cZSsm)m OF LENT MONDAY FKHK1TART 8. 190J H Vl 1T01 BBBN OtTB PRICES on Felt Slippers, Felt Shoes and Jersey Leggins FOB LAD! BB, MIflBEB AND CHILDREN? SF1 OTTR UMMiovf nmpi avI wfii. v v i i . i v.'v I 'i.TI 1 Wko OM iflMI t have wet feet when you cat. buy rubber at such price.: Ladies S:o:tn rjlMMtS, aot Mis-.cs Storm rtililntrs, 15c t'lui I s Storm rulilicrs, 10c Dinclinger, Wilson & Co. Successor to Cleaver Bros. HOTEL ARRIVALS. The Pendleton. Fred H Dayton. St. Louis. P. ktra, Portland. Henry North. Portland. J. C LooersjOB, Tacoma. C M Smith. Portland C A Harnett. Burns 0 A Smith, city. LJoyd C. Qrinln. Moscow. Sol Harris. Portland. Thomas J Lane St. Paul. William Malier Portland. George McOlllvcry. Spokane. G S 0111. Spokane. The Golden Rule. Mrs J A. York. Mr Mom and family. John Kowala. W, G Woodward Portland Jonathan Edwards. Spokane. John (' Meilfurt. Spokane. W M Hoots Monmouth William Court ar, lone. A. J Kelly. Milton. 11 c Rom Portland T A UoOjOBM G W Fender. Echo. BUI Johnson. Ashland. Oliver Kelaey, Ashland. C Foster. Ashland. E P. Grigham am! wife. Detroit TI O. YoaKitm Meadows Charles Worth Walla Walla Ray Sutherland Walla Walla. Eugene Bailey, Maker City. L Cunnlnchan. Portland. A E. Guild Weston. Miss Porn Myrlek Athena. H. B. Nelson Weaton. C. CunninKham Portland Phllh 1. Ianic. Spokane. H B Kins Milton. C McLaw elty. A Hall Spokane J B Fohlln. Suokane. 'lark Wood Weston G W Bradley Athena T .7 Gardner Portland Special Offer. For the last week ot our hook sale, ending Saturday, February : Oibson Drawings, IA.UU, now $3.85 W Hatter t n.l.rnlged DMlouarie $4.85 haiuoux 11) 1110. ataudard T.Se editions 42c (tilt top o iuo standard 40c editions 22c TALLMAN & CO. THE LEADING DRWifllSTS. fhe Pendleton Shoe Have 500 p&irt) of Miimom Shoes, thej are selling at, per pair Foraaer price from $1.50 to $1.79. 500 pairs Children 'l Shoes at, per pair Former twice frei $1.39 to BeatOsM rVsssy &ax(siaa ia Om'i a ad Ladies' Shoea DON'T PAIL TO OBT OUR HRtCe. Pendleton Shoe Co. WHAT ROMAN C ATMOLIC8 MUST OBSERVE FOR 40 DAYS. Various Features of Abstinence Re quired by Communicants of That Church. Th 1 . nt .Mi i .'i, is almost here It lii-nii' on Anh Wednesday, which Is the 1 -t l Inst., and continues mm. after Sunday, whlrh rumes this year on the :ttlth of March. Following is what those who observe- the Lenten ruir.- as laid down by the Roman Catlio!:; I Imrch are supposed to do: Fl""h n"llt" cmM lrtakon of at ,,ii nie:iU mi Kiniiluvk nnil nnee nt i all meal.- 011 Sundays ami once at .1 principal meal on all Mondays. Tues days and Thursdays and at all Satut dayi i Kcept during "Ember Week." which falls on March 2-. Saturday preceding Faster, which Is Holy Sat urdn HO Beets, rhall be partaken of. belthei 0 Frtillll or Wednesdays Flesl. am' t'nh are not allowed to go together and when otic Is eaten the othe: inns: be left out entirely. The tis. at l offei tea and chocolate Is pe mitted nt the morning mea! as well as th saJddaVj meal, whteh is aupposed to be the "principal meal" of the day when It Is possible to have It at this time, but tinder BtMUMltBCOl tli.v annol well be avoided It Is allowed thut tin principal meal" car. be Ml for the evening. The use 01 lard nne. drlpiUK is allowed where tliey an needed for the preparation of nbst; nenee fond The fast days, as tit, deratnod by those who observe Int is OM WBOIt tl BOfe meat Is only used at one in. al Abs'tnenee day is when flesh nnafs arc nr.: permitted to be used at all. sueh as all Wednesdays and Fridays and Holy Saturday. Those not included in the above rules ami are allowed to eat what the want are The sii-K and feeb'e. Woman nursing -hlldren. Those engaged in laborious and ex hausttve occupations. Young people under the age of 21. Soldiers and seamen In the service of the T'nlted States are only asked to obaenre tlx fast days duftUg the wind. year, which are: Ash Wednes day. the three last days of the Hot Week, the vlgl of the assumption of the blessed Virgin Mary and the vigil Of Christmas in unserving the l.enten s .1 people are asked not to partake 01 any Intoxicating beverages or attend any public show.