc on the Atlantic
and thr TroadwHl mint's.
Municipalities Gathers
A. - - . -1 T I L. ..
a rx s i a ii e it. I . .
of Muni' ipalitics began the
setting In ita lilHtory today,
ud sthoi I'tliem from the
titles ot 'I.. Ktu'c were pres
tt- opetuio' of tl o gathering.
Naih mid Mayor Hinkle
J PMttd the visitors tiH
HI v II made by Mayoi
I l.indeniiith of I )ny( i hi pres
I tar uiixiatlon. The annual
ilciit ami the re
I tie other iiffleers wan fulluw
it interesting address by f.
issBTSH bk r:pes, uehuii
Bactrlea! OvrrMM Eacap
8treet Hallways." Mayor
i Johnaoit ot Cleveland Ll
u uiii-Bn me iniimiiiii;
uii uiuiiieipiti laxaiiun.
Meet m Detroit and Milwaukee to
Detroit, Mich.. Feb. I Lumber
men from all parti of the state Oiled
the assembly room of the Russell
i House this morning when the four
twin h annual convention of the
Michigan Retail Lumber Dealers' as-
soelatlou was called to oid'i l Pres
ident 8. B 5raham of ((Mil Follow
ing an address of weUom-- by Mayor
Maybury the convention listened to
the annual report of the officers.
Th mmlftee appointments nnd
other business of a routine na'ure
'cupled the morning Afiei luncheon
the delegates went Int executive
aessioti for the discussion of inut
1 ance. fofestry. prieM aiyl otbtl mat
teis ol interest to the trad". The
gatlieriug will come to a clOSi with
the election of officers ami annual
banquet tomorrow evening The fol
lowtne dav the members of th skso
ciatluii will depart on an ISSMOltn
trip to variou Mlchlgen lumber
, points.
General King to e Prefer:.
Seattle Feh. 4 -The Fir- Wash
bSfltOB Regiment of Volunteer nan
completed elaborate ar-i.cgeiueiits
for the bauquet to be given tonight
I In commemoration of tM battle ot
' Hanta Ana. the first MfeJUfl In the
j Philippine Insurrection 'lee. Charles-'
I King, who commanded tht first brl
i gade of the Eighth army corps, of
whb Ii the First Washingi"ii regimwnt
'hf a part. ! to In tin HMM of hon
! or.
By American Soldiers Against the Fil
ipinos Rut Claim They Are Merelv
Washington Feb. 4 When Gover
nor Taft resumed his testimony be
fore tin- Philippine committee this
morning, he said he proposed to dis
cuss the eiiaigee oi torture of the
Filipinos to secure surrender of their
KtitiK Mut In tore he could proceed
hi Wilt- int. ri -uptei! will :i question as
to the effect ol the deportation to
(iuain of Filipino l.-adiiv He replied
tliat the effect 1 good. There Is not
an insurgent g m ral tin governor de
"lared. who could not be convbted
of the deliberate murdu ot members
of his own people A l v.iK informa
tion to Amerleatn- or who took mu
alclpsl offli . ri meriean con
trol. He had heard of whippings be'
lag administered to Filipinos and of
then stomachs being filled witii
wiit. r until they thought they were
going to imother. to force them to
confess: also of mutilation of Filipi
nos by American soldier, but did not
believe the Americans started that
practice. He believed It was niereh
in retaliation for similar offenses by
i Vears StrmdeJ
at Long Beaiii. R. I ,
After Intense Suffering.
4 The storm whlc.i
damage throughou,
iieonin Lumbermen.
I'lkfe . Keli 4 Th un
till of the Wisconsin Re
BSSsf Dealan' Aaaoclatljii
BJBal bn toda) attracted up-
Ml hundred lumber deab-f
int. i.-sted it. the trade
I Urts uf the stat- Follow
ciosi- in i,,. meeting ; lunioi
m ii.. .. . i ,.. i
mended am nrsion throush the
""uk iue points to be vis
Jiokksunville, 8t Augustine.
... v mm I ll'WN. nir 11
P Washington.
Actor' Fund Benefit.