- or places of amuse ment. although this Is not expressly prohibited. It Is not 1 onsidered as strietly sinful to attend theatrical performances, social functions and the like, although this Is discouraged The Protectant nidsoopal church COOUBOOJl an..- observe the I.entet - . son bat they ore not so strict as the Catholics. It discourages the practh' ' attending any galties or of its mem' bOfl participating In social or world 1) pleasures. The Idea of self abnega tion Is the basis of the observance Of . !. by Protestant Episcopalians Clerk's Wise Suggestion. "I have lately been much troub! hi with dyspepsia, belching ind sour stomach." wrltea M. 8. Mead, leading pharmacist of Atteboro. Mass I could eat hardly anything without Buf fering several hours My cleik lug geated I try Kodol Dyspepsia Core which I did wtth moat happy results I have had no troul.-'e and when one can go to eating mince pie, candy and nuta attar aucb a tlm their digestion must he pretty good 1 Indorse Kodol Dyspepsia Cure heart ly " You don't have to diet Cat a!l the good food you want but dor't overload the stomach Kodol iiyspep ala Cure digests your food. Tallm.-r & Co and Hroek ft McComas To. SIGNING TH F J-ETITION 3000 Names Sent in to Portland to Columbia Opening- Petitions for the improvement ot the upper Columbia river from The to Celllo and the bai at the mouth ot the river, aent out from Portland .'or signatures a few weeks ago are now beginning tu come back to the secretary whe will soon for ward Ihcag the the river and harbori "onnnittee of the house of represen tatlvee Hignatures to the extent of over 3000 have already been secured which Is considered a very good aho ing. inaamuch as chiefly commercial men and proierty owners have bOOO ipn oached with the petitions Re turns have been made from outsnu ol Portland from lewiston. Clarkstur. Welsh, Peck, Orungevllle Stage and other places in Idaho, from Oregon City. Aatoria Baker City, Pendletoi. t-ree-Aatei. Pilot Hock. Helix The Company $1.45 $1.20 S1.7S. 645 alain Street, Pendleton, Oregon This urn.tur i on every bui of tUe kui Laxative Brumo-Quininc ! the k'uimii ibel esuea mM la mm j , . Dalles and from other pit CM in Ore. (ton. and from Asotin. Kitv lit Co! fax. Pomeroy and other la In W'ihlmVon. There are yet a number of place to he heard Iron,, and It Is expected Hint when all the lint- ami out have been returned the chain her will have fully 6000 names to place before the committee CONTEST FOR MEMBERS Maccabees to Enjoy a Supper at Someone's Expense. Tin Pendleton Mnccabees are M SSglSf In a content tO nee who of two sets of members can secure the meat est number of new members lietori March I" when the losing side Is to jrtvr a supper to the winners John S Kees am! Oeonn UoPlens lieail in tW(T rnmpnnles The pontes' will b . ..i ... 1...1.... Ii spirited and Is expected to living in many accessions to the ranks oi th Knlchts if the Maccabees iTT TAYLOR SUFFERS FROM PARALYTIC STROKE. Rrcame Sick and Was Alone at Lodg ng House When Condition Was Discovered. STRICKEN SUNDAY Matt Taylor, known by almost Tinlnum Co. and Brock McCom verybody who was until recently . partner with. W W PSBgbSn In the St George restaurant but employed at the Hotel St. Qoosge was taken to his home Sunday evening suffering from n stroke of paralysi.