New York. Feb. I Pgll'l theate.
was tilled to overflowing this aftn
noon on the occasion of th1 auuual
benefit of the actor's fun I OhSrfcM
Hawtrev the Kngllsh ai-'or appear. -I
In a new one- act play, and among
the other prominent participants
were Isabelle Irving Fran Is Wllaon,
Adele Ritchie and Ckrtetll Mar-Donald.
Stops Hop Exportation.
Seattle Feb 4. One effect of the
m w Australian tariff will be to out
a atop to the exporf-ti( u of hops
; from Washington to that country
The hop growers of th's state have
heretofore enjoyed a hi latlve tradt
with Sidney and MslSOWN UM BN
duct being used for both brewing
' and for medicinal BSfpatt.
High and Low Church Contend m
Philadelphia, Feb. 4.-Owing to the
contest between the high and low
r-hurrii parties much Interest is mani
tested In the meeting in session in
tin church of St. Luke ami Epiph
i any today to select a coadjutor to
Rishop Whitaker of the Episcopal
diocese of Eastern Pennsylvania ;
i The names of a number prominent !
ehsrehBsti are eitlesed in connec-'
Uon with the honor and tin 'itluiate'
selection Is problematical. The Rev
Floyd W Toinkins of thi.- ity has
IBS suport rif the low chun-hmeu
while Dr William M QrtWfSBSf of
i New York Is a strong candidate '
among the high churcBBMfl The!
nam.-b ot Id v David H duer of New
York and the R. v Dr. C. S. Olml.-ad
:eiently chosen coadjutor bishop of.
Colorado are also mentioned.
Ha'ilnx F.I
caused M much
this sect', ii. seems to have reached .i
climax The storm was the worst In
years. Reports so fat show that at
least a WBB vessels wen- w r i'ke I
..ff tin New toiindlSBd OOBft.
L0B lb ach. R. I . Feb. 4. Th
ii a ni the American ' Upper ship '..
Sin pp and the Hrltb ii -learner C.t
vour stranded on the beach here
'within a villi oi each other, are sat
During the night tin- wind ami th"
sea tbsted so that at daylight the llf
saveis M 1 1 eMe to board both shlpi
Both thl crews suffered t a 1 1 u I !y . b..l
deeldi d to stand try their ships The
'vv re. lirs i xpeete.l to float both vej
sets sometime today The captain ol
the Slu-pii nnd hi. ii had ibou'
given up h .e.
I.atr t it was deemed advisable to
I take off the crew of the Shopp uiilll
I the seaworthiness ol the ship was as
Subsiding at Boston.
j BostSSj, Mass., Feb. 4. The storm
which has swept the coast dining tin
'past two davs has subsided ncpor,
Indicate iiiinh less damage to shl;
puig than was anticipated
' Roe Dauobter Weds
ork. Fi 4 A wajdding of
T a that of Mlas Sarah
S rlaughre, of tJjt. iate nov.
" Koi u.,i xi.- r'k..i.. t..
. 1 . vuttl I n i a
iur W.-itrl i H0 ........... ... I
ps . ' ' II.UII . .11.
that . i,....i .....i
B, . , v ... ii tilun iiia' i
--'-tin. III, .11. 1,1 111 Mil.
""'" Lew i
dent lent the
to the senate
Feb. 4 The presi
followlng nomlcation
Register of the land
office Couei d'Aleur
Yost; receiver of publl
d'Alene. Charlee
Intimate friends
" Arch Masons.
- reu ,.,Ul. lirajm
Ann Masons of
"egan their one hundred
nnuai . onvention here to
1 Will nuiMi. i - -
ki, wuaance ;roi' the var
Jai of the .. . .
the Debt.
b 4 Half tl.- j ...
ll for
i2LVA l11'000 mv
Me. iecrj tor this place.
Celebration of a C'-jrcn.
Walla Walla. Feb 4 The Uumb. t
laud Presbyterian church uf this cl
celebrated the ZHth aiuiiversai y of :
organisation Sunda) with approi ri
ate services both morning ano eve.;
ing At the mornlngg serv re the p'
tor. Rev G W Fender a ill n roa an
. - .L..H.N. i I I , ' I . 9 '
aniiiversary sermon min'mr. .......
Die history ot the mother i hi. h, sue
touching the principal iveail m ih
life of the local bod rhe de'.omlta
tion it now 92 yean mJ nd cai
about 226,000 member! n the- Jn ted
States alone The local e,.n h vai
organised In 187S by Rer H W.
Kgan deceased a few yean ago
who was a powerf '. pr arUr '.id
built up the church rapidly n .t levet
meeabers were on the rol'.' a: the or
ganisation and no meettn. plMv tif
the old court houae could Uo ' nd. N.-w
a large congregation hi s. ienc. .
edifice axd one of the it't .' w?
organisations In Will V'Ml
California Club Women.
San Francisco Feb 4 -San Fran
cisco is filled with wonit delegates
from all paru of tin na..' who have
nine to attend tin- rg MobbM of
the California federation ol women s
liil.s The convention opens with a
preliminary meeting In Golden dote
hall this afternoon and the sessions
will continue until i An tin
portent matter before the r-onveutilun
is the discussion of arraugein'-nta
for the reception and ciiteitainsMSS
of the delegates to the eOKTcStlM ot
the general federation to be htld
in I -o Angeles In May aiiJ In which
the club women of Cabforni i will
tak. a prominent part
General Young Appointed.
Washington, Feb. 4 General Sam
uel Young baa been selected by the
secretary of war to be president of
the army war college, to begin the
duties of the new appointment as
soon as relieved from command of the
department of California.
Waila Walla, Feb. 4 - The flrjt
good roads convention ever held .In
this county Is In session lit this city
today The meeting Is being held ai
the i ourt houae and quite a large
BBfllBSI of farmers ami others inter
SO ted in goorl roads are In attendance
The toreuoon session waa given to or
gauiatlon and a dls uaslon of the
proposed work of the body. Several
prominent Pmatllla county men are
iu attendance and are taking an ac
' v. ..- I. st ,1, thi pun eedlnga Tho
Work "t the hody will be Mulshed th.x
evening it now looks as though a
BOrasBBSSt plan "I road making In
ibis valley will be adopted and an
effort made to secure tin' ludois
incut of the neigtiUirinff unties
Some of the well known men pre
cut are: W. J Robert Instructor at
the Stati Agricultural College, at
Pullman. Ernest McCullough. civil cu
gtaOM ami deputy UsMod States mlu
ral surveyor, of LowiotOg Idabu, II
E Ullham audlloi of Columbia OOaVJ
1 1 H S Hlandford cltl attonn ol
Walla Walla C I. Wbiiney and
Thomas Moore tin- miguta! prone, t
ers of the movement
it Is proposed to form a permauei i
organization of road makers in Wash
Ington. which will take up the mat
ler of road building as othei braucbe
of the public service sre tsken up by
officials charged with such duties
Regular conventions will be held an !
a general exchange of plana and
ideas will result In addition a pla:i
is to be considered which will prob.i
bly result in s general movement to
place crushed rock on portions of the
road which cause much trouble.
Keelsy Inetlttite Burned.
Dwlght, 111.. Feb. 4. The entire
plant of the Keeley Institute aad
IJvingston hotel, were burned this
morning The loss Is flM.OOO
Red men's CamlvaL
Walla Walla. Feb i The Red
Men's winter carnival opened last
night with a big parade and a rousing
gathering of Red Men Several lodgee
were represented, and a large crowd
of ciUseos turned oat to celebrate
the occasion. Mlas Roaena Mathott
was crowned queen with fitting ceremonies.
New York. Feb. 4. The Standard
Oil Company today declared a divi
dend of $20 a share for the quarter,
the sharea being $100 par valuation
Reported by I. L. Ray A Co., Pendle
ton, Chicago Board of Trade and
New York Stock Exchange Brokers.
New York, Feb, 4 The wheat
innikct vas lifeless today and price
change small Liverpool waa 4
higher fi 2V Now York opened
R4 'w and doted lt. CbltMkfO open
rd 7R and closed 7'Jf4. In ro
POrl of visible supply yesterday It
should feSVO read decrease 1.412.000.
instead of Increase of sunn- amount.
Close. I yislerdny, M's
Opened today, 84ta
HSBtti today. S1TM
closed today, suv
Sugar 127.
Steel 4SV
st Pr.ttl, IMS,.
ITnlOD Pacific. 1014.
Wheat In San Francisco.