- which ren di i"d his whole rlgh: sub useless Mr. Taylor started home during the day and when In front of the Colum bia If k1 cilia: bOOOM he became sick nnd went up stairs to bed. He lay there a while nloni and became speechless and iinnbb to move no one knowing that he was In that condition He is a little better today, is able tO ipeak. but can only move the tips or his Angers on the right side yet Th intending physician and his friend? think that the stroke will not last am! that he may he ou aganl in n few day PERSONAL MENTION l W Pender was ll. t-' 1 - - t - . .ii. lK III. A .T Keely and H. It KlB 1 1 town from Milton. W 11 niachley is hero from Colfajl r tailing bis daughter. Mrs. E. Weaver Mis V H liarnhart of Starbuek. Is In town the guest of Miss Lucia How man. Mrs If, f KhU went to Wall.. Wulia this more leg and will return tomorrow. A. E Guild, one of the pioneers 11: Weston, ia registered at tin Golden Bull hotel. Prank Satterlee. foreman of tie East OrogoBioB left lotorehj otobIbii for tin Sound to be gone a few days. Depot Sheriff Joe Pdakley hns turned froei Portland when he wit nessed tin hanging of Wnde an Dal ton. Miss Itollt Alexander left Sunday fiv Hal.T City to visit relatives am! iio-hdn. she will lie gone about two weeks Cherie t uhoot. was on poin t duf. last night in place of William Cott man who is slightl under the weatl. er with la gvippc A niarri-ige Hot nsc was issued th.n morning by the county clerk to Wll Ham A Frailer and Miss Effle Ker' both of t'matllla county. Mr. and Mr Janus Est. s nu. . turned from then wedding trip to 8po kane They will proceed to build u residence as soon as the weather per mils. Mis. Ki.-i! Waffle arrived this morn lug from 1 a Grande in anawer to th news nt be lllr.ess of her rath t Matt Taylor. Mre, C t'raniiai; who has bflOO visiting Mm Janie? Collier and Mra. W H Hoeoteo the past two weeks, will leave tomor.ow for her home at Albany Ke. W E Poiwiea was in Weston on Sunday, for the purpose of eon ' ine 1 . . 1 if. trail! - - ' - ' I 1 - 1 Ml ilni C. Whet-ler returned Sm.da. evening from Athen. where she hal, been visit. ng hev iarentj. Mr an . Mra. Swttsttart. and other rOaBfJves Mrs Milton Bwaggart came dowc with her ,nd wtli remain a few dayt visiting relatives i'lyde Oweua did not go to Portlani; Sund.y. but instead baa made rran;, ments to go to Walla Walla Tuesday to give public exhibitions m Indian 'luh swinging at the Red Mens cai nival, which opeus Monday and lasts all the e. . He will go to Portland late! A Deep Mystery. It is a mvstery why women endL iiackaehe. headache uervouane: bleepleaaoess, Bielanclioi;, fintit and dizy spells when thousands hav proved that Bleetri. BlttON wll quickly e-Jre such troubles" wrlta Mrs. Phebe Cherley. ol Peterson, Ia "and a lame back pained me so j uould not dress myself, but Kleetrli ititiers wholly nrrvO an, and, al though 73 years old. I now am' able u my uousewors it over . uiti. o -uuiupuuii luiprovefe aiietlte e-o ' c 1 uruu um 001 al . n ....... .. n v,vj tieriuany at the end of 1S02 will have a sUndlng army of 496,600 men TH IS ICE TAKEN FROM BELOW WHERE SEWER EMPTIES. D.marr From Disease Induced by Its Use Next Summer. Bona 01 tin b e that Is being stoi ad In Ice houses In Pendleton for use q k1 summer is coming out of the tTmatltla rfvef afiow where the main I srei ol the town comes into It. This II wrei s rapt lea tilth from