San Francisco. Feb. 4. Wheat
loS'.lfl .
Wheat in Chicago.
OhlCaffO Feb 4 Wheat 7S,T
LOSS WAS $2,600,000
Waterhury, Conn., Caring for Home-
IS!! Fire Sufferers
Waterhury, Feh, 4 -The Iohh In Ihc
conflagration which wiped nut a part
of this city la estimated this morn
lug at $2 2R0.000 by the chief losers.
OaBgi ui workmen began clearing
the ruins todav hv blowing up with
dynamite Scores of families , were
made homeless by the Are. and have
been taken In and cared for by
sealthy families, anil assured perina
nent hel.i.
Morbid Curiosity of th Crowd.
Pittsburg. Feb. 4. The bodies of
John and Ed III. Idle were exposed t
public view In tho morgue for threi
hour this morning. Seven' thnuv
.iinl people paaied before th - cofflnf
s mntiv women as men were In the
crowd The coffins were decorate '
wltk Boson mb I i-y an uakr own m
Ihc Uw-Making Bik) is Coo
ijdsring Them.
TO ADD t20O,0O0,0OB
To the Assessment Roll of that Slate
Legislsture Is in Special Besiioa
Called by Governor V-n Sant
st Paul. Minn., Feh. 4 - Thn Mla
in isi it ii legislature convene I In extra
session todav In rSSBBBSl to thrt raD
"t OoVOTnOI Van Sant , i, puiioaO
ol the session la to coin Irr ind act
on the repoit or the la ininl1na,
which was appointed at tin- tail eea
slon to revise and collf the laws
relative lo taxation Th" commls
sloti has prepared u n - tax code,
contemplating a permam-tit data
' ommlsNlon of three nnunbeM twes
ty BiiM-rvlors of assesi.culi and
changes in the state at-.d count!
Iioiinls of equallratlon l( Is hoped
by making the bill operative this
year to add some IJOO.OiOoo to the
assessment rolls.
Illinois Police Meet
Hpriagiald. Ui., Feb. 4. DslassiSS
1 1 "in ksSB parts of the state wera
present this morning st the opening
t tin- i ei ond iiunual meeting of the
Illinois Police and Polio mplcyea
BOBOVOlaBl Assor-lallon. The gsther
lug was call' , I to order b) D F i'.a
hau. or Klgln pri'aldent i the isao
clatloa, and an addrcsi, , Aob-onsa
was dr llveied by Mayor linlllps. OaS
"I the InpOrtSSl matters beret, the
convention is the metrop ilifui polite
bill, which Is consld i ot great
imjtirtaricc to BMBIBOrS M Un- nea
. latloa.
?oyal Arch Maaons.
Albany. N. Y , Feb. 4 The annual
coavaatluS rf the grand chapter of
tho Royal reh Masons opened n
npls forte here today.
8teamer 8unk.
CalOB, Colombia, Feb 4.- The rsvo
I ut binary steamer Liberal ida h 1 1
i n sunk by a Venesuelan guntoa
while undergoing repairs at Porto Co
Searthing foi
N. w Y irk. F. b
lion ol the affairs
ler of Franklin
was resinned todav
Tllnsy la Brooklyn
are allll seeking to
"no in assets which
disappear! d after Miller a arrest
!.u howivi-r their effor'a hsve
unavailliig as all wit.inij '-illad
have been unable jr dliln. lined to
ihiovv lull on the matte..
Mill.- ' Loot
4. Tl .iit.-iiiga-of
Wi irn F M.I-
fndl rtria.
befo !: fi i ea
Th, .-th irtt'ea
looi d) iS-
SO III) nl.-n 1111
Baaaaaaaw Haaaa
Baking Powder
l.ii in Mill imi-. oi I Ionics.
40 cars the Standard
Pure Crcarti of Tartar Pow
OCr Superior fo cm ly other
known. Makes lines! take
and pattryt liht, .laky his
Cllitf delicious griddle takes
palatable and wholt some.
PowOf a Cow
A void liking i,wdrr mailebnsn
alum II. cy l,,S like purr ihiw.I. i.
uel may fii-.- He take, mil aluio
M a poison ami imi one ran i at !. I
ss asd w ith k witltuul uiju y !, beuliii