all the town Blto the rlv-r and the particles from Ihkl -ewer will lodge In the Ice and ii ;n ll this filth will he left In ti. sratet tfl ba 0004 by the housewife and Othera, who drink ltv water next summer. Saved Him From Torture. There Is no more agonitlng trouble pllea Th constant Itching ntnl Its Blake life Intolerable. No po lOO ll omlortoblo, The torture Is nnreaslni He Witt 'a witch Baml -,i . iivi s idles nt once. For sk'n disease, euta buraa, hrulaea. all kinds d a mills It i-- aneoualHkl I, 8. o r all St Pout, Ark- snya: "From IMS 1 suffered with h protrudliig. bleed inu piles and could lint! nothing to nets na until 1 used De Witt's Witch Mi 1 Sm'v- v tew boxes completely cured me " StWl of countorielt' INCREASE IN "PHONES. Six Months Has Seen 100 More Put In. Pendleton now has 28." "talking machine!-' in KCtOO use in the busi ness houses and residences. This Is 11 gain of nearly 100 during :he lat six months and shows that the town Is growing and that the people are not content to get along with the an Slant method of having to walk two or blocks or a half a mile to see n friend or attend to a small business matter but will not spare any ex 1 ti to keep tip with nnd abreast of the times , Leggias No onr article will add more to your personal comfort this winter weather. ritn'i Canvas Ltfgina 40c to 90c. Ladit-s' Fine Jersey Cloth. HiKh Cut 95c. t hildren Hisses' Bos All kinds of OVERSHOES Peoples Warehouse Feetfitters. n . 1 --- y.xnjiiu Victory at Last. ni uv, hair and dandruff JCAN BE CURED. OPALGINE The Latest Scientific Discovery Cures all forms of Scalp Diseases, such as Dan. druri, baldness dec., and will stop the Hair from Palling out. As a Dress ing it has no equal, keep ,wr Las l - I 'e v-ttiji anu natr in a HesltSf condition. OPALGINE HAIR FOOD CO BALTIMORE, MD. Bi. X'lt a MaOUMAJl a.'uii... 1 ........ I viatally. TAB XAUW. rumtm "'U' 'itn nr HOW ABOUT Wou,d you think of Boinff hack tormndiM iiflor iisinc; oil lam is No A 11 (1 y o u wouldn't think of B ting any thing else after trying one of onr Gasoline l.titnps. SOLD ON Owl Tea House Mother's Pride Coffee. TRANSFER, TRUC K NO, ST OR AG K. m CROWNER BROS. TKI.RPR'g MAIN 4. 1 r ST. JOE STORI We arc still in the saddle drmng prices down to the LOWEST POSSIBLE FIG' 'RES in ALL I 'l.l'AKTMENTS of this STORE We ire SLASHING PRICES in order to get in shtpt or our DIG SPRING STOCK which will com mence to arrive soon. If you are hunting Bar Wins, we have them for you. Remember, the hiruest stock in the coiinn t t from Cnme and see UP THE LYONS MERCANTILE Up to Date, First Class Furniture Stoff The largest stock from which to select and all at prices dcij I '.'mpetition Undertakini; parlors in connection M. A. RADER. Mam and Webb Streets A Carload of Field Fei In all ht'ights, juet rtotivtfJ bgr Taylor, the Hardware Farmers and Stockmen are invited lo jet Mr. Taylor's prices before buying elsewseft ituito ' -- Klue erw, ver inquiries hv mail will reosive prompt attention T. C. TAYLOR, the Hardware 741 Main afreet, Pendleton, Oregon POULTRY and EGGS International Poultry Pood naakea them. Beef Meal giveb them flavor. Claotabella make theun solid. Mica grit aids digestion. Try a sample. C. F. COLESWORTHY, THE Freocli Best 25 OyOes Off You get t Vow 1 from us. BIQ 5tock M WOOD, CCM SAND & BRK Trucking & Tnui Laa ti Brov A cent y SURPRISE In handscTfit iu ii oni ol the mott ag surprise that delighnl 11 istn ss of a home, eip 1 in Midi new design u it it- showing in all lines 0t are kept in an l'endieton, Orega e ; 4,, anil luivfre. UfwSW' Hay, Oraln and Feed. u.hOfJ 7 aad 129 Keot Alu Street "